LECTUREs On Theory and PR of Translation
LECTUREs On Theory and PR of Translation
LECTUREs On Theory and PR of Translation
Unlike medicine and engineering, translation is a very young discipline in
academic terms. It is only just starting to feature as a subject of study in its own
right, not yet in all but in an increasing number of universities and colleges around
the world. Like any young discipline, it needs to draw on the findings and theories
of other related disciplines in order to develop and formalize its own methods; but
which disciplines it can naturally and fruitfully be related to is still a matter of
some controversy. Almost every aspect of life in general and of the interaction
between speech communities in particular can be considered relevant to
translation, a discipline which has to concern itself with how meaning is generated
within and between various groups of people in various cultural settings. This is
clearly too big an area to investigate in one go. So, let us just start by saying that, if
translation is ever to become a profession in the full sense of the word, translators
will need something other than the current mixture of intuition and practice to
enable them to reflect on what they do and how they do it. They will need, above
all, to acquire a sound knowledge of the raw material with which they work: to
understand what language is and how it comes to function for its users.
A number of fundamental contributions to this theory have been recently
made both in our country and abroad.
Theoretical studies in translation have kept abreast with the recent advances
in linguistics, which provided some new insights into the mechanism of translation
and the factors determining it.
The theory of translation has benefited from new syntactic and semantic
models in linguistics and from development of such hyphenated disciplines as
psycho – and – socio – linguistics. Equally insightful was the contribution to the
theory of translation by semiotics, a general theory of sign systems.
A condensation of the major problems of translation introduces the reader to
basic concepts and defines the terminology.
The subjects discussed include the subject – matter of the theory of
translation and the nature of translating, semantic and pragmatic aspects of
translation/these lectures were written by I.D.Shvaytser/, Grammatical problems of
translation and grammatical transformations (L.S.Barkhudarov), Lexical problems
of translation and lexical transformations (A.M.Fiterman), Stylistics aspects of
translation and its socio - regional problems (A.D.Shveitser).
The summary of the lecture is based on the syllables of foreign scholars:
prof.A.Neubet, prof.E.Nida, prof. Roger. T.Bell’s view points on theory and
practical of translation.
The theory of translation is subdivided into general theory, dealing with the
general characteristics of translation, regardless of its type, and special branches,
concerned with a theoretical description and analyses of the various types of
translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry, technical and scientific
literature, official documents, etc.
The general theory of translation has a clearly defined subject matter; the
process of translating in its entirely, including its results with due regard for all the
factors affecting it. Each special branch depends and specifies the general theory
for it is the job of the general theory to reflect what is common to all types and
varieties of translation while the special branches are mainly concerned with the
specifics of each genre.
The general theory of translation is an interdisciplinary area, predominantly
linguistic, but also closely allied to philology, sociology, ethnography and etc. It is
based on the application of linguistics theory to a specific type of speech behavior,
i.e. translating. It differs from contrastive linguistics in that the former seem to
compare different language systems with a view to determining their similarities
and distinctive features while the theory of translation has a subject matter of its
own (the process of translation) and uses the data of contrastive linguistics merely
as a point of departure.
The earliest linguistics theory of translation was developed by Russian
scholars Y.L.Retsker and A.V.Fedorov who pioneered in a linguistic analysis of
translation problems. Their theory came to be known as the theory of regular
Translation, they argeed, is inconceivable without a sound linguistic basis,
and this study of linguistic phenomena and the establishment of certain
correspondences between the language of the original and that of the translation.
The authors of this theory were mainly concerned with the typology of relationship
between linguistic
зunits equivalents – permanent correspondences not sensitive to context such
as The League of Nations – Лига Наций, and context - Sensitive variant
correspondences , such as Slander – клевета нового поколения/ but also
investigated some of the translation techniques, such as antonimic translation (see
below, thus mapping out some ways of dealing with translation as a process.
In the 60 th some linguistics /N.U.Rozentsveig in Russia and L.E.Nida in the
USA / proposed a theoretical model of translation based on generative or
transformational grammar. E.Nida subdivided the process of translation into 3
stages; analysis where an ambiguous surface structure is transformed into non-
ambiguous kernel sentences to facilitated semantic interpretation / the foundation
of school/ somebody founded a school or a school has a foundation / transfer
where equivalent in the target language are found at a kernel or near – kernel level
and restructuring where target – language kernel sentences are transformed into
surface structures.
It is true that in some cases it is necessary to paraphrase the source –
language structure to facilitate it’s translation. Such transformations come in
hardly especially when the target – language, /e.g. He stood with his feet planted
wide a part; he stood, his feet were planted wide apart қ Он стоял, его ноги были
широко расставлены; oн стоял, широко расставив ноги.
But transformations in terms of generative are not the only type of
paraphrases used in translation. What is more, in some cases, especially when
close parallels exist between the Source – and target language structures, they are
not even necessary.
The structural model of translation is based on analysis in linguistics
developed others. It is based on the assumption that languages are somewhat
different sets of semantic components /constituents of meaning/ to describe
identical extra – linguistic situations, Russian verbs of motion contain the
component of move but not always the direction of movement while their English
equivalents are often neutral, the direction of / Вот он идёт - Here he comes / Here
he goes/.
The structural model provides some interesting insights into the mechanism
of translation, especially when a situation is described in different semantic
categories of /проточный пруд and spring – fed pond/ but does not seem to apply
to sentences going beyond a mere description of a situation.
Different translation models complement each other and should therefore be
combined in analyzing of translation as a process.
Any type of written text can be a candidate for translation, however, the translation
industry is often categorized by a number of areas of specialization. Each
specialization has its own challenges and difficulties. An incomplete list of these
specialized types of translation includes:
Administrative translation: The translation of administrative texts.
Commercial translation : The translation of commercial (business) texts. This
category may include marketing and promotional materials directed to consumers.
Computer translation: The translation of computer programs and related
documents (manuals, help files, web sites.)
The notion of localization, that is the adaptation of the translation to the target
language and culture, is gaining prevalence in this area of specialization.
(Note that the term "computer translation" is sometimes used to refer to the
practice of machine translation, using computers to automatically translate texts.)
General translation: The translation of "general" texts. In practice, few texts are
really "general"; most fall into a specialization but are not seen as such.
Legal translation: The translation of legal documents (laws, contracts, treaties,
A skilled legal translator is normally as adept at the law (often with in-depth legal
training) as with translation, since inaccuracies in legal translations can have
serious results.
(One example of problematic translation is the Treaty of Waitangi, where the
English and Maori versions differ in certain important areas.)
Sometimes, to prevent such problems, one language will be declared authoritative,
with the translations not being considered legally binding, although in many cases
this is not possible, as one party does not want to be seen as subservient to the
Literary translation: The translation of literary works (novels, short stories,
plays, poems, etc.)
If the translation of non-literary works is regarded as a skill, the translation of
fiction and poetry is much more of an art. In multilingual countries such as
Canada, translation is often considered a literary pursuit in its own right. Figures
such as Sheila Fischman, Robert Dickson and Linda Gaboriau are notable in
Canadian literature specifically as translators, and the Governor General's Awards
present prizes for the year's best English-to-French and French-to-English literary
translations with the same standing as more conventional literary awards.
Writers such as Vladimir Nabokov and Vasily Zhukovsky have also made a name
for themselves as literary translators.
Many consider poetry the most difficult genre to translate, given the difficulty in
rendering both the form and the content in the target language. In 1959 in his
influential paper "On Linguistic Aspects of Translation", the Russian-born linguist
and semiotician Roman Jakobson even went as far as to declare that "poetry by
definition [was] untranslatable". In 1974 the American poet James Merrill wrote a
poem, "Lost in Translation," which in part explores this subject. This question was
also explored in Douglas Hofstadter's 1997 book, Le Ton beau de Marot.
Translation of sung texts — sometimes referred to as a "singing translation" — is
closely linked to translation of poetry, simply because most vocal music, at least in
the Western tradition, is set to verse, especially verse in regular patterns with
rhyme. (Since the late 19th century musical setting of prose and free verse has also
come about in some art music, although popular music tends to remain
conservative in its retention of stanzaic forms with or without refrains.) A
rudimentary example of translating poetry for singing is church hymns, such as
German chorales translated into English by Catherine Winkworth.
Translation of sung texts is generally much more restrictive than translation of
poetry, because in the former there is little or no freedom to choose between a
versified translation and a translation that dispenses with verse structure. One
might modify or omit rhyme in a singing translation, but the assignment of
syllables to specific notes in the original musical setting places great challenges on
the translator. There is the option in prose, less so in verse, of adding or deleting a
syllable here and there by subdividing or combining notes, respectively, but even
with prose the process is nevertheless almost like strict verse translation because of
the need to stick as close as possible to the original prosody. Other considerations
in writing a singing translation include repetition of words and phrases, the
placement of rests and/or punctuation, the quality of vowels sung on high notes,
and rhythmic features of the vocal line that may be more natural to the original
language than to the target language.
Whereas the singing of translated texts has been common for centuries, it is less
necessary when a written translation is provided in some form to the listener, for
instance, as inserts in concert programs or as projected titles in performance halls
or visual media.
Medical translation
The translation of works of a medical nature.
Like pharmaceutical translation, medical translation is specialization where a
mistranslation can have grave consequences.
Pedagogical translation
Translation practiced as a means of learning a second language. Pedagogical
translation is used to enrich (and to assess) the student's vocabulary in the second
language, to help assimilate new syntactic structures and to verify the student's
understanding. Unlike other types of translation, pedagogical translation takes
place in the student's native (or dominant) language as well as the second language.
That is to say that the student will translate both to and from the second language.
Another difference between this mode of translation and other modes is that the
goal is often literal translation of phrases taken out of context, and of text
fragments, which may be completely fabricated for the purposes of the exercise.
Pedagogical translation should not be confused with scholarly translation.
Scientific translation: The translation of scientific texts.
Scholarly translation: The translation of specialized texts written in an academic
environment. Scholarly translation should not be confused with pedagogical
Technical translation: The translation of technical texts (manuals, instructions,
More specifically, texts that contain a high amount of terminology, that is, words
or expressions that are used (almost) only within a specific field, or that describe
that field in a great deal of detail.
Translation for dubbing and film subtitles: Dialogs and narrations of feature
movies and foreign TV programs need to be translated for the local viewers. In this
case, translation for dubbing and translation for film subtitles demand different
versions for the best effect.
Translators must have: changes its plane of expression / linguistic form/ while its
plane of context / meaning / should remain unchanged. In fact, an equivalent /
target – language/ me
a. knowledge of the languages / at least 2 languages /
b. cultural background: ability to interpret the text
c. the background of the subject knowledge of techniques, transformations
and procedous of quality translation.
The translators decode messages transmitted in one language and records
them in another.
As a interlingual communicative act in which at least 3 participants are
involved: the sender of source / the author of the source language message/, the
translator who acts individual capacity of the receptor of the source – language
message and as the sender of the equivalent target – language / message /, and the
receptor of the target – language /translation/. If the original was not intended for a
foreign- language receptor there is one more participant: the source – language
receptor for whom the message was originally produced.
Translation as such consists in producing a text / message / in the target
language, equivalent to the original text /message/ in the source language.
Translation as an interlingual communicative act includes 2 phrases:
communication between the sender and the translator and communication between
the translator and the receptor of the newly produced target – language text. In the
first phrase the translator acting as a source – language receptor, analysis the
original message. Extracting the information contained in it.
In the second stage, the translator acts as a target – language sender,
producing an equivalent message in the target – language and re – directing it to
the target language receptor.
In producing the target – language text the translator ssage, should match the
original in the plane of content. The message, produced by the translator, should
make practically the same response in the target – language receptor as the original
message in the source language receptor. That means, above all, that whatever the
text says and whatever it implies should be understood in the same way by both the
source – language user for whom it was originally intended and by the target –
language user. It is therefore the translator’s duty to make available to the target
language receptor the maximum amount of information carried by linguistic sighs,
including both their denotational / referential/ meanings / i.e. information about the
extralinguistic reality which they denote / and their emotive – stylistic connotation.
1. The history of theory of translation
2. Development of translatology in Uzbekistan
3. Outstanding linguists in the sphere of translatology
1. Barkhudarov L.S. Language and translation. M. 1975.
2. Shvaytser A.D. Translation and linguistics .M. 1973.
1. Levitskaya T.R, Fiterman A.M. The problem of Translation on the
material of the contemporary English language. M. 1974.
2. Nida.E. Towards a science of translation. Leiden. 1964.
3. Roger. N. Bell. Translation and translating . (Theory and practice).
London, New York. 1995.
The United States didn’t enter the war until April 1917 – Соединённые
Штаты вступили в войну только в апреле 1917 г
1. Is there any difference in the aim of educational and professional
2. What does the term “faithfulness of translation” mean?
3. What meaning is important in translation, dictionary or contextual? Why?
4. Say a few words about the international and pseudointernational words?
5. What is the main problem in translating neologisms?
6. What can you say about the role of antonymous translation?
1. The main problems in the theory of translation
2. The adequacy as a criterion in translation
1. Barkhudarov L.S. Language and Translation. M. 1975.
2. Catford I.C. A Linguistic theory of translation. L.N/Y.
3. Shvaytser A.D. Translation and Linguistics. M.1973.
4. Levitskaya T.R, Fiterman A.M. The problems of translation on the material
of thecontemporary English language. M.1974.
1. Nida.E. Towards a science of translation. Leiden. 1964.
2. Roger. N. Bell. Translation and translating . Theory and practice. London,
New York. 1995.
3. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasiga kirish. T. 1978.
4. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasi asoslari. T. 1983.
Consider also:
- would any expression in the original sound too formal /informal , cold
/warm , personal / impersonal / ... if translated literally
- What is the intention of the speaker or writer / to persuade / dissuade,
apologize /criticize?/ Does come through in the translation?
d) Source language influence. One of the most frequent criticisms of translation is
that “It doesn’t sound natural. This is because the translator’s thoughts and choice
of words are too strongly molded by the original text.
A good way of shaking of the source language /SC/ influence a few
sentences aloud, from memory. This will suggest natural, patterns of thought in the
first language /LI/ which may not come to mind when the eye is fixed on the SL
e) Style and clarity. The translator should not change the style of the original. But
if the text is stoppily written, for the reader’s sake, correct the defects.
f) Idioms. Idiomatic expressions are notoriously untranslatable. These include
similes, metaphors, verbs and sayings /as good as gold/, jargon, slang,
colloquialisms / user – friendly, the Big Apple, Yuppir, etc/, and / in English/
phrasal verbs. If the expressions cannot be directly translated, try any of the
retain the original word, in inverted commas: “yuppie” replain the original
expression, with a literal expression in brackets; Indian summer /dry, hazy
weather in late autumn/
use a close equivalent: talk of the devil қveek na oratima/literally/ the
wolf at the door.
use a non- idiomatic or plain prose translation: a lot over the top қ
undue excessive.
The golden rule is: if the idiom does work in the LI, do not force in into
the translation./The principles outlined above are adopted from Frederic Fuller,
the translator’s handbook. For more detailed comments, see Peter Newmark:
Approaches to translation./
LEVELS OF EQUIVALENCE: This problem was briefly discussed in
previous lecture in connection with the distinction between semantic and
programmatic equivalence. In the theory of translation. For instance: V.G.Gark and
I.N.Levin distinguish the following types of equivalents: formal semantic and
situational. Formal equivalence may be illustrated by speech cases as: The sun
disappeared behind a cloud – солнце скрылось за тучей.
Here we find similarity of words and forms in addition to the similarity. The
differences in the plane of expression are in fact, those determined by overall
structural differences between Russian and English. The use of articles in English,
the use of perfective aspect, gender, forms, etc., in Russian.
Semantic equivalence exists when the same meanings are expressed in the
two languages in a way.
Example:- Troops were airlifted to the battlefield- войска были
переброшены по воздуху на поле.
The English word “airlifted” contains the same meaning as the Russian
phrase перебросить по воздуху. Although different linguistic devices are used in
Russian and in English /a word group and a compound word/ the sum of semantic
components is the same situational equivalence is established between that both
linguistic devices but, nevertheless, describe the same extralinguistic situation: to
let someone pass- уступит дорогу. It should be noted that formal equivalence
alone is insufficient. In fact the above examples pertain to two types of semantic
1. Semantic equivalence and formal equivalence.
2. Semantic equivalence without formal equivalence.
1. Different levels of equivalence in source language and target language
2. The role of translation into communication process
1. Alan Duff. Translation. Oxford University press. 1972.
2. Barkhudarov L.S. Language and Translation. M.1975.
3. Frederick Fuller. The translation’s handbook. L.N/Y.
4. Catford I.C. A Linguistic theory of translation. L.N/Y.
1. Nida.E. Towards a science of translation. Leiden. 1964.
2. Roger. N. Bell. Translation and translating. Theory and practice. London, New
York. 1995.
3. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasiga kirish. T. 1978.
4. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasi asoslari. T. 1983.
5. Peter Newmark. Approaches to translation. London.
6. Shvaytser A.D. Translation and Linguistics. M. 1973
7. Levitskaya T.R, Fiterman A.M. The problems of translation on the material of
the contemporary English language. M.1974.
One of the two texts / the original and its translation should be semantically
equivalent sets a relationship between the linguistic science and their denatata
(referents). The goal of translation is to produce a text, bearing the same relation to
the extralinguistic situation as the original. Semantic equivalence of message does
not necessary to imply semantic identify of each linguistic sign. Semantically
equivalent utterances include not only those, made up of the semantically identical
signs/ as for instance, He lives in Paris – У Парижда яшайди, but also utterances
comprising different sets of signs which in the theory totality at up denotates the
same types of relationship to the extralinguistic world and denotate the same
extralinguistic situation (e.g. Wet paint – Эхтиёт булинг. Буялган).
Semantic relation effect translation both in the initial stage of analysis and in
producing the target – language text of the translator to As distinct from semantic
relations, syntactic relations are important only at the stage of analysis since
relations between linguistic signs are essential for their semantic interpretation
(e.g. Bill hits John and John hits Bill). But also they may be occasionally preserved
in translation, the translator does not set himself this goal, very often and
syntactically non-equivalent utterances prove to be semantically equivalent: He
was considered invisible – Уни енгилмас хисоблашарди.
Pragmatic relations are superimposed on semantic relations and play an
equally important role in analyzing the original text, and in producing an
equivalent text in the target language. Semantically equivalent message do not
necessary mean the same thing to the source and target language receptors, and
therefore are not necessary pragmatically equivalent. The phrases “ He made 15
yard and run”- « У 15 ярдга сакради» are semantically equivalent for they denote
the same situation but the American reader, familiar with American football will
extract far more information from it then Uzbek counterpart who would neither
understand the aim of the manourre nor appreciate the football player’s
performance. The pragmatic problem, involved in translation, arises from three
types of pragmatic relations. The relation of the source – language sender to the
original message; the relation of the target – language receptor to the target –
language message and the relation both messages.
The first type of relations’ amount to the sender’s communicative intent or
the pragmatic motivation of the original message. The translator, in other words,
should be aware whether the message is a statement of fact a request, an entreaty
or a joke. Very often the speaker’s communicative intent differs from what of fact
in which case it would be translated as “Мен билмайман” but also expression or
hesitation “Сизга нима десам экан?» “What gives?” in American slang may
either a question “Нима янгиликлар бор?” or just a greeting “ Салом”. “Is Mr.
Brown there, please” is not a question but a distinguished request “Телефонга
жаноб Враунни чакириб юборсангиз”.
Prof. A. Neubet / Text and Translation/ has proposed a classification of texts
depending on their orientation towards different types of receptors: Texts, Intended
for “domestic consumption” /local advertising, legislation, home news, etc./, texts
intended primarily for the source – language receptor but having also a universal
human appeal / belle- letters/ and texts without any specific national addresses /
scientific literature/.
Typically, in written translation the translator deals with the text, not
intended for target- language audience and therefore subject to pragmatic
adaptations. Allowances are made for sociocultural: psychological and other
differences in their background knowledge.
According to E.Nida / Linguistics and ethnology in translation problems/
/Language in culture and society; Language structure and translation. /, “snow” –
white is translated into one of the African languages as a feathers of a “white
heron.” Pragmatic factors mat effect the scope of semantic information conveyed
in translating. Differences in background knowledge call for the addition of
deletion of some information / e.g. “Part of the nuclear station in Cuberland has
been closed down”-«Каберленд элетростанциясидаги атом
электростанциясинингбир кисми ёпилган эди”; “According to Newsweek”-
“Ньюсвик журналининг хабар беришича”/. Some cultural realize may be
translated by their functional analogies/Америка империализмининг жандарми -
a watchdog of US imperialism – from story about the 7 th US Fleet/
Another pragmatic factor relevant to translation, is the socio-psychological
and ideological orientation of the translator himself.
Translation is a process, determined by quite a number of factors. In addition
to conveying the semantic information, contained in the text, the detonational
meanings and emotive-stylistic connotations, the translator has to take into account
the author’scommunicative intent the type of an audience for which the message is
intended socio-psiological characteristics and back-ground of knowledge. A
process governed by so many variables cannot have a single outcome.
A process, governed by so many variable cannot have a single outcome.
What is more, the synonymic and paraphrasing potential of language is so high that
these may be several ways of describing the same extralinguistic situation, and
even though they be not quite identical, the differences may be neutralized by the
context. It should also be remembered that the translator’s decision may very
depend on the receptor/ of the translation of realia, for the specialists and for the
laymen/ and the purpose of translation.
If the old and the modernized version of the Bible: a woman, who had an
evil spirit in her that had kept her such for 18 years... . A woman who for 18 years
had been ill from some psyological cause. Also the poetic translation of
Shakespeare by Pasternak and the scholarly translation by prof. Morozov.
Conflicting views have been expressed by linguistic concerning the problem
of translatability ranging from entirely negative stand, typical of national spirit and
the nation’s world view and therefore regarded translation as an impossible task, to
an unqualified positive attitude, found in many contemporary writings on
translation. The very fact that translation makes interlinguial communication,
possible is in argument in favor of translatability.
Yet it is an oversimplication to claim that every meaningful element of the
text is translatable.
In the preface to the “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” Mark Twain says,
that he had reproduces in the book “ painstakingly and with the...” support of
personal familiarity the shadings of a number of dialects/The Missouri Negro
dialects the backwoods – South- Western dialect, the Pike- country dialect, etc.../.
Naturally none of these fine distractions can be reflected in the translation.
Yet by using colloquial and substandard forms the translator can give an
adequate impression of the character’s socio and educational status and will render
the most essential, functional characteristics of these dialects features.
National or local coloring is one of the main features of national peculiarities
in literature. Here belong the following elements:
1. The world denoting things peculiar to the social and material life of the
Nation// реалии /- star chamber- вьездная палата; камин; дилитанс; клуб.
2. Proper names, geographical denominations, names of streets, big shops,
3. The way of greetings, formulas of politeness/ Hello, sir /
4. Linear measures, liquid measures, day measures /мера сыпучих тел /.
The translation of realia usually presents some difficulties. It’s necessary to have a
thorough knowledge of the life of the nation to avoid ridiculous mistakes. Here are
some ways of translating the words of local coloring: by translator / cab –кеб, ser-
сер/. It helps to preserve foreign coloring in the translation, but the word translated
should be clear to the reader. Otherwise, the disruptive translation is desirable.
-“A tall man entered the room. He wore a tweed coat and a pair of hob-
-“Tweed” – a kind of Scottish woolen stuff dyed into two colors.
-«В комнату вошёл высокий человек. На нём была куртка сшитая из
твида и подбитые гвоздями сапоги».
But for the Russian and Uzbek readers it is not clear what the word “tweed”
means that’s why it’s better to translate the sentence as follows:
В комнату вошёл высокий человек, одетый в шерстяную куртку.
But if we have no idea of the context we can’t say if the translation is
correct. First of all we should find out for what reason the author mentioned the
fact that the coat was made of tweed. After the reading the story we learn that the
person who entered the room was a detective distinguished as a pleasant. So the
translation should be as follows:
-В комнату вошёл человек, одетый в простую крестьянскую куртку.
If the author wanted to accentual that it was cold outside he should have
translated it as follows:
-В комнату вошёл человек, одетый в тёплую шерстяную куртку.
Proper names, geographical denominations are rendered as a rule by means
of transliteration, but we should take into account concerning historical proper
names, geographical denominations, etc.
William the conquer – Вильгельм завоеватель
King Charles I – Карл I
/ But Charles Darwin – Чарлз Дарвин /
Hamlet – Гамлет
Paris- Париж
England - Англия.
The names of political parties and state offices are usually not translated.
The names of newspapers and journals are usually translated, as well as the names
of firms and companies:
House of Commons – Палата общин
Security council –Совет безопасности
But Scotland yard –Скотленд ярд / управление Лондонской полиции/
Intelligence service – интележенс сервис/развед управления Англии/
But: modern languages - модерн ленгвижес
New time - новое время
We translate the proper names which make some semantic meanings:
dramatic / театральное/ persons of “ The Scholl for scandal” by Sheridan.
Sir Peter Teazle /ворс /
Sir Oliver Surface
Sir Harry Bumpler- /амортизатор, прибор, смягчающий удары/
Sir Benjamin Backbite –/ to blackbite - злословить за стеной, клеветать/
Joseph Surface
Charles Surface
Crabtree / crab- дикая яблоня/
Jady sneerwall- / to sneer – глушиться/
Mrs. Candour- / искренность, прямота/
Formulas of politeness are rendered by means of transliterations. But in
official documents and informations “Господин” and “ Госпожа” are usually
As for as linear measures, liquid measures and etc. They are usually
rendered by means of transliteration, but the tradition is also taken into
A pound of sterling – фунт стерлинг
Ounce – унция
Mile- миля
Pint –пинта
Some peculiarities of English measures are not reflected in Russian:
Six months- полгода
Eighteen month –полтора года
Fortnight- две недели
The peculiarities of the English language are extremely exact indications of
measures, which seem for Russian quite unusual:
He could take nothing for dinner but a partridge with an imperial “cab”.
1. Наёмный экипаж /we want for example to stress that the hero was rich/
2. Кеб /we have for an object to preserve national coloring/
3. Извозчик / russian coloring /
4. Такси /modern life/
. What is the role of semantic, stylistic and pragmatic relations in translation.
. What is the effects of the pragmatic motivation of the original message?
. Speak about the effect of the receptor to the text relation.
. What are the main features of rendering of the words of national colouring?
. How do you understand the problem of translatability?
.What is pragmatics?
1. Pragmatics and translations
2. Translation as an act of communication
3. Translation and national world picture
1. Alan Duff. Translation. Oxford University press. 1972.
2. Barkhudarov L.S. Language and Translation. M.1975.
3. Frederick Fuller. The translation’s handbook. L.N/Y.
4. Catford I.C. F Linguistic theory of translation. L.N/Y.
5. Peter Newmark. Approaches to translation. London.
6. Pragmatics and translation. M.1990
1. Levitskaya T.R, Fiterman A.M. The problems of translation on the material of
the contemporary English language. M.1974.
2. Language Transfer Cross – Linguistic influence in language learning.
Cambridge University Press. 1993.
3. Nida.E. Towards a science of translation. Leiden. 1964
4. Nida.E. Linguistics and ethnology in translation problems. Language structure
and Translation. Atanford. 1975.
5. Roger. N. Bell. Translation and translating. Theory and practice. London, New
York. 1995.
6. Shvaytser A.D. Translation and Linguistics. M. 1973
7. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasiga kirish. T. 1978.
8. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasi asoslari. T. 1983.
9. Tommola Q. Translation as a psycho-linguistic Process. L.1986.
1. Lexical problem of translation
2. Translation of polysemantic words
3. Translation of Proper names and geographical names
4. Translation of words of measurement
1. Barkhudarov L.S. Language and Translation. M.1975.
2. Frederick Fuller. The translation’s handbook. L.N/Y.
3. Catford I.C. F Linguistic theory of translation. L.N/Y.
4. Peter Newmark. Approaches to translation. London.
5. Levitskaya T.R, Fiterman A.M. The problems of translation on the material of
the contemporary English language. M.1974.
6. Language Transfer Cross – Linguistic influence in language learning.
Cambridge University Press. 1993.
1. Nida.E. Towards a science of translation. Leiden. 1964
2. Nida.E. Linguistics and ethnology in translation problems. Language structure
and Translation. Atanford. 1975.
3. Roger. N. Bell. Translation and translating . Theory and practice. London, New
York. 1995.
4. Shvaytser A.D. Translation and Linguistics. M. 1973
5. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasiga kirish. T. 1978.
6. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasi asoslari. T. 1983.
Many English phraseological units have no phraseological conformities in
Uzbek and Russian. In the first instance this concerns phraseological units based
on realiae. When translating units of this kind it is advisable to use the following
types of translation:
A. A verbatim word for word translation.
B. Translation by analogy.
C. Descriptive translation.
1. Complete correspondences in Phraseological systems of the two languages
2. Translation of phraseological Units as cross-cultural problem
3. Ways of rendering different types of phraseological Units into Your native
1.Barkhudarov L.S. Language and translation. M. 1975.
2. Shvaytser A.D. Translation and linguistics .M. 1973.
3. Levitskaya T.R, Fiterman A.M. The problem of Translation on the
material of the contemporary English language. M. 1974
1. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasiga kirish. T. 1978.
2. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasi asoslari. T. 1983.
3. Мусаев К. Лексико-фразеологические вопросы художественного перевода.
Т.: 1980