6 Steps To Design The Ideal Martech Stack

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6 Steps to

Design the Ideal

Martech Stack

Over the course of one day, a single marketer may use
email, chat, spreadsheets, phone calls, their team’s project
management software, their client’s project management tool,

a file storage program, and a reporting app to get their work
done. And that’s a good day. On other days they will have to
use additional tools to manage resources, create and review
content, or perform any number of other tasks.

Regardless of their purpose, the sheer number of tools creates 24.8%

problems. One-third of marketing operations teams say they
manage six to ten digital tools for their department every
workday.¹ All of this tool-switching wastes time and leaves
24.8% of marketers
marketers with tool—“whiplash”—ongoing pain caused by say their department
inefficiencies and not being able to remember what information uses a mixture
exists where. of spreadsheets,
email, and instant
messaging to manage
Data collection and analysis present an additional predicament. tasks, projects, and
Information lives in many marketing tools, but those systems workflows.³

don’t integrate with each other, so it’s hard to get a big-picture

view of the state of projects, campaigns, or marketing efforts.
Instead, teams spend hours manually collecting and analyzing
data from different tools, and in the time it takes to create
reports, the information is already outdated.

Marketing technology is usually created to simplify work, but

the cluster of systems in a martech stack often does the exact
opposite. Almost 70 percent of marketing ops professionals
say using so many tools makes their jobs more complicated.²
This is why every best-in-class marketing operations team
needs a solid strategy for crafting and connecting their ideal
martech stack. This strategy should consider the needs of
the entire marketing department (and other stakeholders,) be
designed specifically to connect teams, eliminate inefficiencies,
automate workflows, and provide a single view of the truth—all
without sacrificing the functionality and flexibility your team
members need.

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Here are 6 simple steps to building
the ideal martech stack.

Step 1. Craft a vision.

Develop a strategy and vision for how your martech stack will evolve to meet future
business needs. Begin by determining marketing’s role in achieving business goals, then
outline your long-term martech objectives based on how they support those goals.

Building the ideal martech stack will require marketing ops to consider marketing workflows
and data flow for the company as a whole.

Every enterprise is different. In some cases the functions managed by marketing ops (e.g.
web, SDR, analytics, technology) are spread across many departments. Consider how
software and systems of record are set up in departments like sales, customer support,
legal/regulatory, business intelligence, and elsewhere before beginning to design your
martech stack.


Which tools should high-performing marketing teams use?

According to marketing expert Scott Brinker, marketing operations professionals are

tasked with balancing automation and humanization, as well as centralization and
decentralization.⁴ Software is always evolving, so technologies that support balance
and adaptability are key to meeting these goals. Make sure you are up to date with
industry analysts about which solutions are highest quality and enterprise-grade.

Which best-in-class marketing systems of record should your enterprise use?

Your martech stack may need to either expand, mature, or both. Set your sights on
where you want your marketing team to be—not on where they are. One example of
a martech stack is: Adobe + Marketo + Salesforce + Workfront + Tableau + Google.
(See Figure 1 on the next page.) In addition, consider which solution can be the single
source of truth to integrate and connect the enterprise, helping you to manage the
entire lifecycle of work, from end to end. An operational system of record can give
you the visibility you need to make smarter decisions and refine focus.

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Figure 1.

What is the foundation of your martech stack?

The best tech stack strategies include an enterprise application platform at the
foundation, with the ability to create seamless integrations between core solutions
and workflows. Technologies to consider in this lineup are your financial, marketing
automation, customer relationship, data, and operational systems of record.

How will marketers get the reporting they need?

Different roles in the marketing department require different types of reporting.

Executives are interested in the big marketing picture; campaign managers need a
multi-channel view; channel managers need a single-channel view; and individual
contributors need to see where they can adjust their efforts to be more successful.
Look for a single solution or potential integration that will meet these needs.

What reporting do you need to prove the value of your team?

Marketing ops is responsible for tracking marketing success but must also
demonstrate their own value to the business. Your team needs the ability to justify
resources and budgets, as well as any plans to grow.

Take your answers to these questions and use them to make your vision a reality. A key
aspect of building the ideal martech stack is the ability to simplify, centralizing as much
marketing data as possible. Therefore, most of your tools and information should live in one
place, as your single source of truth.

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Step 2. Audit your existing tools.
You need to see exactly which tools each marketing team is using—and not using—before
you can begin to consolidate and centralize. Create a list or chart that identifies the name
of each solution, which teams use it, what it’s used for, the total number of users, and cost
per user.

• Calculate how many pieces of technology all marketing teams are using across
your department.

• Determine why your teams use each piece of technology. What problems does it solve?
What functionality do they expect it to provide? Do they use it as intended? Does it align
with the vision you’ve crafted in step 1? Is it providing value/ROI?

• Evaluate the adoption for each solution. What do team members like and dislike
about each?

• Examine where functionality overlaps. Are team members choosing tools based on
personal preference rather than purpose, thereby creating duplication and redundancy?

At the end of this step, you should have a clear idea of the use cases for each tool and
where there is opportunity for improvement.

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Step 3. Document your ideal marketing workflow.
Decide what you want the end-to-end flow of work to look like in your marketing department.
It will usually be a variation of this basic marketing workflow:

Intake Plan Create Review Store Fulfill Measure

Your vision of the ideal workflow will most likely look different
from the way work currently happens in your marketing
department. If your current workflow isn’t ideal, you’re not
alone. Only 36 percent of B2B marketers consider their
workflow to be “excellent” or “very good.”⁵ Another 34 percent 36%
of marketers say one of their top frustrations is that the
workflows across teams are disconnected or not defined.⁶

The process of documenting your ideal marketing workflow is Only 36% of B2B
marketers say their
the first step in helping you see where your tools hinder work. workflow is “excellent”
It’s also a chance to kick off the development of your ideal or “very good.”⁷
martech stack. Once you can see technology’s role in where
work goes wrong, you can begin to remedy it.

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Step 4. Map your existing tools to your workflow.
Now that you’ve decided on the ideal marketing workflow, visualize where your existing
tools fit. Create a diagram to help you see which technologies you have and if and where
they belong in your new workflow. See figure 2 for an example of how best in class,
enterprise marketing solutions map to the marketing workflow.

New requests

Performance analytics Campaign/reporting briefs

Productivity tracking Prioritization

re Inta
asu ke

Activate campaign plans Workflow/project templates


Publish final assets Resource assignments

Project plan



Digital asset management Task assignments



Document storage Daily work execution

Final assets


Figure 2.

• Flag the holes in your marketing stack, noting • Find out whether different teams are using
areas that could be automated with new different tools to do the same thing and
technology or integrations. determine whether you can standardize solutions
across teams.

• Locate stages with weak technology support.

• Research tools that help manage more than one
step of the workflow, therefore allowing you to
• Figure out where there is significant eliminate point solutions.
functionality overlap.

• Decide whether existing tools do what you need

• Decide where can you consolidate and to reach marketing goals.
eliminate tools.

• Determine where you can standardize processes

• Determine where you can integrate technology for for better efficiency.
better efficiency.

• Consider whether marketers have a single source

for truth.

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Step 5. Conduct a gap analysis.
By visualizing which solutions your teams use at each phase of work, you’ll be able to easily
identify gaps and redundancies in your current martech stack.


Compare the map of Evaluate new Refine your tech stack

your ideal workflow solutions that could based on your evaluation
using existing tools to fill holes, enable and the feedback
the tech stack vision you integrations, eliminate you’ve received.
created in step 1. redundant or excess
tools, and promote • Give priority to
• Identify where new marketing growth. solutions with
technology should fill several built-in
in gaps. • Narrow down tools to simplify and
your list. improve efficiency.
• Determine which
foundational solution • Discuss the options • Begin to plan when
will cover the span of with executives and how to implement
the workflow. and users. new solutions.

• Document
for integrations.

Less than 2/3 of marketing ops leaders feel
confident that their teams can successfully
implement new technology.”⁸

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Step 6. Prioritize next steps.
Address critical platforms first, including:


Web Analytics Adobe
Marketing Automation Marketo or Eloqua
CRM Salesforce
Data Warehouse SAP
Modern Work Management Workfront
Enterprise Application Platform Workfront Fusion
Enterprise Digital Content Hub Workfront Library

Marketing platforms are constantly evolving and it can be difficult to keep up. Many
platforms have similar features and functionalities. Determining which is superior or more
suitable for your organization can be time-consuming and overwhelming. That’s why it
can be tempting to focus on solutions that are the newest, flashiest, or that save the most
money. However, it’s important to concentrate on the solutions that will be at the foundation
of your martech stack, basing your judgments on their capabilities, ease of use, and ability
to integrate with other solutions.

Modern work management solutions like Workfront allow you to centralize all your
marketing planning and execution as well as automate workflows. By adding an enterprise
application platform like Workfront Fusion, you can connect all your business-critical
applications. This platform allows you to bridge the gaps between different technologies
with tailored integrations—creating a single, connected solution across systems.
And instead of employing a full-time staff of developers or a third-party firm, to build,
manage, and maintain your integrations, Workfront Fusion can codelessly connect all your
applications, centralize all your data, and automate workflows across solutions, teams,
and departments.

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Once you’ve laid the groundwork for your stack, continue with these steps:

1. Create a rollout plan.

2. Encourage adoption with incentives

3. Plan milestones to evaluate optimization opportunities

4. Watch your marketing thrive.

5. See how your technology stack compares to award-winning martech stacks decided
by MarTech Today (“Stackie Awards”)

The Stackies are awarded by the MarTech® Conference in recognition of outstanding

marketing technology stacks as submitted by organizations in visual presentations.
The submissions are judged on business alignment, conceptual organization, clarity, design,
and level of detail.

As you can see, it can be rewarding to thoughtfully evaluate and strategically structure the
technology that powers your marketing team.

Figure 3.

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“Using Workfront as a single

solution has improved
operational efficiency and
eliminated the need for duplicate
tools, saving the company more
than $60,000 per year.”¹⁰

΀ Cone & Belding

“We used to have over 10

disparate systems that did
not connect together, which
Connect your caused redundancy and errors.
Workfront has completely
teams, workflows, eliminated that by giving us a
single source for work data.”
and martech stack
΀ Lindhout
with Workfront. Head of Digital Operations,
Amway Corporation

Workfront is more than just project

management software. Workfront provides an “With Workfront, we are able
operational system of record for your marketing to centralize everything. We
department that allows you to centralize funnel 1,200 jobs through the
and manage all marketing work within one system each year. It eliminates
solution. With Workfront Fusion at the heart one-off emails, printing
of your martech stack, you can innovate and off fliers, and hand-written
integrate all your tools for greater automation changes. Everything is in one
and efficiency. You can also store and manage place, it’s time stamped, and it’s
all of your digital content in Workfront Library, been a great tool for us and for
which fully integrates into your marketing our customers.”
workflow. With Workfront, you can confidently
transform your teams into a unified, rockstar ΀Allison
΀ Huber
marketing department. Marketing Operations,
Ferguson Enterprises

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Connect and empower marketing
teams with Workfront.
Implementing Workfront, as well as Workfront Fusion and Workfront Library, will
help you create a unified and intuitive martech stack that allows you to:

• Connect teams
• Improve marketing speed and efficiency
• Access data and reporting in real time
• Prove the value of marketing and marketing ops


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1. The Digital Work Crisis Survey 2019. Workfront 6. The Digital Work Crisis Survey 2019. Workfront
and MarTech Today. and MarTech Today.

2. The Digital Work Crisis Survey 2019. Workfront 7. “B2B Content Marketing 2018: Benchmarks,
and MarTech Today. Budgets, and Trends—North America.” Content
Marketing Institute and Brightcove.
3. The Digital Work Crisis Survey 2019. Workfront
and MarTech Today. 8. The Digital Work Crisis Survey 2019. Workfront
and MarTech Today.
4. Brinker, Scott. “The 4 Forces of Marketing
Operations & Technology.” Chief Marketing 9. Kurzer, Robin. “Want to understand your
Technology Blog. August 28, 2018. https:// marketing stack better? Enter the 2019
chiefmartec.com/2018/08/4-forces-marketing- Stackie Awards.” December 14, 2018. https://
operations-technology/. martechtoday.com/want-to-understand-your-
5. “B2B Content Marketing 2018: Benchmarks, awards-228660.
Budgets, and Trends—North America.” Content
Marketing Institute and Brightcove. 10. FCB Case Study. Workfront. https://www.

workfront.com/marketing-ops [ 13 ]

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