Plum Tree Orchard Ventures - Investment Guide 2023
Plum Tree Orchard Ventures - Investment Guide 2023
Plum Tree Orchard Ventures - Investment Guide 2023
Website: Season: 2023/2024
Plum Market
Performance Analysis
The global plum market is experiencing a significant expansion,
highlighted by the rising demand and overall increase in export value. The
total exports of only fresh plums globally reached US$1 billion in 2021, $250,000,000
marking a growth of 19.5% since 2018 when the plum exports were
valued at $864 million, thus demonstrating a steady and promising
market trend. $0
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
We truly believe in
profit with purpose
We specialize in identifying untapped opportunities,
creating profitable investments, and driving positive
environmental and community development in rural
areas. Join us to maximize returns while leaving a 60 hectares of Two decades of
lasting impact on both your portfolio and the world plum orchards expertise
around us.
Investing in
Serbian Blue Gold
Serbia offers a favorable location for investment in plum orchards due to
its ideal climate, fertile soil, and long-standing tradition of plum
cultivation, providing optimal conditions for robust plum yields and
profitability in the industry.
Forecast 30kg
Plum Price
$0.4 History in Serbia
Plum prices are influenced by various factors such
as supply and demand, plum quality, seasonality,
and market competition. When supply is limited or
demand is high, prices rise, while ample supply can
lead to lower prices. In Serbia, the average price for
fresh plums over the past decade has stood at a
competitive US$0.471 per kilo.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Remarkable returns
Enjoy a remarkable ROI of 7-13% YoY.
Tangible asset
Tangible asset inflation-hedged for long-term security.
Environmental impact
Plum orchards conserve biodiversity, promote soil health, and
mitigate CO2 emissions.
Economic impact
Creating employment opportunities provides economic stability in
rural areas.
Social impact
We make a positive social impact through community engagement,
employment creation and education promotion.
How To Invest In Plum Trees?
Investing in fully managed 3-year-old plum trees has
never been accessible until now. This unique
investment offers you the opportunity for 25 years of
passive income, remarkable returns, and a notable
impact on the environment, society, and economy.
Don't miss out on this fruitful opportunity to achieve
financial success while making a difference.
1. Place an order
Place your order today and determine how many 3-year-old plum
trees you'd like to own!
2. Plantation maintenance
A dedicated team of professionals will manages the day-to-day
operations, maintenance, and harvest management.
3. Collect profit
Generated profits will be divided equally between the fund and
investors, with a 50-50 split, ensuring a fair distribution of returns.
Thrive. Harvest. Prosper.