2694-Article Text-7943-2-10-20220220
2694-Article Text-7943-2-10-20220220
2694-Article Text-7943-2-10-20220220
January, 27 2021
University Of PGRI Semarang
The study deals with the relationship between the two main characters in the Thirteen Reasons
Why American Series: Season 1. The aim of this study is to find out the characterization
of the main characters, the character development of Hannah Baker and Clay Jensen, and
the relationship between the two. This study used descriptive qualitative methods. The
writer took the data of the study from all the dialogues and monologues of the film script.
The findings of this study were: (1) the characters of the main characters. Hannah Baker:
friendly and romantic. Clay Jensen: nice and introvert; (2) Character development of the
main characters. Hannah Baker: Pessimistic and Selfish. Clay Jensen: over-thinking and
scared; (3) the relationship between the two main characters. a) Communal relationship
between two main characters: workmate, classmate, and awkward crush. b) The factor
that influencing interpersonal relationship in psychological analysis: similarity, reciprocity
of liking, positive qualities, physical attractiveness and liking, and physical appearance
and social behavior.
Keywords: Thirteen Reasons Why: Season 1, American series, main character, relationship.
Psychological analysis
2. Literature Review
This literature review contains previous studies, comments, and theories related
to the writer’s study of Thirteen Reasons Why Season 1. The topic of this study is
about bullying in a teenage school environment and the purpose of this study is to
describe the relationships and characters of the two main characters in the series. In
this literature review there are several theoretical frameworks showing how the writer
uses theory to figure out the results and discussion of study.
5. Conclusion
There are three things that can be inferred from this study. The first is the
characteristics Hannah Baker and Clay Jensen. The second is the development
character of both lead roles and the third is the relationship that is established
between the two during the story.
The first finding is a description of Hannah Baker and Clay Jensen
characters. Hannah’s character is Friendly, Romantic. It can be concluded that
Hannah is kind and friendly to everyone, but her bad luck makes her mental
health go down and makes her decide bad things. Then the description of Clay
Jensen’s character is Nice and Introvert. It can be concluded that Clay has a
quiet personality but still friendly.
The second finding is the character development of Clay Jensen and
Hannah Baker. Hannah Baker’s character development is pessimistic and selfish.
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