Quantum Strategies Against Chronic Threats Eguide 2496
Quantum Strategies Against Chronic Threats Eguide 2496
Quantum Strategies Against Chronic Threats Eguide 2496
Check out the studies proving the efficiency
of LeelaQ quantum technology.
uantum energy is the energy that exists in quantum energy all around us, but it can also be
everything. It is the energy in your cells and the concentrated and placed in objects.
energy in the world around us. It is the space you
tap into when you meditate. It is the energy that Chi masters are an example of this. Shaolin monks are
makes a plant grow and the energy everyone can able to complete amazing feats and stretch their
sense inside of themselves. Everything
Everything around
us consciousness in ways that can not be explained by
is made up of quantum energy. It acts as a bridge to better current scientific theories.
health, wellness, and higher energy levels.
Luckily, you don’t need to stay at a monastery for
Quantum energy is not a new concept. It has been described by decades to access quantum fields. Instead, you can use
healers and enlightened beings for thousands of years, and quantum energy products to access all kinds of health
more recently, by inventor Nicola Tesla, physicist Roger Joseph benefits. You just need to find the right ones because
Boscovich, coach Joe Dispenza and many others. Not only is not everything called “quantum” is the real deal.
Photo credit
Kat Graham and Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling
holding Infinity Bloc and wearing H.E.A.L. Capsule by
Leela Quantum Tech at Modern Nirvana Summit, 2022.
It’s not complicated at all, actually, but to our minds, it may be. Fundamentally, it is important to understand that
For some, it can mean instant relief or transformation of issues everything is energy and frequency. What you see in the
(whether it be the solving of a blockage, a traumatic experience, physical world with the physical eyes is only a way to
or whatever it may be). For others, it may take some time. see that part of reality in this way.
Again, others see some results faster and others much later. It
is because we are all different, with different stories, different
experiences, different belief systems, different soul plans,
different traumata that may have been experienced, etc.
e know you might found it too good to be true.
That's normal. When you're curious about
something new and different, you have
With over 59 research studies already done, Leela Quantum Tech's Interpretation can detect (early) signs of illness as well
latest third-party study revealed a remarkable 20-29% increase in ATP as health risks from the forms on the slide. Specifically,
production—a vital process for cells. By harnessing quantum energy, Darkfield Microscopy reveals distortions of red blood
you can give your body a boost and slow down aging. cells, possible undesirable bacterial/fungal/parasitic life
forms, inflammation, and immune activity.
The same university lab found an 85-100% acceleration of wound
healing in human cells. The study was done twice and validated the The general pattern of findings is most revealing of a
second time what it showed in the first study. person’s imbalances. Certain findings or combination of
findings may indicate: nutritional deficiency
(vitamins/minerals), digestive disorders, infections,
hormonal imbalances, immune dysfunction,
Life Blood Analysis Studies by Dr. Rubik and the BESA Institute environmental toxicity, internal toxicity, and/or altered
blood pH.
Firstly, let's discuss what Dark Field Microscopy is and what it
can tell us. A Darkfield Microscopy is a blood test in which a
The findings in the blood can be seen early in
drop of blood is taken and looked at immediately using a special
diseases/conditions, sometimes before symptoms
form of lighting that allows to see living cells without staining. It
appear or before the disease is diagnosable. Early
provides a look at overall health, microorganisms may be
intervention and changes in health habits can alter the
detected, distortions of red blood cells (can reflect nutritional
course of a person’s health. Darkfield testing can be
status), the state of white blood cells, and possibly undesirable
used to reassess for changes after treatments and/or
bacterial or fungal life.
changes in lifestyle are implemented to monitor
progress as well.
These studies were randomized, double or single-blind, and sham- You can read more about the studies on our website at
controlled, which is the gold standard of clinical medical research. https://leelaq.com/rubik-study/.
All of the available Leela Blocs have now been studied by Dr.
Beverly Rubik and the BESA Institute: the Quantum Bloc, Infinity
Bloc, and the Travel and Car Bloc. All of these studies were
placebo-controlled simple-or-double-blind.
Neutralizing EMF
BESA study seal of approval on the effectiveness of the Leela Quantum The BESA tests on the energetic and physical
Bloc at different stress factors incl. EMSF effectiveness of the "Leela Quantum Bloc" have clearly
shown that the product is able to neutralize or
The Austrian BESA Institute is the leading European research
harmonize biologically significant stress factors on the
and testing institute on the subjects of biofeedback,
energetic system of the test persons. By means of the
bioenergetics and thus bioenergetic system analysis.
bioenergetic system analysis, the effect of the above-
mentioned stress factors on the test persons, their
meridian system and their energetic-biological control
circuits was questioned and systemically tested on the
bioenergetic level.
"Leela Quantum Tech product is able to
The BESA before & after tests show significant changes
neutralize or harmonize biologically at the tested acupuncture points and in the
significant stress factors on the meridian system. The measurement data and key
figures confirm the stress caused by the tested
energetic system of the test persons" interference fields on the organism of the test persons.