Quantum Mind Power

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Quantum Mind Power: What Is It and How

to Use It

In this post, you’ll discover the quantum mind power system and
learn how to apply them in your own life.

Quantum mind power is a system of techniques I have used

effectively in my life with astounding success, which I describe in
detail in my book, Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind. I’ve taught
the system to millions of others through my courses, books, and

Mind power works because it harnesses the known laws of the

universe in easily applicable ways that anyone can learn to use. It
teaches us how to direct our thoughts with will and imagination
toward a particular purpose.

Let’s dive in and show you how you can benefit from its power.

Table of Content

 The Two Foundational Laws of Mind Power

 How to Tap Into the Quantum Field
 Can the Mind Influence Matter?
 Quantum Physics and the Significance of Human Beings
 Learn the Quantum Mind Power System

The Laws of Quantum Reality

Quantum reality is the reality that exists beyond our senses. It is the
invisible framework of energy that creates our universe. It holds the
molecules in a chair stable so that we may sit on it. It directs and
determines where a cyclone will hit, and when an earthquake will
happen. It is the invisible framework of everything we experience.
What is not commonly understood, however, is that our thoughts
and quantum reality are very intimately related to each other.

There are two scientific facts you need to understand in order to be

a proficient student of quantum mind power.

1. Everything that we experience in our life is made up of

vibrating energy

The first and most fundamental scientific fact of our reality is a

simple concept to understand: all physical reality that we see and
feel, such as chairs, houses, people, trees, oceans, and even our
own bodies, while appearing solid to our senses, are made up of
vibrations of energy.

The same laws that govern the galaxies govern individual people
and nations, as we are all part of this evolving universe and cannot
be separated from it.

Thus our feelings, thoughts, beliefs and desires also consist of

vibrating energy.

2. Consciousness directs energy

The second understanding is that consciousness directs this energy.

In other words, the mind can—to some degree—affect matter.

Most of us have no idea how to do this. It is not taught in school, nor

is it common knowledge. In fact, if we are honest with ourselves,
most of us will admit that our thoughts are the last thing we actually
think about.

We go through our waking hours taking little notice of our thought

processes: how the mind moves, what it fears, what it heeds, what it
says to itself, and what it brushes aside. For the most part, we eat,
work, converse, worry, hope, plan, make love, shop, work and play,
all with minimal attention paid to how we think.

These two simple scientific truths are the starting point to begin to
work creatively with mind power in the context of quantum science.
To begin training and practicing quantum techniques, the
aforementioned laws must first become active and dynamic parts of
who you are. These two understandings will become a permanent
part of your evolving quantum model; they will assist you in creating
success for yourself.

Contemplate each one many times, imprinting them into your

subconscious where they will become resonating patterns of energy.

How to Use Quantum Mind Power

In consciousness, we can vibrate any energy we choose. And in
doing so, we “weave the quantum energy web”—which Physicists
also refer to as the quantum vacuum.

Choice, you will discover, is a powerful tool, and with quantum mind
power, we use it in ways most people could not imagine. The ability
to choose what we think and so to direct our thoughts is a creative
act of volition of enormous significance.

The energy web is filled with energy and information and contains
within it unlimited possibilities of manifestation. By holding in our
mind images of what we want to happen in our life, we are “weaving
the energy web” and increasing the probability of these events

Everything in the universe has its own unique vibration, which

scientists call an energy signature.

The energy of confidence, for example, has a very specific

vibrational resonance, just as the colour red has a different spectral
vibration from the colour green or blue.

Whenever we vibrate with confidence we align ourselves with this

particular energy. We literally become that energy.

A mother who is confidently playing with her children is aligning with

the exact same energy as a businessman who is confidently closing
a hundred million dollar deal, or a professional athlete who is about
to execute an amazing play with assurance.

While the circumstance in which the confidence is being employed is

different in each case, the vibration of the energy is exactly the

When we consistently activate a specific vibration through daily

practices, this energy will weave the web in a way that will attract
the right circumstances to us. Put in the most basic terms, what we
focus on we attract.

Practice makes permanent, so it is important to practice quantum mind

power daily until it becomes a part of who we are.

Of course, there is more to it than this simple explanation, and I

don’t want to give the impression that everything we wish and hope
for we can achieve simply by thinking about it, but this is the
starting point in understanding the unique relationship that exists
between the energy web and our own consciousness.
Can the Mind Influence Matter?
The fields of neurobiology, quantum physics, string theorists, depth
psychology, and neuroplasticity—to name but a few—are exploding
with new discoveries relevant to understanding who we are.

Understanding these findings can help us live our lives with greater
vision and effectiveness, yet the plethora of information is so
overwhelming that it is difficult to know where to begin.

Through neuroplasticity, for example, we now know the brain can be

rewired using conscious intention.

Depth psychology teaches us that we have two minds—and that our

second, subconscious mind contains shadow patterns which capture
energy from us until they are discovered and integrated.

Quantum physics tells us that we are living in a vast sea of energy,

where everything is connected. It further reveals that the past,
present and future are happening simultaneously.

But the greatest of all the new discoveries, from a practical point of
view, is that we now have indisputable proof that our consciousness
has the ability to direct energy.

Since everything in the known universe consists of energy, the

implications of this finding are staggering. It means everything
becomes possible when we embrace these theories and live in a
quantum way.
Quantum Physics and the Significance of
Human Beings
The most up-to-date findings of physics suggest that everything
consists of vibrating strings of energy. And, the dimension we
perceive as space and time may well exist within a multidimensional
universe, perched on a giant membrane, side by side with other
dimensions we have yet to discover.

As incredible and fantastic as all this is, perhaps the greatest

mystery being resolved may well turn out to be the enigma of our
place in the whole scheme of this evolving universe.

The age-old question has always been: Are human beings just
insignificant accidents of nature, birthed from the quantum soup
with no particular purpose or meaning, or are we something much
grander, with cosmic destines yet to be discovered?
There are many scientists, and lay individuals as well, arguing
convincingly and passionately on both sides of this question. But
there is new compelling evidence to suspect that there is much
more to who we are than any of us could have previously dared to

Physicists have known for some time that all physical reality is made
up of vibrating energy. But few had suspected that consciousness
was also part of the system. Consciousness is now seen as an
intricate part of the entire scheme of things.

We are complex and extraordinary beings of consciousness and


Learn the Quantum Mind Power System

To know and understand the universe we must know and
understand ourselves. Our thoughts are the most powerful creative
forces in our life. Learning to work with thoughts in quantum ways—
beyond simple positive thinking—awakens for us a whole new life of
power and opportunity.

This is why knowledge about the universe, while intellectually

interesting, will not help us in any meaningful way until we
understand ourselves. There is only one way of doing this, and that
is by coming into a relationship with all parts of ourselves.

I have spent over forty years devoting myself to understanding

consciousness and using it in unique and creative ways. In 1978, I
developed one of the first mind power training systems and began
travelling the world sharing these methods. In 1987, I wrote a best-
selling book about my work called Mind Power. The method I taught
combined the powers of thought with the laws of quantum reality.

In the quantum mind power system, which is an advanced system

based on my original mind power training, we learn to feel with our
bodies, intuit with our souls, weave energy with our minds, and
harness the hidden powers of our subconscious. We access all parts
of ourselves and in doing so we discover the meaning and purpose
of our lives.
About the Author: John Kehoe

Having earned worldwide recognition for his work, John is an energetic teacher, a best-selling
author, a socially conscious human, and a believer in your ability to transform your future with
your thoughts. Refusing to rest on his past achievements, John continues to reach new heights
within his study of consciousness and the power of the mind.

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