7. Shelly 1819
One of his most notable works from that year is the sonnet “England in 1819,” which serves as a
scathing critique of the political climate of the time. The poem reflects Shelley’s outrage at the
crises plaguing England, including the oppression of the common people, the corruption of the
ruling classes, and the state of the monarchy under King George III, who was infamously old, mad,
and blind by that time. The sonnet begins with a vivid description of the decrepit king and moves on
to lambast the princes and rulers for their incompetence and detachment from the suffering of the
people. It portrays a nation where the people are “starved and stabbed in th’ untilled field,” and the
army is used as a tool of oppression rather than protection. Shelley’s work from this period,
including “England in 1819,” is characterized by its revolutionary spirit and its hope for reform and
renewal. He envisioned a future where the “glorious Phantom” of liberty and justice would rise
from the graves of the current corrupt institutions to illuminate a new, more equitable era.
8. Imagination STC
Coleridge divided the mind into two distinct faculties: imagination and fancy. He distinguished
between primary imagination and secondary imagination. Primary imagination, which was an
unconscious process, was the sensory perception of reality and could be experienced by every
human being. It was also a mode of memory, since it manifested itself through images that recalled
relevant sensorial experiences which happened in the past. Secondary imagination was an echo of
primary imagination and could be experienced only by the poet, who consciously dissolves,
dissipates the images linked to past experiences in order to recreate. Fancy was inferior to
imagination because it was not creative. It was the poet's technical ability to transform perceptions
and words into poetry; thus it is the poet's ability to use linguistic devices in poetry to apply colour
to reality.
9. Principles of romanticism
Subject of the poetry: incidence of common life
Lenguage of poetry: language really spoken from the people but purified
What is a poet: is a men among men whit a great sensibility
What is poetry: spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings is also emotion recollected in tranquility
10. Kets
The poet according to kets must abandon himself to go into the world of imagination. He must have
the power to leave his body and move completely out of the real world and into the imaginary this
is for kets the negative capability