OVID Technical Vessel Operator Guide v1.71
OVID Technical Vessel Operator Guide v1.71
OVID Technical Vessel Operator Guide v1.71
2 Dashboard ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Inspections Pending Operating Comments .................................................................................. 6
2.2 Unprocessed Inspections .............................................................................................................. 7
2.3 Inspection Bookings ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Resources/Downloads .................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 News/Announcements ................................................................................................................. 9
5 User Management...........................................................................................................13
5.1 List of Users ................................................................................................................................. 13
5.2 Create User ................................................................................................................................. 13
6 My Downloads .................................................................................................................15
11 OVID Programme Recipient Maritime Organisations - OVIQ Access Request to TVO .47
11.1 Programme Recipient Maritime Organisation makes a request for access ............................. 48
11.1.1 Rejection of Access Request .................................................................................................. 49
11.1.2 Acceptance of Access Request ............................................................................................... 50
11.2 Purchasing and Accessing an Inspection................................................................................... 50
11.3 Tracking Access Requests.......................................................................................................... 51
16 Alerts...................................................................................................................................72
17 Contact Support.................................................................................................................76
This user guide includes how the TVO navigates the OVID system and understand the
business processes that have been introduced with the OVID Programme Recipient
• Maritime Organisations
o Maritime Organisations that do not hold a Document of Compliance (DoC)
for any OVID Vessel
▪ Corporate Organisations with an interest in Maritime Safety and
Pollution prevention
▪ Excludes all Organisations that are DoC holders for an OVID Vessel
o Maritime Organisations that hold a DoC for at least one OVID registered
▪ Corporate Organisations with an interest in Maritime Safety and
Pollution prevention
• Governmental Agencies
o Governmental bodies including Port State Controls which supervise
marine safety and/or pollution prevention
For further information on the use of the OVID site please contact:
• ovidsupport@ocimf.org
1 4
From the Home page, the TVO can quickly navigate to all other areas within OVID, the
Home page consists of the following panes:
2. Unprocessed Inspections
3. Inspection Booking
4. Resources/Downloads
5. News/Announcements
You can click on the arrow to the right of the row and this will take you to the
2.5 News/Announcements
The News feed provides updates and announcements regarding system updates.
You will need to input a ‘New Password’, confirm it and then save the changes.
To view the ‘User Profile’ of one of the users, select the arrow on the right of the page.
This will show you the End-User Licence Agreement and when it was last signed.
You can view the EULA by clicking the button in the top righthand corner. This will show
you a pdf version.
The Vessels grid displays all vessels within your OVID fleet, including their current stats
(Laid Up or Active) and if an OVPQ document has been created.
Selecting the blue arrow will open the Vessel Details page.
Please use vessel identifiers as appropriate and available. For example, where available
an IMO should be provided, however, if an identifier is mandatory in a region (e.g. the
VIN in US) then this should be provided. Multiple identifiers can be provided, e.g. an
IMO and a VIN.
OVID Technical Vessel Operator Access | Page 17
8.3 Vessel Details
You can view the Vessel details by clicking on the right-hand arrow at the end of the
The following is a summary of each section of the vessel details page. Further details
are provided in later sections.
The second edition of the Offshore Vessel Particulars Questionnaire (OVPQ2) is being
released in April 2018
OVPQ1 will only be able to be edited and published from within the existing legacy
OVPQ Desktop Editor.
The OVPQ2 Desktop Editor can be downloaded directly from the Edit OVPQ screen, or
from the Resources page of your OVID Account.
The upgraded OVPQ2 document will be exported and appear in your browsers
Downloaded items list.
To import the OVPQ2 to OVID, select the Export icon and the OVPQ2 document will be
automatically saved to your desktop.
To import the OVPQ2 to OVID, navigate to the desired vessels’ Edit OVPQ screen and
select the ‘Upload OVPQ from Desktop Editor’ icon.
The system will ask you to confirm that you wish to migrate the report from the OVPQ1
to OVPQ2 format.
Selecting ‘OK’ will upgrade the OVPQ to the OVPQ2 format and launch the Online Editor.
Any changes made to the Particulars document are automatically saved, however, the
document must be published before it is available to the OVID members. Likewise,
following initial publication the ship operator can continue to make further
modifications which will not be available to OVID members until a subsequent
Once a Particulars document has been uploaded it can be further modified using the
OVID online editor. As with the online editor, modifications to Particulars documents
are not available to OVID members until the document has been Published.
When the ‘Vessel Technical Specification sheet’ has been added you then have the
option to ‘Download’, upload a new one or delete from the OVPQ2 document. The
uploaded file will be available to OVID Members within the OVPQ2 report.
• Vessel Operators:
o Complete a managerial self-assessment questionnaire (OVMSA
o Maintain a historical archive of OVMSA Documents
o Share Document[s] with OCIMF Members, controlled via a request
work-flow mechanism
o View analytics / BI reports on OVMSA Documents.
• OCIMF Members: View current and historical OVMSA Documents for Vessel
o Request access to OVMSA Documents via a work-flow mechanism
o Retrieve data via a web-services interface.
OVMSA is based on the same principles as the established OCIMF TMSA Programme
The whole of the OVMSA document is optional; an author can complete any part of the
document in any order and publish at any point in time. The OVMSA concept is based
upon continuous improvement processes, e.g. it is encouraging the author to improve
over time and release ever better OVMSA documents to the OCIMF members.
The OVMSA question is referred to as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI). These can be
thought of as Questions.
All KPIs have associated Best Practice Guidance (BPG) in the same way as other OCIMF
applications have guidance to assist the author. Every KPI has a simple Yes/No response
and an optional comments memo. Certain KPIs are flagged by OCIMF in the OVMSA
publication as optional. If a KPI is optional a further UI element for “Not Applicable” will
be shown.
Every element is broken down into 4 stages. KPIs in stage 1 are easier to answer yes
than KPIs in stage 4. All the KPIs over the 4 stages point in the same direction but have
different strengths of meaning, e.g.
The theory is over time an author will be able to answer more stage 4 KPIs yes and this
provides the continuous improvement angle.
When an OVMSA document is created it receives a unique report number that can be
tracked. The vessel operator completes the document to whatever stage they wish and
then publishes it. They may only have one published document at any one time.
The operator can no longer edit that document and must start a new one.
When the operator starts a new document they can choose to clone their current
existing document or start from scratch. This new document is a separate entity and
receives a new unique report number. This is because a recipient will score a document
and need to see the improvement over time. For this reason, the published document
must remain static. In order to publish a document the operator must first archive their
current published document.
Distribution Policy
1. All members, or; 2. A list of explicitly chosen Members (opt-in rather than opt-out)
At any time, the current rules are known as the current Distribution Policy, and apply to
the currently published Document (if any).
At the point of publication, all members in the Distribution Policy are notified of the
newly released Document.
Members can only see a Document if they were in the distribution policy at the time of
The OVMSA menu provides the option to create your Offshore Vessel Management Self
Assessment document, click ‘OVMSA Home’.
After the release of the OVMSA v2, the Create OVMSA v2 Document will always be an available
option when an OVMSA v1 can be created
The Create OVMSA Document button will create a new OVMSA v2.
• Create an OVMSA v1 Document – this will give the option to clone the latest OVMSA v1
Document. If selected a duplicate document will be created with a new document ID. The
• Create an OVMSA v2 document – This will give the user the option to Create a blank OVMSA
v2 or to clone the current OVMSA v1 document. When Cloning an OVMSA v1 to an OVMSA
v2 type only OVMSA v1 KPIs that exist in the OVMSA v2 template will be transferred to the
OVMSA v2. It is then the responsibility of the Technical Vessel Operator to evaluate the
The publish button will allow all members in the distribution policy to view the OVMSA.
The Edit OVMSA Document button will open the OVMSA editor. The Edit option will be
available until the document has been published.
3 4
2 1 5
Once you have created an OVMSA you will have the option to ‘Edit Document’. You will
have the option to edit as many times as you like until the document is published.
You will need to confirm you want to publish the OVSMA and add some comments.
Select ‘Current Member Access’ to view a list of ‘Members allowed to view OVMSA’.
If a member has requested access you will see a request and you will receive an email.
You will get the option to give or deny access and add a comment.
This will show you a full list of the status and the user.
You can see further details on each of the inspections by clicking the arrow at the end of
the row.
This shows you the report details. You can view the inspection, download or add to
downloads. You can also add ‘subsequent comments’.
Add your comments. You also have the option to upload any supporting
You will need to either ‘Save & Close’ or ‘Publish subsequent comments’.
OVID Programme Recipient: Offshore Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (OVIQ) Access Request
Requirement to view an
Reviews request
‘Access Rejected’ email access
triggered to OVID Programme
‘Access Approved’ email
triggered to OVID Programme
The submitted Inspection Access Request triggers an email to all users within the OVID
Operator Organisation to which the vessel belongs, an example of the OVID Inspection
Access Request email is shown below:
Selecting the ‘Please review the Inspection Access Request’ link will prompt the TVO user
to log into OVID, the Access Request for the desired Inspection will then be displayed.
From the Access Request page, the Technical Vessel Operator can select to either:
On selecting ‘Reject’, an email is triggered to inform the Requester that the request has
been rejected, the ‘Rejected Reason’ is included if the ‘Rejection Reason’ tick-box has
been selected.
• Pending:
o The Access Request will remain in a ‘Pending’ state for seven days, after
which the request will time out.
• Approved:
o The Access Request has been approved and the Inspection is available to
• Declined:
o The Access Request has been declined or timed out
The Inspection Access grid displays a list of all Programme Recipient Governmental
Agencies that are currently live within OVID, the current Inspection Access status
between the Operator and the Governmental Agency is indicated with the following
traffic light system
• Green – The Governmental Agency has been granted access to all of the TVO’s
OVIQ Inspections
• Amber – The Governmental Agency has requested access, but permission is still
• Red – The Governmental Agency has been denied access to the TVO’s OVIQ
The Inspection Access Grid can be filtered to display only organisations that are either
Granted, Denied or Pending access. A text search is also available to allow searches
against Organisation Name.
OVID Programme Recipient Technical Vessel Operator (TVO) OVID Submitting Membership
Vessel Inspection
Request accepted
OVIQ Inspection
OVIQ available for Responds to OVIQ
commissioned /
purchase observations
performed / validated
The Programme Recipient completes a 3 step Wizard where the Inspection request
details are entered:
Step 1:
• Inspection Type: The user can select one of the three available OVIQ Inspection
templates from a dropdown menu:
o OVIQ 2 (Template 7105)
o OVIQ MO(D)U Jackup (Template 7106)
o OVIQ MO(D)U Drillship (Template 7107)
• Proposed Inspector
• Inspection Date
• Country
• Location
Step 2:
• The Programme Recipient selects the Variants and Operations that they wish to
be included within the proposed Inspection Request
Step 3:
The Inspection Request will automatically time out after seven days.
Selecting Reject, opens the Request Summary page. A reason for rejecting the request
can be entered. The reason can be included upon the Rejection email by selecting the
‘Show Reason to Requestor’ tick-box.
On selecting ‘Accept’, the Inspection Request is made available for review by the OCIMF
Membership. Only those OCIMF Member organisations whom have agreed to be
included within the OVID Programme Recipient Programme will receive an email
notification that the Vessel Inspection Request has been approved by the TVO and is
now available for review.
Vessel Inspection Requests are set to time-out after fourteen days of inactivity.
‘Under Member Review’ shows any Inspections that a Member has selected to review.
‘Member Accepted’ shows any inspection requests that a member has accepted.
On logging into the OVID Submitting Member Inspection Requests area, the newly
submitted Inspection Request will be displayed in the Requests for New Inspections
The Inspection Requests tab is shared across all OVID Submitting Members whom have
agreed to process OVID Inspection Requests.
The OVID Submitting Member can then review the Request and proceed with
commissioning an OVIQ inspection if they wish. The OVID Submitting Member is under
no obligation to accept any of the proposed details within the Inspection Request, and
may choose alternative dates, locations, variants and OVID Inspector if they wish.
14 day timeout
Inspection Request
Create Vessel available to
Inspection Request participating OVID
Inspection Request
OVIQ Inspection
Commissioned /
Performed / Validated
Responds to OVIQ
An OVID Technical Vessel Operators can initiate an OVID Inspection Request on vessel
within their own fleet only.
• Vessel Operator PSC Inspections Summary screen – vessel operators with the
correct privileges can review PSC Inspections entered for their fleet.
• Vessel Operator ‘Add PSC Inspection’ screen – a data capture screen enables
operators to enter high level details of a PSC Inspection.
• Vessel Operator ‘View/Edit PSC Inspection’ screen – a data capture screen
enables operators to view / edit deficiencies plus add comments and
attachments to the PSC Inspection record.
• Vessel Details updates – the Vessel Details page has been updated to include a
summary of PSC Inspections entered for the vessel.
Access to all functionality related to PSC, i.e. to add, edit or view a record is controlled
by a new OVID Vessel Operator role.
If the currently logged on users possesses the ‘O-PSC - OVID - Operator – Manage PSC
Inspections’ role, then a new tab will be displayed on the top navigation bar.
Clicking upon the tab will display the PSC Inspection summary screen. The PSC
Inspection screen will display a grid of recorded PSC Inspections with the following
column headers:
Selecting the ‘Add PSC Inspection’ button launches the ‘Add PSC Inspection’ screen.
A PSC Inspection must be associated to an OVID Vessel record, if accessing the ‘Add PSC
Inspection’ screen from the ‘PSC Inspection Summary Screen’ a dropdown will be
displayed listing the Operators current fleet:
Selecting the desired vessel will display the vessel details for review:
There is another path to the ‘Add PSC Inspection’ page directly from the Vessel Details
page which will pre-populate the PSC Record with the vessel details. See the section on
the OVID Vessel Details Page updates for further information.
The following information is captured upon the PSC Inspection Details page.
15.4 Disclaimer
A disclaimer is displayed that the Vessel Operator must agree to in order to create the
PSC Inspection record. The disclaimer states that the submission of PSC Inspection
information is purely voluntary, and that upload of information and documentation is
entirely at the Operators own risk.
Operators will have the option to publish the PSC Inspection record immediately or for
the record to remain in a ‘Draft’ status for 24 hours after initial creation.
Once published a PSC Inspection record may only be added to, it will not be possible to
edit or delete a record. PSC Inspection details may only be edited or deleted during the
initial 24 hours, whilst the record is in a ‘Draft’ status.
The View PSC Inspection details screen summarises the Vessel Details at the time of
inspection, along with the PSC Inspection Details.
The user can add Inspection Deficiencies within the 24hour draft period or until
published. Comments/Documents can be added to the PSC Inspection at any time.
PSC Inspection Deficiencies are added to the PSC Inspection record by selecting ‘Add
Deficiency’. Users will be able to select the ‘Area of Deficiency’ from a dropdown, which
in turn will determine the options available for the ‘Defective Item’ dropdown.
The ‘Area of Deficiency’ and ‘Defective Item’ lists match the published of deficiency
codes Paris MoU.
The ‘Nature of the Defect’ and if the Deficiency led to the detention of the vessel are the
other fields required when adding a deficiency.
As deficiencies are added, they will be displayed within the Deficiencies grid upon the
‘View Inspection Details’ page– If the PSC Inspection is in ’Draft’ status then the
deficiency can be deleted if required.
Documents can be added from the Operator Comments and Documents grid upon the
‘View Inspection Details’ page.
• Form B
• Inspection Report
• Supporting Documentation
As Documents are added, they will be displayed upon the ‘View Inspection Details’ page
– If the PSC Inspection is in ’Draft’ status then documents can be deleted if required.
The Comments entry screen allows entry of a Comment Title and a textual comment.
As Comments are added, they will be displayed upon the ‘View Inspection Details’ page
– If the PSC Inspection is in ’Draft’ status then Comments can be edited or deleted if
The OVID Operator Vessel Details page contains a display of the number of PSC
Inspections that have been recorded for the Vessel, broken down by the number
recorded for the current and any previous operators.
The user can create a new PSC Inspection record directly from the Vessel Details Page.
You have the option to switch off emails and only receive messages. Your ‘User email
preferences’ can be changed on your User Profile page, select ‘Change Message
The Message Centre can be accessed from the Toolbar in the OVID UI. There is an Alert
symbol and the number of Unread messages is displayed.
Messages show in bold when they are ‘Unread’ and change to non-bold when they are
• Booking created
• Inspection submitted
• Inspection validated (potentially limited to only the operator to receive this alert)
• Inspection published (with or without operator comments)
• Subsequent comments added
• Inspection amended (Resubmission)
• Inspection withdrawn
The message will then show as ‘Read’, to set it to ‘Unread’ click the red envelope button.
Messages will be Archived when they have been read after 30 days.
Please provide as much information as possible including the task that you are
attempting to perform, the Vessel details and any error information that is displayed.