085 2021 Anh
085 2021 Anh
085 2021 Anh
Vol. 11 No. 3 (2021): July
Original Research
Surgical Anatomy for Desmotomy of the Superior and Inferior Check Ligaments in Donkeys
Asmaa Abo Bakr, Nabil A. Misk, Ahmed Ibrahim, Abdelraheim Attaai
Ultrastructure of Hepatocyte and Liver Ontogeny of the Indo-Pacific Seahorse Hippocampus barbouri Jordan & Richardson 1908
Sinlapachai Senarat, Rangsima Sujittosakul, Jes Kettratad, Supanut Pairohakul, Gen Kaneko, Wannee Jiraungkoorskul
Effects of Lysine Supplemented on Growth, Apparent Nutrient Digestibility, and Slaughter Yield of Noi Broilers from 56–84 Days of Age
Nguyen Thi Anh Thu, Lam Thai Hung, Ly Thi Thu Lan, Nhan Hoai Phong, Juan Boo Liang, Le Thanh Phuong, Nguyen Trong Ngu
Gross, Histological and Scanning Electron Studies on the Bulbourethral Gland of Donkey (Equus asinus) during Different Seasons
Alaa Sayed Abou-Elhamd, Aziza Selim, Yousria Abdel Rahman
The Influence of Individual Factors on the Characteristic and Production of Frozen Semen of Bali Cattle
Angelina Novita, Gatot Ciptadi, Sri Wahjuningsih, Anny Amaliya, Wiwied Sawitri, Trinil Susilawati
https://www.advetresearch.com/index.php/AVR/issue/view/43 1/3
Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research Volume 11, Issue 3 (2021) 141-146 085-2021
A total of 192 Noi broilers at 56 days of age were allotted in a completely randomized design consisting
of four treatments and four replicates to evaluate the effect of dietary lysine added on body weight
Original Research
gain (BWG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), apparent nutrient digestibility (AND), and carcass characteris-
tics. Treatments included a control with 0.8% lysine in the diet and three experimental treatments
02 April 2021 (Lys+0.1; Lys+0.2; Lys+0.3) with lysine added at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3%, respectively. Crude protein (CP) was
15%, and metabolizable energy was 3,000 kcal/kg of feed. At 77 days of age, for each replicate, one
male and one female chicken were selected for the estimation of AND by using Fe2O3 marker. The
chickens were fed ad libitum and vaccinated against common diseases. The results showed that lysine's
10 June 2021
addition to the diet at 0.2–0.3% significantly improved the BWG and FCR (P<0.05). Furthermore, the
addition of 0.1–0.3% lysine to the diet resulted in a significant increase in apparent CP digestibility and
overall amino acid digestibility (P<0.05) but did not affect the apparent digestibility of Ca and P of Noi
Keywords: broilers. Finally, concerning the breast weight and yield of both male and female chickens, whereas the
male broilers' dressing improved with the addition of 0.3% lysine to the diet, the breast yield of their
Noi broilers female counterparts bettered when supplemented with 0.2% lysine.
similar care and were fed ad libitum. The feeding and drinking Data collection
troughs were individually designed for each experimental unit.
All chickens were vaccinated against diseases following a com- The identified indicators included FI, BWG, FCR, and AND.
mon procedure. The chicken BWG was determined by subtracting the early-
At 77 days of age, one male and one female chicken were stage weight from the final-stage weight. FCR was calculated
selected in each experimental unit to identify AND. The chick- by the amount of FI (g) over BWG (g). Besides, AND was de-
ens in this experiment were raised in cages with an area of termined basing the difference in the content of the non-di-
40x50x40 cm that had a plastic tray for collecting manure. gestible marker in feces and feed calculated by the formula:
Chicken feed intake (FI) was limited to 80% of the actual need,
and the chickens were fed at 6:00 and 14:00 daily. The AND Apparent nutrient digestibility (%)
was indirectly determined by the Fe2O3 marker, which was
mixed into the diet at a rate of 0.1%. The chickens were fed
for four days, and then fecal samples were taken for three
days. All daily fecal samples were collected and stored in a Where N. feed: nutrient in feed, N. feces: nutrient in feces,
freezer (-20°C). At the end of the experiment, the fecal samples Fe. feed: Fe2O3 in feed, and Fe. feces: Fe2O3in feces.
were thawed and mixed well, then dried at 60oC and ground
to analyze the chemical components in one sample in each Data analysis
experimental unit.
Data were analyzed by the General Linear Model on
Diets Minitab 16.0 software. The mean difference between the treat-
ments was compared using Tukey's test, with α <0.05.
Diets consisted of yellow corn, soybean meal, rice bran,
synthetic AA, dicalcium phosphate, shell, salt, vitamin premix,
and micromineral premix (Table 1 and Table 2). The ratios of
AA methionine+cystine and threonine were calculated accord- Effects of levels of dietary lysine on body weight gain and feed
ing to the ideal AA pattern proposed by Baker (2003). The efficiency of Noi chickens
chemical compositions of feed and manure were analyzed
based on the method by AOAC (2000), and the AA levels in Feed intake, BWG, and FCR of Noi broilers at 56–84 days
feed and feces were analyzed by high-performance liquid of age are presented in Table 3. The results showed that the FI
chromatography (AOAC, 2006). was not significantly different (P>0.05), unlike the daily BWG
Note: Control: lysine 0.8%; Lys+0.1: additional 0.1% lysine, Lys+0.2: additional 0.2% lysine, Lys+0.3: additional 0.3% lysine, DCP: dicalci phosphate,
ME: metabolizable energy, CP: crude protein, *: supplemented for need of methionine+cysteine, **: vitamin premix and micro mineral premix.
Nguyen Thi Anh Thu et al. /Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research 11 (3) (2021) 141-146
and FCR (P<0.05). The daily BWG in the control treatment was not affected when lysine was added to the diet (P>0.05).
14.9 g/bird/day, which increased gradually with lysine added
to the diet at levels of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% and peaked at 0.3% Effects of lysine levels in the diets on carcass composition and
lysine (16.38 g/bird/day). The addition of lysine to the diet at internal organ ratio of Noi broilers
0.2% (FCR at 3.95) and 0.3% (FCR at 3.81), also significantly
improved the feeding efficiency on Noi broilers and 0.1% (FCR Table 5, presents the carcass composition and the chicken
at 4.12) as opposed to the lysine level in the diet in the control internal organ ratio at 84 days of age. As shown, the weight
treatment (FCR at 4.22). of breast meat (BM) of the male and female chickens in the
control treatment (70.75 g and 75.25 g/bird, respectively) was
Effects of levels of dietary lysine on nutrient apparent digestibil- significantly lower than the figures for those being fed 0.3%
ity of Noi chickens lysine supplemented diets (90 g/bird for males and 102 g/bird
for females). In addition, the dressing ratio of male chicken,
The apparent digestibility of CP, Ca, P, and AA of Noi broil- which was 64.82% in the control treatment, increased gradu-
ers at 56–84 days of age is shown in Table 4. The findings ally through the experimental treatments with Lys+0.1
showed that the apparent CP digestibility in the treatments (66.81%), Lys+0.2 (67.9%), and Lys+0.3 (69.54%). The latter
differed significantly (P<0.01) compared to the control with showed significant differences compared with the control
no addition of lysine (0.8% lysine). In particular, the control treatment. The results also indicated that the breast yield of
treatment had a lower apparent digestibility of CP (64.02%) female chickens (12.36% in the control treatment) tended to
than the others with lysine addition at levels of 0.1, 0.2, and increase when adding lysine, especially with 0.2% and 0.3% ly-
0.3% (68.00, 69.58, and 68.72%, respectively). The apparent di- sine added (13.88% and 13.86%, respectively). Finally, the BM
gestibility of indispensable AAs (glycine, histidine, leucine, ly- yield of males registered an increase from 11.51% in the con-
sine, and valine) and the dispensable AAs and the average AA trol treatment to 13.67% with an addition of 0.3% lysine. No
digestibility improved when lysine was added at 0.1, 0.2, and differences were found in internal organ ratios in all treat-
0.3% to the diet. However, apparent digestibility of P, Ca, argi- ments.
nine, cysteine, methionine, phenylalanine, and threonine was
Table 3. Effect of lysine levels of diets on Noi boiler growth and FCR
Terms P/SEM
Control Lys+0.1 Lys+0.2 Lys+0.3
Initial BW (g/bird) 496 498 510 513 0.074/4.93
Daily feed intake (g/bird) 62.83 64.25 62.38 62.5 0.609/1.08
Daily BWG (g) 14.90b 15.59ab 15.78ab 16.38a 0.005/0.23
FCR (g of feed/g of BWG) 4.22a 4.12a 3.95b 3.81b 0.000/0.04
Final BW (g/bird) 914c 935bc 952ab 972a 0.001/7.84
Note: FCR: feed conversion ratio; BW: bodyweight; BWG: bodyweight gain; Lys+0.1: 0.1% additional lysine in the diet; Lys+0.2: 0.2% additional lysine
in the diet; Lys+0.3: 0.3% additional lysine in the diet.
Table 4. Effects of dietary lysine levels on nutrient apparent digestibility of Noi broilers
Terms P/SEM
Control Lys+0.1 Lys+0.2 Lys+0.3
CP digestibility 64.02b 68.00a 69.58a 68.72a 0.000/0.63
Calcium digestibility 47.64 46.41 49.62 48.92 0.486/1.52
Phosphorus digestibility 45.48 47.81 48.67 47.93 0.700/1.98
Indispensable AA digestibility, %
Arginine 86.47 84.96 88.95 88.17 0.052/0.96
Cystine 68.79 71.54 71.07 73.77 0.680/2.85
Glycine 64.58b 78.57a 73.92a 78.98a 0.000/1.64
Histidine 82.57b 83.80b 86.47ab 88.91a 0.004/1.03
Isoleucine 66.90b 82.45a 80.27a 80.24a 0.000/1.12
Leucine 78.72b 86.40a 84.06a 85.36a 0.000/0.85
Lysine 83.26b 86.74ab 86.99a 87.77a 0.016/0.88
Methionine 89.68 89.37 88.43 90.74 0.271/0.78
Phenylalanine 83.37 87.04 86.85 85.16 0.193/1.26
Threonine 78.8 81.85 80.69 80.77 0.260/1.03
Valine 62.56b 65.29b 78.66a 75.48a 0.000/1.18
Dispensable AA digestibility
Alanine 63.69b 68.33ab 67.32ab 72.05a 0.029/1.66
Aspartic 60.43c 74.14b 79.43a 75.46ab 0.000/1.19
Glutamic 70.36c 80.13b 86.97a 83.45ab 0.000/1.10
Serine 75.76b 86.92a 81.98ab 90.80a 0.002/2.11
Tyrosine 69.51b 75.72ab 84.23a 84.71a 0.004/2.59
Overall AA digestibility 73.96c 79.81b 81.35ab 82.49a 0.000/0.48
Note: Control: lysine 0.8% in the diet; CP: crude protein; Lys+0.1: 0.1% additional lysine in the diet; Lys+0.2: 0.2% additional lysine in the diet; Lys+0.3:
0.3% additional lysine in the diet
Nguyen Thi Anh Thu et al. /Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research 11 (3) (2021) 141-146
Table 5. Carcass composition and internal organ ratio of Noi broilers at 84 days old
Terms Sex P/SEM
Control Lys+0.1 Lys+0.2 Lys+0.3
Female 865 940 883 948 0.266/33.6
Live weight (g/bird)
Male 1,003 1,043 1,008 1,068 0.640/40.3
Female 573 633 583 649 0.093/22.5
Carcass weight (g/bird)
Male 650 696 684 743 0.310/33.1
Female 70.75b 82.00ab 81.00ab 90.00a 0.026/3.76
Breast weight (g/bird)
Male 75.25b 91.00ab 86.50ab 102a 0.043/5.71
Female 126 151 132 149 0.103/7.76
Thigh weight (g/bird)
Male 147 155 154 173 0.191/7.96
Female 66.26 67.4 66.08 68.48 0.262/0.91
Dressing (%)
Male 64.82b 66.81ab 67.90ab 69.54a 0.049/1.06
Yield (% of carcass weight)
Female 12.36b 12.93ab 13.88a 13.86a 0.016/0.33
Male 11.51b 13.09ab 12.63ab 13.67a 0.028/0.44
Female 21.9 23.8 22.66 22.91 0.369/0.73
Male 22.63 22.25 22.44 23.22 0.622/0.54
Female 0.453 0.444 0.411 0.416 0.795/0.04
Male 0.466 0.438 0.439 0.469 0.775/0.03
Female 2.071 2.821 1.863 1.949 0.553/0.51
Male 2.029 2.331 1.98 2.245 0.067/0.09
Female 2.368 2.295 2.79 2.474 0.572/0.26
Male 2.332 2.045 2.517 2.012 0.197/0.18
Female 0.285 0.191 0.209 0.178 0.406/0.05
Male 0.192 0.184 0.135 0.184 0.751/0.04
Note: Control: 0.8% additional lysine in the diet; Lys+0.1: 0.1% additional lysine; Lys+0.2: 0.2% additional lysine; Lys+0.3: 0.3% additional lysine
Nguyen Thi Anh Thu et al. /Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research 11 (3) (2021) 141-146
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