BIM-IoT-FM Integration Strategy
BIM-IoT-FM Integration Strategy
BIM-IoT-FM Integration Strategy
Purpose – The objective of this research is to develop an solution to water management at the scale of
buildings, through the technological resources. Automating analysis using 3D models helps increase efficiency
in buildings during the operational phase, consequently promotes sustainability.
Design/methodology/approach – This study presents a methodology based on Design Science Research to
automate water management at building scale integrating BIM-IoT-FM. Data from smart meters (IoT) and the
BIM model were integrated to be applied in facilities management (FM) to improve performance of the building.
The methodology was implemented in a prototype for the web, called AquaBIM, which captures, manages and
analyzes the information.
Findings – The application of AquaBIM allowed the theoretical evaluation and practical validation of water
management methodology. By BIM–IoT integration, the consumption parameters and ranges for 17 categories
of activities were determined to contribute to fulfill the research gap for the commercial buildings. This
criterion and other requirements are requirements met in order to obtain the AQUA-HQE environmental
sustainability certification.
Practical implications – Traditionally, water management in buildings is based on scarce data. The
practical application of digital technologies improves decision-making. Moreover, the creation of consumption
indicators for commercial buildings contributes to the discussion in the field of knowledge.
Originality/value – This article emphasizes the investigation of the efficiency of use in commercial buildings
using operational data and the use of sustainable consumption indicators to manage water consumption.
Keywords Facility management, Water management, BIM, Internet of things, Smart meter,
Commercial buildings
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
The worsening of the water crisis has aroused the need to rethink the current manner of water
management (Brears, 2017). The inclusion of all sectors of the society in the improvement of
the efficiency of water use, was used as the principles for the formulation of the new paradigm
(Antzoulatos et al., 2020; McDonald et al., 2011).
In recent decades, the construction sector has intensified its environmental concerns
(Wong and Kuan, 2014). Concomitant to FM, the concept of sustainable buildings is also
gaining relevance. Implementing responsible consumption of resources at present to not
compromise the future of the planet is a concept that defines the term “sustainability”
(WorldGBC, 2021). Despite the limited literature on sustainable water management in
Smart and Sustainable Built
The authors would like to express their gratitude to “Seu Consumo” company and Mercado Central for © Emerald Publishing Limited
their valuable support and collaboration. DOI 10.1108/SASBE-11-2022-0250
SASBE buildings, this topic is highly relevant currently. According to the United Nations (2017),
buildings account for 25% global drinking water consumption.
In this scenario the architecture, engineering, construction and operation (AEC/O)
industry plays an important role in the practical introduction of technological innovations.
The building information modeling (BIM) process provides resources for the development of
disruptive methodologies in the construction sector, which encompasses technologies,
processes and policies (Succar and Kassem, 2015).
The structure for capturing and storing BIM data has the potential to revolutionize FM
in the operation of buildings if developed in the following areas. Por exemple
management (spaces, security/emergency), project design (maintability/retrofit),
location of elements and control, analysis energy and data storage in real time (Nicał
and Wody nskib, 2016). Another benefit of BIM-FM described is to increase the
predictability of buildings. The use of BIM contributes to reducing the differences
between the performance of the building during operation and that expected during the
design (Kapogiannisa et al., 2016).
In recent years, the integration of this methodology with smart technologies enables the
development of various applications.
“IoT (Internet of Things) is based on integrations of various processes such as identifying,
sensing, networking, and computation” (Colakovi c and Mesud Hadzialic, 2018). Trend in
other areas the development of the IoT also expands in the construction sector. Construction,
operation, health and safety, construction logistic and facility management are the relevant
domains of BIM-IoT applications in this sector (Tang et al., 2019).
Similarly, FM associated with information technologies and BIM proposes solutions to
sustainability issues.Thus, similar to the AEC/O industry, in the water sector, the influence of
digital technologies is increasing (Willis, 2013). Studies integrating smart meters with IoT to
plan and implement innovative actions are increasing worldwide. Applications are
differentiated by the decision-making body (governmental, commercial and individual).
Each body has its own benefits, which include improving the efficiency and sustainability of
a system and reducing costs and/or providing information that help reduce consumption (Li
et al., 2020). Building micromanagement or water-use application accounts for 41% database
use; however, only a few studies address non-residential consumption (Di Mauro et al., 2021).
Designing a new water management paradigm, expanding use of new technologies and
increasing search for mitigating the impacts of the construction sector are the conceptual
issues that motivated this research.
The purpose of this research is to develop a structured methodology based on the
fundamentals of Design Science Research, to automate the management of water
consumption in commercial buildings. This study aimed at bridging this knowledge gap
by addressing the potential of using digital tools to improve water management during the
operation phase of buildings as a research problem.
The methodology promotes the interaction of information on the building’s BIM model
with that of the digital water consumption database, collected in real time using smart meters.
The scope of the research encompasses the creation of the AquaBIM prototype on a web
platform to implement the methodology. The information is presented through interactive
graphical interfaces, which facilitate analysis and interpretation.
The prototype was validated by proof-of-concept experiments conducted under real use
conditions. The test results demonstrated that AquaBIM generates important information in
helping decision-making. It realizes this by determining the consumption parameters and
ranges of activity categories according to real operation data. It performs three types of
consumption analyses (global, individual and activity category), estimates potential
overconsumption and identifies leaks. Results have shown an approximately 15%
consumption savings potential.
2. Study context BIM-IoT-FM
This section discusses the theoretical foundations of this work. It describes the conceptual integration for
transformations in modern water management and provides reflections on these changes in
the quest to increase the water use efficiency of buildings. In this way, it is possible to identify
the gaps present in the field of knowledge and define the questions in which the research will management
Figure 1.
Research framework
based on
Wieringa (2009)
Figure 2.
Detailing the solution
design (2) and its DSR
defined by the method of data collection, using the Shewhart’s statistical precepts. In this
research, these indicators serve as references for the analysis of water consumption and
definition of consumption ranges for the categories of commercial activities.
2.3.1 Digital data capture. The data is captured from two different sources: the BIM model
and the smart meters.
The Revit platform was chosen to generate the model and process information in the BIM
environment. The basic construction of a 3 days model includes geometric data of the building
(e.g. architecture, structure and mechanical). However, water management requires adding
other data (e.g.).
In this proposal, the model is improved to include information on the consumption BIM-IoT-FM
and activity of each store in the commercial building. The following data must be integration for
included: meter Identifier (ID), activity developed, activity category, owner name and
store name.
Consumption information, in turn, originates from a database of smart meters available in management
the cloud. Access to the database was done through an application programming interface
(API) composed of a uniform resource locator URL, which enables the capturing of data
according to predetermined frequency parameters, and returns the reading in a JavaScript
object notation (JSON) file type. This file type was used to store and transmit data in a text
format and is suitable for web applications.
Finally, the two databases are stored in a single database, which help define the online
analysis and monitoring criteria.
2.3.2 Definition of reference water consumption indicators. In this research, reference
consumption indicators were defined for the activity categories through a statistical study
carried out with the application of the SCC. The SCC is composed of three main lines: the
central line (CL), which represents the average value of the sample, the lower control limit
(LCL), and the upper control limit (UCL) (Montgomorey, 2012). This range represents the
probability that a random piece of data will be accepted. In practice, the 3σ coefficient was
adopted, which implies that 99.7% of the sample is within the standard (Walpole
et al., 2009).
Os dados captados na etapa anterior s~ao tratados para definir os indicadores de consumo.
First, the consumption data used to define the reference indicators were classified based on
the activity category and sample size. According to Montgomery (2012), to estimate quality
parameters through the SCC, samples must have between 20 and 25 units, while the minimum
sample must have four units. The analysis should consider a minimum period of one year,
typically the previous year, to characterize the average water consumption of the building
(Silva-Afonso, 2009).
In the subsequent stage the indicators are calculated using the R software for statistical
computation, considering a historical series of data collected online for one year and
presented through SCC. The CL represents the average consumption of the sample, and was
adopted as a reference indicator for each category. Consumption rates outside this range
are classified as atypical and high. Atypical consumption represents values below the LCL
and indicates unusual situations, such as the existence of closed stores, whilst high
consumption represents values above the UCL. However, high consumption values do not
necessarily mean there is wastage, as they may represent characteristic operational
processes. The consumption unit adopted (L/m2) enables the comparison between similar
activity businesses and different areas. A greater level of detail in the determination of
consumption indicators is described in the publication of the first part of this research
(Batista et al., 2022).
2.3.3 Water management tools for buildings. The proposals for water management tools
were based on the HQE framework to provide information at different levels (individual and
At the individual level, the tools present current (accumulated in the current month) and
historical data (evolution of consumption in a quarter) of each store separately. Similarly,
global water management tools analyze both types of consumption, however the information
is grouped into categories of activities. The consumption of the building is analyzed by the
tools global consumption by activity (percentages of each activity) and consumption by
activity (value of the day or accumulated in the month).
The solution design was complemented by methods that enable the modeling and analysis
of information on alarm events triggered by smart meters.
SASBE 2.4 Development of the prototype
The management of water consumption in the building during the operation phase is
typically not carried out by specialized technical personnel (architects/engineers). Within this
context, it was decided to develop an intuitive and easy-to-operate web application, referred
to as AquaBIM. This web application has a low implementation cost and enable the manager
to access consumption information in real time.
2.4.1 Development languages. AquaBIM was developed using appropriate programming
languages and tools for the web, which are listed in Table 1. The languages can be divided
Defines web page structures by
markup Programming
interpreting code to make it
language language
readable by the system.
Defines the graphic design of the
(Cascading Computing tool
style sheet).
Figure 3.
navigation flow
SASBE The platform chosen to perform this function was Autodesk’s Forge, which integrates
applications and services to run in the cloud, enabling the interoperability of information
from external databases using the 3D BIM model data and web browsing (Autodesk, 2020).
Given that there is no natural integration between the modeling and visualization platforms,
it was necessary to develop computational procedures to perform a consistent treatment of
information between different data sources. For the browsing of the BIM model in real time on
the web, the original file must be translated into a suitable format using the Navisworks
platform, before being read by the Forge platform.
Consumption and building data are stored in a SQlite database for the calculation of
consumption indicators, which consider the consumption data obtained in the previous
annual period. AquaBIM performs functions derived from statistical studies to create
reference consumption indicators each year.
3. Application of AquaBIM
AquaBIM was evaluated through a test concept, a technique used to verify the feasibility of a
project under the real conditions of use (Malsam, 2019; Elghaish et al., 2020). The test assesses
technical issues related to the applicability of the prototype and the principles proposed by
the methodology for management automation. The test was applied in the Central Market of
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais/Brazil.
The Central Market is a building built in 1929, with an area of 14,000 m2 spanning
across 3 floors, and housing of approximately 400 stores. The complexity of the Central
Market required special care in the verification of the consistency of the data from different
sources, such as collecting and reading the consumption data, BIM modeling, technical
visits for data collection and interviews with store owners and managers. As it is a historic
building, it was necessary to prepare the BIM model from the information collected
(Figure 4).
This meticulous construction of the database from different sources coupled with the rigor
of the consistency check made it possible to implement the methodology with a broader view,
including the other aspects of energy efficiency.
Figure 4.
Central Market
BIM model
The characterization of the Central Market consumption was initially carried out using data BIM-IoT-FM
collected between January and December 2019. The stores were classified into 17 activity integration for
categories, namely: pets, handcrafts, bars, beverages, herbs, flower shop, butchers,
horticulture, dairy, industrialized goods, restaurant/cafeteria, hairdresser/barber shop,
supplements, seasonings and domestic utilities. The activities that did not have enough management
stores to carry out a consistent statistical study were classified as diverse.
Figure 5.
Store management
functionalities applied
in AquaBIM
As in store management, the BIM model plays a key role both in capturing and analyzing
data and in visualizing and spatializing the information generated.
3.1.3 Alarms. The functionality runs independently of the user. When leaks or problems
with meters occur, a red alarm automatically flashes on the screen to facilitate of the user.
Otherwise, the icon becomes green. These data are stored and analyzed by reporting
3.1.4 Reporting. In this group, the annual data was consolidated in tables and graphs to
present a complete overview of building consumption. Aspects related to short-term
decisions are covered in two functionalities: General consumption (Figure 7a), which shows
the changes in the building’s total consumption, month by month, during the chosen year and
Consumption by activity shows the graph of the annual consumption changes by category
during the chosen year. The results of the chosen year can be interpreted through a graph for
one or more categories, or simultaneously for all of them (Figure 7b). When selecting a single
category, the reference standard consumption index is also presented.
Decisions related to planned planning are represented by analysis functionalities
(consumption and leaks). This functionality performs the analysis of the consumption
changes by activity categories considering their reference indicators, with the results being
presented in detailed tables. A table (Figure 7c) presents the consumption information in the
chosen month. The stores are grouped into atypical, standard and high, according to the
category’s reference indicator. For establishments whose consumption was classified as
atypical and high, the following information is generated: number of stores, cut-off limit,
consumption per square meter of store (l/m2) and store consumption in l, as well as the impact
on global consumption (%). For the establishments that fall into the standard consumption
integration for
Figure 6.
Building management
functionalities applied
in AquaBIM
classification, the information generated is similar, except for the replacement of the cut-off
limit using the value of the category’s consumption reference indicator.
Another table (Figure 7d) quantifies excessive water consumption from the analysis of
values above the cut-off limit of the high consumption range. This table shows the number of
stores presenting an excess monthly consumption for each category, and the respective area
of the set, value of standard consumption (l), value of excess consumption (l), and associated
cost ($).
Finally, the Alarm analysis functionality issues alarms in real time and analyzes the
information on these events, which are triggered according to the criteria defined by the smart
Figure 7.
Reports functionalities
applied in AquaBIM
meter manager. In addition to issuing automatic alarms on the screen, AquaBIM produces
tables with information on monthly alarms, containing the stores’ identification, number of
occurrences in a month, the reference consumption indicator (daily average) and excess
consumption values and its associated cost. The criterion adopted for the triggering of the
alarm was uninterrupted consumption for a period of 24 h. The real time alarms issued online in
were organized by the computational artifact to generate monthly reports. The reports, indexed
by date of occurrence, contain the name of the store where the event took place, the number of
occurrences and the recorded excess consumption. Excessive consumption is defined as the
values exceeding 20% of the store’s average daily consumption for the year.
4. Results and discussion BIM-IoT-FM
The application of digital technologies in the construction industry has enabled important integration for
advances in the design and construction of more sustainable buildings. The use of the BIM
methodology, associated with IoT devices, has gained prominence in the sector, especially in
the facilities management and building operation phases (Elghaish and Matarneh, 2021). management
Leak management, flow monitoring, overuse, contamination and devising strategies towards
acceptable water use are different sustainability strategies made possible by the application
of intelligent systems to water management (Krishnan et al., 2022).
This research is part of significant research endeavors in the search for innovative
solutions for the sustainable management of the use of water. The application of the
AquaBIM prototype in a concept test under real conditions of use produced original, accurate
and customized information about the use of water in the studied building.
The results of the application of AquaBIM and its indicators during the year 2019, enabled
the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the water consumption in the Central Market. In
that year, the water consumption in the building was 24,296,172 liters for a store area of
7,267 m2, which corresponds to a consumption of 3,343 l/m2.
In this way, it was possible to identify the largest consumers among the 17 categories
considered. Bars, butchers, dairy and restaurants, are responsible for about 66% of the global
consumption of the building; even though they only represent 21% of the number of stores
and 23% of the built area.
Analyses of this nature assist the management in defining the criteria for water use, and to
propose measures to improve its sustainability. This study provided relevant information for
the proposal of measures to mitigate the risks of excess consumption and promote water
The consumption analyses quantified by AquaBIM are summarized in Graph 1. They
indicate that in 2019, the Central Market had an estimated excess consumption of 3,750 m3,
approximately 15.44% of the building’s annual consumption, which demonstrates the need
for improving water use efficiency. The value identified in this study is in line with the
jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sept oct nov dec Graph 1.
Water consumption in
standard consump on Excess consump on the Central Market
in 2019
Source(s): Graph created by authors
SASBE requirements of AQUA-HQE certification, which includes a water consumption reduction of
5–10% as one of its environmental certification criteria (AQUA-HQE, 2017). The AquaBIM
also helps to meet other requirements such as characterization of consumption, continuous
monitoring of water use and reduction in leakage risks.
In a qualitative analysis, the results obtained demonstrate consistency with those found in
the existing literature, despite variations in commercial typologies and methodologies. See
Table 2.
In other words, the identification and treatment of excess consumption are important
sustainability certification criteria for the adoption of water conservation measures.
Currently, accessing pertinent information for water management through conventional
practices may pose significant difficulties, prompting the exploration of alternative sources
and methods for its acquisition. Inaccurate information based on monthly bills characterize
building water management (DEOREO et al., 1996). Currently, this scenario has begun to be
modified by the use of digital technologies. The result of the disaggregation of consumption
promoted by the analysis of smart meters data made it possible to parameterize the final
consumption of water in non-residential buildings.
AquaBIM innovates by performing analyses available using a web platform. According to
Wagner et al. (2020), 3D visualization in the web context is important to help non-expert
The online capture of consumption data by smart meters coupled with the information
provided by the BIM model enable the updated characterization of consumption using factors
that serve to improve the processes of inspection and control of water consumption. These
functionalities enable the manager to prepare strategic plans and propose proactive actions,
such as the implementation of conscious consumption campaigns. The specificity of the data
enables the navigation to the general scope or to specific categories and stores. Additionally,
it provides incentives for reviewing processes in the establishments presenting the highest
excess consumption.
Water management is one of the components of FM in buildings. According to the ISO
41001 standard on FM, it is necessary to plan, implement, monitor parameters and propose
actions to achieve improved performance, processes that are incorporated into AquaBIM’s
functionalities. These functionalities enable the systematic collection of consumption data
associated with building information in the BIM model to promote the sustainable
consumption management of the building. The study analyzed about 2.8 million
Saved water/
Building Water saving
typologies Database type Study objective potential Author
5. Conclusions
The issue of water scarcity has motivated researchers, organizations and governments to
research innovations for the rational use of water, while in search of adequate distribution for
the different activity sectors. In this context, the management of water consumption in
buildings, the objective of this research, is an important guideline for the design of
sustainable buildings.
Two important concepts were used to structure the contributions of this work. The first
was the association of the data obtained from IoT devices to the information from the
building’s BIM model, a line of research that has gained relevance in recent years. The second
was FM, a concept applied in this research due to its potential for improving sustainability
efficiency during the operation phase.
Traditionally, building management is based on outdated and dispersed information in
various types of documents. In this sense, the development of a methodology to automate
water management tools contributes to expanding the field of knowledge in the construction
The proposed methodology for water management in commercial buildings was
implemented in a web prototype called AquaBIM that enables the capturing, processing,
organization and analysis of data from smart meters and the BIM model. BIM-IoT integration
for FM made it possible to identify anomalies, establish trends in the building’s consumption
pattern and monitor the consumption changes over time. AquaBIM’s functionalities aim at
increasing management efficiency, and respond to the demand for sustainability according to
the principles of the ISO 41001 standard on FM.
To facilitate the analysis, the web application provides graphs and pivot tables that
enables the online monitoring and visualization of leak alerts. The 3D BIM model facilitates
the spatial interpretation of information.
An important contribution of this research was the definition of criteria to determine
the standard water consumption indicators for the activity categories. Determining
consumption parameters for commercial buildings contributes to filling a gap in water
management research. The research was evaluated by the application of AquaBIM in the
Central Market of Belo Horizonte, which is currently still in operation. AquaBIM details
the consumption of the building for three levels (individual per store, activity categories
and global), in addition to performing real time monitoring and estimating excesses. The
results show that the BIM-IoT-FM interaction supported the provision of useful data to
improve building management. The analyzes showed a potential annual savings of 15%,
display the highest consumption categories, enable online monitoring and rapid leak
detection. In this way manage the efficiency of water use in a more assertive way. This
automated management enables strategic planning and decision-making in favor of
The extension and generalization of the proposed methodology has great potential for
future work in that other buildings of similar typologies and categories of activities can be
studied by applying this methodology. Its implementation in different typologies and
activities is also a proposal for future works. Increasing the number of buildings tested will
reduce the current research limitation. New research is more important if it considers the
broader concept of energy, and the application of this methodology in studies on
sustainability in the consumption of other resources such as gas and electricity.
SASBE The practical foundations of this research contributed to FM and operational database
systematization in helping new projects or establishing consumption reduction policies for
the commercial sector. The impact of water conservation in buildings on the overall water
consumption of cities is significant. Thus, improvements in building water management
practices will likely be directly linked to resilience and equity in water distribution in the near
In addition, the study contributes to start a new research direction on BIM–IoT–FM
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