CB3491 Ccs-Cse

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Chikkarayapuram, Near Mangadu Chennai -600 069

Academic Year 2023- 2024/ Odd Semester
Assessment Test-I
Branch : CSE – V Semester Date: 26-08-2023
Sub Code: CB3491 Marks: 70
Subject : Cryptography and Cyber Security Time: 2.00 Hrs
Part – A (15*2 = 30)
1. Define cryptography with its advantages.
2. Differentiate active attack and passive attack.
3. What is meant by security attack?
4. Specify the criteria of Blocked cipher
5. Name any two methods for testing prime numbers.
6. State Fermat’s theorem.
7. Find the GCD( 16,20 ) using Euclid’s algorithm.
8. Convert the plaintext “meet me after the yoga party” into cipher text using Caesar cipher.
9. What is Brute –force attack? merits and demerits
10. Specify the basic task for designing a security service
11. Define crypt analysis ?
12. Define confusion and diffusion in network security
13. Specify the basic task for defining a network services?
14. Define security mechanism?
15. Categorize passive and active attack with its types.
Part – B (2*13=26)
16. a) i) Convert “COE” using Hill cipher with the key matrix “ANOTHERBZ Convert the cipher text back
to plaintext. (6)
ii) Using poly alphabetic cipher convert the plaintext “COME TODAY “ using Key ‘NCBTZQARX’ .
b) Explain OSI security architecture in detail. (13)

17. a) i) Write about steganographic and its techniques with detail diagram. (6)

ii) State and explain the principle of Network security ? (7)


b) What is DES? State about S-DES in detail with example. (13)

Part -C

18.Explain the followings (1*14=14)

a. (i) playfair cipher Verman cipher in detail with example problem . (or)

b.(ii) Explain in detail about Feistel cipher with diagram

Chikkarayapuram, Near Mangadu Chennai -600 069
Academic Year 2023- 2024/ Odd Semester
Assessment Test-I
Branch : CSE – V Semester Date: 26-08-2023
Sub Code: CB3491 Marks: 70
Subject : Cryptography and Cyber Security Time: 2.00 Hrs
Part – A (15*2 = 30)
1. What are the principle of security.
2. Define cryptography with its example.
3. What is meant by security attack?
4. What is security mechanism?
5. What is passive attack with example?
6. State Fermat’s theorem.
7. Find the GCD( 48,30 ) using Euclid’s algorithm.
8. Convert the plaintext “Computer security ” into cipher text using Caesar cipher.
9. Define Brute –force attack? merits and demerits
10. Commenta the basic task for designing a security service
11. Define crypt analysis ?
12. Define Transposition Techniques with example.
13. What is mean by steganography with example.?
14. Define security mechanism?
15. Differentiate between attack and Threat.
Part – B (2*13=26)
16. a) i) Convert “ESSENTIAL ” using Hill cipher with the key matrix “ANOTHERBZ Convert the cipher
text back to plaintext. (6)
ii) What is monoalphabetic cipher? Examine how it differ from ceaser cipher.
b) Discuss about OSI security architecture in detail with neat diagram. (13)

17. a) i ) Differentiate between substitution techniques and Transposition techniques. (6)

ii) Write about steganographic and its techniques with detail diagram. ? (7)


b) Define DES? Illustrate about S-Data Encryption Standared in detail with example. (13)

Part -C

18.Explain the followings with example (1*14=14)

a. (i) cryptosystem (ii) cryptanalysis (iii) crytplogy (or)

b.(ii) Discuss about Feistel cipher and Symmetric cipher with example.

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