005 Check The Bias Current RAQ - Biascurrent

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R A Q ’ s

Rarely Asked Questions

Strange but true stories from the call logs of Analog Devices

Check the Bias Current (Or How to Ensure

that a Blessing is Heard)
Q. The bias current in modern amplifiers is very small. Contributing Writer

Do I need to bother about it? James Bryant has

been a European

A. At Mass in All amplifying Applications Manager

Limerick, Ireland devices—bipo- with Analog Devices
(the location of lar transistors, since 1982. He holds a
one of Analog JFETs,
degree in Physics and
Devices’ manu- MOSFETs, and
facturing facili- even tubes— Philosophy from the
ties) one have dc cur- University of Leeds. He
Sunday, the rents, known as is also C.Eng.,
priest was rather bias currents, in
Eur.Eng., MIEE, and an
softly spoken. their inputs. For
Almost whisper- some JFETs FBIS. In addition to
ing into the and MOSFETs his passion for engi-
microphone he these are as neering, James is a
said, “The Lord small as 20 fA
be with you.” (2E-14 amps)— radio ham and holds
Nothing at all came out of the PA system about one electron every eight microsec- the call sign G4CLF.
and only the front row could possibly have onds—but the inputs of op-amps and in-
heard him. Picking up the microphone he amps typically have bias currents in the
murmured to himself, “There’s something range of pA to µA. A circuit design that
wrong with the microphone.” This was ampli- does not accommodate these bias currents
fied to fill the church and the congregation will not work properly, and may not work at Have a question
responded to a man, “And also with you!” I all. But because they are so small, unintend-
restrained my mirth with difficulty and after- ed leakage paths (the one through Father involving a
wards offered to fix the problem. Aidan’s body is an example) may often allow
It was a moving coil microphone with a dif- a badly designed circuit to work despite
ferential output to an SSM2019 preamplifier. itself—but it probably won’t work well. perplexing or
The microphone was in perfect condition Good analog designs do not leave bias cur-
and delivering a signal to the amplifier rent effects to chance and good luck, but
unusual analog
inputs, but the connection from the cable allow for them and ensure that they affect
screen to the metal microphone body was neither performance nor functionality.
broken. A broken ground might cause hum Not only did I repair the broken connec- problem? Submit
(this barely happened), but why should it dis- tion, I also added two equal grounded resis-
able the amplifier? tors to the amplifier inputs ensuring that
When I examined the preamplifier circuit it future microphone ground faults might cause
your question to:
became clear—the microphone’s center-tap, hum but would not silence Father Aidan. raq@reedbusiness.com
which was grounded to the case of the
microphone, carried the bias currents of the
two SSM2019 inputs. With the ground open- To learn more about how
circuited, there was nowhere for bias cur- bias current affects SPONSORED BY
rents to flow and the amplifier stopped op amps,
working. When Father Aidan touched the
microphone, his body provided a current Go to:
path to ground and everything worked http://rbi.ims.ca/5696-104
again, albeit with a little hum.

[ d e s i g n n e w s . c o m ] 1 1 . 2 1 . 0 5 D E S I G N N E W S 27

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