Earthing For Audio
Earthing For Audio
Earthing For Audio
s the generous frame of Bob Conduct
approached, I knew I was in trouble. “You There are two types of noise that need rejecting: low
presented a talk at the BBC on the basics of frequency noise such as mains hum (50Hz) and buzz
earthing didn’t you?” “No”, I said, unconvincingly. (100Hz), plus high frequency noise such as radio
Undeterred, Bob, a zealous member of the IBS interference, digital breakthrough, thyristor noise (from
Executive, pressed an ancient VHS tape firmly into my lighting dimmer circuits), and basically anything that
hand. Glancing down I noticed that the case sported the switches at high frequencies. Clearly, high gain circuits
legend: BBC Earthing seminar by Peter Thomas 1987. such as mic and guitar preamps are particularly
“Er, yes” I muttered under my breath and, unbeknown vulnerable. High frequency interference is on the
to me, had at that moment agreed to present a talk on increase, and becoming harder to eradicate. One of the
earthing to the IBS. Not learning from this episode, I fell delights of trying to find a solution to eliminate both low
for the same trick again, played deftly by the Editor of frequency and high frequency sources of noise is that
Line Up, Hugh Robjohns, and agreed to produce a piece the cure for one often increases the other – but then you
for this edition. wouldn’t expect anything less!
At the outset, I need to make clear that there are no There are many ways that these noise sources find
references to PMC loudspeakers at all (except in this their way into our audio circuits. The five primary routes
introduction). Neither are there any black and white are: induced currents, capacitive-coupled currents, loop
answers to earthing issues, nor easy fixes to the currents, fault currents (including dirty earths), and
numerous problems caused by earthing configurations. finally multiple earth paths. Did I say this was going to
If this is your expectation then stop reading right now to be easy?
avoid disappointment. The management also reserves
the right to oversimplify situations for the benefit of Induced and Capacitive Coupled
clarity, teach their grandmothers to suck eggs and keep Take a look at figure 2. This shows how induced and
engineering detail to a minimum. Insomniacs are advised capacitive-coupled currents cause noise. Here we see a
to keep this article handy by their bedside. balanced cable in the foreground lying next to two
The purpose of this brief tour of earthing is to raise external cables. Low frequency noise is induced
awareness of what causes hum and noise in audio electromagnetically into the audio cable (left of picture),
systems, and ultimately produce a simple list of logical and high frequency noise is capacitively
things to check to isolate and avoid problems. (electrostatically) coupled into it (right).
Figure 2: Inductive and capacitive coupling
Mains Earth
Before we launch headlong into earthing, it’s quite
important to appreciate where the mains earth
originates from and what it’s actually there for.
Figure 1 shows an
extremely simplified
circuit diagram of a three
phase generator. Note
that there are three live These are two good reasons for keeping audio
(L) outputs (marked ‘Line’ cables as far away as possible from other cables carrying
on the diagram), whilst potential noise sources – such as cables carrying mains
the neutrals (N) are all or digital signals.
tied together. Note also
that the neutrals are Loop Currents
Figure 1: connected to ground. This will become an important Figure 3 is an example of how loop circuits act like
A simplified factor later on. The earth’s primary role is naturally for detectors for noise when connecting two pieces of
diagram of a safety. However, in audio systems it also has to provide unbalanced equipment together. In this example, both
three phase noise rejection through shielding against low and high pieces of equipment are plugged into the mains and
mains frequency noise (hum and interference). For the audio receive a (safety) earth which also provides a link
generator professional the dilemma with this is that its safety role between the two chassis. Additionally, the screen of the
often conflicts with the goal to keep noise at a unbalanced cable also provides a connection between
minimum… but this is not – under any circumstances – the two units forming a ‘ground loop’ with the mains
an excuse to remove a safety earth to cure noise earth. The noise source only produces an audible
of the audio Older equipment usually connected the shell of the XLR
circuit, and to the equipment chassis whilst pin 1 was connected to
although forming the internal 0 Volts reference for the electronics. For
an additional link new equipment conforming to AES48-2005 (see Fig 9),
between the two pin 1 and the XLR shell are now connected directly to
pieces of the equipment chassis.
equipment along So that XLR cables function with both topologies
with the mains without causing hum and noise, pin 1 and the shell are
Figure 6: earth connection, best wired separately to avoid problems, allowing the
An unbalanced no noise current is equipment to determine whether they are linked or not.
connection flowing in the In other words, do not link pin 1 and the shell inside
audio go and XLR connectors.
return feeds. Even Lifting Pin 1
in a noisy In the situation where there is still a hum and noise
environment, this
circuit should be
noise free as the
audio is balanced
Figure 7: around the earth,
A balanced and any earth
connection current noise is
not ‘seen’ by the audio circuits.
To provide greater rejection and higher immunity
from external noise in high gain circuits or in areas of
high potential noise sources, connecting equipment
together with ‘star quad’ cable will reduce noise Figure 9: The AES48-2005 grounding recommendation.
problems significantly – albeit at additional cost. Its four
conductor construction provides over ten times the problem, a common quick fix is to remove the earth
noise immunity of ordinary cable from induced and connection to pin 1 in the XLR cable at one end.
capacitively coupled noise sources. Although solving low frequency hum problems, this
technique does compromise the screening and
Electronically Balanced consequently can increase high frequency noise
The rejection of noise by a balanced circuit relies on two intrusion. It also causes problems if cables are extended
mains things: the accuracy of the balance of the by plugging two together – since the screen connection
equipment’s input and output circuits – the common may be removed entirely. Rather than modifying cables
mode rejection – and that the circuits are earth free. by permanently disconnecting pin 1, an easier and
When audio transformers were the common means more controllable solution is to make up some XLR
of achieving balanced inputs and outputs they were barrels with pin 1 disconnected internally. These can
truly earth free (as in the case of isolating transformers). then be connected in series with the XLR cable when
However, as electronically balanced circuits are now required.
standard in many products, a reference to earth is
inherently present and provides an alternative path for
noise to intrude into the audio circuits. Figure 8
illustrates the possible routes within a piece of
equipment from both the output and input electronic In Summary
balanced circuits.
In view of the above, electronically balanced circuits ● Connect equipment to a known clean earth, or
can still be prone to noise from multiple earth loops. connect to common earth point.
● Don’t mix earths.
Figure 8: ● Avoid unbalanced equipment.
Possible earth
noise routes ● Use star quad interconnects in sensitive circuits.
within ● Re-site equipment and cables away from noise
electronically sources.
● Lift mains earths only with isolating transformers.
● Lift Pin 1 on XLR if all else fails.
The overriding factor in trying to reduce noise
problems is not to compromise the safety
earthing in any way.