Sr. Quality Engineer (QA/QC)
Nagnath Garad
Stone is a naturally available material of construction and is
obtained from rocks.
Classification of Rocks
Rocks are classified in following three ways
1. Geological Classification
2. Physical Classification
3. Chemical Classification
Geological Classification
i. Igneous Rocks:
These rocks are formed by the cooling of molten rocky
material called magma which is inside the earth's surface.
eg. Granite.
If the magma cools at a relatively shallow depth from
earth's surface then it is called Hyperbyssal rocks.
eg. Dolerite.
Geological Classification
If the magma cools at earth's surface
then it is called volcanic rocks.
eg. Basalt.
1. Impact test
2. Crushing strength test
3. Attrition test
4. Hardness Test
5. Water absorption test
6. Freezing and thawing test
7. Microscopic test
8. Smith's test
Impact test:
In this test, a cylinder of diameter 25 mm and height 25 mm is
taken out from the sample of stone.
A steel hammer of wt 2 Kg is allowed to fall axially on the
cylinder from 1cm height for first blow, 2 cm height for
second blow etc.
Blow at which the specimen breaks is noted.
If it is nth blow, n represents the toughness index of stone.
Crushing Strength test:
In this test, a cube of stone is tested in a compression testing
The rate of loading is 4.0 N / mm2 per minute.
The maximum load at which the stone crushes is noted.
Crushing Strength of the stone =
Max load / Area of bearing face of the stone
Attrition test:
In this test, some known weight of stone pieces are taken and
put in the Deval's attrition test cylinder.
The cylinder is rotated about its horizontal axis for 5 hrs at the
rate of 30 RPM. Then the contents in the cylinder are sieved
by 1.5 mm sieve.
Hardness Test:
In this test, a cylinder of stone diameter 25 mm and height 25
mm is placed in Dorry’s testing machine and pressed with a
pressure of 12.5 N.
The annular steel disc of the machine is rotated at a speed of
28 RPM.
During rotation coarse sand of standard specification is
sprinkled on the top of disc.
After 1000 revolutions, the specimen is taken out and
Water absorption test:
In this test, a stone of known weight is immersed in water for
24 hrs.
Then it is weighed again after 24 hrs and the percentage
absorption of water should not exceed 0.6
Freezing and thawing test:
In this test specimen of stone is placed in freezing mixture
at12°c for 24 hours and it is then warmed at atmospheric
temperature. The procedure is repeated for several times and
the behavior of stone is noted.
Microscopic test:
In this test, thin sections of stone are taken and they are examined
in a microscope to study various properties like grain size,
mineral constituents etc.
Smith’s test:
In this test, clear water is taken in a test and pieces of stones are
placed in it.
The tube is vigorously stirred.
If the water becomes dirty it indicates the stone contains earthy
Qualities of Good Building Stone
A good building stone should have the following qualities:
Paving road
Railway track Ballast
Retaining walls
Dams construction
Bricks are artificial blocks manufactured from
tempered clay into standard sizes.
Bricks are manufactured from Earth containing
alumina (20 to 30%)
Silica (50 to 60%),
Iron Oxide (5 to 6%) and small quantities of
lime and magnesia.
Manufacture of Bricks
Manufacture of bricks involves the following operations
Then entire clamp is plastered on all the sides and top and
filled with earth cover to conserve the heat.
The bricks are burnt for a period of one or two months and
then cooled for the same period.
Burning in Kilns:
When large number of bricks have to be burnt Kilns are
Kilns are of two types
Intermittent Kilns and
Continuous Kilns
In intermittent Kilns the loading firing cooling and unloading
are done one after the other and not simultaneously
whereas in continuous these operations are carried out without
any interruptions.
Merits and demerits of Clamp and Kiln
burning of Bricks
Clamp Burning:
1. It is a temporary structure
Kiln Burning:
1. It is a permanent structure
The bricks should have even surfaces free from flaw or cracks
and should have sharp well defined edges.
A brick soaked in water should not show any deposit of white salts
on drying in shade.
When dropped flat from a height of 1m ,the brick should not break.
Bricks should not conduct most heat and they should be sound
Testing of Bricks
1. Crushing strength test: Minimum crushing strength of
bricks is 3.5 N/mm2and for superior bricks; it may vary
7.0 to 14.0 N/mm2
2. Soundness test: In this test, two bricks are taken and they
are struck with each other. Bricks should not break and a
clear ringing sound should be produced.
Limestone and shale are first crushed and then they are mixed either
in wet state or in dry state by grounding them together.
1 Lime CaO 60 to 67
2 Silica Sio2 17 to 25
3 Iron Oxide Fe2O3 0.5 to 6
4 Alumina Al2O3 3 to 8
5 Gypsum or CaSO4 3 to 4
Calcium Sulphate
6 Magenisum Oxide MgO 0.1 to 4
7 Sulphur Trioxide SO3 1 to 3
8 Alkalies such as NaOK2O 0.1 to 1
Functions and Effects of Various Ingredients
▶ It is fast reacting with large amount of heat
▶ It causes initial setting of cement.
▶ It is weak against sulphate attack.
▶ It is comparatively inactive.
▶ It has poor cementing value.
▶ It is slow in reaction with small heat generation.
Properties of Cement
1. Fineness:
It is the degree of grinding of cement.
The rate of reaction depends upon the fineness of grinding .
For accurate measurement it is measured by surface area, air
permeability method and the unit is cm2/gram of cement.
2. Setting Time:
Setting of cement is the phenomenon by virtue of which the
green cement changes into hard mass.
Initial setting is a stage in the process of hardening after which
any crack that may appear will not reunite and the completion of
this process is, known as final setting time.
The time between water is added in cement and initial setting
takes place is known as Initial Setting Time.
Cement should not loose its plasticity till the various
operations of mixing, transporting and placing are complete.
Hence this time is generally kept not less than 30 minutes.
3. Strength:
The quality of concrete and cement is always judged by
strength and that is only by compressive strength because
cement is weak in tension and for it steel reinforcement is
always provided.
For this purpose cement and standard sand are mixed in the
ratio of 1:3
3. Soundness:
Free lime and magnesia present in cement makes the cement
unsound by increasing the volume after setting.
It is generally measured by Le-Chatelier method or by
Autoclave method.
4. Heat of Hydration:
Setting of cement is due to chemical reactions between
cement and water and this process is known as Hydration.
As, this reaction is exothermal process, so sufficient heat is
generated and this process continues for an indefinite period at
a diminishing rate.
It is always measured in calories/gram unit.
Different Types of Cement
In it white chalk and china clay are used instead of lime stone
and clay as these are having low percentage of Iron Oxide
i.e.1 %.
M 5 - 1:5:10
M 7.5- 1:4:8
M 10 - 1:3:6
M 15 - 1:2:4
M 20 - 1:1.5:3
M 25 - 1:1:2
Gain of strength with age
Gain of strength with age
The concrete develops strength with continued hydration.
The rate of gain of strength is faster to start with and the rate
gets reduced with age.
It is customary to assume the 28 days strength as the full
strength of concrete. Actually concrete develops strength
beyond 28 days also. The variation of strength with age is
Minimum Age of member with full age
design stress is expected (months) factor
1 1.00
3 1.10
6 1.15
12 1.20
Strength of Concrete
Strength of concrete is its resistance to
Slump Test
2. Batching of Materials
Batching means measurement of ingredients of
concrete for proper mixing.
Normally such a quantity is mixed in one batch,
which can be transported, placed and compacted
with in time i.e. before initial set takes place.
Batching is of two types.
Volume Batching.
Weight Batching.
2. Batching of Materials
Measurement of Cement:
Cement is always measured by weight.
A batch of concrete should always consume full number of
bags. For this purpose weight, of cement bag is taken as 50 kg.
Measurement of Water:
Water is generally measured by volume because its weight can
not be easily calculated.
Measurement of Aggregate by Volume:
For these purpose generally wooden boxes of capacity
equivalent or part of one cement bag i.e. 35 liters are used.
These boxes are known as Petties or Farmas or Gauge Box.
2. Batching of Materials
Weigh Batching:
As per the name, ingredients of concrete are
measured by weight.
This is more accurate and is generally used
where high quality concrete is required.
As described earlier generally one cement bag
or its multiple is the basic unit.
In this system allowance for water present in
aggregate is made, but bulking has no effect.
Operations in Concreting
3. Mixing of Concrete:
i) Hand Mixing
ii) Machine Mixing.
i) Hand Mixing: It is adopted for small works where quantity of
concrete required is small. In it various ingredients of concrete
are mixed by hand.
A. Continuous mixer
B. Batch type mixer.
3. Mixing of Concrete
A. Continuous mixer:
It mixes and delivers concrete just as a steady stream of
concrete, till it is in operation.
This type of mixers is not so common in use in India.
5. No-Fines Concrete
6. Pre-Cast Concrete
i) Pre-tensioning and
ii) Post tensioning.
i) Pre-tensioning:
In pre-tensioning method, the wires are initially stressed and
the concrete is cast in the moulds built around the wires.
The wires released after the concrete attain its strength.
3. Pre-stressed Concrete
ii) Post-tensioning:
In post tensioning the wires are placed inside the
concrete and then stressed.
The use of prestressed concrete results in saving of
concrete and steel to the extent of 50% and 80%
respectively compared to RCC.
4. Light Weight Concrete
They are produced from a wide variety of both natural earth
substance and fly ash.
It mainly consists of cement, aggregates of loose porosity, steel
and water.
The bulk density of this concrete varies from 500 to 1800
kg/m3 whereas the bulk density of ordinary concrete is about
2300 kg/m3.
▶ Its weight is less
▶ It has better insulating and fire resisting properties
▶ It saves the cost of material handling because of its lightness.
▶ Local industrial waste can be economically utilized to prepare
this type of concrete.
5. No-fines Concrete
It consists of cement, coarse aggregate and water. Thus fine
aggregate or sand is eliminated.
This concrete has been adopted for cast-in-situ external load
bearing walls of single and multi storey houses, small retaining
walls etc.,
The advantages are It possesses better insulating properties
▶ The unit weight of no-fines concrete is
about 2/3 of the unit weight of conventional concrete.
▶ The drying shrinkage is low
6. Precast Concrete
Precast concrete is manufactured in a factory and the
transmitted to the site.
The advantages are:
▶ The pre-cast articles may be given the desired shape and finish
with accuracy.
▶ The labour required in the manufacturing process of pre-cast
units can be easily trained.
▶ Concrete of superior quality is produced
▶ The pre-cast structures can be dismantled when required and
they can then be suitably used elsewhere.
▶ The work can be completed in short time.
7. Fiber Reinforced Concrete
It mainly consists of cement, fiber, sand and water.
Asbestos, glass, nylon or coconut fibers have been
tried as alternative to steel.
The advantages are:
• It has thin sections
• Production rate is less
• More durable
• Less maintenance cost
Steel is probably the most versatile commonly used structural
Steel is used to a large extent in modern multi-storied
Steel is used as reinforcing bars/wires for concrete since
concrete is weak in tension.
Structural steel is available in various forms and shapes and it
is being used for various structural components.
Physical Properties of Mild Steel
Mass density = 7850 Kg/m3
Young’s Modulus = 2.04 x 105 N/mm2
Modulus of Rigidity = 0.785 x 105 N/mm2
Poisson’s Ratio = 0.25 – 0.3
Coefficient of thermal expansion = 12 x 10-6 per º c
Reinforcement Steel
Steel reinforcement is of following types
These are rolled as in the case of plate but are much longer in
lengths and have shorter widths.
The widths vary form 18mm to 50 mm. The minimum and
maximum thickness vary from 3mm to 80 mm.
Flat section may have one rounded side with greater thickness
than the remaining section and this is called bulb ball. T
Angle sections are widely used in steel trusses. Most common
types are angles with equal legs and with unequal legs and are
designated by ISA width and height of legs of angles.
The equal angles vary form 20 mm x 20mm to 200mm x
200mm in size and 3mm to 5mm in thickness.
The term 20mm x 20mm denotes that the width of legs is
20mm overall. Unequal angles vary in size from 20mm x
30mm to 220mm x 100mm and thickness from 4mm to 20mm.
Special angles with a square toe, round backed, acute, square
root and bulb types are also available.
These are used for roof trusses and for certain built up
They are designated by the width of the stem, width of the
table and by the thickness.
The standard sizes vary form 40mm x 40mm to 150mm x
150mm with thickness from 6mm to 8mm.
Special T-Sections with bulbs etc. are also used to some
Channels are mainly used for beams, columns and top and
bottom chord members of truss.
They are designated by the depth, flange width and weight per
The size varies form 50mm x 75mm x 3kg to 420mm x
100mm x 30kg.
Whenever stronger channels of lesser depth are required,
these are specially cast with greater thickness than given by
the standards.
Almost all interview questions will be asked from these notes. so read
Nagnath Garad