Kapoor Book
Kapoor Book
Kapoor Book
Elements of
N. D. Kapoor
Formerly, Head of the Department of Commerce
Hans Raj College, University of Delhi, Delhi
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We assure to carry out correction in the subsequent edition, as and when it is known.
organization. The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 was published in Official Gazette of India
on 9th January, 2009 and has been notified with effect from 31st March, 2009.
4. Volume II of the book on Company Law with Schedules has been thoroughly updated and amended
upto 2019.
• Amendment of Section 2 in clause (41); 12 (Insertion of sub-section 9); 14 [sub-section (1)
and (2)]; 26 [in Sub-sections (4), (5) & (6)]; 29; 35 in sub-section (2) in clause (c); 53 for sub-
section (3); 64 for sub-section (2); 77 in sub-section (1), in clause (a) and clause (b); 86 sub-
section (1) & namely-sub-section (2); 90 sub-section (4), (4A), (9), (9A) and (11); 92 sub-
section (5); 105 sub-section (3); 117 for sub-section (2); 121 sub-section (3); 132 sub-section
(1) following sub-section is inserted namely (1A), (3), (3A), (3B) and (4) in clause (c) for sub-
clause (B); 135 sub-section (5), (6), (7) & (8); 137; 140 for sub-section (3); 157 for sub-
section (2); 164 sub-section (1), after clause (h); 165 sub-section (6); 191 sub-section (5);
197 sub-section (15); 203 in sub-section (5); 212 sub-sections (8), (9) and (10), after sub-
section (14) sub-section (14A) shall be inserted; 238 in sub-section (3); 241 in sub-section (2),
after sub-section (2), (3), (4) and (5) shall be inserted; 242 after sub-section (4) sub-section
(4A) shall be inserted; 243 sub-section (1) sub-sections (1A) and (1B) are inserted, (b) in sub-
section (2); 248 in sub-section (1) in clause (c) and after clause (c); 272 in sub-section (3); 398
in sub-section (1) in clause (f); 441 in sub-section (1), in clause (b), for sub-section (6); 446B;
447 in the provision, for the words “twenty lakh rupees”, the words “fifty lakh rupees” shall be
substituted; 454 in sub-sections (3), (4) and (8) in clause (i) in clause (ii) have been amended.
• Insertion of new Sections 10A; 454 A – (Penalty for repeated default) has been inserted.
• Substitution of new Section for Section 159 – (Penalty for default of certain provisions).
5. To improve the grasp and understanding of the subject-matter, more questions like – 526 Objective
Type (Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank, True and False) have been updated.
6. New Typography of the book makes the book strain-free and reader friendly.
7. A comprehensive “Subject Index” adds to the value of book facilitating readers to easily search the
topic of his / her interest.
We acknowledge with gratitude the help received from scholars, friends and well-wishers at the
various stages of preparation of this Revised Edition. Suggestions are invited to further improve the
book. Kindly share your views at info@sultanchandandsons.com
Editorial Team
Sultan Chand & Sons
6. Prospectus 58
7. Share Capital and Debentures 81
8. Acceptance of Deposits by Companies 101
9. Registration of Charges 104
10. Management and Administration 109
11. Declaration and Payment of Dividend 125
12. Accounts of Companies 127
13. Audit and Auditors 136
14. Appointment of Directors 147
15. Meeting of Board and its Powers 161
16. Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel 179
17. Inspection, Inquiry and Investigation 188
18. Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations 201
19. Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement 216
20. Registered Valuers 223
21. Removal of Names of Companies from the Register of Companies 224
22. Winding Up 227
23. Companies Authorised to Register under Companies Act 261
24. Companies Incorporated Outside India 265
25. Government Companies 271
26. Registration Offices and Fees 272
27. Companies to Furnish Information or Statistics 276
28. Nidhi 277
29. National Company Law Tribunal and Appellate Tribunal 278
30. Special Courts 281
31. Miscellaneous 283
32. The Companies Act, 2013 (Schedules) 291
6. Prospectus 58-80
SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2009 | Definition | Contents of Prospectus/Disclosures in Prospectus | Concept
of Dematerialised Shares (Section 29 of the Companies Act, 2013) | Book
Building | Misstatements in Prospectus and their Consequences | Civil Liability
(Sec. 35, New Companies Act) | Sec. 34 (New Companies Act) | Test Questions |
Practical Problems
4. The Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 112-139
Application of the Act | Definitions | Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme
(1952) | Employees’ Pension Scheme and Fund (1995) | Employees’ Deposit-linked
Insurance Scheme and Fund (1976) | Clarification Pertaining to
Contributions | Administration of the Schemes | Determination of Moneys Due
from Employers, their Recovery and Employees’ Provident Funds Appellate
Tribunal | Inspectors | Penalties and Offences | Miscellaneous | Test Questions
5. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (as amended upto 29-3-2018) 140-154
Definitions | Payment and Forfeiture of Gratuity and Exemption (Secs. 4 and
5) | Compulsory Insurance and Protection of Gratuity (Secs. 4 A and
13) | Nomination (Sec. 6) | Determination and Recovery of Gratuity (Secs. 7 and
8) | Inspectors (Secs. 7 A and 7 B) | Penalties and Offences (Secs. 9 to
11) | Miscellaneous | Test Questions
14. The Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 305-309
Application and Scope of the Act | Definitions | Notification of Vacancies | Penalties
(Sec. 7) | Miscellaneous | Test Questions
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Subject Index
Associated Hotels of India v. Excise & Taxation Officer electronic signature I: 621
I: 218 Authorised Officer III: 114
Associated Oil Carriers Ltd. v. Union Insurance Authorised person I: 602, 607-609
Society of Canton Ltd. I: 518 Authority I: 295-296
Associated Publishers (Madras) Ltd. v. Govt. of Tamil express or implied I: 295-296
Nadu III: 269 meaning I: 295
Association Authority Sabastian Almenda v. Taylor R.M. III: 172
illegal II: 24-25 Available surplus III: 270, 272
winding up of II: 25 determination of III: 275
non-profit II: 20-21 Average pay
Association of Engg. Workers v. Indian Hume Pipe definition III: 200
Co. Ltd. III: 237 Awards I: 458, 465, 468, 471-476; III: 214, 217,
Assumed risks doctrine III: 41 219, 224-228
Assurance I: 498-499 binding on parties III: 226
Asymmetric crypto system I: 619, 620 definitions III: 200, 224, 270
Attemptea performance see Valid tender enforcement of III: 225
Attorney I: 618 form of III: 224
Attorney of Austrailia v. Adelaid S.S. Co. I: 86 operation period III: 226-227
Attornment I: 254 publication of III: 224-225
Attwood v. Lamont I: 87 punishment for breach of III: 227
Atwood v. Maude I: 321 rejection or modification III: 225
Auction sale I: 269-270
procedure to I: 269
rules for I: 269-270
B. Chalapathi v. Official Assignee I: 535
B.M. & G. Engg. Factory v. Bahadur Singh III: 46
Auctioneer I: 195-196
B.M. Chatterjee v. State of Bengal III: 76
Audit Committee II: 163-164
Auditing standards II: 143 B.N. Murthy & Sons v. V.V. Suguna I: 293
Auditors B.N. Rail. v. Moola Sicka & Co. I: 540
Babasaheb v. Rajaram I: 93
appointment of II: 136-138
Babul v. R.A. Singh I: 61
conditions of II: 136-137
Babulal v. State Bank of Bikaner I: 451
eligibility for II: 139-140
Badli workman III: 231-232
Government company II: 137-138
qualifications for II: 140 Badridas v. Meghraj I: 94
rotation II: 137 Badri Prasad v. Nagarmal II: 25
Badri Prasad v. State of M.P. I: 222, 240
selection procedure II: 136
Bagel v. Miller I: 303
cost auditing II: 145-146
Bai Diva Kaluji v. Silver Cotton Mills Ltd.
disqualification II: 140
III: 52
powers and duties of II: 141-143
punishment for contravention II: 144-145 Bai Lakhsmi v. Jaswantlal I: 502
removal II: 138 Bai Malimabu v. State of Gujarat III: 85
remuneration II: 140
duties of I: 175-177
resignation II: 138-139
rights of I: 177-178
services not to be rendered by II: 143-144
wrong-doer I: 179
Auditor’s certificate II: 207
Auditors’ report I: 678, 714; II: 130, 141-142 seealso Pawnee
auditor’s duty to sign II: 144 Bailment I: 172-178, 179, 183, 221
termination of I: 180-181
characteristics of I: 714
seealso Pledge
Government companies II: 271
members’ right to copy II: 133-134
duties of I: 174-175
Austin v. Drewee I: 508
Authentication I: 620-621 rights of I: 177
wrong-doer I: 179
Subject Index I.vii
seealso Pawnor Banking Regulation Act, 1949 I: 447, 448; II: 84;
Baily v. De Crespigny I: 124 III: 270, 273, 276, 284
Bains v. Ewing I: 205 Banking Service Commission III: 200
Baivijli v. Nansa Nagar I: 78 Banking Service Commission Act, 1975 III: 200
Bal Mukand v. Munna Lal Ramji Lal I: 378 Bankrupt
Bala Debi v. S. Majumdar I: 55 meaning I: 560-561
Balakrishna Pillai & Others v. Anant Engg. Works undischarged I: 562
(Pvt.) Ltd. III: 247 Bankruptcy I: 559
Bakshi Hardatt v. The State of J.K. I: 108 commencement date I: 561
Balance Sheet II: 27, 313-320 committee of creditors I: 561
general instructions for II: 314-320 debt I: 561
preparation of schedule of II: 314 excluded I: 562
Baldry v. Marshal I: 231 partnership I: 562
Baldwin v. London Chatham & Dover Rail Co. qualifying I: 562
I: 536 repayment plan I: 562
Balfour v. Balfour I: 8, 15 discharge order I: 561
Balmokand v. Uttamchand I: 461 excluded assets I: 561-562
Bamfield v. Goole & Sheffield Transport Co. I: 535, meaning I: 561
538 process of I: 561
Banarsi Dass v. Cane Commissioner I: 459 trustee I: 561
Bangalore Water Supply v. A. Rajappa III: 196 types of I: 559
Bank Depository II: 66 Seealso Insolvency
Bank of Baroda v. Punjab National Bank Bankruptcy Order I: 561
I: 383 Bansraj v. The Secretary of State I: 56
Banker Banwari Lal v. Road Transport Corpn. I: 537
collecting banker’s protection I: 452-453 Bapanna Krishnayya v. Chaparala Baburao
crossed cheque and I: 452-453 I: 380
definition I: 447-448, 453 Barned’s Banking Co.; Re Peel’s Case II: 32
legal relationship of Barrow, Lane & Ballard Ltd. v. Philips & Co.
with customer I: 448-450, 453 I: 223
paying banker’s protection Barsi Light Rly. Co. Ltd. v. K.N. Jogleker III: 144
privilege of I: 450-452, 453 Basic wages
payment in due course I: 451 definition III: 114
rights and obligations of I: 448-450 Bastable v. North British Rail I: 540
abide by customer’s instructions I: 449 Bawden v. The London, etc. Insurance Co. I: 206
appropriation right I: 449 Beardsley v. Baldwin I: 379
customer’s account secrecy I: 449 Bearer instruments I: 386
dishonour of cheques I: 449-450 Beauford v. Saunders I: 500
honour of cheques I: 448 Bechevaise v. Lewis I: 162
incidental charges and interest I: 449 Beck, etc. v. Synzmanoski I: 255
keep transactions record I: 448-449 Behn v. Burness I: 229
Banking Belfast Ropework Co. Ltd. v. Bushell I: 534
definition I: 448 Belsize Motor Supply Co. v. Cox I: 247, 251
Banking company II: 166-167, 171 Beneficial interest II: 110-111
audited accounts of III: 285 Beneficial owners
definition of I: 448; III: 270 declaration as required II: 110-111
gross profits of punishable
computation of III: 272-274 register and index of II: 110
deducted items III: 273-274 significant II: 111-112
net profit of Beneficiary Owner Identification (BO ID) II: 67
amounts to be added III: 273 Benefit period III: 72
I.viii Elements of Mercantile Law
role and powers of III: 9, 20-21, 36 Coles v. White City Greyhound Assn. Ltd. II: 75
working hours and III: 25-26 Collection of Statistics Act, 2008 III: 311
shifts system III: 26 collection of statistics III: 312-313
Chikham Amiraju v. Seshamma I: 57, 74 restriction III: 312-313, 314-315
Child workers coverage of III: 311
definitions III: 5, 179 definitions III: 311-312
period of work III: 30 disclosure of III: 313-314
register of III: 30-31 security III: 313, 314
working hours III: 30 objectives III: 311
young age child offences by Companies III: 316-317
prohibition of employment III: 29 cognizance of III: 317
Children care facilities III: 24-25 prosecution for III: 317
Chillingworth v. Esche I: 24 summarily trial III: 317
Chillu Kahar v. Burn & Co. Ltd. III: 50 penalties under III: 315-316
Chinnaya v. Ramayya I: 35 damage to information schedule III: 315
Chintaman Rao v. State of M.P. III: 3 false or misleading statement III: 315
Chitou Tanti v. Tata Iron Steel Co. III: 46 impersonation of employee III: 316
Chunilal v. Sheoprasad I: 257 rule making power III: 318
Ciampa v. British India Steam Navigation Co. I: 545 salient features III: 311
Citizens ‘Life Insurance Co. v. Brown I: 309 Collective bargaining III: 254
Claim Collen v. Wright I: 208
actionable I: 221-222 Colley v. Overseas Exporters I: 252
Clarke v. Army & Navy Co-operative Society Ltd. Collins v. Godefroy I: 38
I: 234 combinations of enterprises I: 650-653
Clean bill I: 388 exemption I: 651
Clean Ganga Fund II: 334 inquiry into I: 658-659
Cleanliness III: 11 investigation procedure I: 654
Clearing house I: 382 large enterprises I: 650-651
Closure of establishment III: 200, 202, 204 meaning of I: 650-651
compensation for III: 238 merger or amalgamation I: 651
consequences of illegal III: 239 regulation of I: 651
penalty for III: 239 Competition Commission’s orders I: 652-653
procedure for III: 238-239 Commission agent I: 196
Cloth keeping places III: 23 Commissioner for Employees III: 43
Club I: 282 Commissioner for Employee’s Compensation III: 54,
Clutton v. Attenborough I: 380 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65
Co-agent I: 203 Commr. of Income-Tax v. Jayalakshmi R & O, Mills
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 I: 662; II: 190, 196, I: 283
241; III: 122, 126, 210, 212, 213, 217, 219 Commissioner of Taxation v. English, Scottish
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 II: 191, 193, 197, Australian Bank Ltd. I: 448
280, 282; III: 152, 251, 317 Commissioner of Wealth Tax v. Vijayaba I: 39
Code on Public Prosecutors II: 282 Commissioning mother III: 156, 158
Codley v. Perry I: 232 Common employment doctrine III: 41, 42
Coercion I: 54, 55, 56-57, 70, 149 Common law I: 3, 535
duress I: 57 Commonwealth country
effect of I: 56-57 establishment of company in
threat to commit suicide I: 57 rules for I: 364-365
undue influence Companies Act, 1956 I: 50, 275-276, 447, 647; II: 1,
difference I: 60 6, 7, 8-9, 26, 266; III: 270, 312
Cohen v. Kittell I: 94 Amendment Act, 2000 II: 45
Cohen v. Wilkie I: 86 Amendment Act, 2002 II: 8
Subject Index I.xiii
Amendment Act 2006 II: 27, 152 non-profit association II: 20-21
application of II: 8-9 number of members’ based II: 12-15
Bhabha Committee one person company II: 21-24
recommendations II: 8 ownership based II: 16-20
Companies Act, 2013 II: 9, 11-13, 20, 27-39, 65-79, registered II: 12
81-98, 101-214, 216-226, 228-259, 261-290 statutory companies II: 11
Amendment Act, 2017 II: 30, 84, 101-102, 105, common seal II: 3
111, 112, 114, 119, 130, 131, 132, 135, 152, conduct of affairs of
153, 155, 156, 157, 162, 164, 165, 182, 195 prejudicial manner II: 216-222
Amendment Act, 2019 II: 42 contract of service II: 175
amendments in II: 9-10, 30, 42, 104 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy
effective date II: 9 II: 132-133
formation of company II: 27-29 corporate veil of II: 3-6
MoU II: 40-48 lifting of II: 4-6
objectives II: 9 definition of I: 270, 275-276; II: 1-2
Company artificial person II: 1
account books maintenance II: 7, 127-135 deposits and II: 101-103
annual returns and balance sheets II: 27, 112- acceptance from Public II: 102-103
113, 114, 130 conditions II: 101-102
audit and auditors II: 136-146 repayment of II: 102
disposal of II: 253 Directors of II: 147-160, 302
liability for improper II: 249-250 appointment and remuneration of II: 179-185,
as agent for its shareholders II: 4 302
application form dissolution of company II: 242-243
electronic II: 27 dividend payment II: 83, 86, 125-126, 303-304
application money documents relating to
refund of II: 5 electronic filing II: 27-30
arrangement scheme II: 202-205 electronic filing of forms II: 26-30
Articles of Association II: 49-56, 305 facilitation centres II: 29
alteration in II: 51-52 enemy character of II: 4
application forms for II: 50-51 formation procedure II: 26-39
constructive notice doctrine II: 54 business commencement II: 33
contents of II: 49-51 charitable objects II: 37-39
indoor management doctrine II: 55-56 electronic filing of forms II: 26-30
legal implications II: 53-54 incorporation of company II: 30-33
liability of members and II: 52 pre-incorporation contracts II: 36-37
memorandum and II: 51, 52 promoters II: 30, 33-36
notice of contents II: 54 provisional contracts II: 37-39
schedules for II: 295-308 fraud II: 72, 250-251
Tribunal’s powers II: 52 holding and its subsidiaries II: 5-6
Board of Directors incorporation of II: 30-32
managerial appointments and II: 179-185, 303 certificate of incorporation II: 31, 32, 44
powers and duties II: 113, 115, 117, 120, 122, documents required for registration II: 30-31
125, 127, 143, 147-148, 161-178, 302- forming mode II: 30
304 members liability II: 30
business commence II: 33 Registrar power and functions II: 31-32
characteristics II: 2-3 registration of II: 30-32
classification of II: 11-25 Information or Statistics
control based II: 15-16 furnishing of II: 276
liability based II: 12 investment II: 170-172
national importance II: 11 legal status of II: 6
I.xiv Elements of Mercantile Law
legislation in India II: 7-10 powers and duties II: 188-199, 224-226
liability of II: 2-3, 6 registration of II: 261-264
loan and investment II: 170-172 charges II: 104-108
management and administration II: 6, 109-124 documents required for II: 30-31
governing bodies and records II: 114-124 incorporation II: 30-32
registers required II: 109-112 seal of II: 303
managerial personnel securities premium account II: 83-84
appointments of II: 185-186 application of II: 84
Managers separate legal entity of II: 2
appointment and remuneration of II: 179-185 sham company II: 4
meetings of II: 114-124 share capital II: 81-98
Memorandum of Association (MoU) II: 40-48, 52- acceptance of unpaid II: 83
54 Employees’ stock option scheme II: 90
schedules for II: 291-295 issue of further shares II: 90-91
misdescription of name II: 5 kinds of II: 81-82
notified as dissolved notice to Registrar for alteration II: 92
effects of II: 226 shares issuing II: 81-98
offences by III: 240 bonus shares II: 91-92
partnership and certificate of II: 82-83
difference between II: 6-7 discount at issue of, prohibition II: 84-85
perpetual succession II: 3, 7 equity shares II: 81, 82, 83, 85
meaning II: 3 nature of II: 82
profits computation II: 182-183 nomination II: 97-98
property of II: 3, 6 numbering II: 82
prospectus of II: 61-79 power to purchase of its own II: 93-96
advertisement and II: 61, 68 preference shares II: 82-83, 85-86
conditions II: 61 premium account utilization II: 84
contents of II: 61-65 sweat equity shares II: 85
definition II: 61-62 voting right to holder II: 83, 89
fraudulent statement II: 72, 74, 77 tax obligation of II: 4
misstatements in II: 64-77 termination or modification of agreements
red herring II: 61, 71 consequence II: 219
Registrar of Companies and II: 70 transferable shares II: 3
securities issue and transfer II: 60, 64-79 Ultra vires acts of II: 47-48
share holders II: 64-65 unfairly prejudicial affairs
shelf prospectus II: 70-71 Tribunal’s powers against II: 216-222
terms of a contract or objects II: 64 veil of incorporation principle II: 3
public policy and II: 5 welfare legislation
purpose II: 2 avoidance of II: 5
fraudulent purpose II: 4, 5 Whole-time Director
registered office II: 272 appointment and remuneration of II: 179-185
documents required II: 272-273 Winding up I: 314, 315, 352, 370; II: 7, 29, 228-
electronic form of documents required II: 273 259
inspection of documents kept by Registrar seealso MCA-21 project,
II: 273-274 Private company; Public company
payment of fee for II: 274-275 Company Law Board II: 14
registers maintenance II: 106, 109-112 Company Liquidator
power to close II: 112 advisory committee of II: 237
Registrar of companies appointment of II: 231-233
electronic registry security II: 29-30 terms and conditions of II: 232
functions of II: 27-28 auditing of account books of II: 240
Subject Index I.xv
Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 III: 132, 270, 312 Cox v. Prentic I: 68
Co-op. Store Ltd. v. Industrial Tribunal III: 243 Cranes and lifting machines
Co-op.Textile Mill Ltd. v. Labour Court, Ghaziabad safety provisions for III: 16
III: 230 Craven-Ellis v. Cannon Ltd. I: 150, 153
Co-ownership I: 281-282 Crawford v. Toogwood I: 112
Copyright I: 649 Creches III: 24-25
Copyright Act, 1957 I: 649 Credit note I: 711-712
Cornwal v. Wilson I: 192 Credit utilization I: 677-678
Corporate I: 50, 51, 278 Creditor I: 157
insolvency and bankruptcy I: 559-573 Criminal act I: 82
liquidation process I: 565, 573-576 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection I: 639
resolution process I: 564-573 Crossed cheques I: 384
resolution process (fast track) I: 576 types of I: 384-386
Corporate applicant general I: 384
corporate insolvency resolution not negotiable I: 385-386
process by I: 567 restrictive I: 385-386
Corporate debtor I: 565 special crossing I: 384-385
dissolution of I: 576 who may cross I: 386
corporate person Crossman v. West I: 525
voluntary liquidation I: 576-577 Crut well v. Lye I: 294
seealso Firm Cundy v. Lindsay I: 69, 74, 247
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Cunliffe v. Harrison I: 256
II: 132-133 Currency I: 602
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy Currency notes I: 602
II: 132-133 Currie v. Misa I: 33
activities relating to II: 132-133, 334 Customary bonus III: 281
Corporate veil II: 3-6 Customary instruments I: 375-376
lifting of II: 4-6 Customer
Corporation III: 73, 271 definition I: 448, 453
Cost accountant I: 324; II: 145-146 legal relationship of
meaning I: 661 with banker I: 448-450, 453
Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 I: 324, 661; Customs and usages I: 3, 4
II: 145 Cutter v. Powell I: 151
Cost of decree I: 138 Cyber Appellate Tribunal I: 632-635
Cost of living index number III: 179, 183 appeal in I: 634
Co-sureties to the High Court I: 635
liabilities of I: 163-164, 168 composition I: 632
Cotman v. Brougham II: 40 appointments I: 632-633
Cottenham, Lord L.C. I: 26 service conditions I: 633
Court I: 324 contraventions I: 635
Courts of Inquiry III: 208, 212-213 judicial proceeding I: 635
appointments of III: 212 legal representation right I: 635
constitution of III: 212 powers of I: 633-634
duties of Court Cyber terrorism
inquiry and reporting III: 213 punishment of I: 636
powers of III: 213
Civil court’s powers III: 213
to enter the premises III: 213
D.C. Upreti v. B.D. Kamatak I: 284
D’Costa, A.V., G.I.P. Rly. v. B.C. Patel III: 163
reference of dispute cases to III: 212, 222-223
D.N. Banerji v. P.R. Mukherjee III: 198
Couturier v. Hastie I: 67, 191, 222
Cox v. Hickman I: 277, 279 D.V. Jakati v. Regional Director, E.S.I. Corpn.,
Bangalore III: 74
I.xx Elements of Mercantile Law
Daimler Co. Ltd. v. Continental Tyre & Rubber Co. Delinquent Directors II: 251
Ltd. II: 4, 42 prosecution of II: 251-252
Dakin (H) & Co. Ltd. v. Lee I: 151 Delivery I: 373
Dalby v. India & London Life Ass.Co. I: 499, 505 Delivery challan I: 710-711
Dalmia Cement Ltd. v. Narain Das III: 260 components of I: 711
Dalmia Magnesite Corpn., Salem v. R.L. Commr., Delivery of goods I: 253-259
Madras III: 142 acceptance of I: 257-258
Damages I: 134-140, 142 buyer’s liability
assessment of I: 138 for rejecting, refusing and neglecting
types of I: 135-140, 142 I: 257-258
Damodar Mudaliar v. Secretary of State for India buyer’s rights and duties I: 258-259
I: 148 by instalments I: 256-257
Dan Kuer v. Sarla Dev I: 43 meaning of I: 253
Danckwerts, L J. I: 81 rules governing I: 254-257
Dangerous goods I: 538 types of I: 253-254
Dangerous operations III: 32, 35 to wharfinger I: 257
Daropti v. Jaspat Rai I: 39 withholding rights I: 267
Darshan Engg. Works v. Controlling Authority wrong quantity I: 255
III: 145 Demat Request Form (DRM) II: 67
Data Demby Hamilton & Co. Ltd. v. Barden I: 240, 261
meaning of I: 619 Dennant v. Skinner I: 269
protection I: 630-631 Dennis v. White III: 51
security I: 625, 631 Dependant
Daulat Singh v. Ratna I: 476 categories of III: 43
Davey, Lord I: 80 definition III: 43, 73
Dawsons Ltd. v. Bonnin I: 497, 513 ESI benefits for III: 98-99
Daya Ram v. Murli Dhar I: 97 review of III: 99
De Bernady v. Harding I: 150 Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
De Mottos v. Benjamin I: 94 III: 199
Dearness allowance III: 114, 117, 127 Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
Debenture trustees II: 96-97 Act, 1961 III: 199
Debentures II: 82, 91, 96-97, 316 Depositories Act, 1996 II: 65, 87, 110
holders register II: 110 Depository II: 66
power to close II: 112 Depository Participant (DP) II: 66-67
right to inspect documents II: 134 account opening with II: 66-67
Debi Radha Rani v. Ram Dass I: 36 Depository receipts II: 78, 210, 269
Debit note I: 711-712 Deposits and II: 101-103
Debt or intimation I: 112-113 acceptance from Public II: 102-103
Debt Recovery Tribunal I: 563 repayment of II: 102
seealso Adjudicating Authority Depreciation II: 125, 309-312; III: 273, 274, 275
Debts settlement I: 314; II: 229 computation of II: 309-312
Default Deputy Commr. of Sales Tax (Law) v. K. Kelukutty
punishment for repeated II: 284 I: 279
Delay condonation II: 287-288 Derry v. Peek I: 61
Delegated Legislation Provisions (Amendment) Act, Design I: 649
1985 III: 119 Designated partner I: 324, 331-332
Delegation of powers I: 202-203; II: 287 changes in I: 332
Delhi Identification Number (DPIN) I: 331-332
Pehchan project in III: 70 liabilities of I: 332
Delhi Cloth & General Mills Co. Ltd. v. Workmen Designs Act, 2000 I: 649-650
III: 146 Devaynes v. Noble I: 298
Subject Index I.xxi
seealso Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 Jai Prakash Singh v. Central Apprenticeship Council
Insurance Co. v. Tweed I: 513 III: 299
Insurance Fund III: 119 Jai Ram v. Kahna Ram I: 86
Insurance Scheme III: 118, 119 Jain & Son v. Cameron I: 180, 185
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, Jalan Trading Co. (Pvt.) v. Mills Mazdoor Union
1999 II: 128 III: 267
Insured person III: 75 James v. Le Ray, Johns III: 288
Intention I: 8, 17, 23, 66, 240 Jamshed J. Irani Expert Committee II: 21-22
declaration of I: 18 Janson v. Driefontein Consolidated Mines Ltd.
fraud and I: 62-63 I: 80
Interests payment I: 139-140, 392-393 Jaunpur Sugar Factory, Re I: 101
Intermittent employment III: 186 Jawabee hundi I: 445
International Airports Authority of India III: 199 Jay Engineering Works v. Workmen III: 260
InternationalAirportsAuthority of IndiaAct, 1971 III: 199 Jhunjhunwala v. B.K. Pathak III: 30
International Labour Organisation (ILO) III: 2, 255 Joint Hindu Family
Intoxicated person I: 49 partnership and I: 280-281
Inventories Joint Stock Companies Acts II: 7-8
classification of II: 319 Jokhami hundi I: 445
Investigation of company’s affairs I: 348-354; Jones v. Barkley I: 110
II: 191-200 Jones v. Just I: 232
costs and expenses of I: 353; II: 194-195, 199- Jones v. Lipman II: 4
200 Jones v. Lloyd I: 282, 312
security for payment of II: 194-195 Jones v. Padgett I: 232
inspector’s powers I: 349-351, 353-354; Jones v. Vemon’s Pools. Ltd. I: 8
II: 195-197 Jordon v. Norton I: 28
appointed of inspector II: 195 Joseph Pyke & Son v. Kedarnath I: 245
documents seizing II: 198 Jubilee Cotton Mills Ltd. v. Lewis II: 32
ownership of company II: 195 Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875 I: 3
related companies against II: 197-198 Judicial administration I: 82-83
inspector’s report II: 198-199 Judicial decisions I: 3, 4
by Serious Fraud Investigation Office II: 192-194 Jugaldas v. Harilal I: 203
establishment of II: 191 Juggilal v. Commr. of Income-tax II: 4
receipt of investigation report II: 194 Juggilal Kamlapat v. General Fibre Dealers Ltd.
Investments II: 170-172, 318-319 I: 469
classification of Jus in personam I: 6
current II: 319 Jus in rem I: 6
non-current II: 318
Investment company II: 170, 172
Invitation I: 17-19 K.P. Subbarama Sastri v. K.S. Raghavan I: 139
Ionides v. Pacific Fire & Marine Ins. Co. I: 516 K.S.R.T. Employees’ Assn. v. General Manager
III: 168
Irregularity II: 55
K.V. Garg v. Secretary to Govt. Water & Power Dep.,
Irvine v. Union Bank of Australia II: 54
Trivandrum I: 474
Ismail Mussajee v. Hafiz Boo I: 60
K/9 Meat Supplies (Guildford) Ltd., Re II: 3
Iyer, Ramaswamy I: 2
Kairbetta Estate v. Rajamanickam III: 201
Kalabati v. Prabhu Dayal I: 461
J.K. Hosiery Factory v. Labour Appellate Tribunal Kaliaperumal v. Visalakhsmi I: 186
III: 202 Kalyan Sahai v. Firm Lachminarain I: 285
J. & K. Bank v. Tek Chand I: 181 Kanhaiyalal v. Dineshwara Chandra I: 26
Jackson v. Rotax Motor & Cycle Co. I: 232 Kanta Press v. Prescribed Authority III: 175
Jackson v. Watson & Sons I: 232 Kanwarani Madna Wati v. Raghunath Singh I: 59
Jacobs v. Credit Lyonnais I: 125 Karl Ettlinger v. Chagandas & Co. I: 125
I.xxxviii Elements of Mercantile Law
N.B. Mills, India v. E.S.I. Corpn. III: 39 submission period III: 223
constitution of III: 217-218
N.V.P. – Pandian v. M.M. Roy I: 83
jurisdiction of matters III: 218, 219, 223
Nagle v. Fielden I: 81
powers and duties III: 219-220
Naithati Jute Mills v. Khyaliram I: 459
appointment of assessors III: 219
Nam jog hundi I: 444
Civil court’s powers III: 219
Nandlal v. Thomas I: 77
Napier v. National Business Agency Ltd. I: 77 costs of award III: 219
Narayan Jetha v. Commr. & Corpn. of Bombay III: 41 dismissal or discharge of workman cases III: 220
to enter premises of industry III: 219
Narsimhamurthi (M.C.) v. Director of Collegiate
to inquire or investigate III: 219
Education III: 307
reference of disputes/matters to III: 218, 223
Nash v. Inman I: 48
by Central Government III: 222-223
Natal Land & Colonisation Co. Ltd. v. Pauline
Colliery & Development Syndicate Ltd. II: 36 strike or lock-out
National Anti-Profiteering Authority(NAPA) I: 722 prohibition of III: 218, 223, 229
National Iron & Steel Co. v. Manorama Dassi
National Bldgs. Construction Corpn. Ltd., New Delhi
III: 53
v. M.K. Jain III: 200
National Iron & Steel Co. v. The State of West Bengal
National Capital Region (NCR) I: 563
III: 233
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal I: 324
appointment and qualifications of II: 279-280 National Provincial Bank of England v. Brackenbury
Chairperson II: 279 I: 167
National Provincial Bank of England v. Glanusk
members selection procedure II: 279
I: 159
technical member II: 279
National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL)
constitute II: 279
II: 66
Mediation and Conciliation Panel II: 281
term of office II: 280 National Telephone Co. v. St. Peter Port Constables
National Company Law Tribunal II: 88-89, 90, 97, II: 47, 48
Natural justice rules I: 470
102, 112, 135, 139, 191, 194, 195, 199, 202, 205,
Nautamal v. Shri Vivekanand Co-op. Housing Society
208-214, 226, 228-257, 278-280, 287, 330
Ltd. I: 302
appointment and qualifications
Nazir Ahmed v. Jiwan Dass I: 46
members II: 279
President II: 278-279 Necessaries
Technical Member II: 279 definition I: 48
minors’ liabilities I: 47-48
constitution of II: 278
services rendered to I: 48
mediation and Conciliation Panel II: 281
supply of I: 147
relief granting powers II: 288
Necessary goods I: 48
term of office II: 280
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission Negative effective capital II: 331
I: 597-599 Negligence II: 56
Negotiable instruments I: 373-376, 393, 618
appeal before/against I: 598
accommodation bill I: 387-388, 393
composition of I: 597-598
ambiguous instrument I: 388-389, 394
jurisdiction I: 598
characteristics of I: 374-375, 376
National Council for Training in Vocational
Trades III: 291, 293, 295, 296, 298, 300, 301 recovery of the amount I: 375
National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) I: 678 transferable I: 374
classification of I: 386-389, 393-394
National Financial Reporting Authority II: 130, 143,
bearer I: 386, 393
foreign bills I: 386-387, 393
National Holiday II: 114-115
inland bills I: 386, 393
National Industrial Tribunal III: 202, 209, 217-220
appointment conditions III: 218 order I: 386, 393
qualifications III: 218 clean bill I: 388
consideration and I: 413
award of III: 219, 224-227
I.xlvi Elements of Mercantile Law
Puja bonus III: 281 Rama Kant Mishra v. State of U.P. III: 220
Punishments I: 332-333, 341, 343, 345, 346- Rama Murthy v. Goppayya I: 77
347 II: 283-285 Ramanujam Press v. R.P.F. Commr. III: 268
Punjab National Bank (PNB) II: 69 Ramapadarath v. Narain I: 439
Punjab State Electricity Board v. A.T.T. Agencies Ramchandra Chintaman v. Kalu Raju I: 38, 44
I: 135 Rameshwar Lal v. Jogender Dass III: 172
Purabi Bannerjee v. Basudev MukerJee I: 57 Ramjidas v. House I: 460
Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Co. v. Montefiore I: 23, 27
Ranchhodas v. Nathmal Hirachand & Co. I: 100
Qualified institutional buyerII: 78, 79 Ranee Annapurni v. Swaminath I: 58
‘Quantum meruit’ doctrine I: 140, 142, 149-151
Ranganayakamma v. Alwar Setty I: 56, 75
claim cases I: 150-151
Rangaswamy v. Registrar of Trade Unions III: 259
meaning I: 149
Ranibala v. East Indian Rail III: 52
Quasi-contract I: 12, 22, 146-151
Rapp v. Latham I: 297
meaning I: 146-147 Rastriya Swasthya Bima Yojana III: 70
obligations I: 147-149 Ratanchand Hirachand v. Askar Nawaz Jung I: 81
Ratification I: 192-194
R.v. Kylsant I: 61 requisites of valid I: 193-194
R.v. Petrox III: 292 limitations I: 194
R.B. Moondra & Co v. Mst. Bhanwari III: 68 Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) I: 678
R.M. Pandey v. A.P.I. Ltd. III: 52 Receipt voucher I: 710
R.P.F. Commr., Tamil Nadu v. South India Flour Mills Reciprocal promises I: 80, 110-111, 115
Ltd. III: 131 classification I: 110
R. Ramakrishna Rao v. State of Kerala III: 133 Rectification I: 141
R.S. Thakur v. H.G.E. Corpn. I: 232 Recovery of the amount I: 375
Rabone v. Williams I: 207 Recovery Officer III: 116
Raipur Development Authority v. Chokhamal Red herring prospectus II: 61, 71
Contractors I: 475 Reese River Smith Mining Co. v. Smith I: 64
Raffles v. Wichelhaus I: 67 Refund voucher I: 710
Raghavachariah v. Srinivas I: 46 Regier v. Campbell Stuart I: 198
Railways Act, 1890 I: 534, 538-541, 542 Regional Board of Apprenticeship Training III: 301
Railways Act, 1989 III: 48, 172, 248 Regional Director II: 285-286
Railways carriage I: 538-541 Regional Director, E.S.I. Corpn. Bangalore v.
claim for compensation I: 541 L. Ranga Rao III: 73
liability of I: 539-541 Regional Rural Banks III: 199
animals carrier I: 541 Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976 III: 199
dangerous or offensive goods I: 538-539 Registers of company II: 109-114
delay or detention I: 539-540 as evidence II: 114
exoneration from I: 541 information to be recorded in II: 110
luggage carrier I: 541 removal of the name from
railway receipt I: 538 fraudulent application for II: 226
rate-books maintenance I: 538 Registrar’s powers II: 224-225
risk rates I: 538, 540 restrictions on application II: 225
Railway Claims Tribunal I: 541 Tribunal’s power II: 226
Railway Mail Service III: 48 Registered companies II: 12
Rainbow v. Hawkins I: 196 Registered office II: 272
Rajlukhy v. Bhootnath I: 43 documents required II: 272-273
Ram Dass v. Krishan Dev I: 40 electronic form II: 273
Ram Narain & Co. v. Union of India III: 138 inspection of documents
Ram Pershad v. Commr. of Income-tax I: 189 kept by Registrar II: 273-274
Ram Saroop v. Bansi Mandar I: 77 payment of fee II: 274-275
I.liv Elements of Mercantile Law
Registrars of Companies (ROCs) II: 26, 27, 29, 45 deposits and II: 101, 102, 103
company’s registered address ESI Fund and III: 84
change of II: 45 export of goods and services I: 606-607
electronic registry security II: 29-30 declaration furnishing for I: 606-607
financial statements foreign exchange and
default in filing II: 229 authorised person I: 607-609
powers and functions of II: 27-28, 188-199 powers to Issue directions I: 608-609
dormant company and II: 286 powers to Inspect I: 609
information or explanation calling II: 188-189 realisation and repatriation of I: 607
fraudulent or unlawful business II: 189, 229 legal proceeding against
inquiry report for Central Government II: 190 bar on I: 616
investigating powers II: 191- 200 mergers of companies
to act as civil court II: 190 with foreign company II: 210
to inspection of books and papers II: 189-191 as statutory company II: 11
removal of name of company Reserve Bank of India Act, (1934) I: 373-374, 380;
from Registers of company II: 224-225 II: 84-85, 101, 171
search and seizing powers II: 190-191 Reserve Bank of India v. R. N. Dutt & Sons I: 608
shelf prospectus filing II: 70 Reserve fund III: 276
Registration I: 283-285, 286, 334-335; II: 261-264 Reserves and Surplus
certificate of II: 262 classification II: 315-316
change in number of I: 337 Resident of India II: 328
effect of II: 263-264 Residual value II: 309
incorporated companies II: 30-33 Rest room facilities III: 24
memorandum of association and II: 41 Restitution I: 95-96, 134, 146
non-registration seealso Quasi-contracts
effects of I: 284-285, 286 Restructuring and reorganisations II: 208-214
obligation of II: 264 Retainer rights I: 181, 199
pending legal proceedings and II: 262 Retaining allowance III: 117, 127
powers of Registrar I: 346-347; II: 31-32 Retirement
procedure I: 283, 286 definition of III: 144
prohibition of II: 289 Retrenchment III: 144, 203-204, 232-233
registered office I: 335 conditions III: 232
requirements of II: 261-262 consequences of illegal III: 237
time of I: 283-284 procedure III: 232-233
Regulatory Authority II: 309 principle of III: 233
Reimbursement I: 147-148 Re-employment III: 233
Reinstatement right I: 510 Return filing I: 678, 708, 715-716; II: 112-113,
Reinsurance policy I: 494, 496, 516 130
Remedies I: 133-142 default in filing
Remission I: 122 punishment for II: 110
Remuneration I: 292; II: 332 online compliance I: 679, 682; II: 27
Renter v. Sala I: 256 place of keeping record of II: 113-114
Representation I: 60 types of I: 715-716
Representation of the People Act, 1951 II: 168 Revenue Authority v. Sudarshan Picture I: 181
Reputation Revocation I: 24-28, 164-165, 168
damages for loss of I: 137 of agency I: 209, 211-212
Resale right I: 267 meaning of I: 25
Rescission I: 62, 66, 121-122, 133-134, 142 time of I: 25-26
Research of design and manufacturing Rex v. Lord Kylsant II: 74-75
health or safety of workers III: 8 Rhodes v. Moules I: 298
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Richardson, ex party, etc., Re I: 157
Subject Index I.lv
wage-periods III: 166, 167 Wilson Sons & Co. v. Cargo Par I: 515, 532
fixation of III: 166 Winding up of company I: 314, 315, 352, 370;
seealso Basic wages; Minimum Wages Act, 1948; II: 7, 29, 228-259, 304
Payment of Wages Act, 1936 affidavit sworn before II: 257
Waiver I: 122 assets’ application II: 236
Wallace, Re, ex parte Wallace I: 204 books and papers of company
Wallis v. Pratt I: 228, 229, 231 disposal of II: 253-254
Ward v. Hobbs I: 235 as evidence II: 253
Warehousing Corporations Act, 1962 III: 199 inspection of II: 253
Warner Bros. v. Nelson I: 141 committee for II: 233
Warsaw Convention of 1929 I: 551, 552 Company Liquidation Dividend
Washing facilities III: 23 and Undistributed Assets Account II: 255-
Waters v. Monarch Fire & Life Ass. Co. I: 508 256
Webster v.Ceci I: 68, 75 Company Liquidator
Weiner v. smith I: 243, 250 advisory committee of II: 237
Welfare facilities for workers III: 23-25 appointment of II: 231-233
Welfare Officers III: 25 auditing of account books of II: 240
Welfare State I: 2 delinquent Directors II: 251-252
Wells v. Weather Ground Mech. Co. Ltd. III: 2 dissolution of company II: 242-243
Wenger & Co. v. Their Workmen III: 147 examination powers and II: 241-242
Wensleydale, Lord I: 24 fraudulent conduct of business II: 250-251
West Bengal money depositing II: 255
Employees’ Payment of Compulsory Gratuity Act, offences by officers of company and II: 248-
1971 III: 140 249
Westbury, Lord I: 165 onerous property disclaimer II: 246-247
Western India Automobile Assn. v. Industrial Tribunal, powers and duties of II: 237-239, 252-257,
Bombay III: 196 304
Whaley Bridge Calico Printing Co. v. Green & Smith Professional Assistance and II: 238-239
II: 34 removal of grounds for II: 232
Whitely Commission III: 195 submission of report II: 233-235
Whole-time Director contributories and II: 230
appointment of II: 179-180 adjustment of the rights of II: 240
age of II: 179 payment of debts by II: 240
conditions for II:179-180, 328 settlement of list of II: 236
term of II: 179 creditors
loss of office of meaning of II: 230
compensation for II: 184-185 debts payment II: 243
remuneration payable II: 180-183 fraudulent preference II: 245-246
fixation of II: 184 holiday remuneration II: 243
premium paid on insurance and II: 182 priority II: 243-245
recovery of II: 184 wages or salary II: 243-244
Wilkie v. London Passenger Transport Board I: 17 delinquent Directors II: 251
Will I: 618 prosecution of II: 251-252
William & Co. v. Northof England, etc., Assurance employees dues II: 244
Co. I: 491 liability
William Brothers v. E.T. Aegius I: 258 of Directors and Managers II: 237
Williams v. Bayley I: 82, 89 for fraudulent conduct of business II: 250-
Williamson v. Rider I: 387 251
Willis, Justice I: 374 for keeping improper account books II: 249-250
Wills v. Barret I: 379 liquidation
Wilson & Meeson v. Pikering I: 386 area of functions II: 233
I.lxiv Elements of Mercantile Law
Quantitative Techniques
L.M. Prasad Organizational Behaviour S.P. Gupta & Business Statistics
L.M. Prasad Human Resource Management M.P. Gupta
L.M. Prasad Strategic Management Kanti Swaroop Operations Research
Y.K. Bhushan Fundamentals of Business Organisation
V.K. Kapoor Operations Research
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C.B. Gupta Business Organisation & Management D.C. Sancheti & Business Mathematics
C.B. Gupta Business Management V.K. Kapoor
C.B. Gupta Management Theory & Practice D.C. Sancheti & Statistics
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C.B. Gupta Human Resource Management & P.K. Gupta Operations Research
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Rajendra Pal and Essentials of Business Communication N.D. Kapoor Elements of Mercantile Law
Korlahalli N.D. Kapoor Elements of Company Law
P.K. Ghosh Strategic Planning & Management N.D. Kapoor Elements of Industrial Law
D.D. Sharma Marketing Research N.D. Kapoor Business Law
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Industrial Relations N.D. Kapoor Business Law (Madras University)
S.N. Maheshwari Basic Financial Management N.D. Kapoor Business Law, B.Com. (Hons.),
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Dinkar Pagare Business Management N.D. Kapoor Business Law B.Com (Hons.) &
Dinkar Pagare Business Organisation & Management SOL, Delhi University
S.V. Srinivasa Computer Applications in Business G.K. Kapoor & Business Laws
Vallabhan Sanjay Dhamija
R.L. Gupta & Principles and Practice of Accountancy G.K. Kapoor & Corporate Law
V.K. Gupta Sanjay Dhamija
N.D. Kapoor Company Law &
R.L. Gupta & Advanced Accountancy, Volumes I & II
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M. Radhaswamy
P.N. Varshney Banking Law and Practice
R.L. Gupta & Corporate Accounting Sundharam & Varshney Banking Theory, Law & Practice
M. Radhaswamy Pagare Dinkar Law & Practice of Income Tax
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