Hyster Forklift
Hyster Forklift
Hyster Forklift
NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury and property damage.
On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Table of Contents
General .....................................................................................................................................................................1
Description ...............................................................................................................................................................1
Control Valve .......................................................................................................................................................3
Analog Inputs ......................................................................................................................................................3
Levers and Joysticks ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Sensors ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Temperature Sensor ...................................................................................................................................4
Pressure Sensor ..........................................................................................................................................4
Digital Inputs ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Switches .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Interrupts ........................................................................................................................................................4
CAN Bus Communication ...................................................................................................................................5
Output Signals .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Analog Outputs ...............................................................................................................................................5
Digital Outputs ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Programmed Features ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Anti-Stall (Standard) ......................................................................................................................................6
Temperature Protection (Standard) .............................................................................................................. 6
Low Temperature Protection (Standard) ...................................................................................................... 6
High Temperature Protection (Optional) ...................................................................................................... 6
Dynamic Control (Optional) ........................................................................................................................... 6
Loaded Speed Reduction (Optional) .............................................................................................................. 6
Settings ................................................................................................................................................................7
Adjustable Parameters ...................................................................................................................................7
Truck Configuration Screen .......................................................................................................................7
Mode Definition Responsiveness (Smooth, Medium, and Rapid) ............................................................ 7
Set Default Flow Settings Screen ..............................................................................................................7
Features Screen ..........................................................................................................................................7
Loaded Speed Reduction Screen ................................................................................................................7
Flow Settings Screen ..................................................................................................................................7
General Functions of the Interface .........................................................................................................................8
Main Functional Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 8
What is Needed for the Hydraulic User Interface Program ............................................................................. 8
Installation of the Program ............................................................................................................................8
Start Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Reminder Screen ...........................................................................................................................................12
Basic Screen Layout of the Hydraulic User Interface Program .................................................................12
Truck Configuration Screen .........................................................................................................................15
Mode Definition Screen ................................................................................................................................ 17
Default Flow Settings Screen .......................................................................................................................18
Load Moment Interrupt Screen ................................................................................................................... 19
Features Screen ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Dynamic Control Screen ...............................................................................................................................21
Loaded Speed Reduction Screen .................................................................................................................. 22
Temperature Protection Screen ................................................................................................................... 23
Anti-Stall Screen ...........................................................................................................................................24
Calibration Screen ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Calibrating the Connected Levers/Joystick Without the Interface Software ....................................... 26
Calibrating the Connected Levers/Joystick With the Interface Software ............................................ 26
Profile Configuration Screen ........................................................................................................................26
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This SRM describes the electronic hydraulic control Hydraulic System 1900SRM1478
system, and its interaction with the Hydraulic User Diagrams 8000SRM1500
Interface Program.
Electrical System 2200SRM1499
See the following resources for additional
The hydraulic system is operated through an elec- • Input signals
trically-operated control valve that receives its sig- • Programmed functions
nals from the hydraulic controller. See Figure 1.
The hydraulic controller has been programmed to • Settings
supply these output signals to the control valve de-
pending on the following variables:
Description 2200 SRM 1481
Output signals can be Pulse Width Modulation The controller requires a 24 volt power supply for
(PWM) signals for proportional hydraulic functions, operation. Power is provided through the ignition
digital signals for ON/OFF functions, or CAN bus switch, the relay hydraulic controller, and a 30
messages for other linked controllers. amp fuse. There is a Red and Green LED next to
the main connector of the controller. The Green
The controller continually monitors the system for LED is ON when the controller is powered. If a
fault conditions, displays the appropriate fault co- fault condition is detected, the Red LED is also illu-
des, and takes action when necessary. minated.
2200 SRM 1481 Description
CONTROL VALVE Cycling the ignition key resets the LED to Green.
The LED will immediately turn Red if the fault
Hydraulic oil flow through the control valve is de- condition continues.
termined by the position of the spools. The position
of each spool depends on the electrical controller ANALOG INPUTS
signal received at the actuation module for that
spool. Levers and Joysticks
Depending on the hydraulic function, different Levers and joysticks are used to proportionally con-
types of solenoid are used: PVEO, PVEH, or PVEA. trol the movement of the following functions:
• Lifting and lowering
For hydraulic functions that just require hydraulic
supply to be ON or OFF, the electrical signal is ON • Tilting forward and backward
or OFF as well. The solenoid used is PVEO. Oper- • Aux0 (often sideshift)
ating voltage is 24 volts. • Aux1 (often fork positioning)
For hydraulic functions that require more precise Depending on the position of the lever, the 5-volt
control, the actual spool position is regulated ac- signal from the controller is converted to a signal
cording to a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal between 0.5 volts and 4.5 volts. The neutral posi-
of 6–12–18 volts at the solenoid. tion of the lever translates to a signal of 2.5 volts.
The solenoids used are PVEH or PVEA. The controller monitors the signals provided by the
levers and if the signals are out of range, the con-
PVEH affords more precise control of the spool po- troller activates a fault code and enters a fail safe
sition and is used for the lift and lower functions. mode.
PVEA affords less precise control of the spool posi- Levers must be calibrated before being put into
tion and is used for the tilt and auxiliary functions. service. This provides a reference to the controller
for the two extreme and neutral lever positions.
The actuation module has an integrated circuit (IC)
that compares the controller signal/desired spool The controller converts the lever position input sig-
position with the actual spool position, and at- nal into a PWM-output signal and sends it to the
tempts to adjust the spool position accordingly. control valve.
A fault code will be displayed in the form of an LED For backward lever movements, the lever output
light if the actual spool position cannot be matched signals are linked with flow direction A.
with the desired spool position. In addition, each
electrical actuation module has an LED: For forward lever movements, the lever output sig-
• OFF nals are linked with flow direction B. The specific
indicates no power signal. lever position and connector orientation assures
• Green indicates normal operation of the con- lever directions cannot inadvertently result in in-
trol valve section. correct oil flow directions.
Description 2200 SRM 1481
A pressure sensor in the main valve provides a sig- NOTE: This function is NOT related to the Lift In-
nal to the hydraulic controller as an input for the terrupt Disable button on the Twist Module for CH
optional features: Dynamic Control, Loaded Speed trucks. On CH trucks this button provides a forced
Reduction, and Load Moment Interrupt. seated signal that allows repositioning of the at-
tachment on the container.
See Programmed Features.
Lowering Interrupt (ECH)
This function disables the lowering function when
Switches there is a risk that lift chains may become slack.
The lowering interrupt can be disabled by pushing
Two auxiliary functions can be activated by manual the override button on the container handler con-
switches (digital inputs): Aux2 and Aux3. trol box.
Depending on the position of the switch, the con- Height Interrupt (Optional)
troller sends a 24 volt signal to the relevant sole-
noid valve. A proximity switch disables the lift function when a
certain mast height position has been reached. The
Interrupts input signal connects to the same controller pin as
for the Lift Interrupt function, but the setting of
Interrupts disable the lifting/lowering and/or tilt this input in the controller is made through the
functions under specific circumstances. These cir- Truck Configuration screen under Height Inter-
cumstances are set by switches to interrupt an ex- rupt.
isting signal, or by the operator who activates a
switch which sends a signal to the controller.
2200 SRM 1481 Description
Load Moment Interrupt (Optional) Analog outputs are used for the lift, tilt, and auxili-
ary functions.
This function disables the lift and backward tilt
functions via a pressure switch in the main control Digital Outputs
valve. This function also limits the maximum load
that can be lifted. Digital signals are ON/OFF signals providing 24
volts when activated, and 0 volts when deactivated.
In general, digital signals are used for auxiliary
CAN Bus communication can be considered both as functions.
an input and output signal.
For alternating PT systems there is a maximum of
The hydraulic controller communicates via the SAE four digital outputs available: Digital Out Aux0,
J1939 CAN Bus circuit with the following control- Digital Out Aux1, Digital Out Aux2, and Digital
lers: Out Aux3.
• Instrument cluster - for displaying mes-
sages on the fault code display. See Fault Co- For fixed PT systems, each of the above Digital Out
des. signals receives an additional letter designation (A
or B) to indicate the different flow directions for
• Engine Control Module - for the Anti-Stall these functions. The letters A and B correspond to
and Temperature Protection features. See flow direction as intended by the lever movement.
Programmed Features. The connector housing on the auxiliary valve pre-
• Transmission Controller (APC200 or vents incorrect connection of the signal wires.
TCU) - for the Loaded Speed Reduction fea-
ture. See Programmed Features. One digital output (pin 39) is used as a power sup-
ply for all PVEA and PVEH solenoids.
Another digital output (pin 40) is used to enable the
Output signals can be digital (ON/OFF), analog lowering functionality when there is no oil supply
(with a certain value and within a specified range), coming from the hydraulic pumps.
or CAN bus messages.
Depending on settings and programmed features,
the output signals can be different than standard The controller has been programmed for a number
programming. See Settings and Programmed Fea- of standard features and can also be programmed
tures. for optional features. The following standard and
optional features are described below:
Analog Outputs • Anti-Stall (Standard)
Description 2200 SRM 1481
The Anti-Stall feature prevents the engine from The High Temperature Protection feature limits ve-
stalling by reducing the hydraulic output for the hicle speed to 10 km/h (6 mph) when hydraulic oil
lift, tilt, and auxiliary functions. When engine temperature is above 90°C (194°F) to reduce the
speed is between 850 and 600 rpm, the spool activa- heat generated during braking. When High Tem-
tion signal is proportionally reduced every 2 sec- perature Protection is activated, the fault code h-
onds. When engine speed is recovering, the reduced hot is displayed.
spool activation will increase every 4 seconds until
the spools are fully activated according to the posi- Dynamic Control (Optional)
tion of the lever.
The Dynamic Control feature consists of two differ-
In the event engine speed is below 600 rpm, the ent components:
output signal for lift, tilt, and auxiliary functions is • Dynamic Load Compensation uses informa-
set to zero to completely remove the hydraulic load tion from the pressure sensor to adjust the
immediately. lowering output signal.
Depending on the hydraulic oil temperature, engine The Loaded Speed Reduction feature limits vehicle
speed is reduced proportionally in order to protect speed when the weight of the load exceeds a certain
the hydraulic pumps against cavitation. See Ta- value. The required input signal is provided by the
ble 1 for the relationship between temperature and pressure sensor. The Hydraulic User Interface Pro-
maximum engine speed. When the Low Tempera- gram allows adjustment of both weight and limited
ture Protection is activated, the fault code h-cold is vehicle speed.
NOTE: Loaded Speed Reduction is different from
Table 1. Temperature and Maximum Engine container handler speed limitations that can be
Speed triggered either by exceeding a certain lift height
for a container, or by insufficient locking of a con-
Temperature Maximum Rpm tainer for model 584.
−5°C (23°F) Unrestricted
−10°C (14°F) 1600
−13°C (9°F) 1200
−20°C (−4°F) 1000
2200 SRM 1481 Description
General Functions of the Interface 2200 SRM 1481
2200 SRM 1481 General Functions of the Interface
Yes Not applicable
Protection Screen
General Functions of the Interface 2200 SRM 1481
Yes Not applicable
Yes Not applicable
Active Errors
Yes Not applicable
Error History
Yes Not applicable
All Parameters
Yes Not applicable
File Screen
2200 SRM 1481 General Functions of the Interface
Start Screen
The Start Screen displays automatically upon The truck’s serial number is programmed into the
start up of the Hydraulic User Interface Program hydraulic controller with the ROP (Read-Only Pa-
and provides basic information about the system rameter) File. The serial number can be changed in
such as the truck’s serial number (SN), the name of the hydraulic controller by downloading another
the application, the version (Ver) number of the in- ROP File.
terface program, and the corresponding part num-
ber (PN). See Figure 4. Users can select the desired language before click-
ing on the Continue button to advance to the Re-
minder screen.
General Functions of the Interface 2200 SRM 1481
Reminder Screen
The Reminder screen is an additional reminder to Basic Screen Layout of the Hydraulic User
the user to always click on the Download Param- Interface Program
eters button or press the F4 key to save a changed
parameter to the hydraulic controller. See Figure 5. The screens for Truck Configuration through Active
Errors contain the same list of icons. These icons
To update information for a particular screen, click appear along the left-hand margin of each screen
on the Upload Parameters button or press the F2 and serve as shortcuts to other screens. See Fig-
key. ure 6.
2200 SRM 1481 General Functions of the Interface
General Functions of the Interface 2200 SRM 1481
Calibrates the levers and joystick following their 8. Active Error Indicator
replacement or failure, or after replacing the hy-
Takes the user to the Active Errors Screen
draulic controller. See also Calibration.
when a number displays in the box to the left of
4. Flow Settings Screen the icon.
2200 SRM 1481 General Functions of the Interface
General Functions of the Interface 2200 SRM 1481
NOTE: Check your Parts Manual to make sure this drop-down list box representing the active mode.
software applies to the Lift Truck you are servicing. When clicked on, this link will take the user to the
appropriate mode definition subscreen. See Fig-
The Truck Configuration screen contains several ure 10.
drop-down list boxes for configuring the hydraulic
controller to the truck to which it is connected. See
Figure 7.
The first drop-down list box on the left lists the Figure 10. Hydraulic Responsiveness Drop-Down
types of front-end valve. The carriage type and ac- List Box
companying valves associated with the truck will
determine which choice to select. See Figure 8.
NOTE: The Lift/Height Interrupt drop-down list
box is an optional feature that can be enabled/disa-
bled if the truck has the necessary hardware. The
hardware may be obtained via SPED.
2200 SRM 1481 General Functions of the Interface
NOTE: The arrow icon that displays in the upper Up to three lever profiles can be defined for analog
left of the screen acts as a back button, indicating functions. The icon to the right of the lever profile
the active screen is a subscreen. drop-down list displays the active configuration and
when clicked on takes the user to the Lever Profile
NOTE: The settings displayed on the Mode Defini- Configuration screen.
tion screen for lift, lower, tilt, aux0, and aux1 can
only be changed at the engineering level and are
accessible via the Truck Configuration screen by Table 3. Parameters
clicking on the Truck Configuration icon. The set-
tings for aux2, aux3, and twist lock pressure are Input Device Adjustable Times
adjustable at the dealer level. Lift/Lower Min. 200 ms; Max. 2000 ms
See Figure 12. Tilt Min. 200 ms; Max. 2000 ms
Aux0 Min. 200 ms; Max. 2000 ms
Acceleration and deceleration ramp times can be
defined for each function, within reasonable limits, Aux1 Min. 200 ms; Max. 2000 ms
for each analog function. See Table 3. Figure 12 il- Aux2 Min. 200 ms; Max. 2000 ms
lustrates the different ramping time behavior for
Aux3 Min. 200 ms; Max. 2000 ms
jumping input.
Pressure Input Min. 200 ms; Max. 2000 ms
General Functions of the Interface 2200 SRM 1481
NOTE: The arrow icon that displays in the upper and press the F4 key to save the pump setting to
left of the screen acts as a back button, indicating the controller. Changing pump settings can only be
the active screen is a subscreen. done at the service/engineering level.
The Default Flow Settings screen contains three Next, mast and carriage settings can be selected
drop-down list boxes and a set button for easy set- from their corresponding drop-down list boxes, and
ting of the valve and flow settings. See Figure 13. saved to the controller by pressing the F4 key.
The screen is accessible via the Truck Configura-
tion screen by clicking on the Set Default Flow To load the default flow and valve settings for the
Values button. See Figure 7. pump, mast, and carriage, click on the Set Default
Flow Settings button that appears below the
Using the serial number of the truck, the hydraulic drop-down list boxes.
controller automatically selects the pump settings.
Check this selection against actual installed parts
2200 SRM 1481 General Functions of the Interface
NOTE: The arrow icon that displays in the upper The Cut Out Pressure value is set from where the
left of the screen acts as a back button, indicating Load Moment Interrupt is inactive. The actual
the active screen is a subscreen. pressure and a symbol that shows whether the
Load Moment Interrupt is active or inactive dis-
NOTE: The settings displayed on the Load Moment plays making it easier to adjust the settings. See
Interrupt screen can only be changed at the engi- Figure 14.
neering level, and are accessible via the Truck Con-
figuration screen by clicking on the Truck Configu-
ration icon.