Siman 63 Seif 4-9

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Sun, May 30, 2021  ‫ תשפ“א‬,‫י“ט סיון‬ ‘‫ט‬-‘‫סימן ס“ג סעיף ד‬

Overview Halacha Highlight

Siman 63 Seif 4: Correct intent while reading shema
The primary intent is for the first pasuk, therefore, if he did not have Shulchan Aruch Siman 63 Seif 4
intent for the first pasuk he must read it again. Even the opinion who ‫ה הוא בפסוק ראשון‬‫עקר הכו‬
maintains that mitzvos do not require intent would agree regarding The primary intent is while reading the first pasuk
intent for the first pasuk of shema.
Shulchan Aruch ('‫ )סע' ד‬writes that the primary intent is while reciting
 If one did not have proper concentration for ‫ ברוך שם‬he is
the first pasuk. Mishnah Berurah (‫ )ס"ק י"א‬explains that the pasuk
required to reread shema. (M.B. 12)
 If one read ‫ שמע‬and ‫ והיה אם שמע‬and then realizes that he did not ‫ ברוך שם כבוד‬is included in the first pasuk and one’s intent is
concentrate properly for the first pasuk he must reread the essential to fulfilling the mitzvah. The primary meaning of the re-
parsha of ‫שמע‬. If he realizes while in the middle of the parsha of quirement to have proper intent is that one should accept the yoke
‫ והיה אם שמע‬he should finish the parsha, reread ‫שמע‬and then of Heaven as one reads shema. Additionally, before one begins
read ‫ויאמר‬. (M.B. 14) reading shema he should have in mind his intent to fulfill the mitz-
vah of Hashem to read shema, accept the yoke of Heaven and de-
Siman 63 Seif 5:
clare His unity.
If someone was sleeping we disturb him and wake him to read the
first pasuk while fully awake. From that point on we do not disturb Sefer Piskei Teshuvos offers the following explanation for ‫ שמע‬and
him to be fully awake for even if he reads while dozing he fulfills the ‫ברוך שם‬:
mitzvah. The halacha of one who was drinking or is drunk is dis- ‫—שמע ישראל‬One should contemplate and accept the following idea
cussed later in 91:1. and believe it (pause),
 One opinion is that reading the first pasuk is Biblically mandated, That '‫—ה‬who was, is and will be and is the Master of all,
a second opinion maintains that one must read the first parsha He is ‫ו‬‫לוקי‬-‫—א‬our G-d who is omnipotent, and the force behind
and a third opinion asserts that the second parsha is also everything and we accept upon ourselves the yoke of his reign as the
Biblically mandated. All opinions agree that reading the parsha One who guides and oversees all of our actions with Divine Provi-
of ‫ ויאמר‬fulfills the Biblical obligation to recall the exodus and that dence without the need for an intermediary (pause),
is why it was incorporated into shema. (M.B. 16) He is '‫—ה‬who was, is and will be and is the Master of all,
Siman 63 Seif 6: And He is ‫—אחד‬One in the heavens, on earth and in the four
One who is reading the first paragraph of shema should not signal corners of the universe (pause),
with his eyes or lips or point with his fingers since that is the primary ‫—ברוך‬He is the source of all blessing (pause),
acceptance of the yoke of Heaven and communicating gives the im- ‫—שם כבוד מלכותו‬His Holy name that we mentioned is deserving of
pression that one is doing so casually and the pasuk says ‫ודברת בם‬ the honor of His kingdom that we accepted upon ourselves and the
and this is understood to mean that it should be formal. world (pause),
 One may not signal even for a mitzvah. (M.B. 17) ‫—לעולם ועד‬Will endure for eternity.
 Some opinions are stringent and do not permit signaling even
while reading the second parsha. (M.B. 18)
Siman 63 Seif 7: to what he was saying in general, he found that he would sometimes
If one was engaged in an activity and wants to read shema he must be hit with a fleeting thought between the words that had nothing to
stop that activity until the he reads the first parsha so that it should not do with shema. But he would immediately remember where he was
appear as though his reading is casual. and muster all of his concentration on saying shema with kavanah.
 The implication is that for the other paragraphs and while When he mentioned this passing unpleasantness to someone, this
reading the berachos one may continue his activity. (M.B. 19) person shocked him with a fact that he had never known.
The friend said, “The Mishnah Berurah in siman 63 implies that
Siman 63 Seif 8: if you have other thoughts while saying shema you did not discharge
Craftsmen or homeowners who were working in a tree or on the top your obligation…”
of a row of a structure may read shema where they work and are not But when this question was brought to Rav Moshe Sternbuch,
required to descend before reading shema. shlit”a, he ruled that since the illicit thoughts arose between the words,
Siman 63 Seif 9: this person had in fact discharged his obligation b’dieved. “That the
A porter is permitted to read shema while carrying a load on his Mishnah Berurah holds this to be true is even clearer from the Biur Ha-
shoulder but he should not read while loading or unloading his load lachah in the beginning of siman 101 regarding focusing during birkas
since at that time his mind is not settled. avos. However, I was unable to locate any indication of this in the Rash-
ba that the Biur Halachah quotes. All I saw was that the Rashba holds

Stories to Share that if one is preoccupied with other thoughts while reciting avos and the
like he does not discharge his obligation. But that only means that one
had an irrelevant thought while reciting the words, not in between
Between the Words words. It seems clear that the mitzvah here is that the recital of avos or
"...‫ה לבו לדברים אחרים הרי לא קבל מלכות שמים‬‫ "פ‬:‫ ס"ק י"ג‬,‫מ"ב ס' ס"ג‬ the first pasuk of kriyas shema be with kavanah. B’dieved, if one had
A certain person noticed that at times he had a hard time focus- other thoughts between words his recital discharged his obligation.”
ing on the first verse of shema. Although he was able to pay attention '‫ אות ב‬,‫ ס' כ"ד‬,‫ ח"ג‬,‫הגות‬‫שו"ת תשובות וה‬

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