Siman 54 Seif 3
Siman 54 Seif 3
Siman 54 Seif 3
Stories to Share no difference whether you start yotzer ohr before you hear borchu or
Another man once came late to shul. When the minyan said borchu
he was in the middle of pesukei d’zimrah. This man davened fairly quick-
At Their Own Pace ly and the minyan he liked to attend went at a slower pace. When he
"... "וכל שכן שלא יפסיק לאחר שאמר השליח צבור ברכו:' ג,"ד 'ש"ע ס
reached the end of yishtabach he was unsure how to proceed. Either he
A certain man liked to daven slowly. Since it took him longer than
could go into another shteibel which was reading the Torah and hear
anyone else, he would arrive at his minyan early to begin davening long
borchu there, or he could continue davening and say kedushah of yotzer
before anyone else arrived. By the time the minyan began he was al-
with the minyan.
ready up to ashrei. When the chazzan said kaddish and borchu this man
When this question was brought before Rav Chaim Kanievsky, he
was almost up to shema. That way he reached shemonah esrei with the
ruled concisely, "!“צריך עיון
minyan. Although when he completed shemonah esrei the minyan was ע' קס"ה,שאלת רב