@ - Rubble Mound Structure Design
@ - Rubble Mound Structure Design
@ - Rubble Mound Structure Design
Rubble Mound Breakwater Design
Layout Options for Rubble Mound Breakwaters and Jetties
General Description
Design Wave
Water Levels and Datums
Design Parameters
Design Concept/ Procedure
Structure Elevation, Run-up and Overtopping
Crest/Crown Width
Armor Unit Size and Stability
Underlayer Design
Bedding and Filter Design
Toe Structures
Low Crested Breakwaters
a. Tide Predictions, The National Ocean Service (NOS) publishes tide height predictions
and tide ranges. Figure 2-l shows spring tide ranges for the continental United States.
Published tide predictions are sufficient for most project designs; however, prototype
observations may be required in some instances.
armor layer, W
R hc first underlayer
ht α αb
second underlayer
SWL Run-up = Ru
Run-down = Rd
Run-up may be determined by surf similarity parameter (ξm) and core permeability
(Abbot and Price, 1994)
ξ m = tan α , where Lm is the wave length for the modal period, Tm (deep
H s Lm
water assumed) Æ Lm =
van der Meer (1988)
Ru H S = aξ m for ξm < 1.5
Ru H S = bξ cm for ξm > 1.5
for permeable structures (P > 0.4) run-up is limited to Ru H S = d
Ru exceedence
probability (%) a b c d
0.1 1.12 1.34 0.55 2.58
2 0.96 1.17 0.46 1.97
5 0.86 1.05 0.44 1.68
10 0.77 0.94 0.42 1.45
50 0.47 0.60 0.34 0.82
Reduction factors are applied to the Run-up formula to account for roughness, oblique
waters and overtopping
R uR H S = (R u H S )product(γ i )
Reduction factor (γ)
Smooth impermeable (including smooth
concrete and asphalt) 1.0
1 layer of stone rubble on impermeable base 0.8
Gravel 0.7
Rock rip-rap with thickness > 2D50 0.5-0.6
Run-down is typically 1/3 to ½ of the run-up and may be used to determine the minimum
downward extension of the main armor and a possible upper level for introducing a berm
with reduced armor size.
Wave Transmission
Wave transmission behind rubble mound breakwaters is caused by wave
regeneration due to overtopping and wave penetration through voids in the
breakwater. Affected by:
• Crest elevation
• Crest width
• seaside and lee-side face slopes
• Rubble size
• Breakwater porosity
• Wave height, wave length and water depth
Given an acceptable lee-side wave height, the crest elevation (hc) and width (B)
can be determined by using the diagram below (note: the diagram is based on
experiments by N. Tanaka, 1976, on a symmetric breakwater with 1:2 seaside and
lee-side slopes.)
1/ 3
H γa γaH 3
Ns = Æ W=
(SG − 1) W (SG − 1)3 N s3
Experiments related the stability number to the face slope and armor unit
N s = (K D cot α )
1/ 3
for tetrapod: W = =
γaH 3150)20 3
= 15.6 tons
K D (SG − 1) cot α 8(2.34 − 1)2
Rough angular >3 Special (e) 2.2 4.5 2.1 4.2 (c)
Rough angular 2 Special (e) 5.8 7.0 5.3 6.4 (c)
Parallelepiped (f) 2 Random 7.0 - 20.0 8.5 - 24.0 -- -- (c)
Quarrystone (KRR)
-- Random 2.2 2.5 -- -- --
Graded angular
n is the number of wits comprising the thickness of the armor layer.
Applicable to slopes ranging from 1 on 1.5 to 1 on 5.
Until more information is available on the variation of KD value with slope, the use of KD should be limited to
slopes ranging from 1 on 1.5 to 1 on 3. Some armor units tested on a structure head indicate a KD slope
The use of a single layer of quarry stone armor units subject to breaking waves is not recommended, and only
under special conditions for non-breaking waves. When it is used, the stone should be carefully placed.
Special placement with long axis of stone placed perpendicular to structure face.
Long slab-like stone with the long dimension about three times its shortest dimension.
Refers to no-damage criteria (~5 percent displacement, rocking, etc.); if no rocking (<2 percent) is desired, reduce
KD 50 percent.
Stability of dolos on slopes steeper than 1 on 2 should be substantiated by site-specific model tests.
NOTE : Breaking wave stability coefficients for stone and dolos were developed using a 1V:10H foreslope.
Table 2, Layer Thickness Coefficient and Porosity
Type of Placing Layer Thickness Porosity
Armor Unit n (1) Technique Coefficient, k∆ Percent
Smooth stone 2 Random 1.00 38
Rough stone 2 Random 1.00 37
Tetrapod 2 Random 1.04 50
Quadripod 2 Random 0.95 49
Hexapod 2 Random 1.15 47
Modified Cube 2 Random 1.10 47
Tribar 2 Random 1.02 54
Tribar 1 Uniform 1.13 47
Toskane 2 Random 1.03 52
Dolos 2 Random 0.94 56
Number of layers of armor units
Geotextile filter fabric may be used as a substitute for a bedding layer or filter blanket,
especially for bank protection structures.
When a fabric is used, a protective layer of spalls or crushed rock (7-inch
maximum to 4-inch minimum size) having a recommended minimum thickness of
2 feet should be placed between the fabric and adjacent stone to prevent puncture
of the fabric. Filter criteria should be met between the protective layer of spalls
and adjacent stone.
Advantages: uniform properties and quality.
Disadvantage: susceptible to weathering, tearing, clogging and flopping.
Toe Structures
No rigorous criteria. Design is complicated by interactions between main structure,
hydrodynamic forces and foundation soil. Design is often ad hoc or based on laboratory
testing. Toe failure often leads to major structural failure.
Functions of toe structure:
1. support the armor layer and prevent it from sliding (armor layer is subject to
waves and will tend to assume the equilibrium beach profile shape)
2. protect against scouring at the toe of the structure
3. prevent underlying material from leaching out
4. provide structural stability against circular or slip failure
weak soil
Protect against scour
Prevent circular failure
Toe Structure Stability
For larger ht Æ smaller stone sizes are required (wave action is reduced as depth
increases). From experiments (CIAD report, 1985):
ht H1/ 3
= f ( N s ) = 0.22 for 50% confidence level
h (SG − 1)D50
ht H1/ 3
= 0.253 for 90% confidence level
h (SG − 1)D50
1/ 3
assumes D50 = , i.e. spherical
Scour Consideration
If no Toe Structure is used, armor layer should extend below maximum scouring
depth and the breakwater slope may require adjustment to reduce scour.
Return flow
and vortex formation
Toe is protected by toe structure
scour hole
Generally: = f (ξ ) = 0.5 to 1.0 , with 1.0 at ξ ~ 2.7
The following design equations are based on preventing or minimizing scour in front of
vertical structures (Tanimoto, K., Yagyu, T., and Goda, Y., 1982)
Toe Apron Width (Bt) - width should be the maximum of Bt = 2H or Bt = 0.4h
(at least 3 stones)
h hc
H 2 / 3 L1 / 3 γaH 2L
Use a modified stability number N =
(SG − 1)3 (N s* )3
s 1/ 3
(SG − 1)W γ
L is the wave length at the structure depth and is calculated using peak period (Tp)
for random waves.
Damage Level (S) is defined as: S = , where As = area of damage (see diagram) and
D50 = median stone size of the breakwater