Flex Your Wisdom Muscle
Flex Your Wisdom Muscle
Flex Your Wisdom Muscle
Take time to
deliberate, but We are what It is better
Life can only be
when the time we repeatedly to change an
understood backwards;
for action comes, do. Excellence opinion than
but it must be lived
stop thinking then is a habit. to persist in
and go in. a wrong one.
- Socrate
-Napoleon -Søren Kierkegaard - Socrate
The oldest,
The proof that you shortest words Thinking is a
know something is - ‘yes’ and ‘no’ - If you want to improve, habit, and like
that you are able to are those which be content to be thought any other habit, it
teach it. require the most foolish and stupid. can be changed; it
thought. just takes effort
-Aristotle -Epictetus and repetition.
- John Eliot