Flex Your Wisdom Muscle

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Simple can be harder than

complex: You have to work When you want

hard to get your thinking Sometimes people don’t success as badly as
clean to make it simple. But want to hear the truth you want the air,
it’s worth it in the end because because they don’t want then you will get it.
once you get there, you can their illusions destroyed. There is no other
move mountains. secret of success.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Steve Jobs -Socrates

Take time to
deliberate, but We are what It is better
Life can only be
when the time we repeatedly to change an
understood backwards;
for action comes, do. Excellence opinion than
but it must be lived
stop thinking then is a habit. to persist in
and go in. a wrong one.
- Socrate
-Napoleon -Søren Kierkegaard - Socrate

Be a free thinker If you think you

and don’t accept We can’t learn can do a thing
The intelligence consists
everything you hear without pain. or think you
not only in the knowledge
as truth. Be critical can’t do a thing,
but also in the skill to
and evaluate what you’re right.
- Aristotele apply the knowledge into
you believe in.
-Henry Ford practice.
- Aristotele - Aristotele

The oldest,
The proof that you shortest words Thinking is a
know something is - ‘yes’ and ‘no’ - If you want to improve, habit, and like
that you are able to are those which be content to be thought any other habit, it
teach it. require the most foolish and stupid. can be changed; it
thought. just takes effort
-Aristotle -Epictetus and repetition.
- John Eliot

Excellence is never an accident. There are two

It is always the result of high different types of
It is impossible for a man intention, sincere effort, and people in the world,
to learn what he thinks he intelligent execution; it those who want to
already knows. represents the wise choice of know, and those who
many alternatives - choice, not want to believe.
-Epictetus chance, determines your
destiny. -Friedrich
- Aristotele Nietzsche
The happiness
Don’t try to cover your
of your life You have power over
The more often a mistakes with false
depends upon your mind - not outside
stupidity is repeated, words. Rather, correct
the quality events. Realize this, and
the more it gets the your mistakes with
of your you will find strength.
appearance of wisdom. examination.
- Voltaire -Pythagoras - Marco Aurelio
- Marco Aurelio

Beware of false No amount of reading or A wise man will

The opinion of 10,000 be master of
men is of no value if knowledge; it is memorizing will make
more dangerous you successful in life. It his mind. A fool
none of them know will be its slave.
anything about the than ignorance. is the understanding and
subject. application of wise thought - Publilius
-George Bernard which counts. Syrus
-Confucius Shaw - Bob Proctor

To acquire A man must be big enough No matter how

knowledge, one The man who asks
to admit his mistakes, smart great the talent a question is a fool
must study; but to enough to profit from them, or efforts, some
acquire wisdom, for a minute, the
and strong enough to correct things just take man who does not
one must observe. them. time. ask is a fool for
-Marilyn vos -Warren Buffett life.
- John C. Maxwell
Savant -Confucius

I believe in the discipline of In my whole life, I It takes 20 years to build

mastering the best that other have known no wise a reputation and five
people have ever figured out. I don’t people who didn’t minutes to ruin it. If you
believe in just sitting down and read all the time - think about that, you’ll
trying to dream it all up yourself. none ... ZERO. do things differently.
Nobody’s that smart. - Charlie Munger - Warren Buffett
-Charlie Munger

If you expect the world to be fair

with you because you are fair, A man who does There is nothing
either good or Waste no more
you’re fooling yourself. That’s not think for
bad but thinking time arguing
like expecting the lion not to eat himself does not
makes it so. what a good
you because you didn’t eat him. think at all.
man should be.
- John Spence - Oscar Wilde - Marco Aurelio Be one.
- Marco Aurelio

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