Qaeda Syllabus 2023
Qaeda Syllabus 2023
Qaeda Syllabus 2023
❖ Level 1 – Lesson 1 to 4
❖ Level 2 – Lesson 5 to 8
❖ Level 3 – Lesson 9 to 12
❖ Level 4 – Lesson 13 to 17
❖ Level 5 – To Memorize: Rules,
To Read: Selected Surahs, Ahadith, Manners & First chapter of the introduction
of Al Jazariyah.
4- Do we read the letter Alif ( ) اwhich comes with tanween of fatha (double vowel of
No, only when we are stopping. Example: ()غَرقًا
7- How do we read the mushaddad letter after which there is another mushaddad/ saakin
One time with the letter before it and one time with the letter after it. Example: ()اَل ُمدَّثِّر,
17- When do we have Tafkheem (heaviness) in letter Laam ( ) لin Lafdh Al-Jalalah?
When there is fatha or dhammah before it. Example: (ِّسول ِّمنَ للا
ُ ) َر
18- Give the signs of Waqf (?)عالمات الوقف
• End of Ayah.
• – جIt is allowed to stop on this word,
• – صلےIt is allowed to stop but continuing is better,
• – قلےIt is allowed to stop and it is better to stop,
• – مIt is required to stop and not stopping on this word could change the intended
meaning of ALLAH's words.
• – الIt is used as an indicator either not to stop.
• – سBreathless pause.
19- How to get rid of two saakin ( )التقاء الساكنينwhen it comes together in Tanween?
By keeping the first vowel and changing the second vowel to noon ( )نwith kasrah.
ْ )يَ ْو َمئِّذ ْٱل ُم
Example: (ستَقَر
لرحْ َٰم ِن َاِ ه
لر ِح ِيم للِ۬ا َاِ ه
بِس ِْم َ ِ ه ِ
ق ( )2ا ْقرأْ وربُّك ْاْل ْكر ُم ( )3الهذِي علهم بِ ْالقل ِم ( )4علهم اِ ْقرأْ بِاس ِْم ربِك الهذِي خلق ( )1خلق ْ ِ
اْل ْنسان ِم ْن عل ٍ
لرحْ َٰم ِن َاِ ه
لر ِح ِيم للِ۬ا َاِ ه
ِبس ِْم َ ِ ه ِ
لرحْ َٰم ِن َاِ ه
لر ِح ِيم للِ۬ا َاِ ه
بِس ِْم َ ِ ه ِ
سورة اْلخالص صم ُد ( )2ل ْم ي ِل ْد ول ْم يُول ْد ( )3ول ْم ي ُك ْن لهُ ُكفُ ًوا أح ٌد ()4 قُ ْل هُو ه
للِ۬اُ أح ٌد ( )1ه
للِ۬اُ ال ه
لرحْ َٰم ِن َاِ ه
لر ِح ِيم للِ۬ا َاِ ه
بِس ِْم َ ِ ه ِ
سورة الكوثر ِإنها أعْطيْناك ْالك ْوثر ( )1فص ِل ِلر ِبك وا ْنح ْر (ِ )2إ هن شانِئك هُو ْاْلبْت ُر ()3