Rdbms Imp Questions

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Kachiguda, Hyderabad.

Subject: RDBMS Prepared by: KISHORE BEZAWADA

Year: II B.Com.(Computer Applications) Semester: III
Unit - I:

1. What is RDBMS?

2. Disadvantages of File-Oriented System

3. Primary key

4. Foreign key

5. E-R Diagram

6. Degree of Relationship

7. Cardinality

8. Recursive Relationship

9. Candidate key

10. Super key

Unit - II:

11. Database Integrity

12. Functional Dependency

13. 1NF & 2NF

14. 3NF Vs BCNF

15. 4NF & 5NF

16. Indexing

17. Tree

Unit - III:

18. Data types in SQL

19. Operators in SQL

20. DDL Commands

21. DML Commands (Data Manipulations)

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22. TCL Commands

23. DCL Commands

24. Dual Table

25. Nested Query

26. Force View

27. Indexes

28. Synonyms

29. Sequences

30. Joins

31. Aggregate functions

32. Check constraint

33. Group by clause

34. Order by clause

35. Having clause

Unit - IV:

36. Concurrency control

37. Schedule

38. Locking

39. Deadlock

40. Database Integrity

41. Database Security

42. Database Recovery

Unit - V:


44. Data Fragmentation

45. Data Replication

46. Data Distribution

47. Client-Server Architecture

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Unit - I:

1. What are the advantages of DBMS over File-based system?

2. Explain the Functions & Role of DBA.

3. Explain different Data Models.

4. Explain Relational Operators (Relational Algebra) with examples.

5. Explain about E-R Model in detail. (E-R Diagram)

6. Explain the process of creating an E-R diagram with suitable example.

7. Explain the process to convert an E-R diagram into Relational Database.

Unit - II:

8. Explain about Database Integrity & Integrity Constraints (Keys).

9. What is Normalisation? Explain different Normal Forms with suitable examples.

10. Explain the Physical database design issues.

11. Explain about different types of File Organization.

12. What is an Indexing? Write about different types of Indexes.

13. Explain about Tree Structure.

Unit - III:

14. Explain about different SQL Commands (SQL Statements).

15. Explain different clauses in SQL with suitable examples.

16. Explain about DDL Statements in SQL.

17. Explain about DML Statements in SQL.

18. Write about Integrity constraints in SQL.

19. Write about SQL Functions with suitable examples. (Aggregate & Text Functions)

20. Write about Nested Queries with suitable example.

21. What are Joins? Explain about different joins in SQL with suitable examples.

22. What is a View? Explain how to create views in SQL with examples.

23. Write about SQL Table commands. (Create Table, Alter Table and Drop Table)

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Unit - IV:

24. What is a Transaction? Explain ACID Properties of Transaction.

25. What is a Lock? Explain different Locking Techniques.

26. Explain Two-phase Locking protocol with example.

27. What is Deadlock? Explain deadlock prevention techniques.

28. Explain Database Recovery Techniques.

29. Explain about Concurrency control.

Unit - V:

30. Explain the need for Distributed Database Systems.

31. Explain the Architecture of Distributed Database Management System (DDBMS).

32. Explain the advantages of DDBMS.

33. Write about Data Replication in DDBMS in detail.

34. Write about Data Fragmentation in detail.

35. Explain about Client-Server Architecture.

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