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1. What is DBMS? Mention one application of DBMS.

2. Write down any two responsibilities of database administrator.
3. Name any four types of attributes.
4. Define functional dependency.
5. How are storage devices classified?
6. What is group by clause? Give example.
7. What is heap file? How are pages organized in a heap file?
8. Define primary key and foreign key.
9. List any two advantages of PL/SQL.
10. Define two-phase locking.
11. Explain commit and Rollback commands.
12. What is RAID?
13. Why do we need DBMS?
14. List the implicit properties of database approach.
15. Differentiate between single value and multi valued attributes.
16. Define referential integrity constraints with example.
17. List out different types of Join operations.
18. Mention the kind of constraints we can specify in the create command DDL.
19. What is time stamp? Explain.
20. Define query. Give an Example.
21. Define Schema and an Instance.
22. Define Entity and Relationship.
23. Define Data Independence.
24. Explain Domain and Tuple.
25. Explain database triggers.
26. Explain dirty read related to transaction processing system.
27. What is concurrency control?
28. Mention any two advantages of DBMS.
29. What do you mean by DBMS catalog and metadata?
30. Give any four functions of DBA.
31. What do you mean by generalization and specialization?
32. What are the applications of relational algebra in RDBMS?
33. Mention the different categories of SQL statements.
34. What is an exception? Mention major types of exceptions.
35. What are the desirable properties of transactions?
36. Define Database.
37. What is a data Model? Name any two types of data model.
38. What is an attribute? Name any two types of attributes.
39. What do you mean by Cardinality ratio?
40. What is double buffering?
41. Define the term Block and Blocking factor.
42. What are database anomalies? Mention its any two types.
43. What is distributed database?
44. What is a Cursor? Mention the types.
45. What are the different statements of DML?
46. Define Data independence. Mention the types.
47. Differentiate centralized database architecture and client server database architecture.
48. What is an entity? Mention the types of entities.
49. What are database anomalies? Mention the types.
50. Define normalization.
51. Explain different data types in SQL.
52. Expand PL/SQL. Mention any two advantages.
53. What is a view? Give the syntax for view creation.
54. List different types of failures.
55. Mention any two functions of DBMS
56. Mention the different types of SQL statements.
57. Define data independence. Mention its types.
58. Draw an ER diagram for book database.
59. Define entity and attribute.
60. What is Hashing? Mention its types.
61. Define candidate key and composite key.
62. What is projection? Give an example.
63. What is the difference between rollback and commit?
64. What is PL/SQL? Mention any two advantages.
65. What are ACID properties?
66. What is starvation? Give one example.
67. Define data and information.
68. Define Primary key with example.
69. What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
70. What is DDL, DML?
71. What is trigger?
72. Write the syntax and example for delete command.
73. What is exception? Mention its types.

13. a) Explain the advantages of DBMS.

b) Explain three schema architecture.

14.a) Define different types of keys.

b) Explain different Hashing Techniques.

15. Draw an ER diagram for STUDENT DATABASE SYSREM.

16. a) Explain generalization and specialization with examples.

b) Explain trivial dependency.

17.a) Explain Relational Algebra in detail.

b) Explain 1 NF,2 NF,3 NF.

18 a) Explain different aggregate functions in SQL with syntax and examples.

b) What are JOINS ? Explain INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN.

19. a) Explain different DDL commands with syntax and example.

b) create an EMPLOYEE Database using the following fields :

Field name Data type



DOB Date

Dept String

Salary Real

a) Create the table

b) Enter 5 tuples

c) Find sum of salaries of all employees

d) Find highest and least salaries of ail employees.

20. a) Explain ACID properties of a Transaction.

b) Explain different states of transaction.

13. a) Explain the advantages of DBMS.

b) Explain different people behind DBMS.

14. a) Explain data model and its types.

b) Explain database environment.

15. a) Write an E-R diagram of employee salary database and also mention type of association
between the entities.

b) Explain one to one, one to many and many to many relationships with example.

16. a) Explain the structure of Hard disk.

b) Explain internal and external hashing.

17. a) Explain design guidelines of relational schemas.

b) Explain 2NF and 3NF with examples.

18. a) Explain different characteristics of relations.

b) Explain Cartesian product and selection operations.

19. a) Write an SQL query for the following :

a) To create a table of Hospital database with minimum 5 fields

b) To insert two records

c) To add new field

d) To display all records.

b) Explain different types of cursors.

20. a) Explain serial and non serial schedules.

b) Explain lock and unlock operations for binary locks.

13. a) Write a note on DBA.

b) Explain three schema architecture with a neat diagram.

14. a) Explain any five 5 types of attributes with an example for each.

b) What is relationship ? Explain one to many and many to one with example

15. a) What is file ? Explain methods of allocating file block on disk.

b) What is normalization ? Explain BCNF.

16. a) Define Join. Explain any 4 types.

b) Define the following terms

i) Domain

ii) Tuple

iii) Constraints

iv) Relational algebra

v) Foreign key.

17. a) Explain ALTER and CREATE command with syntax and example.

b) Consider the below relation.



Write the SQL query statement for the following

i) Select name and course of the student who has got highest percentage.

ii) Count the number of girl students in BCA course.

iii) Display the reg. no. and name of the student who have failed in the test.

iv) Display the average marks scored in each of the 3 subjects.

v) Display reg. no., percentage and result of all the students.

18. a) Explain aggregate functions in SQL

b) Explain database anomalies.

19. a) Write PL/SQL program to find factorial of a number using while loop.

b) What are cursers? Explain its types.

20. a) Explain different types of locks.

b) Explain different states of transactions with neat diagram

13. a) Explain the advantages of DBMS.

b) Explain different people behind DBMS.

14. a) Design an ER-diagram for keeping track of information about company database, with at
least four entities.

b) What is a relationship? Give an example of one-to-one and many-to-many relationships.

15. a) Explain the structure of Hard disk.

b) Discuss the concept of generalization and specialization.

16. a) Discuss how disk mirroring helps in improving reliability.

b) List the operations of relational algebra and the purpose of each.

17. a) Discuss the various types of join operations.

b) Explain briefly DDL statements with syntax and examples.

18. a) Define transaction. Explain different states of transaction with a neat state transaction

b) Explain 2NF and 3NF with examples.

19. a) Write an SQL Query for the following :

i) To create a table of employee database with minimum 5 fields.

ii) To insert two records in the employee table.

iii) To add new field to the employee table.

b) Explain ACID properties of transaction.

20. a) What is a view in SQL, and how is it defined ? Discuss the problems that may arise when
one attempts to update a view.

b) What is two-phase locking protocol? How does it guarantee serializability?

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