Din en 13067-2012 Eng
Din en 13067-2012 Eng
Din en 13067-2012 Eng
DIN EN 13067
ICS 03.100.30; 25.160.10 Supersedes
DIN EN 13067:2003-09
Kunststoffschweißpersonal –
Anerkennungsprüfung von Schweißern –
Thermoplastische Schweißverbindungen;
Normen-Download-Beuth-Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios; S.A Zweigniederlassung Deutschland-KdNr.7621079-LfNr.6151732001-2013-03-26 07:47
Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.
In case of doubt, the German-language original shall be considered authoritative.
National foreword
This document (EN 13067:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 249 “Plastics”
(Secretariat: NBN, Belgium).
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Kunststoffe (Plastics
Standards Committee), Working Committee NA 054-05-12 AA Fügen von Kunststoffen.
This standard covers the principles to be observed in the qualification testing of welder performance for the
welding of thermoplastic materials. Further provisions applying in specific regions of Germany are laid down in
the relevant guidelines published by the German Welding Society (DVS), DVS 2212 Parts 1 to 3. These
documents also govern the approval of test houses and welding examiners.
Tests carried out in accordance with the above-mentioned DVS guidelines meet the requirements of this
Users of this standard are granted the right to duplicate, in its entirety, the forms given in the annexes, without
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c) a figure has been included to illustrate the requirements for the T-peel test ;
Previous editions
English Version
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
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standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 13067:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Contents Page
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
9 Test piece and test specimens, shapes and dimensions .................................................................... 16
10 Evaluation and acceptance criteria of test piece(s) and test specimens ....................................... 24
Annex C (informative) PWE evaluation sheet for practical test .................................................................. 33
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
This document (EN 13067:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 249 “Plastics”, the
secretariat of which is held by NBN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 2013, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the
latest by May 2013.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
In this revision, the scope of this standards includes solvent welding: socket and covers the welding of the
polypropylene (PP) lining membranes (group 9: PP).
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following
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countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
This standard covers the principles to be observed in the qualification testing of welder performance for the
welding of thermoplastic materials.
The ability of the welder to follow verbal or written instructions and testing of his skill are important factors in
ensuring the quality of the welded product.
This standard is intended to provide the basis for the mutual recognition by examining bodies for qualification
relating to welders competence in the various fields of application.
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DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the method of testing the knowledge and skill of a welder who is required to
carry out welds on thermoplastics in new constructions and repair work.
The skill examination of a welder is an essential condition for the assurance of the quality of the welding work.
The application of this standard guarantees that the examination is carried out according to a uniform test
This European Standard applies when the contractor or the authorities responsible for the application require
Gas and water utility network industries with alternative qualification programmes are excluded from this
extrusion welding;
Normen-Download-Beuth-Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios; S.A Zweigniederlassung Deutschland-KdNr.7621079-LfNr.6151732001-2013-03-26 07:47
lining membrane.
This European Standard covers the welding of the following groups of materials:
4) group 4: PVDF;
1) group 6: PVC-P;
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
3) group 8: ECB;
4) group 9: PP.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 12814-1, Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics semi-finished products Part 1: Bend test
EN 12814-2:2000, Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics semi-finished products Part 2: Tensile test
EN 12814-4, Testing of welded joints of thermoplastics semi-finished products Part 4: Peel test
EN 13100-1, Non destructive testing of welded joints of thermoplastics semi-finished products Part 1:
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Visual examination
EN ISO/IEC 17024:2003, Conformity assessment General requirements for bodies operating certification of
persons (ISO/IEC 17024:2003)
EN ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
(ISO/IEC 17025)
AD-WLD break
failure mode in an extrusion welded membrane peel test specimen where the failure is through the weld
certificate issuing authority
establishment responsible for approving the PWE and or the Invigilator
qualified person approved by Certificate Issuing Authority (CIA) who can supervise the practical and
theoretical tests
company, contractor or organisation who is responsible for the welding
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Plastics Welding Examiner
qualified person approved by Certificate Issuing Authority (CIA) who verifies the compliance with this standard
qualification test
theoretical and practical tests in order to verify the knowledge and the skill of the welder
range of qualification
welding processes, types of joint, materials, thicknesses and diameters for which a welder is qualified
test piece
assembly which is welded during the practical test
test specimen
part or portion cut from the test piece for the test specified
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test house
establishment having all relevant test equipment to carry out the required tests and working in compliance with
EN ISO/IEC 17025
training centre
educational establishment for training plastics welding personnel and/or Plastics Welding Examiner, approved
by CIA
welding process
technique characterized by the method of softening to obtain permanent assembly
electrofusion welding
softening of fitting and pipe surfaces to be welded is obtained by means of a heating element embedded in the
fitting which remain between welded joints
extrusion welding
welding process in which an extruder unit with a melting chamber gives the extruded material required by the
thickness and shape of the joint. Hot air or inert gas heats simultaneously the parent material
heated tool welding
welding process in which the joint surfaces are adequately heated by exposure, through direct contact with
heated elements and are welded under pressure, which includes butt fusion welding (also called hot plate
welding, platen welding or mirror welding) and socket fusion welding
heated wedge
welding process in which the lining membrane welded is gripped by rollers which guide and propel the welding
machine which uses either hot gas to heat the lining membrane and the wedge to effect the weld or
electrically heated wedge to heat the lining membrane in the area being welded
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
high-speed nozzle
welding process in which the welding rod is suitably guided and pre-heated and the nozzle tip is provided with
a profiled area to apply the welding pressure
hot gas welding
welding process in which the materials to be unified are softened by hot air or inert gas and are pressed
round nozzle
welding process in which the pressure is applied via the welding rod or a suitable attachment such as a
pressure roller
solvent welding
softening of fitting and pipe surfaces, by means of a solvent contained in the cement
Note 1 to entry: After suitable cure time, the solvent dries leaving the parent material in the interface between welded
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welding record sheet
document recording in detail the variables used during the practical test
person making a welded assembly by any process, whose manual skill and knowledge are two of the
determining factors influencing the quality of the welded joint, or person performing a welding operation by
means of mechanical or automatic equipment
completion of both a technical and practical training course in preparation for the plastic welders
qualification test.
An example of a suitable training course is defined in Entry [1] in the Bibliography or may be identified in
national standards.
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
5.1 General
During the qualification test, the welder shall demonstrate his practical skill according to 5.2 and his theoretical
knowledge according to 5.3.
This test is carried out under the supervision of the PWE or Invigilator.
The welder shall complete the test piece specified by the required sub-group in Table 1 or Table 2 in
accordance with the relevant WPS.
All welding equipment, materials and documents necessary to complete the test piece shall be available to the
The time taken by the welder to complete the test piece shall correspond to that taken under production
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This test is carried out under the supervision of the PWE or Invigilator.
The welder's knowledge of the practical working rules for skilful and safe working shall be evaluated in the
theoretical test.
The welder shall answer a minimum of 20 multiple-choice questions relevant to the qualification testing.
Completion of the theoretical test shall not exceed one hour, be continuous without access to teaching aids.
rules for welding of thermoplastics to which the test is designed to apply, meaning of the welding signs
and symbols of the range of work;
welding processes;
knowledge concerning the characteristics of solvents / cements within the relevant sub-group;
knowledge concerning the types of imperfections for the applied welding process(es);
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
knowledge concerning non-destructive examinations and destructive tests necessary for the applied
welding process(es);
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Dimensions in millimetres
Group of Sub Type of product Welding process Weld Examination Test piece Range of qualification
material groups S = sheet P = pipe form and testing according
en = nominal wall thickness Type of test to Figure
dn = nominal pipe outside Dimensions Type of joint
1 PVC 1.1 S en=5 Hot gas round nozzle V V/ B f+r 1 All en V,X,⊥
1.2 S en=5 Hot gas high speed nozzle V V/ B f+r 1 All en V,X,⊥
1.3 S en=5 Heated tool ][ V/ B 1 en ≥ 3 ][
dn=40 and
1.4 P dn=110 Solvent Welding I V/ Vls 4 dn< 160 I
1.5 P Solvent Welding I V/ Vls 4 dn≥160 I
2 PP 2.1 S en=9 or 10 Hot gas high speed nozzle X V/ B f+r 1 All en V,X,⊥
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Table 1 (2 of 3)
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Dimensions in millimetres
Group of Sub Type of product Welding Weld Examination Test piece Range of qualification
material groups S = sheet P = pipe process form and testing according
en = nominal wall thickness Type of test to Figure b
Dimensions Type of joint
dn = nominal pipe outside
Hot gas
3.1 S en=10 X V/ B f+r 1 All en V,X,⊥
3 PE high speed nozzle
3.2 S en=10 Extrusion continuous V V/ B f+r 1 en ≥ 3 V,X,⊥
3.3 S en=10 Heated tool ][ V/ B 1 en ≥ 3 ][
110≤dn ≤180
3.4 P Heated tool ][ V/ T 2 dn≤ 315 ][
3.5 P Heated tool ][ V/ T 2 dn >315 ][
90≤dn ≤125
3.6 P Electrofusion I V/ Pc 4 dn ≤ 315 I
3.7 P Electrofusion I V/ Pd 4 dn>315 I
3.8 P Electrofusion .†. V/ Pc 5 All dn .†.
90≤dn ≤125
dn=63 c
3.9 P Heated tool I V/ Pc 4 All dn I
3.10 P on dn=90 Heated tool .†. V/ Pc 5 All dn .†.
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Table 1 (3 of 3)
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Dimensions in millimetres
Group of Sub Type of product Welding Weld Examination Test piece Range of qualification
material groups S = sheet P = pipe process Form and testing according
en = nominal wall thickness Type of test to Figure b
Dimensions Type of joint
dn = nominal pipe outside
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Dimensions in millimetres
Group of Sub Type of product Welding Weld Examination Test piece Range of qualification
material groups M=membrane process form and testing according
en = nominal wall thickness Type of test to Figure Dimensions Type of joint
Hot gas
6.1 M en=2 V/ Pt 6 1≤en≤4 All Lap
Hot gas high
6.2 M en=2 V/ Pt 7 1≤en≤4 All Lap
by machine
6 PVC-P Heated wedge
6.3 M en=2 V/ Pt 7 1≤en≤4 All Lap
by hot gas
Heated wedge
6.4 M en=2 V / Pt 7 1≤en≤4 All Lap
Hot gas
7.1 M 2≤en ≤2,5 V/ Pt 6 1≤en≤5 All Lap
Hot gas by
7.2 M 2≤en ≤2,5 V/ Pt 7 1≤en≤5 All Lap
Heated wedge
7 PE 7.3 M 2≤en ≤2,5 V/ Pt 7 1≤en≤5 All Lap
by hot gas
Heated wedge
7.4 M 2≤en ≤2,5 V/ Pt 7 1≤en≤5 All Lap
7.5 M 2≤en ≤2,5 V/ Pt 8 1≤en≤5 All Lap
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Table 2 (2 of 2)
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Dimensions in millimetres
Group of Sub Type of product Welding Weld Examination Test Range of qualification
material groups M=membrane process form and testing piece
en = nominal wall thickness Type of test according
to Figure
Dimensions Type of joint
Hot gas
8.1 M en=2 V/ Pt 6 1≤en≤4 All Lap
8 ECB manual
Hot gas high
8.2 M en=2 V/ Pt 7 1≤en≤4 All Lap
by machine
Heated wedge
8.3 M en=2 V/ Pt 7 1≤en≤4 All Lap
by hot gas
Heated wedge
8.4 M en=2 V / Pt 7 1≤en≤4 All Lap
Hot gas
9.1 M 1≤en ≤2 V/ Pt 6 0,7≤en≤3 All Lap
9 PP manual
Hot gas by
9.2 M 1≤en ≤2 V/ Pt 7 0,7≤en≤3 All Lap
Heated wedge
9.3 M 1≤en ≤2 V/ Pt 7 0,7≤en≤3 All Lap
by hot gas
Heated wedge
9.4 M 1≤en ≤2 V/ Pt 7 0,7≤en≤3 All Lap
9.5 M 1≤en ≤2 V/ Pt 8 0,7≤en≤3 All Lap
" / " = and; Pt= Peel test (T-peel test) ; V = Visual examination
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
The PWE shall be responsible for sending the test pieces to the qualified test house.
The PWE shall not examine any candidate trained by himself. The PWE shall reach his professional decisions
The PWE shall check the test house qualification and, where applicable, the training centre.
7 Range of qualification
The designation of a plastics welder's test shall be formed according to the group and sub-group and the
range of qualification (see Table 1 or Table 2). The range of validity of qualification shall be shown on the
If difficulties arise during the practical test that are not caused by the welder, a test piece on which welding
has been started may be replaced after qualification by the PWE or invigilator.
Errors made or occurring during the hot gas or extrusion welding may be repaired only after permission has
been given by the PWE or invigilator.
Before welding, the PWE or invigilator shall check the identity of candidate, the suitability of the materials,
WPS, machines and equipment. The test piece shall be identified with the number or mark of the PWE or
invigilator and the welder.
The PWE or invigilator shall supervise the welding of the test piece.
The welder shall complete the welding record sheet (see proposal given in Annex A) controlled and witnessed
by the PWE or invigilator.
The PWE or invigilator shall stop the test if the welding conditions are not in compliance with the WPS or the
welder does not have the skill required to obtain a satisfactory result.
The PWE shall visually check the test piece after completion by the welder.
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
The shapes, dimensions and conditioning of the test specimens are specified in the relevant test standards.
Cutting the test specimens shall be carried out without significant damage to the welds and their heat affected
Tests, other than the initial visual examination, shall be carried out by a qualified test house agreed upon by
the parties involved. The test house shall be responsible for cutting the test specimen and carrying out the
tests. The standards against which the test house is qualified shall be referenced.
1 discard
2 6 bend test specimens cut as directed by the PWE
Figure 1 — Test piece for a butt weld on sheet (for bend test specimens)
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
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1 4 test specimens, 1 in each location (x1, x2, y1, y2) cut as directed by the PWE
l ≥ 350 or 2 dn, whichever is longer
Figure 2 — Test piece for a butt weld on pipe (for bend or tensile test specimens)
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
1 discard
2 5 tensile test specimens cut as directed by the PWE
3 3 tensile test specimens (for reference) cut as directed by the PWE
Figure 3 —Test piece for a butt weld on sheet (for tensile test specimens)
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1 socket
2 pipe
For subgroups 1.5, 3.7, l ≥ dn
For subgroups 1.4, 2.6, 2.7, 3.6, 3.9, 4.4, l ≥ 5 dn
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Minimum dimensions in millimetres
EN 13067:2012 (E)
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
1 discard
2 5 peel test specimens cut as directed by the PWE
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1 welding zone
Figure 6 — Test piece for lining membranes - Lap seam without testing channel
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
1 discard
2 5 peel test specimens cut as directed by the PWE
1 welding zone
a the dimensions are dictated by the machine, WPS employed.
Figure 7 — Test piece for lining membranes - Lap seam with testing channel
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
1 welding zone
a the dimensions are dictated by the WPS employed
Figure 8 — Test piece for lining membranes - Lap seam extrusion welded
10.1 General
The PWE evaluates the test piece, the test specimens and the results produced by the test house. The
evaluation of the test piece and the test specimens is divided into two sections, visual and destructive.
c: conform;
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
The results and the evaluation shall be noted on the relevant evaluation record form (see proposal given in the
informative Annex C).
The visual examination shall be carried out in accordance with EN 13100-1 and any relevant imperfections
observed, as defined in EN 14728 (where applicable), shall be recorded.
10.3.1 General
The PWE or invigilator, after confirming that the test pieces conform to the visual examination carried out in
accordance with 10.2, shall submit the test pieces to the test house for tests described in Clause 9 and
Table 1 or Table 2.
Results produced (test record) and tested specimens shall be sent by the test house to the PWE for
Storage or disposal of the test piece or test specimens shall be as instructed by the PWE.
The bend test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 12814-1, except for the number of specimens tested
and that the test specimen width shall be 20 mm in all cases.
Where Table 1 requires "B f+ r" half of the test specimens shall be tested as B f and half as B r.
The minimum requirements for each test specimen shall equal or exceed the values given in EN 12814-8. If
the criterion for failure used is that a maximum load is reached, then bend angles or ram displacements below
the minimum values shall be considered acceptable providing that they are not less than the values achieved
by test specimens cut from the parent sheet.
Should one test specimen fail to meet the required minimum bending angle, two additional test specimens
shall be taken, from the same test piece and re-tested under identical conditions. If the bending angle thus
obtained fails to give the required value, the test does not conform.
The peel test method for each material and sub-group given in Tables 1 and 2 are shown in Table 3.
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
PP 2.6 crush
2.7 crush
PE 3.6 crush
3.7 decohesion
3.8 crush
3.9 crush
3.10 crush
PVDF 4.4 crush
PVC-P 6.1 to 6.4 T-peel
PE 7.1 to 7.5 T-peel
ECB 8.1 to 8.4 T-peel
PP 9.1 to 9.5 T-peel
For the decohesion test, rupture in the brittle mode shall not exceed 25 % of the axial length of the weld.
For the crush test, the fracture in the weld shall not extend beyond the second turn of wire of an electrofusion
fitting. For heated tool welds any resulting fracture shall not occur between the pipe and fitting.
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For the T-peel test, all failures, except for an AD-WLD break (Figure 9), shall be in the parent material.
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a extrusion weld
b membrane
The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 12814-2 except for the number of test specimens.
For PE pipes covering sub-groups 3.4 and 3.5 in Table 1, test specimens conforming to Annex B of
EN 12814-2:2000 shall be used. For group 5 materials, type 2 test specimens shall be used.
Depending on the test specimen used, the purpose of the tensile test is slightly different. For test specimens
conforming to Annex B of EN 12814-2:2000, rupture in the brittle mode (as shown in ISO 13953) of any of the
test specimens does not conform.
For test specimens conforming to a type 2 geometry the purpose of the test is to determine the short term
tensile welding factor, fs. The short term tensile welding factor shall be determined based on:
− five welded and three unwelded reference test specimens for Subgroup 5.1;
− four welded and four unwelded reference test specimens for Subgroup 5.2 in the same location.
The values for the short term tensile welding factor fs are given in Table 4.
For multiple destructive evaluation, where the source, grade and direction of extrusion of the parent material is
exactly the same as the welded test specimen, then at the discretion of the PWE there shall be no need for
the reference tests to be repeated.
Should one test specimen fail to meet the required short term tensile welding factor fs, two additional test
specimens shall be taken, from the same test piece and re-tested under identical conditions. If the short term
tensile welding factor fs thus obtained fails to give the required value, the test does not conform.
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
The crosshead speed for tensile testing materials should preferably be 50 mm/min.
In case of Subgroups 1.4 and 1.5 the test pieces shall be cut longitudinally into quarters and each of the four
test specimens shall be visually examined and any imperfections observed shall be recorded, in particular any
non uniformity of the gap between the pipe and socket and excessive weld material. After not less than
24 hours after sectioning the test specimens shall be heated in an oven using the conditions given in Table 5.
After heating the pipe and socket shall be separated manually minimising the shearing between the two parts
and the inside of the socket shall be visually examined.
At least 70 % of the socket surface shall have a whitened rough texture, which indicates that the area was
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welded. In addition, any unbonded area shall have a longitudinal length not greater than 50 % of the socket
Table 5 — Heating conditions for longitudinal sections (Subgroup 1.4 and 1.5 test pieces)
en≤ 5 10 to 15 15 to 20
5< en ≤ 12 115 ±5 140 20 to 25 25 to 30
en > 12 > 40 > 40
For the overall assessment the results of the practical and theoretical parts of the test are collected together.
Both parts shall conform and the qualification test is passed.
The candidate is considered to conform to the practical test if the requirements of each of the evaluation
sections (see Clause 8 and Clause 10 as appropriate) are fulfilled.
The welder's qualification test certificate shall be issued by the CIA in compliance with EN ISO/IEC 17024 in
the language (or languages) agreed upon by the parties involved and contain at least the following
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EN 13067:2012 (E)
reference to this standard and the group of materials and sub-group number(s) of qualification test
passed according to Table 1 or Table 2;
date of issue;
period of validity;
signature of PWE;
Annex B gives a recommended format to be used as the welder's qualification test certificate.
A minimum percentage of 80 % of correct answers given are required to award an acceptable result in the
theoretical test defined in 5.3.
12 Failed test
The welder shall undergo further education and training at a training centre prior to taking a new qualification
13 Period of validity
The validity of the welder's qualification begins from the date of the last qualification test (practical or
theoretical) that was passed. This date may be different to the date of issue marked on the certificate.
A welder's qualification shall remain valid for a period of two years providing the following conditions are
a) the welder shall be engaged with reasonable continuity on welding work within the range of qualification
corresponding to the qualification test certificate. An interruption period longer than six months is not
b) there shall be no specific reason to question the welder's skill and knowledge;
c) annually the manufacturer shall establish that the welder's quality is in accordance with the technical
conditions under which the qualification test certificate is awarded.
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Any factor not in accordance with the conditions stated in a), b) and c), the qualification test certificate shall be
13.2 Prolongation
Prolongation is only allowed when the CIA is advised before expiry of the period of initial qualification.
Prolongation is only allowed when proof of welding quality is available to the CIA who accept this is the case.
The validity within the range of qualification is extended under the original qualification for a further two years
provided the conditions according to 13.1 are fulfilled. When this prolongation expires a new qualification test
is required.
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Annex A
Lot No.
Equipment Nozzle
used (round or high speed)
Extruder :
- Reference :
- Trade name :
- No. :
Welding Gas type :
Parameters Air = A, Nitrogen = N
Gas flowrate, l/min
Gas pressure, bar
Temperature, °C
Speed, cm/min
Force on filler material, daN
Type of heated tool : Flat Bushes Welding wedges
Equipment used Mechanical guiding
Pressure regulated spring rating (lever)
Regulated hydraulic pressure
Automation by pre-adjustments
Machine used Reference : .................. Trade name : ............... No : ................
Equalization pressure (force) : ..................................... MPa (daN)
Welding Temperature regulated adjusted at : ................................. °C
Heating time ................................ . min
Heating pressure (force) ................................. MPa (daN)
Change-over time ................................. sec
Parameters Welding time ................................ sec
Total joining time .................................. min
Welding pressure (force) .................................. MPa (daN)
Manufacturer Date Drafted by Signed
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Annex B
- full name:
- full address:
- individual certificate identification number:
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Annex C
. gas temperature
- equipment handling
- welding record
2 Visual examination:
- double sean
- notches
- colour of materials
- heat effects
- start faults, irregular weld surface
- stretching/punching of filler rod
- linearity of weld seam
- weld penetration
- misalignement
- reiforcement
3 mechanical-technological examination:
- tensile test (reference spec.) N/mm
- tensile test (weld spec.) N/mm
- short term tensile welding factor fs (required)
- short term tensile welding factor fs (actual)
Evaluation of welding factor
- minimum bending angle (required
- bending angle (actual value)
Evaluation of bend test
if required
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
2.2 3.2
1 Welding of test pieces
- weld edge preparation
- component alignment
- welding rod (type, conditions, pretreatment
- equipment (conditions, setting)
- equipment control measurement
. extrudat temperature
. gas flow rate
. gas temperature
. extrudat output
. welding speed
Normen-Download-Beuth-Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios; S.A Zweigniederlassung Deutschland-KdNr.7621079-LfNr.6151732001-2013-03-26 07:47
if required
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
SDR ..............
1.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.2 4.3 5.2
1 Welding of test pieces
- base material (type, conditions)
- weld edge preparation
- component alignment
- ovality
- choice of weld parameters
- equipment (conditions, setting, control
- equipment handling
- welding record
Normen-Download-Beuth-Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios; S.A Zweigniederlassung Deutschland-KdNr.7621079-LfNr.6151732001-2013-03-26 07:47
2 Visual examination:
Weld beads
- shape
- height/width
- surface
- notch between weld bead
- misalignment
- evenness of weld
- defect in cross-section
3 mechanical-technological examination:
- tensile test
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
C.4 Welding process: Heated tool socket welding - Heated tool saddle welding
dn = ....... mm
- alignment
- equipment (conditions)
- choice and control of weld parameters
- welding record
2 Visual examination:
3 Peel test
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
dn = ....... mm
- equipment (conditions)
- choice and control of weld parameters
- welding record
2 Visual examination:
3 Peel test
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
6.1 to 6.4 7.1 to 7.5 8.1 to 8.4
1 Welding of test pieces
- Seam preparation:
cleaning, drying, mechanical treatment bevelling of top edges
Normen-Download-Beuth-Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios; S.A Zweigniederlassung Deutschland-KdNr.7621079-LfNr.6151732001-2013-03-26 07:47
- Welding material:
weldability, pretreatment
- Equipment:
setting, control measurement, handling
- Test weld:
seam assessment, peeling test
- welding record
2 Visual examination of the test pieces,
seam dimensions
- Seam profile:
shape and uniformity, defects, centricity, surface
- Beading:
at front seam edge, lateral flow
-- Notching and scoring
- Seam dimensions requirements as per
Rating sheet
3 Seam strength
- Peel test:
requirements as per
Rating sheet
Overall result
Enter: c = conform, nc = not conform
Date: Signature of PWE
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
1) Seam dimensions
Sub-Group Width of the seam sections Width of the testing channel
(bN1, bN2) (bp)
mm mm
(mm) do + du -dN2
Assessment :
bN1 (mm)
bN2 (mm)
Difference 0 mm
Target : bN1
+ 3 mm
0 mm
+ 3 mm
Assessment :
bP (mm)
Difference + 0 mm
Target : bP
- 6 mm
Assessment :
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
1) Seam dimensions
Specifications Seam thickness (d) (do + du) x 1,25 to 1,75
Measurements results:
Sample do du thickness Sum do+du Seam
d Assessment width Assessment
N mm mm mm mm b
Normen-Download-Beuth-Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios; S.A Zweigniederlassung Deutschland-KdNr.7621079-LfNr.6151732001-2013-03-26 07:47
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
Company Welder
Mechanical pipe-fitting puller Pipes identification Fittings Identification Procedure reference (where applicable)
DIN EN 13067:2013-01
EN 13067:2012 (E)
[1] EWF (Guideline European Plastics Welder) N 581-01: Minimum requirements for the education,
examination and certification of European Plastics Welder, April 2004
[2] EN ISO 9311-2, Adhesives for thermoplastic piping systems Part 2: Determination of shear strength
(ISO 9311-2)
[3] ISO 13953, Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings Determination of the tensile strength and failure
mode of test pieces from a butt-fused joint
Normen-Download-Beuth-Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios; S.A Zweigniederlassung Deutschland-KdNr.7621079-LfNr.6151732001-2013-03-26 07:47