Long Tones
Long Tones
Long Tones
These guys can be easy to skip and difficult to get excited about!
Yet there's a reason everyone is always talking about them and asking "Did you do your long
tones?!". They build control, intonation stability, air support, embouchure, endurance,
dynamics... there isn't a lot long tones can't teach you. The stability and control you build with
long tones is the foundation of all of your playing - including fast technique.
In this 5-day challenge, you're going to see for yourself what long tones can do for you! Each day
we will focus on something a little different. Make sure that you're physically warmed up in your
body and get your air moving before you start doing these. Once you start playing, focus on
stability of the embouchure, power in the air, releasing tension wherever you hold it, and really,
truly listening.
These shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes. Consistency across the 5 days is the MOST
IMPORTANT PART! So, are you in?!
Commit to the challenge by sharing a screen shot of this PDF in your Instagram
stories (or something) and tag us @digitalclarinetacademy!!
DAY #1
This baby will make ya tired! Stay relaxed in your shoulders/fingers/etc. Don't bite and let the
air do the work! Breathe between the smaller intervals.
DAY #2
Put a drone on the first note of each of these exercises and play them. Focus on both the
unison/octaves being in tune, and the intervals being in tune, especially in the arpeggio!
One helpful idea: play the exercise first without trying to adjust much, and observe where your
intonation is naturally. Then play again, and ANTICIPATE what you need to do to change it. This
way, we are avoiding a large amount of adjusting in the moment.
DAY #3
These dynamic shapes are SO good for you! Metronome on about quarter = 60. We'd suggest
doing these with 4 notes as shown AND with just ONE note for each shape! Slur.
DAY #4
Again, metronome on about quarter = 60. We'd slur this one. Focus on the C being consistent
as you move up and down from it!
DAY #5
These are attributed to Larry Combs! Don't let the clarion notes pop out! Play smoothly and
lyrically! Quarter = 50?!
Take the skeleton of the challenge (what we focused on each day) and find your own
exercises that fit those themes.
Most importantly, have the patience to keep doing some sort of long tone every day.
Mix it up to stay inspired. And remember WHY you're doing them: to create that
stability and consistency that will be the foundation for everything else you do!