W.A. U5
W.A. U5
W.A. U5
University of People
Vulnerability is one way to express our feelings; however, most individuals are afraid of
being exposed. "If you understand how challenging these emotions can be, it is easy to value
and appreciate the worth of vulnerability" (Fritscher, 2023 ). Pride prevents us from admitting
we are vulnerable since prior accomplishments provide us with self-esteem and a sense of
superiority among our peers. We never have the time to examine situations and must deal
What is vulnerability?
emotionally hurt. According to Brené Brown in the film, "vulnerable people experience
shame and fear because they do not feel connected to other members of society." (brown,
1. Not wanting to be judged. People frequently want to communicate their sentiments but are
afraid of being rejected, and they do so to avoid being regarded as weak or incapable of
result, numerous people do not want to reveal any type of weakness to others, which gets in
their way and prevents them from being vulnerable.” (Darcy, 2023).
2. Culture and Social Life We live in a society full of expectations about how we should
Most of the time, our cultures and societal conventions prevent us from being vulnerable,
thus we are perceived as weak or unstable. This is perhaps the most essential trait of
vulnerable people, yet religious activities are associated with specific perceptions that people
For example, a Muslim is noted for abstaining from alcoholic beverages. As a result, a young
Muslim would be scared to try anything containing alcohol to avoid being labeled a castaway
vulnerable and opening up to people as we should, thus some individuals exploit the
information we share with them against us, and others reject us because of our past
How does being vulnerable help you become more resilient in terms of intercultural
1. Trust. Trust develops over time, and when it does, it becomes much simpler to be
vulnerable with one another. When we make relationships and get to know each other, we
work on understanding and empathy. Vulnerable individuals are always prepared to put
themselves out there, despite the level of uncertainty that comes with such a decision, thus a
trial and subsequent failure provides us with valuable experience that allows us to approach
the problem much better. "This does not mean being fearless, but rather acknowledging the
weaknesses that come with being humans and knowing that we are hardwired for the
2. Intercultural awareness refers to the ability to perceive and participate with diverse cultural
existence of various cultural perspectives aids in the development of resilience in the face of
a variety of situations, even if vulnerability remains. I've spoken with people who have
openly shared their concerns, struggles, insecurities, and experiences. This helped me acquire
compassion and empathy. While learning about other people's cultures, I developed empathy
and understanding, which allowed me to perceive and learn more about various civilizations.
whereas listening with an open mind to the ideas and thoughts of others allows us to reach
mutual joy and contentment. We should support and assist others rather than wasting energy
vying for self-validation. "Creativity helps to be financially stable, overcome obstacles, and
Being sociable allows people to grow, learn from one another, and experience various levels
of happiness, which shapes their entire mentality and well-being. Being vulnerable enables us
to be trustworthy and resilient, and as a result, we form connections and accept others for
who they are while enjoying diversity. Learning to be vulnerable is accepting the emotional
risk associated with being open and eager to love and be loved.
715 Words
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