Lunar Landscapes Ebook
Lunar Landscapes Ebook
Lunar Landscapes Ebook
Hello! My name is Robert Reeves and for the past 57 years I have had a love affair… with the Moon! I want to thank
Celestron for giving me the opportunity to share this passion with you.
I took my first lunar image in 1959 just as our space program was awakening to the possibilities of exploring our natural
satellite. In the next decade, the Moon captured the world’s imagination as astronauts and cosmonauts pushed the
boundary of humanity ever upward, culminating with Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong’s epic first step onto another world.
By the 21st century, the steady progress in astrophotography equipment brought the Moon into the realm of the amateur
astronomer. Superior telescopes and electronic cameras allow amateur astronomers to image the Moon from their
backyards in greater detail than professional astronomers could in the heyday of the Apollo explorations.
I thus argue that NOW is the golden era of amateur lunar observation. We have the advantage of high performance, yet
affordable equipment that allows us to image the Moon in stunning detail, even from a light polluted backyard.
I invite you to join me in exploring Luna, our neighboring world. Dramatic telescopic lunar vistas are as much pure cosmic
art as they are a science lesson. Fly to the Moon through your telescope and feel the artistic passion that has inspired
centuries of poetry and prose. Fly to the Moon through your telescope and experience the joy of exploring another world.
The full Moon is more than visual poetry
swimming against a dark sky. The full Moon
is the time when we can see the entire
surface of Luna and contemplate the history
of how the face of the Moon evolved. In the
friendly face of the Man-in-the-Moon lies
four and one-half billion years of geological
evolution that may have begun with a fiery
titanic collision between two worlds.
The ever-changing phases of the Moon The phases of the Moon occur because can vary in length by over half a day over
were the first celestial phenomena the Moon revolves around the Earth. While the course of a year. The classical lunar
noticed by ancient peoples. Prehistoric the Moon keeps the same face toward month and Earth/Moon distance figures
carvings on 20,000 year old bone Earth, the constantly changing perspective are an average of a constantly changing
fragments demonstrated that even between the Moon, Earth, and the Sun orbit.
before civilizations evolved, humans continuously alter the illumination of its
recorded the passage of time through surface. The next time you look at a peaceful Moon in
the phases of the Moon. Although the sky, remember our natural satellite does
modern civilizations no longer track the But the cosmos is not so simple that not move with clock-like repetition from
passage of time though the Moon’s that it can be easily defined by a set of month to month. The Moon’s orbit is as
phases, today’s calendar has its roots in numbers. The fact is the Moon’s orbit dynamic and ever-changing as the phases
the lunar cycle. is very elastic, constantly changes, and that entertain us each night.
IMAGER: Robert Reeves
OBJECT: Ptolemaeus crater
TELESCOPE: Celestron 11” EdgeHD
CAMERA: Celestron Skyris 274M
Today, the Moon looks peaceful and serene, but the history
of its evolution is filled with violent forces that destroyed as
well as created. When you sweep a telescopic view along
the mountains of the Moon, remember the unimaginable
forces unleashed by the cosmic collision that created
the mountains.
The floor of Plato appears as flat as an ice The floor of Plato is not as featureless or flat as Though not one of the Moon’s larger
skating rink and immediately challenges our it appears. Numerous tiny craterlets dot the landmarks, Plato has a unique blend of
preconceived notions of what we are viewing. floor and the larger of them are considered science and strangeness and holds a special
Plato’s strange, almost featureless floor further a test of how good the telescopic seeing place in the hearts of lunar observers.
intrigues us by seeming to be much higher than conditions are. If four small central craterlets
the floors of other similar sized craters. Indeed, are easily seen, the seeing is considered
the floor appears nearly the same elevation as good. If more are noticeable, the seeing is
the basalt fields of Mare Imbrium to the south, but extraordinary. When the Moon is tilted just
IMAGER: Robert Reeves
none of the Imbrium lava flows have breached right, sunrise shadows extending from Plato’s
Plato’s walls. This leads to the inescapable eastern rim across the interior floor can take OBJECT: Plato crater
conclusion that the lavas that flooded Plato on a curious hook shape, an effect created TELESCOPE: Celestron C8
welled up from below the crater. by the shadow falling on an uneven surface. CAMERA: Celestron Skyris 132M
Known centuries ago as the “Monarch of the Moon”,
Copernicus has a dual personality. At low Sun elevations,
deep shadows reveal stunningly beautiful detail in its
terraced walls and central peak. Chains of secondary
craters gouged into the lunar surface by debris thrown from
the impact that created Copernicus streak radially away
from the grand crater. Hundreds of tiny pits fan outwards
from its rim and pockmark the territory around Copernicus,
giving testimony to the power of the blast that excavated
Copernicus less than a billion years ago.
The crater Tycho is not visible to the naked eye, but
evidence of its existence can be seen at full Moon.
Tycho possesses the largest ray system on the Moon.
This ray system is visible to the naked eye and seems
to focus to a point on the southern face of the Moon,
the location of Tycho itself!
Sinus Iridum, which is Latin for Bay of Rainbows, appears like
a horseshoe bay on the northwestern shore of Mare Imbrium.
Spanning 400 kilometers across its wide mouth, Sinus Iridum
merges into the smooth plains of Mare Imbrium. By chance,
the asteroid impact that blasted circular Sinus Iridum out of the
lunar surface crashed down on the rim of the Imbrium Basin
after the basin itself was formed. Because the Iridum impact
occurred on the tilted rim of the Imbrium Basin, the “seaward”
side of Iridum is sloped toward the center of the Imbrium Basin.
The cliff-like rim of Sinus Iridum rises above the smooth basalt
floor to create the Jura Mountains. The northern range of Jura IMAGER: Robert Reeves
Mountains plunge into Mare Imbrium creating a peninsula OBJECT: Sinus Iridum
dubbed Promontorium Laplace. To the south, the Juras TELESCOPE: Celestron 11” EdgeHD
terminate at Promontorium Heraclides. The crater Bianchini CAMERA: Celestron Skyris 274M
lies at cliff’s edge along the northern Jura Mountains.
In an era when someone can hold a cell phone camera to a The output from AutoStakkert2 is then imported into RegiStax
telescope eyepiece and take a lunar photo that rivals the efforts 6 for enhancement of fine details using the software’s wavelet
of skilled astrophotographers just a generation ago, it is hard function. Not all images require wavelet enhancement and
to believe the technology of lunar photography remained static the function should be used experimentally to see if it actually
for one and one half centuries since 1840 when the American improves the image.
physician John Draper exposed a Daguerreotype through his
telescope. Once stacking is complete and any wavelet processing is
performed, the .TIF image is imported into Photoshop CC. The
Modern lunar photography further evolved in the past ten years big secret for fabulous lunar images is Photoshop’s “Shake
when the technique of stacking many individual video images Reduction” filter, located under <Filter>, <Sharpen>, <Shake
into a single higher resolution image became the norm. The Reduction>. Using this filter is like taking your lunar images
perfection of electronic image stacking technology has allowed under seeing conditions that were twice as good!
the backyard amateur telescope to exceed the planetary imaging
capabilities of large professional telescopes during the film era. Further enhancements in Photoshop CC include using the
“Camera Raw” filter, located under <Filter>, <Camera Raw> to
The images shown in this book were processed in a series of adjust the exposure, suppress burned out highlights, and adjust
software suites. With the exception of Photoshop Creative shadow detail.
Cloud, all the needed software is free! Now that Photoshop
CC is a $10 per month subscription software, the price barrier Electronic artifacts, or nonexistent detail, often creep into images
has been eliminated and everyone can operate with the same stacked from many video frames, thus additional Photoshop
software. processing is as much about removing false detail as it is about
enhancing real detail. Work with the clone tool will remove
Image capture with a planetary camera like the Celestron Skyris artifacts and false detail.
236 is controlled through the freeware program FireCapture.
This program has enhancements to the normal camera controls The techniques of modern electronic imaging allow the backyard
that make it more astronomically friendly. astrophotographer to achieve stunning science-grade lunar
images with affordable cameras and modest telescopes.
After a video sequence is captured, typically two to three The golden era of lunar photography is truly NOW!
thousand frames, the freeware AutoStakkert2 is used to select
the best frames and stack them into a single image. Typically,
I set the software to stack the best 500 out of 3000 video
frames. AutoStakkert2 will then reduce a seven gigabyte video
sequence into a single .TIF image.
TYCHO p.10