Astronomy - Moon Atlas (Photogr)
Astronomy - Moon Atlas (Photogr)
Astronomy - Moon Atlas (Photogr)
Alan Chu
Version 2.1
In memory of Galileo and Hevelius …
About This Book 4
1: Overview 5
2: Lunar Features and Events 21
Other maps:
Index 176
About This Book
The present volume is the first attempt in Hong Kong to compile a moon book from
observational records. It is intended as an observer’s guide, also as a complement to the classic
“Hatfield” Photographic Lunar Atlas and the cartographic “Antonín Rükl” Atlas of the Moon.
This book collects over 200 photographs and illustrations. Many of them are the author’s original
works since April 2000. It meets the following criteria:
z All lunar images are selenographic south up unless otherwise noted. They resemble the
eyepiece view in a Newtonian reflector.
z The date, time, Moon age and equipment used during an exposure are given together with a
brief description of the lunar features.
z In general, images are sequenced in regional MAP s from east to west, e.g. Mare Crisium
and Petavius come first, finally Grimaldi and Schickard. Lunar events are described in the
EVENT pages.
z The bilingual index and the key map at the back of the book facilitate the search of 700
named features. The glossary explains lunar terms in simple language.
A CD version is available by post. It contains additional full-sized images and video clips. The
full-sized images can be rotated or flipped to user’s preference.
I would like to thank Mr. Joseph H. C. Liu (廖慶齊先生) who constantly shares with me many of
his photographic masterpieces, and Mr. Thomas A. Dobbins who has refreshed me with a batch
of interesting lunar features. I am also grateful to the local moon observers who have given
additional help and advice.
(Alan W. H. Chu)
1. Overview
Our natural satellite, the Moon, is a fascinating object. It is a little more than a quarter of the
Earth diameter, about 1.3 light-seconds away. Virtually it has no atmosphere, no surface water
and no observed volcanism. Lots of surface features can be studied through telescopes as small
as 6 cm (2.4-inch) aperture, and they change in view under different angles of sunlight.
while craters (環形山) are named after mythic legends or individuals who contributed in science,
technology, philosophy, mathematics or expedition. Crater is a generic term for circular
depression, typically a ring mountain or a walled plain. A ring mountain looks smaller in
diameter but relatively deeper than a walled plain. There are 33,000 craters greater than one-km
diameter on the visible side of the Moon, about 800 of them bear names and 5,400 are identified
by letters added to the name of a nearby prominent crater, e.g. Gassendi A. The largest crater
visible from Earth is Bailly near the south limb. It is a walled plain, outer diameter 300 km.
Dozens of craters are also centers of bright rays (輻射紋). In some regions of the maria, small
rounded low hills called domes (拱形小山) can be spotted under higher magnifications.
Lunar features are best seen when they are near the terminator, the border line between light and
shadow. Their positions are defined by the selenographic coordinates in which the 00 longitude
and 00 latitude are within a small mare named Sinus Medii (Central Bay). This sinus is visible in
binoculars, see next page. The lunar hemisphere permanently facing Earth is termed the nearside;
it ranges from 900 E to 900 W through the 00 longitude. When the south pole of the nearside is
positioned at top, the east limb is at the left-hand side, the west limb is at the right-hand side.
Landmarks on the Moon
Mare Crisium, Grimaldi, Tycho and Plato form a cross; Copernicus, Kepler and Aristarchus form a triangle. Sinus Medii
is almost at the center of the disc. The thumbnail is the mirror-reverse image through a star diagonal fitted on refractor
or Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. N, S, E, W are selenographic directions as seen by an astronaut on the Moon; they
are similar to the geographic directions on Earth but opposite to the celestial east and west in a conventional star map.
View in Newtonian
telescopes Tycho
Sinus Medii
中央灣 格里馬第
In telescope with
star diagonal
Mare Crisium 2
危海 1
1. Copernicus 哥白尼
N 2. Kepler 開普勒
3. Aristarchus 亞利斯塔克
N 4. Sinus Iridum 虹灣
View in binoculars
( = view in Newtonian Plato
but rotated by 180 ) 拍拉圖
Mare Crisium
3 危海
2 1
2001.10.02 19:06 UT CP990-DSCN9823
The Moon in small telescopes
This Moon crescent was photographed with a digital camera one hour after sunset through a 3-inch (8 cm) refractor.
South is up. It represents a typical view of the Moon from a small telescope at low magnification. Although the
telescope is small, it shows plenty of lunar features such as craters, valleys and mountains. Small telescopes are easy
to carry and less sensitive to atmospheric turbulences. Even owners of big instruments enjoy the use of smaller
telescopes in field work and poor-seeing nights. The original parts of this image are cropped and shown in the inlets.
T056A 1. Janssen
2. Fabricius
3. Metius
4. Brenner
36 5. Vallis Rheita
6. Vallis Snellius
7. Snellius
8. Stevinus
9. Wrottesley
10. Furnerius
35 11. Petavius
36 12. Vendelinus
13. Langrenus
2 1 14. Lamé
15. Santbech
5 16. Colombo
17. Gutenberg
10 3 4 18. Fracastorius
8 19. Capella
20. Taruntius
7 21. Proclus
22. Cleomedes
11 23. Geminus
6 24. Messala
9 5 25. Macrobius
15 18 26. Römer
27. Atlas
28. Hercules
12 16 29. Endymion
17 34
34 25
21 30
Crisium C
30 26 31
22 B
33 33
27 28
30. Plutarch
31. Hahn
29 32. Berosus
33. Gauss
34. Condorcet
35. Vlacq
36. Boussingault
2001.09.22 11:27 UT Age 5 days A. Montes Pyrenaeus
Kenko ED 8 cm f/8 + Or18 + CP990 B. Montes Taurus
C. Lacus Bonitatis (Lake of Goodness)
The Moon and its Terminator
The terminator is the border line between light and shadow. It looks irregular because of different height and albedo
(reflectivity) of surface features. Features away from the terminator are often too bright (e.g. No. 62) or hidden in
darkness (e.g. No. 15), yet they become distinctive when the bright margin of the terminator passes over them.
1. Tycho
T078 2. Maginus
3. Clavius (in shadow)
72 4. Deslandres
5. Walter
6. Purbach
3 7. Arzachel
8. Alphonsus
9. Ptolemaeus
2 10. Davy
69 70 71 11. Albategnius
1 12. Hipparchus
46 13. Hind
14. Guericke
47 15. Fra Mauro
16. Birt, Straight Wall
5 4 17. Eratosthenes
18. Archimedes
57 58
68 19. Autolycus
48 20. Aristillus
59 6 21. Conon
49 16 22. Timocharis
23. Eudoxus
50 7
24. Aristoteles
25. Cassini
60 53 26. Plato
8 27. Anaxagoras
52 10 14 28. Godin
61 9
29. Rimae Triesnecker
51 13 30. Rima Hyginus
31. Dionysius
12 15 32. Julius Caesar
62 33. Vallis Alpes
54 34. Manilius
35. Menelaus
56 Sinus Medii 36. Bessel
31 28 29 37. Plinius
55 38. le Monnier
39. Posidonius
63 40. Bürg
32 67 66 41. Atlas
42. Hercules
17 43. Endymion
34 44. Thales
37 35 45. Abulfeda
A 46. Janssen
64 21 47. Vallis Rheita
36 48. Piccolomini
49. Rupes Altai
22 50. Fracastorius
38 51. Theophilus
18 52. Cyrillus
65 19 53. Catharina
39 54. Capella
55. Sabine
B 56. Messier
57. Furnerius
25 58. Stevinus
59. Snellius
23 C 60. Petavius
41 42 40 61. Vendelinus
24 26 62. Langrenus
63. Taruntius
43 33 64. Proclus
65. Cleomedes
66. Pallas
67. Murchison
44 68. Regiomontanus
69. Maurolycus
27 70. Faraday
71. Stöfler
72. Moretus
A. Montes Apenninus
B. Montes Caucasus
2000.11.05 13:22 UT Moon age 9 days. FS128 + Or25 + Casio QV2300 1/74 sec. C. Montes Alpes
The Moon at full brightness
This photograph shows the western half of a full moon. The terminator has gone completely. Crater
Tycho, Copernicus, Kepler and Aristarchus (No. 1, 16, 20 & 23) radiate extensive bright rays that
overwhelm large areas of the surface. Other landscapes lose their contrast too, though recognizable.
The full moon is not a favorable time to spot lunar details.
1. Tycho
T048A 2. Alphonsus
3. Ptolemaeus
4. Archimedes
5. Timocharis
6. Anaxagoras
55 7. Philolaus
8. Plato
54 9. Mons Pico
10. Montes Recti
1 53 11. Sinus Iridum
12. Mairan
36 13. Mons Gruithuisen Gamma
14. Mons Rümker
40 38 15. Pytheas
69 16. Copernicus
41 17. Gambart
34 18. Fra Mauro
42 35 19. Guericke
44 39 20. Kepler
43 50 21. Encke
45 22. Reiner Gamma
33 51
23. Aristarchus
2 24. Herodotus
47 52
25. Seleucus
19 26. Eddington
49 27. Olbers A
3 31 28. Riccioli
46 48
29. Grimaldi
18 30. Flamsteed P
Sinus Medii 29 31. Montes Riphaeus
56 32. Euclides
17 33. Bullialdus
30 34. Mercator
21 28 35. Campanus
36. Capuanus
37. Ramsden
20 22 38. Vitello
16 39. Hippalus
67 40. Wurzelbauer
41. Pitatus
D 42. Hesiodus
58 43. Wolf
44. Birt
A 15 45. Gassendi
46. Letronne
59 23 24 47. Billy
60 26 48. Mons Hansteen
68 5 49. Sirsalis
4 50. Byrgius A
51. Darwin
52. Crüger
53. Schickard
B 54. Schiller
13 55. Zucchius
56. Lansberg
57. Reinhold
C 9 11 58. T. Mayer
10 12 14 59. Euler
60. Lambert
8 65 66 61. Meton
62. Carpenter
63. J. Herschel
64 64. Pythagoras
63 65. Harpalus
66. Sinus Roris
67. Sinus Aestuum
61 62 68. Palus Putredinis
6 7 69. Palus Epidemiarum
A. Montes Apenninus
B. Montes Caucasus
C. Montes Alpes
2003.09.11 16:11 UT Age 15 days FS128 + PL25 + CP995 1/416 sec DSCN9883 80% resized. D. Montes Carpatus
The Moon and its “Evening” Terminator
The terminator is designated “evening” because the places under it are experiencing sunset. If a moon man stands now
on the floor of crater No.23, he will see the setting Sun and anticipate nighttime as the terminator crosses the crater from
east to west (from left to right of the frame). Compare this photograph with T078 in previous page which was taken 6 days
before full moon. T078 shows the “morning” terminator implying the Sun is rising over that part of the Moon. In T117, note
also the highland region, around 2~3 o’clock position of the west limb. It is even brighter than full moon because the Sun
is illuminating it at high angles (hence appears white and featureless).
1. Tycho
T117 2. Maginus
3. Clavis
4. Moretus
4 6 5. Longomontanus
6. Bailly
7. Schiller
3 8. Schickard
7 9. Hainzel
10. Deslandres
2 5 11. Gauricus
8 12. Pitatus
13. Walter
9 14. Regiomontanus
15. Purbach
16. Thebit
64 17. Birt
11 18. Arzachel
13 10 19. Alpetragius
12 62 20. Alphonsus
14 63 21. Ptolemaeus
61 22. Albategnius
15 23. Hipparchus
17 24. Herschel
16 25. Flammarion
60 65 26. Triesnecker
18 27. Murchison
19 28. Pallas
20 66
29. Mösting
31 32` 67 30. Schröter
22 31. Davy
21 59 58
33 32. Guericke
34 33. Parry
23 24 34. Fra Mauro
36 35. Gambart
25 36. Lalande
29 57
Sinus 37. Montes Apenninus
Medii 30 35 56 38. Montes Alpes
69 39. Archimedes
26 55 40. Autolycus
68 41. Aristillus
54 42. Timocharis
27 28 48 70 43. Cassini
44. Mons Pico
45. Plato
47 49 46. Sinus Iridum
47. Eratosthenes
48. Copernicus
72 49. Montes Carpatus
53 71 50. Pytheas
37 51. Lambert
52. Mons La Hire
42 52 53. Euler
40 39 54. Milichius
55. Hortensius
56. Reinhold
Mare Imbrium 57. Lansberg
58. Euclides
43 59. Montes Riphaeus
60. Bullialdus
46 61. Kies
38 44
62. Mercator
63. Campanus
45 64. Vitello
65. Gassendi
66. Letronne
67. Grimaldi
68. Kepler
69. Reiner Gamma
70. Marius
73 71. Aristarchus
72. Herodotus
73. Anaxagoras
It must be aware that lunar nomenclature is not always exact. For instance, today’s selenographic
coordinates make Mare Orientale (Eastern Sea, Farside Map ) confusingly at the “west” side of
the Moon. Vallis Rheita in Map 4 is likely not a true valley but a chain of overlapping craters.
Grimaldi in Map 26 appears like a lava-filled basin more than a crater. The Straight Wall (Rupes
Recta) in Map 12 is not a narrow wall but a fault where its eastern side is higher than the western
side by 300 m. Many lunar views in ground-based telescopes are dramatically different from the
scenes on the Moon’s surface and from the images taken in space. Below are some comparisons.
Crater Coper nicus 哥白尼環形山
Central mountains
NASA 005
Rima Hyginus 海金努斯月溪
Prom. Heraclides 赫拉克萊特海角 NASA 006
In telescopes, a crater close to the lunar terminator looks like deep hollow because the shadow on
it exaggerates the impression of depth. Actually the floor of a lunar crater is not deep against its
diameter. For example, Tycho (figure below) is 85 km in diameter, 5 km deep at most. The
depth-diameter ratio is 1 : 17, rather shallow by terrestrial norm. During the full moon, the
exaggerated depth of Tycho will vanish, and the crater looks almost flat with a dark halo.
The shadow effect, together with the global curvature of the Moon, also
play trick to the appearance of lunar mountains. In the right figure which
shows the telescopic view of Mons Pico, an isolated mountain in Map 16,
it has the appearance of a steep cliff, exaggerated by the triangular shadow
under low Sun illumination. However, an astronaut on the Moon would
find its slope quite gradual, roughly 200 ~ 300. This is because the global
curvature of the Moon is greater than the Earth’s; the short horizon
distance of the astronaut (2.5 km) makes him or her to perceive Mons Pico
not as steep as the shadowed view in telescopes.
NASA 010
The above mosaic shows the landing site of Apollo 15 (1971 July). The mountain is Hadley Delta at the
foothills of Montes Apenninus Map 14. Astronauts called it a “featureless mountain” (quite true in this
picture). They found lunar scenery almost white or black. They also reported that distances on the Moon
were hard to estimate, partly because the Moon’s surface curves more sharply than the Earth’s and
hence the horizon is closer, partly because there is no atmosphere and hence no softening of shadows.
Note that on the airless Moon, the sky is dark even at daytime. (NASA Image)
Although the Moon is physically a barren world compared to our vivid Earth, yet there are lots
of surface features visible in telescopes. See these funny highlights:
Funny Features on the Moon
Under certain illuminating conditions, the lunar features may look conspicuous and funny in
telescopes. Below are the glimpses of them. Their details are traceable from the MAP pages.
(Not to scale) Sun
one lunation
first quarter last quarter
(Binocular view)
2 4
Earth’s orbit
1 1 3
Lunar orbit
with respect to the Earth
Earth 4 1. new moon (age = 0 days) 農曆初一
2. first quarter (age ≈ 7.4 days) 初七或初八
Lunar orbit 3. full moon (age ≈ 14.8 days) 十五或十六
with respect to the Sun
3 4. last quarter (age ≈ 22.1 days) 廿二或廿三
Perigee and Apogee
The angular diameter of the Moon is about 0.5 0, equivalent to viewing a pencil thickness at an arm’s length.
It is not constant but changes according to the instantaneous Moon-observer distance. Thus the Moon
appears about 1.5 % bigger at zenith (overhead) than at horizon, though this change is quite small. To an
observer on the Earth’s equator, the Moon’s angular diameter can vary up to 34.1 arcminutes at perigee
(closet to Earth) and down to 29.8 arcminutes at apogee (farthest from Earth), a total change of 14 %. The
average is 31.6 arcminutes, when the Moon is 378,000 km (30 times Earth’s diameter) from the observer. A
lunar crater of 2 km diameter and facing Earth gives a visual angle of about 1 arcsecond.
Greatest high tide, also called perigean spring tide, will occur when the Moon is at perigee and when the
Sun, the Earth and the Moon (whether full moon or new moon) are aligned to reinforce gravitational
interactions. Such high tides are not uncommon and can be observed at some coastal spots in Hong Kong,
e.g. on few days around 2004 June 4 and July 3. At these days, the Moon was about full and at perigee
(~ 357,000 km from the Earth’s center); the high tides rose to exceed 2.5 m or twice of the average.
14 %
356,375 km 406,712 km
on 1912 Jan 4 on 1984 Mar 2
Perigee Apogee
近地點 遠地點
The center of mass is nearly 2000 km below the Earth’s surface when the Moon is at extreme perigee,
and 1400 km below the Earth’s surface when the Moon is at extreme apogee.
The focus of the Moon’s elliptical orbit is the center of mass rather than the exact center of the Earth.
Because the Moon’s orbit is an ellipse, the center of mass also moves to describe an ellipse in space.
Over time, the gravitational interactions between the Earth and the Moon cause the Earth’s rotation to
slow down gradually and the Moon to move away from the Earth at average of 3.8 cm per year. However,
the Moon remains with the same face (nearside) permanently locked towards Earth. The Moon’s distance
shall not increase forever. It will settle down billion years later, probably at 560,000 km. By that time, one
rotation period of Earth = one lunation = 1330 hours (rotation slowed down 55 times !).
Diameter = 12756 km
center of mass
Diameter = 3476 km
(Not to scale) Mass = 1/81 Earth’s
Moonrise and Harvest Moon
Between apogee and perigee, the Moon moves 12 ~ 15 degrees per day eastward among the star
background. As a result, moonrise repeats every 24.3 ~ 25.2 hours, and so it must be delayed in
successive days. There is always one day with no moonrise (e.g. 2003 December 16 in Hong Kong)
and one day with no moonset (2003 December 30) in each lunar month.
In this illustration, the Moon takes two full days to Exact moonrise or moonset is defined by the time when
cross Taurus from west to east. the upper limb of the Moon contacts with the horizon.
The graph below illustrates the delay of moonrise during 2003 in Hong Kong. For example, the Moon
rose about 62 minutes later per day by the last week of January; but in the first week of February, the
Moon appeared to speed up and rose just 32 minutes later per day. This indicates a very large variation
of moonrise time within two weeks. The general saying that the Moon rises about 50 minutes later per
day is not applicable most of the time.
Harvest Moon (穫月) refers to the full moon that rises at minimum delay time during a year. It happens
in few successive nights close to autumnal equinox (September 23) in the northern hemisphere. At
these nights, the full moon rises around the time of sunset, and it appears only 30 minutes later than the
Moon did the day before. This is because at days close to autumnal equinox, the ecliptic, and hence the
Moon’s orbit, is at its least angle to the horizon at the time of moonrise in the northern latitudes. In higher
latitudes (e.g. 500 N), the daily delay time of the Harvest Moon is even shortened to 20 minutes or less.
Harvest Moon happens in March in the southern hemisphere. It is so named because the moonlight
helps farmers to work at harvest time.
Tilting of the Moon’s terminator, as seen from Earth
Between moonrise and moonset, the Moon in the sky
seems to tilt differently from the vertical. This is
because our eyes see the sky as its projection on the
celestial sphere, and the Moon appears to move in a
curved path above the horizon. Such perception is
illustrated by a binocular watch on 2003 August 5
Hong Kong. At 3 pm, the first-quarter Moon was
visible in daylight at an altitude of 30 o. It was rising
with the upper end of the terminator tilting to the
observer’s left hand side. At transit when the Moon
was highest above horizon, the terminator looked
almost vertical. Thereafter the Moon was sinking
westward, and the terminator tilted to the right.
(Not to scale)
Notes on lunar observation
This book presents lunar images taken with small and medium-sized telescopes. They indicate
the requirements of a lunar telescope are not critical except personal preference. The author’s
preference tends to have three:
z A 4-inch (102 mm) f/8 refractor for portability, the front objective is fluorite for supreme
sharpness in visual enjoyment.
z A 5-inch (128 mm) f/8 refractor for imaging at wide field (happened to be fluorite too).
z A 10-inch (254 mm) f/6 Newtonian for imaging lunar details.
The 5 and 10-inch are not supposed portable. Newtonian bigger or longer than 10-inch f/6 is
seldom used because the observer needs to “stand high on stool” by the eyepiece (sounds to
cause falling accident), and it produces not much better result than the 10-inch f/6 in most nights
of the year. The C9 (Celestron 9.25-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain) is sometimes used when the
10-inch Newtonian is unavailable, e.g. recoating of mirror. In the author’s experience, a
collimated C9 gives best optics among all Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain, but it never
outperforms a quality, equal-aperture Newtonian. The Celestron kit of vibration suppression pads
is highly recommended. It kills vibration residue of the telescope almost instantly, and has been
tested equally well for loading as heavy as 150 lbs (68 kg).
Try to observe even when the seeing is mediocre, because the peculiar view of a landscape lasts
for few hours only (e.g. the “golden handle” and wrinkle ridges of Sinus Iridum MAP 18 ). If this
session is missed, the observer must wait 4 weeks to meet similar view.
Moon after the last quarter rises late at night or even at dawn. Take a rest first. It is advantageous
to plan an observing session in advance, such as where the lunar terminator and libration are
expected, and how high is the Moon in the sky. Always check the collimation of the optics and
allow them to reach thermal equilibrium; these are essential for high magnification works.
Here is an example to plan observing the features in Map 8. They include crater Sabine, Ritter
and Armstrong where Apollo 11 landed at their vicinity, and the nearby rilles, domes and
wrinkle ridges.
PosDat then predicts that at the given Universal Time and geographic location, the Moon is 390
above horizon and is sinking. Its C. M. (Central Meridian) is −6.920. The negative C. M. means
the Moon disc is centered at longitude 6.920 W, causing nearly 70 extra area of libration** along
the west limb. However the 6-day Moon age makes the west side too dark to be seen. Similarly,
Declination of Earth −2.350 implies that the Moon disc is centered at latitude 2.350 S, causing a
slightly more area of libration near the south pole. PosDat also predicts Terminator at 13.80o E,
so the Sun is illuminating Sabine (200 E) and Ritter (190 E, Map 8) at favorable angles. On the
other hand, crater Armstrong is known small (diameter 5 km or 2.5 arcseconds angular). It is
easier to spot Armstrong with bigger telescopes, as well as the rimae and domes in the map.
In the above table, Terminator at 13.800 is just an alternative quote of Colongitude 346.200,
because both angles always sum to 3600, 1800 or 00. The colongitude** tells the Sun’s
illuminating angle and hence an estimated height of a lunar feature from the length of its shadow.
PosDat is not the only program available. There are other sources of moon ephemerides.
** Libration and Colongitude are elaborated in the Event 1 and Event 2 pages respectively,
also explained briefly in the Glossary.
Thebit P dagger
A last but not least hint is “Imagination”. It enhances
the perception of an observed feature. For instance, the
Straight Wall (Rupes Recta) can be thought as a long sword
sword with a handle at the southern end. This handle is
also part of the walls of a heavily flooded “ghost crater”
called Thebit P, see figure at right or Map 12. The floor
of Thebit P is shaded by a pattern of darker lava which
resembles a dagger. The combination is then a sword
and a dagger side by side on the edge of Mare Nubium. Nubium
In Map 1, there is a page on three types of moon rocks. The mare basalt looks dark. The
anorthosite, which exists in highlands or beneath the mare basalt, is light-colored. The brecca is a
mixed type. This rock scenario may inspire speculation about the peculiarities of some surface
features, such as the grey tone of Palus Somnii Map 2, the dark collar of Mare Serenitatis with
even darker patch near Littrow Map 9, the bright formation Reiner Gamma Map 20, the bright
patch near Descartes Map 31 and Tycho’s system of long rays Map 33. The Moon is indeed full
of speculative topology and geology. Reference No. 6, 14, 27 to 31 help to study it.
2. Lunar Features and Events
z All lunar photographs in MAP and EVENT pages are south up unless otherwise noted.
z Moon ages when the lunar features were photographed:
Moon Age (days)
Lunar Features ~4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
2 Mare Crisium, Proclus, Cleomedes y y y y y y
3 Langrenus, Vendelinus, Petavius y y
4 Janssen, Fabricius, Vallis Rheita y y y
5 Theophilus, Cyrillus, Rupes Altai y y
6 Messier, Censorinus, Taruntius y y y
7 Capella, Gutenberg, Torricelli y y
8 Sabine, Ritter, Lamont, Arago y y
9 Posidonius, Plinius, wrinkle ridges y y y y y y
10 Atlas, Hercules, Bürg, Gauss y y y y y y
11 Tycho, Clavius, Deslandres y y y y y y y
12 Ptolemaeus, Rupes Recta, Birt y y y y y
13 Rima Hyginus, Rimae Triesnecker y y y
14 Apenninus, Archimedes, rilles y y y y
15 Vallis Alpes, Aristoteles, Meton y y y y y
16 Plato, Mons Pico, Anaxagoras y y y y
17 Anaximander, Pythagoras y y
18 Sinus Iridum, Montes Recti, Sharp y y
19 Copernicus, Eratosthenes, Stadius y y y
20 Kepler, Reiner Gamma, Marius y y y y y
21 Aristarchus, Vallis Schröeteri, Prinz y y
22 Eddington, Struve, Russell y
23 Mons Rümker, Mons Gruithuisen γ y
24 Rimae Hippalus, Marth, Bullialdus y y y
25 Gassendi, Vitello, Mersenius y y y
26 Grimaldi, Darwin, Byrgius y y
27 Rimae Sirsalis, Crüger, Billy y y
28 Schiller, Schickard, Wargentin y y
29 Bailly, Longomontanus, Hainzel y y y y
30 Maurolycus, Stöfler, Boussingault y y y
31 Catena Abulfeda, Catena Davy y y y y
Mare, Sinus, Lacus, Palus and Montes
The Moon keeps the same face towards the Earth. The large dark area of this face (the nearside)
is termed Mare, the Latin for “Sea”. The term was originally used in the 17th century, when the
dark plains of the Moon were thought to be water. Maria are physically smooth lowlands of
solidified lava, typically 500 ~ 1500 m thick over the lunar crust. They erupted some 3 billion
years ago and are younger than the surrounding highlands.
Plains of relatively small areas are Latinized as Sinus (Bay), Lacus (Lake) or Palus (Marsh).
Montes are “mountain ranges”. Three huge montes lie along the eastern edge of Mare Imbrium:
Montes Apennius, Montes Caucasus and Montes Alpes. They are actually part of the rising rim
of a colossal impact basin which flooded later with lava that formed Mare Imbrium today.
Mare Cognitum Known Sea 知海 Mare Nubium Sea of Clouds 雲海 Palus Putredinis Marsh of Decay 凋沼 (腐沼)
Mare Crisium Sea of Crisis 危海 Mare Serenitatis Sea of Serenity 澄海 Palus Somnii Marsh of Sleep 夢沼
Mare Fecunditatis Sea of Fertility 豐富海 Mare Tranquillitatis Sea of Tranquillity 靜海 Sinus Aestuum Bay of Billows 暑灣 (浪灣)
Mare Frigoris Sea of Cold 冷海 Mare Vaporum Sea of Vapors 汽海 Sinus Amoris Bay of Love 愛灣
Mare Humorum Sea of Moisture 濕海 Oceanus Procellarum Ocean of Storms 風暴洋 Sinus Iridum Bay of Rainbows 虹灣
Mare Imbrium Sea of Rains 雨海 Lacus Mortis Lake of Death 死湖 Sinus Medii Central Bay 中央灣
Mare Insularum Sea of Isles 島海 Lacus Somniorum Lake of Dreams 夢湖 Sinus Roris Bay of Dew 露灣
Mare Nectaris Sea of Nectar 酒海 Palus Epidemiarum Marsh of Epidemics 疫沼
(Maria on the east limb are given in Event 1 pages.)
Close-up views of Mare Imbrium and Montes Apenninus
NASA 018
An oblique view taken by the crew of
Apollo 15 in July 1971 when they flew
over the southern region of Mare Imbrium.
South is top. Ancient lava flow (now
solidified) on the mare floor is evident.
Prominent wrinkle ridges are also seen in the
middle of the picture. Wrinkle ridges
are common in lunar maria. They are up
Mons La Hire
to 200 m high and may have resulted from
surface shrinkage and collapse following
the cease of volcanism. The isolated massif
is Mons La Hire, which is over 1000 m high,
base 10 x 20 km. The crater Lambert (30 km
in diameter) happens behind an obstacle in
wrinkle ridges front of the camera.
(NASA image AS15-1555.)
NASA 019
Sinus Aestuum
50 km
The Moon seen by Apollo 11 crew on return trip, 1969 July (NASA AS11-44-6667)
This view is not visible from terrestrial-based telescopes. Mare Crisium and Mare Fecunditatis
now appear close to the center of the disc, and Maria Nos. 1 to 7 (normally seen at the east
limb of the Moon from Earth) are positioned in better perspective. The terrestrial views of Maria
Nos. 1 to 7 are given in T056D, EVENT 1 page.
NASA 001
Furnerius A
Petavius B
2 酒海
5 Mare
4 豐富海
Mare Mare
Crisium Tranquillitatis
危海 靜海
Geminus Serenitatis
Montes Apenninus
Anaxagoras Montes Caucasus
Mare Frigoris 冷海
Note the shape of Mare Crisium in above image. It is more circular compared to the oblique view in
Image T001.
View from Galileo spacecraft as it flew past the Moon on 1992 Dec 9
Mare Orientale (Eastern Sea) is near the center of the picture, but on Earth it is hidden behind the west limb of
the Moon and is visible only at very favorable librations. Mare Orientale is the lava-flooded part of an impact
basin, about 300 km in diameter. Its outer vicinity is encircled by concentric mountain ranges (Montes Rook and
Montes Cordillera) up to 900 km across. The whole mare is situated on the farside, at 950 W 200 S.
Remark: In old maps Mare Orientale was on the “far east” region of the Moon and hence so named.
But today’s selenographic coordinates confusingly put Mare Orientale on the west.
NASA 002
Mare Orientale
4 13 14
Montes Cordillera
風暴洋 科迪勒拉山脈
By comparing the nearside of the Moon (T001) with the two spacecraft images (NASA 001 &
002), it can be seen that the dark maria are concentrated on the nearside but the farside is mostly
brighter highlands with very few maria. It also shows, in general, maria tend to be circular in
shape. This suggests that, like craters, these depressed lowlands were created by colossal
impactors which struck the Moon some billion years ago, thus forming basins. The basins
subsequently flooded with lava that flowed out from the Moon’s interior through cracks in the
crust, forming the maria that appear in image T001. An illustration of maria formation and moon
rocks are given in following pages, also a table of the Moon’s geologic history in Appendix 2.
A question is why maria on the nearside are much more than farside. One belief is that the crust
is thinner on the nearside; it is easier to eject magma (non-solidified lava beneath the crust)
through cracks of this side after colossal impacts.
A cross-section of the Moon’s interior
The lunar crust has an average thickness of about 60 km on the nearside which faces the Earth, but about 50 %
thicker on the farside. It is easier to eject magma (non-solidified lava) through cracks of the nearside crust after
colossal impacts, hence creating vast areas of dark plains or maria we see from the Earth. The farside has very few
maria due to thicker crust. The lack of global magnetic field on the Moon’s surface suggests that the present Moon
may or may not have a metallic-iron core. If it has, the core is small, probably less than 700 km in diameter.
3500 km
NASA 021
1 billion = 10
Maria Formation (illustration)
(a) 4.6 billion years ago, the proto-Earth rotated rapidly at few hours per day only. Another proto-planet
about the size of Mars stuck the proto-Earth. The debris so created cast into space, then gradually accreted
to form the Moon orbiting around the Earth. The giant impact caused high degrees of melting, resulting the
Moon covered by a global layer of hot magma hundred of kilometers thick (so called the magma ocean).
1. Mare Imbrium 雨海
2. Sinus Iridum 虹彎
11 14 3. Grimaldi 格里馬第
4. Mare Nectaris 酒海
4 5. Mare Crisium 危海
12 6. Mare Fecunditatis 豐富海
7. Mare Tranquillitatis 靜海
6 3 8. Mare Serenitatis 澄海
13 9. Mare Frigoris 冷海
7 15 10. Mare Vaporum 汽海
10 11. Mare Nubium 雲海
12. Mare Cognitum 知海
5 13. Mare Insularum 島海
8 14. Mare Humorum 濕海
15. Oceanus Procellarum 風暴洋
(b) 0.7 billion years after the giant impact, the Moon appeared as above. Its surface had somewhat solidified
while bombardment by colossal impactors continued. Impact basins several hundred km or larger in diameter
formed at the impact sites. A number of them subsequently flooded with lava, forming the dark maria we see
today. The number label corresponds to the name of the overlaying mare, oceanus or sinus.
Moon Rocks
Moon rocks are much similar to terrestrial but completely free of water molecules. This is a strong support to the giant
impact theory (previous illustration) that the Moon had been molten in its infant stage.
Among the moon rocks sampled from the Apollo Missions, there are two distinct families: mare basalt 玄武岩 in the
lava plains and anorthosite 斜長岩 in the mountainous highlands. The mare basalt is about 3.2 ~ 3.9 billion years old
whereas the anorthosite is older, in range of 4.0 ~ 4.6 billions years. Mare basalt and anorthosite are just broad terms;
they can be subdivided into various rock types depending on their mineral concentrations.
Figure (a) shows a sample of dark, vesicular basalt collected from the lunar maria by the Apollo astronauts. It is these
basaltic rocks and overlaying material of similar composition that make the maria look dark in telescopes. The rock is
vesicular because of many holes in its body. It indicates that gas must have dissolved under pressure in the lava from
which this rock solidified. When the lava reached the airless Moon’s surface, bubbles formed as the gas pressure
dropped. The dark color is a characteristic of mare basalt. It implies enriched contents of heavier elements like iron,
manganese and titanium. Compare Figure (a) with (b) which shows another sample collected from the lunar highlands.
The rock, so called anorthosite, is rich in silicon, calcium and aluminum. Hence it is light-colored and less dense than
iron-rich materials. During the period when the Moon’s surface was molten, the less dense anorthosite rose to the top,
forming the highlands. The anorthosite is believed to be the most ancient type of moon rocks; it is the material of the
original lunar crust. On the other hand, the mare basaIt was formed from lava flooded on the lunar crust; hence it must be
a relatively shallow layer over the anorthosite.
Figure (c) shows another common rock breccia 角礫岩 which is not as light-colored as the anorthosite. It is made up of
different types of rock fragments cemented together by the heat and pressure of a meteorite impact. The lunar regolith
浮土 (Image NASA 021 in previous page) acts as the cementing agent.
A unique type of rock KREEP 克里普岩, was also sampled in the highlands near the rims of maria. It is rich in potassium
(chemical symbol K), rare-earth elements (REE), phosphorus (P) as well as other radioactive elements. It is these
radioative elements that had given the heat energy to support the viscuous magma in the Moon’s interior. KREEP is
incompatible to common rock-forming process and hence it floated to the upper lunar crust in the last chemical
separation of the magma ocean. The presence of KREEP enables scientists to trace the volcanic history of the Moon.
By imaging the surface brightness of the Moon at multiple discrete wavelengths, it is possible to map the abundance of
elements on the lunar crust. For instance, iron absorbs light mostly around 950 nm whereas titanium absorbs more light
near 415 nm. Using such multispectral technique, Clementine spacecraft derived an Iron map of the Moon in 1996,
Figure (d). The red are the areas of highest iron concentrations; they coincide closely with the maria where molten,
iron-rich materials flowed from cracks of the lunar crust in the ancient past. The lowest concentrations of iron are found in
blue, which correspond to the highlands. The intermediate iron concentrations are in green. The broadest green region
lies on the South Pole - Aitken, a gigantic impact basin at the farside.
NASA 023
South-Pole Aitken
Mare Crisium, Proclus, Cleomedes, Messala
Mare Crisium
590 E 170 N
Prom. Agarum
Age 15 days Age 16 days Age 17 days
3 views of Mare Crisium Left: 2000.04.20 17:52 UT Age 15 days. FS102+CP950 1/3 sec DSCN 1589. Middle: 2000.09.15
15:25UT Age 16 days. MK67+CP950 1/11 sec DSCN4013. Right: 2002.01.01 15:59UT Age 17 days. C9+CP990 1/8 sec DSCN0289.
Mare Crisium (Sea of Crisis) is a dominating feature near the east limb of the Moon. It is a dark,
lava-filled oval basin surrounded by mountain walls. It measures 570 km east-west and 430 km
north-south, but in terrestrial the north-south diameter always appears longer due to perspective.
Mare Crisium is the site of a gravitational anomaly known as a "mascon," or mass concentration
that probably represents thick accumulation of dense lava, or the fragments of an impactor that
created the basin buried beneath the mare surface. Mascons exist in other large maria as well.
Their high-gravity causes lunar satellites orbiting at low altitudes to either impact the Moon or to
be flung out into interplanetary space after a few years.
T111 T051
Cleomedes, Geminus
and Messala during
favorable libration Î
Mare Crisium 2000.04.20 17:52 UT Age 15 days. FS102 + LE5 + CP950 at 1/3 sec
Tebbutt Cauchy
Shapley da Vinci
Auzout Concordiae
Delmotte Tralles
T112 T113
5 1
Langrenus, Vendelinus, Petavius, Furnerius
Vallis Palitzsch
Vallis Rheita
Fur nerius
Stevinus A
Fur nerius A
The magnificent chain of craters in image T006 ⎯ The Great Eastern Chain ⎯ lines up at the
terminator when the Moon age is 15 ~ 17 days.
Langrenus 610 E 90 S
A prominent crater with terraced walls and central peaks, 132 km in diameter. The walls rise to
2700 m above the hilly floor. At high Sun angles, the interior of Langrenus takes on a distinctly
yellowish-brown tint, compared to its surroundings. At full moon, Langrenus emits bright rays.
Snellius, Petavius B, Furnerius A and Stevinus A
These craters are centers of bright rays.
7 1. Furnerius (Dia. 125 km)
2. Petavius (177 km)
13 8 3. Vendelinus (147 km)
12 4. Langrenus (132 km)
5. Furnerius A
9 11 6. Rima Furnerius
15 7. Stevinus (75 km)
14 8. Stevinus A
9. Hase (83 km)
10. Rima Hase
2 11. Snellius (83 km)
17 12. Vallis Snellius
16 13. Adams (66 km)
14. Legendre (79 km)
15. Palitzsch (41 km)
19 16. Vallis Palitzsch
17. Rimae Petavius
18. Petavius B
19. Wrottesley (57 km)
20. Behaim (55 km)
18 21. Holden (47 km)
20 21 22. Lamé (84 km)
23. Lohse (42 km)
24. Kapteyn (49 km)
25. Barkla (43 km)
26. von Behring (39 km)
27. Somerville (15 km)
28. Born (15 km)
3 29. Acosta (13 km)
30. Atwood (29 km)
22 31. Naonobu (35 km)
32. Bilharz (43 km)
23 33. Al-Marrakushi (8 km)
24 25
30 32
28 29
Janssen, Fabricius, Vallis Rheita, Mare Australe
T008 Watt
Vallis Rheita 510 E 420 S
Vallis Rheita is the longest valley on the nearside of the Moon. It extends 500 km southward
from Rheita (70 km), passing by Mallet (58 km) and ends near Reimarus (48 km). The floor of
Vallis Rheita appears scalloped, giving the impression that it might not be a true valley but a
chain of overlapping craters. Rheita E is a peculiar crater-valley formation, 32 x 66 km.
Theophilus, Cyrillus, Catharina,
Piccolomini, Rupes Altai
Crater Trio : Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina
Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina form a prominent trio of craters near Mare Nectaris (Sea of
Theophilus 260 E 110 S
A ring mountain, 100 km in diameter. Its
massive terraced walls rise 4400 m above
the interior. These huge walls appear as
two to three concentric ring mountain
ranges, each successively lower to the
next until the floor is reached. At lower
magnifications Theophilus appears to be
circular while higher powers show the
walls to be composed of linear segments.
Along the north-western wall is a small
crater Theophilus B. Theophilus also
contains magnificent multiple central
mountains with one of the peaks rising
1400 m above the floor. At full moon,
Theophilus becomes a rayed crater.
Messier, Censorinus, Taruntius, Cauchy
Messier (480E 20S) and Messier A is a pair of small craters in Mare Fecunditatis (Sea of
Fertility), each about 11 km in diameter. Messier A is a double crater and hence looks slightly
larger. It emitts two long bright rays to the west like a comet. This pair of craters probably
formed simultaneously by a broken / binary impactor. The map T049 also shows the
over-exposed crater Censorinus (330E 00S) near the edge of Mare Tranquillitatis. It is 4 km in
diameter, surrounded by very light material and is exceptionally bright under high illumination.
Taruntius (460E 60N) is a rayed crater at the “neck” between Mare Fecunditatis and Mare
Tranquillitatis. It is 56 km in diameter, with concentric walls and a central peak.
T105 T106
Capella, Isidorus, Gutenberg, Torricelli, Fracastorius
Capella 350 E 80 S
Capella is a crater at the north of Mare Nectaris (Sea of Nectar),
49 km in diameter. It has an oversized central peak with a
summit pit. A valley (Vallis Capella, 110 km long) cuts through
Capella and the adjacent smaller craters. If Image T142 is turned
clockwise, Capella looks like a smiling face.
Isidorus 340 E 8 0 S
A crater, 42 km in diameter. Its wall is interrupted by Capella.
It has no central peak but a prominent crater on its floor.
Gutenberg 410 E 90 S
A flooded crater, 74 km in diameter. Its eastern wall is broken
by a smaller crater. A wide system of rilles, Rimae Gutenberg
(length 300 km) runs at vicinity. Montes Pyrenaeus extends
southward from this crater to beyond Bohnenberger (Image 193). W001
Torricelli 280 E 50 S
Torricelli is a strange-looking crater, 23 km in diameter. Its western
wall is open and linked with a smaller crater, so that the whole
formation appears pear-shaped. Torricelli B is one of the sites for
LTP (Lunar Transient Phenomena, Reference No. 7, 8 and 21).
Sabine, Ritter, Lamont, Arago
Two systems of rilles, Rimae Hypatia (length 180 km) NASA 004
and Rimae Ritter (length 100 km) are at the close
vicinity of Sabine and Ritter. Rimae Ritter is elusive to spot.
Moltke 240 E 10 S
A small crater with a bright halo, 7 km in diameter. The
bright halo makes easier to recognize where crater
Armstrong should be.
Hypatia 230 E 40 S
A curiously shaped crater. It measures 28 x 41 km and
appears to sit on its own plateau.
Delambre 170 E 20 S
A terraced crater, 52 km in diameter and rather deep Apollo 11 Landing Module (picture corner)
and the Laser Ranging Retro-reflector Array.
(~ 3000 m). On the map it is heavily shadowed. The reflector was left by Apollo 11 crew on
the landing site, and is still used today by
Arago 210 E 60 N the McDonald Observatory to monitor the
precise Earth-Moon distance.
A crater of 26 km in diameter, with two nearby domes. (
Lamont 230 E 50 N
A ghosty formation (ghost crater), 75 km in diameter. Its wall is outlined by wrinkle ridges.
Mare Serenitatis (Posidonius, Plinius, Serpentine Ridge)
A. Lacus Hiemalis B. Lacus Gaudii C. Lacus Lenitatis D. Lacus Doloris E. Lacus Odii F. Lacus Felicitatis G. Sinus Fidei
(Winter Lake) (Lake of Joy) (Lake of Tenderness) (Lake of Sorrow) (Lake of Hate) (Lake of Happiness) (Bay of Faith)
Tranquillitatis Mare Serenitatis (Sea of Serenity) is a vast,
near-circular lava plain, about 650 km in diameter.
The inner collar of the mare looks somewhat darker,
suggesting richer in metallic composition than the
rest of the floor. The eastern floor is crossed by two
snaky wrinkle ridges named Dorsa Lister and Dorsa
Smirnov (also collectively called Serpentine Ridge,
see next page). Each of them is about 10 km wide and
meanders quite a long distance. Wrinkle ridges
generally appear in lunar maria and may be the result
Mare of a shifting of the surface after the lava solidified.
Mare Imbrium
They are fairly low in height (less than 200 m), so
they need a low angle of sunlight to be seen well.
In Image T010, the west of Mare Serenitatis is bound by the 400-km long Montes Haemus. Next
to Haemus are six small “lakes” labeled A to F. Menelaus, Plinius, le Monnier and Posidonius
are the most conspicuous craters in this region. A lava channel between Montes Caucasus and
Montes Apenninus connects Mare Serenitatis and Mare Imbrium.
T138 T168
Serpentine Ridge 蛇脊
It is prominent only when
it is close to the bright
side of the terminator. At
the middle of this ridge
is the small crater Very
(diameter 5 km).
Apollo 17
landing site
Montes Taurus and vicinity
The east of Mare Serenitatis is Montes Taurus (the
Bull Mountain ranges). It spreads about 400 km across,
with Sinus Amoris (Bay of Love) at the south and
Lacus Somniorum (Lake of Dreams) at the north. Sinus Amoris
Montes Taurus holds the fairly prominent crater Römer
and several longitudinal rilles named Rimae Römer,
Rimae Littrow, Rimae Chacornac and Rima G. Bond. MARE
Like wrinkle ridges, these rilles rely on low angles of Römer
sunlight to be distinctive. Montes Taurus Posidonius
Lacus Somniorum
--- Image T143, T063 --- NASA 022
--- Image T167 ---
Manilius 90 E 140 N
A bright rayed crater with sharp rim, terraced walls and central peaks, 39 km in diameter.
MAP 10
North-east limb and vicinity
(Atlas, Hercules, Bürg, Endymion, Mare Humboldtianum)
Space view of the region similar to Image T102
This view was captured by the Galileo spacecraft as it flew by the Moon on 1992 December 7.
Fabry and Compton are farside craters not visible from the Earth.
(Cropped from NASA image JPL-PIA00130 and reprocessed.)
T115 T097
Endymion 570 E 540 N
A prominent crater with fairly dark floor, no central
peaks, 125 km in diameter
Mare Humboldtianum
800 E 570 N
Mare Humboldtianum
(Humboldt’s Sea) is a
difficult visual object
because its rim extends to
910 E on the Moon’s farside.
A better terrestial view is given in T180 and T103, when the libration was favorable. Mare
Humboldtianum is physically the central lava-flooded portion of a large impact basin. The mare
is only 160 km in diameter, but the whole basin including the outer concentric walls is 640 km
across. See also Image T102 (label F) and NASA 008A. Occasionally Mare Humboldtianum
makes the northeast limb of a Moon disk appeared dark and broken, like T040A in the Overview
de la Rue 530 E 590 N
A disintegrated walled plain, 136 km in diameter. It is named
after the British amateur astronomer Warren de la Rue (1815-89)
who first succeeded in producing a copper plate for printing
from a photographic negative of the Moon. See W004.
MAP 10
Tycho, Clavius, Magnius, Deslandres and vicinity
T014A T043
Clavius just outside
the terminator.
Proctor Street
Huggins Pictet
Lexell Ball
Mare Nubium
Tycho, Magnius, Deslandres, Walter, Pitatus 2000.11.05 13.35 UT Age 9 days. FS128 + QV2300
Maginus 60 W 500 S
A large walled plain with other impact craters on its wall and floor, 163 km in diameter.
Walter 10 E 330 S
A walled plain almost at the 00 longitude, 140 km in
diameter and with mountain massif on its floor.
Regiomontanus 10 W 280 S
A walled plain, 126x110 km. It has a summit crater Rigiomontanus A (5 km) on the central peak.
More images from 10-inch f/6 Newtonian
Compare Tycho at age of 9 and 10 days (1 day difference).
The black arrow points to Regiomontanus A on a hill that resembles a volcano more than impact origin.
See also T131 of Map 12.
MAP 12
Ptolemaeus, Rupes Recta, Rima Birt and vicinity
The prominent crater trio: Arzachel, Alphonsus and Ptolemaeus.
Ptolemaeus 20 W 90 S
Ptolemaeus is a prominent walled plain, 153 km
in diameter. Its floor appears flat but numerous
craterlets, pits and depressions are detectable at
high powers; see also Image T130. The floor of
Ptolemaeus changes considerably during a lunation.
It brightens near full moon but appears quite dark
at days close to first and last quarter. Ptolemaeus,
Alphonsus (119 km) and Arzachel (97 km) are
often described together as a trio feature. The floor
of Arzachel contains sharp rilles (Rimae Arzachel).
Alphonsus is characterized by ridged floor with
three dark patches and rilles (Rimae Alphonsus)
along its inner rim. and it shares the walls with
Ptolemaeus. The NASA probe Ranger 9 made a
hard impact on Alphonsus in 1965. The crater is
also an object of LTP (Lunar Transient Phenomena, briefed at the end of Overview Section).
Note that the surroundings of this trio are cut by a radial pattern of grooves and ridges known as
Imbrium Sculpture, formed when a hurricane of ejecta from the giant Imbrium Basin impacted
in this region at low angles. (Origin of Imbrium Sculpture: )
T131 NASA 009
Rupes Recta
Rima Birt
Guericke 140 W 110 S
Parry 160 W 80 S
Guericke is the remains of a walled plain, 60
km in diameter. Together with another walled
plain Parry (48 km), they form a prominent
pair lying between Mare Nubium and Mare
Cognitum. A system of rilles (Rimae Parry)
crosses the western rim of Parry.
Bonpland 170 W 80 S
A shallow walled plain, 60 km in diameter.
Its floor is also crossed by Rimae Parry.
Lalande 90 W 40 S
A bright-rayed crater, 24 km in diameter.
Gambart 150 W 10 N
A single walled flooded crater, 25 km in
diameter. There is a dome at the vicinity
of Gambart C. See also Map 19.
Image T101:
Albategnius 40 E 110 S T101
A prominent ring mountain with small
cenral peak, 136 km in diameter. Its inner
wall is interrupted by another crater Klein
(44 km) and outer wall by Parrot (70 km).
Vogel 60 E 150 S
A crater, 27 km in diameter. Its wall is
cut open by adjoined craters giving a
gourd-like view. See also Map 31 .
Halley 60 E 80 S
A crater, 36 km in diameter, Its wall is
cut tangentially by a long narrow valley.
Hind 70 E 80 S
A crater, 29 km in diameter. Also a center
of bright rays.
Image T179:
Herschel 20 W 60 S
A crater with terraced walls, 41 km in
Flammarion 40 W 30 S
A walled plain, 75 km in diameter. Its
western wall is stuck by Mösting A
whose selenographic position
(50 12’ 39.6”W 30 12’ 43.2” S)
is a reference standard.
Mösting 60 W 10 S
A crater with terraced walls, 26 km in
Gyldén 00 E 50 S
A disintegrated crater crossed by the line of 00 longitude, 47 km in diameter.
Réaumur 10 E 20 S
Remains of a crater, 53 km in diameter. Its rim is intersected by two rilles. See also Image T133,
Map 13.
Oppolzer 10 W 10 S
Remains of a crater ajoining Réaumur, 43 km in diameter. Its south rim is intersected by
Rima Oppolzer (shown more prominently in Image T133, Map 13 ).
T119 NASA 012
MAP 13
Rima Ariadaeus, Rima Hyginus, Rimae Triesnecker
A rima is a rille, an open or slumped channel on the Moon’s surface. Rilles are classified
according to their formation. Sinuous rilles are thought to have been formed by running lava,
typically 1 ~ 2 km wide and are found mostly in maria (flooded lava plains); fine examples are
Rima Hadley in Map 14 and Rima Marius in Map 20 . Linear rilles are straighter and wider,
typically 5 ~ 60 km in width. They can cross mare and highland boundaries, and might be either
collapsed lava tubes or lineaments where the ground to either side has been pulled slightly apart.
There are three prominent rille systems near Sinus Medii at the the center of the Moon disk, all
visible in small telewscopes. They are Rima Ariadaeus, Rima Hyginus and Rimae Triesnecker.
z Rima Ariadaeus is a linear rille, 220 km long, with a nearly uniform width of about 5 km. A
section of it is interrupted by a ridge extending from crater Silberschlag (diameter 13 km).
z Rima Hyginus is a also linear rille, 220 km long, 3 ~ 5 km wide, 400 m deep. Its middle is
Hyginus (diameter 11 km), and chains of craterlets happen to lie along this rille.
z Rimae Triesnecker consists of a group of rilles spreading like the branches of a tree. It
measures over 200 km north-south.
At the north of Hyginus is a small spiral mountain resembling a rotated letter "e", as marked by
arrow in T164. Observers call it Mount Schneckenberg (Reference No. 5 & 7). At vicinity are
Rimae Boscovich composed of short rilles, the flooded crater Julius Caesar (90 km) with
partially darkened floor, and the sharp rimmed crater Agrippa (46 km) with a central peak.
Rima Ariadaeus seen from Apollo 10 Rima Hyginus seen from Apollo 10
South is up. (NASA AS10-31-4646) South is at picture left. (NASA AS10-31-4650)
Réaumur 10 E 20S
Remains of a crater, 53 km in diameter. Its rim is intersected by Rima Réaumur (length 45 km)
and Rima Oppolzer (length 100 km).
Bode 20 W 70 N
A crater, 19 km in diameter. Rimae Bode runs northwards from this crater.
Sinus Medii
MAP 14
Montes Apenninus, Archimedes, Autolycus
and Aristillus
Montes Apenninus
Conon 20 E 220 N
A prominent crater on Apenninus, 22 km in
diameter. A short rille Rima Conon is at the south vicinity, see Image T075.
Archimedes 40 W 300 N
A flooded crater with terraced walls and craterlets on its floor, 83 km in diameter. Its triangular
cape-like feature towards Apenninus makes it an easily recognized landmark.
MAP 15
Montes Caucasus, Montes Alpes, Vallis Alpes,
Cassini, Aristoteles, Eudoxus, Mons Piton T022
Montes Apenninus
Calippus Piton
C Prom. Agassiz
Prom. Deville
Mons Blanc
Eudoxus Montes
Vallis Alpes
Montes Caucasus and Montes Alpes 2001.09.25 12:57 UT Age 8 days. C9+CP990 DSCN9804
Calippus 110 E 390 N
A crater sitting on the highlands of Montes Caucasus, 33 km in diameter. Its eastern wall looks
linear more than curved. Calippus C is a flooded crater resembling a bay in Mare Imbrium.
NASA 007
0 0
Vallis Alpes 3 E 49 N
Vallis Alpes (Alpine Valley) is a prominent landmark,
length 180 km. It looks to cut through Montes Alpes.
Under good seeing and when the Sun just illuminates the
valley floor, a very narrow central cleft (less than 500 m
wide) can be detected using bigger telescopes. It is believed
that Vallis Alpes began as two fairly parallel rilles. A shock
caused by a major impact might have caused the surface
between the two rilles to sink and form this valley.
Cassini 50 E 400 N
A flooded crater, 57 km in diameter.
Two distinct craters are on its floor,
Cassini A and B. A third crater
Cassini M is close to the rim.
See Map 10.
MAP 16
Mare Frigoris, Plato, Mons Pico, Anaxagoras
2002.08.21 14:40 UT Moon age 12 days. FS128 + LE12.5 + CP990 at 1/28 sec.
Plato 90 W 520 N
Plato is a walled plain, 101 km in diameter. Johannes Hevelius called it “The Great Black Lake”.
It is one of the darkest surface features, even in the full moon. Its floor looks flat and blank, but
tens of minute craterlets are detectable using bigger telescopes under good seeing. When the
Moon is just before first quarter, the eastern walls of Plato cast spiky shadows on the floor. The
western walls also cast similar shadows just beyond last quarter. In images below, note the two
triangular landslips on Plato’s rim, the sinuous valley-rille feature running southward from the
rim, and two inconspicuous rilles at the southern vicinity; all of them are unnamed.
(Remark: Similar landslips also found in crater Aristoteles Map15 and Gassendi MAP 25 .)
rille rille
Rimae Plato 20 W 510 N (Image T121) T146
Rilles east of Plato, length about 70 km.
Goldschmidt 30 W 730 N
A walled plain, 120 km in diameter. The north pole is just at the north of this walled plain.
MAP 17
J. Herschel, Anaximander, Pythagoras and vicinity
MAP 18
Sinus Iridum, Montes Recti, Sharp, Bianchini
le Verrier Helicon
la Condamine
Linear feature
Maupertuis 270 W 500 N
A pentagon-like disintegrated crater close to Promontorium Laplace, 46 km across.
The wrinkle ridges on the floor of Sinus Iridum are particularly prominent when the terminator
passes over them. To emphasize the profile of these ridges, Montes Jura (the mountain range under
illumination) is inevitably over-exposed in this picture. Sunlight comes from the east, suggesting that
an explorer on the shore of Sinus Iridum would experience sunrise at this time.
The cape-like feature that casts triangular shadow is Promontorium Laplace. It rises 2600 m high.
Helicon is a crater resembling a bowl, 25 km in diameter and 1900m deep.
The Moon Maiden When the Italian-born French astronomer Cassini observed Sinus Iridum in the
17th century, he depicted Promontorium Heraclides (arrowed) as the “Moon Maiden”, complete with face
and waving hair. Cassini's "Moon Maiden" is in fact an illusion and may not show up all the time. The trick
to knowing it is to view it on a night when seeing is not that good; this exaggerates the illusion !
MAP 19
Copernicus, Eratosthenes and vicinity
Reinhold 230 W 30 N
A terraced crater, 48 km in diameter, 3200 m deep. It is heavily shadowed in T027A.
Gambart 150 W 10 N
A crater with a nearby dome. See MAP 12.
Rima Gay-Lussac
T. Mayer
Montes Carpatus
MAP 20
Kepler, Reiner Gamma, Marius and the west region T028
Maestlin R
Encke N
Copernicus F
Kepler dome
0 0
Kepler 38 W 8 N
A crater with uneven floor, 32 km in diameter.
It is also a bright ray center. There is an
elusive dome at the northwest of Kepler.
Encke 370 W 50 N
A crater with uneven floor, 29 km in diameter.
A craterlet Encke N is at its rim. At full moon, Bessarion
Encke is overwhelmed by the bright rays from
Maestlin R 410 W 40 N
A disintegrated walled plain, 60 km in diameter.
Reiner 550 W 70 N
A crater with central peak, 30 km in diameter.
Rimae Grimaldi
Riccioli C
OCEANUS Rimae Hevelius
Reiner Luna 9
Planitia landing site
Image T181:
Hevelius 670 W 20 N
A walled plain, 106 km in diameter. Its floor contains inconspicuous rilles (Rimae Hevelius).
Cavalerius 670 W 50 N
NASA 014
A crater adjoining Hevelius, 58 km in diameter.
Image T028:
Rocca 730 W 130 S
A disintegrated crater, 90 km in diameter.
Lansberg 270 W 00 S
A crater close to the equator, 39 km in diameter.
Flamsteed 440 W 40 S
A crater, 21 km in diameter. It is inside
the ghost ring formation Flamsteed P.
This ring (about 110 km in diameter) has
incomplete wall, and is believed an ancient
impact crater flooded by lava during the
formation of Oceanus Procellarum. An
unnamed mountainous feature, resembling
the “smaller brother” of Montes Riphaeus,
is at the west of Flamsteed.
Wichmann 380 W 70 S
A fairly bright crater, 11 km in diameter.
Its northern wall connects to an arc-shaped
mountain. Its southern wall is linked to an
irregular mountain by an elusive ridge, see
Image T148.
MAP 21
Aristarchus, Herodotus, Vallis Schröteri, Prinz
Aristarchus, Herodotus and Vallis Schröteri form an interesting feature group on the floor of
Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms). Near the terminator shortly before the full Moon, the
feature resembles the face of a cat (or an owl) when viewed with south up.
Aristarchus T196
Ï Rimae Aristarchus and Rimae Prinz The corner picture is cropped from same frame, black and white
inverted, and sharpened to emphasize the profile of Rimae Aristarchus (Label 9) and Rimae Prinz (Label 17).
Aristarchus Herodotus
Dorsum Niggli
Montes Agricola
NASA 011
MAP 22
Eddington, Struve, Russell, Seleucus
MAP 23
Mons Gruithuisen Gamma, Mons Rümker, Mairan
MAP 24
Rimae Hippalus, Rima Hesiodus, Rimae Ramsden,
Marth, Bullialdus
JL 006
Rima Rima
Hesiodus Hippalus
JL 007
MAP 25
Mare Humorum, Gassendi and vicinity
Hainzel A
Palus Epidemiarum
Rimae Hippalus
Vitello M Doppelmayer
HUMORUM Mare Humorum 390 W 240 S
Mare Humorum (Sea of Moisture) is a
relatively small circular basin filled by dark
solidified lava. It is about 400 km across.
Small craters and concentric wrinkle ridges
Gassendi are on its floor. The surrounding mountains
suggest that this basin was formed from a
A massive impact. Lacus Excellentiae (Lake
of Excellence) and Lacus Timoris (Lake of
Fear) are at the south of Mare Humorum.
Gassendi 400 W 170 S
Gassendi is a prominent walled plain on the edge of Mare Humorum, 110 km in diameter, with
numerous rilles (Rimae Gassendi, T195) hills and central peaks on its floor. Actually Gassendi
is almost circular in shape, but it looks oval due to its proximity to the lunar limb. Gassendi was
formed from an impact object which struck almost perpendicular to the lunar surface.
A jumble of three prominent peaks lies at the center of Gassendi. The northern wall has been
broken by a smaller crater, Gassendi A. This crater is 33 km in diameter, 3600 m deep while the
depth of Gassendi is just 1800 m. Note the triangular land-slip at Gassendi’s western wall.
Vitello 380 W 310 S
A crater, 42 km in diameter. Its west is Vitello M.
Its east is Rimae Hippalus Map 24. The crater center
resembles a rope-jumping rabbit in a Chinese myth.
6 5
1. Gassendi
2. Mersenius
2 3. Rimae Mersenius
4. Cavendish
1 3 5. Liebig
6. Rupes Liebig
7. de Gasparis &
Rimae de Gasparis
Gassendi and Letronne de Gasparis 510 W 260 S (Image T033)
T198 A flooded crater, 30 km in diameter. Its floor is
crossed by a group of clefts (Rimae de Gasparis).
A complete view
of Mare Humorum
(Sea of Moisture)
MAP 26
Grimaldi, Darwin and vicinity
Grimaldi 690 W 50 S
A circular flooded basin with damaged walls. The
lava-filled dark floor is 200 km in diameter but the
outmost wall is 400 km across. A dome is located
on the northern part of the floor (Image T182). By
category, Grimaldi is a small mare more than a crater.
Damoiseau 610 W 50 S
A crater, 37 km in diameter. It interrupts with
the larger crater Damoiseau M (JL009, T182).
JL 009
in shadow Î
26 25 2
24 1. Byrgius (Dia. 87 km)
23 2. Byrgius A
3. Lamarck (115 km)
27 4. Darwin (130 km)
5. Rimae Darwin
6. Crüger (46 km)
7. Sirsalis (42 km)
8. Sirsalis A
5 4 9. Rimae Sirsalis
22 10. Grimaldi (400 km)
“W-shaped” 11. Rimae Grimaldi
shadow 12. Lohrmann (31 km)
13. Hermann (16 km)
14. Damoiseau (37 km)
15. Damoiseau M
21 16. Hansteen (45 km)
17. Rima Hansteen
6 18. Mons Hansteen
20 19. Billy (46 km)
20. Fontana (31 km)
9 21. Zupus (38 km)
22. de Vico (20 km)
23. Henry Frères (42 km)
24. Henry (41 km)
19 25. Cavendish (56 km)
26. Liebig (37 km)
27. Mersenius (84 km)
17 7
14 10
MAP 27
Sirsalis, Rimae Sirsalis, Rimae Darwin and vicinity
Sirsalis E 560 W 80 S
A heavily flooded crater, about 70 km in diameter. Only part of its walls remains visible.
MAP 28
Schiller, Schickard, Wargentin and southwest limb
Schiller Wargentin
Inghirami 690 W 470 S
A crater, 91 km in diameter.
MAP 29
Bailly, Longomontanus and Hainzel
Mee 350 W 440 S
An eroded crater, 132 km in diameter. Its floor contains a white spot that brightens up under
MAP 30
Maurolycus, Stöfler, Boussingault
Stöfler Tycho
Í The highlands at
the east of Tycho
1. Barocius (Dia. 82 km)
2. Maurolycus (114 km)
6 3. Faraday (70 km)
4. Stöfler (126 km)
5. Clairaut (75 km)
9 6. Baco (70 km)
7. Licetus (75 km)
8. Heraclitus (90 km)
8 9. Cuvier (75 km)
5 10. Lilius (61 km)
11. Jacobi (68 km)
12. Fernelius (65 km)
7 13. Kaiser (52 km)
1 14. Nonius (70 km)
15. Gemma Frisius (88 km)
16. Goodacre (46 km)
17. Poisson (42 km)
18. Aliacensis (80 km)
19. Walter, see Map12.
Helmholtz B
D Boussingault 550E 700S
C A crater, 131 km in diameter. Its floor
contains Boussingault A, while B, C,
D, E and K are at close vicinity. They
form a conspicuous complex of craters
Hagecius on the southeast limb.
Abulfeda 140E 140S
A crater with flat floor but no central
SE Limb 2004.05.24 Age 5 days. (by Joseph Liu with 20.6 cm refractor + CP990) peaks, 62 km in diameter. See Map 31
for Catena Abulfeda.
North of Abulfeda 2004.05.26 04:37 UT Age 7 days. 20.6 cm f/7.7 AP EDF refractor + Or12.5 + CP990 (by Joseph Liu)
MAP 31
Catenae and arrays of craters
Catena is a chain of small craters, probably resulted from fragmental impacts of a tidally
disrupted asteroid. The longest chain is Catena Abulfeda in the south-east quadrant, length 210
km. At low power, it resembles a thin, bright line running from Abulfeda to the northern end of
Rupes Altai. At high power, it resolves into over 20 craterlets in a chain. A loose chain of
craterlets and a remarkably bright patch also appear in the vicinity, see Image T070. T081 shows
the crater array running north-south from Abulfeda to Apianus, and the Apollo 16 landing site.
140 E 140 S
80 W 120 S
T081A T093
NASA 003
Catena Davy seen from Apollo 12 spacecraft Î
Ptolemaeus Vogel and its subcraters - The combination resembles a gourd.
60E 150S
50E 60S
Mare Imbrium
Image T071 shows a row of diminishing craters, composed of Halley, Hind, Hipparchus C and
Hipparchus L. Hipparchus is a vast walled plain, 150 km in diameter. Its wall is fairly
disintegrated and modified by a pattern of grooves and ridges known as "Imbrium Sculpture".
This pattern is radial to Mare Imbrium, which affects the lunar surface for more than 1000 km
from Imbrium. The same pattern can be seen in the territory around crater Parrot in T173 and
T192. Horrocks is a younger crater on the floor of Hipparchus, 30 km in diameter; it is named
after Jeremiah Horrocks, a young English astronomer who was the first to contribute an
observational record of Venus transit across the Sun in 1639.
Nonius T192
Í An array of diminishing small
craters, composed of
la Caille
Delaunay la Caille (68 km)
Delaunay (46 km)
Faye (37 km)
Donati (36 km)
Faye Airy (37 km)
Argelander (34 km)
Vogel (27 km).
Airy T194
la Caille
Argelander E
Parrot M
Burnham Faye
Ï Delaunay, subcraters E and
M, form a bell-shaped feature.
Delaunay is 46 km in diameter,
divided by a sharp central ridge.
MAP 32
Domes are small rounded hills of relatively low heights found mostly on mare floor, some of
them with summit craters. They swell up from the lunar surface and appear to have been formed
by volcanic activities. Domes located near a known feature are highlighted in the following maps;
they are best seen under low illumination angles.
JL 004
MAP 33
Lunar Rays
When the solar illumination angle is high enough (e.g. 300 or more), bright rays begin to emit
from certain craters. The table below and its associated map in next page list those craters known
to have bright rays. They are particularly prominent during a full moon.
Rayed Craters
Anaxagoras (Map 16) Furnerius A (Map 3) Messala B (Map 2) Stevinus A (Map 3, 33)
Aristarchus (Map 21) Geminus C (Map 2) Messier A (Map 6) Strabo (Map 10, 33)
Aristillus (Map 14) Godin (Map 33) Olbers (Map 20) Taruntius (Map 6)
Autolycus (Map 14) Hind (Map 12, 31) Olbers A (Map 20) Thales (Map 10, 33)
Bessel (Map 9) Kepler (Map 20) Petavius B (Map 3) Theophilus (Map 5)
Birt (Map 12) Lalande (Map 12) Proclus (Map 2) Timocharis (Map 14)
Byrgius A (Map 26, 33) Langrenus (Map 3) Reiner Gamma * (Map 20) Tycho (Map 11, 33)
Copernicus (Map 20) Manilius (Map 9) Sirsalis (Map 27)
Euclides (Map 20) Menelaus (Map 9) Snellius (Map 3)
* bright feature
Lunar rays are recognized generally as lines of deposits of highland rocks excavated by a crater
impact event, such as Tycho. They are bright because the highland rocks are made predominately
of light-colored anorthosite (illustrated in Map 1). Lunar rays are therefore hints of how rocks
had been moved around on the Moon’s surface.
Furnerius T050
S Furnerius A
Furnerius A Stevinus A Stevinus A
Snellius Snellius
Same craters with
and without rays
Petavius B Petavius B
Theophius Theophius
Libration (天平動) allows the nearside of the Moon to be seen from slightly different angles at
different time, producing an overall view of the lunar surface that adds up, over time, to 59% of
the total. There are three types of apparent (optical) librations.*
* In fact the Moon librates very slightly by itself; this is called physical libration. See Appendix 2.
z Longitudinal Libration (經天平動) is due to the fact that the Moon moves faster when it is
near perigee and slower when near apogee, but its rotation remains constant. This means
that the Moon’s rotation is not yet in perfect synchronization with its orbital motion. As a
result, the Moon appears to wobble back and forth around its rotation axis. The additional
longitudinal surface that can be seen with this libration is ± 7.9 degrees.
z Latitudinal Libration (緯天平動) is due to the tilt angle of the Moon’s equator (or rotation
axis) from its orbital plane. As a result, the Moon appears to nod its polar regions towards
and away from the Earth as it goes around its orbit. The additional latitudinal surface that
can be seen with this libration is ± 6.8 degrees.
z Diurnal Libration (周日天平動) gives an extra 1 degree of visible surface round the east or
west limb of the Moon, because the Earth’s rotation brings a terrestrial observer at slightly
different view angles between moonrise and moonset.
Longitudinal libration and latitudinal libration occur concurrently and repeat every 27 ~ 28 days
(approximately one sidereal month). They are specified by l and b, i.e. the shift of zero point (00
longitude and 00 latitude) from the Moon disk’s exact center at that moment. They also mean that
the disk center is now at longitude l and latitude b. A positive value of l or b gives more surface
of the east or north limb exposed to Earth. A negative value of l or b gives more exposed surface
of the west or south limb.
Disk center at
coordinates l, b
Lunar libration causes surface features near the limb distort noticeably Lacus
in angular dimensions, and features very close to the limb may be out Autumni
of sight. For instance, Lacus Autumni (Autumn Lake, left image) and
Mare Orientale (Easten Sea, Farside Map ) just behind the west limb Grimaldi
are visible only in very favorable libration. The maria on the east limb
(T056D, next page) are also libration dependent.
Maria on the east limb of the Moon
The visibility of Maria No. 1, 2, 3 and 7 is libration dependent
The east limb near equator during favorable libration
T160 T116
12 18
9 16
7 6
5 0
(Terminator at 87 E)
1 4
T116A NASA 025
0 0 0
(Libration l = 5.4 b = 1.4 . Terminator at 82 E)
South pole and its western region during favorable libration
The south pole is marked SP. Crater Bailly is hidden in the dark side of the terminator. Newton (diameter 79 km) is shown together with subcraters A, B and G.
The arrow points to the highest peak of Leibnitz Mountains which rises about 10,000 m above mean level. It is illuminated by sunlight most of the time and
hence appears like a beacon above the darkened surroundings. Leibnitz Mountains (an informal name) is the highest surface feature known on the Moon so far.
The region east of the North Pole during favorable libration
Artist’s impression of lunar libration
To an observer at a given place on the nearside of the Moon, the Earth would seem to be almost fixed in the
sky. Lunar libration, however, produces an additional peculiar motion of the Earth. Whenever on the Moon the
Earth is seen above horizon, it will seem to set and then rise again, as indicated by the broken curves. This
peculiar rising or setting of the Earth at the horizon follows the period of libration, which repeats approximately
every 27~28 days. (Sketch from Perelman’s Astronomy For Entertainment, Moscow, 1958.)
The terminator (明暗界線) is the border line between the illuminated and dark portions of the
Moon. It is the line of sunrise or sunset. At the morning terminator, the Sun is rising over that
part of the Moon; at the evening terminator, the Sun is setting. Precisely the terminator position
is specified by the Sun’s colongitude, which is same as the selenographic longitude of the
morning terminator, measured westwards from the 00 longitude of the Moon globe. Thus the
terminator position is colongitude 00 at first quarter, 900 at full moon, 1800 at last quarter and
2700 (= 900 E) at new moon. The public, however, are more often to mark the terminator in terms
of the age of the Moon or the fractional illumination k, see the following illustration.
The terminator moves quite slow at days close to full moon. This can be simulated by astronomy
software in the above diagram, which shows no terminator at exact full moon ( k = 100 % ), and
that the Moon remains “pretty full” ( k > 98 % ) in 63 hours.
Although the terminator moves slowly, it is possible to detect this movement with telescopes.
One observation through a 4-inch refractor at low power (image below) indicates that the
movement is barely distinguishable in interval as short as 10 minutes.
The terminator produces many conspicuous views. The wrinkle ridges rely on the terminator to
reveal their profiles (e.g. Image T169 in Map 8). The craters and mountains cast intriguing
shadows as the terminator approaches them (figure below).
Terminator seen by Galileo spacecraft as it flew by the Moon
Below is a mosaic of 18 images from the spacecraft’s camera through a green filter on 1992 December 7, when the
Moon was 94 % full and with the illuminated portion approximately facing the Earth. The lunar north pole is on the outer
rim of crater Peary. This crater is 74 km in diameter and lies just inside the shadow zone next to crater Byrd. To a
terrestrial observer, Mare Humboldtianum is a difficult object on the northeast limb of the Moon but it is seen here at full
perspective. Note the bright ray from crater Geminus shining on the edge of Mare Humboldtianum. The shapes of
Mare Tranquillitatis, Mare Fecunditatis and Mare Crisium also change significantly from their usual impressions.
The broken line separates the nearside from the farside of the Moon. The morning terminator indicates the Sun is
rising over that part of the region. At the evening terminator, the Sun is setting. Because the Moon has no atmosphere,
there is no Earth-like twilight. The day and night transition over a lunar place occurs quite instantly. During daytime
(which lasts approximately 2 weeks by Earth calendar), the surface temperature can reach 130 C. During nighttime
(which also lasts approximately 2 weeks), the surface temperature drops to -1800C or even lower at the polar regions.
(Reprocessed from NASA image JPL-PIA00130)
NASA 008
Babbage Pythagoras
Anaxagoras Peary
Mare Plato
Aristoteles Thales
Mare Fabry
Geminus Gauss
Fecunditatis Mare Smythii
When the Moon is a crescent, its sky
position is not far away from the Sun. The
Waxing Crescent (T042 left) indicates the
Moon phase (its illuminated surface) is
increasing. The Waning Crescent (T042
right) indicates the Moon phase is
Thin crescents often appear with
Earthshine 地照, as shown in T170 and
T094. It refers to a faint illumination of the
dark portion of the crescent, caused by
sunlight reflected from the Earth. Surface
features on a crescent photograph are likely
lack of contrast, because the reflection of
Earth shines on the crescent as well.
As seen in binoculars
Eclipse and Occultation
A mosaic of the 2001 January 9 total lunar eclipse (月全蝕) is given in T044 where north is up
to simulate the view in binoculars. The color and brightness of the Moon did not change much in
the Earth’s penumbra (18:34 UT ). As the Moon entered the Earth’s umbra, its color changed
gradually and became dull red at eclipse maximum (20:21 UT). The brightness drop of the
eclipsed moon is indicated by the graph in next page. It also happened that the Moon almost
occulted Delta Geminorum (δ Gem, a 3.5-magnitude star) in this event, see image T045.
0 20 40 60 80
Arc Minutes
Brightness of the eclipsed Moon, 2001 January 9
The relative brightness is deduced by comparing the exposure readings of
different images captured by Casio QV2300 digital camera during the eclipse.
5000 equivalent to change
3000 2000 of one stellar magnitude
Relative 100
of the Moon 30
Enters penumbra Enters umbra Fully in umbra Eclipse Max.
0.3 入半影 初虧 (入本影) 蝕既 蝕甚
This is another Total Lunar Eclipse, occurred on 2004 May 4 and observed in Hong Kong. When
the eclipse began, the sky was already overcastted for rain. Only this picture is available in the
full course of the event.
Sun Earth
(Not to scale)
Earth’s shadow (umbra)
3. Farside of the Moon
NASA 017
A. 石申
B. 張衡
C. 祖沖之
D. 郭守敬
E. 萬戶
Compared to the nearside, the farside is more heavily cratered, contains few smaller maria and mascons (mass
The north pole lies on the outer rim of crater Peary 皮爾里. The south pole is on a depression, which is roughly 70 km
across and is so deep that sunlight probably never reaches there. The south pole is therefore a speculative cold area
where water ice could exist. Shoemaker 蘇梅克 is a 50-km crater just inside the dark south pole depression (45 E
88 S). It is named in year 2000 after the American astronomer and geologist Eugene M. Shoemaker (1928-1997).
Shoemaker, his wife Carolyn and his amateur colleague David H. Levy discovered the fragmented comet SL-9 which
subsequently collided on Jupiter during 1994 July 16-22. He is also one of the pioneers in crater counting technique.
The South Pole – Aitken 南極艾肯盆地 is an impact basin about 2300 km in diameter and 12 km deep. It is the
largest and oldest known impact basin in the solar system.
NASA 015
N Pole
NASA 016
Schrödinger South Polar Region
S SPole
Features on the Farside of the Moon
1. Earthrise over crater Plaskett near the north pole: The Earth actually appeared about twice as far above the
lunar horizon as shown. Africa is clearly visible (Clementine image). 2. Oblique view of Mare Moscoviense:
This mare (Moscow Sea) is the most prominent feature on the farside, about 270 km in diameter. Tsu Chung-Chi
袓沖之 is a crater named after a Chinese mathematician in the 5 century, 28 km in diameter (Apollo 13 image).
3. Oblique view of Tsiolkovsky: A feature that appears partially crater and partially mare. The crater itself is fairly
circular, but its dark mare-like floor is distinctly not circular. The central peaks, terraced walls and slump blocks on
the inner rim of the crater are typical of many large impact craters (Apollo 15 image).
NASA 020
1 2
Mare Moscoviense
Earthrise over
Plaskett crater
There are 9 lunar craters named after Chinese, 4 on the nearside and 5 on the farside. See the full list below.
Kuo Shou Ching 郭守敬 1231 - 1316 Kao (Ping-Tse) 高平子 1888 - 1970
元代河北邢台人,字若思,他在全國各地設立 27 個 原叫高均,江蘇人,對張衡十分敬仰,故又名平子。他沒
觀測站進行大規模的天文和地理測量,最北遠至西伯 有接受正規的天文教育,震旦學院畢業後入徐家天文台
利亞,最南的在西沙群島,並且首次運用海拔概念, 及佘山天文台,隨法國神父從事太陽黑子、小行星及雙星
比歐洲的同樣概念早五百年;他的「招差術」,比牛 的觀測,工餘自修天文。1924 年他代表中國接管由日本人
頓的内插法早四百年;他主持編成的《授時曆》 ,一 霸佔的青島觀象台,1926 年參加國際經緯度的測定工作,
年的周期 (365.2425 天) 與現在的公曆相同。另外, 他也曾主持編算天文年曆及協建南京紫金山天文台。抗日
他還創造和改進了十餘種天文儀器,包括著名的「簡 時期避居上海租界研究中國古天文,1948 年遷居台灣。其
儀」、「量天尺」(巨型圭表)、 「景符」及「窺幾」等。 後發起創立台灣「中國天文學會」,連任幾屆理事長,著
同時,他又建造「元觀星台」。他主持的治水工程, 作有《史日長編》、
《圭表測影論》等。1987 年台灣的中央
集防洪、灌溉、航運為一體。天文數學著作有十四種 研究院數學研究所出版了《高平子天文曆學論著選》 。
共 105 卷。
Shi-Shen 石申 ~300 B.C.
Shi-Shen was an astronomer and astrologist. He catalogued the equatorial positions of 121 stars in 28 Su (ancient Chinese
constellations). His catalogue, together with similar works of another Chinese observer Gan-Te, are supposed to be the
earliest star catalogue in the world. The original star catalogue by Shi-Shen was lost, but much of his works were
frequently quoted and preserved in Kaiyuan Zhanjing (Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Reign Period) compiled in the
8th century.
Wan-Hoo 萬戶 ~1500
Wan-Hoo is supposed a carpenter who later joined the army of the Ming Dynasty as a weapon builder and inventor.
Wan-Hoo may not be his real name but probably a term in the military rank. He attempted to fly by binding himself on a
47-rocket powered chair together with large kites. Unfortunately the rockets, being gun-powder fueled, exploded during
ignition. Wan-Hoo died in his attempt. He is credited to be “the first man to fly in rockets”.
Chang-Ngo 嫦娥
A lady in an ancient Chinese myth. She stole her husband’s long-life elixir
and swallowed it, but the elixir made her flying to the Moon and never
back to Earth.
Moon Landing
4. Moon Landing Map
Date of Date of
Spacecraft Results Spacecraft Results
Landing Landing
Luna Probes (former USSR) Apollo Missions (USA)
Luna 2 1959.09.13 Hit moon in Palus Putredinis First manned landing on 23.50 E 0.70 N,
Apollo 11 1969.07.20
Luna 9 1966.02.03 Soft-landed in Oceanus Procellarum Map 8. Collected 21 kg rock/soil samples.
Luna 13 1966.12.24 Soft-landed in Oceanus Procellarum Landed on 23.40 W 3.00 S, Map 20.
Apollo 12 1969.11.19
Luna 16 1970.09.20 Returned 100 g soil from M. Fecunditatis Collected 34 kg rock/soil samples.
Luna 17 1970.11.17 Landed one rover in Mare Imbrium Landed on 17.50 W 3.60 S, Map12.
Apollo 14 1971.01.31
Luna 20 1972.02.21 Returned 30g soil from Crisium highlands Collected 42 kg rock/soil samples.
Luna 21 1973.01.15 Landed one rover in Mare Serenitatis Landed on 3.60 E 26.10 N, Map 14.
Apollo 15 1971.07.30
Luna 24 1776.08.18 Returned 170 g soil from Mare Crisium Collected 76 kg rock/soil samples.
Landed on 15.50 E 9.00 S, Map 31.
Apollo 16 1972.04.21
Surveyor Probes (USA) Collected 94 kg rock/soil samples.
Surveyor 1 1966.06.02 Soft -landed in Oc. Procellarum (11,000) Landed on 30.80 E 20.20 N, Map 9.
Apollo 17 1972.12.11
Tested soil in Mare Insularum (6300), Collected 110 kg rock/soil samples.
Surveyor 3 1967.04.20
later visited by Apollo 12 astronauts.
Figures in brackets indicate the approximate number of photographs
Surveyor 5 1967.09.11 Tested soil in Mare Tranquillitatis (18,000)
transmitted to Earth. Depending on reference map used, the exact
Surveyor 6 1967.11.10 Tested soil in Sinus Medii (30,000)
landing sites of Apollo may differ slightly from the given coordinates.
Surveyor 7 1968.01.10 Tested soil near crater Tycho (21,000)
5. Methods of Imaging
The author of this book applied two methods to image the Moon ⎯ the “afocal” method and the
“video” method.
f1 f2 f3
Camera lens
(Not to scale)
This is implemented by coupling a digital camera to the telescope’s eyepiece, Figure 5.1. The
camera’s focus mechanism is fixed at infinity (hence the term “afocal”). Actual focusing is
adjusted on the telescope while watching the camera LCD screen.
The effective focal length of an afocal system is equal to the telescope magnification times the
focal length of the camera’s front lens.
Telescope focal length, f1 = 1040 mm
Eyepiece focal length, f2 = 12.5 mm
Telescope magnification = f1 / f2 = 1040 / 12.5 = 83
Camera lens focal length, f3 = 24 mm
Effective focal length for afocal imaging = (f1 / f2) x f3 = 83 x 24 ≈ 2000 mm
The frame FOV (field of view) is equal to the FOV of the camera lens divided by telescope
magnification. If the FOV of the camera lens is 17 x 13 degrees (which can be estimated from its
specifications), then following the above example, the frame FOV will be 12 x 9 arcmin. This
covers about 1/3 ~ 1/4 diameter of the Moon disk.
The afocal method is very flexible while image quality is highly promising. Changing the
eyepiece, zooming the camera lens and/or using telescopes of different sizes virtually satisfy all
needs of wide-field and close-up images of the Moon. However, there is an upper limit of
telescope magnification. Under average seeing, the author controls the telescope magnification
not to exceed 25X per inch aperture. 40X per inch is used only at very good seeing.
The telescopes used depend on instant availability; they are shown in Figure 5.3. The digital
camera used are 3X optical zoom type, including Casio QV2300 (2M-pixels), Nikon Coolpix-950
(2M pixels) and Coolpix-99x (3M pixels); these cameras incorporate CCD of pixel size = 3.45
µm square. Knowing the pixel size is more affirmative to determine the resolution of a CCD
imaging system.
Typically a raw image from any digital camera looks flat. It can be enhanced in single-frame
with the editing software “Photoshop”.
Figure 5.2 - FS102 Refractor on EM2 Mount Figure 5.3 - Telescopes Used for Afocal Imaging
The early works of the author used this portable setup.
frame covers a FOV of 3.2 x 2.4 arcmin or roughly 1/10 of a lunar diameter at 2.5X Barlow. In
theory this 10-inch telescope resolves round objects to 0.45 arcsecond or lunar craters as small as
800 m in diameter. Linear objects like clefts can be detected to 400 m or less in width, subject to
their contrast and seeing.
← Clip this icon to play a ToUcam video ← Clip this icon to play a ToUcam video
at 640 x 480 pixels per frame, 10 frames that gives image T031 in MAP 22. Note
per second. It produces Image T064 in the dust at the frame corner, which was
Figure 5.7. (CD-version only) software-removed afterwards.
After video, the sharper raw frames are extracted and stacked with the freeware “Registax”
( Stacking is a technique to reduce image noise inherent in CCD.
Registax can sort out the sharper frames automatically while the user determines by preference
the number of frames stacked. No more than 100 frames should be stacked, for too-much leads
to loss of image details. In general, good seeing allows less stacking (e.g. 10 frames) and bad
seeing requires more stacking (e.g. 60 frames). Registax also provides a sharpening tool, so
called the wavelet layers where image sharpness is adjustable on individual layers. However, the
author prefers to enhance the image by “Photoshop” whereas the wavelets serve as ancillary tool.
The guidelines to manipulate ToUcam and Registax are described in References No. 17. Note
that this method, though superior, may take several minutes to convert a video clip to final image.
A high-speed PC is preferred to run Registax.
The choice of afocal or video method is a matter of FOV and seeing consideration. For instance
in Figure 5.6, a wide field like T117A is obtained with the afocal method. High magnification
like T118 in Figure 5.7 is obtained with the video method. Figure 5.8 is an attempt of using high
magnification during bad seeing; it is an experiment and is not intended as a regular work.
Figure 5.6 - Moon imaging by afocal method
Figure 5.6 - Moon imaging by afocal method (continued)
Figure 5.7 - Moon imaging by video method
Top: from 10-inch (254 mm) f / 6 Newtonian + 2.5X Barlow lens (effective f / 15).
Bottom: from same Newtonian + 2.5X + 1.6X Barlow lenses (effective f / 24).
50 km Age 10 days
50 km
Figure 5.8 – An attempt of high-magnification video during bad seeing.
The figure shows the quality fluctuation of raw frames in a 21-second video during a bad seeing night. The setup was
10-in f/6 Newtonian + 2.5X + 1.6X (cascaded Barlow lenses) + ToUcam. It produced a high-magnified image which was
somewhat excessive against the seeing. About 60 frames of the video were selected and stacked with Registax, then
combined with an image of another similar video to form the mosaic T196 in Map 21. To the author, the sharpness of
T196 at this magnification is acceptable, but of course it would be nicer if the seeing were good.
Note that the video is deliberately underexposed; normal exposure will cause the dark bands totally washed out in the
brightness of the crater walls.
5.3 Other Considerations
It should be noted that the brightness of the Moon changes significantly with its age in a lunation.
This implies that when shooting the Moon, a wide range of camera shutter speed is required.
Typically the shutter speed is a fraction of a second at crescent to about 1/400 second at full
moon. If the frame contains very bright and very dark features simultaneously (such as Figure
5.8), the exposure is compromised by trials. Today’s technology makes exposure rather easy,
because the trials can be judged from the digital camera or PC screen any time.
A second consideration is precise focusing. In close-up images taken by the video method (the
setup in Figure 5.5), a motorized focuser has been found extremely useful. It also avoids
telescope vibration as focusing is made.
In Appendix 1, the Moon Age column is expressed in rounded number, e.g. 15 meaning the age is
between 15.0 to 15.9 days. The Equipment Used are abbreviated, e.g. FS102 + K25 + QV2300 =
Takahashi FS102 refractor with Kellner 25mm eyepiece and Casio QV2300 digital camera. All
digital cameras are set to ~ISO100 and full resolution for maximum available pixels. When the
ToUcam was used, not all video clips were archived; only the stack of raw frames were saved.
Appendix 1
Data of Lunar Images
The following data apply to lunar images taken by the author; each image is identified by a “T” code at the frame corner.
Image Code Date & Time (UT) Moon Age Equipment Used Exposure (sec) Raw Image
T001, A, B 2000.09.13 14:39 15 days FS102 + K25 + QV2300 1/265 QV2300-20000913-0072
T002, A 2000.04.20 17:52 15 FS102 + LE5 + CP950 1/3 CP950-DSCN 1589
T003 2000.09.15 15:25 16 MK67 + PL16 + CP950 1/11 CP950-DSCN 4013
T004 2002.01.01 15:59 17 C9 + LE12.5 + CP990 1/8 CP990-DSCN 0289
T005 2000.06.15 16:28 13 FS102 + LE7.5 + CP950 1/21 CP950-DSCN 2989
T006, A 2000.09.15 15:52 17 MK67 + K25 + CP950 1/42 CP950-DSCN 3997
T007 2000.04.20 17:58 15 FS102 + LE5 + CP950 1/4 CP950-DSCN 1591
T008, A, C 2000.11.02 12:14 6 FS128 + LE12.5 + QV2300 1/6 QV2300-20001102-0044
T009, A 2001.05.12 18:20 19 C9 + LE12.5 + CP990 ? CP990-DSCN 9080
T010, A 2004.06.26 14:54 9 10-in f/6 + ToUcam at prime focus 1/100 38 frames stacked
T011 2000.11.02 12:38 6 FS128 + LE7.5 + QV2300 1/2 QV2300-20001102-0058
T012 2004.12.17 10:43 5 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 68 frames stacked
T013 2003.03.17 16:49 4 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/500 60 frames stacked
T014 2001.08.11 20:42 22 C9 + LE7.5 + CP990 ? CP990-DSCN 9642
T014A 2002.12.15 ? 11 ToUcam single frame ?
T015 2000.11.05 13:35 9 FS128 + LE12.5 + QV2300 1/10 QV2300-20001105-0018
T016, A, B 2000.11.05 13:38 9 FS128 + LE12.5 + QV2300 1/8 QV2300-20001105-0020
T017 2001.09.25 12:49 8 C9 + LE12.5 + CP990 1/2 CP990-DSCN 9797
T018 2001.01.06 15:17 11 FS102 + LE7.5 + QV2300 1/8 QV2300-20010106-0041
T019 2000.11.05 13:58 9 FS128 + LE12.5 + QV2300 1/8 QV2300-20001105-0029
T020 2001.09.25 12:57 8 C9 + LE12.5 + CP990 1/4 CP990-DSCN 9804
T021 2004.09.05 ~21:31 21 10-in f/6 +2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/25 Stacked from 2 video clips
T022 2001.11.23 13:57 8 C9 + LE12.5 + CP990 1/3 CP990-DSCN 9997
T023 2004.09.25 14:10 11 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 16 frames stacked
T024, A, B 2002.08.21 14:40 12 FS128 + LE12.5 + CP990 1/28 CP990-DSCN 5490
T025 2002.12.14 16:40 10 C9 + Or25 + CP990 1/4 CP990-DSCN 5832
T026 2002.12.16 14:02 12 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 2 frames stacked
T027, A 2002.11.14 14:58 9 C9 + LE12.5 + CP990 1/7 CP990-DSCN 5818
T028, A, B 2000.09.12 15:34 14 MK67 + PL16 + QV2300 1/10 ?
T029 2004.07.13 21:43 26 FS102 + LE12.5 + CP990 (Venus) CP990-DSCN 9022 + 9029
T030 2002.12.16 13:53 12 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 4 frames stacked
T031 2003.03.17 17:40 14 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 26 frames stacked
T032 2002.06.21 13:30 10 C9 + LE12.5 + CP990 1/3 CP990-DSCN 4483 (lost)
T033 2002.12.16 15:12 12 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 7 frames stacked
T034 2000.06.15 14:36 13 ETX90 + PL16 + CP950 1/15 CP950-DSCN 2964
T035 2003.03.16 15:55 13 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 19 frames stacked
T036 2001.07.03 18:03 12 C9 + LE12.5 + CP990 1/15 CP990-DSCN 9554
T037 2005.01.22 15:23 12 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/25 68 frames stacked
T038 2002.12.16 15:17 12 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 2 frames stacked
T039 2005.01.22 ~15:17 12 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/25 Mosaic of 2 video clips
2000.04.20 18:26 15 FS102 + K25 + CP950 1/322 CP950-DSCN 1596
T040, A
2001.10.02 19:06 15 Kenko 8cm f/8 + Or18 + CP990 1/140 CP990-DSCN 9823
2000.04.20 18:26 16 FS102 + K25 + CP950 1/322 CP950-DSCN 1596
T041, A
2000.04.20 18:35 16 FS102 + K25 + CP950 1/322 CP950-DSCN 1604
2000.05.07 12:25 3 7x50 finderscope + CP950 at 3X 1/4 CP950-DSCN 1958
2000.07.28 21:26 27 FS102 + K25 + CP950 1/7 CP950-DSCN 3399
T043 2001.04.03 10:08 9 FS128 + LE12.5 + CP990 ? CP990-DSCN 8764
T044 2001.01.09 total lunar eclipse FS102 + Or25 + QV2300 Mosaic from a batch of images
T045 2001.01.09 total lunar eclipse FS102 + Or25 + QV2300 Mosaic from a batch of images
T046 2000.12.07 14:16 11 ? 1/8 QV2300-20001207-0002
T047 2000.05.15 14:15 11 FS102 + LE12.5 + CP950 1/40 CP950-DSCN 2350
T048A - F 2003.09.11 16:11 15 FS128 + PL25 + CP995 1/416 CP995-DSCN 9883
T049 2004.10.21 ~14:23 8 10-in f/6 + ToUcam at prime focus 1/100 Mosaic of 2 video clips
2000.09.15 15:52 17 MK67 + K25 + CP950 1/42 CP950-DSCN 3997
2000.02.11 13:24 6 FS102 + PL6.7 + CP950 1/30 CP950-DSCN 0060
T051 2000.09.15 16:26 17 MK67 + PL16 + CP950 1/9 CP950-DSCN 4015
T052 2004.01.06 15:25 14 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 38 frames stacked
T053 2000.11.05 13:50 8 FS128 + LE12.5 + QV2300 1/8 QV2300-20001105-0024
T054 2001.08,11 20:21 21 C9 + LE12.5 + CP990 ? CP990-DSCN 9622
T055 2004.11.25 17:07 13 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/33 68 frames stacked
T056, A - E 2001.09.22 11:27 5 Kenko 8cm f/8 + Or18 + CP990 1/8 CP990-DSCN 9724
T057 2004.01.04 13:37 12 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/25 72 frames stacked
T058 2005.01.22 ~15:38 12 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T059 2005.01.22 15:10 12 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/25 68 frames stacked
T060 2004.01.06 15:03 14 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 48 frames stacked
T061 2004.03.04 13:16 13 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/25 68 frames stacked
T062 2004.04.30 14:05 11 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/33 19 frames, cropped, 2X resized.
T063 2004.12.17 ~10:19 5 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 3 video clips
T064 2004.05.29 15:20 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 2 frames stacked
T065 2004.05.29 15:19 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 18 frames stacked
T066 2004.05.31 12:37 12 7x50 finderscope + CP995 at 4X 1/85 CP995-DSCN0120
T067 2004.05.04 total lunar eclipse FS128 + PL25 + CP995 CP995-DSCN0035, DSCN0038
Data of Lunar Images
Image Code Date & Time (UT) Moon Age Equipment Used Exposure (sec) Raw Image
T068 2004.04.30 ~13:06 11 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/33 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T069 2004.11.25 17:04 13 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/33 68 frames stacked
T070 2004.06.25 13:44 8 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 32 frames stacked
T071 2004.06.25 12:47 8 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 6 frames stacked
T072 2004.06.26 13:32 9 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 10 frames stacked
T073 2004.06.26 13:59 9 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 14 frames stacked
T074 2004.06.26 13:47 9 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 5 frames stacked
T075 2004.06.26 ~14:06 9 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T076 2004.06.26 13:53 9 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 12 frames stacked
T077 2004.08.07 20:10 22 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/25 11 frames stacked
T078, A 2000.11.05 13:22 9 FS128 + Or25 + QV2300 1/74 QV2300-20001105-0016
T079 2004.06.26 14:15 9 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 35 frames stacked
T080 2004.08.07 19:48 22 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/33 9 frames stacked
T081, A 2004.06.26 15:08 9 10-in f/6 + ToUcam at prime focus 1/100 13 frames stacked
T082 2004.06.26 15:03 9 10-in f/6 + ToUcam at prime focus 1/100 16 frames stacked
T083 2004.06.27 15:21 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/33 27 frames stacked
T084 2004.06.27 13:29 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/33 11 frames stacked
T085 2004.06.27 13:35 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Single frame (No. 7)
T086 2004.06.27 13:16 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/33 Single frames (No. 50)
T087 2004.06.27 13:47 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/33 11 frames stacked
T088 2004.06.27 13:37 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 22 frames stacked
T089 2004.06.27 13:30 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 18 frames stacked
T090 2004.10.23 15:33 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 68 frames stacked
T091 2004.09.05 ~21:43 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X +ToUcam 1/25 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T092 2004.06.27 14:25 10 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 3 frames stacked
T093 2004.09.05 ~20:12 21 10-in f/6 + 5X + ToUcam 1/25 Stacked from 3 video clips
T094 2004.07.13 20:42 26 FS102 + PL25 + CP990 1 sec CP990-DSCN 8992 (2)
2004.07.13 20:57 26 FS102 + PL25 + CP990 1/60 CP990-DSCN 9000 (2)
2004.07.13 21:07 26 FS102 + LE12.5 + CP990 1/8 CP990-DSCN 9005 (2)
T096 2004.09.20 ~11:13 6 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T097 2004.09.20 11:55 6 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/33 39 frames stacked
T098 2001.08.11 21:01 22 C9 + LE7.5 + CP990 ? CP990-DSCN 9648
T099 2004.07.25 12:16 8 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 9 frames stacked
T100 2004.07.25 13:07 8 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 4 frames stacked
T101 2004.07.25 12:44 8 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 12 frames stacked
T102 2004.08.01 14:22 15 FS128 + LE12.5 + CP990 1/38 CP990-DSCN 9081 (2)
T103 2004.08.01 16:50 15 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 9 frames stacked
T104 2004.08.01 17:12 15 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 4 frames stacked
T105 2004.08.02 17:53 16 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 16 frames stacked
T106 2004.08.02 18:26 16 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 24 frames stacked
T107 2004.08.31 17:14 15 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 16 frames stacked
T108 2004.08.31 17:04 15 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 16 frames stacked
T109 2004.08.31 17:27 15 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 16 frames stacked
T110 2004.08.31 17:16 15 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 16 frames stacked
T111 2004.08.31 16:53 15 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 16 frames stacked
T112 2004.08.02 ~17:37 16 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T113 2004.08.02 ~17:53 16 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T114 2004.08.02 17:24 16 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 12 frames stacked
T115 2004.12.19 13:55 7 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 47 frames stacked
T116, A 2004.10.28 ~14:09 15 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T117, A - C 2004.08.07 19:04 22 FS128 + LE24 + CP990 1/30 CP990-DSCN 9131 (2)
T118, A 2004.08.07 21:31 22 10-in f/6 Royce + 4X + ToUcam 1/33 14 frames stacked
T119 2004.08.07 ~20:38 22 10-in f/6 Royce + 5X + ToUcam 1/25 ~50 frames stacked from 5 video clips
T120 2004.08.07 20:23 22 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/25 16 frames stacked
T121 2004.09.05 21:34 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X ToUcam 1/25 88 frames stacked
T122 2004.08.31 19:07 15 10-in f/6 + ToUcam + IR Blocker 1/500 12 frames stacked
T123 2004.08.31 18:38 15 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 9 frames stacked
T124 2004.08.31 18:54 15 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 25 frames stacked
T125 2004.12.19 13:15 7 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 65 frames stacked
T125A 2004.09.05 21:37 21 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/25 88 frames stacked
T126 2004.08.31 17:38 15 10-in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 16 frames stacked
T127 2004.08.31 19:18 15 10-in f/6 + ToUcam + IR Blocker 1/500 16 frames stacked
T128 2004.09.05 21:18 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X ToUcam 1/25 47 frames stacked
T129 2004.09.05 21:16 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X ToUcam 1/25 64 frames stacked
T130 2004.09.05 ~20:53 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X ToUcam 1/25 Mosaic of 6 video clips
T131 2004.09.05 ~21:15 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X ToUcam 1/25 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T132 2004.09.05 21:23 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X ToUcam 1/25 47 frames stacked
T133 2004.09.05 21:46 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X ToUcam 1/25 41 frames stacked
T134 2004.09.05 21:30 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X ToUcam 1/25 68 frames stacked
T135 2004.09.05 20:46 21 10-in f/6 + 5X + ToUcam 1/25 90 frames stacked
T136 2004.09.05 21:40 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X ToUcam 1/25 69 frames stacked
T137 2004.09.05 21:26 21 10-in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X ToUcam 1/25 87 frames stacked
T138 2004.09.04 21:26 20 12.5-in f/6 + 4X + modified ToUcam Mosaic of 5 video clips
T139 2002.06.24 16:20 14 FS102 + Or25 + QV2300 1/500 QV2300-200206250001
T140 2004.12.17 ~11:28 5 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 3 video clips
Data of Lunar Images
Image Code Date & Time (UT) Moon Age Equipment Used Exposure (sec) Raw Image
T141 2004.09.20 ~12:00 6 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 4 video clips
T142 2004.09.20 ~11:17 6 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T143 2004.12.19 ~12:18 7 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 4 video clips
T144 2004.09.20 ~11:47 6 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/33 Mosaic of 3 video clips
T145 2004.09.20 12:30 6 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/33 80 frames stacked
T146 2004.06.27 14:23 10 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/33 2 frames stacked
T147 2004.09.25 14:12 11 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 22 frames stacked
T148 2004.09.25 ~14:44 11 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T149 2005.01.22 ~15:45 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 4 video clips
T150 2004.09.26 15:14 12 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/33 28 frames stacked
T151 2004.09.26 ~14:59 12 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/33 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T152 2004.09.26 15:18 12 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/33 29 frames stacked
T153 2004.09.26 14:22 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 34 frames stacked
T154 2004.09.26 16:40 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 84 frames stacked
T155 2004.09.26 ~15:36 12 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/33 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T156 2004.09.26 16:35 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 50 frames stacked
T157 2004.09.26 ~16:50 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 3 video clips
T158 2004.09.26 16:42 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 38 frames stacked
T159 2004.09.26 16:44 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 23 frames stacked
T160 2004.09.29 ~15:32 15 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 Mosaic of 3 video clips
T161 2004.10.03 20:51 19 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 48 frames stacked
T162 2004.10.03 20:59 19 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 58 frames stacked
T163 2004.10.03 20:56 19 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 51 frames stacked
T164 2004.12.19 ~12:29 7 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T165 2004.10.03 ~21:49 19 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 3 video clips
T166 2004.10.03 21:15 19 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 10 frames stacked
T167 2004.10.03 ~21:00 19 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T168 2004.10.03 ~21:28 19 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T169 2004.10.03 21:40 19 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 48 frames stacked
T170, A 2002.08.13 ~12:00 4 FS102 + Or25 + CP990 CP990-DSCN4967 + 5021
T171 2004.09.20 ~11:06 6 10 in f/6 Royce + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/33 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T172 2004.09.19 11:00 5 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/33 60 frames stacked
T173 2004.09.05 20:27 21 10 in f/6 Royce + 5X + ToUcam 1/25 67 frames stacked
T174 2004.09.20 12:19 6 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/25 47 frames stacked
T175 2004.09.19 11:46 5 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/33 39 frames stacked
T176 2004.10.21 14:28 8 10 in f/6 + ToUcam at prime focus 1/250 38 frames stacked
T177 2004.10.23 ~15:28 10 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T178 2004.10.23 ~14:19 10 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T179 2004.10.23 14:36 10 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 64 frames stacked
T180 2004.12.15 11:13 3 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 68 frames stacked
T181 2004.11.25 ~16:42 13 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 Mosaic of 3 video clips
T182, A 2004.11.25 ~16:36 13 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 Mosaic of 3 video clips
T183 2004.11.25 14:52 13 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 67 frames stacked
T184 2004.11:25 14:50 13 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/100 64 frames stacked
T185 2004.12.15 ~11:09 3 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T186 2004.12.17 ~10:54 5 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Stack of 4 video clips
T187 2004.12.17 ~10:43 5 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 3 video clips
T188 2004.12.19 ~14:21 7 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T189, A 2004.12.19 ~12:13 7 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T190 2004.12.19 ~13:09 7 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 4 video clips
T191 2004.12.19 12:39 7 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 58 frames stacked
T192 2004.12.19 ~12:41 7 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 3 video clips
T193 2004.12.17 ~11:09 5 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 3 video clips
T194 2005.01.19 12:18 9 10 in f/6 Royce + 5X + ToUcam 1/25 88 frames stacked
T195 2005.01.22 ~15:05 12 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/25 Mosaic of a batch of video clips
T196 2005.01.22 ~15:01 12 10 in f/6 + 2.5X + 1.6X + ToUcam 1/25 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T197 2005.01.22 ~15:34 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T198 2005.01.22 13:34 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 68 frames stacked
T199 2005.01.22 ~14:15 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 2 video clips
T200 2005.01.22 ~14:06 12 10 in f/6 Royce + 2.5X + ToUcam 1/50 Mosaic of 3 video clips
Appendix 2
Data of the Moon
Equatorial diameter 赤道直徑 3476 km (0.272 of Earth’s diameter)
Polar diameter 極直徑 Nearly same as equatorial
Mean angular diameter 平均角直徑 31’ 05’’ (geocentric 從地心計), 31’37” (topocentric 從地面計)
Variation of angular diameter 角直徑的變化 29’ 23’’ to 33’ 31’’ (geocentric)
Axial rotation period 自轉周期 27.32166 days (= sidereal month)
Mass 質量 7.35 x 10 kg (1/81 of Earth’s Mass)
Mean density 平均密度 3.34 g / cm (0.6 of Earth’s density)
Surface gravity 表面引力 1.62 m / sec (1/6 of Earth’s Gravity)
Escape velocity 脫離速度 2.38 km / sec
0 0
Surface temperature 表面溫度 Approx. 130 C at day to -180 C at night
Albedo 反照率 0.12
Mean visual magnitude 平均目視星等 −12.7 (full moon)
Average thickness of crust 平均地殼厚度 Approx. 60 km (nearside), 90 km (farside)
Surface magnetic field 表面磁場 Almost undetectable
Mean distance from Earth 月地平均距離 384 401 km (30 times Earth diameter)
Increase of mean distance from Earth 月地平均距離增加率 3.8 cm per year
Mean of apogee (greatest distance from Earth) 遠地點平均距離 405 500 km (406 712 km on 1984 March 2)
Mean of perigee (closest distance from Earth) 近地點平均距離 363 300 km (356 375 km on 1912 January 4)
Period of revolution of perigee 近地點移行周期 3232 days (8.849 years)
Note 1:
According to Jean Meeus (Reference No. 15), the instantaneous eccentricity of the Moon’s orbit can vary
between the extremes 0.026 and 0.077. Eccentricity maximum occurs at position H of the following
diagram, where the apogee and perigee line up towards the Sun. Eccentricity minimum occurs 103 days
later at position J, where the apogee and perigee are perpendicular to the Sun-Earth line. A new
eccentricity maximum is reached again after 103 days at position K. This change of eccentricity, together
with the oscillation of orbital inclination, make the synodic month to vary also from its mean value.
Moon’s orbit
Eccentricity Max. H Earth
p = perigee 近地點
a = apogee 遠地點
a 103 days
Eccentricity Min. J (Not to scale)
103 days
K Eccentricity Max.
Note 2:
Because the ecliptic inclines at 23.440 to the celestial equator, the Moon’s declination (赤緯) shall vary up
to 23.440 + 5.300 = 28.740 north or south of the celestial equator.
Note 3:
The relationship between synodic month and sidereal month is theoretically given by
1 / synodic month = 1 / sidereal month − 1 / sidereal year, i.e.
1/ 29.53059 days = 1 / 27.32166 days − 1 / 365.25636 days
Note 4:
The regression of the Moon’s nodes, together with the Sun’s gravity on the Earth’s equatorial bulge,
cause a periodic oscillation of the Earth’s pole about its mean position and hence a similar variation in the
celestial positions of stars. The main oscillation has an amplitude of about 9 arcseconds and a period
equal to the regression of the Moon’s nodes (18.61 years). This periodic oscillation of the Earth’s pole is
termed Nutation 章動.
Note 5:
The Lagrangian points refer to 5 points L1 L2 L3 L4 and L5 on the orbital plane of the Earth-Moon
System. L1 L2 and L3 are points of quasi-equilibrium. That is, a small perturbation will cause an object
in these points to drift away. The L4 and L5 are points of stable equilibrium.
Let E = Center of the Earth
M = Center of the Moon 60
O = Center of mass
d = Earth-Moon distance
(i.e. EM ≈ 384,000 km)
Then EO ≈ 0.012 d ≈ 4,600 km L3
E O L1 L2
ML1 ≈ 0.16 d ≈ 62,000 km 60
ML2 ≈ 0.16 d ≈ 62,000 km
EL3 ≈ d ≈ 384,000 km
EL4 = ML4 = d ≈ 384,000 km (Not to scale) 60
Libration 天平動 The apparent vertical or horizontal rocking motions of the Moon as it orbits around the Earth. The amount of
libration is measured by the shift of longitude and latitude at the center of the Moon disk.
LTP 月面瞬變現象 Abbreviation for “Lunar Transient Phenomena”. A controversial observed phenomena of weird happenings
or changes on the Moon’s surface.
Lunar Eclipse 月蝕 The eclipse seen on Earth as the full Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow.
Lunar Month 太陰月 Month based on the Moon’s orbital motion. Its value depends on definitions. See Appendix 2.
Lunation (Synodic Month) 朔望月 The period of time taken for the Moon to go through a complete cycle of phases.
Magma (在地層下的)岩漿 Subterranean molten rock. When it reaches the surface during a volcanic eruption, it is called lava.
Mantle 地幔 The thicker layer in the interior of a planet or satellite, underneath the crust but overlying the core, and differing
in composition from both.
Mare 海 Latin for sea (plural: maria). The broad dark plain formed from ancient lava outflow from the Moon’s interior.
Mascon 質量瘤 / 重力異常區 Abbreviated from the term “mass concentration”. An area on the Moon either composed of, or
underlain, by denser material, as evidenced by an increased gravitational pull.
Meteorite 隕石 / 隕星 Object from space that hits the Moon or other planets. Large meteorites are believed to have created
most of the craters on the Moon. The distinction between a large meteorite and a small asteroid is blurred.
Micrometeoroid 微流星體 Micro object from space that hits the Moon or other planets, sometimes just called meteoroid.
Mineral 礦物 Inorganic solid with a definite composition and crystal structure. Minerals are basic components to form rocks.
Mons 山 Latin for mountain.
Montes 山脈 Latin for mountain ranges or a group of isolated mountains.
Moonquake 月震 Sudden trembling of the Moon caused by the abrupt release of slowly accumulated elastic energy in rocks.
Nearside of the Moon 月正面 The side of the Moon facing the Earth
New Moon 新月 / 朔 The phase of the Moon when it is directly between the Earth and the Sun.
Node 交點 The intersecting point between the plane of Moon’s orbit and the Earth’s orbit (ecliptic).
Occultation 掩 The movement of one celestial object (e.g. a star) behind another (e.g. the Moon).
Oceanus 洋 Latin for ocean. The “large version” of lunar mare. Oceanus Procellarum is the only feature so named.
Palus 沼 Latin for marsh or swamp. A “small version” of lunar mare.
Penumbra 半影 The less dark outer region of the shadow of the Earth.
Perigee 近地點 The nearest point on the Moon’s orbit from the Earth.
Phase 月相 The amount of the illuminated Moon disk. There are 4 specific phases ⎯ new moon, first quarter, full moon and
last quarter ⎯ and also non-specific phase names such as waxing moon, waning moon, gibbous moon and crescent.
Promontorium 岬 / 海角 Latin for promontory or cape.
Rays, Lunar 月面輻射紋 Bright streaks radiating from certain impact craters of the Moon.
Regolith 浮土 From the Greek for “blanket of stone”. A layer of loose and broken rock and dust on the crust of a planet or
satellite. The lunar regolith contains a small amount of tiny, black glass beads produced by micrometeoroid impacts.
Regression of Nodes 交點退行 The eastward (backward) movement of the Moon’s nodes relative to the direction of orbit.
Rima 溪 / 月溪 / 溝紋 Latin for rille (plural: rimae). A narrow and relatively long cleft, slumped channel or valley on the
surface of the Moon, caused by ancient running lava or slight pulling of ground to either side.
Ritcher Scale 黎克特地震等級 A logarithmic scale to determine the magnitude of earthquake (and moonquake). Each whole
number increase in scale magnitude represents a tenfold increase in measured amplitude of the strongest quake
waves, or 31.6 times more energy release than the preceding magnitude. Thus magnitude 8.0 releases energy
1000 times more energy than magnitude 6.0. Magnitudes below about 2.0 are generally not felt by people.
Rupes 懸崖 / 峭壁 / 斷層 Latin for scarp, cliff or fault.
Secondary Craters 次級隕擊坑 / 次級環形山 Impact craters produced by the ejecta of a large impact-crater.
Seeing 視寧度 A measure of the steadiness of air through which a celestial object is observed.
Selenographic 月面的 Belonging or relating to the surface of the Moon. “Selene” is the Greek goddess of the Moon.
Sinus 灣 Latin for bay. A “small version” of lunar mare, usually in the appearance of a bay but can be irregular in shape.
Southern Highlands 南面高地 The heavily cratered highlands in the south of the Moon’s nearside where no mare exists.
Terminator 明暗界線 The boundary on the Moon between day and night, or between light and shadow.
Terraced Wall 台地牆 The inner wall (of a lunar crater) that appears in terrace structure.
Terrain 地體 / 地勢 A generic term referring to any surface area with a distinctive geological character.
Tidal Force 起潮力 The gravitational pulling force of a celestial body on the surface of another body. It is inversely
proportional to the cube of the distance between the two bodies. The lunar tidal force on Earth is 2.2 times greater
than the Sun’s tidal force.
Umbra 本影 The darker core of the shadow of the Earth, typically cone shaped, and surrounded by a lighter penumbra shadow.
Within the umbra, the Moon is completely obscured from direct sunlight; a total lunar eclipse will be seen on Earth.
UT 世界時 Abbreviation for “Universal Time”, same as Greenwich Mean Time which is the mean solar time on the meridian of
Greenwich. For time conversion, UT = Hong Kong Standard Time − 8 hours.
Vallis 谷 / 月谷 Latin for valley.
Waning Moon 虧月 The phase of the Moon after the full moon and before the new moon.
Waxing Moon 盈月 The phase of the Moon after the new moon and before the full moon.
Wrinkle Ridge 皺脊 See Dorsum.
Appendix 4
1. Antonín Rükl, Atlas of the Moon, 1996, Kalmbach Books.
2. Jeremy Cook, The Hatfield Photographic Lunar Atlas, 1998, Springer.
3. Dinsmore Alter, Pictorial Guide to the Moon, 3rd edition, Thomas Y. Crowell Company.
4. John E. Westfall, Atlas of the Lunar Terminator, 2000, Cambridge University Press.
5. H. P. Wilkins & Patrick Moore, The Moon, 2nd edition, Faber and Faber Limited.
6. Charles A. Wood, The Modern Moon: A Personal View, 2003, Sky Publishing Corporation.
7. Patrick Moore, Patrick Moore on the Moon, 2001, Cassell & Co.
8. Gerald North, Observing the Moon, 2000 edition, Cambridge University Press.
9. E. H. Cherrington, Jr., Exploring the Moon through Binoculars and Small Telescopes, 1984, Dover Inc.
10. Kim Long, The Moon Book, 1998, Johnson Books.
11. David Whitehouse, The Moon: A Biography, 2001, Headline Book Publishing.
12. Arthur N. Cox, Allen’s Astrophysical Quantities, 4th edition, AIP Press. (Chapter 12)
13. K. Lodders & Bruce Fegley, Jr., The Planetary Scientist’s Companion, 1998, Oxford University Press.
14. Thomas A. Mutch, Geology of the Moon: A Stratigraphic View, 1970, Princeton University Press.
15. Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, 2000, Willmann-Bell, Inc. (Chapter 1 - 6).
16. Alan Chu, Total Lunar Eclipse 9 January 2001: Observation Report, 2001.
17. Alan Chu, Guidelines of Using ToUcam and Registax in Astro-imaging, 2003.
18. Y. Perelman, Astronomy For Entertainment, translated by A. Shkarovsky, 1958, Moscow. (Chapter 2)
19. Roger W. Sinnott, Seeking Thin Crescent Moons, Sky & Telescope magazine, Feb 2004. (Page 102)
20. Charles A. Wood, Lunar Notebook, Sky & Telescope magazine, issues since May 2000.
21. William P. Sheehan & Thomas A. Dobbins, Epic Moon, 2001, Willmann-Bell, Inc. (Chapter 11 - Linné).
22. The New Solar System, 4th edition, Sky Publishing Corp. and Cambridge University Press. (Chapter 6, 10)
23. The Sky Astronomy Software, Version 5, 1999, Software Bisque. (for moon orbital simulation)
24. PosDat, (freeware, for moon ephemerides)
25. Moon Nomenclature and Topography Maps,
26. Lunar Science Results,
27. Apollo Over the Moon,
28. An Introduction to Lunar Domes,
29. Composition and Origin of Lunar Rays,
30. The Oldest Moon Rocks,
31. Geologic History of the Moon, by Don Wilhelms
32. Timeline of Lunar Exploration,
33. The Lunascan Project,
註: 部份的中文譯名以上海出版的
「英漢天文學名詞」及三聯書局的 Index
未一致化。 Index
(Lunar features are by Map No.)
Abenezra 阿拜內茲臘 31 Barrow 巴羅 10, 15
Abulfeda 阿布費達 30, 31 Bayer 拜爾 28
Acosta 阿科斯特 3 Beaumont 博蒙特 5, 7
Adams 亞當斯 3 Behaim 貝漢 3
Agatharchides 阿加撤契德 24, 25 Beillaud 白勞德 Event 1
Age of the Moon 月齡 Overview, Event 2 Beketov 9
Agrippa 阿格里巴 13, 33 Belkovich 別爾科維奇 10, Event 2
Airy 艾里 31 Bernoulli 伯諾里 2, 10
Albategnius 阿爾巴塔尼 12, 31 Berosus 伯羅薩斯 2, 10
Aldrin 艾德林 Overview, 8 Berzelius 伯齊列斯 10
Alexander 亞歷山大 15 Bessarion 19, 20, 21
Alfraganus 阿法堅努斯 30, 33 Bessel 貝塞爾 9, 33
Alhazen 2 Bettinus 貝蒂鈉斯 29, Event 1
Aliacensis 阿里辛西斯 30, 31 Bianchini 比安齊尼 16, 18
Almanon 阿耳曼農 31 Biela 比厄拉 4
Al-Marrakushi 阿馬拉庫殊 3 Bilharz 3
Alpetragius 阿彼德拉基 12, Section 5 Billy 比利 26, 27
Alphonsus 阿方索 Overview, 12, Section 5 Birmingham 伯明翰 16
Ammonius 埃蒙尼斯 12 Birt 伯爾特 12, 33
Anaxagoras 阿諾薩戈臘斯 10, 16, 17, 33, Farside Blagg 13
Anaximander 亞諾芝曼德 16, 17 Blancanus 布蘭薩努斯 11, 29, Event 1
Anaximenes 亞諾芝門斯 16, 17 Blanchinus 布蘭奇努斯 31
Andĕl 30, 31 Bobillier 博比利埃 9
Angular Diameter 角直徑 Overview Bode 波得 13, 14
Ångström 埃斯特朗 21 Boguslawsky 鮑古斯拉夫斯基 30
Anorthosite 斜長岩 Overview, 1, 2, 33 Bohnenberger 波蘭貝格 7
Apianus 阿皮納 31 Bond, G 邦德(G) 9
Apogee 遠地點 Overview, Appendix 2 Bond, W 邦德(W) 15
Apollo Missions 阿波羅登月任務 Moon Landing Map Bonpland 邦普蘭 12
Apollonius 阿波朗尼斯 2, Event 1 Borda 玻達 4
Arago 阿拉果 8, 32 Borel 玻韋 9
Aratus 阿拉圖 (亞羅特) 14 Born 玻恩 3
Archimedes 阿基米德 14 Boscovich 波士高維 13
Archytas 16 Boussingault 布辛高爾特 Overview, 30
Argelander 阿格蘭德 31 Bowen 鮑恩 9
Ariadaeus 阿麗阿黛 13 Brayley 21
Aristarchus 亞利斯塔克 21, 33, Event 3 Breccia 角礫岩 Overview, 1
Aristillus 亞利斯基爾 9, 10, 14, 33 Brenner 布林納 Overview, 4
Aristoteles 亞利斯多德 15 Brewster 布魯斯特 9
Armstrong 阿姆斯特朗 Overview, 8 Briggs 布里格斯 22
Arnold 阿諾德 Event 1 Brightness of the Moon 月面亮度 Overview
Array of craters 環形山陣 11, 31 Brisbane 布列斯本 4
Aryabhata 6 Brown 布朗 29
Arzachel 阿爾扎赫 12, 31 Bruce 布魯斯 13
Atlas 阿特拉斯 10, Event 1 Bullialdus 布利奧杜 24, 25
Atwood 阿伍德 3 Burckhardt 2
Autolycus 奧托利克 9, 10, 14, 33 Bürg 布龍格 10, 15, 31
Auzout 2 Burnham 伯納姆 12, 31
Avery 艾弗里 Event 1 Byrd 伯德 10, 15, Event 2, Farside
Azophi 阿索菲 31 Byrgius 伯朱斯 26, 33
Babbage 畢德格勒 16, 17 Cabeus Event 1
Back 貝克 Event 1 Cajal 9
Baco 培根 30 Calippus 卡利普 15
Bailly 貝利 29, Event 1, Event 3 Cameron 卡梅倫 6
Baily 10 Campanus 康帕努斯 24, 25
Ball 鮑爾 11, 12 Capella 卡彼拉 4, 6, 7
Banachiewicz Event 1 Capuanus 卡普納斯 24, 29
Bancroft 班克羅夫特 14 Carlini 卡利尼 19
Banting 班丁 9 Carmichael 卡邁克爾 2
Barkla 巴其阿 3, Event 1 Carpenter 卡本特 16, 17
Barocius 巴羅齊 30 Carrel 8, 9
(Lunar features are by Map No.)
Casatus 卡薩圖斯 29, Event 1, Farside Delmotte 德莫提 2
Cassini 卡西尼 15 Dembowski 13
Catena (chain of small craters) 環形山串 12, 31 Democritus Event 1
Catharina 凱瑟琳娜 5 Demonax 德蒙勒斯 30
Cauchy 科西 2, 6, 32 Descartes 德卡蒂斯 (笛卡兒) 30, 31
Cavalerius 卡瓦勒里斯 20 Deseilligny 9
Cavendish 卡文迪 25, 26, Event 3 Deslandres 德朗達爾 11, 12, 31, 33
Cayley 13 Diamondback Rille 8
Censorinus 6, 33 Dionysius Overview, 33
Center of Mass 質心 Overview Dollond 多朗 30, 31
Cepheus 仙王 10 Domes 拱形小山 (拱形山) 32
Chacornac 查科納克 9, 10 Donati 杜納提 31
Challis 16 Doppelmayer 多彼梅耶 25
Chang-Ngo 嫦娥 12, Farside Dorsa Aldrovandi 9
Chevallier 薛瓦利埃 10 Dorsa Argand 21
Ching-Te 9, Farside Dorsa Barlow 9
Chladni 13 Dorsa Burnet 伯內特皺脊群 21
Clairaut 克勒羅 30 Dorsa Harker 2
Clavius 克拉維 11, 29, 30 Dorsa Lister 9
Clementine (Lunar Probe) 克萊門泰探月器 1, Farside Dorsa Rubey 20
Cleomedes 克努梅迪 2, 10 Dorsa Smirnov 9
Clerke 克萊克 9 Dorsa Tetyaev 2
Cobra’s head 響尾蛇頭 21 Dorsum Buckland 巴克蘭皺脊 9
Collins 柯林斯 Overview, 8 Dorsum Gast 9
Colombo 哥倫布 4, 7 Dorsum Guettard 12
Colongitude 餘經度 Overview, Event 2 Dorsom Heim 19
Compton 康普頓 10, Event 2, Farside Dorsum Nicol 尼科爾皺脊 9
Condorcet 康多塞 Overview, 2 Dorsum Niggli 21
Conon 科龍 14 Dorsum Oppel 2
Cook 庫克 4, 7 Dorsum Owen 歐文皺脊 9
Copernicus 哥白尼 Overview, 19, 33 Dorsum Termier 2
Crater 環形山 Overview Dorsum von Cotta 9
Crater, Cross-section 環形山截面圖 19 Dorsum Zirkel 19
Craters named after Chinese 華人名字的璟形山 Farside Draper 德雷珀 19
Crescents 娥眉月 Event 3, 33 Drebbel 28
Crile 克里 2 Dubiago 杜比阿果 Event 1
Crüger 羅卡 26, 27 Dunthorne 鄧桑 24, 25, 29
Crust (Lunar) 月殼 1 Earth-Moon System 地月系統 Overview
Curtius 柯蒂斯 Event 1 Earthshine 地照 Event 3, 33
Cusanus 庫薩努斯 Event 1 Eclipse (lunar, solar) 蝕 (食) Event 4
Cuvier 居維頁 30 Eddington 愛丁頓 22
Cyrillus 西里爾 5 Egede 愛格德 15
Cysatus Event 1 Eimmart 2
d’ Arrest 達雷斯達 33 Elger 埃爾加 29
da Vinci 達芬奇 2, 6 Elongation 距角 Overview
Daguerre 7 Encke 恩克 20
Damoiseau 達毛西 20, 26 Endymion 恩迪米昂 10, Event 1, Event 2
Danbrée 丹比 9 Epigenes 15, 16
Daniell 丹尼爾 9 Epimenides 29
Darney 達恩里 24 Eppinger 愛皮格 20
Dark Mantle Deposits 暗地幔澱積物 9 Eratosthenes 愛拉托遜 14, 19, 31
Darwin 達爾文 26, 27, 32, 33 Esclangon 埃斯蘭戈 2, 9
Davy 戴維 12, 31 Euclides 歐幾里得 20, 33
Dawes 道斯 9 Euctemon 尤地蒙 15, Event 1
de Gasparis 德加斯帕里斯 25 Eudoxus 歐多克斯 15
de la Rue 德拉呂 10 Euler 歐拉 Overview
de Sitter 德西特 Event 1 Fabbroni 9
de Vico 德維科 26 Fabricius 法彼里齊 4
Debes 德比斯 2 Fabry 法布里 10, Event 2, Farside
Delambre 德朗布爾 8, 30, 33 Faraday 法拉第 Overview, 30
Delaunay 德朗尼 31 Farside of the Moon 月背面 1, Event 2, Farside
Delisle 21 Fauth 霍夫 19
(Lunar features are by Map No.)
Faye 法伊 31 Hayn 海恩 10, Event 2
Fermat 弗麥克 5 Hedin 希迪 20
Fernelius 弗留利斯 30 Henry 亨利 26
Firmicus 弗米卡斯 2, Event 1 Henry Frères 26
Flammarion 弗拉馬利翁 Overview, 12 Helicon 黑利康 18
Flamsteed 弗蘭斯蒂德 Overview, 20 Hell 赫爾 11
Fontana 方塔納 26 Helmert 赫默 Event 1
Fontenelle 16 Helmet, The 頭盔 25
Foucault 傅科 18 Helmholtz 亥姆霍玆 30
Fourier 傅里葉 25, 28, Event 3 Heraclites 赫拉克里斯 30
Fra Mauro 弗拉摩洛 12 Hercules 赫庫列斯 10, Event 1
Fracastorius 弗卡斯托爾 4, 5, 7 Hermann 赫爾曼 20, 26
Franck 弗蘭克 9 Herodotus 赫羅多特 21
Franklin 富蘭克林 10 Herschel 赫歇爾 12
Franz 弗朗斯 2 Herschel, C 卡羅琳‧赫歇爾 19
Fraunhofer 夫琅和費 4 Herschel, J 約翰‧赫歇爾 16, 17
Fredholm 弗雷德霍姆 2 Hesiodus 赫斯特 Overview, 11
Furnerius 弗內留斯 3, 33 Hevelius 赫維留斯 20
Galen 加蘭 14 Hill 希爾 2, 9
Galilaei 伽利略 20, 33 Hind 欣德 12, 30, 31, 33
Gambart 加巴特 12, 19, 32 Hippalus 依巴勒斯 24, 25
Gardner 加德納 9 Hipparchus 依巴谷 Overview, 31
Gärtner 加特納 Event 1 Holden 荷頓 3
Gassendi 加桑迪 25 Hommel 霍梅爾 4
Gaudibert 高迪伯特 7 Hooke 胡克 10
Gauricus 高里克 11, 12 Hornsby 霍恩斯比 30
Gauss 高斯 10, Event 2 Horrebow 赫瑞堡 17
Gay-Lussac 給呂薩克 19 Horrocks 霍羅克斯 31
Geber 賈貝爾 31 Hortensius 賀坦西斯 19, 32
Gemma Frisius 格馬‧弗里修斯 30 Hubble 哈勃 Event 2
Geminus 杰米納斯 2, 10, 33, Event 2 Huggins 哈金斯 11
Geologic History (Lunar) 月球進化紀年 1, Appendix 2 Hyginus 海金努斯 13
Ghost Crater 假環形山 Overview, 8, 12, 19, 20 Hypatia 愛帕蒂亞 4, 8
Giant Impact Theory 大碰撞論 1 Ibn Rushd 5, 31
Gilbert 吉爾伯特 Event 1 Illumination 照度 Event 2
Gioja 16 Imbrium Sculpture 12, 31
Glaisher 2 Impact Basin 隕擊盆地 1, 28
Goclenius 笱克蘭留斯 4, 7 Inghirami 英希拉米 28
Godin 哥登 Overview, 33 Isidorus 伊西多爾 4, 6, 7
Goldschmidt 戈爾德史密特 10, 15, 16, Farside Jacobi 雅各比 30
Goodacre 古德卡 30 Jansen 贊生 8, 9
Gould 古爾德 24 Janssen 贊桑 4
Greaves 格雷夫斯 2 Jenkins 詹金斯 Event 1
Grimaldi 格里馬第 20, 26 Joliot 約里奧 Event 2, Farside
Grove 格羅夫 10 Joy 喬伊 9, 14
Gruemberger 格魯貝格 11, Event 1 Julius Caesar 儒略凱撒 13, 33
Gruithuisen 21 Kaiser 凱撤 30
Guericke 格里克 12 Kane 凱恩 Event 1
Gutenberg 古坦堡 7 Kant 康德 30
Gyldén 12 Kao (Kao Ping-Tse) 高平子 Event 1, Farside
Hagecius 哈格修斯 4, 30 Kapteyn 3, Event 1
Hahn 哈恩 Overview, 10 Kästner 卡斯特納 Event 1
Haidinger 海丁格 29 Keldysh 10
Hainzel 海恩舍爾 25, 29 Kepler 開普勒 19, 20, 32, 33
Hall 霍爾 9 Kies 基斯 24, 25, 32
Halley 哈雷 12, 30, 31 Kiess 凱斯 Event 1
Hanno 韓諾 4 Kircher 基歇爾 29, Event 1
Hansen 漢森 2 Kirchhoff 基爾霍夫 9
Hansteen 韓斯坦 26, 27 Klaproth 克拉普羅特 Event 1
Harpalus 哈巴勒斯 16 Klein 12, 31
Harvest Moon 穫月 Overview König 24, 25
Hase 哈斯 3 KREEP 克里普岩 1
(Lunar features are by Map No.)
Krieger 21 LTP 月面瞬變現象 Overview, 7, 9
Krishna 9 Lubiniezky 呂班尼茲基 24, 25
Krusentern 克魯辛斯坦 31 Luna Probe 月球探測器(蘇聯) 20, Moon Landing Map
Kuiper 柯伊伯 20 Lunar Orbiter 月球軌道探測器 Overview, Event 1
Kundt 12 Lunation 朔望月 Overview
Kunowsky 20 Luther 路德 (盧瑟) 9
la Caille 拉卡爾 12, 31 Lyell 2
la Condamine 拉孔達米恩 18 Lyot 李約 4
la Pérouse 拉佩魯斯 Event 1 Maclaurin 馬克洛林 Event 1
Lacus Aestatis 夏湖 27 Maclear 馬克利爾 8
Lacus Autumni 秋湖 1, Event 1 Macrobius 馬克羅比 Overview, 2, 10
Lacus Bonitatis 好湖 Overview, 2 Mädler 馬德勒 4, 5, 7
Lacus Doloris 悲湖 9 Maestlin 馬士連 20
Lacus Excellentiae 優湖 25 Magelhaens 麥哲倫 4, 7
Lacus Felicitatis 福湖 9 Maginus 馬紀努斯 11, 30
Lacus Gaudii 喜湖 9 Main 梅恩 15, 16
Lacus Hiemalis 冬湖 9 Mairan 梅蘭 16, 21, 23, 32
Lacus Lenitatis 柔湖 9 Mallet 莫萊特 4
Lacus Mortis 死湖 1, 10 Manilius 曼尼林 9, 33
Lacus Odii 恨湖 9 Manners 曼納斯 9, 33
Lacus Perseverantiae 久湖 2, Event 1 Marco Polo 馬可勃羅 14
Lacus Somniorum 夢湖 1, 9, 10 Mare Anguis 蛇海 1, 2, Event 1
Lacus Spiel 願望湖 2, 10 Mare Australe 南海 1, 4, Event 1
Lacus Timorous 懼湖 25, 29 Mare Basalt 在月海的玄武岩 Overview, 1, 2
Lacus Veris 春湖 1 Mare Cognitum 知海 1, 12
Lade 拉德 33 Mare Crisium 危海 Overview, 1, 2, 10, Event 1
Lagalla 拉格拉 29 Mare Fecunditatis 豐富海 1, 2, 6, 10, Event 2
Lagrange 拉格朗日 28 Mare Frigoris 冷海 1, 10, 16, 17
Lagrangian Points 拉格朗日點 Appendix 2 Mare Humboldtianum 洪堡海 1, 10, Event 1, Event 2
Lalande 拉朗德 Overview, 12, 33 Mare Humorum 濕海 1, 24, 25
Lamarck 拉馬 26 Mare Imbrium 雨海 1, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, Event 2
Lambert 蘭伯特 Overview, 1, 19 Mare Insularum 島海 1, 32
Lamé 拉美 3 Mare Marginis 界海 1, Event 1, Event 2
Laméch 15 Mare Moscoviense 莫斯科海 Farside
Lamont 拉蒙 8 Mare Nectaris 酒海 1, 4, 5, 7
Langrenus 朗格努斯 3, 6, 10, 33, Event 1 Mare Nubium 雲海 1, 12, 24
Lansberg 蘭斯堡 20 Mare Orientale 東海 1, Event 1, Farside
Lassell 拉塞爾 12 Mare Serenitatis 澄海 1, 9, 10, 14, 15, 33
Lawrence 勞倫斯 6 Mare Smythii 史密斯海 1, 6, Event 1, Event 2
le Monnier 勒蒙尼亞 9 Mare Spumans 泡海 1, 2, 6, Event 1
le Verrier 勒威耶 18 Mare Tranquillitatis 靜海 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, Event 2
Lee 李 25 Mare Undarum 浪海 1, 2, 6, Event 1
Legendre 勒讓德 3 Mare Vaporum 汽海 1, 9, 14
Leibnitz Mountains 萊布尼茲山脈 Event 1 Marius 馬里烏斯 20, 32
Lepaute 29 Markov 馬可夫 16
Letronne 利賽尼 20, 25 Marth 馬庫 24, 25, 29
Lexell 勒格澤爾 11, 12 Mascon 重力異常區 (質量瘤) 2, Farside
Libration 天平動 Overview, Event 1 Maskelyne 馬斯奇連 6
Licetus 利塞塔斯 30 Mason 梅森 10
Lick 利克 2 Maupertuis 莫佩圖斯 18
Liebig 萊比 25, 26 Maurolycus 莫羅利卡斯 Overview, 30
Lilius 利呂斯 30 Mayer, C 克里斯琴‧梅耶 15
Lindenau 林丹努 4 Mayer, T 杜拜斯‧梅耶 19
Lindsay 林賽 30 McDonald 麥克唐納 19
Linné 林列 9, 14, 15, 33 Mee 米 29
Lippershey 12 Menelaus 馬尼勒斯 1, 9, 33, Event 2
Littrow 利特洛 9 Mercator 梅卡托 24, 25
Loewy 24, 25 Mercurius 默柯里斯 2, 10
Lockyer 洛克耶 4 Mersenius 默爾謝尼 25, 26, Event 3
Lohrmann 羅曼 20, 26 Messala 梅薩拉 2, 10, 33
Lohse 羅西 3 Messier 梅西葉 6, 33
Longomontanus 朗哥芒坦 11, 29 Metius 梅蒂斯 4
(Lunar features are by Map No.)
Meton 默冬 10, 15, Event 1 Oenopides 奧諾皮德斯 16, 17
Milichius 米利切斯 19, 20, 32 Oersted 奧斯特 10
Miller 米勒 11 Oken 奧肯 4
Mitchell 米切爾 15 Olbers 奧伯斯 20, 33
Moigno Event 1 O’Neill’s Bridge 奧紐橋 2
Moltke 毛德 8, 33 Opelt 24
Monge 蒙日 4, 7 Oppolzer 奧伯爾茲 12
Mons Argaeus 阿格厄斯山 9 Orontius 奧朗塔斯 11
Mons Blanc 布蘭克山 15 Palisa 帕利薩 12
Mons Gruithuisen Gramma / Delta Overview, 16, 21, 23, 32 Palitzsch 3
Mons Hadley Delta 哈德利三角洲山 Overview, 14 Pallas 帕拉斯 Overview, 13
Mons Hansteen 韓斯坦山 26, 27 Palmieri 25, 28
Mons Herodotus 赫羅多特山 21 Palus Epidemiarum 疫沼 1, 24, 25, 29
Mons La Hire 拉希爾山 1, 19 Palus Putredinis 凋沼(腐沼) 1, 14
Mons Pico 比科山 Overview, 16 Palus Somnii 夢沼 1, 2, 6
Mons Piton 比同山 15, 16 Parrot 帕羅特 12, 31
Mons Rümker 呂姆克爾山 23, 32 Parry 帕里 12
Montanari 蒙塔納里 29 Pascal 帕斯卡 16, 17
Montes 山脈 1 Peary 皮爾里 10, Event 2, Farside
Montes Agricola 阿根哥拉山脈 21 Peek 彼爾 Event 1
Montes Alpes 阿爾卑斯山脈 1, 14, 15 Peirce 2
Montes Apenninus 亞平寧山脈 1, 9, 14, 15 Peirescius 4
Montes Archimedes 阿基米德山脈 14 Perigee 近地點 Overview
Montes Carpatus 喀爾巴阡山脈 19, 31 Petavius 佩塔維斯 3, 33
Montes Caucasus 高加索山脈 1, 9, 15 Petermann 彼得曼 Event 1
Montes Cordillera 科迪勒拉山脈 1, Farside Phase 月相 Event 2
Montes Haemus 海瑪斯山脈 9 Philolaus 菲洛勞斯 16, 17
Montes Harbinger 哈賓格山脈 21 Phocylides 佛齊利德 28, Event 3
Montes Jura 侏羅山脈 18 Piazzi 皮亞齊 28
Montes Pyrenaeus 比利牛斯山脈 Overview, 7 Picard 皮卡爾 2
Montes Recti 直列山脈 16, 18 Piccolomini 皮哥洛米尼 4, 5
Montes Riphaeus 里菲山脈 20 Pickering 皮克林 31
Montes Rook 盧克山脈 1, Farside Pictet 皮特 11
Montes Spitzbergen 斯皮茲柏金西斯山脈 14 Pitatus 皮塔特 11, 12
Montes Taurus 金牛山脈 Overview, 9 Pitiscus 4
Montes Teneriffe 泰納里夫山脈 16 Plana 普朗納 10
Moon Landing 月登陸 Moon Landing Map Planitia Descensus 沙漠平原 20
Moon Maiden 月娘 Overview, 18 Plaskett 普拉斯基特 Farside
Moonrise 月升 Overview Plato 拍拉圖 16
Moonquake 月震 1 Playfair 莆勒費薾 31
Moretus 莫雷塔斯 11, Event 1, Farside Plinius 普林尼 9
Mösting 莫斯丁 Overview, 12 Plutarch 普路塔 Overview, Event 2
Mouchez 莫切斯 16 Poisson 泊松 30
Mount Schneckenberg 施勒肯堡山 13 Polybius 波利比斯 5
Müller 默勒 12 Pons 龐斯 5
Murchison 默其森 Overview, 13 Pontécoulant 龐特庫朗 4
Naonobu 內奧諾布 3 Porter 波特 11
Nasireddin 11 Posidonius 波西多尼 9, 10
Nasmyth 內史密斯 28 Prinz 普斯 21
Neander 尼安德 4 Proclus 普羅克爾 2, 33
Nearch 4, 30 Proctor 普托 11
Nearside of the Moon 月正面 Overview, 1, Event 2 Promontorium Agarum 阿格魯姆海角 2
Neison 尼森 Event 1 Promontorium Agassiz 阿加西斯海角 15
Neumayer 紐梅耶 30 Promontorium Deville 德維爾海角 15
Newton 牛頓 11, Event 1, Farside Promontorium Fresnel 彿斯內海角 14, 15
Nicollet 尼科勒 12 Promontorium Heraclides 赫拉克萊特海角 Overview, 18
Nobili 諾比利 Event 1 Promontorium Kelvin 開爾文海角 24
Nonius 諾尼斯 30, 31 Promontorium Laplace 拉普拉斯海角 18
North Pole of the Moon 月球北極 10, 16, Event 2, Farside Promontorium Lavinium 拉文尼厄姆海角 2
Occultation 掩 Event 4 Promontorium Olivium 奧利維厄姆海角 2
Oceanus Procellarum 風暴洋 1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26 Promontorium Taenarium 泰納里厄姆海角 12
(Lunar features are by Map No.)
Protagoras 16 Rimae Grimaldi 格里馬第月溪 20
Ptolemaeus 托勒玫 12, 31 Rimae Gutenberg 古坦堡月溪 7
Puiseux 24, 25 Rimae Hevelius 赫維留斯月溪 20
Purbach 普爾巴赫 12, 31 Rimae Hippalus 依巴勒斯月溪 24, 25
Pythagoras 畢達哥拉斯 16, 17 Rimae Hypatia 愛帕蒂亞月溪 8
Pytheas 皮特阿斯 Overview Rimae Janssen 贊桑月溪 4
Rabbi Levi 臘拜利維 4 Rimae Littrow 利特洛月溪 9
Raman 21 Rimae Mersenius 麥爾謝尼月溪 25
Ramsden 冉斯登 24, 29 Rimae Opelt 12
Ranger (Lunar Probe) 徘佪探月器 12 Rimae Palmieri 28
Rankine 蘭金 Event 1 Rimae Parry 帕里月溪 12
Rays (Lunar Rays) 輻射紋 29, 33 Rimae Petavius 佩塔維斯月溪 3
Réaumur 列奧繆爾 12, 13, 33 Rimae Plato 拍拉圖月溪 16
Regiomontanus 勒吉奧蒙塔努斯 11, 12, 31 Rimae Plinius 普林尼月溪 9
Regolith 浮土 1, 9 Rimae Posidonius 波西多尼月溪 9
Reichenbach 勒秦巴赫 4 Rimae Prinz 普斯月溪 21
Reimarus 4 Rimae Ramsden 冉斯登月溪 24
Reiner, Reiner Gamma 萊因納伽傌 20, 33 Rimae Ritter 里特爾月溪 8
Reinhold 萊因霍德 19 Rimae Römer 羅邁月溪 9
Resolving Power 鑒別率 (解像力) Overview Rimae Sirsalis 希薩利斯月溪 26, 27
Rhaeticus 雷提庫斯 13 Rimae Sosigenes 8
Rheita 里伊塔 4 Rimae Sulpicius Gallus 9
Riccioli 里希奧利 20 Rimae Theaetetus 14, 15
Riccius 里絮斯 4 Rimae Triesnecker 特斯納卡月溪 13
Rille (Sinuous / Linear) 月溪 Overview, 13 Ritchey 里奇 12, 31
Rima Agatharchides 阿加撤契德月溪 24 Ritter 里特 Overview, 8
Rima Ariadaeus 阿麗阿黛月溪 13 Robinson 魯賓遜 17
Rima Birt 伯爾特月溪 12 Rocca 羅卡 20
Rima Bradley 布拉德利月溪 14 Römer 羅邁 Overview, 9
Rima Calippus 卡利普月溪 15 Rosenberger 羅桑貝格 4
Rima Cauchy 科西月溪 6, 32 Ross 羅斯 8, 9
Rima Cleomedes 克努梅迪月溪 2 Rosse 羅西 7
Rima Conon 科龍月溪 14 Rost 28
Rima Furnerius 弗內留斯月溪 3 Rothmann 羅夫曼 5
Rima Gärtner 加特納月溪 Event 1 Runge Event 1
Rima Gay-Lussac 給呂薩克月溪 19 Rupes Altai 阿爾泰峭壁 4, 5, 31
Rima G. Bond 邦德(G)月溪 9 Rupes Cauchy 科西峭壁 6, 32
Rima Hadley 哈德利月溪 14 Rupes Liebig 萊比峭壁 25
Rima Hansteen 韓斯坦月溪 26, 27 Rupes Recta 豎直峭壁 (直壁) Overview, 12
Rima Hase 黑斯月溪 3 Rupes Toscanelli 托斯卡里尼峭壁 21
Rima Hesiodus 赫斯特月溪 24 Russell 羅素 22
Rima Hyginus 海金努斯月溪 Overview, 13, 31, 33 Rutherfurd 盧塞褔 11
Rima Jansen 贊生月溪 9 Sabine 薩比 Overview, 8, 33
Rima Mairan 梅蘭月溪 23 Sacrobosco 薩克羅博斯科 31
Rima Marius 馬里烏斯月溪 20 Santos-Dumont 桑托斯杜蒙 14
Rima Oppolzer 奧伯爾茲月溪 13 Santbech 桑特貝克 4, 7
Rima Réaumur 列奧繆爾月溪 13 Sarabhai 9
Rimae Alphomsus 阿方索月溪 12 Sasserides 扎西里德 11
Rimae Archimedes 阿基米德月溪 14 Saunder 桑德 30, 31
Rimae Aristarchus 亞利斯塔克月溪 21 Saussure 索絮爾 11
Rimae Arzachel 阿爾扎赫月溪 12 Scheiner 沙伊納 11, 29, Event 1
Rimae Atlas 阿特拉斯月溪 10 Schiaparelli 斯吉業巴列里 22
Rimae Bode 波得月溪 13 Schickard 西卡爾德 28, Event 3
Rimae Boscovich 波士高維月溪 13 Schiller 席勒 28, 29
Rimae Bürg 布龍格月溪 10 Schmidt 施密特 8
Rimae Chacornac 查科納克月溪 9 Schröter 施洛特 Overview
Rimae Darwin 達爾文月溪 26, 27 Schubert 許伯特 Event 1
Rimae de Gasparis 德加斯帕里斯月溪 25 Schumacher 舒麥徹 2
Rimae Fresnel 彿斯內月溪 14, 15 Scoresby 斯科士比 15, Event 1
Rimae Gassendi 加桑迪月溪 25 Secchi 石齊 6
Rimae Goclenius 笱克蘭留斯月溪 7 Seeliger 西拉格 31
(Lunar features are by Map No.)
Segner 謝格納 28, 29, Event 1 Tide (Perigean Spring Tide) 近地點大潮 Overview
Selenographic Coordinates 月面座標 Overview Timaeus 提勒玫 16
Seleucus 謝列克 22 Timocharis 提莫恰里斯 14, 33
Serpentine Ridge 蛇脊 9 Tisserand 蒂塞朗 2
Shadow 影(投影) Overview, Event 2 Tolansky 杜蘭斯基 12
Shapley 沙普利 2 Torricelli 拖麗西里 4, 7
Sharp 沙爾普 16, 18 Tralles 2
Shoemaker 蘇梅克 Farside Triesnecker 特斯納卡 13, 33
Short 雪特 11, Event 1 Trouvelot 15
Shuckburgh 肖白 10 Tsiolkovsky 齊奧爾科夫斯基 Farside
Sidereal Month 恒星月 Appendix 2 Turner 特納 12
Silberschlag 西別什拉格 13 Tycho 第谷 Overview, 11, 29, 30, 33
Sinas 辛納斯 6, 32 Ukert 烏開特 13
Sinus Aestuum 暑灣 (浪灣) 1, 14 Väisälä 21
Sinus Amoris 愛灣 1, 9 Valentine Dome 瓦倫丁拱形山 14, 15, 32
Sinus Concordiae 和諧灣 2, 6 Vallis Alpes 阿爾卑斯月谷 15, 16
Sinus Fidei 忠誠灣 9 Vallis Capella 卡彼拉月谷 7
Sinus Iridum 虹灣 1, 16, 18 Vallis Palitzsch 3
Sinus Medii 中央灣 Overview, 1, 13, 33 Vallis Rheita 里伊塔月谷 Overview, 3, 4
Sinus Roris 露灣 1, 16 Vallis Schröteri 施洛特月谷 21
Sinus Successus 成功灣 2 Vallis Snellius 斯內拉斯月谷 3
Sirsalis 希薩利斯 20, 26, 27, 33 Van Biesbroeck 21
Snellius 斯內拉斯 3, 33 Van Vleck Event 1
Somerville 薩默維爾 3, Event 1 Vega 維格 4
Sosigenes 8, 13 Vendelinus 文德林 3
South 索斯 17 Vera 21
South Pole - Aitken 南極艾肯盆地 1, Farside Very 威里 9
South Pole of the Moon 月南極 Overview, 11, Farside Vieta 維特 28, Event 3
Southern Highlands 南面高地 11, 30 Vitello 維特洛 25
Spörer 12 Vitruvius 維特留夫 9
Spurr 斯普爾 14 Vlacg 弗拉格 4
Stadius 斯大迪 19, 31 Vogel 沃格爾 12, 31
Stag’s Horn Mountains 斯達霍山 12 von Behring 3, Event 1
Statio Tranquillitatis 寧靜基地 8 Wallace 華萊士 14
Steinheil 斯泰哈爾 4 Walter 華爾特 11, 12, 31
Stevinus 斯蒂文 3, 4, 33 Wargentin 瓦根廷 28
Stöfler 史托福勒 Overview, 30, 31 Watt 瓦特 4
Strabo 斯托雷波 10, 33 Watts 瓦特斯 6
Straight Range (= Montes Recti) 16, 18 Webb 韋布 2, 6
Straight Wall (= Rupes Recta) Overview, 12 Weierstrass 韋爾斯特拉斯 Event 1
Street 11 Weigel 28, Event 1
Struve 施特魯維 22 Werner 沃納 31
Sung-Mei 9, 15, Farside Whewell 13
Surface Gravity, Lunar 月面重力 1 Wichmann 20
Surface Temperature, Lunar 月面溫度 Overview, Event 2 Widmanstätten Event 1
Surveyor (Lunar Probe) 測量員探月器 20, Moon Landing Map Wilhelm 威廉 11, 29
Swift 斯威夫特 2 Wilson 威爾遜 29, Event 1
Synodic Month 朔望月 Overview, Appendix 2 Wöhler 4
Tacitus 特西圖斯 5, 31 Wolf 沃爾夫 Overview, 24
Tacchini 特基里 Event 1 Wollaston 沃萊士頓 21
Taruntius 塔朗提斯 Overview, 6, 33 Wrinkle Ridge 皺脊 1, 2, 8, 9, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25
Taylor 泰勒 30, 33 Wrottesley 羅特斯勒 3
Tebbutt 2 Wurzelbauer 維澤包爾 Overview, 11
Tempel 頓泊爾 13 Yangel’ 9
Terminator 明暗界線 Overview, Event 2 Yerkes 葉凱士 2
Thales 法列斯 10, 33 Young 楊格 4
Theaetetus 15 Zagut 扎古特 4
Thebit 錫比特 Overview, 12 Zähringer 6
Theon Junior 30 Zeno 澤諾 2, 10
Theophilus 菲奧費勒 4, 5, 7, 33 Zöllner 30
Theophrastus 2 Zucchius 侏奇烏斯 28, 29, Event 1
Tidal Force 起潮力 1 Zupus 26
Lunar Photograph and Illustration Credits
Label Credits
NASA 001 - 028 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA.
JL 001 - 009 Joseph H. C. Liu (California,USA))
P001 - 003 Y. Perelman, Astronomy For Entertainment, 1958, Moscow.
P004 David A. Hardy (UK)
P005 Joe Tucciarone, (Florida,USA)
T138 Co-authors: Eric Ng & Alan Chu (HK)
W001 - 004 Anonymous (retrieved from web and reprocessed)
Kao Ping-Tse (高平子) portrait 由蔡元生先生(台灣) 提供
Version History
1.9 2004.08.01 z P001 reprocessed to show true slope of the Straight Wall.
z Add Map 30 to cover southeastern region.
z Cancel Romantic Moon
2.1 2005.01.28 z Extensive refinement, over 200 images, 184 pages, additions
including ~30 mosaic images & illustrations on lunar geology.