IoT - Module 3 - 8th Sem

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1. List and explain the advantages of Internet protocol.

Write a note on business case for IP.
Key Advantages of Internet Protocol are

1. Open and standards-based: Operational technologies have often been delivered as

turnkey features by vendors who may have optimized the communications through
closed and proprietary networking solutions. The Internet of Things creates a new
paradigm in which devices, applications, and users can leverage a large set of devices
and functionalities while guaranteeing interchange ability and interoperability,
security, and management.

2. Versatile: A large spectrum of access technologies is available to offer connectivity

of “things” in the last mile. Additional protocols and technologies are also used to
transport IoT data through backhaul links and in the data centre. IP architecture is
well equipped to cope with any type of physical and data link layers.

3. Ubiquitous: All recent operating system releases, from general-purpose computers

and servers to lightweight embedded systems have an integrated dual (IPv4 and IPv6)
IP stack that gets enhanced over time. In addition, IoT application protocols in many
industrial OT solutions have been updated in recent years to run over IP.

4. Scalable: As the common protocol of the Internet, IP has been massively deployed
and tested for robust scalability. Millions of private and public IP infrastructure nodes
have been operational for years, offering strong foundations for those not familiar
with IP network management.

5. Manageable and highly secure: Communications infrastructure requires appropriate

management and security capabilities for proper operations. Well-known network and
security management tools are easily leveraged with an IP network layer.

6. Stable and resilient: IP has a large and well-established knowledge base and, more
importantly, it has been used for years in critical infrastructures, such as financial and
defence networks. In addition, IP has been deployed for critical services, such as
voice and video, which have already transitioned from closed environments to open
IP standards. Finally, its stability and resiliency benefit from the large ecosystem of
IT professionals who can help design, deploy, and operate IP-based solutions.

7. Consumers’ market adoption: When developing IoT solutions and products

targeting the consumer market, vendors know that consumers’ access to applications
and devices will occur predominantly over broadband and mobile wireless

8. The innovation factor: IP is the underlying protocol for applications ranging from
file transfer and e-mail to the World Wide Web, e-commerce, social networking, and
mobility. Innovations in IoT can also leverage an IP underpinning.
2. Illustrate with a neat block diagram, How to optimize IP for IOT
using adaptation Layer.

Optimizing IP for IoT Using an Adaptation Layer

1. In the IP architecture, the transport of IP packets over any given Layer 1 (PHY) and
Layer 2 (MAC) protocol must be defined and documented. The model for packaging
IP into lower-layer protocols is often referred to as an adaptation layer.

2. IP adaptation layers are typically defined by an IETF working group and released as a
Request for Comments (RFC).

3. Adaptation layer designed for IoT may include some optimizations to deal with
constrained nodes and networks.

4. The main examples of adaptation layers optimized for constrained nodes or “things”
are the ones under the 6LoWPAN working group and its successor, the 6Lo working

Comparison of an IoT Protocol Stack Utilizing 6LoWPAN and an IP Protocol Stack

3. Describe with a neat diagrams the header stacks of 6LoWPAN

6LoWPAN Header Stacks

Header Compression: IPv6 header compression for 6LoWPAN was defined initially in RFC
4944 and subsequently updated by RFC 6282. This capability shrinks the size of IPv6’s 40-
byte headers and User Datagram Protocol’s (UDP’s) 8-byte headers down as low as 6 bytes
combined in some cases

Fragmentation: The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for an IPv6 network must be at
least 1280 bytes. The term MTU defines the size of the largest protocol data unit that can be

Mesh Addressing: The purpose of the 6LoWPAN mesh addressing function is to forward
packets over multiple hops. Three fields are defined for this header: Hop Limit, Source
Address, and Destination Address. Analogous to the IPv6 hop limit field, the hop limit for
mesh addressing also provides an upper limit on how many times the frame can be
forwarded. Each hop decrements this value by 1 as it is forwarded. Once the value hits 0, it is
dropped and no longer forwarded.
4. Demonstrate IOT Data broker with respect to application Layer
protocol not present

IoT Data Broker

a. Devices defined as class 0 send or receive only a few bytes of data.

b. For such as processing capability, power constraints, and cost, these devices do not
implement a fully structured network protocol stack, such as IP, TCP, or UDP, or
even an application layer protocol.

c. Class 0 devices are usually simple smart objects that are severely constrained.
Implementing a robust protocol stack is usually not useful and sometimes not even
possible with the limited available resources.

d. The solution to this problem is to use an IoT data broker.

e. Sensors X, Y, and Z are all temperature sensors, but their output is encoded
differently. The IoT data broker understands the different formats in which the
temperature is encoded and is therefore able to decode this data into a common,
standardized format. Applications A, B, and C can access this temperature data
without having to deal with decoding multiple temperature data formats.
5. Discuss tunnelling Legacy SCADA over IP network

a. SCADA systems collect sensor data and telemetry from remote devices, while also
providing the ability to control them.

b. SCADA systems allow global, real-time, data-driven decisions to be made about how
to improve business processes.

c. SCADA is mainly concentrated in the utilities and manufacturing/industrial verticals.

Deployments of legacy industrial protocols like SCADA, in modern IP networks call
for flexibility when integrating several generations of devices or operations that are
tied to various releases and versions of application servers.

d. Transport of the original serial protocol over IP can be achieved either by tunnelling
using raw sockets over TCP or UDP or by installing an intermediate device that
performs protocol translation between the serial protocol version and its IP

e. A raw socket connection simply denotes that the serial data is being packaged directly
into a TCP or UDP transport.
f. In all the scenarios the routers connect via serial interfaces to the remote terminal
units (RTUs), which are often associated with SCADA networks.

g. An RTU is a multipurpose device used to monitor and control various systems,

applications, and devices managing automation.

h. Opposite the RTUs in each Figure 6-3 scenario is a SCADA server, or master, that
varies its connection type.
6. Compare CoAP and MQTT with some factors.
7. Explain the following with respect to CoAP
i) Messaging format
ii) CoAP Communications in IoT Infrastructures
iii) CoAP Reliable Transmission


i) CoAP Messaging format

CoAP Message Format

a. The CoAP messaging model is primarily designed to facilitate the exchange of
messages over UDP between endpoints, including the secure transport protocol
Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS).

b. CoAP message is composed of a short fixed-length Header field (4 bytes), a variable-

length but mandatory Token field (0–8 bytes), Options fields if necessary, and the
Payload field. CoAP message format, delivers low overhead while decreasing parsing

CoAP Message Field Description

Ver (Version) Identifies the CoAP version.
T (Type) Defines one of the following four message types: Confirmable
(CON), Non-confirmable (NON), Acknowledgement (ACK), or
Reset (RST).
TKL (Token Length) Specifies the size (0–8 Bytes) of the Token field.
Code Indicates the request method for a request message and a response
code for a response message.
Message ID Detects message duplication and used to match ACK and RST
message types to Con and NON message types.
Token With a length specified by TKL, correlates requests and responses.
Options Specifies option number, length, and option value. Capabilities
provided by the Options field include specifying the target resource
of a request and proxy functions.
Payload Carries the CoAP application data. This field is optional. The
purpose of this byte is to delineate the end of the Options field and
the beginning of Payload.
ii) CoAP Communications in IoT Infrastructures:

CoAP Communications in IoT Infrastructures

a. CoAP communications across an IoT infrastructure can take various paths.

b. Connections can be between devices located on the same or different constrained

networks or between devices and generic Internet or cloud servers, all operating over

c. Both HTTP and CoAP are IP-based protocols, the proxy function can be located
practically anywhere in the network, not necessarily at the border between constrained
and non-constrained networks.

d. CoAP is based on the REST architecture, but with a “thing” acting as both the client
and the server. Through the exchange of asynchronous messages, a client requests an
action via a method code on a server resource. A uniform resource identifier (URI)
localized on the server identifies this resource. The server responds with a response
code that may include a resource representation. The CoAP request/response
semantics include the methods GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

iii) CoAP Reliable Transmission:

a. While running over UDP, CoAP offers a reliable transmission of messages when a
CoAP header is marked as “confirmable.”

b. CoAP supports basic congestion control with a default time-out, simple stop and wait
retransmission with exponential back-off mechanism, and detection of duplicate
messages through a message ID.

c. If a request or response is tagged as confirmable, the recipient must explicitly either

acknowledge or reject the message, using the same message ID.

d. If a recipient can’t process a non-confirmable message, a reset message is sent.

CoAP Reliable Transmission Example

e. The example shows a utility operations center on the left, acting as the CoAP client,
with the CoAP server being a temperature sensor on the right of the figure. The
communication between the client and server uses a CoAP message ID of 0x47. The
CoAP Message ID ensures reliability and is used to detect duplicate messages.

f. The client sends a GET message to get the temperature from the sensor. Notice that
the 0x47 message ID is present for this GET message and that the message is also
marked with CON. A CON, or confirmable, marking in a CoAP message means the
message will be retransmitted until the recipient sends an acknowledgement (or ACK)
with the same message ID.

g. The temperature sensor does reply with an ACK message referencing the correct
message ID of 0x47. In addition, this ACK message piggybacks a successful response
to the GET request itself. This is indicated by the 2.05 response code followed by the
requested data.
8. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) with respect to
i) MQTT Publish/Subscribe Framework
ii) MQTT Message Format
iii) MQTT QoS

i) MQTT Publish/Subscribe Framework:

MQTT Publish/Subscribe Framework

1. An MQTT client can act as a publisher to send data (or resource information) to an
MQTT server acting as an MQTT message broker.

2. The MQTT server (or message broker) accepts the network connection along with
application message from the publishers.

3. The MQTT server also handles the subscription and unsubscribes process and pushes
the application data to MQTT clients acting as subscribers.

4. Clients can subscribe to all data (using a wildcard character) or specific data from the
information tree of a publisher.

5. The presence of a message broker in MQTT decouples the data transmission between
clients acting as publishers and subscribers.

6. A benefit of having this decoupling is that the MQTT message broker ensures that
information can be buffered and cached in case of network failures. Publishers and
subscribers do not have to be online at the same time.

7. MQTT control packets run over a TCP transport using port 1883. TCP ensures an
ordered, lossless stream of bytes between the MQTT client and the MQTT server.

8. MQTT is a lightweight protocol because each control packet consists of a 2-byte fixed
header with optional variable header fields and optional payload. Control packet can
contain a payload up to 256 MB.
ii) MQTT Message Format:

MQTT Message Format

1. MQTT contains a smaller header of 2 bytes compared to 4 bytes for CoAP. The first
MQTT field in the header is Message Type, which identifies the kind of MQTT
packet within a message. Fourteen different types of control packets are specified in
MQTT .Each of them has a unique value that is coded into the Message Type field.
The values 0 and 15 are reserved.

2. The next field in the MQTT header is DUP (Duplication Flag). This flag, when set,
allows the client to notate that the packet has been sent previously, but an
acknowledgement was not received.

3. The QoS header field allows for the selection of three different QoS levels.
4. Retain flag notifies the server to hold onto the message data. This allows new
subscribers to instantly receive the last known value without having to wait for the
next update from the publisher.

5. Remaining Length field specifies the number of bytes in the MQTT packet following
this field.

iii) MQTT QoS

There are the three levels of MQTT QoS:

QoS 0: This is a best-effort and unacknowledged data service referred to as “at most once”
delivery. The publisher sends its message one time to a server, which transmits it once to the
subscribers. No response is sent by the receiver, and no retry is performed by the sender. The
message arrives at the receiver either once or not at all.

QoS 1: This QoS level ensures that the message delivery between the publisher and server
and then between the server and subscribers occurs at least once. In PUBLISH and PUBACK
packets, a packet identifier is included in the variable header. If the message is not
acknowledged by a PUBACK packet, it is sent again. This level guarantees “at least once”

QoS 2: This is the highest QoS level, used when neither loss nor duplication of messages is
acceptable. There is an increased overhead associated with this QoS level because each
packet contains an optional variable header with a packet identifier. Confirming the receipt of
a PUBLISH message requires a two-step acknowledgement
process. The first step is done through the PUBLISH/PUBREC packet pair, and the second is
achieved with the PUBREL/PUBCOMP packet pair. This level provides a “guaranteed
service” known as “exactly once” delivery, with no consideration for the number of retries as
long as the message is delivered once.

MQTT QoS Flows

9. Discuss Application Protocols for IoT.

High-Level IoT Protocol Stack for CoAP and MQTT

1. When considering constrained networks and/or a large-scale deployment of

constrained nodes, verbose web-based and data model protocols may be too heavy for
IoT applications.

2. IoT industry is working on new lightweight protocols that are better suited to large
numbers of constrained nodes and networks. Two of the most popular protocols are
CoAP and MQTT.

Continue with the explanation of CoAP and MQTT briefly with the contents of question
number 7 and 8
10. List and explain the main industry organizations working on
profile definitions and certifications for IoT constrained nodes
and networks.
1. Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance: The alliance initially focused
on promoting IP as the premier solution for smart objects communications. IPSO
Alliance organises interoperability tests between alliance members to validate that IP
for smart objects can work together and properly implement industry standards. IPSO
documents the use of IP-based technologies for various IoT use cases and participates
in educating the industry.

2. Wi-SUN Alliance: Defines a communication profile that applies to specific physical

and data link layer protocols. Wi-SUN’s main focus is on the IEEE 802.15.4g
protocol and its support for multiservice and secure IPv6 communications with
applications running over the UDP transport layer. The Wi-SUN field area network
(FAN) profile enables smart utility networks to provide resilient, secure, and cost-
effective connectivity.

3. Thread: This group has defined an IPv6-based wireless profile that provides the best
way to connect more than 250 devices into a low-power, wireless mesh network. The
wireless technology used by Thread is IEEE 802.15.4

4. IPv6 Ready Logo: Once IPv6 implementations became widely available, the need for
interoperability and certification led to the creation of the IPv6 Ready Logo program.
The IPv6 Ready Logo program has established conformance and interoperability
testing programs with the intent of increasing user confidence when implementing
11. Discuss the various methods used in IOT application


Categories of IoT application protocols and their transport methods are

1. Application layer protocol not present: The data payload is directly transported on
top of the lower layers. No application layer protocol is used.

2. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA): SCADA is one of the most
common industrial protocols in the world, but it was developed long before the days
of IP, and it has been adapted for IP networks.

3. Generic web-based protocols: Generic protocols, such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and 4G/
LTE, are found on many consumer- and enterprise-class IoT devices that
communicate over non-constrained networks.

4. IoT application layer protocols: IoT application layer protocols are devised to run
on constrained nodes with a small compute footprint and are well adapted to the
network bandwidth constraints on cellular or satellite links or constrained 6LoWPAN
networks. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Constrained
Application Protocol (CoAP),

Continue with brief explanation of each category using the contents of question 4, 5, 6,
12. Discuss the need for optimization of IP in IOT
Designers should deal with the limits at the device and network levels that IoT often imposes.
Optimizations are needed at various layers of the IP stack to handle the restrictions that are
present in IoT networks. Reason for optimization of IP is as follows:

1. Constrained Nodes: different classes of devices coexist. Depending on its functions

in a network,“thing” architecture may or may not offer similar characteristics. IoT
node may be required to communicate through an unreliable path. Even if a full IP
stack is available on the node, this causes problems such as limited or unpredictable
throughput and low convergence when a topology change occurs. Power consumption
requirements on battery-powered nodes impact communication intervals. To help
extend battery life, you could enable a “low-power” mode instead of one that is
“always on.” Another option is “always off,” which means communications are
enabled only when needed to send data. IoT constrained nodes can be classified as

 Devices that are very constrained in resources, may communicate

infrequently to transmit a few bytes, and may have limited security and
management capabilities: This drives the need for the IP adaptation model,
where nodes communicate through gateways and proxies.

 Devices with enough power and capacities to implement a stripped-down IP

stack or non-IP stack: In this case, you may implement either an optimized IP
stack and directly communicate with application servers (adoption model) or go
for an IP or non-IP stack and communicate through gateways and proxies.

 Devices that are similar to generic PCs in terms of computing and power
resources but have constrained networking capacities, such as bandwidth:
These nodes usually implement a full IP stack (adoption model), but network
design and application behaviours must cope with the bandwidth constraints.

2. Constrained Networks: high-speed connections are not usable by some IoT devices
in the last mile. The reasons include the implementation of technologies with low
bandwidth, limited distance and bandwidth due to regulated transmit power, and lack
of or limited network services. Constrained networks are limited by low-power, low-
bandwidth links (wireless and wired). They operate between a few kbps and a few
hundred kbps and may utilize a star, mesh, or combined network topologies, ensuring
proper operations. Packet delivery rate (PDR) may oscillate between low and high
percentages. Large bursts of unpredictable errors and even loss of connectivity at
times may occur. These behaviours can be observed on both wireless and narrowband
power-line communication links, where packet delivery variation may fluctuate
greatly during the course of a day. Link layer environments create other challenges in
terms of latency and control plane reactivity.

3. IP Versions: There is a transitioning of Internet from IP version 4 to IP version 6.

The main driving force has been the lack of address space in IPv4 as the Internet has
grown. IPv6 has a much larger range of addresses that should not be exhausted for the
foreseeable future. The main factors applicable to IPv4 and IPv6 support in an IoT
solution are:

 Application Protocol: IoT devices implementing Ethernet or Wi-Fi interfaces

can communicate over both IPv4 and IPv6, but the application protocol may
dictate the choice of the IP version.

 Cellular Provider and Technology: IoT devices with cellular modems are
dependent on the generation of the cellular technology as well as the data
services offered by the provider.

 Serial Communications: Many legacy devices in certain industries, such as

manufacturing and utilities, communicate through serial lines. Encapsulation
of serial protocols over IP leverages mechanisms such as raw socket TCP or
UDP. While raw socket sessions can run over both IPv4 and IPv6, current
implementations are mostly available for IPv4 only.

 IPv6 Adaptation Layer: IPv6-only adaptation layers for some physical and
data link layers for recently standardized IoT protocols support only IPv6.
Device implementing a technology that requires an IPv6 adaptation layer must
communicate over an IPv6-only subnet work.

13. Explain generic web based protocols.


1. The level of familiarity with generic web-based protocols is high. Therefore,

programmers with basic web programming skills can work on IoT applications, and
this may lead to innovative ways to deliver and handle real-time IoT data.

2. The definition of constrained nodes and networks must be analyzed to select the most
appropriate protocol. On non-constrained networks, such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or
3G/4G cellular, where bandwidth is not perceived as a potential issue, data payloads
based on a verbose data model representation, including XML or JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON), can be transported over HTTP/HTTPS or WebSocket. This allows
implementers to develop their IoT applications in contexts similar to web

3. Recent evolutions of embedded web server software with advanced features are now
implemented with very little memory. This enables the use of embedded web services
software on some constrained devices.

4. When considering web services implementation on an IoT device, the choice between
supporting the client or server side of the connection must be carefully weighed. IoT
devices that only push data to an application may need to implement web services on
the client side. The HTTP client side only initiates connections and does not accept
incoming ones.
5. IoT devices, such as a video surveillance camera, may have web services
implemented on the server side. Because these devices often have limited resources,
the number of incoming connections must be kept low.

6. Interactions between real-time communication tools powering collaborative

applications, such as voice and video, instant messaging, chat rooms, and IoT devices,
are also emerging. This is driving the need for simpler communication systems
between people and IoT devices. One protocol that addresses this need is Extensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).

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