Art1 2
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Art1 2
Keywords: This study investigated the application of a thermally reversible polymer network fabricated using Diels-Alder
Self-healing polymer (DA)/retro-DA (rDA) reactions for use as a scratch-healing automotive clear coat. For this purpose, a new
Diels-Alder reaction scratch-healing poly(urethane acrylate) network containing a DA adduct unit (DA-CL) was prepared, and its
Thermally reversible crosslinking material properties and scratch-healing performance were compared to the properties of a commercial clear coat
Automotive clear coat
system (C-CL). The thermally reversible crosslinking and de-crosslinking reactions among the DA-CL, via DA and
In-situ oscillatory rheology
rDA reactions, were systematically evaluated using in-situ oscillatory rheology coupled with FT-IR spectroscopy.
The material properties of the DA-CL and C-CL materials, including the thermal stability, thermal transitions,
hardness, and scratch resistance, were measured using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC), nanoindentation, and nanoscratch test methods. The scratch-healing performance of the DA-
CL was quantitatively characterized and compared to the performance of the C-CL using a nanoscratch tester
equipped with an optical microscope (OM) and an atomic force microscope (AFM). The DA-CL polymer network
exhibited superior scratch healing and scratch resistance compared to the C-CL polymer network. These data
indicated that the DA self-healing polymer network is potentially useful as a scratch-healing clear coat for the
automotive industry.
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (S.M. Noh), (J.C. Kim).
S. Sung and S.Y. Kim contributed equally to this work.
Received 10 March 2018; Received in revised form 11 October 2018; Accepted 22 October 2018
0300-9440/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Sung et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 127 (2019) 37–44
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram illustrating the self-healing mechanisms underlying (a) the commercial (C-CL) and (b) the DA adduct-based isocyanate (DA-CL) polymer
Scheme 1. (a) Synthetic scheme and chemical structure of the furan-maleimide adduct diisocyanate (FMADI) crosslinking reagent; chemical structures of (b) the
polyisocyanate (Desmodur N3300) and (c) the acryl polyol.
Unfortunately, the scratch-healing performance of intrinsic healing demonstrated using in-situ oscillatory rheology combined with FT-IR
systems tends to decrease as their mechanical properties such as the spectroscopy. The physical properties of the DA-CL coating, such as the
elastic modulus and hardness are enhanced, i.e., as they increase, be- hardness (HIT), modulus (E), glass transition temperature (Tg), and
cause scratch healing relies on polymer chain mobility. thermal stability (Td), were characterized using nanoindentation
Intrinsic scratch-healing mechanisms are suitable for use in auto- testing, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), differential scanning ca-
motive scratch-healing coatings because they provide transparent and lorimetry (DSC), and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The proper-
repeated scratch healing. Thermally reversible polymer networks based ties of the DA-CL coating were compared with those of a commercial
on DA/retro-DA reactions are remarkable for their transparent, color- automotive clear coat (C-CL) network system. Finally, the scratch re-
less, durable, and catalyst-free scratch-healing properties [17,18]. In sistance and healing performances of the DA-CL and C-CL polymer
this paper, we demonstrated the effectiveness of a DA/retro-DA reac- networks were quantitatively analyzed using a nanoscratch tester
tion-based scratch-healing system as an automotive clear coat. For this equipped with an optical microscope (OM) and atomic force micro-
purpose, a furan-maleimide adduct diisocyanate crosslinking agent scope (AFM). These materials were evaluated for their potential utility
(FMADI) was synthesized and reacted with a commercial clear coat as self-healing polymer systems.
system (DA-CL). The reversible formation of crosslinked and de-cross-
linked structures at the DA and retro-DA reaction temperatures was
S. Sung et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 127 (2019) 37–44
Fig. 2. (a) 1H NMR spectra of the synthesized DA adduct and FMADI, and (b) FT-IR spectra of FMADI for various urethane linkage formation reaction times.
2. Experimental method with a wire-wound rod. The solution was bar-coated onto the
basecoat layer and cured in an oven at 70 °C for 12 h. The completion of
2.1. Materials the crosslinking reactions in the polymer coatings was confirmed by
monitoring the characteristic ratio of the intensity of the peak due to
2.1.1. Materials and synthesis of FMADI the methylene unit (eCH2e) FT-IR band at 2950–2850 cm−1 to that of
Maleic anhydride, furan, ethanol amine, furfuryl alcohol, iso- the peak due to the isocyanate unit (eNCO) band at 2250 cm−1. As
phorone diisocyanate (IPDI), dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL), ethyl shown in Fig. S1, the isocyanate bands in the spectra of the polymer
acetate, ethanol, toluene, and 2-butanone were purchased from Sigma- coatings disappear after their crosslinking reactions, which indicates
Aldrich, and all materials were used without further purification. that the isocyanate units have been completely converted to urethane
Acrylic polyol as a representative clear coat resin and polyisocyanate units.
(Desmodur N3300) as a crosslinking reagent, obtained from NOROO
BEE Chemical Co., Ltd., were used as received. 2.2. Characterization
The furan-maleimide adduct was synthesized as described pre-
viously [19]. The furan-maleimide adduct and IPDI were added to 2- 2.2.1. Chemical structure confirmation
butanone in a 1:2 M ratio in the presence of DBTDL (1 wt% DA adduct), 1
H NMR spectra of the synthesized organic compounds were col-
and the mixture was heated at 35 °C while stirring for 6 h. Upon reac- lected using a 300 MHz NMR spectrometer (Bruker, Ultrashield) with
tion completion, the solvent mixture was evaporated under reduced DMSO-d6 (δ = 2.50 ppm) as a deuterated solvent. FT-IR spectra of the
pressure, and the product was stored under an inert atmosphere. FMADI (IPDI end-capped furan-maleimide adduct) were recorded over
the range 4000–800 cm−1 using an FT-IR spectrometer (Thermo Fisher
2.1.2. Preparation of the clear coats Scientific Inc., Nicolet 6700/Nicolet Continuum).
The acrylic polyol resin (vOH = 55, Mn = 3.5 kg/mol, 10 g,
2.9 mmol) and FMADI (vNCO = 123, 4.5 g, 6.6 mmol) or Desmodur 2.2.2. Thermal and viscoelastic properties
N3300 (vNCO = 208, 2.6 g, 5.2 mmol) were mixed in mole equivalent The thermal stabilities of the crosslinked DA-CL and C-CL polymer
ratios, which had been dissolved in 2-butanone. Each solution was network films were determined using TGA. The TGA (TA Instrument,
poured into a custom Teflon mold under ambient conditions, and was TGA Q500) measurements were performed between 30 and 800 °C at a
heated in an oven at 70 °C for 12 h. For the scratch test, a 30 μm wa- heating rate of 10 °C min−1 under nitrogen and air. DSC (TA
terborne primer layer and a 15 μm basecoat layer were applied in series Instrument, DSC Q2000) measurements were conducted by heating and
to a steel substrate using the conventional draw-down bar-coating cooling from −30 to 170 °C at a rate of 10 °C min−1 under a N2
S. Sung et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 127 (2019) 37–44
Degree of conversion (DC , %) = × 100
ΔHtotal (2)
where ΔHexp, ΔHtotal, ΔHrDA, and Wf are the enthalpy change of the rDA
reaction in the DA-CL coating obtained with DSC, the calculated total
enthalpy change of the rDA reaction in the DA-CL coating, the calcu-
lated total enthalpy change of the rDA reaction in FMADI, and the
weight fraction of FMADI in the DA-CL coating, respectively. ΔHrDA is
known to be approximately 18 kcal/mol (317 J/g) [20]. The re-
combination ratio of maleimides and furan groups after the thermal
rDA reaction was calculated with the following equation:
ΔHexp, n + 1
Recombination ratio =
ΔHexp, n (3)
where ΔHexp, n and ΔHexp, n + 1 are the ΔHexp values in the n-th cycle and
the (n+1)th cycle respectively.
S. Sung et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 127 (2019) 37–44
Fig. 4. Reversible crosslinking and de-crosslinking of the DA-CL coating at the DA and rDA temperatures. (a) The rheological properties of the DA-CL and C-CL
polymer network structures, as revealed by measurements of the complex viscosity; (b) FT-IR spectra of the DA-CL polymer network structure during the ther-
mocycles, obtained with a Rheonaut (2 °C min–1); (c) FT-IR spectra collected at 827 cm–1; (d) DSC integrals for the DA-CL sample: first, second, and third cycles.
Table 1
Degrees of conversion (DC) and furan and maleimide recombination ratios after
repeated rDA reactions.
Cycle ΔHtotal (J/g) ΔHexp (J/g) DC (%) Recombination ratio
1 6.3 2.40 38 –
2 6.3 2.19 35 0.91
3 6.3 2.18 35 0.99
The relative thermal stabilities of the DA-CL and C-CL were in-
vestigated using TGA. All polymers were stable up to at least 150 °C
S. Sung et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 127 (2019) 37–44
two polymers were similar, although Tg for C-CL (10 °C) was slightly
lower than the corresponding value of DA-CL (20 °C).
Fig. 7. Penetration depth before (black) and after (red) heat treatment (50 °C and 150 °C) of the DA-CL and C-CL polymer coatings. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).
S. Sung et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 127 (2019) 37–44
Fig. 8. Representative AFM images of the scratched and healed surfaces heated to 150 °C upon application of constant forces (0.4 mN, 20.4 mN, 40.4 mN, or 60.4 mN)
to the DA-CL and C-CL polymer coatings.
Table 2 adduct moieties and the cyclic chemical structure of IPDI in the DA-CL
Scratch-depth-based healing efficiency (%DSHE) values for the polymer coat- polymer increase its HIT value [28]. In fact, the DA-CL polymer network
ings. exhibited a higher Tg (20 °C) than the C-CL polymer network (10 °C)
Polymer Code Load (mN) %DSHE due to the steric effects of the bulky FMADI moiety and the cyclic
structure (Fig. 3b). The scratch hardness was assessed by measuring the
50 °C 150 °C scratch resistance of the polymer coatings in response to a step-wise
increase in the deformation load using the scratch test machine to exert
DA-CL 20.4 29.3 100
40.4 30.9 100 four sequentially increasing loads applied under 0.40–60.4 mN, as
60.4 29.7 100 shown in Fig. 5b. The optical microscopy images show that the scratch
C-CL 20.4 74.2 93.9 path width of the DA-CL polymer film was narrower than that of the C-
40.4 58.6 87.0 CL polymer film (Fig. 5b, inset). The surface of the DA-CL polymer
60.4 57.5 85.2
displayed smooth scratch paths, whereas the surface of the C-CL
polymer exhibited tears and large ruptures in the scratched groove. It is
polymer was incomplete due to the short reaction time. The re- possible that a longer chain length between the crosslinked networks
combination ratio between the furan and maleimide moieties in the DA- increased the material flexibility. We concluded that the hard DA-CL
CL polymer was approximately 0.50 per cycle. The DA and retro-DA polymer film provided better scratch resistance than the soft C-CL
reactions proceeded repeatedly in the DA-CL, as indicated by the IR polymer film. This conclusion is consistent with the results obtained
peak at 827 cm–1, which depended on the measurement time and was from the nanoindentation studies.
not observed in C-CL (Fig. 4c).
The enthalpy changes in the DA and rDA reactions were determined
3.5. Scratch healing in the clear coat systems
over multiple heating and cooling cycles by using DSC (Fig. 4d). The
ΔHexp values of DA-CL for the three heating and cooling cycles are listed
The scratch recovery results obtained from the DA-CL and C-CL
in Table 1. The degree of conversion of the thermal rDA reaction is
polymers were compared by analyzing images obtained using OM or
approximately 40% after the first heating cycle. The ΔHexp values are
AFM. The scratched polymer films were subjected to the target tem-
slightly lower for the later cycles, which indicates that the yield of the
perature for 1 h using the Peltier heating module of the scratch in-
DA reaction is not 100% under these conditions. However, a network
dentation machine (Fig. 6). After healing at 50 °C, the scratched areas in
structure forms in the DA-CL coating with a high recombination ratio of
both polymer-coated films were shown to decrease, but the soft C-CL
at least 0.90 per cycle.
coating showed superior scratch healing compared to the DA-CL
polymer film due to its lower Tg and HIT values [29,30]. Elastic de-
3.4. Mechanical properties of the clear coat systems formation is a necessary component of the self-recovery process, espe-
cially at temperatures above Tg, at which recovery is dominated by
Fig. 5a shows typical load–displacement curves obtained from the elasticity. These results were expected at a temperature of 50 °C, con-
nanoindentation tests carried out on the DA-CL and C-CL polymer sidering that Tg was calculated from the DMA results to be approxi-
networks. The mechanical properties of the films were evaluated to mately 45 °C for C-CL and 65 °C for DA-CL. Heating at 70 °C sig-
determine whether the clear coat provided an appropriate hardness nificantly improved the scratch-healing performances of both the C-CL
(107–108 Pa). All coatings exhibited plastic deformation in response to and DA-CL compared to the results obtained from heating at 50 °C (data
the applied normal forces; however, the DA-CL polymer showed lower not shown). The healing process occurred at 150 °C, the maximum
hmax and hf values than the C-CL polymer. Similarly, the calculated HIT temperature at which the retro-DA reactions occurred, without indu-
value of the DA-CL polymer (HIT (DA-CL) = 85 MPa) was higher than cing polymer decomposition. The scratched groove in the DA-CL
the corresponding value obtained from the C-CL polymer (HIT (C- polymer heated to 70 °C completely disappeared when treated at 150 °C
CL) = 69 MPa). We conclude that the steric bulky furan-maleimide for 1 h, whereas the scratched surface of the C-CL polymer film was
S. Sung et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 127 (2019) 37–44
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