02-Electron (DH) 125102
02-Electron (DH) 125102
02-Electron (DH) 125102
Dong-Woo Kang, Chan-Hee Jung, In-Tae Hwang, Jae-Hak Choi* and Young-Chang Nho
Radiation Research Division for Industry and Environment, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute,
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup 580-185, Korea
Key words : Electron beam, Crosslinking agent, Crosslinking, Polycaprolactone, Thermal and
mechanical properties, Biodegradability
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108 Dong-Woo Kang, Chan-Hee Jung, In-Tae Hwang, Jae-Hak Choi and Young-Chang Nho
perature-independence, and low energy consumption (Clen- (Daejeon, Korea). The energy and current density of the
land et al. 2003; Chmielewski et al. 2005). Thus, the cross- electron beams were 2 MeV and 1 mA cm-2, respectively.
linking of PCL by using high energy radiation in the pres- The total absorption dose ranged from 10 to 200 kGy.
ence or absence of crosslinking agents has been carried out
to improve its thermal and mechanical properties (Yoshii et 3. Characterization
al. 2000; Zhu et al. 2003; Abdel-Rehim et al. 2004). How-
The crosslinking degree of the irradiated PCL films with
ever, the electron beam-induced crosslinking of PCL films
or without CA was estimated by measuring their insoluble
in the presence of various kinds of crosslinking agents (CAs)
part in the dried sample after extraction in chloroform for
and the characterization of the crossinked PCL in multilater-
24 h. The crosslinking degree was calculated from the follow-
al aspects have been little studied.
ing equation:
In this article, the electron beam-induced crosslinking of
polycaprolactone (PCL) films in the presence of various CAs =W2/W1×100,
Crosslinking degree (%)=
was performed. The effects of the type and concentration of
where W1 and W2 are the weights of the dried sample before
CA on the electron beam-induced crosslinking of PCL films
and after extraction in chloroform, respectively.
was investigated. Moreover, the physical properties and
The tensile strength and elongation-at-break were measured
biodegradation of crosslinked PCL films were examined.
using a universal testing machine (Model 4210, Instron
Engineering Co., USA) according to the ASTM Standard
MATERIALS AND METHODS D638. The dynamic mechanical analysis was carried out by
using a dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA, Q800 model,
1. Preparation of polycaprolactone films containing TA Instrument) under film-tension mode in a temperature
crosslinking agents range of -80 to 200� C min-1 and a
C at a heating rate of 5�
Polycaprolactone (PCL, MW: 80000) and chloroform were frequency of 1 Hz. The thermomechanical analysis (TMA)
purchased from Aldrich and Showa chemical companies, was performed on a TMA Q400 system (TA Instrument,
respectively. Triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC), trimethylolpropane USA) using an extension probe between 20 and 200�
C at a
triacrylate (TMPTA), and 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) C min-1 under a nitrogen atmosphere. The
heating rate of 5�
purchased from Aldrich were used as crosslinking agents enzymatic degradation test was carried out using lipase
(CAs). All the chemicals were utilized without further puri- enzymes that were extracted from Pseudomonas fluorescens
fication. PCL films containing various CAs were fabricated and their activity was about 300 units mg-1. The samples (2
using a solvent casting method. The content of CA in the ×2 cm square shaped films) were immersed in 2 ml of a
final composition was defined as the ratio of the CA mass phosphate buffer solution containing 100 μg ml-1 of lipase
to the total mass of the PCL films. Briefly, 10 wt% PCL enzymes at 37�
C. After incubation for a certain time, the
solutions with or without CA were prepared by dissolving resulting films were removed from the enzymatic solution,
PCL and CA in chloroform. The prepared solutions were washed with distilled water several times, and dried under a
cast on well-cleaned glasses and then placed in a fume hood vacuum at room temperature to a constant weight. The bio-
at room temperature for 4 h. Afterwards, to remove the degradation was estimated by measuring the ratio of weight
remaining solvent and moisture, the films were further dried loss to the initial weight of the films. The weight loss was
in a vacuum oven at 30�
C for 24 h. The thickness of the result- measured based on a decrease of the weight of the films
ing films was around 130 μm. before and after the enzymatic degradation. The experiment
was repeated three times to minimize the experimental error.
2. Electron beam irradiation
The prepared PCL films with or without CA were put into RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
aluminum pouches and thermally sealed after purging with
nitrogen gas. The samples were irradiated at room tempera- To investigate the electron beam-induced crosslinking
ture with an ELV-3 e-beam accelerator installed at EB-Tech behavior of PCL films in the presence of various CAs, the
Electron Beam-induced Crosslinking of Polycaprolactone 109
These results indicate that an increase in the TAIC contents 3 wt% TAIC
7 wt% TAIC
can not further enhance the electron beam-induced crosslink- 40 1 wt% TAIC
ing efficiency of PCL. Therefore, among crosslinking agents,
TAIC was found to be the most effective for the radiation- pure PCL
induced crosslinking of PCL, and the optimal concentration
of TAIC was considered as to be 3 wt% in this system. In
this study, the crosslinked PCL films containing 3 wt% TAIC 0 50 100 150 200
were further used to investigate their properties and biode- Absorption dose (kGy)
gradability . Fig. 2. Crosslinking degree of the pure PCL and PCL films contain-
ing various amounts of TAIC as a function of the absorption
The changes in the tensile strength and elongation-at-break
of the pure PCL and PCL films containing 3 wt% TAIC after
electron beam irradiation at various absorption doses were
investigated and the results are shown in Fig. 3. As shown pure PCL. These changes in properties could be due to the
in Fig. 3(a), the tensile strength of the irradiated pure PCL more effective formation of the crosslinked structure in the
film was slightly increased to 16.89 MPa with an increasing PCL film induced by electron beam irradiation in the pres-
absorption dose. On the other hand, the tensile strength of ence of TAIC (Jin et al. 2002).
the irradiated PCL containing 3 wt% TAIC was gradually The dynamic viscoelastic properties of the pure PCL and
increased up to 19.2 MPa with an increasing dose of up to PCL films containing 3 wt% TAIC irradiated at various
150 kGy, over which it seemed to level off. As shown in Fig. absorption doses was investigated by DMA. Fig. 4(a) shows
3(b), the elongation-at-break of the pure PCL film was sig- the storage modulus of the pure PCL films irradiated at vari-
nificantly reduced with an increasing absorption dose. Like- ous absorption doses. The non-irradiated pure PCL film
wise, in the case of the PCL film containing 3 wt% TAIC, exhibited a sharp drop in the storage modulus (E′) above its
the elongation-at-break was diminished, but the extent of melting temperature due to the melting of the crystalline
diminution was much smaller in comparison to that in the domains. In the case of the irradiated pure PCL films, the
110 Dong-Woo Kang, Chan-Hee Jung, In-Tae Hwang, Jae-Hak Choi and Young-Chang Nho
(a) 1000 (b)
18 3 wt% TAIC
600 3 wt% TAIC
200 pure PCL
15 pure PCL
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Absorption dose (kGy) Absorption dose (kGy)
Fig. 3. Tensile strength (a), and elongation-at-break (b) of the pure PCL and PCL films containing 3 wt% TAIC as a function of the absorption
4 (a) 4 (b)
3 3
2 2
Log E′ (Pa)
Log E′ (Pa)
1 1
0 0
0 kGy
-1 10 kGy -1
200 kGy 20 kGy 200 kGy
20 kGy 10 kGy
-2 -2 50 kGy 150 kGy
50 kGy 150 kGy 0 kGy 100 kGy
-3 -3
100 kGy
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 80 120 160 200
Temperature (�
C) Temperature (�
Fig. 4. Storage modulus of the pure PCL and PCL films containing 3 wt% TAIC at various absorption doses.
temperature for a sharp transition in E′ was slightly increas- in Fig. 5. The pure PCL film revealed a high deformation
ed with an increasing absorption dose. On the other hand, near its melting temperature. After irradiation, the deforma-
as shown in the Fig. 3(b), the irradiated PCL films containing tion temperature of the pure PCL film was slightly shifted
3 wt% TAIC exhibited a higher temperature for the sharp to a lower temperature. In the case of the non-irradiated
transition in E′ at the same dose in comparison to that of the PCL film containing 3 wt% TAIC, the deformation tempera-
pure PCL film, which was dependent on the absorption dose. ture was shifted to a lower temperature in comparison to that
This result can be ascribed to the greater formation of the of the pure PCL. On the other hand, the irradiated PCL film
crosslinked structure in the PCL films containing 3 wt% containing 3 wt% TAIC showed a much lower deformation
TAIC (Nugroho et al. 2001). at higher temperature. Thus, this improved heat stability of
To investigate the crosslinking effect on the thermal stabi- PCL films can be attributed to the formation of network
lity of PCL film that is generally required in polymer pro- structures in the PCL (Suhartini et al. 2003).
cessing at a high temperature, the pure PCL and PCL films To examine the crosslinking effect on the biodegradability
containing 3 wt% TAIC irradiated at an absorption dose of of PCL films, an enzymatic degradation test was performed
100 kGy were analyzed by TMA and the results are present and the results are shown in Fig. 6. The non-irradiated PCL
Electron Beam-induced Crosslinking of Polycaprolactone 111
2500 pure PCL at 100 kGy CA by electron beam irradiation than in the absence of CA.
2000 Among the CAs, triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC) was found to
1500 3 wt% TAIC at 0 kGy be most effective for the radiation-induced crosslinking of
1000 PCL, and the optimal concentration of TAIC was considered
3 wt% TAIC at 100 kGy
to 3 wt% in this system. The tensile strength of the irradiated
PCL films containing 3 wt% TAIC was increased with an
increasing absorption dose, whereas the elongation-at-break
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 was relatively reduced in comparison of that of the pure
Temperature (�
C) PCL. The DMA results showed that the irradiated PCL films
Fig. 5. TMA heating curves of the pure PCL, irradiated pure PCL, containing 3 wt% TAIC had a much higher and wider rubbery
and irradiated PCL films containing 3 wt% TAIC at an
state plateau in comparison with the pure PCL. The TMA
absorption dose of 100 kGy.
results revealed that the irradiated PCL films containing 3
wt% TAIC had a much higher heat stability than that of the
pure PCL. The biodegradability of the irradiated PCL films
containing 3 wt% TAIC was much reduced with an increas-
80 0 kGy ing absorption dose. These changes in the physical properties
10 kGy
and biodegradability can be ascribed to the formation of
Weight loss (%)
200 kGy
150 kGy
This research was supported by Nuclear R&D program
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
through the National Research Foundation funded by the
Time (h)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Korea.
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Suhartini M, Mitomo H, Nagasawa N, Yoshii F and Kume T. Revision Accepted: May 27, 2011