Sikadur 31 EF PDS
Sikadur 31 EF PDS
Sikadur 31 EF PDS
Edition 23/01/2014
Identification no:
02 04 02 03 001 0 000144
Sikadur®-31 EF
Sikadur®-31 EF
2-part thixotropic multipurpose epoxy adhesive
Product Sikadur -31 EF is a moisture tolerant, thixotropic, structural two part adhesive and
repair mortar, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed
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Product Data
Colours Part A: light grey
Part B: dark grey
Parts A+B mixed: concrete grey
Packaging 1.2 kg (A+B) Pre-batched unit
6 kg (A+B) Pre-batched unit
18 kg (A+B) Pre-batched unit
Storage Conditions / 12 months from date of production if stored properly in original unopened, sealed
Shelf Life and undamaged packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +5°C and
+30°C. Protect from direct sunshine.
Technical Data
Chemical Base Epoxy resin.
Density ~1.7 + 0.1 kg/l (part A+B mixed) (at +23°C)
Sag Flow On vertical surfaces it is non-sag up to 10 mm thickness. (According to EN 1799)
Layer Thickness 30 mm max.
When using multiple units, one after the other. Do not mix the following unit until the
previous one has been used in order to avoid a reduction in handling time.
Change of Volume Shrinkage:
Hardens without shrinkage.
Thermal Expansion Coefficient W:
Coefficient 4.6 x 10 per °C (Temp. range -20°C - +40°C) (According EN 1770)
Thermal Stability Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT):
HDT = +53°C (7 days / +23°C) (According to ASTM D 648)
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Mechanical / Physical
Compressive Strength (According to ASTM D 695)
Curing temperature
Curing time +10°C +23°C +30°C
2 2
1 day ~15 N/mm ~29 N/mm ~34 N/mm2
3 days ~30 N/mm2 ~39 N/mm2 ~46 N/mm2
7 days ~38 N/mm2 ~47 N/mm2 ~51 N/mm2
14 days ~45 N/mm2 ~53 N/mm2 ~55 N/mm2
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Application Details
® 2
Consumption / Dosage The consumption of Sikadur -31 EF is ~ 1.7 kg/m per mm of thickness.
Substrate Quality Mortar and concrete must be older than 28 (depends on minimal requirement of
Verify the substrate strength (concrete, masonry, natural stone).
The substrate surface (all types) must be clean, dry or mat damp (no standing
water) and free from contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, existing surface
treatments and coatings etc..
Steel substrates must be de-rusted similar to Sa 2.5.
The substrate must be sound and all loose particles must be removed.
Substrate Preparation Concrete, mortar, stone, bricks:
Substrates must be sound, dry or mat damp (no standing water), clean and free
from laitance, ice, standing water, grease, oils, old surface treatments or coatings
and all loose or friable particles must be removed to achieve a laitance and
contaminant free, open textured surface.
Must be cleaned and prepared thoroughly to an acceptable quality i.e. by blast
cleaning and vacuum. Avoid dew point conditions.
Conditions /
Substrate Temperature +10°C min. / +30°C max.
Ambient Temperature +10°C min. / +30°C max.
Material Temperature Sikadur -31 EF must be applied at temperatures between +10°C and +30°C
Substrate Moisture Substrate must be dry or mat damp (no standing water)
Brush the adhesive well into the substrate
Dew Point Beware of condensation!
Substrate temperature during application must be at least 3°C above dew point.
Mixing Part A : part B = 3 : 1 by weight or volume
Mixing Time Pre-batched units:
Mix parts A+B together for at least 3 minutes with a mixing
spindle attached to a slow speed electric drill
(approx. 300 rpm) until the material becomes smooth in
consistency and a uniform grey colour. Avoid aeration while
mixing. Then, pour the whole mix into a clean container and
stir again for approx. 1 more minute at low speed to keep air
entrapment at a minimum. Mix only that quantity which can
be used within its potlife.
Application Method / When using a thin layer adhesive, apply the mixed adhesive to the prepared
Tools surface with a spatula, trowel, notched trowel, (or with hands protected by gloves).
When applying as a repair mortar, use some formwork.
When using for bonding metal profiles onto vertical surfaces ,support and press
uniformly using props for at least 12 hours, depending on the thickness applied
(not more than 5 mm) and the room temperature.
Once hardened check the adhesion by tapping with a hammer.
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Cleaning of Tools Clean all tools and application equipment with Sika Thinner C immediately after
use. Hardened / cured material can only be mechanically removed.
Potlife Potlife (200 g) adiabatic (According to EN ISO 9514)
+10°C +23°C 35°C +40°C
The potlife begins when the resin and hardener are mixed. It is shorter at high
temperatures and longer at low temperatures. The greater the quantity mixed, the
shorter the potlife. To obtain longer workability at high temperatures, the mixed
adhesive may be divided into portions. Another method is to chill parts A+B before
mixing them (not below +5°C).
Value Base All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests.
Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our control.
Local Restrictions Please note that as a result of specific local regulations the performance of this
product may vary from country to country. Please consult the local Product Data
Sheet for the exact description of the application fields.
Health and Safety For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical
products, users shall refer to the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet containing
Information physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.
Legal Notes The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application
and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's current
knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and
applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommendations. In
practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such
that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose,
nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other
advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the
intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties
of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders
are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product
concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.
Head Office ∙ Watchmead ∙ Welwyn Garden City ∙
Hertfordshire ∙ AL7 1BQ ∙ United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1 707 394444 · Fax: +44 1 707 329129 ·
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