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In this work, α-Fe2 O3 nanoparticles (NPs) have been synthesized by using a simple Pechini sol-gel method from
iron nitrate, citric acid as complexing agent and ethylene glycol as polymerization agent. The calcined α-Fe2 O3
NPs were fully characterized by different techniques. It was confirmed that ultrafine and highly crystalline α-
Fe2 O3 NPs with high purity and mesoporous nature can be obtained after calcination at 550 °C for 3 h. In
addition, the results of electrical resistance measurements of the fabricated Fe2 O3 thick films showed that α-
Fe2 O3 thick films have stable electrical properties which are beneficial for electrical applications such as gas
sensing and field effect transistors.
Keywords: α-Fe2 O3 , Pechini sol-gel, structural characterization, electrical resistance
A. Mirzaei et al. / Processing and Application of Ceramics 10 [4] (2016) 209–217
different materials. Moreover the highly branched poly- ing at 200 kV and equipped with Gatan 794 Multi-Scan
mer can reduce the cation mobility during heat treat- CCD camera. Room-temperature micro-Raman spec-
ment, so that the product with a good dispersion could troscopy (µRS) was used to get information about the
be prepared [20]. In a typical Pechini process, com- material quality, the phase and purity. Raman spec-
mon metal salts are dissolved in a solution using an trum was recorded at room temperature using micro-
α-hydroxy carboxylic acid, such as citric acid (CA) as Raman spectrometer (Renishaw, Great Britain) in the
chelating agents of metal ions, then a poly hydroxyl al- back scattering geometry with 514.5 nm Ar+ laser as an
cohol, such as ethylene glycol (EG) or polyethylene gly- excitation source and data were collected in the range
col (PEG) is introduced as a crosslinking agent to form of 150–1550 cm-1 . The molecular structure of iron ox-
a polymeric resin on molecular level, thus, segregation ide NPs was studied by using Fourier transform in-
of particular metal ions is reduced and compositional frared spectrometer (Nicolet FTIR Impact 400D), with
homogeneity is guaranteed. the frequency ranging from 400–3500 cm-1 . Optical ab-
The goal of this work is to synthesize mesoporous sorbance of iron oxide was recorded with a 1 cm path
iron oxide by a Pechini route using iron nitrate as pre- length quartz cell using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer
cursor, citric acid as chelating agent and ethylene gly- as a function of wavelength in the range from 200
col as crossing-linking agent. Afterwards, the aim is to to 800 nm. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
fully characterize synthesized powders using different was employed to determine the surface component
techniques and finally to study electrical properties and and composition of the prepared nanoparticles. XPS
effect of UV light on the electrical resistance of meso- was performed on ESCALAB MKII X-ray photoelec-
porous α-Fe2 O3 NPs. tron spectrometer (VG Instruments, CA, USA), using
non-monochromatized Mg-Kα X-rays as the excitation
II. Experimental source. The binding energies for the samples were cal-
ibrated by setting the measured binding energy of C1s
2.1. Synthesis of α-Fe2 O3 NPs to 284.60 eV. Thermal analysis was carried out on Met-
Hydrated iron nitrate (Fe(NO3 )3 ×9 H2 O), citric acid tler Toledo thermal gravimetric analyser and Perkin
(C6 H8 O7 ×H2 O), poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) and ethylene Elmer differential thermal analyser. The analysis was
glycol (C2 H6 O2 ) were purchased from Merck. All the performed in air flow, in the temperature range be-
chemicals were used as received and without further tween 25 and 600 °C, with heating rate of 10 °C/min.
purification. Double distilled water was used to pre- Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area and pore
pare precursor solutions. First, Fe(NO3 )3 ×9 H2 O was size distribution of the samples were measured by ni-
dissolved in distilled water at 70 °C for 1 h under mag- trogen adsorption-desorption analyser (Quantachrome
netic stirring to make 0.5 M Fe+3 solution. In a sepa- Autosorb-1C). All the particles were degassed under
rate beaker citric acid (CA) was dissolved in distilled vacuum at 150 °C for 2 h before the measurements, and
water at 70 °C for 30 min. Subsequently, the CA solu- the nitrogen gas adsorption at 77 K was measured us-
tion was added slowly to the Fe+3 solution with stir- ing a continuous flow method with nitrogen and he-
ring ([CA]/[Fe+3 ] = 2). Then the esterification agent, lium mixture as the carrier gas. Specific surface area
i.e. ethylene glycol (EG), was added with a molar ra- (SBET) was calculated by using the BET method, and
tio [CA]/[EG] = 2, while stirring and heating the solu- pore size distribution was determined by applying the
tion. The final solution was reflux at 120 °C for 2 h. The Barrett-Joyne-Halenda (BJH) model.
generated precursor resin was dried at 120 °C for 12 h 2.3. Electrical measurements
to obtain the precursor powders. Finally, the amorphous
powders were calcined at 550 °C in air atmosphere for For electrical measurements, α-Fe2 O3 thick films
3 h using a muffle furnace to obtain iron oxide NPs. were prepared by drop cast method on the Pt-electroded
alumina substrate equipped with Pt heater and electri-
2.2. Characterization of synthetized nanopowders cal resistance was studied by means of Agilent 34970A
Characterization of α-Fe2 O3 NPs was achieved by multimeter using the two point method.
different techniques. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD)
was performed using Philips X-Pert diffractometer op- III. Results and discussion
erating with monochromatic CuKα (λ = 1.54056 Å)
radiation at 40 kV and 30 mA. The XRD pattern was 3.1. Mechanisms in Pechini sol-gel preparation
recorded at room temperature at a scan rate 0.05°/sec The Pechini method used in the present work allowed
and 2θ from 10° to 70°. Morphological analysis was obtaining of the homogeneous metal-organic polymer in
carried out using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) which the iron ions were randomly distributed along the
by using JEOL 5600 LV instrument operating with a backbone of the polymer. During the heat treatment at
20 kV accelerating voltage and equipped with EDS de- 120 °C, this polymeric precursor method goes through
tector (Oxford instruments). Morphological studies of two main stages: the first one is the reaction mechanism
synthesized powders were performed with JEOL JEM of esterification of citric acid with ethylene glycol as in-
2010 electron microscope (LaB6 electron gun) operat- dicated in Fig. 1a, and the second one, the chelation of
A. Mirzaei et al. / Processing and Application of Ceramics 10 [4] (2016) 209–217
the iron nitrate by the formed esters as shown in Fig. 1b. 3.2. Structural and morphological studies
Citric acid and ethylene glycol generate a reaction of
esterification, and the formed ester acts as complexing Figure 3 shows thermo-gravimetric (TGA) and dif-
agent of the iron cations forming a polymer network that ferential thermal analysis (DTA) of the dried iron ox-
is resin-like or solid as viscosity increases. At this point, ide gel. According to TGA curve of amorphous iron
it is necessary for the exchange reaction of the iron ni- oxide, decomposition proceeds with thermal treatment
trate with the acid group to proceed until its comple- through three steps. Initially, at a temperature below
tion. If this exchange reaction is not driven to comple- 100 °C, a small weight loss is observed, probably due to
tion, precipitation of unreacted iron nitrate would occur the evaporation of humidity adsorbed during storage is
in the resin on cooling and this may lead to gross segre- observed. Two other large weight losses are observed at
gation of the iron in the ceramic. In the considered sys- temperatures higher than 150 °C, starting at about 185
tem, the polymer solidified to a clear resin on cooling, and 250 °C, respectively. These are due to the decom-
implying that all of the iron nitrate had reacted with the position of organic species from citric acid and ethylene
polymer [21]. Figure 2 shows Fe+3 -citric acid complex glycol. No further weight loss is observed above 350 °C,
and polyesterification process. thus indicating that the organic material was completely
Figure 1. Reaction mechanism for esterification of citric acid with ethylene glycol (a) [21] and reaction mechanism of chelation
of iron nitrate by polymer (b)
Figure 2. Chelating process (formation of metal citrate complexes) and polyesterification during Pechini process [22]
A. Mirzaei et al. / Processing and Application of Ceramics 10 [4] (2016) 209–217
n · λ = 2d · sin θ (1)
where n is the order of diffraction, λ is the X-ray wave-
length, and d is the spacing between planes of given
Miller indices h, k, and l. In the hexagonal structure of
α-Fe2 O3 , the plane spacing is related to the lattice con-
stant a, c, and Miller indices by the following formulas:
!2 !2
1 4 h2 + hk + k2
= + (2)
d 3 a2 c
λ2 4 h2 + hk + k2
2 l
sin θ = + (3)
4 3 a2
Figure 3. TGA/DTA curves of amorphous iron oxide c
According to the above formulas, for the (110) plane
with diffraction peak at 2θ = 35.64°, the lattice constant
a was calculated by:
a= (4)
sin θ
and for (104) plane with diffraction peak at 2θ = 33.15°,
the lattice constant c was calculated by:
12a2 · λ2
Figure 4. X-ray diffraction pattern of α-Fe2 O3 NPs c= (5)
3a2 sin2 θ − λ2
eliminated at this temperature. DTA profile shows two The lattice parameters for the hexagonal phase of α-
peaks which are associated with exothermic reactions. Fe2 O3 using Eq. (5) have been calculated to be a =
On the basis of these experimental evidences and lit- 0.50 nm and c = 1.39 nm, which are in close agreement
erature data, the peak at 220 °C is related to the trans- with the reported data.
formation of amorphous phase to crystalline γ-Fe2 O3 , Figure 5a shows TEM micrograph of iron oxide pow-
whereas the second peak at 350 °C is likely attributed to der calcined at 550 °C for 3 h. Very fine particles with
its transformation to α-Fe2 O3 [23]. sizes between 10–30 nm are observed. Figure 5b shows
Figure 4 shows the XRD pattern of the calcined iron SEM micrograph of α-Fe2 O3 thick film on the alumina
oxide powder. All the diffraction peaks can be assigned substrate. As clearly observed, it has quite porous struc-
to the hexagonal α-Fe2 O3 phase and are consistent with ture that renders a high surface area for these particles.
those reported in the literature and with the respective Porous structure is the result of the burning of polymeric
JCPDS card no. 89-596. species from ethylene glycol.
Figure 5. TEM (a) and SEM (b) micrographs of iron oxide NPs calcined at 550 °C for 3 h
A. Mirzaei et al. / Processing and Application of Ceramics 10 [4] (2016) 209–217
A. Mirzaei et al. / Processing and Application of Ceramics 10 [4] (2016) 209–217
shown in Fig. 9. According to the IUPAC classifica- The primary difference between the EDS and XPS
tion, the loop observed is ascribed to type H3 loops and techniques is that EDS could be used to determine the
the BET surface area of the material was calculated to composition of several different particles individually,
be ∼30 m2 /g. BJH plot indicates the existence of meso- then an average could be taken of the composition,
pores (pores 2–50 nm in diameter) in the α-Fe2 O3 NPs. while for XPS which is a surface sensitive technique
The size of mesopores in the architecture was not uni- (it can only detect the element no more than 10 nm in
form and most of the pores fall into a size range from 5 the depth [30]), a relatively large analysis area results in
to 30 nm in diameter. simultaneous analysis of several particles.
Figure 10 shows survey of XPS spectrum of calcined
(550 °C/3 h) iron oxide. It shows the presence of Fe
and O elements. The peak observed at 711.1 eV is at-
tributed to Fe 2p3/2 and the peak at 725.08 eV is at-
tributed to Fe 2p1/2. The shake-up satellite line is char-
acteristic of Fe+3 in Fe2 O3 . The Fe 2p spectra of α-
Fe2 O3 and γ-Fe2 O3 are almost identical with each other.
In both cases, the main peaks maximum of 2p3/2 and
2p1/2 have the shake-up structures at their higher bind-
ing energy side at about 8.0 eV. In the present case, this
value is found to be ∼8.0 eV, which confirms the for-
mation of Fe(III) oxide. However, the marked differ-
ence in these XPS spectra is that the binding energy
of the main peak, 2p3/2 is slightly higher in the case
of α-Fe2 O3 (711.3 eV) compared to γ-Fe2 O3 (710.7 eV)
Figure 9. BET curve of Fe2 O3 NPs. (inset) BJH plot showing [31]. Also appearance of Fe+3 cations (711.1 eV) rather
distribution of pores
than Fe+2 cations (709 eV) indicates the presence of the
Fe2 O3 phase [32].
The FTIR spectroscopy was utilized to detect the
presence of functional groups adsorbed on the surface
of the synthesized α-Fe2 O3 particles. Figure 11 shows
the FTIR spectrum of α-Fe2 O3 powder acquired from
Pechini sol-gel route calcined at 550 °C for 3 h. The
band at ∼3350 cm-1 is assigned to the stretching vibra-
tion of water, indicating the existence of a little water
absorbed on the sample. Two absorption bands below
1000 cm-1 represent characteristic features of α-Fe2 O3
and are assigned to metal oxygen stretching frequencies.
The high frequency band ∼560 cm-1 refers to Fe–O de-
formation in the octahedral and tetrahedral sites while
the low frequency band ∼462 cm-1 is attributed to Fe–O
Figure 10. XPS survey of Fe2 O3 NPs 550 °C/3 h deformation in the octahedral site of hematite [31]. The
intensity of absorption band at 560 cm-1 is stronger than
that at 462 cm-1 . It gives further evidence for the forma-
tion of α-Fe2 O3 and this is in agreement with the XRD
measurement. There is no peak at 2900 cm-1 indicating
the C–H stretching band, which means all organic com-
pounds are removed from the samples after calcinations
at 550 °C.
The DC electrical resistivity of the iron oxide thick
film was measured as a function of temperature in the
range of 483–673 K using DC two-probe method. Be-
cause resistance of the film at room temperature was
very high and exceeds the limit of the used instrument
(120 MΩ), it could not be measured using the experi-
mental setup. However at higher temperatures, the resis-
tance fall within readable value, and the electrical prop-
erties of α-Fe2 O3 NPs were evaluated in dry air in the
range of 483–673 K. Figure 12 shows electrical resis-
Figure 11. FTIR spectrum of α-Fe2 O3 calcined at 550 °C/3 h tance change of the sensor during heating and cooling
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