MCS-SQL: Leveraging Multiple Prompts and Multiple-Choice Selection For Text-to-SQL Generation

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MCS-SQL: Leveraging Multiple Prompts and Multiple-Choice Selection

For Text-to-SQL Generation

Dongjun Lee, Choongwon Park, Jaehyuk Kim, Heesoo Park


{tonny, elvie, loki, belle}

Abstract queries in terms of human evaluation within the Spi-

der benchmark. However, for the more challenging
Recent advancements in large language mod-
BIRD (Li et al., 2023c) benchmark, characterized
els (LLMs) have enabled in-context learning
arXiv:2405.07467v1 [cs.CL] 13 May 2024

(ICL)-based methods that significantly outper- by its complex database (DB) schemas and queries,
form fine-tuning approaches for text-to-SQL the accuracies of ICL-based methods have not ex-
tasks. However, their performance is still con- ceeded 60%, which is significantly lower than the
siderably lower than that of human experts 93.0% achieved by humans. This gap underscores
on benchmarks that include complex schemas the need for further advancements in the ICL ap-
and queries, such as BIRD. This study con- proach to serve as an NLIDB system.
siders the sensitivity of LLMs to the prompts
and introduces a novel approach that leverages A significant limitation of LLMs across various
multiple prompts to explore a broader search tasks is their sensitivity to the structure and con-
space for possible answers and effectively ag- tent of prompts. Even for semantically identical
gregate them. Specifically, we robustly refine prompts, LLMs can generate drastically varying re-
the database schema through schema linking sponses because of factors such as the order of sen-
using multiple prompts. Thereafter, we gener- tences (Jang and Lukasiewicz, 2023; Wang et al.,
ate various candidate SQL queries based on the
2023b), choice of demonstration examples (Liu
refined schema and diverse prompts. Finally,
the candidate queries are filtered based on their
et al., 2022; Nori et al., 2023), and the sequence
confidence scores, and the optimal query is ob- in which these examples are presented (Lu et al.,
tained through a multiple-choice selection that 2022). Our experiments confirmed a similar ten-
is presented to the LLM. When evaluated on dency in the text-to-SQL context, where alterations
the BIRD and Spider benchmarks, the proposed in the schema presentation (§5.3) and the choice of
method achieved execution accuracies of 65.5% few-shot examples (§5.4) resulted in variations in
and 89.6%, respectively, significantly outper- LLM outputs.
forming previous ICL-based methods. More-
over, we established a new SOTA performance In this study, to improve the accuracy and ro-
on the BIRD in terms of both the accuracy and bustness of LLMs for text-to-SQL, we introduce
efficiency of the generated queries. a novel approach that leverages multiple prompts
to generate various candidate answers and effec-
tively aggregates them. We utilize the sensitivity of
1 Introduction
LLMs to prompts to explore a broader search space
The text-to-SQL task involves translating a natu- for answers using different prompts. As shown in
ral language question into SQL and is crucial for Figure 1, the SQL generation process comprises
natural language interfaces to databases (NLIDB) three steps: schema linking, multiple SQL gener-
systems. With the recent advancements in large lan- ation, and selection. Initially, the schema-linking
guage models (LLMs), in-context learning (ICL)- phase robustly selects tables and columns relevant
based approaches for text-to-SQL (Pourreza and to the question from the DB schema using multi-
Rafiei, 2023a; Gao et al., 2023; Tai et al., 2023) ple prompts. Subsequently, the generation phase
have demonstrated significant performance im- employs various prompts to produce diverse candi-
provements over traditional fine-tuning methods date SQL queries, ensuring a broader exploration
(Hui et al., 2022; Qi et al., 2022; Li et al., 2023a,b). of potential queries. Finally, the selection phase fil-
Notably, Pourreza and Rafiei (2023b) showed ters candidate queries based on confidence scores,
that these methods even surpassed gold reference and the optimal query is selected through multiple-
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed methodology, including three steps: schema linking, multiple SQL generation,
and selection.

choice selection (MCS) that is presented to the hibited substantial performance gains. For more
LLM. effective explorations of the reasoning steps, vari-
We evaluated our methodology using two bench- ations such as tree-of-thought (Wei et al., 2022)
marks, BIRD (Li et al., 2023c) and Spider (Yu et al., and graph-of-thought (Besta et al., 2023) have also
2018). For BIRD, we achieved an execution accu- been proposed.
racy (EX) of 65.5% and a valid efficiency score However, because these approaches rely on a
(VES) of 71.4%, which outperforms the previous single prompt to generate the reasoning steps, we
state-of-the-art (SOTA) ICL-based method (Wang hypothesize that they fail to mitigate the issue of
et al., 2023a) by +5.9% and +3.7%, respectively, LLMs’ high sensitivity to prompts, thereby explor-
setting a new SOTA performance for the BIRD. In ing only a limited search space. Several studies
addition, for the Spider test set, we achieved an EX have shown that even when presented with se-
of 89.6%, which outperforms the existing SOTA mantically identical prompts, the outputs of LLMs
ICL-based approach (Gao et al., 2023) by 3.0%. vary based on factors such as sentence structure
(Webson and Pavlick, 2022), sequence of sentences
2 Related Work (Jang and Lukasiewicz, 2023; Wang et al., 2023b;
Pezeshkpour and Hruschka, 2023), choice of few-
Prompt Engineering Prompt engineering, shot examples (Liu et al., 2022; Nori et al., 2023),
which is the study of designing effective prompts, and the order in which the examples are presented
is an active research area as prompts significantly (Lu et al., 2022). Therefore, we use multiple dis-
impact the performance of LLMs across various tinct prompts for a wider exploration of potential
NLP tasks. A prominent example is the chain-of- answers, thereby mitigating the LLM’s sensitivity
thought (CoT) prompting (Wei et al., 2022), which issue of LLMs to prompts and ensuring the genera-
employs manually crafted examples to guide the tion of more robust answers.
LLM to generate intermediate reasoning steps
prior to deriving the answer. This technique has ICL for Text-to-SQL As ICL-based approaches
demonstrated significant performance enhance- have shown remarkable performance in text-to-
ments across various tasks. Kojima et al. (2022) SQL tasks, various studies have focused on creat-
further demonstrated that LLMs can explain ing better prompts for text-to-SQL. Several studies
their reasoning steps even in the absence of have focused on applying prompting techniques
human-annotated examples. such as CoT or least-to-most (Zhou et al., 2022)
In addition to CoT, self-consistency decoding for text-to-SQL generation (Pourreza and Rafiei,
(Wang et al., 2022) has been proposed, wherein 2023a; Tai et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023a). How-
multiple answers are sampled from the LLM before ever, these methods rely on fixed sets of manually
selecting one through a majority vote. Compared crafted examples, and their performance can vary
with greedy decoding, this technique facilitates the significantly depending on the selection of these
exploration of various reasoning paths and has ex- examples. In this work, instead of relying on fixed
human-labeled examples, we dynamically select
few-shot examples from the training data based on Your answer should be in the json format
the test sample. Some studies have aimed to deter- {
mine a more effective few-shot selection strategy "reasoning": "..." # The reason for
for text-to-SQL (Guo et al., 2023; Nan et al., 2023; selecting each table.
"answer": [...] # List of selected
Gao et al., 2023). However, unlike these studies, tables.
which focused on determining a single optimal se- }
lection strategy, we employ a parallel approach that ### Your answer:
employs various few-shot selection strategies with
Listing 1: Prompt template for table linking. An example
multiple prompts and effectively aggregates them. of the full prompt is presented in Appendix B.1.1.
3 Methodology To enhance the robustness of table linking, we
As shown in Figure 1, the proposed method com- utilize multiple prompts. Various studies have
prises three steps: (1) schema linking, wherein ta- demonstrated that LLM outputs are significantly af-
bles and columns irrelevant to the question from fected by the sequence of input sentences (Jang and
the DB schema are excluded; (2) multiple SQL gen- Lukasiewicz, 2023; Wang et al., 2023b; Liu et al.,
eration, wherein multiple candidate SQL queries 2023). Similarly, our experiments (§5.3) revealed
are generated based on various prompts; and (3) that the output of schema-linking output of LLMs
selection, wherein the most accurate SQL query is also depends on the sequence in which the tables
selected from among the candidates. and columns are arranged in the prompts. To mini-
mize the influence of the table order, we randomly
3.1 Schema Linking shuffle the order of tables, generating pt distinct
Schema linking involves identifying relevant ta- prompts. For each prompt, we obtain n responses
bles and columns from a DB to convert a natural from the LLM by using a high sampling tempera-
language question into an SQL query (Guo et al., ture. The final table-linking output is derived from
2019). The introduction of schema linking has sig- the union of all responses, amounting to pt · n table
nificantly improved the performances of both fine- lists. We use a union operation because including
tuning-based (Lei et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2022; Qi unnecessary tables in table linking does not sig-
et al., 2022; Li et al., 2023a) and ICL-based (Dong nificantly impact the subsequent SQL-generation
et al., 2023; Pourreza and Rafiei, 2023a; Wang process; however, omitting the necessary tables
et al., 2023a) approaches. prevents the generation of the correct SQL query.
We perform schema linking in two steps: first, 3.1.2 Column Linking
the tables related to the natural language query
For column linking, we ask the LLM to extract
are extracted (table linking). Thereafter, the nec-
the columns required for converting a question
essary columns within those tables are extracted
into an SQL query using a prompt similar to that
(column linking). We employ multiple prompts in
used in table linking. The prompt includes only the
both phases with the aim of achieving a high recall.
schemas of the tables selected during table link-
3.1.1 Table Linking ing, instead of the entire DB schema. Because the
In table linking, the DB schema and question are in- same column name can exist in different tables,
put into the LLM, which extracts a list of reference we instruct the LLM to provide the answer in the
tables to generate the SQL query. Inspired by zero- [table_name].[column_name] format.
shot-CoT (Kojima et al., 2022), we ask the LLM to Similar to table linking, the order of the tables
explain why each table is necessary, instead of just and columns is randomly shuffled to generate pc
selecting a list of tables. To easily parse the LLM’s unique prompts. Subsequently, n LLM responses
answer, we ask it to respond in the JSON format, are generated for each prompt, where each response
as described in Listing 1. represents a selected column list. The column-
### For a given DB schema and question,
linking output is the union of all pc ∗ n responses.
extract the list of tables required In the subsequent SQL-generation steps, when
to write the SQL query. providing the DB schema to LLM, only the tables
### DB schema: ... and columns selected through schema linking are
### Question: ... provided instead of the full schema.
3.2 Multiple SQL Generation
### DB Schema: ...
To address the sensitivity of the LLM to prompts, ### Sample Table Contents: ...
we generate various SQL queries based on multi- ### Question: ...
ple, distinct prompts. Several studies have demon- Your answer should be in the json format
strated that the output of an LLM can differ signif- :
icantly depending on the few-shot examples pro- {
"reasoning": ".." # The reasoning
vided (Liu et al., 2022; Wu et al., 2023), and even steps behind the generated SQL query
on the sequence in which these examples are pre- "sql": ".." # The generated SQL query.
sented (Lu et al., 2022; Zhao et al., 2021). To effec- }
tively leverage this variability, we generate multiple ### Your answer:
prompts by varying both the selection method of Listing 2: Prompt template for SQL generation. An
the few-shot examples and the order in which they example of the full prompt is presented in Appendix B.3.
are presented, thereby ensuring a broader explo-
ration of potential SQL queries. As illustrated in Listing 2, our SQL-generation
prompt includes few-shot examples, a DB schema,
3.2.1 Few-Shot Examples Selection
sample table contents, and a natural language ques-
For each test sample, a set of few-shot examples tion. The few-shot examples comprise questions
is selected from the training dataset. To generate and their corresponding gold SQL pairs. To con-
multiple prompts with different examples, we use serve the limited length of the prompt, we exclude
two distinct selection strategies: one that leverages the schema of the target DB for each question. Re-
question similarity and another that utilizes masked garding the DB schema, we selectively present only
question similarity. In the question similarity-based the tables and columns selected during the schema-
approach, we select the top-k questions from the linking process to avoid burdening the LLM with ir-
training dataset that have the nearest sentence em- relevant information. Additionally, we embed sam-
beddings to the natural language question of the ple table contents in the CSV format within the
test sample. prompt to facilitate the LLM’s comprehension of
Similarly, the masked question similarity-based potential values in each column, thereby providing
approach considers the embedding similarity of practical insight into the data structure of the DB.
masked questions, wherein tokens specific to the Finally, we instruct LLM not only to produce the
DB schema in the question are masked. This mask- SQL query but also to explain the reasoning be-
ing allows determining the similarity of questions hind its generation, thereby enhancing the model’s
in terms of generating similar queries by disregard- interpretability and accuracy.
ing schema-specific content. We employ an LLM For each prompt, we generate n responses from
for the masking process by presenting it with the the LLM using a high sampling temperature, result-
DB schema and question, and asking it to replace ing in pq ·n candidate SQL queries being generated.
the table names, column names, and values with
special tokens. The prompt for this question mask- 3.3 Selection
ing is presented in Appendix B.2.
The selection step aims to select the most accurate
Through these two few-shot selection strategies,
query from the candidate queries. Initially, the can-
we generate pq different prompts, including one
didate pool is filtered based on confidence scores,
derived exclusively from question similarity, an-
and the LLM is then tasked with selecting the most
other solely from masked question similarity, and
accurate query from the refined pool.
additional prompts created by integrating examples
from both strategies in various sequences. 3.3.1 Candidate Filtering
3.2.2 SQL Generation To select the most accurate query among the
candidates, we first narrow down the candidate
### Generate the correct SQL query for a
given DB schema and question. pool. Queries with the same execution results are
grouped together, and only the fastest query from
### Gold Examples: each group is retained. Additionally, queries with
- Question: ...
- Gold SQL: ... low confidence scores are excluded from the candi-
... dates.
In detail, all candidate queries are executed on ### Your answer:
the DB, and queries that result in syntax errors Listing 3: Prompt template for SQL selection. An
or timeouts are removed from the candidate pool. example of the full prompt is presented in Appendix B.4.
Next, the confidence score for each query in the
As shown in the Listing 3, we present a set of
candidate pool is calculated, which is determined
candidate SQL queries to the LLM and request
based on the number of queries that produce the
it to select the most accurate query for a given
same execution result. Formally, for a candidate
DB schema and question. Candidate queries are
pool C containing N queries {q1 , . . . , qN }, the
provided in descending order of confidence scores,
confidence of query qi is computed as follows:
considering the tendency of LLMs to favor options
N that appear earlier in the multiple-choice questions
1 X
confidence(qi ) = [exec(qj ) = exec(qi )] (Wang et al., 2023b; Zheng et al., 2023). The LLM
j=1 is required to not only select an SQL query but also
(1) provide the reasons for its selection. We sample n
responses from the LLM and determine the final
where exec(qi ) denotes the execution result for SQL query through a majority vote.
query qi .
Among the queries in candidate pool C with 4 Experimental Setup
identical execution results, only the query with the
4.1 Datasets
minimum execution time is selected as follows:
[ Spider Spider (Yu et al., 2018) is a large-scale,
C′ = arg min exec_time(qi ) (2) complex, cross-domain text-to-SQL benchmark
R∈R(C) qi ∈C,exec(qi )=R comprising 10,181 questions and 5,693 distinct
queries across 200 databases, each with multiple
where R(C) represents the set of all unique
tables. This benchmark requires the model to adapt
execution results from all queries in C, and
to an unseen DB schema because different DBs are
exec_time(qi ) denotes the execution time for query
used for training and testing.
qi .
Finally, all queries in C ′ with confidence score BIRD BIRD (Li et al., 2023c) is a new large-
below threshold T are excluded as follows: scale, cross-domain text-to-SQL benchmark com-
prising 12,751 unique question-SQL pairs across
C ′′ = {qi ∈ C ′ | confidence(qi ) ≥ T }, (3) 95 large real-world databases. Compared with
Spider, BIRD comprises considerably more com-
resulting in a refined candidate pool C ′′ .
plex SQL queries with various SQL keywords
3.3.2 Multiple-Choice Selection (MCS) (LEFT JOIN, PARTITION BY, etc.) and func-
Following the filtering process, we utilize the LLM tions (IIF, CASE, ROUND, etc.) that are not in-
to select the most accurate query among the candi- cluded in Spider. In addition, BIRD requires rea-
dates through a multiple-choice question. soning using external knowledge (such as synonym
knowledge and value illustrations) to generate ac-
### For a given DB schema and question,
select the most accurate query among curate SQL queries.
the candidate SQL queries.
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
### DB schema: ...
### Question: ... Execution Accuracy (EX) EX indicates whether
### Candidate SQLs: the SQL execution result generated by the model is
1. SQL1 identical to the gold SQL query. Because an SQL
2. SQL2
3. SQL3 query can be written in various forms to produce
the same result, evaluation metrics based on string
Your answer should be in the json format
matching significantly underestimate model perfor-
{ mance.
"reasoning": ".." # The reasoning
steps for selecting the correct SQL Valid Efficiency Score (VES) For the BIRD
query. dataset, Li et al. (2023c) proposed an additional
"sql": ".." # The selected SQL query.
} evaluation metric called VES that measures the ef-
ficiency of a valid model-generated query based on
Dev Test
GPT-4 (zero-shot) 46.4 49.8 54.9 60.8
DIN-SQL + GPT-4 (Pourreza and Rafiei, 2023a) 50.7 58.8 55.9 59.4
DAIL-SQL + GPT-4 (Gao et al., 2023) 54.8 56.1 57.4 62.0
MAC-SQL + GPT-4 (Wang et al., 2023a) 57.7 58.8 59.6 67.7
MCS-SQL + GPT-4 (Ours) 63.4 64.8 65.5 71.4

Table 1: Execution accuracies (EX) and valid efficiency scores (VES) for the BIRD dev and test sets.

Model Dev Test 4.4 Baselines

GPT-4 (zero-shot) 74.6 - We compare the proposed MCS-SQL approach

DIN-SQL + GPT-4 82.8 85.3 with ICL-based methods based on GPT-4.
(Pourreza and Rafiei, 2023a) GPT-4 (Achiam et al., 2023) uses the zero-shot
DAIL-SQL + GPT-4 84.4 86.6 prompt provided in OpenAI’s text-to-SQL demo1 .
(Gao et al., 2023)
MAC-SQL + GPT-4 86.8 - DIN-SQL (Pourreza and Rafiei, 2023a) classi-
(Wang et al., 2023a) fies the complexity of the question and generates
MCS-SQL + GPT-4 (Ours) 89.5 89.6 an SQL query by applying different prompts based
on the classification result. In each step, it uses a
Table 2: Execution accuracies for the Spider dev and prompt with fixed few-shot examples that are man-
test sets. "-" denotes that the model did not report per- ually written in the CoT style.
formance for the test set.
DAIL-SQL (Gao et al., 2023) employs dynamic
few-shot examples by considering the similarity of
both the questions and the queries. For additional
the execution time. A query is considered invalid performance improvement, self-consistency (Wang
and assigned a score of zero if its execution result et al., 2022) is introduced.
differs from that of the gold SQL. Therefore, VES
considers both the model accuracy and efficiency MAC-SQL (Wang et al., 2023a) decomposes
for the generated query. the question into sub-questions and sequentially
generates SQL queries for each sub-question using
manually crafted few-shot samples. Additionally,
in case of a syntax error, it uses a prompt to correct
4.3 Implementation Details
the generated query.
In all of our experiments, we used the GPT-4 8K 5 Results and Analysis
as the LLM and text-embedding-ada-002
as the sentence embedding model, which was ac- 5.1 Main Results
cessed via Azure OpenAI API. Additionally, we BIRD Table 1 presents the EX and VES of the
employed the FAISS (Douze et al., 2024) library proposed and baseline models for the BIRD dev
for the embedding similarity search. In schema link- and test sets. The results demonstrate that the pro-
ing, we used pt = 3 prompts for table linking and posed approach significantly outperforms existing
pc = 3 prompts for column linking. To generate ICL-based approaches in both metrics. Specifically,
multiple candidate SQL queries, we use pq = 5 the proposed method achieved an EX of 65.45%
distinct prompts. For each GPT API call, we used and a VES of 71.35% on the holdout test set, sur-
a temperature of 1.0 and generated n=20 responses. passing the performance of the previous SOTA ICL-
In both the SQL-generation and MCS steps, we based approach (Wang et al., 2023a) by significant
used k=20 question-SQL pairs as few-shot exam- margins of 5.86% and 3.67%, respectively. Fur-
ples. We executed all candidate SQL queries with thermore, the proposed method established a new
a timeout of 180s and filtered out queries with a 1
confidence score lower than the threshold T =0.2. translate
Method Simple Moderate Challenging ALL
zero-shot 59.0 40.2 30.6 50.7
+ schema linking 61.4 41.1 35.4 52.8 (+2.1)
+ sample table contents 64.1 42.6 38.9 55.2 (+2.4)
+ few-shot examples 67.1 51.6 41.0 60.0 (+4.8)
+ MCS (pq =1, n=20) 69.3 52.0 48.6 62.1 (+2.1)
+ MCS (pq =5, n=20) 70.4 53.1 51.4 63.4 (+1.3)

Table 3: Execution accuracies for the ablation analysis on the BIRD dev set across various difficulty levels.

Method Easy Medium Hard Extra Hard ALL

zero-shot 79.0 83.4 66.7 52.4 74.6
+ schema linking 86.7 85.0 67.2 57.2 77.9 (+3.3)
+ sample table contents 89.9 88.6 69.0 59.0 80.9 (+3.0)
+ few-shot examples 94.0 90.4 86.2 66.3 86.7 (+5.8)
+ MCS (pq =1, n=20) 93.1 92.6 88.5 72.2 88.8 (+2.1)
+ MCS (pq =5, n=20) 94.0 93.5 88.5 72.9 89.5 (+0.7)

Table 4: Execution accuracies for the ablation analysis on the Spider dev set across various difficulty levels.

SOTA performance on the BIRD, surpassing the method, the performance further improved by 2.1%.
former SOTA method with a substantial margin of This demonstrates the capability of the proposed
4.74% in EX and 3.67% in VES. SQL selection method in discerning and selecting
the most accurate query from a set of candidates.
Spider Table 2 presents the EX of the proposed
Finally, introducing multiple prompts led to fur-
and baseline methods for the Spider dev and test
ther enhancements of +1.3%, particularly showing
sets. Similar to the results obtained for BIRD, the
significant performance improvement on challeng-
proposed approach significantly outperforms all
ing queries. This improvement demonstrates that
existing ICL-based approaches. Specifically, on
broadening the search space using various prompts
the dev set, our approach achieved an EX of 89.5,
significantly boosted the SQL-generation accuracy.
which exceeds that of the former SOTA ICL-based
Table 4 lists the ablation results for the Spider
approach (Wang et al., 2023a) by +2.7%.
dev set, wherein it is evident that each component
5.2 Ablation Study of the proposed approach contributed to signifi-
We conducted an ablation study to investigate the cant performance gains, similar to the results ob-
incremental impact of each component of the pro- tained for BIRD. This consistent performance en-
posed approach on the EX. The ablation results for hancement across different benchmarks confirms
the BIRD dev set are presented in Table 3. The ad- the effectiveness and adaptability of the proposed
dition of schema linking to the baseline zero-shot approach for the text-to-SQL task.
setting resulted in a 2.1% improvement. This under-
5.3 Impact of Using Multiple Prompts in
scores the importance of refining the schema prior
Schema Linking
to SQL generation and shows that the proposed
schema-linking process effectively selects relevant We conducted a comparative analysis of the follow-
tables and columns. The inclusion of the sample ing three cases to investigate the impact of using
table contents in the prompt further amplified this multiple prompts in schema linking: (1) greedy de-
gain by +2.4%. The introduction of dynamic few- coding with a single prompt; (2) taking the union of
shot examples that were selected based on masked multiple answers generated from a single prompt;
question similarity resulted in the largest perfor- and (3) taking the union of multiple answers gener-
mance improvement of +4.8%. Moreover, when ated from multiple prompts. Table 5 lists the recall
we sampled multiple answers from the LLM using of schema linking for each case, which was calcu-
the same prompt and employed the proposed MCS lated based on whether the predicted list of tables
and columns included those used in the gold query. Method BIRD Spider
The results demonstrate that sampling multiple
responses using the same prompt and aggregating Random 57.0 82.0
them led to notable performance gains of +15.8% Question Similarity 59.3 86.2
for BIRD and +4.7% for Spider. However, lever- Masked Question Similarity 60.0 86.7
aging multiple prompts contributed to further sig-
Table 6: Execution accuracies under different few-shot
nificant improvements, with gains of +12.7% for examples selection strategies for the BIRD and Spider
BIRD and +2.7% for Spider. These results indi- dev sets.
cate that the order of tables and columns in the
prompt affects the schema-linking results of the
LLM and that the proposed multiple-prompt ap- more effective than a majority vote, which selects
proach effectively mitigates this sensitivity. This the query with the highest confidence score. As
improvement was particularly noticeable in BIRD, presented in Table 7, the proposed MCS approach
implying that the effectiveness of using multiple outperformed the majority vote approach by +0.6%
prompts increases for larger and more complex DB and +0.3% for the BIRD and Spider, respectively.
schemas. Notably, in the absence of confidence-based filter-
As it is impossible to generate accurate SQL ing, as expressed in Eq. (3), the efficacy of the MCS
queries in subsequent processes if the necessary ta- method decreased significantly. This result under-
bles or columns are omitted in schema linking, our scores the importance of employing confidence-
proposal of using the union of various responses based filtering to effectively narrow down the can-
from multiple prompts is pivotal for enhancing the didate pool when using MCS.
SQL-generation performance.

Method BIRD Spider Method BIRD Spider

pt = pc = 1, n=1 61.3 91.8 Majority Vote 62.8 89.2

pt = pc = 1, n=20 77.1 96.5 MCS w/o confidence filtering 62.5 85.4
pt = pc = 3, n=20 89.8 99.2 MCS w/ confidence filtering 63.4 89.5
(proposed) (proposed)

Table 5: Recall of schema linking for the BIRD and Table 7: Execution accuracies under different SQL se-
Spider dev sets under three different settings: (1) greedy lection strategies for the BIRD and Spider dev sets.
decoding with a single prompt, (2) sampling multiple
answers from the same prompt, and (3) employing mul-
tiple prompts.
6 Conclusion

5.4 Impacts of Different Few-shot Selection This study introduces a novel method that lever-
Strategies ages multiple prompts to enhance the accuracy and
Table 6 presents the EXs when different few-shot robustness of ICL-based text-to-SQL generation.
strategies were employed. The performance im- Specifically, the proposed approach performs ro-
proved significantly by selecting few-shot exam- bust schema linking using distinct prompts. In addi-
ples based on question similarity instead of ran- tion, we employ different few-shot selection strate-
dom selection, with an increase of 2.3% for BIRD gies to generate multiple query generation prompts,
and 4.2% for Spider. Additionally, a further perfor- which yield various candidate SQL queries. These
mance boost was noted by predicating the selection candidates are subsequently filtered based on their
on the similarity of the masked question rather than confidence scores, and the optimal query is se-
the original question, with enhancements of 0.7% lected using the LLM with MCS. Evaluations on
and 0.5% for BIRD and Spider, respectively. the BIRD and Spider benchmarks showed that the
proposed approach significantly outperforms ex-
5.5 Impact of MCS isting ICL-based approaches and achieved a new
During the SQL selection phase (§3.3), we ex- SOTA performance on the BIRD.
plored whether the proposed MCS via LLM was
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A Error Analysis limitations of the method used to calculate the EX.
When these cases were excluded, the most preva-
We performed an error analysis to gain a deeper un-
lent error was schema linking, which involved se-
derstanding of the instances in which the proposed
lecting incorrect tables or columns (20% for BIRD
method failed to accurately predict the SQL query.
and 21% for Spider). However, even for human
This analysis was conducted on a random sample of
experts, referencing the exact tables and columns
100 examples from both the Spider and BIRD dev
as the gold query is a challenging task because of
sets, where the execution results of the predicted
inherent ambiguities. Such ambiguities arise when
query and gold SQL differed. Failure cases were
multiple columns in a DB share the same semantic
categorized into four distinct categories as follows:
meaning, or when the question does not explicitly
• Incorrect Gold: The gold SQL query pro- specify the columns to be included in the SELECT
vided by human annotators in the dataset was clause. Other errors, excluding schema linking, ac-
incorrect. counted for only 6% and 18% of the errors for Spi-
der and BIRD, respectively. These errors encom-
• Semantically Correct: The predicted SQL passed cases in which the question or evidence was
query was semantically equivalent to the gold misinterpreted, incorrect assumptions were made
SQL query, but the execution result differed regarding the DB content, or a syntactically correct
owing to factors such as ties in the output SQL query could not be generated.
(Pourreza and Rafiei, 2023b), the order of These results indicate that the EX of the pro-
columns in the SELECT clause, or the inclu- posed approach was significantly underestimated
sion of additional columns in the SELECT for both datasets. Furthermore, this analysis under-
clause. scores the need for more precise gold queries and
robust evaluation methodologies for text-to-SQL
• Schema Linking Error: The predicted SQL
query referred to different tables or columns
than those referred to in the gold SQL query.

• Other Errors: The predicted SQL contained

errors other than schema linking.

Examples from each category are listed in Table 8.

The results of manually classifying the failure
cases are depicted in Figure 2. The 62 and 73%
failure cases in the BIRD and Spider benchmarks,
respectively, were those wherein the correct query
was generated but they were still considered fail-
ures owing to inaccuracies in the gold queries or

Figure 2: Error analysis for the Spider and BIRD dev sets.
Incorrect Gold
Question List out the code for drivers who have nationality in America.
Evidence nationality = ’America’
GOLD SELECT code FROM drivers WHERE Nationality = ’American’
PRED SELECT code FROM drivers WHERE nationality = ’America’
Question Which customer paid the most in 2012/8/25?
Evidence ’2012/8/25’ can be represented by ’2012-08-25’
GOLD SELECT CustomerID FROM transactions_1k WHERE Date = ’2012-08-25’ GROUP BY
PRED SELECT CustomerID FROM transactions_1k WHERE Date = ’2012-08-25’ GROUP BY
CustomerID ORDER BY SUM(Amount * Price) DESC LIMIT 1
Semantically Correct
Question What is the phone number and extension number for the school with the zip code 95203-3704?
Indicate the school’s name.
GOLD SELECT Phone, Ext, School FROM schools WHERE Zip = ’95203-3704’
PRED SELECT School, Phone, Ext FROM schools WHERE Zip = ’95203-3704’
Question List the card names with value that cost more converted mana for the face.
Evidence more converted mana for the face refers to Max(faceConvertedManaCost);
GOLD SELECT name FROM cards ORDER BY faceConvertedManaCost LIMIT 1
PRED SELECT name FROM cards WHERE faceConvertedManaCost = ( SELECT
MAX(faceConvertedManaCost) FROM cards )
Schema Linking Error
Question Which constructor has the highest point?
GOLD SELECT FROM constructorStandings AS T1 INNER JOIN constructors AS T2 on
T1.constructorId = T2.constructorId ORDER BY T1.points DESC LIMIT 1
PRED SELECT FROM constructorResults AS T1 INNER JOIN constructors AS T2 ON
T1.constructorId = T2.constructorId ORDER BY T1.points DESC LIMIT 1
Question List all the mythic rarity print cards banned in gladiator format.
Evidence mythic rarity printing refers to rarity = ’mythic’; card banned refers to status = ’Banned’; in
gladiator format refers to format = ’gladiator’;
T2.uuid WHERE T2.format = ’gladiator’ AND T2.status = ’Banned’ AND T1.rarity = ’mythic’
PRED SELECT DISTINCT FROM cards INNER JOIN legalities ON cards.uuid = le-
galities.uuid WHERE legalities.format = ’gladiator’ AND legalities.status = ’Banned’ AND
cards.rarity = ’mythic’
Other Errors
Question What is the lowest grade for the District Special Education Consortia School with National
Center for Educational Statistics school district identification number of 613360?
Evidence District Special Education Consortia School refers to EdOpsCode = ’SPECON’.
GOLD SELECT MIN(T1.‘Low Grade‘) FROM frpm AS T1 INNER JOIN schools AS T2 ON
T1.CDSCode = T2.CDSCode WHERE T2.NCESDist = 613360 AND T2.EdOpsCode =
PRED SELECT frpm.‘Low Grade‘ FROM frpm INNER JOIN schools ON frpm.CDSCode =
schools.CDSCode WHERE schools.EdOpsCode = ’SPECON’ AND schools.NCESDist =
Question What type of promotion is of card ’Duress’?
Evidence card Duress refers to name = ’Duress’; type of promotion refers to promoTypes;
GOLD SELECT promoTypes FROM cards WHERE name = ’Duress’ AND promoTypes IS NOT NULL
PRED SELECT promoTypes FROM cards WHERE name = ’Duress’

Table 8: Examples of each error case in the BIRD dev set.

B Prompts
B.1 Prompt for Schema Linking
B.1.1 Prompt for Table Linking
### Given a database schema, question, and knowledge evidence, extract a list of
tables that should be referenced to convert the question into SQL.

### SQLite SQL tables, with their properties:

# molecule ( molecule_id, label )
# connected ( atom_id, atom_id2, bond_id )
# bond ( bond_id, molecule_id, bond_type )
# atom ( atom_id, molecule_id, element )
# atom.molecule_id = molecule.molecule_id
# bond.molecule_id = molecule.molecule_id
# connected.bond_id = bond.bond_id
# connected.atom_id2 = atom.atom_id
# connected.atom_id = atom.atom_id

### Question: Among all chemical compounds identified in the database, what percent
of compounds form a triple-bond.
### Knowledge Evidence: triple bond refers to bond_type = ’#’;

You need to not only select the required tables, but also explain in detail why each
table is needed.
Your answer should strictly follow the following json format.
"reasoning": "", // The reason for choosing each table.
"tables": [], // List of selected tables.

### Your Answer:

B.1.2 Prompt for Column Linking

### Given a database schema, question, and knowledge evidence, extract a list of
columns that should be referenced to convert the question into SQL.

### SQLite SQL tables, with their properties:

# molecule ( molecule_id, label )
# bond ( bond_id, molecule_id, bond_type )
# bond.molecule_id = molecule.molecule_id

### Question: Among all chemical compounds identified in the database, what percent
of compounds form a triple-bond.
### Knowledge Evidence: triple bond refers to bond_type = ’#’;

You need to not only select the required columns, but also explain in detail why
each column is needed.
Your answer should strictly follow the following json format.
"reasoning": "", // The reason for choosing each column.
"columns": ["table_name_i.column_name_j", ...], // List of selected columns

### Your Answer:

B.2 Prompt for Question Masking

### Given a DB schema and a question, mask the table name, column name, and values
in the question.

### SQLite SQL tables, with their properties:
# customers ( CustomerID: integer, Segment: text, Currency: text )
# gasstations ( GasStationID: integer, ChainID: integer, Country: text, Segment:
text )
# products ( ProductID: integer, Description: text )
# transactions_1k ( TransactionID: integer, Date: date, Time: text, CustomerID:
integer, CardID: integer, GasStationID: integer, ProductID: integer, Amount:
integer, Price: real )
# yearmonth ( CustomerID: integer, Date: text, Consumption: real )

### Question: For all the people who paid more than 29.00 per unit of product id No
.5. Give their consumption status in the August of 2012.
### Masked Question: For all the [TABLE] who paid more than [VALUE] per unit of [
COLUMN] [VALUE]. Give their consumption status in the [VALUE].

### SQLite SQL tables, with their properties:
# customers ( CustomerID: integer, Segment: text, Currency: text )
# gasstations ( GasStationID: integer, ChainID: integer, Country: text, Segment:
text )
# products ( ProductID: integer, Description: text )
# transactions_1k ( TransactionID: integer, Date: date, Time: text, CustomerID:
integer, CardID: integer, GasStationID: integer, ProductID: integer, Amount:
integer, Price: real )
# yearmonth ( CustomerID: integer, Date: text, Consumption: real )

### Question: How much did customer 6 consume in total between August and November
### Masked Question: How much did [TABLE] [VALUE] consume in total between [VALUE]
and [VALUE]?

### SQLite SQL tables, with their properties:
# drivers ( driverId: integer, driverRef: text, number: integer, code: text,
forename: text, surname: text, dob: date, nationality: text, url: text )

### Question: How many Australian drivers who were born in 1980?
### Masked Question: How many [VALUE] [TABLE] who were born in [VALUE]?

### SQLite SQL tables, with their properties:

# molecule ( molecule_id, label )
# bond ( bond_id, molecule_id, bond_type )
# bond.molecule_id = molecule.molecule_id

### Question: Among all chemical compounds identified in the database, what percent
of compounds form a triple-bond.
### Knowledge Evidence: triple bond refers to bond_type = ’#’;

### Masked Question:

Listing 4: An example of a full prompt for question masking.

B.3 Prompt for SQL Generation

### Given a database schema, question, and knowledge evidence, generate the correct
sqlite SQL query for the question.

# Question: Among all the customers, what is the percentage of the customer’s nation
being Germany?
# Knowledge Evidence: DIVIDE(COUNT(c_custkey when n_name = ’GERMANY’), COUNT(
c_custkey)) as percentage;
# Gold SQL: SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(T2.n_name = ’GERMANY’, 1, 0)) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT
(T1.c_custkey) FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN nation AS T2 ON T1.c_nationkey =
# Question: Among the schools whose donators are teachers, what is the percentage of
schools that are in Brooklyn?
# Knowledge Evidence: donors are teachers refers to is_teacher_acct = ’t’; Brooklyn
is school_city; percentage = Divide(Count(school_city-’Brooklyn’),Count(
# Gold SQL: SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.school_city LIKE ’Brooklyn’ THEN 1 ELSE 0
END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.teacher_acctid) FROM projects AS T1 INNER JOIN
donations AS T2 ON T1.projectid = T2.projectid WHERE T2.is_teacher_acct = ’t’


### SQLite SQL tables, with their properties:

# molecule ( molecule_id, label )
# bond ( bond_id, molecule_id, bond_type )
# bond.molecule_id = molecule.molecule_id

### The type and description of each column:

# [molecule]
- molecule_id (text): unique id of molecule
- label (text): whether this molecule is carcinogenic or not

# [bond]
- bond_id (text): unique id representing bonds
- molecule_id (text): identifying the molecule in which the bond appears
- bond_type (text): type of the bond

### Sample rows of each table in csv format:

# [molecule]

# [bond]

### Question: Among all chemical compounds identified in the database, what percent
of compounds form a triple-bond.
### Knowledge Evidence: triple bond refers to bond_type = ’#’;

You need to not only create the SQL, but also provide the detailed reasoning steps
required to create the SQL. Your answer should strictly follow the following
json format:
"reasoning": "", // The reasoning steps for generating SQL.
"sql": "", // The final generated SQL.

### Your Answer:

B.4 Prompt for SQL Selection

### When a DB schema, a question, and a knowledge evidence are given, and up to
three SQLite queries expressing the question are given, please choose the most
accurate SQL based on the Checklist.

# Question: Among all the customers, what is the percentage of the customer’s nation
being Germany?
# Knowledge Evidence: DIVIDE(COUNT(c_custkey when n_name = ’GERMANY’), COUNT(
c_custkey)) as percentage;
# Gold SQL: SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(T2.n_name = ’GERMANY’, 1, 0)) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT
(T1.c_custkey) FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN nation AS T2 ON T1.c_nationkey =

# Question: Among the schools whose donators are teachers, what is the percentage of
schools that are in Brooklyn?
# Knowledge Evidence: donors are teachers refers to is_teacher_acct = ’t’; Brooklyn
is school_city; percentage = Divide(Count(school_city-’Brooklyn’),Count(
# Gold SQL: SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.school_city LIKE ’Brooklyn’ THEN 1 ELSE 0
END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.teacher_acctid) FROM projects AS T1 INNER JOIN
donations AS T2 ON T1.projectid = T2.projectid WHERE T2.is_teacher_acct = ’t’


### SQLite SQL tables, with their properties:

# molecule ( molecule_id, label )
# bond ( bond_id, molecule_id, bond_type )
# bond.molecule_id = molecule.molecule_id

### The type and description of each column:

# [molecule]
- molecule_id (text): unique id of molecule
- label (text): whether this molecule is carcinogenic or not

# [bond]
- bond_id (text): unique id representing bonds
- molecule_id (text): identifying the molecule in which the bond appears
- bond_type (text): type of the bond

### Sample rows of each table in csv format:

# [molecule]

# [bond]

### Question: Among all chemical compounds identified in the database, what percent
of compounds form a triple-bond.
### Knowledge Evidence: triple bond refers to bond_type = ’#’;

### Candidate SQLs:

/ COUNT(*) FROM bond
END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(DISTINCT molecule_id) FROM bond

### Checklist:
1. The SQL should accurately represent the question.
2. The SQL should accurately use the given knowledge evidence.
3. The SELECT clause should not include any additional columns that are not included
in the question.
4. The order of columns in the SELECT clause must be the same as the order in the
5. Check if the operations are being performed correctly according to the column

### Instruction:
- If the first SQL satisfies all the conditions of the checklist, please choose the
first SQL. If not, move on to the next SQL.
- If there’s no SQL that satisfies all the requirements on the checklist, just
choose the first SQL.
- Provide a detailed step-by-step explanation following the order of the checklist
when checking whether each SQL satisfies the checklist.
- Your answer should strictly follow the following json format.
"reasoning": "", // The reasoning steps for choosing the best SQL.
"sql": "", // The final chosen SQL.

### Your Answer:

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