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Success Profiles - Civil Service - Q&As Marking Strategy

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Success Profiles Q&As

Before you read on

The below Q&As may focus on DIO specific recruitment and may differ slightly to the official Civil Service guidance.
Official guidance can be found on GOV.UK and Civil Service Learning.

What are the Success Profiles?

Civil Service recruitment is changing. The Civil Service will recruit using Success Profiles. This will give the best
possible chance of finding the right person for the job, improve diversity and inclusivity and drive up performance

There are five elements to Success Profiles. Behaviours, Experience, Ability, Technical and Strengths. Civil Service
Behaviours replace the Civil Service Competency Framework for recruitment in 2018.

Moving from using just competences, to assess suitability, to Success Profiles will enable us to select the best person
for the job. You don't need to use every element of Success Profiles, however assessing candidates against a range of
criteria will give you a more rounded picture.

Does this mean lots more work, providing evidence against all these areas for every
advertised role?
Not necessarily. Not all elements of the framework will be used for recruiting into every role. Behaviours (closely
aligned to the competences) will continue to be a key element of recruitment in DIO & MOD. Testing of experience
and (where relevant) technical skills aligns with much of what we are already doing in valuing knowledge and
expertise. Ability as part of the recruitment is already tested using the three sift and selection tools - Verbal
Reasoning Test, Numerical Reasoning Test and the Civil Service Judgement Test. TLBS have flexibility to choose when
these are appropriate and that flexibility is not changing. TLBS will continue to decide when to use the sift and
selection tools in recruitment. For development schemes TLBS will continue to use the assessment arrangements to
test ability as they do now. For example, the Commercial Graduate scheme tests ability, among other things, using
the tests and an assessment centre.

Does greater flexibility also mean greater complexity?

While the framework is intended to be flexible, some parameters will be set by MOD to ensure clarity and
consistency. There is also guidance supporting use of each element to help assessment:
• Behaviours: the Civil Service Behaviours Framework must be used to assess behaviours
• Experience: will be drawn down for each role from ‘career paths’ or in conjunction with HR support – we are
considering how best to do this in FCO, building from current skills-based questioning and the skills framework.
• Ability: the default for assessment are the three sift and selection tools available through CS Jobs (VRT, NRT and
• Technical skills: the relevant profession or function team will advise on the preferred approach for this within the
profession or function (as they do now)
• Strengths: assessors must use the Civil Service Strengths Dictionary, developed through close work with
Occupational Psychology, and must have undertaken training on strengths-based assessment.
Success Profiles Q&As
What training and / or upskilling do I need to complete to recruit once the Success
Profiles Launch on 26 Nov 18?
1. Upskilled in the Success Profiles (by someone in your business area or People Team who has been upskilled) or
attended CSL training once available in 2019.
2. Completed the Strengths Profile training (if using Strengths) via CSL
3. Complete the online Unconscious Bias & Diversity & Inclusion training.
4. Attended the CSL Interviewing Skills course or have appropriate recruitment experience. Please note that at least
one member of the panel must have completed the official face to face CSL Interviewing Skills course
What parameters will operate in MOD?

Behaviours - if using behaviours for recruitment MOD are mandating "Leadership" as a minimum for all roles and all
grades/levels. It is for the recruitment line manager to decide what other behaviours, if any, are appropriate for the

Experience - flexible and set by the recruitment line manager in accordance with the role and/or Heads of Profession
depending on the role

Ability - flexible but if tested the current VRT, NRT and CSJT tools are used
Technical skills - set by the Head of Professions as is the current position

Strengths - flexibility to choose whether this is appropriate for the role but if strengths are used all selection panel
members must be trained in strength based assessment

Why are you mandating the leadership behaviour for all roles at all levels?

It is mandated only if Behaviours are used for the recruitment. The overarching definition is:

"Show pride and passion for public service. Create and engage others in delivering a shared vision. Value difference,
diversity and inclusion, ensuring fairness and opportunity for all."

For an E2/E1 the behaviour example is:

" Show enthusiasm for your work and take personal accountability for your role. Demonstrate responsibility for your
own objectives. Act in a fair, inclusive and respectful way when dealing with others. Be considerate and
understanding of other people’s points of view. Understand and support the objectives of the wider team.
Demonstrate consideration of the wider consequences of own actions."

For a 2 /3 * the behaviour example is

"Actively develop and protect the reputation of the Civil Service, creating a sense of pride and passion for public
service. Present a clear and focused strategy with direction for the future. Act in ways that are highly visible,
inspirational and credible at the most senior levels across and outside of the Civil Service. Create an inclusive
environment where diversity is valued and there is equality of opportunity for all. Engage positively in debate and
resolve ambiguities, gaining the best possible outcomes for the Department."

The key themes are pride, passion and enthusiasm for your work and the Civil Service and to create an inclusive
environment where diversity is valued and for our employees to act in a fair, inclusive and respectful way. This is the
environment we want encourage and maintain in the MOD.
Success Profiles Q&As
Are Psychometric Assessments still undertaken for B grade recruitment?

Yes, it is still mandatory and is used to assist recruiters will forming effective interview questions. The Wave
Psychometric Assessment assesses behaviours and strengths (personality test).

What training and support will be available?

A range of training material is already available on Civil Service Learning and this will be developed further by Civil
Service HR over the coming months to include content such as videos. Existing recruitment training material on Civil
Service Learning is being updated and refreshed to reflect Success Profiles. The MOD will also receive a nine weeks
of implementation support from the Civil Service HR (CSHR) Implementation Team during the autumn, which will
include communications and training support.

In addition, MOD is in the process of training a team of volunteers from across the TLBs who will provide face to face
training on the use of Success Profiles. Training will be delivered on a regional basis to ensure maximum reach. As
part of the training roll out there will be some necessary prioritisation, for example, Independents, regular and
frequent recruiters but eventually anyone involved in recruitment will at some point have some training.

The most significant change in the new framework, for which training will be an important element, is the move to
strengths-based interviewing. Strengths will not be assessed for all vacancies, but where they are used it is essential
that recruiting line managers and selection panel members have undertaken the relevant training.

Job description templates – do these need to be changed?

Official JDs will need to be amended at some point in the future to reflect the SPs Framework. The recruitment
advert templates and guidance docs are being revised. A new advert template has been created for a pilot campaign,
which has received positive feedback. The new advert template will be available by 26 Nov.

For posts that will test Technical skills or Strengths – are heads of professions being
involved to ensure consistency or will it be left to recruiting line manager discretion?
As is the case now - It will be for managers to determine whether Head of Profession need to be consulted before
advertising a post. The Technical profile mainly looks at qualifications and professional skills required. I would expect
that this is clear in the existing JD or the line managers is aware of what is needed if it isn’t.

A number of the professions have a professional framework which have been designed to assess the specific skills,
qualifications and knowledge needed for roles within that profession. These can be on defnet Frameworks A-L and
Frameworks M-Z
Success Profiles Q&As
Is there going to any in-house training given? – the Civ HR workshop did not provide
sufficient training to enable the audience to confidently go out and deliver to their
respective area.
Yes. There will be upskilling within business areas as 1*’s have put people forward to be upskilled by the People
Team who will upskill recruiters in their business area. Other upskilling directly from the People Team will be limited
as only 4 people have completed the training but Location specific upskilling & Skype sessions are to be arranged.
We are aware that the training provided by Civil Service HR is not 100% effective so a concise and specific training
package has been created to allow people who attended the Civ HR course (around 24 people) to upskill others in
the Success Profiles. The expectation is that people who have attended the training will not be expected to deliver
the exact same training as it is not appropriate for existing recruiters in DIO. Therefore, the new DIO specific
Upskilling Pack will be used to upskill recruiters on the use of SPs, and not cover training that they already received
via CSL.

Is there going to be a change to the CSL Interviewing skills course to reflect the new style
(Yes) and will all panel members have to complete it prior to interviewing (No – but will need to
be upskilled in SPs)?

Revised CSL training (Interviewing Skills) should be ready in early Dec but this course is intended for people who
haven’t completed the interviewing skills course before. Recruiters who have already attended the Interviewing
Skills course and / or experienced recruiters will not need to attend the new course but will need to be upskilled
from someone who has been upskilled in the SPs themselves before they run a campaign post 26 Nov. Upskilling is a
45-60min session (as the pack will be significantly reduced) with anyone who has been upskilled so that they have
the knowledge to use the SPs effectively.

How will MOD & DIO use Success Profiles?

MOD and all TLB’s will have the flexibility use all five elements of Success Profiles for recruitment from 26th
November 2018 with the following parameters:

• If using Behaviours, the Leadership behaviour is mandated for all roles. Leadership is not just about leading
teams but is also how we set an example by our own behaviours. Leadership is showing pride and passion
for public service and about valuing difference, diversity and inclusion, ensuring fairness and opportunity for
all. In asking people to demonstrate these leadership behaviours at every level in the organisation we can
help create a diverse and inclusive organisation.
• Ability will continue to be tested using the tools already in use across the department (e.g. Verbal Reasoning
Test, Numerical Reasoning Test and the Civil Service Judgement Test). TLBs retain the flexibility to choose
when these are to be used.
• Experience and Technical requirements remain with the recruiting line manager and Heads of Profession to
set as is the case now. Experience and Technical can now be formally scored.
• Strengths will be available to use once the CSL training provision is fully in place. Strength based assessment
is different to behavioural assessment. We want to ensure that when it's the type of role where strengths
would be useful, for example where applicants may have limited work experience, such as apprenticeships,
that our managers have the skill and confidence to use them effectively. This means all members of the
panel must have undergone training in strength based assessment.

Remember: You don't have to use all the elements for every role. Managers should select those that are most
appropriate for the role.
Success Profiles Q&As
Functional Competencies – how and where will these be incorporated into the job
description/advert and tested at sift and interview? (The facilitator did not know what a
functional competency was.)
The Functional competencies will be used in addition to behaviours but will come under the Technical element /
section. However, we need to be careful not to have too many behaviours / competencies as the interview could
takes hours if you want to cover each one effectively.

If my advert includes ‘Strengths’ that are required to be tested at interview, where are
these recorded for consistency, candidates are not to be told what strength they are
interviewed against, meaning they cannot be recorded on the JD in-case a candidate
requests a copy. (Assuming the recruiting line manager will be required to delete them
from the copy they send out to individuals.)
The Strengths Profile is currently a contention point across MOD and further guidance is required and will be
provided soon. At this point, no campaigns can use strengths until official training has been created by CSL. This
should be ready by the end of Nov. When Strengths are used, they will be recorded on the advert you send to DBS
but will not be advertised as they are only applicable at interview.

Concern on Strength assessment – going on behaviours, body language as well as what is

said. How are we to justify reasons for candidate not getting the job based on enthusiasm
and body language from questions? Leaves interviewer open to criticism as
proof/evidence hard to provide.

In addition to enthusiasm and body language, you still need to assess whether they have answered the question and
determine whether it is something that they are good at and do so naturally. Strengths could also be weighed lower
than other profiles so that the result is not focused on strengths.

What help will I get with questions to be used for each Success Profile?
As is the case now, you will be provided with example questions to be asked around the Behaviours profile. When it
comes to Experience & Technical, this is where you will have to adapt the approach to suit your requirement. You
may feel that you just want to clarify what they have stated in the application form or ask questions to dig a little
deeper to score them higher or lower. If you are using a functional framework, I would expect that you will have use
questions to draw out the effective indicators as stated in your framework. If you need advice, please contact the
DIO Resourcing Team or your DBS Recruiter. There is guidance called ‘Success Profiles – Interview Methodology’
which is useful.

When will the Success Profiles be used outside recruitment?

The use of the SPs in other areas e.g. performance management, remains unchanged for this performance year.
Further communications on the approach for performance year 2019/20 will be circulated in due course.
Success Profiles Q&As
Is there any guidance for candidates who are applying against the new framework?

Success Profiles are being used across the whole of the Civil Service so if you are looking for a new role or to develop
your career you will see more and more opportunities advertised using Success Profiles. On Civil Service Learning
you can find all the information about Success Profiles and what it means to you as a candidate under "Applying for
jobs using Success Profiles" In addition, new digital only and blended learning (including a workshop) for both
vacancy holders and applicants is being developed. This will be available at the end of November 2018.

What’s the training / Upskilling Strategy across MOD?

Upskilling events on Success Profiles are being rolled out across all TLBs via Skype or Face to Face sessions.

In addition, there are lots of products on Civil Service Learning to support using Success Profiles in recruitment such
as videos, guidance materials etc. Please look under " Recruitment and selection using success profiles: vacancy
holder information"

In addition, new digital only and blended learning (including a workshop) for both vacancy holders and applicants is
being developed. This will be available at the end of November 2018.

Have the current panel rules changed?

No. The current requirements haven’t changed but a couple have been added due to the new SP Framework:

• at least one member of a selection panel must be trained in interviewing (best practice is that all members are
• all panel members must have completed the mandatory Unconscious Bias training,
• panels should be diverse – if possible
• a trained Independent must be used for recruitment on promotion and external recruitment
• NEW Post 26 Nov 18 – Upskilled in the Success Profiles and completed Strengths based training (if using

How do you score using the Success Profiles Framework and how to weight on a
particular profile?

The scoring is very similar to how we do it now but now we need to add the Experience, Technical and Strengths
scores to the Behaviour scores. Each of the profiles will need to have a benchmark score, which is covered in more
detail below.

Behaviours, Experience and Technical skills are scored on a 1-7 rating scale and we are seeking to evaluate the
balance of evidence (i.e. how much/how little, how effective/how ineffective) a candidate presents in their
response. Strengths are scored on a 1-4 rating scale and we are seeking to evaluate level of engagement, capability
and frequency of use, as indicated by a candidate's response. Below are the default Benchmark scores for each
profile. All benchmarks must be agreed in advance and applied consistently to all candidates in the campaign.
Candidates who have applied under the Disability Confident Scheme (formerly Guaranteed Interview Scheme) and
meet the minimum criteria (as set out below) are invited to interview.

If you want a profile to be weighted higher than the others, you can simply ensure that the available score for this
profile is higher i.e. more questions than the other profiles. Therefore, the candidate with the highest score will still
get the job and is more likely to be the best candidate due to the weight applied to the selected profile.
Success Profiles Q&As

Behaviours at least 4 for each behaviour but this could be lowered to 3 in certain circumstances
Experience at least 4 but this could be lowered to 3 in certain circumstances
Ability score is set by online test used unless you are assessing by other means. i.e. presentation, which
should be 4 if you are using the same scoring matrix, which is highly recommended, as behaviours.
Technical at least 4 but this could be lowered to 3 in certain circumstances
Strengths at least 2 for each Strength question

Here are examples of entry-level and specialist assessment flows and how they are scored.

Entry-level role
Assessment flow Initial Sift Sift Blended Interview

Assessment flow Initial Sift Sift Blended Interview

The initial sift uses the Civil Service Situational Judgement Test (CSJT), which candidates will be invited to once they
submit their application. This test will act as the gateway to the next stage of selection. In DIO, it is recommended
that you only use online tests for entry level / junior positions and / or if you are expecting over 20 applicants. To
proceed to application sift, candidates must meet the set pass score as this demonstrates whether they have the
baseline ability required for the role. Ability can also be tested at interview if required.
Success Profiles Q&As

Assessment flow Initial Sift Sift Blended Interview

Candidates will be sifted using a behaviour based application form, with 250 word behaviour examples. A high
number of applications is expected, so the vacancy chair has decided to only score the lead behaviour ‘Working
Together’ at sift. This was explained to candidates in the job advert.

Candidates who applied under the Disability Confident Scheme and have met the minimum the pass mark(s) for the
role are invited to interview. On this occasion, the pass mark was 4

Note: if all the behaviours on the application form had been assessed, those scores would have been combined to
reach a total behaviours score.

Assessment flow Initial Sift Sift Blended Interview

Candidates will be assessed using a blended behaviour and strength-based interview.

The vacancy holder has selected 4 relevant behaviours and set a minimum benchmark that candidates must score at
the least a 4 for each Behaviour. The vacancy holder has also selected 4 relevant strengths and set a minimum
benchmark that candidates must achieve a total score of at least 12. Although this is the equivalent of an average
score of 3 on each Strength, candidates could score lower/higher on some questions if their total score is at least 12.

Following the interviews, the vacancy holder created a merit list based on the overall interview score (i.e. the sum
total of all Strengths and Behaviours scores).

Candidate A - scored 16 for behaviours (there were no scores less than 4), scored 16 for strengths so an overall
score of 32. Candidate A was top of the merit list and appointable to role.

Candidate B - scored 20 for behaviours (they had a score lower than 4 for one behaviour), scored 12 for strengths so
an overall total interview score of 32. Although Candidate B achieved the same overall score as Candidate A, they
were not appointable because they did not meet the standard set for all behaviours.
Success Profiles Q&As

Specialist role
Assessment flow Sift Technical Exercise Blended Interview

Assessment flow Sift Technical Exercise Blended Interview

To proceed to the next stage, candidates must demonstrate they have the essential experience, including all the
requisite technical skills, and behaviours. Evidence of each profile are scored separately using the 1 to 7 scale. The
vacancy holder has set a minimum benchmark of at least a score of 4 for all elements. If successful, candidates are
invited to the Technical Exercise.

Assessment flow Sift Technical Exercise Blended Interview

The technical simulation exercise assesses two technical skills and two behaviours. Exercise elements are scored
individually, using the 1 to 7 rating scale, and totalled to give an overall technical simulation exercise score. The
technical simulation exercise involves solving a coding problem and explaining the results to a stakeholder.

Evidence of the candidates’ behaviours, experience and technical skills are scored separately using the 1 to 7 scale.
The vacancy holder has set a minimum benchmark of at least a score of 4 for all elements. Even if they don’t meet
the min pass mark at this stage, candidates will still need to be put through to interview.
Success Profiles Q&As

Assessment flow Sift Technical Exercise Blended Interview

After the Technical Exercise, candidates will be assessed using a blended behaviour, strength and experience-based

The questions will cover:

• Two behaviours with a minimum benchmark overall score of 8 (the equivalent of an average of less than 4
on each behaviour)
• Two areas of experience with a minimum benchmark overall score of 8 (the equivalent of an average of less
than 4 on each area of experience)
• Four strengths with a minimum benchmark overall score of 8 (the equivalent of an average of less than 2 on
each area of strength).

Since the candidates were assessed using two selection methods at this stage (Simulation Exercise and Blended
Interview) the scores must be combined.

The vacancy holder will then create a merit list of the sum total score, i.e. of all behaviours, strengths, technical skills
and experience scores across both the interview and simulation exercise. Appointment is made from the top down,
only those who achieved the minimum benchmarks will be eligible for appointment.

Candidate A
Technical simulation exercise total score: Behaviours + Technical Skills = 17 (above the benchmark score of 16)

Interview scores: Behaviours = 9, Experience = 8, Strengths = 9. (No scores below the minimum)

Sum total score (for this stage) = 43. Candidate A is considered appointable to role.

Candidate B
Technical simulation exercise total score: Behaviours + Technical Skills = 25 (above the benchmark score of 16)

Interview scores: Behaviours = 4 (below the minimum benchmark), Experience = 8, Strengths = 6 (below the
minimum benchmark).

Sum total score for this stage = 43. Candidate B is not considered appointable to role, as they did not meet the
standards set for Behaviours and Strengths in the interview.

Candidate C
Simulation exercise total score: Behaviours + Technical Skills = 10 (below the benchmark score of 16)

Interview scores: Behaviours = 6 (below the minimum), Experience = 8, Strengths = 9.

Sum total for this stage = 33. Candidate C would not be considered appointable to role, as they did not meet the
standard set for the technical simulation exercise, nor the standard set for Behaviours in the interview.
Success Profiles Q&As

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