QuestionBankGeographyCass 10CH1

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CLASS – 10



1. Black soil is composed of extremely :

a) rocky material b)clayey material c)sandy material

2. Arid soil’s colour changes from:

a) red to brown b)yellow to red c)brown to yellow

3. Soils are not classified on the basis of :

a) regions b)age c)colour

4. The process of transformation of things available in our environment involves an interdependent

relationship between i)nature ii)technology iii) institutions

a) I and ii b)ii and iii c)I, ii and iii

5. Widely spread strategy for judicious use of resources is

a)development of resources b)management of resources c)planning of resources

6. Maximum of waste land is covered by :

a)Saline and alkaline land b)wind eroded land c)water eroded land

ANSWERS: 1.B,2.A,3.A,4.C,5.C,6.C


1. Resources:- Everything in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, provided it is
technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally acceptable is termed as resource
2. Sustainable development:- It means that development should take place without damaging the
environment and development in the present should not compromise the needs of the future development.
3. Resource planning:- It is a widely accepted strategy for the judicious use of resources. For eg Arunachal
Pradesh is rich in water resources but lacks in infrastructural development, so planning is required to
develop infrastructure facilities.
4. Conservation of resources:- It is defined as the management of resources by the humans which aims at
satisfying the aims of the present generations as aspirations of the future generations.
5. Net sown area:- Area sown once in a year is known as net sown area.
6. Gross sown area:- Area sown more than once in an agricultural year plus the net sown area is known as gross
sown area
7. Land degradation:- It is the continuous use of land over long period of time without taking appropriate
measures to conserve and manage it.
8. Bad land:- Land unsuitable for agriculture mainly due to soil erosion. For eg. Chambal ravines in


1. “Resources are a function of human activities.” Justify the statement.

Mere presence of resources as free gifts of nature does not make them resources .Human beings are
essential components of resources because they transform material available in our environment into
resources. The utility of resources depends on the stage of cultural development of man and the tools and
technology used by him.
2. Distinguish between the following:-
a)Potential and Developed resources
Potential resources- Resources which are found in a region but have not been Gujarat and
Rajasthan have a lot of potential for the development of wind and solar energy , but so far they have not
been developed fully.
Developed resources- Resources which are surveyed and their quality and quantity have been determined
for utilisation. The development of resources depends on technology and level of their feasibility. Eg: water
resources used for hydel power generation or irrigation purposes
b)Stock and Reserves
Stock: Materials in the environment which have the potential to satisfy human needs but man does not have
the appropriate technology to access them are included among stock, eg. Water is a compound of two
inflammable gases ; hydrogen and oxygen which can be used as a rich source of energy. But we do not have
the required technical knowhow to use them for this purpose.
Reserves are the subset of the stock which can be put into use with the help of existing technical know-how
but their full use has been postponed for meeting the future needs, eg. Forest reserves, iron ore reserves
c)Bangar and Khadar
Bangar: It is old alluvial soil with higher concentration of kankar nodules. It is coarser and is found in the old
river terraces.
Khadar: It is new alluvial soil which has more fine particles. It is more fertile than bngar and is found in flood
3. Write measures to solve the problems of land degradation.
1. Afforestation
2. Management to control over grazing
3. Planting of shelter belts of plants
4. Stabilisation of sand dunes by growing thorny bushes
5. Control of mining activities
6. Proper discharge and disposal of industrial effluents and wastes after treatment.
7. Avoid over irrigation especially in dry areas.
8. Avoid over use of pesticides and fertilisers.
4. Expain three types of soil erosion.
1. Gully erosion: The running water cuts through the clayey soils and makes deep channels called gullies.
They make the land unfit for cultivation. Such lands are called bad lands.
2. Sheet erosion : sometimes water flows as a sheet down a slope. In this case top layer if the soil is
washed away.
3. Wind erosion: Wind blows off loose and dry soil.

5. Write four methods of soil conservation.

1. Contour ploughing: By ploughing along the contour lines water will not run down the slopes.
2. Terrace cultivation: Steps can be cut on the slopes to restrict erosion.
3. Strip cropping: Large fields can be divided into strips. Strips of grasses are left to grow between the
crops. This breaks the force of the wind.
4. Planting of shelter belts: The planting of trees in rows to create shelter also breaks the force of the wind
and restricts soil

6. Why is resource planning necessary?

Planning is necessary for proper and judicious utilisation of resources.

Reasons of resource planning:

1. Resource availability is not the same in all parts of the country

2. Resources especially non renewable resources need extra care as they cannot be renewed.
3. There is acute shortage or deficiency of some resources.
4. Resource planning helps in proper utilisation of resources by reducing wastage. It takes care of future
needs may sustain the environment.

7. Explain three stages of resource planning.

The three stages of resource planning are as follows:

1. Identification and inventory of resources across the regions of the country. This involves surveying ,
mapping and finding the qualitative and quantitative measurement of the resources.
2. Evolving a planning structure endowed with appropriate technology, skill and institutional set up for
implementing resource development plans.
3. Matching the resource development plans with overall national development plans.

8. List the problems which resulted due to indiscriminate use of resources by man.

1. It has resulted in depletion of many resources.

2. Accumulation of resources in few hands which inturn divided the society in two segments into haves and
have-nots and rich and poor.
3. It has led to the global ecological crisis like global warming, ozone layer depletion, environmental
degradation etc.

9. Explain the concept of resource conservation as voiced by Gandhiji.

Gandhiji voiced his concern about resource conservation in these words: “There is enough fo r
everybody’s need and not for anybody’s greed.”He placed the greedy and selfish individuals as the root
cause for resource depletion at the global level. He was against ’mass production ‘ and wanted to replace it
with ‘production by the masses.’

10. Write characteristics of laterite soil. Give reasons for their colour and why are they called laterite?

1.They are highly leached soils.

2. They develop in areas of heavy rainfall and high temperature.

3. They have low ‘humus’ content, because most of the micro-organisms get destroyed due to high

4. These soils can be cultivated with adequate doses of manures and fertilisers.

These soils develop a reddish colour due to diffusion of iron in crystalline and metamorphic rocks.

It looks yellow when it occurs in a hydrated form. The word laterite has been derived from the Latin
word later which means brick.

Since their colour is red and resembles brick colour these soils are called laterite soil.

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