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Manual de Usuario Turbidímetro

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ZD-1 OASmart scattered light turbidity meter

user's Guide

ZD Seri es I nte lligent turbiditor using scat tered li ght principle, i ts
calibrati on so lution usi ng formazin standard solution widely used internationally.
It i s sophisti cated, i ntelligent instruments, measuring turbidity good lin earity,
the value is accura te, reliable, and easy to operate.

Thi s instrument applies to waterworks, water treatment pl ants, swimming pool

water reuse, food and beverage industries. It is an essential instrument water
1. Instrument Descr ip tion



Host (1)

QO\Y$:[ cable

Ilrls image (2)

Keyboard Instruments Description:

Button Features
Switch Boot and shutdown.
By choosing the measurement , calibrati on, set ting
the instrument to operate.
Se l ect the measurement mode by switching. In the
Switch i ng correction mode, press the "Switch" but ton t o force
qu it .
Extract Extract previously saved data.
Confirm button, press t hi s button t o confirm th e
Con fir m
operation step.
Save Meas ur ement data is save d in the desired
techni cal parameters
product number ZD-lOA
Principle of Measurement 90 scattered light
Minimum Indication (NTU) 0-1000
Meas uring range (NTU) 0. 1
Calibration point 8

Indication error ±6% (±2%F. S)

Repeatability ~O. 5%
Zero drift ±0. 5%F. S
Instrument Weight 0. 5KG
Dimensions 210 x 75 X 70MM
DC 1. 5V x 5 AA alkaline batteries, AC 220V
I 50Hz I DC7. 5V I 0.2A power adapte r ,
Power s upply
automatic shutdown, AC and DC with two. "

Microcomputer configuration, having an average

Feature.; measurement mode, with a data storage and quer y
functions, automatic range switching

3". Cauti on
ZD Series scattered light t urbidity meter is a combination of photoelect ric precision
;.~ .
measurement ins_trumen ts , should read the instruct ions carefully before operating and obtain
accurate results through action to correct.
3. 1 Environmental wor king conditi ons must be met .
3. 2 measuring cell must be clean and dry for a long time, no dust shall cO\·er sh ield ing cover
when not in use.
3. 3 humid climate, it mus t be extended boot time.
3. 4 test solution should be carefully poured along the sampl e bo t tle, to pr event bubbles
affect the measurement accuracy.
3. 5 Replacing t he sample bottle or to be re- calibrated after repair.
3. 6 Non-professional maintenance engineers , do not open the in st1·ument for maintenance .
4. Working Conditions
4. 1 The instrument should be placed in a dry room, temperature 5 °C - 35 "C .
4. 2 should be placed on a flat work surface, and to avo id vibrati on.
4. 3 indoor lighting should not be too strong, and avoid direct sunli g' t irra diat i on.
4. 4 as far away from high- intensity magneti c field, el ectric f ie ld and he occurrenc e of
high- frequency waves of el ectrica l equipment.
4. 5 Avoid high temperatur es clos e to the inst rument.
4. 6 Power suppl y In strument s: 220V ± 22V, 50 ± lHz, and mu t ha,· e a good grouuding wire.
5. Measurement preparatio n
5. 1 Switch on the in strument ' s power switch;
5. 2 does not drop the ha ir soft cloth to wipe .the water marks and fing erprints on the sample
bottle, available as easy to wipe soaked in detergent and then rinse with water;
Formazin turbidity st anda rd solution ready for school 5.3 petty zero turbidity water and
preparation of calibrat ion
5.4 with a good clean contai ner col l ected a representative sample;
6. Procedure (see Annex flow chart)
Before measuring the turbi dity, the instrument must be corrected.
6. 1 Calibration
Boot into the main interface menu window, by the ·switch" button to select the
"Correction" option. At this point the instrument display into OOOONTU turbidity fluid, s lide
open the top panel of the machine will be equipped with a zero turbidit y water sample bottle
was placed in the measurement chamber, close the s lide, to be numerically stable press the ·Enter"
key. Good tips into succes sively calibration so lutions prepared according to Press the "OK• button
to finish. Enter the mai n menu selection. Or press the ·switch· but ton Force Quit, exit before
sav ing corrected dat a. Enter the main menu.

Note: every time wipe sample bottle sidewall of water s tains and fingerprints and should not
l eave any traces , so as not to affect the measurement accurac y. Every sample bot tle into the
meas uring cell as ~uch as poss ible consistent with the direction and pos ition. Please use t he
. .:.__ .
same sample bottle.,. calibrated and measurement operation, in order to r educe errors due to
inaccurate sample bottle cau sed by data values.

6. 2 Turbidity measurement
The main interface menu window, through the "switch" to select "Measure· option.
The test sample i s poured into a clean sample bottl e, t he bottle containing the samp l e is placed
in a sample measurement chamber, close the s lid e, the instrument di splays the value i s the
turbidity value of the test sol ut ion.

6. 3 Save extra ct eel usi ng methods

During the measurement, the mea sured value s can be saved. Press th e "Save" button, can store
up to 10 sets of data. Exit Savi ng Pre ss "OK" key to return to measurement mode.
Saved data ca n be queried. Press the "Extract " button. Exit extract io n press th e "confirm" key
to return t o mea surement mode.
6.4 operating procedures

"Welcome to use
Microcomputer portable turbidiPj meter
To the instrument manufacturin_g

Measuring the
1 Measuring the
Measuring the <
W5:H:s:tigµ . !T~_gtJ!.IJ.<
WS .9£~<1i:RIJ.
et up the Sdupthe<
Set up the
>----1- Please pre.ss the Plea.~
press the confumation
Please press the corlfirmation key
after selection confirmation key after key after selection

The turbidity value
The turbidity vafue
Daia update speed
0000.0NTU 0000.0NTU 0.5 13
Press confum button to enter ln the 0000 nw Ple--a.:;e press the confirmation
the menu Press confirm the key after selec.tion
l l
The turbidity value S'.il£klim\
0000.0:N"'ID Normally open often shut
In the 0100 V-.ll\ Please press the confi1mation
Press confum the -correction key after selection

Shutdo\"\",1 Settings: (h)

0.5 LO 3.0
Press confirm button to
Please press the confumation
key after selection

Press confirm button to ent'1 the

7. Measuring Technology
In order to obtain accurate measurements of turbidity, in addition to the i nstrument itself must
have excellent quality, but also on good laboratory technician skills and r igorous work seriously.
Such as usi ng clean sample
Bottle, the correct methods of operation, carefully remove air bubbl es , to ens ure that the working
conditions of the inst r ument, the measured result will be mor e acc urat e, more precise,
reproducibility, linearity will be better.
7. 1 After sampling to timely measure to avoid temperature chang s n id ii-at er- like par t icle
seclimentat ion fro m the measuremen t res ults should lack authenti c i t:: .
7. 2 vials must be washed vc--ry clean, avoid bru isi ng l em·e sc·c. che s . Laboratory sample
with deter gent bottle inside and outsi de, and then r epoat ecl l y r i nse -..- i th di s tilled wat er , dried
rn a dust-free oven such as the use of a long time, a dilute hydrochloric acid soak two hours,
and finally rinsed with d is tilled water repeatedly. Only take the top half of the bottle when
the bottle to take th e samp le in order to avo id fingerprints into the optical path.
[\ 7. 3 index points quit e rightly formulated formazin standard solution, turbidity measurement
is an important techniqu e to ensure the correct calculation, pay attention to eac h step of the
preparation of standard so l ution, even shaking dope, accurate pipetting, poured zero turbidity
Instrument calibration should be not ed, first turbidity standard solution should be used in
large-capac i ty flask to reduce preparation errors.
7.4 Select the cali bration standard so lut io n, the content should be used in full-scale
value of the measured proce ss is appropriate, before and calibration should fully shake, before
the measurement should ensure that the correction value is correct. For low turbidity measurements
and meas urement s of hi gh prec ision measurement should consider the differences between the bottle,
the bottle must be used the same as scaling and testing. School zero zero turbidity water should
be us ed when less demanding, can be di s tilled water. ·>

7. 5 Representati ve water samp les can accuratel y reflec t the truth of the water. Therefore,
from eac h sampling point to fetch water sampl es must be mi xed thoroughly before the measurement,
avoid water samples and larger particles sett ling influence. Prov ision should be removed vials
of bubbles . When measuring low temperature water sample, sampl e experience Bottle condensation
droplet~. Therefore, before meas urements must be allowed to stand for some time, s o that the
temp erat ure of the water sample junction near room temperature, and then dry water stJins garland
body. .·
7. 6 measurem~nt, not only to consider the correctness of c l eaning and samp ling vial, but
should ensure the consistency of the measurement locations. Ticks bottle should be a li gned with
the sample holder positioni ng line, and the need to cover the light- shieldin g cover to avoid
stray light. When the sample measurement drift due to the particulate matter in the water sample
moving back and forth to chang e the display val ue appears, then you can wait for some time, the
value will gradually stabilized , you can read the water sample turbidity. There may have been
unstable data, which is clue to exce ssive bubbles in water samp les or suspended impm·i ti es cause.
When reading, it should tak e t he middle value, ie, the maximum display value plus the minimum
display value, cli 1:idecl by two inte rmediate values obtained.
8. Maintenanc e \ otes
8. 1 a long time out of t he case, shoul d be regular l y warm-up period, hel p get rid of the moisture
inside the mach ine.
8. 2 during storage or transpor t, should avoid high or low temperature s and clamp place to prevent
damage to t he opt ical system ru1d electr ical components wit hin th e in st rument.
8. 3 r egula r \- deaned to remove dust sample bottle and samp l e hol der i ns ide can effective l y
improve the mea surement accurFtcy, cleaning, can . not scratch the g lass surface.
8. 4 optical elements inside th e machine can not cl irectly touch, so as not to affect th e pass
rate of ] igh t. \lainte na11ce , use cotton wool clipped in a lcohol and eth er mixt ure were dust erase
s urface.
9. Main t enanc e a nd service
Maint enance :
Correct meas ure ment a nd regul ar maint enance can pro long t he life of the instrument.
9. 1 a lon g ti me ou t of th e case, s hould be r egul ar l y warm- up per i od, hel p ge t rid of t he mo i s tur e
ins ide th e machine.
9. 2 duri ng storage or t rans port, s hould avoid h i gh or low t emp erat ure s and damp place t o pr even t
damage to th e optic a l sys tem and e le c t r i cal component s with in t he instrument.
9. 3 regul arl y cl eaned t o remove du st sampl e bottle and s amp l e hol der i ns ide ca n effective l y
improve th e meas urement acc uracy, cl eanin& can no t scratch th e glass surface .
9. 4 opti ca l e l ement s ins ide th e machin e ca n not touch i t d i re c t ly, so as not t o affect the pas s
rate of light . Ma int enance, use co tt on wool s t a in ed wi t h a lc ohol and et her mi xt ure were du st
erase .s ur fac e . (G enerall y wi t hout maint e nanc e)
Maint enance: ·>

Symptom Possible causes Repa i r method

1, aft er th e A, power line and socket connection is bad or A, fastening socket or for power line
boot no loose
di s pl ay
A, light damage A , replacement
2, me~1.s unn g
no r es ponse
B, internal connector loose B, fastening
I C, electtical system fault C, maintenance
A ,: solution with bubbles or particles in does A, re-sampling or extended reading time
3, th e not stop moving B, prolonging staii preheat time preheating
measur e d B, circuitry within the apparatus of damp dehumidification
valu e is C, the outer surface of the bottle water C, dry specimen bottle
unstabl e or sample D, eliminating the inteiference source
drift D, external interference E, exclusion of unstable factors
E, the supply voltage instability of
A, adjustable zero without the use of zero A, should adopt zero turbidity water
4, zero ing turbidity water B, replacement potentiometer
l e ss th a n zero B, zero potentiometer damage
C, W2 potentiometer adjustment board
a dju s tment C, zero range migration D, adjustment
D, light path offset
A, standard solution standard value lS not A, accurate preparation of standard solution
accurate B, replacement
5, l ess t ha n a
B, correction potentiometer is damaged C, Wl potentiometer adjustment board
c orrec ti on
C, range migration conection D, adjustment
t one
D, light path offset

A, due to the transport screen vibration A , check

6, t h e dis pl ay caused by poor contact B, repl acement
l ack of stroke B, LCD LCD screen damage C, mai ntenance
C, circuif board fault '
0, Circuit board fault

Warran t y Informat ion:

Operation using th e method s pecified in the instrument user to comply with i n a year , du e
to manufac t uring quali ty problems damaged the day that you purchase dat e or does not work, the
manufacturer is respon si ble for t he user maintenance free; clue t o impr oper use and damage to
equipment, factory the corr espo nding c harge for parts and labor cost s; out si de the warranty period,
the manuf acturer is responsib le for the maintenanc e of life.
10. Complet e Pac king Li st
a. a t urbicli ty meter .. . .... . . ... .. . .. . . .. . .... . . . ... ........ .... 1
b. The power cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
c. sample bottl e ... .. ..... ..... ..... .. . .. . ....... . . .... .. ...... 7
d. 400NTU form az i n (Forma z ine) turbidity standard solut .i on . . . . . . 1
e. manual, cer tifi cate, warrant y card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Appendix 1
Zero turbidity water preparation
With reference to the international standard as specified in the IS07027 method, selection of aperture 0.1um ( or
0.2um ) microporous membrane filtration of distilled water ( or water, electrodialysis ion exchange \Vater ), the
need for repeated filter more than two times, the filtrate is used for calibrating zero turbidity water. The water
stored in clean, and the water flu shing after the glass bottle.
Zero turbidity water :u sed for turbidity meter zero adjustment and foal horse hydrazine ( Fonnazine ) standard
solution dilution.
Appendix 2
Foal horse hydrazine ( Fonnazine ) turbidity standard solution preparation
1, nephelometer test was used in the State Bureau of Technical Supervision issued by the Fonnazine standard
substance, such as G,BW12001 400 ( NTU, FTU ) turbidity ( Fonnazine ) standard mate1ial, fixed value
uncertainty± 3%, effectively use the pe1iod of 1 years.
Different turbidity value ofFonnazine standard solution, with zero turbidity water and certified by the volumetric
apparatus, according to the proportion of accurate dilution Formazine hlrbidity standard substances and .
400NTU Fonnazine standard material to be stored in the refrigerator refrigerating chamber ( 4-8 °C) and low
temperature preserved without light, has been diluted to low turbidity value of standard solution of unstable,
should not be saved, shou ld be with the use of the match.
In 2, when it is difficult to achieve 'Fonnazine standard substance, according to" 1807027 " set by the methods of
preparation, strict control condition and the reagent dosage, method of excerpts:
2.1 instruments and reagents
Analysis of balance load sense 200g, O. lmg certified.
Capacity: 1OOml , a bottle, certified.
A pipette: 5ml , a, certified.
Hydrazine sulfate ( N 2H6S04 ): analysis of pure, purity should be greater than 99%.
Six methyl four amine ( C6Hl2N4 ): analysis of pure, pu~ty should be greater than 99% .
Constant tempera ture box ( or water bath box ): volume can accommodate 200ml volumetric flask , temperature
25± 1°C, can cont inuously rcmning above 24h.
Zero turbidity water: see Appendix 1.
2.2 preparation methods:
Accurate weighing l .OOOg hydrazine sulfate, solubility in water of zero turbidity. Solution to 1OOml volumetric
flask, dilute, shake, filter backup ( 0.2um aperture of the millipore filtration, similarly hereinafter) .
Accurate weighing 10.00g six methyl fo ur amine, soluble in zero turbidity water, and transfened to the lOOml
volumetric flask, dilute to the mark, shake, filter backup.
A, 400NTU Fonnazine standard solution preparation: accurate removed the two kinds of solution 5.00ml, into
I OOml volumetric flask shaking. The volumetric flask is placed at 25± 1 °Coven or a constant temperature water
bath, to avoid light rest for 24 hours, adding zero turbidity water dilute, shake made namely after 400NTU
standard solution.
B, 4000NTU Fonnazine standard solution preparation: accurate removed the two kinds of solution lOOml, into
200ml vo lumetric flask shaking, the volumetric flask is placed in 25 ±°Coven or a constant temperature water bath,
to avoid light standing for 24 hours to make the 4000NTU standard solution.
In order to increase the reliability of preparing value, can consider multiple sets of multiple bottles of Fonnazine
preparation, standard solution preparation, to verify the consistency, while observing Fonnazine standard solution
turbidity value changes. Only in the proof of its stability is good, in using period value does not change over
preparing value + 3% can be used. The prepared solution should be 4 ~8 °( low temperature light storage

App endix 3 t urbidit y standard dilution s olu t ion pr eparatidn table

It is equipped The tota l volume of formulated 50rnl The total vo lume of fonnul ated 1OOml

: }Vi th Dope400 NTU 4000 NTU stock

1.:oncemration Draw volume solution
Dope400 NTU I 4000 NTU stoG-k-so lution -

Dra w volume (ml) Draw volume (ml )

( NTU) (ml) Draw volume (ml)

10 1.25 0.125 2.5 0.25

100 12.5 1.25 25 2.5

200 25 2.5 50 5

300 37.5 3.75 75 7.5

400 50 5 100 10

500 --- 6.25 --- 12.5

600 --- 7.5 --- 15

700 --- 8.75 --- 17. 5

800 --- 10 --- 20

900 --- 11 .25 --- 22.5

1000 --- 12.5 --- r

_ )

... . .. . ..

Preparation of the formula :

Where: A: absorb liquid volume (ml) B: to be equipped concentration (NTU)
C: liquid concentration (NTU) K: total fommlation amount (ml)

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