The Secret Ancient Egypt
The Secret Ancient Egypt
The Secret Ancient Egypt
Is it money?
Is it love?
Is it energy?
It’s sound.
Sound is the greatest way to soothe someone... It’s also the greatest way to torture
If this video didn’t have good sound, you wouldn’t listen to it for a second...
If it had bad visuals and good sound, you could watch it for an hour....
Sound is used by every major religion to tap into forces beyond this world.
And you’re about to be introduced to sound like you’ve never heard it before.
They don’t talk about it in their Bibles. But their attendance at this school is a
matter of historical fact.
It’s also a matter of historical fact that what they learned there was their source of
incredible power...
I’m going to tell you what that school was...where it is....and why it’s still in existence
And how even today, it’s attended by the most rich and powerful human beings on
the planet...
Some of them are trillionaires. But you won’t hear of them on the Forbes list.
No. These people don’t care for fanfare. They just want to use their power for their
own greedy desires....
I went on a dangerous trek to find out what this school was teaching...and as it turns
Sound can give you every little thing you want in your life...including more energy,
better dates, vibrant health.
It will give you that glow some people seem to have naturally..
But no one has the sounds I’m going to share with you today...
Welcome aboard!
We will be sure you use this key for the service of mankind which is what it is
already doing...
You’re about to find out that it’s because they have this key and they’re not letting
go of it...
I’m trying to stay off their bad side but they’re watching me very closely, making
sure I don’t say too much....
Because for the first time in history, a regular gal like me has the key and now the
39-year long learning curve is cut down to 120 seconds.
…until your life is so good, you’re going to spend every day saying “It’s enough
already, I have enough”
This 120 second secret is more powerful than anything that could ever be because
it works so fast, you will be able to actually see the changes in your life happen
before the 120 seconds are up.
People are literally throwing money at me if I would just tell them what turned little
old me into a human dynamo, philanthropist, and magnate...
Just read this letter until the end and you must read it until the end...
And if you would have told me 5 years ago, I’d be here teaching people how to
better their lives, I would’ve laughed at you.
But that’s just what makes the winding tale you’re about to interesting...
But I figure if I’m going to take you out of your mess, you should at least know how I got
out of mine.
I’ve gone over it hundreds of times to ensure there isn’t the slightest
misunderstanding possible so you know exactly what occurred....
Yes we live pretty large these days, I never dreamed I’d live in a place like this even
when I was 6 years old.
I live with my husband, Steve and our dog Shade along with an Olympic sized pool, 5
horses on our ranch, a home theater and home gym.
We often say it’s like we have our own city... Bogartville LOL.
It’s expensive to keep up but that’s the price you pay to live in the lap of luxury...
We have been independently wealthy for 2 years now ever since that key came into
my life. It all happened pretty fast....
But my husband doesn’t need to work, I don’t need to work so we figured we better enjoy
the home we’ll be in all day.
All I do all day now is tell people about this key. I shout it from the rooftops to
whomever will listen...
Well, that and keeping the maids from tucking in the sheets too tight.
As I look back on how I got here, I can’t believe how easy it actually was once I had
that key.
It was almost like wealth just came to me, like all those law of attraction gurus say
it would.
Unfortunately, those guys have no idea what they’re talking about so it never
happens for you...
I didn’t have the strength for anyone to lean on me. But everyone was leaning on me
Steve became Mr. Mom and was packing sack lunches at 8:00AM....
I’d be there in bed when he came back from work and he didn’t know how much
more of this he could take...
To be perfectly honest, and as much as I
didn’t want to admit it, my marriage was
falling apart...
I’d regularly catch him looking at other women’s tight behinds and he banned me
from seeing his cellphone which I knew was a very bad sign.
My girlfriends stopped calling me when they were going out. I guess they got sick of
me not picking up the phone.
I always had low self-esteem. Got hung up about my jagged teeth since four grade
which I could never afford to get fixed. Never could go out in a bathing suit.
He worked for a local credit union. But when he refused to get vaccinated, he was
handed his walking papers. He got no warning. He would have reconsidered the
matter if they had told him, but they just got rid of him like a bad habit...
He’s never been out of work and I was volunteering my spare time as a crisis
For a while I actually stopped checking the mail completely cuz I just couldn’t take
that sinking feeling the mail gave me.
(Don’t try that at home. I regretted that. No matter how bad it gets, always check your
Meanwhile my husband is looking for jobs in the banking industry but no one is
We were seriously considering what we’d do if we got kicked out of the house...
I remember one morning, Katy Perry was blasting, and I was sobbing on the bed....
And He did.
In fact, something happened that day that would change everything for me forever...
We were overjoyed.
Maybe if I just got out, I would see the situation in a new light... I thought...
Maybe a trip was just what I needed to get out of this mess and boy was that hope
going to come true.
We would just spin the globe and stopped it with a finger and whatever country I
was pointing at would be the place I would fly, kinda like pin the tail on the donkey
without the donkey...
I was so pumped....
I started to pack, and I really felt alive for the first time in years....
If you’re in a rut, go travel! You will see everything from a new perspective.
In other words, your dreams chase you. You don’t chase your dreams!
And no, it’s not meditation or affirmations or goal setting or positive thinking or
aligning your chakras, horoscopes, tarot cards mantras gurus or anything like that.
This was completely different and very very new to me while in fact, it was very
very old.
Once I had this key, everything around me transformed from the deepest part of
myself which was now singing but singing in a way that connected with the clouds in
the sky and the butterfly on the tree.
The whole universe suddenly was like a loving old friend that just couldn't wait to shower
me with kisses and all the best life had to offer.
And when it happened to me, I understood history like I never had before...
I came to realize what made great men great and what made regular men be able to
do miracles.
And all these men had something in common. They all studied in the Mystery
Schools in Egypt...
And somehow every time somebody went there, they came back able to attract
thousands of followers and millions of dollars almost immediately.
Well in the case of the first two, they were able to do incredible miracles. Miracles which
they used to help millions of people.
These men obviously know something we don’t, and it definitely came from these
Egyptian mystery schools.
And yet this was clearly the most powerful wisdom on the planet.
I also wanted to be more powerful and be so loving that I attracted people to me, to
have some sort of good luck that will bring happy events into my life instead of just
another credit card bill...
Wouldn’t it make sense to find out exactly what this knowledge is?
I thought so.
Because if you can think like they do, you can get what they have...
And I can now say this knowledge does work, I’m living proof.
Since I studied there, I have personally amassed over 300,000 Twitter followers and
I dominate nearly all the other social media platforms.
But I had their secret knowledge in 2022, at which point it stopped being a secret.
I learned that you have to be on the inside to get it but that’s exactly what I did.
I made it inside.
Once you have this key, the beautiful thing is there’s no more guesswork.
You don’t have to pray for something good to happen in your life. This works
automatically and it works every time.
There is just one thing you need to do for all the sudden money-making
opportunities to appear.
Do this one thing and all the sudden you feel like dieting and going to the gym.
All the sudden the opposite sex is
approaching you and asking you out on
Keep reading with all your focus because I will reveal exactly what you need to do.
That means taking the dog outside. Telling your spouse boyfriend or girlfriend not
to bother you until you get up.
Clear out all the clutter in your brain. And just be an empty vessel for the riveting
story that’s going to make you get up and cheer.
Here we go....
I know when I talked about the miracles of these great men, some of you rolled your
And I don’t blame you. I used to think anything spiritual was just folly.
But when I saw miracles done in front of my eyes, from the same exact people who
were said to do it in the Bible, I knew something bigger was going on here.
…as well as secret societies like the Freemasons, the Illuminati and the Knights
So I figured when I went, I could find out what’s going on in those mystery schools.
If anything had the possibility, I knew this had the ability to pull my household out of
the mess it was in.
So, I began my trek. I was off to a bad start because I got food poisoning on the
plane...not fun....
But nothing was going to stop me from getting to the bottom of what made a good life...
(don’t get the salmon......)
The whole time I was there, I felt this strange pull towards these mystery schools
and I felt like I had endless energy to try and find them.
I was going to get inside one of these mystery schools or die trying.
To my surprise, most of them did not know a thing about it. They said it was some
kind of myth...
I thought wow, this secret has been kept pretty well even the experts on Egypt don’t
know about them. Or those who knew didn’t want to talk about it...
I only found ONE tour guide with a nice smile who was willing to share with me how
to get there.
Well, that just made me even spunkier! I just knew I would be able to get in even if I
was the first woman to do it.
He pointed in one direction and said, “155 kilometers that way on camelback.”
“Watch me.”
I had never ridden a camel before but I got good at it real fast.
Mind you, I did this on the IDEA that a Mystery School exists there. On the HOPES
that I would find it and on the DREAM that they would actually let me in and teach
me something.
I turned on my VPN and rode 155 kilometers on the iPhone GPS, got there and I still
didn't see anything.
Funny thing, I wasn’t even tired. I was happy to do this, just like you don’t get tired of
counting your money... No school, though...
After a few hours, a Bedouin came by. I tracked him down and asked him where
the Mystery School was.
It was a cave and I stood there at the mouth of it. I came closer and closer in, which
led me to see there were hieroglyphics all over the inside of the cave walls.
I couldn't believe the fine detail of these hieroglyphics and I also had no idea what
they were saying.
But wait, I could hear chanting coming from below the cave. I peaked in a little more.
And I saw men in suits all bowing down to this big statue which looked like a
Pharoah with a bird face.
This was too weird…How the hell was I going to approach these bird worshippers?
How would I come to know what they know?
That was when a 11 year old kid climbed up to where I was, saw me and said “psst”
I told him that I wanted to learn from the Mystery School, but he said that women
are not allowed.
I nodded.
“In 50 years, we’ve never had anyone find our location.”, he mumbled. “You must be a
very dedicated young lady. Hold on.”
He went down, talked to some man, probably his father, and came back to me saying
that I can you can sit in the back of the room and listen to what he has to say for 20
minutes once the service is over. But that’s all they’ll allow.
In a moment, I’m going to share with you exactly what I learned there from their
leader that day.
But the truth is, you don’t need to know what he said. What you need to know is
what he DID.
This sound that resulted immediately possessed me. I cannot describe to you
what this sound did to my body. All I can say is, I felt electrified. It was like my
entire body had a giant off switch that is now turned on.
I had energy but I wasn’t jittery. I felt warm, peaceful and happy.
And it wasn’t going away. It seemed to take like a permanent hold on me and more
than anything, I felt like I could DO anything.
I knew exactly what I needed to do about all that stuff and I just knew it was going
to resolve itself completely and naturally.
I never felt so good in my entire life. Not my wedding day or even my wedding
night. I don’t want to get graphic but let’s just say there was a sexual component
there that I cannot describe either.
I had no doubt that what I had just heard could heal just about anyone of just about
anything. Money problems, weight problems, self-esteem issues. Even sexual issues
and mental illness.
I honestly felt this auditory experience could wipe them all out in a single bang of
that fork.
I spoke to the kid again. “What do you call what you just did?”
“Oh that? That is the Mystery School Code. That is what we’ve figured out through 5000
years of testing. It’s just gotten more and more powerful every year and now we know the
frequency Jesus used to do his miracles, and now anyone can have it.”, he shared,
beaming with pride for this amazing discovery.
“They will tell you the power could be used to do very destructive things, that it could be
incredibly dangerous. This is a lie. These guys are all big liars especially my dad. This is
how they keep it to themselves. I’ve never seen it do anything but good for people. If you
knew who these people really were, you would never respect them as you do now.”, he
said with a frown.
“Take the Mystery School Code with you and share it with the people you come from.”
See, I had been recording everything on my phone and I had immediately sent it to
If they come after me for this, I’ll at least go down a hero. But holding on to it
without sharing with anyone else is simply not an option.
With the help of a few friends who were positively mesmerized by what I played
for them on my phone, we were able to hire the best in the business - Rick
You may have heard of him. He used to mix for Metallica and currently works with
Sony Records.
He caught on to the Mystery School Code really fast. Knew exactly what needed to
be done.
“Where did you get that?” he asked “That’s some pretty high-level stuff. What do you call
“Well yes, that’s the right term for it.”, he chuckled. “This can really shake up the world
you know that?”
He went to work and when we came back to him the next day, he said he needed
more time.
So he took another 48 hours before he came back and said this is the Mystery
School Code, now everyone can have it.
He played the track and what rang out reminded me of what I heard in that cave. It
was just as powerful. Just as pure, just as pristine.
You know what it’s like when you get a high in a drum circle? That’s how it felt but it
lasted for hours.
“Here it is.” Rick said as he handed the USB to me. “it’s all on this USB and it’s yours. Be
careful with it though”, he warned me. “That could be used for some bad purposes...”
Apparently, a few days after I left for Egypt, Steve got an offer from Bank of
America and they are hiring him right away!
That is great news! “When did the offer came in?”, I asked.
He said, “You know it’s really weird. It was right after you sent me that frequency on your
phone! What was that?”
This sound was already transforming my life. Our money troubles were over. And
my depression had turned to incredible joy. If I felt I was becoming even a little
depressed, I would just play the track and felt like a million bucks once again.
It was like a gun that I needed to reload every 6 hours or so, but those 6 hours are
more pleasurable than all the pleasure you used to have in 2 weeks in my old life.
My friends got a copy, hit play and they said they never felt so good.
One of them said I gotta go to the gym to get this energy out and she went and lifted
10 pounds more than her previous max.
They also had a lot of stories of money basically falling from the sky - promotions at
their husband’s work, unexpected checks and one even won 100 grand at a lottery!
They would play the sound for their baby, and she would sleep right through the
They said this is better than a babysitter and better than sex.
They also said their cravings have curbed. They suddenly felt no hesitation about going on
and sticking to their diets. It was easy, they said.
There are so many stories but let’s just hear from someone who just go the audio
“Rina, you are my angel. You had quite a trip. But let me tell you, it was
well worth it. I used to have bad anxiety. Now I play the track and I feel
calm and peaceful. My boss called me into his office and gave me a huge
compliment and said I’m up for another promotion. My husband is
looking at me differently now. Our sex life has completely turned around.
And this is just day 1! I don’t know how this frequency works. I just know
I will never stop listening to it and I will never stop sharing it with
friends. This is literally saving lives”
“I don’t like to talk about this, but I have erectile dysfunction. We’ve been
to urologists, and nothing helped. Then I got the Mystery School Code. I
turned it on and I shot up like an arrow. This has possibly saved my
marriage. Thank you Rina for your sacrifice in getting this sound”
“This sound has been the best thing that ever happened to our
household. We are all just getting along much better. My daughter used
to give me a lot of sass. Now she’s a pleasure to be around. We all sit
around the speakers and listen to the sound for several minutes. It’s like
we’re hooked on it and this is one addiction I’m never giving up. It’s so
powerful, it’s a little scary. I could see how people could use this for evil
purposes but I think if enough of us good people are using it. We will
change the world for the better.”
And I knew I had to make a website for it, which is the website you’re on now.
1 I can make an income (audio engineers and programmers are not free)
2 I can keep tabs on people to make sure they don’t use it for evil
3 I can ensure the Mystery School Code never gets corrupted. Already we’ve
had several people try to make their own imitations of the Mystery School with my website I stomp that out real quick
4 I can get documented fantastic success stories from people who have tried
the Mystery School Code.
And it’s from here, right now, that I’m pleased to offer you..
The people who use this today have been working on controlling their appetites
since they were 20. That means you need to have a certain reverence and when
you use this.
Treat it with respect and keep a close eye on any negative appetites in your soul that
want to come out because of this incredible power that you now have.
Beware of arrogance and lust; these are the two main problems we see happening
with the frequency. And whatever you do, don’t start any cults.
If you do it right and you go in with good intentions, you will come out of it a much
better person who will help many other people become better.
Because once you feel as good as this makes you feel, you’ll want to help other people
which will make you feel even better.
You can tell by the end of this letter that I made it with joy and that that joy is 100%
due to the frequency.
I only hope this website stays up long enough for you to be able to try it.
Those bird worshipper guys are all billionaires and some are trillionaires. They can
stomp me like an ant when they want to.
But I’ll keep doing this until that day arrives because once this is on Good Morning
America, there’s no point in stopping me. The cat will already be out of the bag.
When you get into the member’s area you will be able to access the Mystery School
Code right away. That will come with instructions that help you get the most out of
the frequency.
We will have a few modules examining the history of the mystery schools, touching
on topics regarding your soul, the afterlife and how to make miracles.
You will really know what Jesus knew, the same exact knowledge 2000 years later
and that’s an incredible feat.
But I do have employees who need to get paid so they can eat.
I also pay to keep improving on the Mystery School Code and that’s very pricey.
So we’re going to charge not too much and not too little.
So it’s not going to be $197. Even though that’s the original price when I first
started selling it.
We’re not even going to charge $127 even though that’s practically giving it away.
But no.
We’re only going to charge you $39. For the most powerful frequency known to
man - The Mystery School Code.
(365-Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
The frequency that will turn your life right side up.
Put you on the path to greatness. Put you on a path to thousands of followers
And you’ll have it to give it because the more of it you give, the more you get.
It’s a funny thing. You’re working so you should get tired, right? But the opposite
happens. You become more energized.
And this is the key to not turning this into something evil. Use it to help other
people, not to just grow your own power...
Your life will just grow and grow in quality and in joyfulness. No obstacles will
seem insurmountable.
This will be the best thing that happened to you in your life, just as it has been for
myself and hundreds of thousands of students.
You have 365 days to decide if you want to keep the Mystery School Code. Try out
the frequency. Try out all the frequencies! Knock yourself out.
So shoot an email to us if you’re not satisfied and we’ll return every penny. We’ll do
it within 48 hours.
It means there’s absolutely no reason to resist the urge to get your copy of the
Mystery School Code
No catch whatsoever.
You just have to say I’ll give it a shot and get my money back if I'm not happy.
I’m not going to use any smooth marketing tactics to get you to buy this
I’ve lived my life without Mystery School Code. And I’ve lived my life WITH
Mystery School Code.
And I can tell you, this is the most significant change that will happen to you in your
life for your entire life.
That’s right.
I’m telling you, you will never get a chance like this again.
As I said, there are a lot of people who would like to see this website come down.
Powerful people.
I’m also getting hit from other so-called “Manifestation gurus” spreading lies about
me on social media...
Because they can’t compete with the Mystery School Code on a level playing field...
So, I cannot guarantee our site will be up another week or even another day.
(365-Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
You can hesitate yourself right out of a good life if you’re not careful....
It’s like you’ve got gold and diamonds on the other side of a fence. And you’re hesitating
about climbing the fence.
Hit the button now. And I’ll see you on the other side..
(365-Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
If I just played the Mystery School Code to you right now. You would pay anything
for it.
You would know how it makes you feel and like me, you would instantly realize
how small your problems actually are.
Think of every good thing that ever happened to you in your life.
The beauty pageant, the football victory, the acing of the SATs or even finding your
Didn’t all those things take investment of your time money and energy?
Of course not.
So, let’s not be ridiculous because I’m freaking guaranteeing this thing so far that it’s
practically guaranteed in your afterlife.
(365-Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
You don’t yet realize how good your life can be.
Bye now.
(365-Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All materials on this site are provided for
informational and entertainment purposes only and are NOT medical advice, and NOT intended in any way as a
substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your physician before beginning any
diet or exercise program.
The website's content and the product for sale are based upon the author's opinion and are provided solely on an "AS IS"
and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when
searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional
health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware
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