Number System
Number System
Number System
The numbers of the form p/q, where „p‟ and „q‟ are integers and q≠0, are called rational numbers.
A rational number p/q is said to be in simplest form, if „p‟ and „q‟ are integers having no common
factor other than 1 and q≠0.
Every rational number can be expressed as decimal. If the decimal expression of p/q terminates, then
it is called a terminating decimal.
A decimal in which a digit or a group of digits repeats periodically, is called a recurring decimal.
The decimal expression of a rational number is either terminating or non-terminating recurring.
The decimal expression of an irrational number is „non-terminating and non-recurring‟.
All rational and all irrational numbers form the collection of all real numbers.
The process of converting the irrational denominator of a number by multiplying its numerator and
denominator by a suitable number, is called rationalization.
1. 3√6 + 4√6 is equal to:
a) 6√6 b)7√6 c)4√12 d)7√12
Answer: b
3√6 + 4√6 = (3 + 4)√6 = 7√6
2. √6 x √27 is equal to:
a) 9√2 b)3√3 c)2√2 d)9√3
Answer: a
= (3 × 3)√2
= 9√2
3. Which of the following is equal to x3?
a) x6 – x3 b)x6.x3 c)x6/x3 d)(x6)3
6 3 6–3 3
Answer: c x /x = x =x
Q1. d Q2.d, Q3b, Q4.a, Q5. b, Q6. a, Q7. c,
Q8. C, Q9. a, Q10. A
TEST-1 (MM.20)
1. Find five rational numbers between 1 and 2.
2. Find five rational numbers between 3/5 and 4/5.
3. Locate √3 on the number line.
4. Find the decimal expansions of 10/3, 7/8 and 1/7.
5. Find three different irrational numbers between the rational numbers 5/7 and 9/11.
6. Visualize 3.765 on the number line, using successive magnification.
7. Represent √(9.3) on the number line.
8. Simplify:
(i) 72/3.71/5
(ii) 101/2/101/4
9. Express 3 8in the form of decimal.
10. Rationalize the denominator of 3− 2
TEST-2 (MM.30)
1. Express in the form p/q
Express 0.4323232… in the form p/q, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.
2. Find 6 rational numbers between 6/5 and 7/5.
3. Rationalize the denominator:
1 2 7
a) 9+ 5+ 6 b) 3−1 c) 12− 5
4. Express as Fractions
Express 1.363636... in the form p/q, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.
5. Simplify the following:
a) (8+√5)(8-√5)
b) (10+√3)(6+√2)
c) (√3+√11)2 +(√3-√11)2
6. What can the maximum number of digits be in the recurring block of digits in the decimal expansion
7. Classify the following numbers as rational or irrational:
a) 2-√5
b) (3+√23)- √23
c) 1/(√2)
7+3 𝟓
8. Simply by rationalizing denominator: 7−3 𝟓
9. Simplify: