SNC - Maths 1-5

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GRADE I-V 2020







Chapter 01: Introduction 06

1.1 The Single National Curriculum Mathematics (I -V) 2020: 06

1.2. Aims of Mathematics Curriculum 06

1.3. Mathematics Curriculum Content Strands and Standards 07

1.4 The Mathematics Curriculum Standards and Benchmarks 09

Chapter 02: Progression Grid 13

Chapter 03: Curriculum for Mathematics Grade I 33

Chapter 04: Curriculum for Mathematics Grade II 39

Chapter 05: Curriculum for Mathematics Grade III 46

Chapter 06: Curriculum for Mathematics Grade IV 52

Chapter 07: Curriculum for Mathematics Grade V 60

Chapter 08: Teaching Strategies 68

Role of a Teacher 71

Classroom Planning for Mathematics 72

Chapter 09: Assessment in Mathematics 74

Mathematics Curriculum Grade Wise Tables; 77






Cognitive Domains / Skills 79

Table of Specification for Grade – IV 81

Number and Operations distribution unit wise in Grade – IV 81

Paper Pattern for Assessment: 82


Chapter 10: Teaching and Learning Resources 83

The Textbook 84

Guidelines for Textbook Authors 84

Textbook Style and Structure 85

The Teacher’s Manual 86

The Workbook 86

Mathematics Laboratory 87

The Web-based Resources 89

The Reference Book Resources 89



The Single National Mathematics Curriculum 2020 has been designed in the perspective
of modern trends in Mathematics and emerging requirements of society in terms of
National Integrity and Social Cohesion.

The main aim of the Single National Mathematics Curriculum 2020 is to develop
mathematical literacy, induce logical thinking, reasoning and solve real life situations
among students. Overall this curriculum provides a framework that encompasses
expectations and provides guidance for meaningful learning of Mathematics at primary
level. This document helps teachers to design, implement, and analyze instructions, and
assessment methods in order to accomplish the overall goal of the curriculum. The entire
curriculum is divided into four strands, Numbers and Operations, Algebra, Measurements
and Geometry and Data Handling, all underpinned in Reasoning and Logical thinking
which serves as a cross cutting strand. This Curriculum is based on standards,
benchmarks and also features a progression grid to show the progression of
Mathematical concepts across the grades. Students’ learning outcomes are matched with
the contents and are aligned with the benchmarks and the standards. The learning
outcomes emphasize on the development of knowledge and conceptual understanding
through application and reasoning skills. This curriculum also emphasizes on Values to
promote student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through mathematics.

This curriculum (I-V) stimulates the logical cognition of students and encourages them to
solve real life mathematical situations. In grades VI-VIII, students will be provided with the
mathematical tools for justifying conclusions and to identify the relationship between
different mathematical concepts in everyday situations. In grades IX-XII, students will
additionally develop the ability to use Mathematics in other fields of study.


The basic aims of mathematics curriculum from grade I-V are as follow:

• Instill Mathematical skills for everyday use.

• Strengthen basic mathematical skills to set the foundation for higher level
• Develop the ability to think in a logical manner to analyze diverse situations.
• Develop a sense of appreciation and enjoy learning mathematics.
• Develop a deep and sustainable understanding through Concrete, Pictorial and
Abstract (CPA) approach.
• Engage in investigations and enquiries to develop skills in mathematical reasoning,
processing information, making connections to real life situations and making

This curriculum document includes details of pedagogical approaches are designed to
help mathematics teachers achieve the overall aims of this curriculum. For example,
among others, Real Life Situations and Number Stories are two of the strategies to
achieve the aims of this curriculum. These approaches engage students in analyzing
situations and applying mathematical knowledge to solve related real-life situations.
Moreover, students get opportunities construct similar situations and number stories and
hence get intellectually inspired and engaged with mathematical content. Mental
Mathematics and inquiry approach are equally important strategies especially for
developing number sense, forming predictions, justifying arguments with evidence and
drawing conclusions. Thus, this curriculum focuses on principles, patterns and systems so
that students can apply their growing mathematical knowledge and develop a holistic
understanding of the subject.

This document also includes assessment guidelines to ensure meaningful relationship

and alignment between curriculum learning outcomes, instructional design and
assessment methods. Specific formative assessment strategies are suggested that lead to
improvement of students learning. An effective learning-outcomes-oriented quality
assurance system, which is based on constant monitoring and effective feedback loop, is

Print materials, particularly the textbooks, have to play a key role towards providing
quality education at all levels. Although there are many factors that contribute towards
the overall learning of the child; yet, the importance of textbook as a reservoir of
information/knowledge cannot be ignored. In addition to the textbook, teaching and
learning resources include teacher’s manual, workbook, and a range of
web-based/electronic resources. Suggested activities, web links, and reference books are
added to help the users of the Single National Curriculum for Mathematics (I-V) 2020.

Mathematics teachers are therefore expected to:

• shift from dispensing information to plan investigative tasks.

• create cooperative and collaborative learning environment.
• design assessment tasks.
• draw valid inference about students.
• use this information to improve their own teaching practices.


The curriculum for Mathematics is comprised of the following four strands. The strands
are intentionally kept broad to allow flexibility to the teachers to adapt their teaching
styles in accordance with their students.

These strands include Numbers and Operations, Algebra, Geometry and Measurement
and Data Handling. All of this content is underpinned by reasoning and logical thinking.
All standards, benchmarks and students’ learning outcomes are built around these

Number and

Reasoning and
logical thinking Geometry and

Data Handling

Key Learning Strands Standards

1. NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS • Identify numbers, ways of representing

numbers, comparing numbers and effects of
number operations.
• compute fluently with fractions, decimals
and percentages
• examine real life situations by identifying
mathematically valid arguments and
drawing conclusion to enhance their
mathematical thinking

2. ALGEBRA • analyze number patterns;

• known facts, properties and relationships to
analyze mathematical situations,
• examine real life situations by identifying
mathematically valid arguments and
drawing conclusion to enhance their
mathematical thinking

3. GEOMETRY AND MEASUREMENT • identify measurable attributes of objects,

construct angles and two-dimensional
• analyze characteristics and properties of
geometric shapes and develop arguments
about their geometric relationships
• examine real life situations by identifying,
mathematically valid arguments and
drawing conclusion to enhance their
mathematical thinking

4. DATA HANDLING • collect, organize, analyze, display and

interpret data/ information
• examine real life situations by identifying
mathematically valid arguments and
drawing conclusion to enhance their
mathematical thinking


The Standards for Mathematics are further sub-divided into the following Benchmarks for
Grade Level-I-V:

Standards Benchmarks Grade-(I-III) Benchmarks Grade-(IV-V)

NUMBERS AND The students will be able to: The students will be able to:
• identify, read and write • read and write whole
• Identify numbers, whole numbers up to numbers up to
ways of representing 10,000 1,000,000 (1-million) in
numbers, comparing • read and write Roman numerals and words
numbers and effects numbers up to 20 • add and subtract
of operations in • identify and numbers of different
various situations. differentiate even and complexity and of
• compute fluently with odd numbers up to 99 arbitrary size
fractions, decimals • arrange, compare • multiply and divide
and percentages numbers up to 3-digits numbers, up to 6-digits,
• examine real life using symbols (<,>or =) by 2- or 3-digit
situations by • identify and recognize numbers and by 10,100
identifying place values up to and 1000
mathematically valid 5-digit numbers • solve real life situations
arguments and • represent and identify involving operations of
drawing conclusion to the given number on addition, subtraction,
enhance number line multiplication and
mathematical • round off a number to division
thinking the nearest 10 and 100 • recognize and
• add, subtract numbers differentiate between
up to 4-digits factors and multiples of
• develop multiplication two or three 2-digit
tables up to 10 numbers
• multiply number up to • find highest common
2-digits with 1-digit factor (HCF) and least
number common multiple (LCM)
• recognize and use of of two, three or four
division symbol, divide numbers, up to 2-digits
up to 2-digit numbers • solve real life
by 1-digit number situations involving
• solve real life situations HCF and LCM
involving addition, • recognize and compare
subtraction, like and unlike fractions
multiplication and • arrange, convert and
division simplify fractions
• round off a number to • add, subtract, multiply
the nearest 10 and 100 and divide fractions
• recognize fractions and • solve real life situations
different forms of involving addition,
fractions with the help subtraction,
of objects and figures multiplication and
division of fractions

Standards Benchmarks Grade-(I-III) Benchmarks Grade-(IV-V)

• express and match • apply unitary method

fractions in figures and for solving real life
compare fractions with situations
same denominators • identify and recognize
using symbols <, > or = decimal numbers
• identify and write • convert decimal
equivalent fractions for numbers into fractions
a given fraction and vice versa
• add and subtract two • add and subtract
fractions with same numbers up to 3
denominators decimal places
• multiply and divide
decimal numbers with
whole numbers
• round off decimal
numbers up to
specified number of
decimal places
• solve real life situations
involving decimal
numbers (up to 3-
decimal places)
• convert percentage to
fraction and to decimal
and vice versa

ALGEBRA • develop the concept of • develop the concept of

equality using addition equality using addition,
• analyze number and subtraction of subtraction,
patterns; numbers multiplication and
• known facts, • identify and complete division of numbers.
properties and geometrical patterns • identify and describe
relationships to on square grid repeating pattern using
analyze mathematical according to attributes relationship between
situations, like shape, size and consecutive terms and
• examine real life orientation. generate number
situations by patterns
mathematically valid
arguments and
drawing conclusion to

Standards Benchmarks Grade-(I-III) Benchmarks Grade-(IV-V)

GEOMETRY AND • use language to • convert standard units

MEASUREMENT compare heights/ of length, mass,
lengths, masses and capacity and time.
• identify measurable capacity of different • solve the real-life
attributes of objects, objects. situations involving
construct angles and • read, recognize and use addition and
two-dimensional units of length subtraction of units of
figures; (kilometer, meter and distance/ length, mass,
• analyze centimeter), mass capacity and time.
characteristics and (kilogram and gram) • distinguish parallel and
properties of and capacity (liter and non-parallel lines.
geometric shapes and milliliter) and time • identify, classify and
develop arguments (minute and second). construct different
about their geometric • add and subtract in types of angles.
relationships units of length, mass, • describe and classify
• examine real life capacity and time for 2-D figures and 3-D
situations by solving real life geometrical objects
identifying, situations. • determine perimeter
mathematically valid • use solar and Islamic and area of square and
arguments and calendar to find a rectangle
drawing conclusion to particular dates/ day. • describe and complete
enhance • recognize and identify symmetric figures with
mathematical two- and respect to given line of
thinking three-dimensional symmetry and point of
figures. rotation.
• determine perimeter of
square, rectangle and
• identify and
differentiate straight
line and curved line.
• identify and draw
points, lines, line
segments, and rays.
• identify and describe
symmetrical shapes.

Standards Benchmarks Grade-(I-III) Benchmarks Grade-(IV-V)

DATA HANDLING • read, interpret and • read and interpret bar

represent data using graphs, line graphs and
• collect, organize, Carroll diagram, picture pie charts.
analyze, display and graph and tally charts. • represent real life
interpret data/ situations using pie
information chart.
• examine real life • find an average of given
situations by quantities in the data.
identifying • draw and read simple
mathematically valid bar graphs both in
arguments and horizontal and vertical
drawing conclusion to form.
enhance • solve real life situations
mathematical using simple bar
thinking graphs.



The Progression grid serves as a guide indicating how competencies at a particular
developmental level are to be attained in order to meet the standards. They provide
indicators of expectations from students at completion of each grade (I-V). The
progression grid lists all the SLOs in parallel and shows the gradual development of
learning objectives from one grade to another to bridge the gaps between the grades.

Concept of Whole Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V
• identify • write ordinal • read roman • read • read numbers
numbers1–9. numbers numbers up numbers up up to
• identify 0 as a from first to to 20 to 100,000 1,000,000(one
number. twentieth. • write roman (one hundred million) in
• read numbers up • write numbers up thousand) numerals and
to 9 in numerals numbers to 20 • write words
and in words. 1–100 in • recognize numbers up • write
• Write numbers up words. even and odd to 100,000 numbers up
to 9 in numerals • read numbers up (one hundred to 1,000,000
and in words. numbers up to 99 within a thousand) (one million)
• Count objects up to 999. given • write in numerals
to 9 and represent • write sequence numbers in and words
in numbers. numbers up • differentiate words up to
• Match the to 999 as even and odd 100,000 (one
numbers 0–9 with numerals numbers hundred
objects. within a given thousand)
• Count backward sequence • recognize
from 9. • read and prime and
• arrange numbers write given composite
in ascending and numbers up numbers up
descending order to 10,000 (ten to 100
(up-to 9). thousand) in
• identify which numerals and
number (up to 9) words
 before and after a
given number
 between two given
• identify 10 as a
2-digit number.
• Read numbers up
to 99.
• Write numbers up
to 99.
• count forward and
backward up to 99

Concept of Whole Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• recognize the place • write ordinal • read roman • read numbers • read numbers
value of a specific numbers from numbers up up to 100,000 up to
digit in a 2- digit first to to 20 (one hundred 1,000,000(one
number (tens and twentieth. • write roman thousand) million) in
ones) • write numbers up • write numerals and
• identify the place numbers to 20 numbers up words
value of the specific 1–100 in • recognize to 100,000 • write numbers
digit in a 2-digit words. even and odd (one hundred up to
number • read numbers numbers up thousand) 1,000,000 (one
• decompose a up to 999. to 99 within a • write million) in
number up to 99 to • write given numbers in numerals and
identify the value of numbers up sequence words up to words
a number in ten’s to 999 as • differentiate 100,000 (one
and one’s place. numerals even and odd hundred
• compare one- and numbers thousand)
two-digit numbers within a given • recognize
• order the set of sequence prime and
numbers from 0 to • read and composite
99 in ascending and write given numbers up
descending order. numbers up to 100
• identify which to 10,000 (ten
number (up to 99) thousand) in
comes numerals and
 before and after a words
given number
 between two given
• count in tens and
recognize 100 as a
three-digit number.
• identify and write
missing numbers in
a sequence from 1
to 100
• count and write the
number of objects
in a given set.
• identify the position
of objects using
ordinal numbers
such as first,
second… tenth,
representations 1st,
2nd… 10th through

Concept of Whole Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• arrange • compare • compare two • compare and
numbers in 2-digit numbers up to order numbers
ascending and numbers with 3-digit up to 6-digits
descending 3-digit numbers using
order up to 9. numbers symbols “<”,
• identify which (hundreds, “>”, or “=”
number tens and • write the given
(up to 9) comes ones). set of
• before/after a • compare numbers in
given number, 3-digit ascending and
• between two numbers descending
given numbers. with3-digit order(up to 3-
• compare and numbers digit numbers)
order the (hundreds,
numbers 0-10. tens and
• compare one- ones).
and two-digit • count
numbers. backward ten
• order numbers steps down
from 0 to 99 in from any given
ascending and number.
descending • arrange
order. numbers up to
• identify which 999, written in
number mixed form
(up to 99) comes and in
• before/after a ascending or
given number, descending
• between two order.
given numbers. • count and
• identify and write in 10s
write missing (e.g.10,20,
numbers in a 30,).
sequence from • count and
1 to 100. write in 100s
• compare two or (e.g.100,200,
more groups of 300,)
objects in terms • identify the
of numbers. smallest/large
• match objects st number in a
having one to given set of
one numbers
• identify the
number of
objects in two
groups to show
‘more than’ or
‘less than’.
• compare
numbers from
1 to 20 to
identify ‘how
much more’ one
is than the other

Place Value of Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• identify 10 as a • recognize that • identify the • identify place
2- digit number. 1,000 is one place values values up to
• recognize the more than 999 up to 5-digit 6-digit
place values of a and the first numbers numbers
2-digit number four-digit • represent a
(tens and ones). number. given number
• Identify the • recognize the on number
place value of place value of line up to
the specific digit a 3-digit 2-digit
in 2-digit numbers. numbers.
numbers. • identify the • identify the
place value of value of a
a specific digit number on
in a 3-digit number line
numbers. up to 2-digit

Addition of Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• recognize and • add 1-digit • add numbers • add numbers • add numbers
use symbols of numbers with up to 4-digit up to 5-digit up to 6-digit
addition ‘+’ 1-digit with and numbers numbers
and equality numbers without • solve real life • solve real life
‘=’. • add 1-digit carrying number situations
• add two, numbers with (vertically and stories involving
1-digit 2-digit horizontally) involving addition of up
numbers (sum numbers with • add numbers addition of up to 6-digit
up to 9). carrying up to 100 to 5-digit numbers
• add a 2-digit • add 2-digit using mental numbers
numbers with numbers with calculation
1-digit 2-digit strategies
number. numbers with • solve real life
• add a two-digit carrying number
number to • solve real life stories
10s. number involving
• add two, stories addition
2-digit involving
numbers. addition of
• recognize the 2-digit
use of symbol numbers with
to represent carrying
an unknown • add 3-digit
such as �+ 4=7 numbers with
(include 1-digit
questionsthats numbers
umupto20). without
• add mentally carrying
the numbers
(up to 20)
involving real
life situations.

Addition of Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• construct • add 3-digit
addition numbers with
equations 2-digit
from given numbers
pictures or without
number carrying
stories. • add 3-digit
• identify numbers with
Pakistani 3-digit
currency coins numbers
(Rs 1, 2, 5 and without
10) carrying
• identify • solve real life
Pakistani number
currency notes stories
(Rs 10, 20, 50 involving
and 100) addition of
• match a group 3-digit
of coins/notes numbers
to an without
equivalent carrying
group of • add 3-digit
different numbers
denominations with1-digit
• add and numbers with
subtract carrying of
money using tens and
the prices of hundreds
objects • add 3-digit
(transactions numbers with
for example 2-digit
toys) numbers with
• recognize carrying of
money change tens and
(up to Rs100) hundreds
to its • add 3-digit
equivalent’s numbers with
denominations 3-digit
• determine if numbers with
enough money carrying of
is available to tens and
make a hundreds
purchase up to • solve real life
Rs100 number
• add different stories
combinations involving
of coins/notes addition of
(to make sum 3-digit
up to Rs100) numbers with
carrying of
tens and

Subtraction of Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• compare • subtract • subtract up to • subtract up to • subtract up to
numbers from 1-digit 4-digit 5-digit 6-digit
1- 20 and find numbers from numbers with numbers with numbers.
‘how many one 2-digit and without and without • solve real life
is less than the numbers with borrowing borrowing situations
other? borrowing • subtract • solve real life involving
• recognize • subtract numbers up to situations subtraction of
subtraction as 2-digit 100 using involving up to 6-digit
a difference numbers from mental subtraction of numbers.
and take away, 2-digit calculation up to 5-digit
(use the numbers with strategies numbers.
symbol ‘-’). borrowing • solve real life
• subtract • solve real life number
1-digit number stories
numbers from stories of involving
1-digit subtraction subtraction
numbers. with
(which results borrowing
in positive). • subtract
• subtract 1-digit
1-digit numbers from
numbers from 3-digit
2-digit numbers
numbers. without
• subtract tens borrowing
from 2-digit • subtract
numbers. 2-digit
• subtract numbers from
2-digit 3-digit number
numbers from without
2-digit borrowing
numbers • subtract
(which results 3-digit
in positive). numbers from
• recognize the 3-digit
use of symbols numbers
to represent without
an unknown borrowing
such as 9-�=7. • solve real life
• subtract number
mentally the stories of
numbers (up subtraction
to 20) without
involving real borrowing
life situations. • subtract
• construct 1-digit
subtraction numbers from
sentences 3-digit
from given numbers with
pictures or borrowing.
number • subtract
stories 2-digit
numbers from
numbers with

Subtraction of Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• subtract
numbers from
numbers with
• solve real life
stories of
subtraction up
to 3-digit
numbers with
• analyze simple
operation of
addition and
wing in mixed

Multiplication of Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• recognize • develop • multiply up to • multiply up to
multiplication multiplication 5-digit 6-digit
as repeated tables for 6, 7, numbers by up numbers by
addition (for 8, and 9 to 3-digit 10, 100, and
example • multiply 2-digit numbers 1000.
2+2+2=6 is numbers by • solve real life • multiply up to
equivalent to 3 1-digit numbers situations 6-digit
times 2 which • multiply a involving number, by a
is 3 x 2 = 6) and number by 0 multiplication number up to
use and 1 of up to 5-digit 3-digit
multiplication • apply mental numbers by up • solve real life
symbol “×” mathematical to 3-digit situations
• complete strategies to numbers. involving
number multiply multiplication
sequences in 1-digit of up to 6-digit
steps of 2,3,4,5 numbers to numbers, by a
and 10 (for 1-digit numbers up to 3-digit
example in • solve real life numbers.
steps of 2 the situations
sequence is involving
expressed as multiplication
2,4, 6…) of 2-digit
numbers by
1-digit numbers

Multiplication of Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• develop
tables of 2,3,4,
5 and 10 till the
of 10x10
• multiply
numbers within
• write number
sentence for
from the
pictures such
2×[] ̇=6
• solve number
stories on
up to 1-digit

Division of Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• recognize and • divide 2-digit • divide numbers • divide up to
use division numbers by a up to 4-digit by 5-digit
symbol “÷” 1-digit numbers up to numbers by
• recognize numbers (with 2-digit 10,100 and
division as zero remainder) • solve real life 1,000
successive • apply mental • divide, up to
subtraction mathematical division of 5-digit
• divide numbers strategies to numbers up to numbers by up
within the divide 1-digit 4-digit by to 2-digit
multiplication number by a numbers up to numbers
tables with 1-digit number 2-digit • solve real life
remainder zero • solve real life • solve real life situations
• solve number situations situations using involving
stories involving appropriate division of
involving division of operations of numbers, up to
division up to 2-digit addition, 5-digit by a
1-digit numbers numbers by a number up to
• solve real life 1-digit numbers 2-digit
and division of
situations numbers up to • find HCF of two
(using Pakistani 2-digit or three
currency as • identify numbers, up to
well) involving divisibility rules 2-digits, using
addition, for 2, 3, 5, and prime
subtraction, 10 factorization
multiplication, • use divisibility method and
and division. tests for 2, 3, 5 division
• give reasons and 10 on method
for choosing numbers up to
the correct

Division of Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• identify and • find LCM of two
differentiate or three
2-digit prime numbers, up to
and composite 2-digit, using
numbers prime
• find factors of a factorization
number up to method and
50 division
• list the first ten method
multiples of a • solve real life
1-digit number situations
• differentiate involving HCF
between and LCM
factors and
• factorize a
number by
using prime
• determine
factors of two
or more 2-digit
• determine
multiples of
two or more
2-digit numbers


Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• recognize • express the • recognize like • add and
fraction as fractions in and unlike subtract two or
equal parts of a figures and vice fractions more fractions
whole versa • compare two with different
• identify half, • match the unlike fractions denominators
one-third and fractions with by converting • multiply a
quarter with related figures them to fraction by a
the help of • recognize equivalent 1-digit numbers
objects and proper and fractions with and
figures (without improper the same demonstrate
writing 1/2, 1/3, fractions denominator with the help of
1/4) • differentiate • simplify diagrams
• represent half between fractions to the • multiple two or
(1/2), one third proper and lowest form. more fractions
(1/3) and improper • identify unit, involving
quarter (1/4) in fractions proper, proper,
numerical form • identify improper improper
• shade the equivalent fractions and fractions and
equal parts of a fractions from mixed numbers mixed numbers
given figure to the given • convert • solve real life
match a given figures improper situations
fraction • write three fractions to involving
• recognize and equivalent mixed numbers multiplication of
name unit fractions for a and vice versa fractions
fractions up to given figure • arrange • divide a fraction
1/10 • write three fractions in by a whole
• recognize equivalent ascending and number
fractions like fractions for a descending • divide a fraction
two thirds (2/3), given fraction order by another
three fourth • compare • add fractions fraction
(3/4), four fifth fractions with with like involving
(4/5), and so on same denominators proper,
up to nine denominators • subtract improper
tenths (9/10). using symbols fractions with fractions, and
“<”, “>” or “= “ like mixed numbers
• add two denominators • solve real life
fractions with • multiply situations
same fractions by involving
denominators whole numbers division of
• represent • multiply two or fractions
addition of more fractions • recognize
fractions (proper, percentage as a
through figures improper, and special kind of
• subtract mixed fraction.
fractions with numbers) • convert
same • divide a percentage to
denominators fraction by a fraction and to
• represent whole number decimal number
subtraction of • analyze real life vice versa only
fractions situations for numbers
through figures involving without decimal
fractions by part i.e. 35 %,
identifying 75% etc.
appropriate • solve real life
operations situations

Decimal Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• recognize a • compare
decimal numbers up to
number as an 3-digit with two
alternate way decimal places
of writing a • arrange
fraction numbers up to
• express 3-digit numbers
decimal with two
number as a decimal places
fraction whose in ascending
denominator is and descending
10 or 100 or order
1000 • add and
• identify and subtract 4-digit
recognize the numbers up to
place value of a 3-decimals
digit in places
decimals • multiply a
numbers up to 3-digit numbers
3 decimal up to two
places decimal places
• convert a given by 10, 100, and
fraction to a 1000
decimal • multiply a
number when 3-digtnumbers
denominator of up to two
the fraction is decimal places
10, 100 or 1000 by a whole
• convert a given number up to
fraction to a 2-digit
decimal • multiply a 3-digt
number when number up to
denominator of two decimal
the fraction is places by a
not 10, 100 or 3-digit numbers
1000 but can be up to two
converted to decimal places
10, 100 or 1000 • divide a 3-digt
• convert numbers up to
decimals two decimal
numbers (up to places by 10,
three decimal 100, and 1000
places) to • divide a 3-digt
fraction. numbers up to
• add and two decimal
subtract 3-digit places by a
numbers (up to whole number
2 decimal up to 2-digit
places). • divide a 3-digit
• multiply a numbers up to
2-digit two decimal
numbers (up to places by a
1 decimal 2-digit number
place) by 10, up to one
100, and 1000. decimal place

Decimal Numbers

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• multiply a • convert
2-digit fractions to
numbers with decimals
one decimal numbers using
place by a division.
1-digit number. • solve real life
• divide a 2-digit situations
numbers with involving
one decimal division of
place by a 3-digit numbers
1-digit number. up to two
• solve real life decimal places
numbers with
one decimal
place using


Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• round off a • round off a • round off a
whole number whole number 4-digit numbers
to the nearest to the nearest up to three
10 and 100 10, 100 and decimal places
1000 to the nearest
• round off tenth or
decimal hundredth
numbers (with • estimate sum or
one or two difference of the
decimal places) numbers up to
to the nearest 4-digit.
whole number.


Measurement of Length

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• compare the • compare the • use standard • use standard • convert
heights/lengths length of metric units of metric units to measures given
of two or more different length measure the in kilometers to
objects using objects (kilometer, length of meters and vice
following • recognize the meter, and different versa, meters
terms: units of length centimeter) objects to centimeters
 long, longer, (meter and including • convert larger and vice versa,
longest centimeter) abbreviations. to smaller centimeters to
 short, shorter, • use standard • add measures metric units millimeters and
shortest, metric units of of length in (2-digit vice versa.
 tall, taller, length (meter same units with numbers with • solve real life
tallest and centimeter) and without one decimal situations
 high, higher, and their carrying place) involving
highest abbreviations • solve real life kilometers into conversion,
to measure and situations meters, meters addition and
record lengths involving same into subtraction of
of verity of units of length centimeters, units of
objects for addition centimeters distance
• use addition without into millimeters
and subtraction carrying • add and
within 100 to • subtract subtract
solve real life measures of measures of
situations length in same length in same
involving units without units
lengths in same borrowing • solve real life
units • solve real life situations
situations involving
involving same conversion,
units of length addition and
for subtraction subtraction of
without units of length

Measurement of Mass

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• compare the • compare the • use standard • use standard • convert
masses of two mass of metric units of metric units to measures given
or more objects different mass (kilogram measure the in kilometers to
using the objects and gram) mass of meters and vice
including versa, meters
terms: • recognize the different to centimeters
units of mass, objects and vice versa,
• add measures
 Heavy, heavier, (kilogram and of mass in same • convert larger centimeters to
heaviest. gram) units without to smaller millimeters and
 Light, lighter, • use standard carrying metric units vice versa.
lightest. metric units of • (2-digit • solve real life
solve real life
mass (kilogram, numbers with situations
situations involving
gram) and their involving same one decimal conversion,
abbreviations units of mass place) addition and
to measure and for addition kilograms into subtraction of
record mass of without grams, grams units of
verity of objects carrying into milligrams distance

Measurement of Mass

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• use addition • subtract • add and
and subtraction measures of subtract
within 100 to mass in same measures of
solve real life units without mass in same
situations borrowing units
involving mass • solve real life • solve real life
in same units situations situations
involving same involving
units of mass conversion,
for subtraction addition and
without subtraction of
borrowing units of mass

Measurement of Capacity

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• compare • use standard • use standard
capacity of metric units of metric units to
different capacity (liter measure the
objects using and milliliter) capacity of
non-standard including different
units (jug, abbreviations containers
glass, cup, etc.) • add measures • convert larger
• recognize and of capacity in to smaller
use the same units metric units
standard metric without (2-digit
units of carrying numbers with
capacity, (liter • solve real life one decimal
and milliliters) situations place) liters in
• use addition involving same to milliliters
and subtraction units of • add and
within 100 to capacity for subtract
solve real life addition measures of
situations without capacity in
involving carrying same units
capacity in • subtract • solve real life
same units measures of situations
capacity in involving
same units with conversion,
and without addition and
borrowing subtraction of
• solve real life units of
situations capacity
involving same
units of
capacity for


Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• recognize the • recognize the • use a.m. and • read and write • convert hours
hour and number of p.m. to record the time using to minutes and
minute hands hours in a day the time from digital and vice versa,
of an analog and numbers of 12-hour clock analogue clocks minutes to
clock. minutes in an • read and write on 12-hours seconds and
• read and tell hour time from and 24-hours vice versa
time in hours • read and write analog and format • convert years
from the the time from a digital clocks • convert hours to months and
analog clock for clock in hours • read and write to minutes and vice versa,
example and minutes days and dates minutes to months to days
2 o’clock. (with from the seconds and vice versa,
• read and tell five-minute calendar • convert years weeks to days
time in hours intervals) e.g. • add units of to months, and vice versa
from the digital read 8:15 as time in hours months to • add and
clock. eight fifteen • solve real life days, and subtract
• name and and 8:50 as situations weeks to days interval of time
order days of eight fifty involving units • add and in hours and
the week. • recognize a.m. of time for subtract units minutes with
• identify which and p.m. addition of of time without carrying and
day comes • draw hands of hours carrying and borrowing
after/before a a clock to show • subtract units borrowing • solve real life
particular day. time in hours of time in hours • solve simple situations
• name (orally) and minutes • solve real life real-life involving
the solar (with five situations situations conversion,
months of the minutes involving involving addition and
year intervals) subtraction of conversion, subtraction of
• use Solar units of time in addition and intervals of
calendar to find hours subtraction of time.
a particular units of time
date/ day
• use Islamic
calendar to find
a particular
date/ day

Perimeter and Area

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• calculate • find perimeter • differentiate
perimeter of of a simple between
square, figure on perimeter and
rectangle, and square grid area of a
triangle • recognize that square and
perimeter is rectangular
measured in region
units of length • differentiate
• find area of a between
simple figure perimeter and
on square grid area of a region
• recognize that • identify the
area of a units for
square is measurement
measured in m2 of perimeter
and cm2. and area
• find and apply
formulas for
perimeter and
area of a
square and
• solve real life
perimeter and
area of square
and rectangular


Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• recognize and • identify the • recognize • recognize and • identify
identify shapes figures like point, line, ray identify different types
of similar square, and line horizontal and of angle (acute,
objects in daily rectangle, segment vertical, parallel right, obtuse)
life. triangle, circle, • classify figures and • recognize
• identify the semi-circle, and according to non-parallel straight and
following basic quarter-circle number of lines reflex angle
shapes • identify vertices sides as • recognize an • describe
 rectangle and sides of a quadrilaterals angle formed adjacent,
 square triangle, (rectangles, by intersection complementary
 circle rectangle and squares) and of rays and , and
 triangle square triangles measure it in supplementary
• match similar • differentiate • identify circle, degrees angles
basic shapes in between a its center, • recognize right • identify and
daily life. straight line radius and angle describe
• distinguish and a curve diameter • identify center, triangles with
basic shapes by • identify straight radius, respect to their
considering lines and diameter and sides
their attributes curves from the circumference (equilateral,
(sides). given drawings of a circle isosceles, and
• classify 2-D scalene
shapes triangles)
according to • identify and
the number of describe
sides and triangles with
corners respect to their
• identify angles (acute
whether an angled, obtuse
object is placed angled, and
 inside or right angles
outside triangle)
 above or below • recognize the
 over or under kinds of
 far or near quadrilateral
 before or after (square,
of a given rectangle,
picture. parallelogram,
trapezium, and


Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• recognize and • describe and • compare and • describe and
name 3-D differentiate sort 3-D objects make 3-D
objects (cubes, 3-D objects (cubes, shapes (cubes,
cuboids, (cubes, cuboids, cuboids,
cylinder, cone, cuboids, pyramids, cylinder, cone,
sphere, pyramids) with cylinder, cone, sphere,
pyramids) respect to the sphere) pyramids) and
number of their nets.
edges and

Practical Geometry

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• use ruler to • draw and • measure and • use protractor
draw a straight measure lines draw an angle and ruler to
line of given to the nearest and recognize construct
length (exclude centimeters the symbol ( )  a right angle
fractional and millimeters to represent it  a straight angle
length) • recognize and  reflex angles
draw acute and of different
obtuse angles measures
with reference • use protractor
to a right angle and ruler to
construct a
triangle when
two angles and
their included
side is given.
• two sides and
included angle
is given.
• use protractor
and ruler to
construct a
square and
rectangle when
lengths of sides
are given.


Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• identify • recognize lines • recognize
reflective of symmetry in different types
symmetry in two-dimension of symmetry
simple two- al (2-D) shapes (reflective and
dimensional • complete a rotational).
(2-D) shapes symmetric • identify lines of
• identify and figure with symmetry for
draw lines of respect to a given shapes
symmetry given line of • find point of
symmetry on rotation and
square grid/dot order of
pattern rotational
symmetry of
given shapes



Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• identify the • make/ • recognize a • identify and
next shape in complete given apply a pattern
the patterns geometrical increasing and rule to
with 2 or 3 patterns on decreasing determine
elements square grid pattern by missing
• extend a given according to stating a elements for a
pattern of 2 or one or two of pattern rule. given pattern
3 elements the following • describe the • identify the
attributes pattern found pattern rule of
 shape in a given table a given
 size or chart increasing and
 orientation • complete the decreasing
given pattern and
increasing & extend the
decreasing pattern for the
number next three
sequence terms
• describe the
pattern found
in a given table
or chart


Data Handling

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V

• representation • read simple bar • find and
of data by graphs given in describe
Carroll diagram horizontal and average of
and tally charts vertical forms given
• read and • interpret real quantities in
interpret a life situations the data
Carroll diagram using data • solve real life
and tally charts presented in situations
• read and bar graphs involving
interpret a • read line graph. average
picture graph • interpret real • organize the
life situations given data
using data using bar graph
presented in • read and
line graphs. interpret a bar
• read pie chart graph given in
• interpret real horizontal and
life situations vertical form
using data • solve real life
presented in situations using
pie chart data presented
in bar graph



Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/

Scope web links

Unit 1: 1.1 Numbers 0-9 i. Identify numbers 1-9. Students should be

Whole ii. Identify 0 as a number. motivated to count
numbers everything around them,
iii. Read numbers up to 9 in like chairs, books,
numerals and in words. windows etc.
iv. Write numbers up to 9 in Teacher should read aloud
numerals and in words. local stories and songs
v. Count objects up to 9 and which involve numbers
represent in numbers. like
vi. Match numbers 0-9 with
vii. Count backwards from 9.
viii. Arrange numbers in ascending
and descending order (up-to 9).
ix. Identify which number (up to 9)
• Before and after a given
• Between two given numbers.
1.2 Numbers up i. Identify 10 as a 2- digit number.
to 100 ii. Compare and order the
numbers 0-10.
iii. Read numbers up to 99
iv. Write numbers up to 99
v. Count forward and backward Help students to establish
up to 99 one-to-one
correspondence by
vi. Recognize the place value of a
moving, touching or
specific digit in a 2-digit pointing to objects as they
numbers (tens and ones) say number words.
vii. Identify the place value of the
specific digit in a 2-digit Connect number names,
number numerals and quantities
including zero, initially up
viii. Decompose a number up to 99
to 10 and 100 using
to identify the value of a
number stories
number in ten’s and one’s
ix. Compare 1-digit and 2-digit

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 1: 1.2 Numbers up x. Order the set of numbers from Activity1: Decompose a
Whole to 100 0 to 99 in ascending and number 49 in ten’s and
numbers one’s.
descending order.
xi. Identify which number (up to Activity 2: Are the number
99) comes 19 and 91 the same or
• Before and after a given
number number stories in math
• Between two given numbers
xii. Count in Tens and recognize ml
100 as a 3- digit numbers.
xiii. Identify and write missing
numbers in a sequence from 1
to 100
xiv. Count and write numbers of Use base-10 blocks or
groups of ten beads as 10
objects in a given set
and hundred beads as 100
xv. Identify the position of objects to develop students’
using ordinal numbers such as understanding of
first, second, …, tenth,
including representations 1st,
2nd, …,10th through pictures.

1.3 Comparing i. Compare two or more groups of Children’s currency can

and ordering objects in terms of numbers. also be used for this
purpose. Develop different
ii. Match objects having one to one representations of the
correspondence same number by
iii. Identify the number of objects in decomposing and
composing, for example
two groups to show “more than” 25 as twenty-five ones;
and “less than” one ten and fifteen units;
and two tens and five unit.
Teacher should help
students to recognize 25
as 25 ones; one ten and
fifteen ones; and two tens
and five ones.

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 2: 2.1. Addition i. Compare numbers from 1 to 20 Activity1: Decompose a

Number (without to identify “how much more” number 49 in ten’s and
operations carrying) one’s.
one is from another.
ii. Recognize and use symbols of Activity 2: Are the number
addition “+” and equality” =” 19 and 91 the same or
iii. Add two 1-digit numbers sum
up to 9. number stories in math
iv. Add a 2-digit numbers to a
one-digit number
Use base-10 blocks or
v. Add a 2-digit number to 10s groups of ten beads as 10
vi. Add two, 2-digit numbers and hundred beads as 100
vii. Recognize the use of symbol to to develop students’
understanding of
represent an unknown such as numbers.
� + 4=7, 3+ 4=�, 4 + � = 7
Children’s currency can
(include questions that sum up also be used for this
to 20) purpose. Develop different
viii. Add the numbers (up to 20) by representations of the
same number by
using real life examples decomposing and
ix. Construct addition sentence composing, for example
from given number stories 25 as twenty-five ones;
one ten and fifteen units;
2.2. Subtraction i. Compare numbers from 1- 20 and two tens and five unit.
(without Teacher should help
and find “how many less”
borrowing) students to recognize 25
ii. Recognize subtraction as a as 25 ones; one ten and
difference and take away, and fifteen ones; and two tens
and five ones.
use the symbol “-“
Pegs and washing line
iii. Subtract 1-digit number from 1-
could be a useful resource
digit number to teach addition or
iv. Subtract 1- digit number from subtraction facts. It can
also help students to
2-digit number
translate their thinking
v. Subtract tens from 2-digit from concrete operation to
number symbolic
vi. Subtract 2-digit number from
2-digit number (Which result in e-maths-activities/Activity:
positive) Complete the sentence
such as 9-�= 7
vii. Recognize the use of symbol to
Use beads, marbles,
represent an unknown such as wooden blocks or any
9-� =7, 9 – 7 =� other suitable objects to
convey the concept of
viii. Subtract the numbers (up to 20)
addition and subtraction in
ix. Construct subtraction real life.
sentences from given number
stories m/math/subtraction/pictur

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 3: 3.1. Comparison i. Compare the heights/lengths of Students should be given

Measure- of objects two or more objects using the experiences of comparing
the attributes of two
ment: following terms objects by looking at,
Length • Long, longer, longest touching of directing
and Mass aligning them side by side.
• Short, shorter, shortest
They can use their hands
• Tall, taller, tallest and feet for comparison.
• High, higher, highest Teacher should use
ii. Compare the masses of two or language as large shoe,
deep container etc.
more objects using the terms:
• Heavy, heavier, heaviest
• Light, lighter, lightest
Unit 4: 4.1. Pakistani i. Identify Pakistani currency Engage students in
Money currency coins (Rs 1, 2, 5 and 10) dummy currency
ii. Identify Pakistani currency
notes (Rs 10, 20, 50 and 100)

4.2. Equivalent i. Match a group of coins/notes to

sets of money an equivalent group of different
ii. Add and subtract money using
the prices of objects
(transactions) ( Teachers should
4.3. Comparing i. Recognize money change (up to encourage to make their
money own notes and coins using
100) to its card boards and do the
equivalents/denominations transactions in the
ii. Determine if enough money is situations design by the
teachers. For example,
available to make a purchase (up Teacher can ask students
to 100) to pick four notes from a
iii. Add different combinations of pile of mixed10, 20 and 50
rupees notes and ask to
coins/notes (to make sum up to figure out what total
100) money they could have.
Unit 5: 5.1. Time i. Recognize the hour and minute
Time hands of an analog clock
ii. Read and tell time in hours from
the analog clock for example2
iii. Read and tell time in hours from
the digital clock For teaching analog and
5.2. Date i. Name in order days of the week digital clock, teachers
ii. Identify which day comes should use clocks made up
of card boards along with
after/before a particular day
real clocks. Also, calendar
iii. Name (orally) the solar months of could be used to teach
the year number of days in a week
iv. Name (orally) the Islamic months and number of months in
of the year a year.

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 6: 6.1. Two i. Recognize and identify shapes There could be a lot of
Geometry Dimensional of similar objects in daily life. activities, i.e. a clock is a
(2-D) Shapes circle, egg is oval, pizza
ii. Identify the following basic slice is triangle, tv is
shapes rectangle.
Activities could include
• Rectangle “eye spy” and
• Square outside/playground
• Circle activity where students
observe objects in nature
• Triangle that fit into the
iii. Match similar basic shapes in categories—tire of a car is
daily life. a circle, signboards are
square or rectangle,
iv. Distinguish basic shapes by cricket ground/track is
considering their attributes circle etc.
v. Classify 2-D shapes according Make/complete patterns
to number of sides and according to following
corners. attributes
i. Shapes
ii. Sizes
iii. Colors
Make models of given
shapes using cardboard
For example, a square is
different from rectangle
because although both
have four sides but square
has all four sides equal,
while rectangle has
opposite sides equal.
6.2. Patterns i. Identify the next shape in the
patterns with 2 or 3 elements
ii. Extend a given pattern of 2 or 3

6.3. Position i. Identify whether an object is Describe the relative

placed location/position of
objects or people using
• Inside or outside positional language from
• Above or below the picture stories.
• Over or under Activity: use a map and
describe points in relation
• Far or near to one another using the
• Before or after of a given object four-point compass).
Activity: locate position on
a grid with labelled rows
and columns



Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/

Scope web links
Unit 1: 1.1 Ordinal i. Write ordinal numbers from first Local stories and songs
Whole numbers to twentieth should be included to
numbers show different usage of
ii. Write numbers 1-100 in words numbers as cardinal and
1.2 Numbers up i. Read numbers up to 999
Number line with the
to 100 ii. Write numbers up to 999 as pictures of jumping frog
numerals could be used for counting
forward and backward.
iii. Recognize the place value of a
Base 10 blocks or any
3-digit number alternative model to
iv. Identify the place value of a illustrate base 10 counting
system should be used.
specific digit in a 3-digit numbers
v. Compare 2-digit numbers with
3-digit numbers (hundreds, tens
and ones)
vi. Compare 3-digit numbers with
3-digit numbers (hundreds, tens
and ones)
vii. Count backward ten steps down
from any given number
viii. Arrange numbers up to 999,
written in mixed form, in
increasing or decreasing order
ix. Count and write in 10s (e.g. 10,
20, 30, …)
x. Count and write in 100s (e.g. 100,
200, 300, …)
xi. Identify the smallest/largest
number in a given set of
xii. Recognize that 1000 is one more
than 999 and the first 4-digit

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 2: 2.1. Addition of i. Add ones and ones Number stories in math
Number 2-digit ii. Add ones and 2-digit numbers
numbers grade-2
Operations with carrying
(with carrying)
iii. Add 2-digit numbers and 2-digit
numbers with carrying
iv. Solve real life number stories,
involving addition of 2-digit
numbers with carrying
2.2. Addition of i. Add 3-digit number and ones
3-digit without carrying
(without ii. Add 3-digit number and 2-digit
carrying) number without carrying
iii. Add 3-digit number and 3-digit
number without carrying
iv. Solve real life number stories
involving addition of 3-digit
numbers without carrying
2.3. Addition of i. Add 3-digit number and 1-digit
3- digit number with carrying of tens
(with carrying) and hundreds
ii. Add 3-digit number and 2-digit
number with carrying of tens
and hundreds
iii. Add 3-digit numbers with
3-digit numbers with carrying
of tens and hundreds
iv. Solve real life number stories
involving addition of 3-digit
numbers with carrying of tens
and hundreds
2.4. Subtraction of i. Subtract 1-digit number from Number stories in math
2-digit 2-digit numbers with borrowing grade-2
(with borrowing) ii. Subtract 2-digit numbers from
2-digit numbers with borrowing
iii. Solve real life number stories of
subtraction of 2-digit numbers
with borrowing

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 2: 2.5. Subtraction of i. Subtract 1-digit from 3-digit Number stories in math
Number 3-digit number without borrowing
numbers grade-2
Operations ii. Subtract 2-digit number from
borrowing) 3-digit number without
Think what to add to/take
borrowing from 2 + � = 10 ,10 – � = 8
iii. Subtract 3-digit numbers from What make 10 and what
make 8
3-digit numbers without
iv. Solve real life number stories of Add 54 and 45 on number
subtraction up to 3 digits line by making group of
without borrowing
2.6. Subtraction of i. Subtract 1-digit number from Subtract 34 from 81 on
3-digit 3-digit number with borrowing number line by making
numbers group of tens.
(with borrowing) ii. Subtract 2-digit number from
3-digit number with borrowing
iii. Subtract 3-digit number from
3-digit number with borrowing
iv. Solve real life number stories of
subtraction up to 3 digits with
v. Analyze simple situations
identifying correct operation of
addition and subtraction with
carrying/borrowing in mixed
2.7. Multiplication i. Recognize multiplication as Multiplication
repeated addition (e.g. 2+2+2=6
is equivalent to 3 times 2 = 6 hird-grade-multiplication-
and 3 x 2 =6)and use
worksheets link on
multiplication symbol” x” multiplication
ii. Complete number sequences in
steps of 2,3,4,5 and 10 (e.g. in
steps of 2 the sequence is
expressed as 2,4, 6…)
iii. Develop multiplication tables of
2,3,4,5 and 10 till the
multiplication of 10x10 division.htm
iv. Multiply numbers within
multiplication table
v. Write number sentence for
multiplication from the picture
such as 2 x � = 6
vi. Solve number stories on hing-resource/recognise-
multiplication up to 1-digit multiples-of-2-5-and-10-w
numbers. orksheet-6372812

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 2: 2.8. Division i. Recognize and use division

Number symbols÷.
Operations ii. Recognize division as
successive subtraction
iii. Divide numbers within the
multiplication tables with
remainder zero
iv. Solve number stories involving
division up to 1-digit numbers
Make simple number
2.9. Addition, i. Solve real life situations (using stories using concrete
Subtraction, Pakistani currency as well) objects like beads, blocks,
Multiplication involving addition, subtraction, toffees, sweets and decide
and Division what operation (addition,
multiplication, and division.
subtraction, multiplication,
Give reasons for choosing the
and division) are required
correct operation to solve them

Unit 3: 3.1 Fractions i. Recognize fractions as equal Fractions stories,

Fractions parts of a whole Paper folding, drawing
ii. Identify half, one third and and shading, using
collection of objects to
quarter with the help of objects
make equal parts of whole
and figures (without writing are useful strategies to
1/2, 1/3, 1/4) start with fractions.
iii. Represent half, one third and
quarter in numerical form (1/2, Base-10 blocks should be
1/3 and 1/4) used to show how ten
ones combine to make
iv. Shade the equal parts of a
one ten. For example, if
given figure to match a given they add 7 and 8, they can
fraction do ‘trade of’, 15 ones with
v. Recognize and name unit 1 ten and 5 ones.
fractions up to 1/10. Instead of the language
vi. Recognize fractions like two ‘carrying’ teacher should
use language’ trading off’
thirds (2/3), three fourths (3/4),
or ‘exchanging’ or ‘joining’.
four fifths (4/5), up to nine
tenths (9/10)
Unit 4: 4.1. Length i. Compare the lengths of Use a ruler or a measuring
Measure- different objects. tape to find lengths and
ii. Recognize the units of length widths of different objects
like book, table, chair etc.
Length, (meter and centimeter)
Mass, iii. Use standard metric units of Find and compare heights
and length (meter and centimeter) of children in a class.
Capacity and their abbreviation to
measure and record lengths of
variety of objects.
iv. Use addition and subtraction
within 100 to solve real life
situations involving lengths in
same units

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 4: 4.2. Mass i. Compare the mass of different Feel the mass of different
Measure- objects. objects which weigh one
kilogram and recognize
ment: ii. Recognize the units of mass, that mass and size are not
Length, i.e. kilogram, gram necessarily related.
iii. Use standard metric units of
mass (kilograms and grams)
and their abbreviation to
measure and record mass of
variety of objects.
iv. Use addition and subtraction Identify objects around
within 100 to solve real life them which weigh less or
more than one kilogram.
situations involving mass in
same units.
4.3. Capacity i. Compare capacity of different compare different-shaped
objects using nonstandard containers which have the
same capacity and discuss
units (jug, glass, cup, etc.) their observations.
ii. Recognize and use the
standard metric units of Find containers from real
life which are less, more or
capacity, i.e. liter and milliliter equal to 1 liter.
iii. Use addition and subtraction
within 100 to solve real life Estimate the capacity of
various containers from
situations involving capacity in real life, and then put
same units. them in order from
smallest to largest by
referring to the printed
capacity shown.

Unit 5: 5.1. Time i. Recognize the number of hours Draw the hands to show
Time in a day and numbers of the time to the hour, half
hour or quarter hour
minutes in an hour (using a ruler). Activity:
ii. Read and write the time from a use a calendar and talk
clock in hours and minutes about familiar events such
as birthdays,
(with five-minute intervals) e.g. Independence Day, etc.
read 8:15 as eight fifteen and
8:50 as eight fifty
iii. Recognize a.m. and p.m.
iv. Draw hands of a clock to show
time in hours and minutes
(with five minutes intervals)
v. Use solar calendar to find a
particular date/day
vi. Use Islamic calendar to find a
particular date/day

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 6: 6.1. Two i. Identify the figures like square,

Geometry dimensional rectangle, triangle, circle,
figures Activity: create 2-D shapes.
semi-circle, and quarter-circle by using geoboards,
ii. Identify vertices and sides of a match sticks, straws etc.
triangle, rectangle and square

6.2. Straight lines i. Differentiate between a

and curves straight line and a curve
ii. Identify straight lines and
curves from the given drawings
iii. Use ruler to draw a straight line Identify objects around
them which weigh less or
of given length (exclude more than one kilogram.
fractional length)
6.3. Patterns i. Make/ complete geometrical Identify patterns in the
patterns on square grid environment such as on
tiles, clothing, jewelry and
according to one or two of the patterns found in nature.
following attributes
• Shape create patterns through
practical activities using
• Size resources such as shapes,
• Orientation cubes, counters, paint,
food items, coins, sequins
stickers, threading beads
or pasta shapes.
6.4. Three i. Recognize and name 3- D Hand common 2D and 3D
dimensional Objects (cubes, cuboids, shapes and find
(3-D) objects corresponding shapes in
cylinder, cone, sphere) the surrounding
environments through

compare and contrast 2-D

and 3-D shapes by stating
their properties.



Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/

Scope web links
Unit 1: 1.1. Roman i. Read Roman numbers up to 20 http://www.amblesideprim
Whole numbers ii. Write Roman numbers up to 20
numbers maths/
1.2. Even and i. Recognize even and odd ml
odd numbers numbers up to 99 within a given
ii. Differentiate between even and net/who-invented-number
odd numbers within a given s.html
1.1. Place values i. Identify the place values of llecttheships.html
numbers up to 5 digits
1.4. Numbers up i. Read and write given numbers rplanes.html
to 100,000 up to 10,000 (ten thousand) in
numerals and words eatenumber.html
1.5. Number Line i. Represent a given number on
number line up to 2-digit
ii. Identify the value of a number
from number line up to 2-digit
1.6. Comparing i. Compare two numbers up to
and ordering 3-digits using symbols “<”, “>”, or
ii. Write the given set of numbers in
ascending and descending order
(numbers up to 3 digits)
1.7. Estimation i. Round off a whole number to the
nearest 10 and 100

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 2: 2.1. Addition i. Add numbers up to 4-digits role two dice twice a time,
Number with and without carrying make 2-digit numbers and
then add on number line.
Operations vertically and horizontally
ii. Add numbers up to 100 using
mental calculation strategies
iii. Solve real life number stories
up to 4-digits with and without
carrying involving addition
2.2. Subtraction i. Subtract numbers up to 4-digits role two dice twice a time,
with and without borrowing make 2-digit numbers and
then subtract on number
ii. Subtract numbers up to 100 line.
using mental calculation
iii. Solve real life number stories
up to 4-digits with and without
borrowing involving
2.3. Multiplication i. Develop multiplication tables
for 6, 7, 8, and 9 hing-resource/recognise-
ii. Multiply 2-digit number by orksheet-6372812
1-digit number Ask students to explain
iii. Multiply a number by 0 and 1 the concept of
multiplication with zero as
iv. Apply mental mathematical zero group of 5 apples or
strategies to multiply 1-digit 5 group of zero apples.
numbers to1-digit numbers
v. Solve real life situations
involving multiplication of and_one.php
2-digit numbers by 1-digit
2.4. Division i. Divide 2-digit number by a Describe a context in
1-digit number (with zero which a number of shares
or a number of groups can
remainder) be expressed as 56 ÷ 8.
ii. Apply mental mathematical
strategies to divide 1-digit
number by a 1-digit number
iii. Solve real life situations
involving division of 2-digit
number by a 1-digit number

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 3: 3.1. Common i. Express the fractions in figures Show fractions by using
Fractions fractions and vice versa paper shapes and coloring
ii. Match the fractions with related Show fractions of
figures quantities using tangible
3.2. Proper and i. Recognize proper and improper objects
improper fractions
ii. Differentiate between proper
and improper fractions

3.3. Equivalent i. Identify equivalent fractions

fractions from the given figures
ii. Write three equivalent fractions
for a given fraction
3.4. Comparing i. Compare fractions with same
fractions denominators using symbols
“<”, “> ,or“=”
3.5. Addition of i. Add two fractions with same
fractions denominators
ii. Represent addition of fractions
through figures
3.6. Subtraction i. Subtract fractions with same
of fractions denominators
ii. Represent subtraction of
fractions through figures

Unit 4: 4.1. Length i. Use standard metric units of https://www.homeschoolm

Measure- length (kilometer, meter, and
ment: centimeter) including
Length, abbreviations Teacher may ask students
Mass, to find objects in the room
ii. Add measures of length in
and that are as long as their
same units without carrying foot or arm or palm.
iii. Solve real life situations
involving same units of length
for addition without carrying
iv. Subtract measures of length in
same units without borrowing
v. Solve real life situations
involving same units of length
for subtraction without

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 4: 4.2. Mass i. Use standard metric units of Read the labels on
Measure- mass (kilogram and gram) products in your home
which show their mass
ment: including abbreviations and compare the mass of
Length, ii. Add measures of mass in same various objects by putting
Mass, them in order.
units without carrying
iii. Solve real life situations Make two or three
involving same units of mass kilogram using various
for addition without carrying smaller masses
iv. Subtract measures of mass in create real life situations
same units without borrowing related to mass.
v. Solve real life situations
In classroom add the
involving same units of mass capacities of various
for subtraction without containers to the nearest
borrowing liter and show the total
capacity on a given scale.
4.3. Capacity i. Use standard metric units of
Capacity (liter and milliliter)
including abbreviations
ii. Add measures of capacity in
same units without carrying
iii. Solve real life situations
involving same units of capacity
for addition without carrying
iv. Subtract measures of capacity
in same units without
v. Solve real life situations
involving same units of capacity
for subtraction without

Unit 5: 5.1. Time i. Use a.m. and p.m. to record the Record the daily activities
Measure- time from 12-hour clock in terms of ‘a.m.’ and’ p.m.’
ii. Read and write time from • This activity calls for
analog and digital clocks students to know and
iii. Read and write days and dates record the daily
activities of the
from the calendar morning, afternoon,
iv. Add measures of time in hours evening and at night
v. Solve real life situations using a.m. and p.m.

involving measures of time for

addition of hours

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 5: 5.1. Time vi. Subtract measures of time in • Discuss and record
times of a variety of
Measure- hours common events, school
ment: vii. Solve real life situations and home activities,
Time television programs.
involving subtraction of
measures of time in hours • Provide a calendar of
the year, and have the
students figure out how
many school days each
month will have? On
what days do the
birthdays of friends and
family fall?
Unit 6 6.1. Geometrical i. Draw and measure line use paper folding and
Geometry shapes segments to the nearest cutting to create
centimeter and millimeter equilateral and isosceles
ii. Recognize point, line, ray and
line segment Draw a line of symmetry of
iii. Classify figures according to different pictures or
number of sides as shapes using folding and
quadrilaterals (rectangles, mirrors.
squares and triangles)
iv. Calculate perimeter of square,
rectangle, and triangle
v. Identify center, radius and
diameter of a circle
6.2. Symmetry i. Identify reflective symmetry in
two- dimensional (2-D) shapes
ii. Identify and draw lines of
6.3. Three i. Describe 3-D objects (cubes,
Dimensional cuboids, and pyramids) with
(3-D) objects respect to the number of edges
and faces
ii. differentiate 3-D objects (cubes, Take pictures of various
objects around them
cuboids, and pyramids) with
showing various 2-D (flat)
respect to the number of edges and 3-D (solid) shapes
and faces
Unit 7: 7.1. Data i. Representation of data by
Data Representation • Carroll diagram wmnet/custom/files_uploa
Handling • Tally chart 50/carrollv4.swf
ii. Read and interpret a Carroll (Carroll Diagram)
diagram and Tally chart
Use carol diagrams to sort
iii. Read and interpret Picture numbers or objects using
Graph. one criterion, explain
choices using appropriate



Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/

Scope web links

Unit 1: 1.1 Whole i. Identify place values of digits

Whole Numbers up to one hundred thousand e-math-worksheets/fourth-grad
numbers (100,000).
and ii. Read numbers up to one e-math-worksheets/fourth-grad
Operations e-4/subtraction
hundred thousand (100,000).
Online resources / worksheets
iii. Write numbers up to one
hundred thousand (100,000). e-math-worksheets/fourth-grad
iv. Write numbers in words up to e-4/mental-multiplication
one hundred thousand
(100,000). e-4
v. Compare and order numbers
up to 5- digits. e-
Activity: Multiply a two-digit by
a one number (using models
1.2. Addition i. Add numbers up to 5- digits. and area rectangular methods).
ii. Solve real life number stories https://>area
involving addition of numbers up math-worksheets/fourth-grade-
to 5- digits. 4/long-division

1.3. Subtraction i. Subtract numbers up to 5- digits.

ii. Solve real life situations involving
subtraction of numbers up to 5-
1.4. Multiplication i. Multiply numbers up to 5-digit by
numbers up to 3-digit.
ii. Solve real life situations involving
multiplication of numbers up to
5-digit by 3-digit.
1.5. Division i. Divide numbers up to 4 -digit by Ask students to practice
questions as below
numbers up to 2- digit.
ii. Solve real life situations involving
division of numbers up to 4-digit
by a number up to 2-digits.
iii. Solve real life situations using
appropriate operations of
addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division of
numbers up to 2-digits.

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 1: 1.6. Number i. Recognize a given increasing For example,

Whole Patterns Pattern: 3, 8, 13, 18, 23,
and decreasing pattern by 28… (start with 3 and then
numbers add 5)
stating a pattern rule.
and The numbers alternately
Operations ii. Describe the pattern found in a end with a 3 or 8
given table or chart Activity: examine the
patterns on solar 2020
iii. Complete the given increasing calendar and numbers
& decreasing number sequence chart.

Unit 2: 2.1. Divisibility i. Identify divisibility rules for 2,

Factors Tests 3, 5, and 10.
Multiples ii. Use divisibility tests for 2, 3,5
and 10 on numbers up to 5

2.2. Prime and i. Identify and differentiate

composite 2-digit prime and composite

2.3. Factors and i. Find factors of a number up to

multiples 50. Find all prime numbers
less than 100.
ii. List the first ten multiples of a
1-digit number.
iii. Differentiate between factors
and multiples
2.4. Prime i. Factorize a number by using
Factorization prime factors.
ii. Determine common factors of
two or more 2-digit numbers.
iii. Determine common multiples
of two or more 2-digit

Unit 3: 3.1. Fractions i. Recognize like and unlike

Fractions fractions. aring_Fractions.htm
ii. Compare two unlike fractions
by converting them to advanced.html
equivalent fractions with the
Aamir ran 3/4 of a Km
same denominator. before stopping for water,
iii. Simplify fractions to the lowest while Kaleem ran 2/3 of a
form Km before stopping. Who
ran the farthest before
stopping? Draw a picture
or write a sentence to
support your answer.

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 3: 3.2. Types of i. Identify (unit, proper, improper) Explain how fractions are
Fractions Fractions fractions and mixed numbers. equivalent to each other
using area and length
ii. Convert improper fractions to models
mixed numbers and vice versa
iii. Arrange fractions in ascending Students work in groups
and solve the situations
and descending order. given below
3.3. Addition and i. Add fractions with like
Subtraction Ali plants carrots in 6/8 of
denominators his garden. If Mr. Noor has
of fractions
ii. Subtract fractions with like 4 regions and wants to
denominators plant carrots in the same
sized space as Mr. Ali how
3.4. Multiplication i. Multiply a fraction many of the regions will
of fractions (proper, Improper) and mixed he plant carrots in? Draw a
number by a whole number picture and write a
sentence to explain your
ii. Multiply two fractions answer.
(proper, Improper) and mixed
numbers Arif ran 3/4 of a Km before
stopping for water, while
3.5. Division of i. Divide a fraction(proper, Inham ran 2/3 of a Km
Fractions Improper) and mixed numbers before stopping. Who ran
by a whole number the farthest before
stopping? Draw a picture
ii. Analyze real life situations or write a sentence to
involving fractions by support your answer.
identifying appropriate number
Express the fraction 3/6 as
the product of a whole
number and a unit
fraction. Draw a model
which supports your

Abdullah ran 1 and 2/3 Km

less than Akram. Abdullah
ran 2 and 2/3Km. How far
did Akram run? Draw a
number line and an
equation to support your

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 4: 4.1. Decimals i. Recognize a decimal number as Write the place value of
Decimals an alternative way of writing a each digit of a decimal
number ‘3.45’ and also
fraction. write in extended form.
ii. Express a decimal number as a Use decimal notation and
fraction whose denominator is place value for tenths,
hundredths and
10, 100 or 1000. thousandths in context for
iii. Identify and recognize the example order, amount of
place value of a digit in money, convert a sum of
money such as R.S. 30.25
decimals (up to 3-decimal to paisa, or a length such
places). as 130 cm to meters.

4.2. Conversion i. Convert a given fraction to a

between decimal if
• Denominator of the fraction is
and decimal
numbers 10, 100 or 1000.
• Denominator of the fraction is
not 10, 100 or 1000 but can be
converted to 10,100 or 1000.
ii. Convert a decimal (up to 3-
decimal places) to fraction.
4.3. Basic i. Add and subtract 3-digit
operations numbers (up to 2 decimal
on decimals
ii. Multiply a 2-digit number (up to
1 decimal place) by 10, 100, and
iii. Multiply a 2-digit number with
1decimal placeby a 1-digit
iv. Divide a 2-digit number with
1decimalplace by a 1-digit
v. Solve real life situations
involving 2-digit numbers with
1 decimal place using
appropriate operations.
4.4. Estimation i. Round off a whole number to Estimate the sum and
difference of two numbers
the nearest 10, 100, and 1000. up to 3-digits with two
ii. Round off decimal (with 1 or 2 decimal places using
rounding off.
decimal places) to the nearest
Estimate a quotient (2 or
whole number. 3-digit dividend by one- or
two-digit divisor (e.g., 86 ÷
4 as close to 80 ÷ 4 or
close to 80 ÷ 5. Check the
difference by using
calculator and record the

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 5: 5.1. Length i. Use standard metric units to Rename units of length
Measure- measure the length of different using decimal or fraction
form (e.g., 25 cm can be
ments objects. converted into decimals
ii. Convert larger to smaller and fractions as = 0.25 m
metric units (2-digits numbers =1/4m). a). 50cm. b). 2Km

with one decimal place) Solve and complete

• kilometers into meters practical tasks assigned by
• meters into centimeters teacher involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication
• centimeters into millimeters and simple division of
iii. Add and subtract measures of units of length (m, cm, and
length in same units km)

5.2. Mass i. Use standard metric units to Rename units of mass

measure the mass of different using decimal or fraction
form e.g., 250 g = 0.25 kg
objects. =1/4 kg confine to
ii. Convert larger to smaller examples requiring only
metric units (2-digits numbers two places of decimals.
a). 500g
with one decimal place) b). 1500g.
• Kilograms into grams
• Grams into milligrams
iii. Add and subtract measures of
mass in same units
5.3. Capacity i. Use standard metric units to Rename units of capacity
measure the capacity of using decimal and fraction
form (e.g., 2 l150 ml =
different containers. 2150 ml = 2.15 l. confine to
ii. Convert larger to smaller examples requiring only
metric units (2-digit numbers two places of decimals).
a). 500ml.
with one decimal place) liters b). 0.25l
into milliliters
iii. Add and subtract measure of
capacity in same units
iv. Solve real life situations
involving conversion, addition
and subtraction of measures of
length, mass and capacity

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 5: 5.4. Time i. Read and write the time using https://www.superteacher
Measure- digital and analogue clocks on
ments 12 -hour and 24-hour format. /Time/
ii. Convert hours to minutes and
minutes to seconds. express the time orally
and numerically from a
iii. Convert years to months, 12-hour and 24-hour
months to days, and weeks to analog and digital click.
Rename minutes as hours
iv. Add and subtract measures of and hours as minutes.
time without carrying and
borrowing. a). 125 minutes.
b). 1.15 hours
v. Solve simple real-life situations
involving conversion, addition
and subtraction of measures of Activity: Read and record
calendar dates and days in
time. a variety of formats (e.g.,
yyyy/mm/dd, dd/mm/yyyy)

Unit 6: 6.1. Lines i. Recognize and identify parallel

Geometry and non-parallel lines. m/grade-3-games/math-g

Activity: Identify parallel

and non-parallel lines in
real life, e.g. on flags,
furniture, doors and tiles
6.2. Angle i. Recognize an angle formed by
intersection of two rays.
ii. Measure angles in degree (˚) by m/grade-3-games/math-g
using protractor. ames/angles.html
iii. Draw an angle of given
measurement and use the ce/
symbol ( ) to represent it.
iv. Differentiate acute, obtuse and
Form angles by opening
right angles. books and doors, by
v. Measure angles using rotating clock hands and
protractor where geo strip arms, by
physically turning
• Upper scale of protractor reads (clockwise/anti-clockwise)
the measure of angle from left
to right.
• Lower scale of protractor reads
the measure of angle from
right to left.
vi. Identify right angles in 2-D

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 6: 6.3. Circle i. Describe radius, diameter and draw a circle of given
Geometry radius using compass and
circumference of a circle.

6.4. Perimeter i. Find perimeter of a 2-D figures Find the area of

and Area rectangular shapes drawn
ona square grid. on a square grid by
ii. Recognize that perimeter is counting squares.
measured in units of length. Calculate the perimeter
iii. Find area of 2-D figures on a and area of simple
compound shapes that
square grid. can be split into rectangles
and squares.
iv. Recognize that area of a
square is measured in meter Draw more than one
shape (rectangles and
square (m2)and centimeter squares) for the same
square (cm2) given perimeter.

You want to build a region

that has an area of 12
square meters. What are
the possible dimensions?
Which dimensions require
the least amount of
6.5. Symmetry i. Recognize lines of symmetry in Find objects in nature
having symmetry in their
two-dimensional (2-D) shapes. design. i.e. butterflies,
ii. Complete a symmetrical figure spider webs, flowers,
apple, rainbow, animals,
with respect to a given line of humans, etc.
symmetry on square grid/dot
Identify the line of
pattern. symmetry of the given

6.6 Three i. Compare and sort 3 D objects

Dimensional (cubes, cuboids, pyramids,
(3-D) objects cylinder, cone, sphere)

Unit 7: 7.1. Bar Graph i. Read simple bar graphs given
Data in horizontal and vertical form. size/ks2/maths/data/frequ
Handling ii. Interpret real life situations
using data presented in bar
7.2. Line Graph i. Read line graph.
ii. Interpret real life situations hing-resource/carroll-diagr
using data presented in line ams-worksheets-6181717.
7.3. Pie Chart i. Read Pie Chart.
ii. Interpretreal life situations /Graph/
using data presented in Pie



Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/

Scope web links

Unit 1: 1.1. Numbers up i. Read numbers up to 1,000,000 Ask students to create 7-digit
Whole to one million (one million) in numerals and numbers by rolling a number
cube 7 times and order the
numbers words. numbers.
and ii. Write numbers up to 1,000,000
Operations Use the box method to find
(one million) in numerals and 764 x 404
i. Add numbers up to 6-digit Calculate the sums on
1.2. Addition and
the right. Add these sums to
Subtraction numbers find 764 x 404 = ???, ???
ii. Subtract numbers up to 6-digit 700 + 60 + 4
400 280,000 24,000 1,600
i. Multiply numbers, up to 5-digit, +
1.3. Multiplication 0 0 0 0
and Division by 10, 100, and 1000 +
4 2,800 240 16
ii. Multiply numbers, up to 5-digit,
by a number up to 3-digit
iii. Divide a number up to 5 -digit
numbers by 10,100and1000
iv. Divide numbers up to 5-digit
numbers by a number up to Activity: There are 1,716
2-digit numbers. students participating in
v. Solve real life situations involving Defense Day. They are put into
teams of 16 for the
operations of addition,
competition. How many teams
subtraction, multiplication, and get created? If you have left
division. over students, what do you do
with them?

1.4. Number i. Identify and apply a pattern rule Activity:

Patterns Complete the pattern:
to determine missing elements
x 4 = 32
for a given pattern
x 40 = 320
ii. Identify the pattern rule of a
given increasing and decreasing 8 x 400 =
8x = 32,000
pattern and extend the pattern
x 40,000 = 320,000
for the next three terms
x 400,000 = 3,200,000
iii. Describe the pattern found in a
x 4,000,000 = 32,000,000
given table or chart
Complete the pattern:
2,100 = 300
2,1000 7 = 300

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 2: 2.1. HCF i. Find HCF of Use factor tree method to

Highest introduce Prime
• two numbers up to 2-digit
Common Factorization.
(HCF) • three numbers up to 2-digit
and numbers using
• prime factorization method
Multiple • division method
(LCM) i. Find LCM of
2.2. LCM
• two numbers up to 2-digit
• three numbers up to 2-digit
numbers using
• prime factorization method
• division method
ii. Solve real life situations
involving HCF and LCM.

Unit 3: 3.1. Addition and i. Add and subtract two or three Create a diagram to show
Fractions Subtraction fractions with different why 4/8 = 1/2 are
of Fractions equivalent.

3.2. Multiplication i. Multiply a fraction by a 1-digit Place the set of fractions

of Fractions 1/8, 2/8, 3/8…8/8 on a
numbers and demonstrate with
number line.
the help of diagram
ii. Multiply two or three fractions Activity: Decompose a
fraction 3/8 in to sum of
involving proper, improper
different ways and Justify
fractions, and mixed numbers. decompositions, e.g., by
iii. Solve real life situations using a visual fraction
involving multiplication of
fractions. Activity: There is some
3.3. Division of i. Divide a fraction by another juice in a jug. Ali used 7/8 l
Fractions and his sister used ¾l to
fraction involving proper,
drink,2 ½l is left behind,
improper fraction, and mixed how much juice before the
numbers. used. (supported by
diagrams or number line
ii. Solve real life situations
involving division of fractions.

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 4: 4.1. Decimal i. Compare numbers up to Activity:

Decimal numbers 3-digits with 2 decimal places Write 1.66 as a mixed
numbers number whose fractional
using signs <,> or =.
ii. Arrange numbers up to 3-digit part has a denominator of
ages numbers with 2 decimal places
in ascending and descending 1.66 =
Show 1.66 by shading the
iii. Add and subtract 4-digit model. (One whole is
numbers up to 3-decimal places already shaded.)
iv. Multiply a 3-digit number up to Click and drag to shade.
2 decimal places by 10, 100,
and 1000
v. Multiply a 3-digit number up to
2 decimal places by a whole
number up to 2-digit
vi. Multiply a 3-digit number up to
2 decimal places by a 3-digit Activity:
Write the multiplation
number up to 2 decimal places.
sentence shown on the
vii. Divide a 3-digit number up to 2 grid (for example,
decimal places by 10, 100, and 0.4 x 0.3 = 0.12)
viii. Divide a 3-digit numbers up to
2 decimal places by a whole
number up to 2-digit.
ix. Divide a 3-digit number up to 2
decimal places by a 2-digit
number up to 1 decimal place
x. Convert fractions to decimals
using division.
xi. Solve real life situations
involving division of 3-digit
numbers up to 2 decimal places

4.2. Estimation i. Round off a 4-digit number up

to 3-decimal places to the
nearest tenth or hundredth.
ii. Estimate sum or difference of
the numbers (up to 4 digits).

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 4: 4.3. Percentages i. Recognize percentage as a Understand Percentage as

Decimal special kind of fraction the number of parts in
numbers every 100 and find simple
ii. Convert percentage to fraction
and percentages of quantities.
Percent- and to decimal number and
ages vice versa (only for numbers Express half, tenths,
without decimal part i.e. 35%, hundredths as
75% etc.)
iii. Solve real life situations Ask students to visit
involving percentages market to find items with
discount percentage

Unit 5: 5.1. Distance i. Convert measures given in Engage students in taking

Distance • kilometers to meters and vice informed decisions when
and Time to use which unit of
measurement and why?
• meters to centimeters and vice
• Centimeters to millimeters and Make number stories for
calculation, in the context
vice versa.
of addition, subtraction,
ii. Solve real life situations and conversions of unit of
involving conversion, addition distance
and subtraction of measures of
5.2. Time i. Convert Make a number story for
• hours to minutes and vice versa the calculation by using
calendar, stopwatch or
• minutes to seconds and vice
clock, in the context of
versa addition, subtraction and
ii. Convert years to months and conversion of units of
vice versa, months to days and time.
vice versa, weeks to days and
Make a number story and
vice versa
use a calendar to calculate
iii. Add and subtract intervals of time intervals in days and
time in hours and minutes with weeks (using knowledge of
carrying and borrowing. days in calendar months)
iv. Solve real life situations
involving conversion, addition
and subtraction of intervals of

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 6: 6.1. Unitary i. Calculate the value of many

Unitary Method objects of the same kind when
the value of one of these
objects is given
ii. Calculate the value of one
object of the same kind when
value of many of these objects
are given
iii. Calculate the value of many
objects of the same kind when
the value of some of these is
Unit 7: 7.1. Angles i. Recognize straight and reflex Identify right angles in 2-D
Geometry angle (flat) shapes and the
environment Identifying
ii. Recognize the standard units
right angles in different
for measuring angles is 1˚, environments using a
which is defined as 1/360 of a template
complete revolution.
iii. Identify, describe and estimate
compare angles with a
the size of angles and classify
right angle in shapes
them as acute, right or obtuse. and/or environment using
iv. Compare angles with right a right-angle measure
angles and recognize that a (template).
straight line is equivalent to
two right angles
v. Use protractor and ruler to
• A right angle
• A straight angle
• Reflex angles of different
vi. Describe adjacent,
complementary and
supplementary angles

7.2. Triangles i. Identify and describe triangles http://www.mathworkshee

with respect to their sides.
(isosceles, equilateral, and
ii. Identify and describe triangles m/geometry/triangles-inte
with respect to their angles. ractive.html
(Acute angled triangle, Obtuse
angled triangle and ols/teachers/ks2_activities
right-angled triangles) /maths/angles.shtm

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 7: 7.2. Triangles iii. Use protractor and ruler to Estimate, measure and
Geometry construct a triangle when draw angles (acute and
obtuse) in degrees to the
• two angles and their included
nearest 50 using a
side is given. protractor.
• two sides and included angle is
iv. Measure the lengths of the
remaining two sides and one
angle of the triangle.
7.3. Quadrilaterals i. Recognize the kinds of Use the following example
quadrilateral (square, and ask students to solve
similar situations.
rectangle, parallelogram,
ABCD is a given
rhombus, trapezium, and kite). quadrilateral with four
ii. Identify and describe sides. Identify its sides,
properties of quadrilaterals vertices and angles
including square, rectangle, D C
parallelogram, rhombus,
trapezium, and kite, and
classify those using parallel A B
sides, equal sides and equal
iii. Use protractor and ruler to
construct square and rectangle
when lengths of sides are
7.4. Symmetry i. Recognize different types of
symmetry (Reflective and k/children/sats/s
Rotational) in 2-D figures.
ii. Identify lines of symmetry for Create symmetrical
given 2-D figures designs and pictures using
iii. Find point of rotation and order concrete materials i.e.
pattern blocks, connecting
of rotational symmetry of given
cubes, paper folding
2-D figures Identify and sketch lines of
symmetry in 2- D shapes
and patterns
7.5. Three i. Identify cubes, cuboids and
dimensional pyramids from their nets.
(3-D) Objects
ii. Describe and make 3- D objects
(cubes, cuboids, cylinder, cone,
sphere, pyramids)

Unit Contents and SLOs Suggested Activities/
Scope web links

Unit 8: 8.1. Perimeter i. Differentiate between Aslam and Umar

Perimeter and area perimeter and area of a square determined that the
and dimensions of their school
and rectangular region.
Area flag needed to be 60cm by
ii. Identify the units for 50cm. What will be the
measurement of perimeter and area of the school flag?
iii. Find and apply formulas to find
perimeter and area of a square
and rectangular region
iv. Solve real life situations
involving perimeter and area of
square and rectangular
Unit 9: 9.1. Average i. Find and describe average of Students should collect
Data given quantities in the data some kind of data related
Handling to them (heights, age,
ii. Solve real life situations
marks in a test, favorite
involving average game or food, interests,
hair color, etc.). After
organizing such data, they
should draw conclusions
and respond to any
further inquiry about the
collected data. They may
use the data to create bar
or pie graph.

9.2. Bar Graphs i. Organize the given data using

bar graph mathed/malati/3PrimDat.p
ii. Read and interpret a bar graph
given in horizontal and vertical ematics/data-handling
iii. Draw horizontal and vertical
bar graphs for given data
iv. Solve real life situations using
data presented in bar graphs.




Mathematics is a science of numbers and space. It has its own language in term of signs,
symbols, terms and operations. It requires intuition, logic, reasoning and integrating
various ideas and themes. Mathematical skills are used to solve many real-life situations
throughout life. While mathematics may be abstract in nature, it does not have to be
boring, uninteresting, un-enjoyable or difficult. The way mathematics is taught plays a
major role in preconceived notions of the subject. There are many interventions, which
can make mathematics more interesting and easier to understand. One of them is by
connecting the subject with nature so students can relate to mathematics and understand
it better and recognize its aesthetic value and help students admire the beauty of
mathematics through nature.

The primary grades are the most important years of the child’s school career. In grade I-V
students acquire content knowledge that they use as the foundation for the rest of their
education. Students have different learning styles. Not all students will optimally absorb
concepts by simply listening to their teachers. Keeping this in mind, it is important for
teachers to design lesson plans that include hands-on activities such as games, quizzes,
and puzzles.

The major strategies recommended for teaching Mathematics are as follow:

i. Demonstration Approach
Demonstration approach is a strategy in which the teacher engages “in a learning task
other than just talking about it”. A teacher’s role is to demonstrate mathematical concepts
practically and invite questions, while the learners are encouraged to observe, reflect and
draw relevant inferences about the mathematical concept. Learners are also encouraged
to demonstrate their understanding of mathematical concepts.

ii. Inquiry based learning

In inquiry-based learning, teachers use questions, problems and scenarios to help
students learn through individual or group thought and investigation. Instead of simply
presenting facts, the teacher encourages students to talk about a problem and draw on
their intuition to understand it.

iii. Brain Storming

Brain storming is a strategy for stimulating creativity among learners. Both the teacher
and the learners play an active role in brainstorming. It includes the following phases:

• Identification of a situations
• Generation of an idea
• Evaluation of an idea
• Solution implementation and evaluation

The teacher should act as a facilitator in the idea-generation and should record all
responses. S/he should also encourage everyone to participate and should also accept all
suggestions regardless of how strange they may seem.

iv. Math-Lab Approach

It is a method of teaching whereby children in small groups work through an

assignment/task, learn and discover mathematics for themselves. The children work in an
informal manner, move around, discuss and choose their materials and method of
tackling a situation, assignment or task.

v. Discovery Approach

This is an effective approach for helping learners to understand concepts and

generalizations and for developing their higher-order thinking skills. This approach refers
to an “Inductive Method” of guiding learners to discuss and use ideas already acquired as
a means of discovering new ideas. The ultimate goal of this approach is to engage learner
construct new knowledge on the basis of their previous knowledge.

vi. Practical Work approach

In this approach, learners manipulate concrete objects and/or perform activities to arrive
at a conceptual understanding of phenomena, situation, or concept. Activities can be
done in the garden, in the yard, in the field, in the school grounds, or anywhere as long as
the safety of the learners is assured.

vii. Problem Solving Approach

In this approach, students are not told the solution of the situations but they are asked to
solve and overcome various situations themselves. The major steps in problem solving
• Defining the situations
• Collecting and organizing data
• Formulation of tentative solution
• Testing of tentative solution
• Conclusion

viii. Co-operative Learning

It encourages learners to work in small groups to achieve the common goals. The group
learns a particular content/concept and every member is expected to participate actively
in the discussion, with the fast learners helping the slower ones learn the lesson. This
builds positive relationships among classmates and creates a learning environment that
values diversity. This also further develops both good learning and social skills. Its
tangible benefits are learning to share, taking turns, higher self-esteem, more positive
relationships and a wider circle of friends, and cooperation.


Teachers are role-model for the students. Their actions convey more than their words.
Students learn values from how their teachers act rather than from what they say. Teacher
makes a maximum impact on the personality of a student in the formative years. Teachers
must have healthy attitude and should possess rich values. A teacher is not only a source
of information but is also a mentor and guardian. A teacher can maintain and impart
values in students by giving them instructions.

Teaching in a Mathematics classroom requires listening to the students, understanding

their level of thinking, setting and analyzing the task. The teachers’ role shifts from
dispensing information to planning investigative tasks, managing a cooperative learning
environment and supporting students’ creativity in developing rational understanding of
the concepts. This improved teaching practice could include the following aspects of a
teacher’ s role:

i Create an effective class opener.

In the first five minutes of the class period set the tone for the entire lesson. Teachers can
share the learning objective or pose essential questions to the class so that students know
the purpose and, at the end of the lesson, can self-assess whether the objective has been
met for them. It might include one or more warm-up situations as a way to review and
assess students' prior knowledge in preparation for exposure to the new material.

ii Introduce topics using multiple representations.

The multiple representations include using manipulatives, showing a picture, drawing out
the real-life situation, and offering a symbolic representation (applicable to everyday).
Students who are exposed to, and can recognize the same relationship posed in the
different representational modes are more likely to have conceptual understanding of the
relationship and perform better on assessments.

iii. Solve real life situations in different ways.

In the best classroom environment, the teacher is able to show different ways to solve the
same situation and encourage the students to come up with their own creative ways to
solve them.

iv. Involve students in group/pair work.

After exposition of concepts, involve students in an individual, pair, or small group

work/activity, encourage them to look for and share alternate ways to come up with the
correct solution. Facilitating students in developing their own methods and then sharing
the correct steps with the class is a very powerful learning experience.

v. Conceptualize the real-life application.

Teachers should always be able to demonstrate how every concept can be applied to the
real world. If a concept cannot be applied in that manner, still share how it might be
applied within mathematics or another subject area. Another option is showing how the
concept was developed through the history of math. Consider taking a minute out of each
lesson to show where or how the math can be seen or used in life, outside the classroom.

vi. Enable students to communicate their reasoning.

Students need to explain their reasoning when solving real life situations. In order to
determine if every student truly understands the concept, it's necessary for each student
to communicate both orally and in writing.

vii. Conclude class with a summary.

The last five minutes might be used to accomplish three very important things:

• A quick formative assessment to determine how much was learned, such

as students self-rating their understanding of the concept on a 1-5 scale.
• Reviewing the objective of the lesson, and a brief discussion on what the
lesson will entail or lead to, in the next class
• Previewing the homework together to avoid any confusion.

These are just some of the relevant strategies which can be used to conclude the lessons
along with a number of others that can be employed by the teacher.

Thus a teacher’s primary responsibilities are to assist learners’ cognitive reconstruction

and conceptual organization through providing them the opportunities for interaction in
mathematical tasks that encourage discussion and negotiation of ideas to help them to
develop conceptual understanding.


i. Classroom management

The classroom is the work-place of both teachers and children, and a well-managed
work-place increases job satisfaction and enhances the learning process. Planning
facilitates co-operation and the best use of resources and space. This is particularly
relevant when mathematics is being integrated with other subjects. Integration with
geography may require the use of maps or globes. Science equipment may be required
for work on capacity. Integrating mathematics with other areas of the curriculum enables
children to use mathematics in a meaningful way.

ii. The mathematics area

Ideally the mathematics area should be a free-standing workshop where children

experiment and display their results. In addition, it is necessary to have wall space for
displaying charts, flashcards and the results of the children’s work. The worktop space
could be a cupboard or shelving which can then be used to store equipment not in use.
Mathematical displays and apparatus should be changed to suit the strand being worked
on if they are to be seen to be effective and genuine aids.

iii. Effective use of equipment

Children who are actively involved in a structured task will be more likely to exhibit
positive classroom behavior, and the teacher will be free to work with another child or
group of children. It is important that the children share responsibility for the appropriate
use and storage of the apparatus, as this will develop their independence. Charts showing
labelled equipment and the terminology in use should be visible to those working in the
area. These give the child the freedom and independence to work on tasks uninterrupted.

If possible there could be a recording area nearby, or children could use clipboards for
on-the-spot recording. Color-coded or number-coded pockets of worksheets could also be
provided so that the children can work independently.




Assessment plays a vital role in interactive teaching and learning. It is the process of
gathering information using a variety of tools and techniques that reflect how well a
student is achieving the curriculum expectations in a subject. As part of assessment
teachers provide students with descriptive feedback that guides their efforts towards
improvement. The quality of assessment largely determines the quality of evaluation.
Evaluation refers to the process of judgments and decisions based on the interpretation
of evidence gathered through assessment.

Assessment and evaluation should be based on curriculum expectations and the

achievement levels outlined in the Single National Curriculum.


Teaching Learning

Assessment can be classified as:

• Formative assessment (Assessment for Learning or Diagnostic assessment)

• Summative assessment (Assessment of Learning)

Formative assessment (Assessment for Learning or Diagnostic assessment)

The formative assessment involves both students and teachers in a recursive process. It
starts with the teacher, who models the process for the students. The teacher describes,
explains, or demonstrates the concepts or skills to be taught, or assigns student
investigations—reading assigned material, locating and reading materials to answer
questions, doing activities or experiments—to put content into students' hands.

Gradually, students internalize the learning goals and become able to see the target
themselves. They begin to be able to decide how close they are to it.

Formative assessment refers to the ongoing process students and teachers engage in
when they

i. Focus on learning goals.

ii. Take stock of where current work is in relation to the goal.
iii. Take action to move closer to the goal.

Formative assessment includes

• Class Tests
• Worksheets
• Quizzes
• Class Activities/ projects
• Homework

Summative assessment (Assessment of Learning)

Summative assessment is based on the information collected through tests made by a
teacher which are used to measure what students have learned at the end of particular
instructional period. Students are assigned scores or grades on the basis of assessment
results in the form of a report.

The purpose of summative assessment is to assess the students against some standards
or benchmarks or learning outcomes. To assess students, the standardized test is
associated for summative assessment. It provides information about the mastery of the
child’s particular concepts and skills. It is important to mention that students should be
assessed on basis of students learning outcomes instead of assessing them against text
book questions or material.

It includes:
• Term wise Examination
• Final Examination


Following tables explain weightings of specified topics with respect to different grade
levels in accordance with the curriculum.


Unit Title Weightage

1. Whole Numbers 39%
2. Number Operations 25%
3. Measurement: Length and Mass 06%
4. Money 8%
5. Time 10%
6. Geometry 12%
Total Weightage 100%


Unit Title Weightage

1. Whole Numbers 18%
2. Number Operations 44%
3. Fractions 07%
4. Measurement: Length, Mass and Capacity 14%
5. Time 08%
6. Geometry 09%
Total Weightage 100%


Unit Title Weightage

1. Whole Numbers 16%
2. Number Operations 20%
3. Fractions 16%
4. Measurement: Length, Mass and Capacity 21%
5. Time 10%
6. Geometry 13%
7. Data Handling 04%
Total Weightage 100%


Unit Title Weightage

1. Whole Numbers and Operations 17%
2. Factors and Multiples 11%
3. Fractions 15%
4. Decimals 15%
5. Measurement: Length, Mass and Capacity 19%
6. Geometry 16%
7. Data Handling 07%
Total Weightage 100%


Unit Title Weightage

1. Whole Numbers and Operations 14%
2. HCF and LCM 05%
3. Fractions 08%
4. Decimals and Percentages 25%
5. Distance and Time 09%
6. Unitary Method 04%
7. Geometry 20%
8. Perimeter and Area 06%
9. Data Handling 09%
Total Weightage 100%


The Single National Curriculum for Mathematics (I-V) 2020, includes cognitive domain
aligned with TIMSS a project of International Association for Evaluation of Educational

• Knowing: (Knowledge)
• Applying: (Understanding and Application)
• Reasoning: (Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation)

i) Knowing
In this domain, students are expected to have knowledge of words/ symbols and
understand the basic ideas behind them. It covers the careful application of the concepts,
definitions, relations or representation of either.

ii) Applying
In this domain, students should be able to select and apply appropriate mathematical
concepts and procedure while solving real life situations. It covers pure mathematical
questions for example numeric or algebraic expressions, equations, geometric figures
and statistical data sets.

iii) Reasoning
In this domain, students are required to use their prior knowledge of mathematics in new
situations. It recognizes and formulates a situation by analyzing, synthesizing and
evaluating to solve real life situations considering whether there is sufficient and
consistent data.

Cognitive domains play vital role in the development of assessment. In order to assess the
student’s in primary grades the following cognitive domains are used:

9.1 Table of Cognitive Domains

Cognitive Percentage Action

Domains/Skills weightage Verbs
Knowing: 40% Recall Recall definition,
terminology, unit of
measurement, geometric
shapes and notations
Recognize Recognize numbers,
expressions, quantity,
Classify/order Classify numbers,
expressions, quantities
and shapes by common

Compute Carry out algorithmic

procedure for +, - , x,÷ or
combination of theses
with numbers, fractions,
decimal and carry out
straight forward algebraic

Cognitive Percentage Action
Domains/Skills weightage Verbs
Applying: 40% Determine Determine appropriate
operations, strategies and
tools for solving situations
for which there are
commonly used methods
of solution
Represent/ Model Display data in tables or
graphs; create equations,
inequalities, geometric
figures or diagrams that
model situations
Apply Apply strategies and
operations to solve
situations involving
mathematical concepts
and procedures
Reasoning: 20% Analyze Determine, describe or
use relationships among
numbers, expressions,
quantities and shapes

Synthesize/ Integrate Link different elements of

knowledge, related
representations and
procedures to solve
Evaluate Evaluate alternative
problem-solving strategies
and solutions
Generalize Make statements that
represent relationships in
more general and more
widely applicable terms
Justify Provide mathematical
arguments to support a
strategy or solution

In order to develop/construct an assessment tool, a two-dimensional table known as Table
of Specification is used to align objectives, instructions and assessment.

Following is a table of specification for grade 4 as an exemplar.


Content Strands Total

Whole Number & Operations (50%)

Measurements (15%)

Data Handling (10%)


Geometry (25%)
Cognitive Domains

Knowing (40%) 20 6 10 4 40
Applying (40%) 20 6 10 4 40
Reasoning (20%) 10 3 5 2 20
Total (100%) 50 15 25 10 100

Number & Operations is further divided into sub topics. Unit wise distribution of 50 items
is given below;


Number and Operations

Whole Number & Operations (15%)

Decimal and Fractions (10%)

Factors and Multiple (10%)

Fractions (15%)

Total 50%

Cognitive Domains

Knowing (40%) 6 4 6 4 20
Applying (40%) 6 4 6 4 20
Reasoning (20%) 3 2 3 2 10
Total (100%) 15 10 15 10 50

For each Grade, table of specification can be developed for summative assessment
(annual examination paper of mathematics).


Cognitive Percentage
Domains/Skills weightage
Knowing: 40% Section A
• Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs),
• Fill in the blanks
• Match the column
• short questions (simple computations)

Applying: 40% Section B

• Constructed response questions
• Problem Solving

Reasoning: 20% Section C

• Constructed response question.
• Short questions (simple computations)

• For all sections, questions will be selected from all competencies.


It is observed that the textbooks have been considered as the only teaching and learning
resource in most of the institutions. Although many other resources are available,
including teacher’s manual, workbook and electronic resources, teachers rarely use them
to support learning. This curriculum document expects the teachers to use multiple
resources to enrich learning. Examples include:


Print materials, particularly the textbooks, play a key role in providing quality education at
all levels. Although there are many resources that contribute towards the overall learning
of the child yet the importance of textbook as a reservoir of information/ knowledge
cannot be ignored.

Textbook writers have a vital role to play in influencing and motivating the students
through their writing. A quality textbook is

• thoughtfully planned both for content and presentation,

• written by qualified and competent subject expert(s),
• attractive and engaging, to stimulate the interest of teacher and the taught


Textbooks aimed at younger students of primary grades tend to include more teaching
and learning features than those at higher level. Therefore, while developing textbooks
the following aspects should be taken into consideration;

• The textbook should be in line with the objectives of curriculum.

• The author should continuously focus on standards and learning outcomes.
• The text/content should be age appropriate and according to the mental level
of students.
• The volume of the textbook should be manageable for the academic year.
• The textbooks should be reader friendly. Use headings and subheadings and
other design elements to make the books reader friendly. Avoid too much
cramped text on one page.
• All content and information should be accurate and up-to-date
• The material should be arranged in a logical manner; simple to complex,
familiar to unfamiliar and concrete to abstract.
• The material/content must be free from ambiguities and errors (both
mathematical and typographical).
• The content provided in the textbook should not develop wrong concepts.
• The text should be clear and concise. It should not give any other meaning
than the one intended.

• The text should be free from any kind of biases. Equal representation should be
given to male and female characters in word problems. Real life examples and
questions should not show any segment of society in a negative light.
• Special attention should be paid to geometrical portions. Every table, line
drawing and graph should be labeled appropriately.
• Footnotes and side notes may be inserted wherever necessary.


To make a textbook an effective teaching and learning tool its style and structure should
be given due importance. The material needs to be structured in a coherent and logical
way, and that writing style should be reader friendly.

Unit Opening
Unit Outline Include heading of the unit.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Include all SLOs of the respective unit.
Real Life Relevance Illustrate the real-life relevance of the unit.
Short Introduction Explain what this unit covers and why.

Unit Body
Key Terms Use italics for emphasis and bold for key terms. Define
key terms when first introduced and collate them with
their definitions for the glossary.
Running Glossary Key terms and definitions may be pulled out from the
main body of text so that students spot them easily in the
unit body (e.g. in the margins).
Feature Boxes Regular feature boxes may include various contents such
as a mathematical formula, a working rule or a statement
of theorem, application to real world and/or further
discovery activity recommendations which may/may not
include web resources.
Illustrative Examples Include illustrative examples to develop conceptual
understanding of the topic.
Problem Sets Special attention should be paid on preparation of
Problem Sets. Correlate Mathematics with real life
situations and includes sufficient exercises on real life
problems almost in every problem set, if appropriate. The
questions on the application of Mathematics in other
fields of study are also very useful.
Learning Review Points Include bulleted questions for students to check their
understanding at regular intervals. Possible labels
Tips or Hints include ‘self-test point’ or ‘checkpoint’.
Visuals Separated from the main body of text, they allow the
author to speak directly to the student, offering useful
advice or flagging important points.
Tables, graphs, line drawings and lists may be used to
break up the text.

Unit Ending
Problem Set (Review) Include multiple-choice questions, interpretive exercises
and fill-in items. Students may also be asked to label
diagrams or write a one word answer to short question.
Summary Include a review of the main concepts. This can relate to
the SLOs by covering each in turn (bullet points work well).
The summary should not include any new information.

End of Textbook
Glossary Include only the key terms in the glossary.
Answers to Problems Include answers to the problem sets unit wise.
Appendices Include extra information the student needs such as list of
mathematical formulas, log tables and relevant websites.
Bibliography Include bibliography and list of books for suggested
reading where appropriate.
Index Include index for the key terms used in the book.


Ideally the teacher’s manual should come with the textbook. The manual is aimed at
informing teachers how the textbook is written and how best to use it to facilitate student
learning. It can be seen as a means of helping teachers develop professionally. It provides
detailed explanation of key concepts and the way to teach a particular topic. Its basic
features are as below.

The teacher’s manual should

• facilitate lesson planning by providing a structured step by step guide
• be easy to understand and use
• list all the SLOs to be achieved through the lesson plan
• provide background knowledge that helps in building the teachers capacities
on the topic
• include a list teaching learning resources required for the activities
• include activities that serve as interesting lesson openers
• include easy to follow hands on activities that help in teaching and learning the
new concepts
• give sequenced instructions for each activity
• recommend a question bank (having questions different from text) and
suggest interactive quizzes corresponding to each unit
• include recommendations for concluding the lessons
• identify strategies for assessment of learning


Workbooks play an important role in enrichment of learning. They contain writing

activities and exercises that reinforce and build upon each unit in the textbook. Workbook
exercises help to develop students’ conceptual understanding of the topics dealt with in
the text. They assist students in developing skills by applying knowledge to new
situations. A workbook has the following basic features.

A workbook should
• be easy for students to understand and follow
• involve clear and explicit instructions
• be stimulating, challenging and innovative
• correspond to knowledge and skill developed in the textbook
• consists of many exercises and activities for each unit, topic and subtopic
• be non-repetitive in style and structure
• avoid using too many activities for one topic or skill
• include exercises and activities which are different from those in textbook or
teacher’s manual
• suggest accessible and affordable materials/resources for the proposed


Mathematics laboratory is a place where students can learn and explore mathematical
concepts and verify mathematics facts and concepts through a variety of activities using
different materials. Activities in math labs are carried out by the teachers and students to
explore, learn and stimulate interest and develop favorable attitude towards

Following are a few examples of easily accessible and affordable materials which can be
suggested for the activities corresponding to basic concepts of Mathematics.

Name Purpose
Area Model Base ten blocks are used to represent the parts of each number
that is being multiplied.
To find the product, students can add various parts of the model.
This model can also be used for fraction multiplication.
Arrays and Open Arrays Arrays and Open Arrays are helpful in developing understanding
of multiplication facts. Grids can also be used to model arrays.
Open arrays allow students to think in amounts that are
comfortable for them and do not lock them into thinking using a
specific amount. These arrays help visualize repeated addition
and partitioning and ultimately using the distributive property.
Balance (pan or beam) Scales Pan balances have a pan or platform on each side to compare
two unknown amounts or represent equality. Measuring
materials (masses) can be used on one side to measure in
standard units.
Base Ten Blocks Base ten blocks include unit cubes, rods, flats, and large cubes
used to find the place value of a number, addition and
subtraction of whole numbers.
Carroll Diagram Use for classification of different attributes. The table shows the
four possible combinations for the two attributes.
Cubes (Linking) Use for counting to 100 by ones and tens, grouping, and
one-to-one correspondence, exploring patterns.

Name Purpose
Cuisenaire Rods Cuisenaire rods are mathematics learning aids for students that
provide an interactive, hands-on way to explore mathematics
and learn mathematical concepts, such as the four basic
arithmetical operations, working with fractions and finding
divisors. Each color represents a different length and can
represent different number values or units of measurement.
Dice (Number Cubes) Standard type is a cube with numbers or dots from 1 to 6
(number cubes). Use Learn important concepts and tricks to
solve questions based on dice reasoning. Most dice are cube
shaped, with the numbers 1 to 6 on the different faces.
Dominoes Dominoes are rectangular tiles divided in two-halves. Theseare
a family of tile-basedgames played with rectangular "domino"
tiles. Each domino is a rectangular tile with a line dividing its face
into two square ends.
Fraction Blocks Fraction blocks also known as Fraction Pattern blocks. Fraction
tower Cubes are great math manipulative for the classroom. It
helps students better understanding the concept of fractions
Use with basic pattern blocks to help study a wider range of
denominators and fraction computation.
Fraction Circles Sets of fractional Circles include fraction pieces:
1,1/2,1/31/4….1/Fraction Circles. Fraction Circles enable
students to explore fractions, fractional equivalences, add and
Fraction Pieces These are rectangular pieces that can be used to represent
fractions to learn about fractions and their meaning at your own
pace. ... However, both circles represent the fraction two-thirds.
Frames Use with any type of counter to fill in the frame as needed.
Geo boards A geo board is a mathematical manipulative used to explore
basic concepts in plane geometry such as perimeter, area and
the characteristics of triangles and other polygons.
Geometric Solids Geometric Solids include a variety of prisms, pyramids, cones,
cylinders, and spheres. Geometric Solids Materials - A basket
large enough to contain ten geometric wooden solids in blue: A
triangular prism; A rectangular prism; A cube; A cylinder.
Geo-strips Plastic strips that can be fastened together with brass fasteners
to form a variety of angles and geometric shapes. Strips come in
5 different lengths. Each length is a different color.
Hundred Chart The hundred charts are useful when students are learning to
count to 100. It provides a visual aid and helps students learn
how to skip count
Hundredths Circle Circle divided into tenths and hundredths. Also known as
“percent circles”.

Name Purpose
Pattern Blocks Standard set includes: Yellow hexagons, red trapezoids, blue
parallelograms, green triangles, orange squares, beige
Pantomimes Pantomimes are shapes that use five square blocks joined edge
to edge to form various combinations. There are twelve possible
shapes in a set.
Polydrons Geometric pieces snap together to build various geometric
solids as well as their nets. Pieces are available in a variety of
shapes, colors, and sizes: Equilateral triangles, isosceles
triangles, right-angle triangles, squares, rectangles, pentagons,
Power Polygons Power polygons can be used for classification, sorting,
perimeters, areas and fractions amongst other topics: 2-D
shapes; Ideal introduction to geometry; features 15 different
shapes; includes useful storage tub; includes Teacher's Guide.
Counting Frame Counting frame that has 10 beads on each bar: 5 white and 5
red. Available with different number of bars (1, 2, or 10).
Trundle Wheel Trundle Wheel is a tool to measuring longer distances. Each
revolution equals 1 meter usually noted with a click.


The use of World Wide Web (www) is growing very fast to access an immense volume of
rapidly evolving information. It is acting as a driving force since its ease of use makes the
internet trivially accessible to the students even with a little knowledge of computer.
Through web-based links as mentioned along with the learning outcomes will provide

• access to various sites of Mathematics around the world,

• view of three-dimensional figures, graphics, lesson plans, activities and various
books of interest


The reference book resources can help authors, teachers and students to get guidance for
developing the mathematical concepts according to new emerging trends. A list of
reference books has been provided for guidance.

Book Title Authors Publishers

Macmillan Mathematics Paul Broadbent & Mary Ruddle Macmillan
Abacus Evolve framework Ruth Merttens and David Kirkby Ginn
Onward Maths Dr Evelyn Tan, Neo Seow Ling Alston Publishers
NHM Series
New Heinemann Maths Heinemann Paramount


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