15D16 326 Herniyatii
15D16 326 Herniyatii
15D16 326 Herniyatii
The Role of Rankl and Opg in Alveolar Bone Remodeling and Improvement of Orthodontic
Tooth Movement Post Coffee Brew Administration
This study was aimed at elucidating the role of RANKL and OPG in the alveolar bone
remodeling and improvement of tooth movement induced by orthodontic mechanical force (OMF)
post coffee brew administration.
24 rats were divided into 3 groups. Group A: the rats were administered with OMF , group B:
OMF + coffee brew at 20mg / 100 g of BW in 2 ml of distilled water, and group C: OMF + caffeine of
1, 37 mg / 100 g BW in 2 ml of distilled water. OMF was conducted by ligature wires were applied
on permanent maxillary right first molar and both permanent maxillary incisivus. Subsequently, the
permanent maxillary right first molar was moved to mesial with closed coil spring. Observations
were made on day 15 and day 22 to take GCF and measure the tooth movement on the film
resulted from X-ray photograph.
Coffee brew increases the levels of RANKL and OPG , and improves the movement of the
teeth, therefore it may be an alternative to accelerate orthodontic treatment.
Experimental article (J Int Dent Med Res 2017; 10: (1), pp. 84-88)
Keywords: RANKL, OPG, Coffee, alveolar bone remodeling.
Received date: 14 December 2016 Accept date: 17 January 2017
transcripts was found in the compression side United States) of 1.35 mg / 100 g BW dissolved
than that in the tension side, and the OPG in 2 ml of distilled water. OMF in rats was
transcript was found greater in the tension side conducted by anesthetizing rats using ketamine,
than that in the compression side. RANKL and subsequently ligature wire with a diameter of
OPG were increased in the compression and 0.20 mm was set on permanent maxillary right
tension sides compared to the control 9. Besides first molar and both permanent maxillary
administering OPG locally on periodontal tissues incisivus. The permanent maxillary right first
can inhibit relapse after orthodontic treatment molar was moved to the mesial using Tension
through inhibition of osteoclastogenesis10. Gauce to generate power of 10 g / cm2 with a
Examination using PCR also showed RANKL Nickel Titanium Orthodontic closed coil spring of
increased significantly on the compression side 6 mm long19. The observations were carried out
in the case group followed by bone resorption on the days 15 and 22 to take the gingival
caused by orthodontic tooth movement11. crevicular fluid (GCF) by placing the paper points
Various attempts have been made to to gingival sulcus of mesio-palatal permanent
accelerate orthodontic tooth movement, i.e. by maxillary right first molar for 30 seconds and then
using drugs, surgical methods and methods of stored in eppendorf tubes20. Increased tooth
physical and mechanical stimuli12. Coffee today movement in rats was measured on film of X-ray
becomes one of the most popular beverages in photograph by measuring from the distal
the world which is consumed among people. permanent maxillary right second molar to the
Robusta coffee contains caffein13, that increases mesial permanent maxillary right first molar
osteoclastogenesis through enhancement of lessened by mesiodistal width of permanent
RANKL14. The result of the study on the rats maxillary right first molar and permanent
applied with orthodontic mechanical force (OMF) maxillary right second molar using digital
shows that a high dose of caffeine administration calipers. Determination of RANKL and OPG
on the rats increases the amount of osteoclast levels was performed by ELISA method.
and bone resorption on the compression side15. Analysis of the data was conducted using
Robusta coffee also contains Chlorogenic acid Oneway Anova test followed by Tukey HSD
and caffeic acid that possess an effect as test, Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Mann-
antioxidant16, that may reduce oxidative stress on Whitney test, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test,
osteoblast17. The results of study show that Paired t-test, and Brown-Forsythe Statistics with
Chlorogenic acid promotes osteogenesis which is 95% level of significance (α = 0,05). This study
indicated by an increase in bone mineralization18. has been approved by the ethical research
This study was aimed at elucidating the committee of the Faculty of Dentistry, Airlangga
role of RANKL and OPG in the alveolar bone University, Number: 18/KKEPK.FKG/II/2015
remodeling and improvement of Orthodontic
tooth movement induced by Orthodontic Results
mechanical force post coffee brew
administration. The results of taking GCF from mice No.
8 in group C were damaged due to poor storage
Materials and methods thus only seven data were resulted from the
group C. The results of the coffee brew effects on
Type of the study was experimental the levels of RANKL and OPG are shown in
laboratory. A number of 24 rats (Spraque Table 1 (see the appendix).
Dauwley), males, aged 3-4 months, weighed The test of RANKL level on the day 15
250-300 gram and stated healthy, were objected among the research groups based Kruskal-Wallis
to the study. The rats were randomly divided into test followed by the Mann Whitney test showed
3 groups. Group A: the rats were applied with that the levels of RANKL in group B was greater
orthodontic mechanical force (OMF), Group B: than in group A and C (p<0.05). RANKL levels in
the rats were applied with OMF and administered group C was greater than in group A (p<0.05).
with dried coffee brew at 20mg / 100 g BW OPG assay on the day 15 among the groups
dissolved in 2 ml of distilled water, and group C using Kruskal-Wallis test subsequenlty followed
as control +: the rats were applied with OMF and by Mann-Whitney test showed that level of OPG
administered with pure caffeine (TCI-American- in group B was greater than that in the groups A
and C (p<0.05). OPG level in group C was permanent maxillary right first molar to mesial on
greater than group A (p>0.05). RANKL level test the day 15 and 22 is showed in table 2. Table 2
on day 22 using Oneway Anova test followed by illustrates the results of measurement of the
the Tukey HSD test results showed that RANKL increase in the movement of permanent maxillary
level of group B was greater than either group A right first molar to mesial in the group A, group B
or group C (p>0.05), and group C was greater and group C on the days 15 and 22 (see the
than the group A (p<0.05). OPG level test on day appendix). Further test results using Mann-
22 using Oneway Anova test followed by Tukey Whitney test on the day 15 showed the increase
HSD test results showed that the level of OPG in of movement of the tooth in the groups B and C
group B was greater than that in groups A and C was greater than that in the group A (p<0.05).
(p<0.05). OPG level in group C was greater than The tooth movement in group B was greater than
that in group A (p<0.05). that in the group C (p>0.05). The test using
Mann-Whitney on the day 22 showed that the
increase in the movement of in group B and C
was greater than that in group A (p<0.05).
Increased movement of the tooth in group B was
greater than that in group C (p>0.05). This
Table 1. Comparison of GCF: RANKL and OPG showed that the coffee brew increased the
Levels of All Groups in the Observation of Day orthodontic tooth movement on the days 15 and
15 and Day 22. 22. Further the test using paired t-test on the
Notes : *based on Oneway Anova, **based on Kruskal-Wallis test, increase of tooth movement between day 15 and
The same superscript in one column shows no difference among day 22 in group A, group C and group B showed
the groups.
no significant differences (p>0.05).
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