Muguet in Perfumery
Muguet in Perfumery
Muguet in Perfumery
Vol. 11, December 1986/Jcmuory 1987 0272-2666/86/00W3101 S02.00/0+0 1986 Allured PublishingCorp. Perfumer & Flavc.risr/31
Lilyof the Valley
Citro”,llol + + +
Gerani.1 . +
Linalml + + +
Neml + +
PIww1 ethyl alcohol + + +
Plwwl prowl alcohol + + +
c,,.,. ) + +
Bm,Yl acetate + . + For the green note, phenylacetaldehyde di-
Cinnmyl acetate + + methvl acetal was imDortant. Later. aromatic car-
Citrmellyl acetate + + bino~s and their aceti-tes were used. Phenyl prD-
wr,”yl acetate + + + pyl aldehyde and dimethyl octanol were sDme of
CIS-3-IWX,”YI acet,te + + +
the other aromatics used.
Methyl anthrani late + +
. +
Fixatives were civet, olibanum, balsam tolu
methyl salicylat,
New1 acetate . + +
and s~rax resirmid, as well as crystalline aroma-
N,.Y1 format, + + + tics, i.e., musk ketone and vanillin. Later, musk
Phenyl Prowl acetate + . and civet specialties were used as fixatives, re-
placing natural civet and musk.
Among trace components, are cardamon, cel-
Teble Il. Addltlonel Compcmente of Convellerie eri, clary sage, coriander, cuminic cddebyde,
maialie L. neroli and ylang. Of the absolutes, cassie,
mimosa, orange flower, rose, reseda, tuberose
~ Germm, (9) H,lland[l OL
and vicdet leaves may be cited,
Lirmnmw + + As new aromatics became available, they were
a-Ph,l Ia”dre”e . used in lily of the vafley compounds.
Fa,”,,ol .
GIYCO1 derivatives became important, for
Ci, -3-heX,”.31 + .
example, phenyl glycol acetate, pbenyl glycol
O,tene-1 -.1-3 t.
acetal of phenylacetaldehyde and propylene
n-Pe”tanol .
a-Te T.lneol .
glycol acetal of phenylacetaldehyde.
0-TerPine.l t, The foHDwing are among less cDmmon aroma-
a-Te W.fne”e . tics that have been used to capture the elusive
Pheno 1 Dolor Of ]ily Df the Va]ley: aniSyl aCe@te, aniSyl
Ci””mic aldehyie .
fonnate, cinnamyl acetate, cinnamyl butyrate,
Benzyl mproat, .
Bmzyl f.mte +
citronellyl formate, Iinalyl isobutyrate and
Cinnmyl CWmate + phenyl ethyl salicylate,
Cinlwwl Fm’mte + The following percentages of less knDwn
Far”esyl OCetate + aromatics have been recommended in lily of the
G,?a”yl fomt, .
valley compmitions:”
Ge.,nyl heoty late +
lnd.le + +
2,2,6-trimethyl-6-Vinyl hyd.ofurane + New research on lily of the valley has shown
that its main constituents are rose alcohols (gera-
. not specified niol, citmnellol and nerol), and their acetates,
comprising 70 per cent of the flower 0iL8
W,anyl acetate 2
few examples of replacements for older aromatic
cmintc aldehyde 0.5
Methyl dihydrojasmonate (Hedione), jasmo-
lactone and derivatives of cyclopentenone, Lily of the VallOy FOrlllUla 3
among others, me used per se or as components of m
jasmin compounds in lily of the valley formulas. Hydmxyc{tr. nel1.1 320
In spite of a number of new aromatics iden-
tified in the lily of the valley oil, none of them
suggests the basic scent of the flowers.
The unique characteristic of the lily of the
valley flowers, as observed by the writer, is that
the dry blossoms, while losing part of the ethereal
green-floral odor, retain a musky sweetness with
alight green note for weeks when enclosed in a
plastic envelope. In contrast, lilac blossoms lose
all odor and change to a rusty color when wilting.
Present aromatic research concentrates mostly on
analyzing head space constituents of the flower
oils. Perhaps new residual components of the lily
of the valley would help to better reproduce the
elusive odor of lily of the valley.
Lily of the valley has not lost its importance in
perfumery, It has found a more universal appli-
cation. Previously there was a clear division of
two main groul?s of fragrances: the heavier sultry
orientals and chypre-derived types, and the light
floral-aldehydic-green types, Lily of the valley
belonged to the latter group of fragrances and
found extensive application inthe’’green” type
fragrances of the1970s. Inthelast decade, semi-
oriental, fruity-floral-green fragrance types have
evolved, and lily of the valley became part of
the se fragrances.
Asmen’s line fragrances became more sophis-
ticated, lily of the valley components found their
way into these fragrances.
Address correspmdenm to Ms. Dame Pajaujis Armnis, 98-n —
64th Road, Rego Park,NY11374, U.S.A.
1. O. Gerhardt, DasK.nnpimier6ninderPatfumetie,Aktiomkti
Veriagsgesellschaft, M. B.H., Leipzig (1931 ), p. 62
2. ltid., p.62
3. M. Soelens, H. J. WtibenandJ. Heydel, Petium. Flavor.,5(5),
14, Octobor/November 1960
4, Naves and Mazuyer, Les Parfums Naturals, Pans (1939), p.
5. M. Mounier, lnd. Perlum.,5,26,1930
6. S, Herberger, Rept. Pharm.,2,397 ,1636
7. M. Kerschbaum, Chem. Ber.46,1732 ,1913
6. S. Wakayamaand S. Namba, NippOn Kagaku Z6.Sshi90(ll)
1160-3, 1969
9. H. Mackand M. Kopsel, Patt. Kosm.,548/73,233, 1973
10. M. Boelensetal., ibid.
11. E. S, Maurer, Perfumes andtheir Production, United Trade
Press, Ltd., London, 1956, 125-160
12. A. F. MOrris, Perfum. Flavor.,6(1 ),1-7, FebrLIarY/Marchl%1
13. LeNouveau FJrWiaire.dela Seaut4, G. Clacks, Paris,89,l76
14. H, Fouquet, La Technique Modemeet Ies Fonmdesdela
Parfumerie, Paris &LitIge, tibrairie Polylechnique Ch. S.3-
ranger, 1951, p. 141.