UNE Course Brochure
UNE Course Brochure
UNE Course Brochure
Course Brochure
When you complete your PhD at UNE, Mode Fully Online/On Campus
you will be recognised as an expert in
your area of study. Your original
discoveries and innovations will be Campus Armidale Campus
applied to benefit society and industry
in Australia and worldwide.
Entry Requirements Guaranteed ATAR: N/A
Fees International
Research Training Program
On Campus,
Study online Research Period 1
Armidale Campus
Study on campus
Fees and scholarships
How much will it cost?
Many of our students choose to take advantage of the
on-campus lifestyle in Armidale, in the beautiful New Estimated fees for your first year of study in this course
England region, with access to unparalleled support, are:
accommodation and sporting facilities. These students
are often starting their first degree and have left school Fee Type Cost
recently. Through access to academic and career
support they get a fantastic start to their careers. International $31,600*
* 24/7 tutor support includes: essay feedback (within 24 Research Training Program
hours); live chat 24/7 for generic feedback on academic
writing; and subject-specific help at a foundation or
Estimated amenities fee per
first-year level for subjects including mathematics, $313
year if studying full-time
chemistry, biology, physics, business, accounting,
microeconomics, macroeconomics and statistics. There
are also a wide range of workshops, resources and
*For more information, visit our Research Training
courses available in academic skills support to assist
Program page. Please note that International fees are a
you and help you to succeed.
guide only and will vary depending on the discipline you
Offerings are applying for. Please visit our Visa and Fees page for
more details.
Entry Requirements
International candidates will need to reside in Australia More information can be found at here.
during the first 12 months of candidature while they
complete the PhD.I Research Learning Program. The
following three (3) years of candidature they will return
to and reside in the country where their Innovation NOTE: Students should be aware that the version of
project and Innovation project Portfolio research is HDR or research related policy at the time of admission
being conducted. Candidates are required to return to to candidature will apply to their studies for the duration
Australia for intervals of time sufficient to complete of candidature. Please check, when following a link to a
their portfolio as agreed between the candidate, specific policy, whether the current or a historical
supervisors and Head of School or delegate (for version of the policy might be applicable to you.
example HDR Coordinator) under the oversight of the
Projects for this course must include two components: Career Outcomes
i. A creative work
ii. A written exegesis By completing your Doctor of Philosophy with UNE, you
are demonstrating your autonomy, authoritative
Primary Supervision is based in the School of judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a leading
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, co-supervision practitioner and scholar in your area of speciality. You
can be from across UNE and industry. will graduate as a recognised expert in your field with a
highly developed set of transferrable skills such as
Projects can only be undertaken in creative areas for project management, public speaking, teamwork and
which UNE can provide appropriate supervision and leadership.
resources to support the project.
Your PhD will open doors to top level careers in
industry, the public service, government and non-profit
organisations, as well as in academia.
This is why UNE is the only Australian We offer international students an affordable,
public university awarded the maximum 5 quality living and learning experience in a regional
stars for Overall Experience by the Good Australian city. Located outside of a capital city
Universities Guide, 15 years in a row*. but well serviced by transport links, Armidale
offers a different Australian lifestyle experience.
We now have over 22,000 enrolled students,
with the majority studying their courses
online. There are also around 4500 students
who study on our Armidale campus,