Pillada Supplemental Scores
Pillada Supplemental Scores
Pillada Supplemental Scores
SHORT NOTES: a. Objective: desires, aim, something that needs to be attained ...
b. Programs/plans/activities- any initiatives or projects of the local government unit (LGU) to attain SDG
c. LGU effort-pertaining to the area of jurisdiction such as Philippines (Davao, Cavite, etc)
d. Output- an activity of something that a person or thing produced/delivers, a short-term process(quantity)
e. Outcome- the way thing turns out, consequence that brings changes
f. Impact- a significant or major effect, a long term process
1. No Eradicating poverty for all People living in Great number of Community members have A world with
Poverty people everywhere in vulnerable vulnerable people benefited by gaining access zero hunger can
2030 situations, had increased to much-needed community positively
increasing access access to basic basic resources that seek to impact our
to basic resources services, and improve their health economies,
and services, and support health,
support education,
communities equality and
affected by social
conflict and development.
climate-related It's a key pie
2. Zero Hunger The objective of SDG 2 is to LGUs may In order to eradicate The outcome for SDG 2 The impact of
end hunger and to achieve consider hunger, there should might effectively reduce the these tangible
food security all over the implementing be tangible actions level of hunger and actions may
world that will improve the policies or and initiatives malnutrition especially in the create a long
nutrition of the people as initiatives that created for the children of the community term impact in
well. To have sustainable will promote people. It is better to and enhanced food the lives of the
agriculture. sustainable have an distribution in the market. people. A
agriculture. The implementation of positive result
LGU may agricultural training can include
prioritize to programs and reduction in
develop farming supporting local hunger and
practices and farmers. strengthened
ensure the food security in
accessibility of the community,
foods and other and the
commodities in establishment of
the community. sustainable
Community agriculture
gardens and food practices.
awareness can
help the people in
the society.
3. Good health The objective of the SDG 3 The Local For SDG 3 the The outcome of the SD3 may The impact of
and well-being. is to ensure healthy lives of Government Unit output can include include reduced cases of good
the people and promote plays a crucial actions of the health issues and other implementation
well-being in all ages. role in achieving government for diseases. An improved life of output and
SD3 through better health expectancy for the people tangible actions
improving education and and a better way of living should cause a
healthcare campaigns to because of health education long-term effect
services in the promote healthy in the community. in the overall
community that lifestyles and health and
will cater to effective disease wellness of the
maternal, child preventions through people. The
health, and other eating fruits and impact of SD3
diseases. The vegetables. Also, could be seen in
LGU should also there should be an the increased
improve the increase in population in
emergency vaccination the society and
response in order programs and the decreased
to be prepared in quality health care. death rates due
incoming natural to health issues
disasters. and diseases.
There will be an
quality of life in
the community.
4. Quality The objective of the SDG 4 LGUs actively Examples of outputs May include increased access The
Education is to ensure inclusive and work towards include the to quality education, development of
equitable quality education creating a construction of improved literacy rates, and a well-educated
and promote lifelong foundation for schools, the enhanced educational and empowered
learning opportunities for lifelong learning, development of opportunities for population,
all. empowering educational marginalized groups. These increased
individuals, and materials, and the outcomes signify the direct economic
fostering a training of teachers effects of the implemented opportunities,
society where to enhance their activities on advancing and positive
education serves skills and inclusive and quality social
as a key driver of capabilities. education. transformations.
personal and It represents
community sustained
development. positive changes
that contribute
to the goal of
inclusive and
education for
5. Gender The main objective of LGUs actively Examples of outputs May include increased access Gender based
equality Sustainable Development work towards include the to education and healthcare disparities are
Goal 5 (SDG5) is to achieve creating a society implementation of for women and girls, minimized,
gender equality and where gender- policies promoting improved economic women and girls
empower all women and based stereotypes gender equality, the opportunities, and enhanced have equal
girls, promoting equal are dismantled, establishment of legal protection against opportunities for
opportunities and and women and support services for gender-based discrimination. personal and
eliminating discrimination. girls have the women and girls, These outcomes signify the professional
same chances for and initiatives to direct effects of the growth, and
success, address gender- implemented activities on harmful gender
education, and based violence. advancing gender equality. norms are
participation in dismantled. It
all aspects of represents
community life. sustained
positive changes
that contribute
to the goal of
gender equality
and empowering
all women and
6. Ensure access The primary objective of LGUs actively Examples of outputs May include increased access The impact may
to water and Sustainable Development work towards include the to clean and safe water, encompass
sanitation for all Goal 6 (SDG6) is to ensure creating a construction of improved sanitation and improved public
access to clean water and foundation for water supply hygiene practices, and a health, enhanced
sanitation for all, promoting healthier lives, systems, the reduction in waterborne environmental
health, well-being, and reducing water- installation of diseases. These outcomes sustainability,
environmental sustainability. related diseases, sanitation facilities, signify the direct effects of and the
and ensuring that and the the implemented activities on establishment of
every individual implementation of ensuring access to clean resilient water
has access to hygiene education water and sanitation for all. and sanitation
clean and safe programs. systems. It
water and represents
sanitation sustained
facilities. positive changes
that contribute
to the goal of
ensuring access
to clean water
and sanitation
for all,
promoting well-
being, and
7. Affordable and The core objective of By supporting For SDG7, this In SDG7, this might mean for SDG7,
Clean Energy Sustainable Development projects that use could be putting up more people can get clean impact could be
Goal 7 (SDG7) is to ensure these clean solar panels, giving and cheap energy, or we see having way less
access to affordable, energy sources, out energy-saving less pollution because we're pollution, no
reliable, sustainable, and they're making appliances, or using energy in smarter more energy
modern energy for all, our energy starting projects in ways. poverty in
fostering energy efficiency cleaner and communities to use certain places,
and the transition to better. They also clean energy. or creating
renewable sources. teach people energy systems
about using less that keep
energy and being working well for
smart about it, a long time.
which is good for
the environment.
8.Decent work The primary objective of Local Outputs might Achieving outcomes could The impact of
and Economic Sustainable Development Government include initiatives mean more job opportunities SDG8 initiatives
growth Goal 8 (SDG8) is to promote Units (LGUs) are such as creating in a community, improved might be
sustained, inclusive, and like community training programs working conditions, measured in
sustainable economic leaders, and they for job skills, increased income levels, and terms of reduced
growth, full and productive play a big part in supporting local overall economic growth. poverty,
employment, and decent making sure businesses, or enhanced
work for all. everyone in their implementing economic
area has good job policies that equality, and the
opportunities, encourage fair creation of
which is what employment resilient and
Sustainable practices. sustainable
Development economies that
Goal 8 (SDG8) is benefit
all about. To everyone.
achieve this,
LGUs work hard
to help local
businesses grow
and create more
9.Industry The main objective of Local Examples include In the case of SDG9, The impact may
Innovation and Sustainable Development Government the construction of outcomes might include encompass
Infrastructure Goal 9 (SDG9) is to build Units (LGUs) new roads, bridges, improved transportation enhanced
resilient infrastructure, play a significant and other systems, increased industrial economic
promote inclusive and role in pursuing infrastructure, the productivity, and resilience,
sustainable industrialization, Sustainable establishment of advancements in technology increased
and foster innovation, Development industrial zones, and and innovation within accessibility and
facilitating economic growth Goal 9 (SDG9), the implementation communities. These connectivity,
and development. focusing on of innovation outcomes signify the direct and improved
resilient programs. effects of the implemented overall quality
infrastructure, activities. of life. It reflects
inclusive the enduring and
industrialization, positive changes
and innovation. that contribute
To achieve this, to the
LGUs invest in sustainable
local development of
infrastructure like communities
roads and and regions.
bridges, crucial
for community
well-being and
growth. They
actively support
industries that
positively to the
local economy,
ensuring fair job
opportunities and
fostering a
thriving business
10.Reduced The central objective of Local Examples of outputs Outcomes may include The impact may
Inequalities Sustainable Development Government for SDG10 include reduced income inequality, encompass the
Goal 10 (SDG10) is to Units (LGUs) the implementation improved social inclusion, creation of a
reduce inequalities within play a pivotal of anti- and enhanced opportunities more equitable
and among countries, role in pursuing discrimination for marginalized groups. society,
promoting social, economic, Sustainable policies, targeted These outcomes signify the increased social
and political inclusivity for Development social programs for direct effects of the cohesion, and
all. Goal 10 marginalized implemented activities on improved
(SDG10), which groups, and efforts addressing inequality. overall well-
centers on to improve access to being for all
reducing education and members of the
inequality within healthcare for community. It
and among underserved represents
countries. LGUs communities. sustained
contribute by positive changes
implementing that contribute
policies and to the goal of
initiatives that reducing
ensure fair and inequality
equal within and
opportunities for among
all community countries.
members. This
addressing social
and economic
providing support
to marginalized
groups, and
creating an
11.Sustainable The primary objective of Local Examples of outputs Outcomes may include The impact may
Cities and Sustainable Development Government include the improved urban living encompass the
Communities Goal 11 (SDG11) is to make Units (LGUs) construction of conditions, enhanced creation of cities
cities and human settlements play a crucial sustainable accessibility to public spaces, and
inclusive, safe, resilient, and role in working infrastructure, the and increased resilience to communities
sustainable, ensuring a high towards implementation of environmental challenges. that are resilient
quality of life for urban and Sustainable urban planning These outcomes signify the to climate
rural populations. Development policies, and the direct effects of the change, socially
Goal 11 establishment of implemented activities on inclusive, and
(SDG11), which green spaces within creating sustainable and environmentally
focuses on cities and inclusive cities and sustainable. It
making cities and communities. communities. represents
communities sustained
inclusive, safe, positive changes
resilient, and that contribute
sustainable. to the goal of
LGUs contribute making urban
by implementing areas safe,
policies and inclusive, and
initiatives that sustainable for
improve urban all.
and create spaces
that are
accessible to all
12.Responsible The primary objective of Local Examples of outputs Outcomes may include The impact may
Consumption and Sustainable Development Government include the reduced environmental encompass the
Production Goal 12 (SDG12) is to Units (LGUs) are implementation of impact, increased resource creation of a
ensure sustainable instrumental in waste reduction efficiency, and heightened society that
consumption and production working towards programs, the awareness of sustainable prioritizes
patterns, promoting Sustainable establishment of consumption patterns. These sustainable
responsible use of resources Development recycling facilities, outcomes signify the direct living, reduced
for the well-being of present Goal 12 and the promotion effects of the implemented ecological
and future generations. (SDG12), which of sustainable activities on promoting footprint, and
centers on production responsible consumption and improved
ensuring practices. production. overall
responsible environmental
consumption and well-being. It
production represents
patterns. LGUs sustained
contribute by positive changes
implementing that contribute
policies and to the goal of
initiatives that fostering
promote responsible
sustainable consumption
practices within and production
their patterns
communities. globally.
13.Climate The central objective of Local Examples of outputs Outcomes may include The impact may
Action Sustainable Development Government include the increased climate resilience, encompass
Goal 13 (SDG13) is to take Units (LGUs) implementation of reduced carbon emissions, global efforts to
urgent action to combat play a crucial renewable energy and enhanced capacity for combat climate
climate change and its role in addressing projects, the climate adaptation. These change,
impacts, mitigating the the challenges development of outcomes signify the direct decreased
effects of global warming posed by climate-resilient effects of the implemented vulnerability to
and fostering resilience. Sustainable infrastructure, and activities on addressing climate-related
Development the adoption of climate change and its disasters, and
Goal 13 sustainable land-use impacts. the creation of a
(SDG13), which practices. more sustainable
focuses on taking and secure
urgent action to future for
combat climate communities
change and its worldwide. It
impacts. LGUs represents
contribute by sustained
implementing positive changes
policies and that contribute
initiatives that to the goal of
promote climate taking urgent
resilience and action to combat
reduce carbon climate change
emissions within and its
their consequences.
14.Life Below The key objective of Local Examples of outputs Outcomes may include the The impact may
Water Sustainable Development Government include the restoration of marine encompass the
Goal 14 (SDG14) is to Units (LGUs) establishment of ecosystems, the sustainable preservation of
conserve and sustainably use play a critical marine protected management of fish stocks, biodiversity, the
the oceans, seas, and marine role in striving areas, the and increased awareness and restoration of
resources, safeguarding for Sustainable implementation of engagement in marine degraded marine
marine ecosystems and Development sustainable fishing conservation. These habitats, and the
fostering sustainable Goal 14 practices, and the outcomes signify the direct creation of a
practices. (SDG14), which reduction of coastal effects of the implemented more sustainable
focuses on pollution through activities on the health and and balanced
conserving and waste management sustainability of oceans and relationship
sustainably using programs. marine resources. between human
the oceans, seas, activities and
and marine marine
resources. LGUs ecosystems. It
contribute by represents
implementing sustained
policies and positive changes
initiatives that that contribute
safeguard marine to the goal of
ecosystems, conserving and
regulate fishing sustainably
practices, and using the
reduce pollution oceans, seas,
in coastal areas. and marine
15.Life on Land The core objective of Local Examples of outputs Outcomes may include the The impact may
Sustainable Development Government include the restoration of degraded encompass the
Goal 15 (SDG15) is to Units (LGUs) implementation of ecosystems, the conservation preservation of
protect, restore, and play a pivotal reforestation of biodiversity, and the natural habitats,
sustainably use terrestrial role in pursuing projects, the prevention of land the restoration
ecosystems, promoting Sustainable enforcement of degradation. These outcomes of ecosystems,
biodiversity conservation Development sustainable land signify the direct effects of and the creation
and combating land Goal 15 management the implemented activities on of a more
degradation. (SDG15), which practices, and the the health and sustainability sustainable and
centers on establishment of of terrestrial ecosystems. balanced
protecting, protected areas to relationship
restoring, and conserve between human
promoting biodiversity. activities and
sustainable use of the
terrestrial environment. It
ecosystems. represents
LGUs contribute sustained
by implementing positive changes
policies and that contribute
initiatives that to the goal of
safeguard forests, protecting,
combat restoring, and
desertification, promoting the
and prevent land sustainable use
degradation of terrestrial
16.Peace and The primary objective of Local Examples of outputs Outcomes may include The impact may
Justice Strong Sustainable Development Government include the improved access to justice, encompass the
Institutions Goal 16 (SDG16) is to Units (LGUs) implementation of reduced corruption, increased establishment of
promote peaceful, just, and play a vital role transparent and transparency in governance, peaceful
inclusive societies by in pursuing accountable and enhanced inclusivity in societies,
ensuring access to justice, Sustainable governance decision-making. These strengthened
building effective Development practices, the outcomes signify the direct institutions, and
institutions, and reducing Goal 16 establishment of effects of the implemented increased trust
violence and corruption. (SDG16), which effective legal activities on creating just and in governance. It
centers on systems, and the inclusive societies. represents
promoting promotion of sustained
peaceful and inclusive decision- positive changes
inclusive making processes. that contribute
societies, to the goal of
providing access promoting
to justice, and peaceful and
building inclusive
effective, societies,
accountable, and providing access
inclusive to justice, and
institutions. building
LGUs contribute effective and
by implementing accountable
policies and institutions.
initiatives that
ensure access to
justice, and foster
inclusivity within
17.Partnerships The overarching objective of Local Examples of outputs Outcomes may include The impact may
for the Goals Sustainable Development Government include the increased capacity for encompass the
Goal 17 (SDG17) is to Units (LGUs) establishment of collaborative problem- creation of a
strengthen global play a pivotal partnerships and solving, improved global network
partnerships for sustainable role in advancing collaborations coordination among diverse of
development, emphasizing Sustainable between different stakeholders, and enhanced collaborations,
collaboration and Development organizations, the effectiveness in addressing strengthened
cooperation among nations, Goal 17 sharing of resources global challenges. These international
organizations, and (SDG17), which and knowledge, and outcomes signify the direct cooperation, and
stakeholders to achieve the underscores the the implementation effects of the implemented increased
other SDGs. importance of of joint initiatives to activities on fostering resilience in the
partnership and address specific partnerships for sustainable face of global
collaboration for challenges. development. challenges. It
achieving all the represents
other SDGs. sustained
LGUs contribute positive changes
by fostering that contribute
partnerships with to the goal of
various building a
stakeholders, global alliance
including for sustainable
government development,
agencies, non- emphasizing the
profit principle that
organizations, collaborative
and the private efforts are
sector. crucial for
complex issues
and achieving