Answer Key Sample Paper 2 AI Class 10
Answer Key Sample Paper 2 AI Class 10
Answer Key Sample Paper 2 AI Class 10
vi. Ravi is playing cricket everyday with his colleagues. While playing he is
collecting feed about what they have done today and at the same time he is
telling them what to do next day. Here Ravi is showing which quality of
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entrepreneur? 1
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a) Taking Risk
c) Taking decisions
b) Managing Business
d) Divides incom
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c) Corpus
d) Token
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v. The words which occur very frequently in corpus are known as 1
a) Bag of words
c) Tokens
b) Stop words
d) Lemma
vi. Which of the following words occurs least in the corpus but add the most
value to the corpus 1
a) Stop words c) Frequent words
b) Rare words d) Bag of Words
Q – 5 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions ( 1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i. is also called F measures. 1
a) False Positive
c) False Negative
b) F1-Score
d) Fitting
ii. Vishnu is learning about evaluation. He read somewhere about type 1 error.
What is its significance? 1
a) False Positive c) False Negative
b) F1 Score d) Recall
iii. Ram is working on evaluation. He was aware about all the steps but forgot
a) It is similar as reality
c) Input to model
b) Output through reality
d) Processing in model
a) Overfitting
c) Underfitting
b) Low accuracy
d) Low F1 Score
vi. What does false positive refer to in the model predicting blood cancer? 1
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d) Prediction is False and a person doesn’t have blood cancer
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Section B: Subjective Type Questions
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability skills
(2 x 3 = 6 marks)
Answer each question in 20-30 words.
Q – 6 How to enhance time management skill effectively? (Write 2 Points) 2
Ans.: To enhance Time management skill effectively follow these steps:
1. Organise – Plan day-to-day activities, make a time table, proper
arrangement of things we use
2. Prioritise – Making to do list and follow it
3. Control – Control activities and time
4. Track – Track and analyse activities
Q – 7 What are the adverse effects of stress in life? Write any 4 points. 2
Ans.: The adverse effects of stress in life are as follows:
1. Headache, Anxiety and overeating or undereating
2. Muscle tension, restlessness, angry outbursts
3. Sleep Problems
4. Chest Pain, Lack motivation or focus
Q – 8 How you know that your computer is virus affected? Write 4 effects. 2
Ans.: The virus effects on computer are as follows:
1. Computer shutdowns/restarts automatically
2. Getting slow
3. Generating unnecessary windows and dialogs
4. Deleting files, renaming files with same name
Q – 9 Write the full form of the following: 2
a) CUI – Character User Interface
b) GUI – Graphical User Interface
c) DOS – Disk Operating Systems
d) ICT – Information and Communication Technology
Q – 10 How an entrepreneur helps to society? 2
Ans.: Entrepreneurs have a positive relationship with society. They make profits
through activities that benefit society. Some entrepreneurs work towards
saving the environment, some give money to build schools and hospitals.
This way, the people and area around them becomes better.
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Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each
(2 x 4 = 8 Marks)
Q – 11 Enlist any four moral issues related to Self-Driving cars. 2
1. It is automated vehicle does not understand the real scenario or situation.
2. Its response in any situation is based on code done by the developer.
3. Issue of ethics
4. In case of accident who is responsible
Q – 12 Explain interpersonal intelligence and naturalist intelligence. 2
Interpersonal Intelligence:
The ability to communicate with others by understanding other people’s feelings
& influence of the person is referred as interpersonal intelligence.
Naturalist Intelligence:
An ability to process information on the environment around us is known as
naturalist intelligence.
Q – 13 Differentiate between classification and clustering. 2
Classification Clustering
Data is classified according to label Input data is grouped without label
It is supervised learning algorithm It is unsupervised learning
It works on discrete dataset It works on continuous data
Student grading system Social media network analysis
Q – 14 What do you mean by reinforcement learning? 2
It is machine learning algorithm that interacts with its environment and produces
actions. For each good action machine gets positive feedback. Similarly for each
bad action machine gets negative feedback. Machine learns from experience as
there is no labelled data.
Q – 15 Differentiate between true negative and false negative. 2
True Negative False Negative
The model correctly predicts the The model correctly predicts the
negative class positive class
Prediction – False, reality – False Prediction – Yes, Reality - No
Example – Its not raining in reality Example – Machine has predicted
and machine also predicts no rain raining but its not raining actually
Q – 16 Perform stemming and lemmatization on the following words: 2
a) Accompanies
c) Qualities
b) Emergencies
d) Memories
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Stemming Lemmatization
Accompanies Accompni Accompany
Emergnecies Emergenci Emergency
Qualities Qualiti Quality
Memories Memori Memory
Answer any 3 out of given 5 questions in 50-80 words each:
(4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q – 17 Read the following text answer the given questions:
AI has not only made our lives easier but has also been taking care of
our habits, likes, and dislikes. This is why platforms like Netflix, Amazon,
Spotify, YouTube etc. show us recommendations on the basis of what we
like. Well, the recommendations are not just limited to our preferences,
they even cater to our needs of connecting with friends on social media
platforms with apps like Facebook and Instagram. They also send us
customized notifications about our online shopping details, auto-create
playlists according to our requests and so on. Taking selfies was never
this fun as Snapchat filters make them look so cool.
a) AI makes our work easier. Apart from this which are the area taken
care now a days by AI?
Ans.: habits, likes and dislikes
b) What are the platforms using AI?
Ans.: Netflix, Amazon, Spotify, Youtube
c) How social media uses AI?
Ans.: Social media uses data science and computer vision to get data.
After accessing the data it will show the recommendations on the basis of
what people likes.
d) Which are other areas except preferences on which social media
platforms shows recommendations?
Ans.: Social media cater the need of connecting with friends, online
shopping details, auto-create playlists according to request etc.
Q – 18 Identify the AI domains used for following tasks and explain them.
a) Speech recognition
c) Consumer Electronics
b) Flight Tracking System
d) Personalized Online shopping
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a) Speech recognition: It uses Natural Language Processing. It tries to
understand the natural language of speaker and then functions on the
given voice commands.
b) Flight Tracking System: It uses data science processing. Flight tracking
basically works on basic data collected by model for flight tracking. It
collects data like flight take off, landing time etc.
c) Consumer Electronics: It uses data science and computer vision to
identify the consumer’s demand. It also understands the demand of
consumers recommends the product with their behaviour.
d) Personalized Online Shopping: Online shopping websites using data
science to grow their business. Data Science provides recommendations to
the customer by using their previous order data, search and frequently
reviewed products.
Q – 19 Students studying through Online education platforms are significantly
decreased in last 6 months. Now all institutes and organizations are
working offline and students are going in offline classes for studies.
Write a problem scoping statements for the above-mentioned problem.
An ideal solution Students will get online education, get help as and when Why?
would be they want, repeat lectures no. of time
Q – 20 Consider the following and write all steps required for bag of words:
Document 1: Kishan played well
Document 2: Virat played well too
Document 3: Rahul supposed to played well actually not
Step 1: Text Normalization
Document 1: Kishan, played, well
Document 2: Virat, too
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Document 3: Rahul, supposed, to, actually, not
Step 2 Create Dictionary:
Kishan played well Virat too
Rahul supposed to actually not
Step 3 Create document vector
Kishan played well Virat too Rahul supposed to Actually not
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
Q – 21 Calculate accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score for the following
Confusion Matrix.
Reality(T) Reality(F)
Prediction(T) 32 22
Prediction(F) 57 28
True Positive 32
False Negative 22
False Positive 57
True Negative 28
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d) F1 Score: It is identified as the measure of balance between precision and
F1 Score= (2 x precision x recall / (precision + recall) = 2 x 0.360 x 0.592 /
(0.360+ 0.592)
= 0.426 / 0.952=0.44
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