Lpvlsi U5 2m
Lpvlsi U5 2m
Lpvlsi U5 2m
Low power VLSI Circuits and System
Unit V
A leakage power dissipation continues to take place even when the circuit is not in use.
It consumes the power as long as power rail supply is on. Run-time leakage power
reduction based on multi-threshold-voltage CMOS (MTCMOS). A leakage power
reduction techniques is applied at the time of run time.
4. What are the factors that affect the speed performance of an MTCMOS circuit?
The width of the sleep control transistors and the capacitances of the virtual power.
The sleep transistors should have their widths large enough so that the ON resistances are
small. The area penalty is relatively small because this is shared by all the logic gates on a
5. What is adiabatic?
The term ‘adiabatic’ refers to the thermodynamic processes that exchange no heat
with the environment. The electric charge transfer between various circuit nodes can be
considered as the process.
6. Draw the adiabatic charging capacitor model
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A capacitor C is charged through a resistor R using a constant current I( t) instead of a fixed
voltage Vdd . Here also it is assumed that initially at time t = 0, there is no charge in the
capacitor. The voltage across the capacitor Vc ( t) is a function of time
It may be noted that the number of transistors required for the realization of the
adiabatic circuit is larger than that of the static CMOS realization of the same function.
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mode. At an appropriate time, the circuit switches from one mode to the other in an
appropriate manner such that the energy drawn from the power source is maximized with
minimum or no impact on the performance.
10. What are the task scheduling constraint?
Task scheduling can be combined with voltage scaling to maximize the amount of charge
that a battery can supply subject to the following constraints:
Dependency constraint: task dependencies are preserved;
Delay constraint: the profile length is within the delay budget; and
Endurance constraint: the battery survives all the tasks.
11. List the various issues involved in the design of power-gated circuits
Power-gating granularity
Power-gating topologies
Switching fabric design
Isolation strategy
Retention strategy
Power-gating controller design
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Switch in cell gating
14. What is meant by battery gab?
The advancement of VLSI technology has led to an increase in the number of
transistor per die, as the feature size of the transistors has reduced and chip area has
increased over the years. As a consequence, the power consumption has also increased.
Unfortunately, the battery technology has not been able to maintain the same rate of growth
in energy density, It is leading to a widening “battery gap”. i.e The power consumption
the circuit based and battery storage in the technology
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consequence, adiabatic logic circuits lead to a reduction in power dissipation at the cost of
slower speed of operation
A Study the effect of different load profiles on the actual capacity of the battery. For
the first ten experiments, the battery discharge current was kept constant in each
19. What is Battery-Efficient Traffic Shaping and Routing?
Network protocols and communication traffic patterns play important roles in determining
battery Efficiency and lifetime.
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