Elerctrical Machine Course Outine For EME Students

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EMEg 3104

Electrical Machine

College of Engineering
Department of Electrical and computer Engineering

Course Outline

1st Semester 2022/2023

EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

Table of Contents
1. Course Information....................................................................................3
2. Instructor Information.................................................................................3
3. Course Overview.......................................................................................3
4. Course Objectives.....................................................................................4
5. Course Learning Outcomes.......................................................................4
6. Course Schedule and Instructional Method...............................................4
7. Assessment Tasks.................................................................................... 5
Feedback on Assessments...........................................................................5
8. Learning Resources..................................................................................6
References................................................................................................. 6
Online Resources.......................................................................................6
9. Grading Policy...........................................................................................6
Pass requirements......................................................................................6
10. Academic Integrity, Referencing and Plagiarism.....................................6
Academic Integrity......................................................................................6
Referencing................................................................................................ 7
Referencing Style.......................................................................................7

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EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

1. Course Information
Course Code EMEg3104
2. Course Name Electrical Machine
Year/Semester Year III / I
Academic Year 2022/2023
Pre-requisite(s) Fundamentals of Electrical Circuit
Co-requisite(s) None
Credit Hour / ECTS 3/5
Course schedule Lecture [day | time] : [venue]
Tutorial [day | time] : [venue]
Laboratory [day | time] : [venue]

Instructor Information
Course Coordinator
Name Yared Tassew
E-mail yared.tassew@aastu.edu.et
Telephone number +25111319231
Consultation hour [day xx:xx -xx:xx]
Office (Block/Room) B64/ R303
Course Instructor/s
Name Tsehay Endris
E- mail: tsehay.endris@aastu.edu.et
Telephone number +251 11373667
Consultation hour [day xxxxxxx]
Office (Block/Room) B79/R108
Name Shegaw Firew
E- mail: shegaw.friew @aastu.edu.et
Telephone number +25111195163
Consultation hour [day xxxxxxx]
Office (Block/Room) B79/R108

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EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

3. Course Overview


4. Course Objectives
 To understand basic concepts of electromagnetic circuits as they relate
tovoltages , currents, andphysical forces inducedin conductors.
 To understandand gain in sight in to principles of operation & construction of
transformer, induction machines, D.C.machines,and synchronous machines.
 To learn and understand analytical models for transformers and electrical rotating
 To use models to analyze power requirements, power capability, Efficiency and
operating characteristics of electrical Machine.

5. Course Learning Outcomes

Up on successful completion of this course, students should be able to: Program
Explain basic concepts of Magnetics, and construction, principles of PLO1
operations, analytical models of transformers, three phase Induction, DC
and Synchronous Machines
Analyze power requirements, Efficiency, operating characteristics of three PLO3

phase Induction and DC Machines

Perform Testing of Transformers, Starting and speed control of three phase PLO9

Induction and DC Machines

Graduate Attributes
PLO1 Engineering Knowledge PLO7 Environment and sustainability
PLO2 Problem Analysis PLO8 Ethics
PLO3 Design/development of PLO9 Individual and teamwork
PLO4 Investigation PLO10 Communication
PLO5 Modern tool usage PLO11 Project management and finance
PLO6 The engineer and society PLO12 Lifelong learning

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EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

6. Course Schedule and Instructional Method

Week Topic [Module] Learning and Teaching CLO
Week 1 Chapter 1: Magnetics  Lecture
1.1. Introduction to magneticsand Field  Group discussion in
Properties CLO1
1.2. Magnetic Materials,Saturation,  Problem -based
Hysteresis and Magnetic Circuits

Week 2 1.3. Iron loses and Production of  Group discussion in

EMF, Induced Force and Torque CLO1
 Problem -based

Week 3 Chapter 2:Transformers  Lecture

 Group discussion in
2.1. Construction, Principle of operation,
class, CLO1
 Problem -based

Week 4 2.2  Discussion in class, CLO3

TransformerTests:ShortCircuitandOpe  Laboratory Exercise
Week 5 2.3 DesignAspect of transformers,  Group discussion in
Specialtypes of transformers class, CLO2
2.4 Three-phasetransformers  Problem -based
Week 6 Chapter3:Three-  Lecture
PhaseInductionMachines:  Group discussion in
3.1. Introduction, Construction and class, CLO1
Principle of Operation
 Questioning and
3.2: Synchronous Speed, Slip and
Revolving Field

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EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

Week 7 3.3: Equivalent circuit models and  Group discussion in

Power Loss in an Induction Motor class,
 Problem -based CLO2
3.4: Thevenin‟s Theorem and
Torque-speed characteristics

Week 8 3.5: Torque equation, efficiency, and  Lecture

Determine Parameter of the  Group discussion in
equivalent circuit class CLO2
 Problem -based

Week 9 3.6: Starting and Speed Control of 3  Group Discussion

phase IM  Laboratory Exercise CLO3
 Performance test

Week 10 Chapter - 4: DC Machines  Lecture

 Group discussion in
4.1: Introduction, Construction,
class CLO1
Commutation and Armature reaction
 Problem -based

Week 11 4.2: Characteristics of DC generators  Group discussion in

and DC motors class,
 Questioning and CLO2

Week 12 4.3:Starting and Speed Control of DC  Group Discussion

motors  Laboratory Exercise CLO3
 Performance test

Week 13 Chapter5: Synchronous Machines  Lecture

: Introduction,Construction andPrinciples  Group discussion in

of operation of Synchronous Machine class CLO1

 Problem -based

Week 14 5.2: Motor operation of synchronous  Group discussion in

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EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

machine class, CLO1

 Questioning and

7. Assessment Tasks

No Assessment Method Weight Week Due CLO Assessed

1 Quize 5% Any time after the first class
1 Assignment, Mini
Project,Laboratory report 10% 1,2
2 Assignment, Mini Project,
Laboratory report 10% 2,3
th th
3 Test 1 10% 5 - 6 week 1,2
4 Test 2 15% 12th -13th week 3
th th
5 Final Exam 50% 15 -16 week 1, 2,3

Submission of Assessment Tasks

<Provide procedural advice for submitting work and indicate the policy on late submission,
extension of dead lines and special consideration.>
[Late project reports/assignments will result in a grade reduction of 10% per 24 hours late (or
portion thereof).]

Feedback on Assessments

<Include a strategy for giving feedback to students on their assessment activities and/or
marked submissions for each task. Tell students when, where and how they will receive
feedback for this assessment.>

General Constructive Feedback Examples For Students

The below examples are general templates that need to be edited so they are specific to the
student’s work.
1. You are on the right track. By starting to study for the exam earlier, you may be able to
retain more knowledge on exam day.
2. I have seen your improvement over time. As a next step, it is a good idea to…
3. You have improved a lot and should start to look towards taking on harder tasks for the
future to achieve more self-development.
4. You have potential and should work on your weaknesses to achieve better outcomes. One
area for improvement is…

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EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

5. Keep up the good work! You will see better results in the future if you make the effort to
attend our study groups more regularly.
6. You are doing well, but there is always room for improvement. Try these tips to get better
results: …
7. You have made some good progress, but it would be good to see you focusing harder on
the assignment question so you don’t misinterpret it next time.
8. Your efforts are commendable, but you could still do better if you provide more specific
examples in your explanations.
9. You have done well so far, but don’t become complacent – there is always room for
improvement! I have noticed several errors in your notes, including…
10. It is great that you are trying your best, but don’t stop here – keep pushing yourself to get
even better results. It would be good to see you editing your work to remove the small errors
creeping into your work…
11. You have put in a lot of hard work, and it is starting to show. One area for improvement
is your tone of voice, which sometimes comes across too soft. Don’t be afraid to project your
voice next time.
12. You are making good progress, but don’t forget to focus on your weaknesses too. One
weakness to focus on is…
13. Your efforts are commendable, but it would have been good to have seen you focus
throughout as your performance waned towards the end of the session.
15. While your work is good, I feel you are becoming complacent – keep looking for ways to
improve. For example, it would be good to see you concentrating harder on providing critique
of the ideas explored in the class.
16. It is great that you are trying your best, but don’t stop here – keep pushing yourself to get
even better results! Try to improve your handwriting by slowing down and focusing on every
single letter.
17. You have put in a lot of hard work, and it is starting to show. Keep up the good work and
you will see your grades slowly grow more and more. I’d like to see you improving your
vocabulary for future pieces. 18. You are making good progress, but don’t forget to focus on
your weaknesses too. One weakness to focus on is…
19. You have potential and should work on your using more appropriate sources to achieve
better outcomes. As a next step, it is a good idea to…

Constructive Feedback For An Essay

1. Your writing style is good but you need to use more academic references in your
2. While you have reached the required word count, it would be good to focus on making
sure every paragraph addresses the essay question.

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EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

3. You have a good structure for your essay, but you could improve your grammar and
4. You have made some good points, but you could develop them further by using more
5. Your essay is well-written, but it would be helpful to provide more analysis of the topic.
6. You have answered the question well, but you could improve your writing style by being
more concise. 7. Excellent job! You have covered all the key points and your writing is clear
and concise.
8. There are a few errors in your essay, but overall it is well-written and easy to understand.
9. There are some mistakes in terms of grammar and spelling, but you have some good ideas
worth expanding on.
10. Your essay is well-written, but it needs more development in terms of academic research
and evidence.
11. You have done a great job with what you wrote, but you missed a key part of the essay
12. The examples you used were interesting, but you could have elaborated more on their
relevance to the essay.
13. There are a few errors in terms of grammar and spelling, but your essay is overall well-
constructed. 14. Your essay is easy to understand and covers all the key points, but you could
use more evaluative language to strengthen your argument.
15. You have provided a good thesis statement, but the examples seem overly theoretical. Are
there some practical examples that you could provide?

Constructive Feedback For Student Reports

1. You have worked very hard this semester. Next semester, work on being more consistent
with your homework.
2. You have improved a lot this semester, but you need to focus on not procrastinating.
3. You are doing well in most subjects, but you could improve your grades by paying more
attention in class and completing all your homework.
4. You are doing well in most subjects, but you could still improve your grades by studying
more and asking for help when you don’t understand something.
5. You have shown great improvement this semester, keep up the good work! However, you
might want to focus on improving your test scores by practicing more.
6. You have made some good progress this semester, but you need to continue working hard
if you want to get good grades next year when the standards will rise again.
7. Next semester, focus on completing all your homework on time and paying more attention
in class.

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EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

8. You have worked hard this semester, but you could still improve your grades by taking
your time rather than racing through the work.
9. Next semester, focus on completing all your homework in advance so you have time to
check it over before submission.
10. While you usually understand the instructions, don’t forget to ask for help when you
don’t understand something rather than guessing.
11. You have shown great improvement this semester, but you need to focus some more on
being selfmotivated rather than relying on me to keep you on task.

Constructive Feedback On Homework

1. While most of your homework is great, you missed a few points in your rush to complete
it. Next time, slow down and make sure your work is thorough.
2. You put a lot of effort into your homework, and it shows. However, make sure to
proofread your work for grammar and spelling mistakes.
3. You did a great job on this assignment, but try to be more concise in your writing for
future assignments.
4. This homework is well-done, but you could have benefited from more time spent on
5. You have a good understanding of the material, but try to use more examples in your
future assignments.
6. You completed the assignment on time and with great accuracy. I noticed you didn’t do the
extension tasks. I’d like to see you challenging yourself in the future.

Feedback on assessment
will be given at instructor office, and in all working hours.

8. Learning Resources

1. G. Mullisa: Introduction to Electrical Machines

1. Introduction,ConstructionandPrinciplesof operationof SynchronousMachine
2. J.Hindmarsh:ElectricalMachinesandtheirApplications
3. Kosow:ElectricMachineryandControl,Prentice-Hall

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EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

4. Siskind:ElectricalMachines,McGraw-Hill
5. B.LTherajaandA.KTheraja,Textbookofelectricaltechnology

Online Resources
 e-learning,

Grading Policy
Grading of courses will be according to the university’s rules and regulation. Examinations
are graded and the letter grading system with corresponding points shown below.

Marks Grade Grade Points

[90,100] A 4.00
[85,90) A 4.00
[80,85) A 3.75
[75,80) B+ 3.50
[70,75) B 3.00
[65,70) B 2.75
[60,65) C+ 2.50
[50,60) C 2.00
[50 F 0.00

Pass requirements
To pass this course a student must:

 attempt all assessments.

 achieve a minimum of 40% in the final exam.

9. Attendance
As per university guideline, a minimum 80% during lecture and 100% during practical work
sessions except for some unprecedented mishaps. Failure to fulfil this requirement result in

10.Academic Integrity, Referencing and Plagiarism

Academic Integrity
AASTU values academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and
consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offenses under the Code of Student
Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures. Work submitted must be your own, and others’ ideas

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EMEg 3104 Electrical Machine Course Outline

should be appropriately acknowledged. If you don’t follow these rules, plagiarism may be
detected in your work using plagiarism detection tool 'Turnitin'.

Referencing is a way of acknowledging the sources of information that you use to research
your assignments. You need to provide a reference whenever you draw on someone else's
words, ideas or research. Not referencing other people's work can constitute plagiarism.

Referencing Style
The University advises students to use the ["IEEE Referencing Style"] for written work and
oral presentations.

[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, Book Title, edition (if not first). Place of
publication: Publisher, Year.
[1] I.A. Glover and P.M. Grant, Digital Communications, 3rd ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009.

Electronic Book
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname. (Year, Month Day). Book Title (edition)
[Type of medium]. Available: URL
[2] W. Zeng, H. Yu, C. Lin. (2013, Dec 19). Multimedia Security Technologies for Digital Rights
Management [Online]. Available: http://goo.gl/xQ6doi
[Reference number] Title of Standard, Standard number, date.
[3] Shunt power capacitors, IEEE standard 18-2012, 2013.
[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, “Title of thesis,” Designation type, Abbrev.
Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., State, Year.
[4] J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyser,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard
Univ., Cambridge, MA, 1993.

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