Time Speed Part-4

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Online Paid Course (Part-01)

Topic: Time, Distance & Speed (Part-04)

Written Math
1. After traveling 108 km, a cyclist observed that he would have required 3 hrs less if he
could have traveled at a speed 3 km/hr more. At what speed did he travel? [BDBL-(SO)-
2018- (Written)] & [BB-(AD-General)-2018-(Written)]

A_©: GKRb mvBwK¬÷ 108 wK.wg c_ ågY Kivi ci †`L‡jb †h wZwb hw` 3 wK.wg †ewk MwZ‡Z Pj‡Zb Zvn‡j Zvi 3 N›Uv
Kg mgq jvM‡Zv| wZwb KZ wK.wg MwZ‡e‡M ågY K‡iwQ‡jb?

Suppose, his actual speed was = x km/hr.

According to the question,

108 108
  3 (Kg MwZ‡Z jvMv †ewk mgq - †ewk MwZ‡Z jvMv Kg mgq = 3 N›Uv|)
x x3
108x  3  108x
Or, †evSvi Rb¨: gy‡L gy‡L Kivi wbqgwU †`Lyb:
x ( x  3)
108x  324  108x 108 †K fv½v‡bv hv 129 = 108| GLb ïiæ‡Z MwZ 9 wQj
Or, =3
x 2  3x ZLb mgq †j‡M‡Q 12 N›Uv| Ges MwZ 3 wKwg e„w× †c‡j bZzb MwZ
Or, 3x2+9x= 324 12 Zvn‡j bZzb mgq 9 N›Uv| (3 Kgv/evovi Rb¨ Gfv‡e fv½‡Z
Or, x2 + 3x - 108 = 0
Or, x2 + 12x - 9x - 108 = 0
Or, x(x+12)-9(x-9) = 0
Or, (x+12)(x-9) = 0
So either (x-9) = 0 Or ,(x+12) = 0
If (x-9) = 0 Then x = 9
If (x+12) = 0 Then x= -12
 The speed 9km/hr ( science speed, x ≠ -12)

He traveled at a speed of 9 km/hr Ans: 9 km/hr.

2. The distance between two stations ‘X’ and ‘Y’ is 450 km. A train L Starts at 6:00 pm
from X and moves towards Y at an average speed of 60 km/h. Another train M starts
from Y at 5 : 20 pm and moves towards X at an average speed of 80 km/h. How far from
‘X’ will the two trains meet and at what time? [Sonali Bank-(off: FF-quota)-2019-(Written)]
A_©: `ywU †÷kb X Ges Y Gi ga¨Kvi `~iZ¡ 450 wKwg.| cÖwZ N›Uvq 60wKwg †e‡M L bv‡g GKwU †Uªb mܨv 6Uvq X
‡÷kb †_‡K Y Gi w`‡K hvÎv ïiæ K‡i| Aci GKwU †Uªb cÖwZ N›Uvq 80 wKwg †e‡M M bv‡g Aci GKwU †Uªb Y
‡÷kb ‡_‡K weKvj 5:20 wgwb‡U X ‡÷k‡bi w`‡K hvÎv ïiæ K‡i| ‡Uªb `wyU X †÷kb ‡_‡K KZ `~‡i Ges ‡Kvb
mg‡q Zviv wgwjZ n‡e?
Here train M started 5:20pm & Train L started 6.00 pm
So, Train M started 6.00-5.20 = 40 minutes earlier. (cÖ_‡g †h ïiæ K‡i‡Q †m 40 wg GKvB †M‡Q )
80  40 160
train m goes in 1 hr = 80 km So, in 40 min goes = = km [40wgwb‡U GZUzKz c_ ‡M‡Q]
60 3
160 1350  160 1190
At, 6.00 pm, distance between two train = 450 - = = km (GZUzKz †h‡Z n‡e)
3 3 3
At, 6.00 pm, relative speed between two train is = 80+60 = 140km/hr [Df‡q 140 hvq 1 N›Uvq]
1190 1190 17
So, The time they will need to ( 140 )hr = hr = hr = 2hr 50min
3 3  140 6

So, they will meet = 6.00 pm + 2hr 50min = 8:50 pm [6Uvi 2N›Uv 50 wg. ci 8Uv 50 G mvÿvÎ n‡e]
17 17
hr train L goes from X at 60km/hr is = 60 =- 170 km [6Uvi ci 2.50 wgwb‡U 170 hv‡e]
6 6
Ans: 170km & 8:50 pm
 Confusion Clear: 5.40 Gi mv‡_ 2hr 50min ‡hvM bv K‡i 6.00 pm Gi mv‡_ †hvM Kiv n‡jv †Kb?
KviY Relative speed ïiæ n‡qwQj 6.00 pm,Ges Gi ci †j‡M‡Q 2hr 50min GQvovI 5:40 ‡_‡K 6.00 ch©šÍ
Avmv c_ Av‡MB we‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB 6.00 mv‡_B †hvM n‡e|

3. A motorist and a cyclist start from A to B at the same time. A to B is 18 km. The speed
of motorist is 15km/hr more than the cyclist. After covering half the distance, the
motorist rest for 30 minutes and thereafter his speed is reduced by 20%. If the motorist
reaches the destination B, 15 minutes earlier than that of the cyclist, then find the speed
of cyclist.( GKRb †gvUiPvjK Ges GKRb mvB‡KjPvjK GKB mgq A n‡Z B Gi w`‡K iIbv w`‡jb| A n‡Z B
Gi ga¨eZ©x `~iZ¡ 18 wK.wg.| mvB‡Kj PvjK A‡cÿv †gvUi Pvj‡Ki MwZ‡eM N›Uvq 15 wKwg †ewk| A‡a©K c_ hvIqvi
ci †gvUiPvjK 30 wgwbU wekÖvg wb‡jb Ges Gici Pjvi mgq Zvi MwZ‡eM 20% Kwg‡q Avb‡jb| hw` †gvUiPvjK
mvB‡KjPvjK A‡cÿv 15 wgwbU c~‡e©B B ‡Z †cŠuQvb Z‡e mvB‡KjPvj‡Ki MwZ‡eM KZ wQj?) [Combined 3 banks
(officer – cash)-2018 (Written)]+[brainly.in]
Let the speed of the cyclist is x kmph [m¤ú~Y© c‡_ Zvi MwZ‡eM x B wQj|]
The speed of the motorist is (x+15) kmph [GB MwZ‡Z 9 wKwg †M‡Q]
after half way new speed of the motorist = 80% of (x+15) kmph, or, ( x  15)
 
18  9 9  30 15
 -   =  [‡i÷ †bqv 30wg.+Av‡M †cŠQv 15 wg, mn †gvU cv_©K¨ 45wg.]
x  x  15 4( x  15)  60 60
 5 
18  9 45  45 18 9 45 3
 -   =  -  =
x  x  15 4( x  15)  60 x x  15 4( x  15) 4
2 1 5 1
 -  = [Dividing by 9]
x x  15 4( x  15) 12
2  4( x  15)  4 x  5x 1
   4x2 + 60x= 12(8x+120-9x)
4 x ( x  15) 12
 4x2 + 60x=1440-12x  4x2 +72x - 1440 = 0  x2 +18x - 360 = 0 [Dividing by 4]
 x2 +30x - 12x - 360 = 0  x(x+30) - 12(x + 30) = 0  (x+30) (x - 12) = 0
Either x+30 = 0 or, x-12 = 0 Since speed can’t be negative] so, x = 12
 The speed of the motor cyclist is 12 kmph Ans: 12kmph
4. Two rabbits start running towards each other, one from A to B and another from B to
A. They cross each other after one hour and the first rabbit reaches B, hour before
the second rabbit reaches A. If the distance between A and B is 50 km. What is the
speed of the slower rabbit? [BSC Combined SO (8 Banks & FIs)-2018 (Written)]
A_©:`ywU Li‡Mvk GKwU AciwUi w`‡K †`Šo †`qv ïiæ Ki‡jv| GKwU A we›`y †_‡K B Gi w`‡K Ges Ab¨wU B we›`y †_‡K
A Gi w`‡K | 1 N›Uv ci Zviv wgwjZ n‡jv Ges wØZxq Li‡MvkwU A we›`y‡Z †cŠuQv‡bvi 5/6 N›Uv Av‡M cÖ_g Li‡MvkwU
B we›`y‡Z †cŠuQ‡jv| hw` A we›`y Ges B we›`yi ga¨eZ©x `~iZ¡ 50 wK.wg. nq, Zvn‡j KgMwZi Li‡MvkwUi MwZ‡eM KZ?
Solution: (mvÿvZ nIqvi c‡ii c_ AwZµg Kivi mgq _vK‡j MwZ †ei Kiv AsK †Uª‡bi Aa¨v‡qi †k‡lI Av‡Q)
Let, the speed of faster rabbit = x and the speed of slower rabbit = y then,
(x1) + (y1) = 50 or, x+y = 50 or, x = 50-y ….. (i)
50 50 5
And  = [cy‡iv c_ †h‡Z mg‡qi cv_©K¨ hv 1 N›Uv K‡i mgvb mgq c_ Pjvi ciI mg‡qi cv_©K¨ GKB _vK‡e]
y x 6
10 10 1 500 - 10y - 10y 1 500 - 20y 1
      2
 3000-120y = 50y-y2
y 50 - y 6 y(50 - y) 6 50y - y 6
y -170y+3000 = 0 y -150y-20y+3000 = 0 (y-150)(y-20) y = 20 [150 wb‡j `R‡bi
2 2

MwZ‡e‡Mi †hvMdj 50 Gi †_‡KI †ewk n‡q hvq] So speed of the slower rabbit = 20km Ans: 20
5. A train travelling from Delhi to Ambala meets with an accident after 1hr It
proceeds at four-fifth of its usual rate, arriving at Ambala 2 hr late if the train had
covered 80 km more before the accident, it would have been just 1 hr late. The usual
rate of the train is (GKwU †Uªb w`wjø †_‡K Av¤^vjv hvIqvi mg‡q 1 N›Uv ci GKwU `~N©Ubvq covi Kvi‡Y Zvi
MwZ‡eM Av‡Mi MwZ‡e‡Mi 4/5 Ask K‡i Av¤^vjvq 2 N›Uv †j‡U †cŠQv‡jv| hw` †UªbwU `~N©Ubvq covi Av‡M Av‡iv
80wKwg c_ AwZµg Ki‡Zv Zvn‡j Av¤^vjvq †cŠQv‡Z Zvi gvÎ 1 N›Uv †jU n‡Zv| †Uª‡bi cÖKZ … ev mvaviY MwZ‡eM
KZ wQj?)[doubtnut.com]
A. 20 km/hr B. 40 km/hr C. 60 km/hr D. 80 km/hr Ans:A
Solution: (GB cÖ‡kœ cv‡ki wPÎwU fv‡jvfv‡e eyS‡j GiKg me AsK Lye `ªæZ mgxKiY Accident
mvRv‡bv hv‡e|)
Let the original speed of the train be x km/hr. Then, 4x 4x
4x x B 5 5
New speed after accident = four-fifth of x = km/hr C D
5 A

Same speed

mgxKi‡Yi hyw³ 
Same sped
Not Same

80 80 2hr
ATQ, - =2hrs-1hr [mg‡qi wPÎ
+¨ e¨vL¨vq
= 1 N›Uv)
4x x
5 1hr
A x B x 80 C 4x D
Accident 5
wP‡Îi e¨vL¨v: AD iv¯Ívq cÖ_‡g Gw·‡W›U nq B ‡Z| ZvB AB ch©šÍ MwZ x Ges
c‡ii BC I CD ‡Z MwZ 4x/5 | c‡ii evi 80 wKwg `~‡i Gw·‡W›U nIqvq AB
Ges BC ch©šÍ MwZ‡eM x B wQj| wKš‘ CD ‡Z MwZ‡eM 4x/5 | Zvn‡j Dfq‡ÿ‡Î
ïaygvÎ BC As‡ki (Kv‡jv Ask) MwZ‡e‡Mi cv_©‡K¨i Kvi‡Y mg‡qi cv_©K¨ 1 N›Uv|
5 80
 80 - =1
4x x
100 80
 - =1
x x
100  80
 =1
x = 20km/hr

6. A car started from Indore to Bhopal at a certain speed. The Car missed an accident at
40Kms away from Indore, then the driver decided to reduce Car speed to 4/5 of the
original speed. Due to this, he reached Bhopal by a late of 1hr 15min.Suppose if he
missed an accident at 80Km away from Indore and from then he maintained 4/5 of
original speed then he would reach Bhopal by a late of 1hour. Then what is the original
speed of the Car? [Affairscloud.com]
A. 20 km/hr B. 40 km/hr C. 60 km/hr D. 80 km/hr Ans: B
40 40 5 40 15
[Hints - = 1hr 15 min -1hr  40 - = x = 40km/hr ]
4x x 4x x 60
7. A train travelling from Dhaka to Rajshahi meets with an accident after 1hr. After
recovering it proceeds as 3/5th of its usual speed rate, arriving at Rajshahi 3hr late. If
the train had covered 50km more before the accident, it would have been reached 1hr
20 min before. Find the usual speed of the train. [doubtnut.com]
A. 25 km/hr B. 40 km/hr C. 60 km/hr D. 80 km/hr Ans:A
50 50 5 50 4
[Hints: - = 1hr 20min  50 - = x = 25km/hr ]
3x x 3x x 3

[Be careful: GLv‡b fvlvi cv_©K¨ eyS‡Z bv cvi‡j `yB †j‡Ui cv_©K¨ g‡b K‡i A‡b‡KB 3N›Uv -1N›Uv 20 wgwbU =
1 N›Uv 40 wgwbU w`‡Z cv‡ib hv fzj| KviY 2q As‡k †`qv 1 N›Uv 20 wgwbU wKš‘ Av‡Mi cÖ‡kœi gZ †jU bv eis
cÖ_‡g †cŠQv mg‡qi †_‡K 1N›Uv 20wgwbU Av‡M †cŠQvq hvi A_© Gevi mg‡qi cv_©K¨ GB 1 N›Uv 20 wgwbU B|]

8. A train after traveling for 50km meets with an accident and then proceeds at 3/4
of its former speed and arrives at its destination 35 minutes late . Had the
accident occurred 24 km farther, it would have reached the destination only 25
minutes late. What is the speed of the train.what is the total distance?
ratio method...
Original : Present So, in 30 min goes 24km & in 60 mins goes
Speed= 4 : 3 48km.
Time = 3:4 Speed 48 kmph
Time gap = 4-3= 1
Now, 1 part is for (35-25) = 10 min Again original time gap was 35 mins.
So, 3 part is 30 mins. To, Make the ratio 35. 4:3 = 140:105
Now, in 60 mins goes 48 km. Total distance = 50+84= 134 km
So, in 105 mins goes 48*105/60= 84 km

9. After covering a distance of 30 km,there is some defect in a train engine and there
after,its speed is reduced to 4/5 of its original speed.Consequently, the train reaches its
destination late by 45 minutes.Had it happened after covering 18 km more,the train
would have reached 9 minutes earlier.Find the speed of the train and the distance of
journey. [examveda.com]+[brainly.com]
A. 30km/hr, 100km B. 45 km/hr, 120km
C. 30 km/hr 120km D. 60km/hr, 150km Ans: C
Solution: (GUv‡Z `yfv‡e mgvavb †`Lv‡bv n‡jv| `ywU wbqgB †evSvi †Póv Kiæb|)
Let the speed be x and the distance be y
30 y  30 y 45 30 5y  150 y 3 120  5 y  150 4 y  3x
First condition,         
x 4x x 60 x 4x x 4 4x 4x
5 2q k‡Z© 9 wgwbU Av‡M ‡cŠQv‡bvi A_© wKš‘ wba©vwiZ mg‡qi Av‡M
5y-30 = 4y+3x y-3x = 30----(i) †cŠQv‡bv bq| KviY GLv‡b `yevi B ÎæwUi Rb¨ †jU n‡e| cÖ_‡g 45
wgwbU †jU| wKšÍ c‡ii evi †mB †jUUv 9 wgwbU Kg n‡e
30  18 y  48 y 45  9 48 5 y  240 y 3
Second condition,       
x 4x x 60 x 4x x 5
192  5 y  240 5 y  3x 5y  48 5 y  3x
    25y-240 = 20y+12x 5y-12x=240--(ii)
4x 5x 4 5
By (i)5 – (ii) we get, -3x = -90 x = 30 Putting this value in (i) we get, y = 30+90 = 120
So, speed 30km/hr and distance = 120km/hr

Alternative solution: (Av‡Mi wbqg¸‡jvi gZB ïay gv‡Si c_wU a‡i wn‡me K‡i| Gfv‡e KivB mnR )
18 18 9 90 18 3 90  72 3
ATQ,        12x = 360 x = 30
4 x x 60 4x x 20 4x 20
30 5( y  30) y 45 30 5y  150 y 3 120  5 y  150  4 y 3
Now distance =         
x 4x x 60 30 120 30 4 120 4
y  30 3
   4y = 360+120 4y = 480 y = 120
120 4
10. ***A train after travelling 150 km meets with an accident and then proceeds at 3/5 of
its former speed and arrives at its destination 8 hours late. Had the accident occurred
360 km further, it would have reached the destination 4 hours late. What is the total
distance travelled by the train? (GKwU †Uªb 150 wK.wg. c_ AwZµg Kivi ci GKwU `~N©Ubvi m¤§yLxb nj|
Zvici c~‡e©i MwZi MwZ‡Z P‡j 8N›Uv ‡j‡U MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQvj| hw` †UªbwU Av‡iv 360 wK.wg. ci `~N©Ubvq m¤§yLxb nZ
Zvn‡j MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQv‡Z gvÎ 4 N›Uv ‡jU nZ| †UªbwUi †gvU AwZµvšÍ `~iZ¡ KZ?) [Aggarwal-Exm-16]
Solution: (ûeû Av‡Mi cÖkœ¸‡jvi gZB wKš‘ GLv‡b `~iZ¡ †ei Kivi Rb¨ AwZwi³ KvR Ki‡Z n‡e)
Let the original speed of the train be x km/hr. Then,
360 360 600 360 240
- =4  - =4  = 4  x = 60 (GUv ïiæi bigvj MwZ‡eM)
3x x x x x
Let total distance travelled by the train be y km. Then,
150 y  150 y
(  )- = 8 [(Gw·‡W‡›Ui Av‡M jvMv mgq + c‡i jvMv mgq)-mvaviY mgq = hZ †jU]
60 3 60
60 
5 ( y  150) y
 + - = 8  2y = 1740  y = 870 Hence, required distance = 870 km.
2 36 60
11. Every morning Jim walks to his office at a certain constant speed which enables him to
arrive exactly on time. One fine morning he started walking at two-thirds his usual
speed but after some time he realized that he was already 10 minutes behind at that
point so he doubled his speed and reached his office 5 minutes early. What fraction of
the total distance had Jim covered when he doubled his speed? (wRg cÖwZw`b GKwU wbw`©ó
MwZ‡e‡M ‡M‡j mwVK mg‡q Awd‡m †cŠQvq| GKw`b †m Zvi wbw`©ó MwZ‡e‡Mi Ask MwZ‡e‡M Pjj I wKQz mgq ci
Zvi g‡b nj †m 10 wgwbU wcwQ‡q c‡o‡Q| Zvi ci †m Zvi MwZ wظY K‡i w`j, d‡j wba©vwiZ mg‡qi 5 wgwbU Av‡MB
†m Awd‡m ‡cŠ‡Q †Mj| MwZ wظY Kivi Av‡M †m †gvU c‡_i KZ Ask wM‡qwQj ? [Gmatclub.700 level]
(A) 5/12 (B) 3/8 (C) 1/3 (D) 1/4 Ans: D
Let, Before double speed, distance = x, After double speed, distance = y &normal Speed = v
x x 10 3x x 1 x 1
ATQ, - =  - =  = 3x = v----(i)
2v v 60 2v v 6 2v 6
y y 10  5 15 y 3y 1 y 1
2nd condition, - = =  - =  = y = v or, y = 3x from (i)
v 4v 60 60 v 4v 4 4v 4
x x x 1
 Required Fraction = = = =
xy x  3x 4x 4
12. One day, Rocky walked from his home to his office at three fourths of his usual speed.
When he reached midway, he realised that he was 10 minutes late at that point. He,
then, increased his speed by 25% and completed the remaining journey. Find the time
(in minutes) taken by Rocky to reach his office that day.[Gmatclub.700 level]
A) 64 B) 72 C) 80 D) 60 Ans: B
Solution: Let, the speed = x and total distance = 2y
y y 10 4y y 1 y 1
ATQ,        x = 2y
3x x 60 3x x 6 3x 6
y 16y y 16y 16 y 16
Again, time for 2nd half, = = = = =  60 =32 min
3x 15x 3x 5 15x 15  2 y 15  2
 125% 
4 4 4
Since speed ratio of first half and 2nd halp = 100:125 = 4:5 So, time ratio will be 5:4
If time taken in 2nd half = 4 then time taken in first half = 5
So, If time taken in 2nd half = 32 then time taken in first half =32 = 40
So, total time required for the entire journey = 40+32 = 72 min

13. (W)***A car overtakes a bus travelling from Delhi to Jaipur at 4 : 30 p.m. The car
reaches Jaipur at 6:00 p.m. After stopping there for 1 hour, it starts back towards Delhi
and meets the same bus at 7:30 p.m. which was moving towards Jaipur at that time. If
both the bus and the car were travelling with uniform speeds on the same route, at what
time would the bus reach Jaipur? (GKwU Kvi, weKvj 4.30 G w`jøx †_‡K Rqcy‡ii D‡×‡k¨ iIbv nIqv
GKwU evm‡K AwZµg Kivi ci weKvj 6Uvq Rqcy‡i †cŠQvq| †mLv‡b 1 N›Uv †_‡g _vKvi ci KviwU w`wjø‡Z wd‡i Avmvi
c‡_ RqcyiMvgx H evmwUi mv‡_ mܨv 7.30 G †`Lv nq,hw` Kvi Ges evmwU GKB iv¯Ívq wbw`©ó MwZ‡ZB Pj‡Z _v‡K
Zvn‡j evmwU KLb Rqcy‡i wM‡q †cŠQv‡e?) [Aggarwal-170]
(a) 8 : 30 p.m. (b) 9 : 00 p.m. (c) 9 : 15 p.m. (d) 9 : 30 p.m. Ans:b
Suppose after meeting the bus, the car travelled x km to reach Jaipur.
1 1
Then, it travelled x km in 1 hours. Again, it travelled back to meet the bus again in hrs.
2 2
1 x x 2x
Now, distance travelled in hour = km. The bus travelled x - = km in 3 hours.
2 3 3 3
3 9 1
So, it will travel x km in 3   x = = 4 hours
2x 2 2
Hence, the bus will reach Jaipur 4 hours after 4 : 30 pm. i.e. at 9 p.m
14. A train approaches a tunnel AB. Inside the tunnel is a cat located at a point that is 3/8 of
the distance AB measured from the entrance A. When the train whistles, that cat runs.
If the cat moves to the entrance A of the tunnel, the train catches the cat exactly at the
entrance. If the cat moves to the exit B, the train catches the cat at exactly the exit. The
ratio of the speed of the train to that of the cat is of the order (AB Uv‡b‡ji w`‡K GKwU †Uªb
hv‡”Q| Uv‡b‡ji †fZ‡i Uv‡b‡jwUi A cÖvšÍ †_‡K AB Gi Ask `~i‡Z¡ GKwU weovj e‡m Av‡Q| †Uª‡bi ûB‡mj
†kvbvi ci weovjwU †`Šo †`qv ïiæ Ki‡jv| weovjwU A Gi w`‡K iIbv w`‡j †UªbwU wVK Uv‡b‡ji cÖ‡ekgy‡L weovjwU‡K
a‡i ‡dj‡e| Avevi weovjwU hw` Uv‡b‡ji †kl cÖvšÍ B Gi w`‡K †`Šovq Zvn‡j †UªbwU wVK ‡kl cÖvšÍ B we›`y‡Z
weovjwU‡K a‡i †d‡j| †Uªb I weov‡ji MwZ†e‡Mi AbycvZ †ei Kiæb) [Aggarwal-163]
(a) 3 : 1 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 5 : 1 (d) None Ans:b
Solution: ‡Uªb
y 3x  5x
See the picture. Let, the length of the tunnel = AB = 8x and the cat is in point C (fMœvsk †_‡K)
So, distance of the cat from entrance A = 3x and distance from the exit B is 8x-3x = 5x
Now, let the distance of the train from the entrance A = y
In first case, train goes = y and cat goes = 3x so, ratio of distance or speed = y:3x =
In the second case train goes = y+8x & cat goes = 5x so ratio of distance or speed = y+8x:5x
y y  8x
ATQ,  [Dfq ‡ÿ‡ÎB †Uª‡bi mv‡_ weov‡ji MwZi AbycvZ †evSv‡”Q]
3x 5x
5y = 3y+24x 2y = 24x y = 12x GB cÖ‡kœ †Uª‡bi ˆ`‡N©¨i Rb¨ AvR¸we wPšÍv K‡i
y 12x gv_v Mig Kivi cÖ‡qvRb †bB| KviY weovj‡K
So, ratio of speed of train and cat = = = 4:1 Gw·‡W›U Ki‡Z †Uª‡bi mvg‡bi AskB h‡_ó|
3x 3x
GB cÖkœwU †_‡K K‡qKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© welq †kLvi Av‡Q Zv n‡jv:
 cÖ_gevi wgwjZ nIqv Ges wØZxq evi wgwjZ nIqv Dfq †ÿ‡Î †Uªb Ges weovj mgvb mgq wb‡q‡Q|
 mgq wbw`©ó ev mgvb n‡j, AwZµvšÍ c‡_i `~iZ¡B n‡e MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ|
 `ywU e¯‘ GKUv c_ †h‡Z Zv‡`i MwZi AbycvZ hZ n‡e, Zvi †_‡K 10 ¸Y †ewk c_ †M‡jI H AbycvZ GKB _vK‡e|
wb‡R †_‡K D`vniY evwb‡q GB c‡q›U `ywU wb‡q 10 wgwbU fveyb| Zvici wK¬qvi n‡j c‡i A‡bK As‡K Kv‡R jvM‡e|

15. A cow was standing on a bridge, 5m away from the middle of the bridge. A train was
coming towards the bridge from the ends nearest to the cow. Seeing this, cow ran
towards the train and managed to escape when the train was 2m away from the bridge.
If it had run at the opposite direction, it would hit by the train 2m before the end of the
bridge. What is the length of the bridge in meters assuming the speed of the train 4
times that of cow ? [Combined 4 Bank-(Officer)-2019(Written)] + [sawaal.com]

A_©: GKwU Miæ GKwU †mZzi gvS eivevi †_‡K 5wg. `~‡i `vuwo‡q wQj| GKwU ‡Uªb MiæwUi †h cvk †_‡K †mZzwUi †kl cÖvšÍ
me‡_‡K Kv‡Q, ‡mw`K †_‡K AvmwQj, †UªbwU‡K †`‡L MiæwU †Uª‡bi w`‡KB †`Šov‡bv ïiæ Ki‡jv Ges †UªbwU †mZzi 2
wgUvi `~‡i _vKv Ae¯’vq MiæwU cvwj‡q †h‡Z mÿg n‡jv| hw` MiæwU Av‡Mi cv‡k bv wM‡q wecixZ cv‡k †`Šuov‡Zv Zvn‡j
†mZzwUi †kl cÖv‡šÍi 2 wgUvi Av‡MB ‡Uª‡bi mv‡_ av°v †j‡M †h‡Zv| hw` †Uª‡bi MwZ‡eM Miæi MwZ‡e‡Mi 4¸Y nq Zvn‡j
m¤ú~Y© ‡mZzwUi ˆ`N©¨ KZ?
Solution: (Qwe¸‡jv †evSvi Rb¨, cixÿvq ‡Kvb Qwe w`‡Z n‡e bv, mivmwi mgvavb †jLv ïiæ)
Train y x 5 x +5
cÖv_wgK Ae¯’vq †`L‡Z Ggb wQj

‡M‡jv: y-2 x wg. ‡Uªb hvq: y+x+5+x+5-2 Miæ hvq: 5+x+5-2

Avm‡jv  †Uªb  2
Train 2  cow
1st condition 2 nd
the distance of the cow from the nearest end of the bridge is = x meters.
So, half of the length of the bridge is = x+5 meters
So, total length of the bridge is = (x+5)+ (x+5) = 2x+10 meters.
Let, the distance between bridge and train is y
and speed of the cow = a, Therefore speed of the train = 4a
1st condition, when cow goes to the train ( gy‡LvgywL wgwjZ n‡”Q )
y2 x
  [KviY GZUzKz K‡i c_ †h‡Z Zv‡`i jvMv mg‡qi cwigvY mgvb]
4a a
y-2= 4x y = 4x+2 ---- (i)
2nd condition, when the cow and train both run in the same direction
the train goes = y+2x+10-2 = y+2x+8 and cow goes = 5+x+5-2 = x+8 (‡h‡nZz weª‡Ri 2wg, Av‡M)
y  2x  8 x  8
  ---- (ii) [ GKB w`‡K GZUzKz K‡i c_ †h‡Z Zv‡`i mgvb mgq †j‡M‡Q ]
4a a
y+2x+8 = 4x+32 4x+2+2x = 4x+24 (by putting the value of y = 4x+2 from equation i)
2x = 22 x = 11 So the distance of the bridge = 2x+10 = 211+10 = 22+10 = 32m Ans:

Note: GLv‡b ïiæ‡Z †mZzi ‰`N©¨ x, 2x mn ‡h †Kvb msL¨vB aiv hvq| Z‡e ‡hfv‡eB a‡ib mgxKiY mvRv‡bvi mgq
Dfq cv‡k ‡Uªb Ges Miæi jvMv mgq `yB mgxKi‡YB mgvb n‡e| GB mgvav‡b ‡mZzi GK cÖvšÍ †_‡K Miæ ch©šÍ `~iZ¡‡K x
aiv n‡q‡Q hv‡Z †Kvb fMœvsk bv Av‡m|

16. Three runners A,B and C run a race, with runner A finishing 12m ahead of runner B
and 18m ahead of runner C, while runner B finishes 8m ahead of runner C. Each
runner travels entire distance at a constant speed. What was the length of the race?(
wZbRb ‡`Šowe` A, B Ges C GKwU †i‡m ‡`Šovq, †hLv‡b A,B Gi †_‡K 12wgUvi Av‡M, Ges C Gi ‡_‡K 18 wgUvi
Av‡M ‡`Šo †kl K‡i| Avevi H †i‡m B, C Gi †_‡K 8 wgUvi Av‡M ‡`Šo †kl K‡i| cÖ‡Z¨K †`Šowe` hw` m¤ú~Y© c_
GKwU wbw`©ó MwZ‡Z †`Šovq (MwZ bv evwo‡q ev bv Kwg‡q wd·W †i‡L) Zvn‡j H †i‡mi ˆ`N©¨ KZ?) [Combined
5Banks (Off-Cash)-2019(Written)]
Solution: (GB mgvavbwU †evSvi Av‡M jwRK wK¬qvi Kiæb, Av‡Mi As‡Ki Abycv‡Zi hyw³ GLv‡b Kv‡R jvM‡e)
Gai‡Yi cÖ‡kœ mgxKiY mvRv‡bvi mgq `yB †i‡m Kgb `yR‡bi MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ `y cv‡k wjL‡Z nq| AbycvZ †jLvi
welqwU wK¬qvi nIqvi Rb¨ e¨vL¨v co–b|
aiæb, B Gi MwZ‡eM 20wKwg/N›Uv Ges C Gi MwZ‡eM 10wKwg/N›Uv| A_©vr cÖwZ N›Uvq Zv‡`i MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ
20:10 ev 2:1| Avevi, 1 N›Uv bv P‡j Zviv 10 N›Uv Pj‡j, B hv‡e 1020 = 200 Ges C hv‡e 1010 = 100 |
Gevi Zv‡`i MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ 200:100 = 2:1| A_©vr KZ`~‡i hvq hvK cÖwZevi Zv‡`i MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ 2:1 B
n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î kZ© n‡jv Zv‡`i ïiæi MwZ‡eM evov ev Kgv hv‡e bv Ges `yR‡bi †bqv mgq GKB n‡Z n‡e|
Avi GB MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ mgvb nIqvi GB kZ© w`‡qB wewfbœ cÖ‡kœ A‡bKfv‡e mgxKiY mvRv‡bv hv‡e|
Let A finish the race of = x m [A_©vr Zviv †h †imUv‡Z ‡`Šov‡”Q Zvi ‰`N©¨ xwg. †hLv‡b A ‡cŠ‡Q †M‡Q x wg.]
B finish the race of : x-12 [GKB mg‡q B 12wgUvi †cQ‡b A_©vr x Gi †_‡K 12wg.Kg ‡M‡Q ]
C finish the race of : x-18 --- (i) [A, I B ‡h mg‡q x I x-12 wgUvi †M‡Q wVK †m mg‡q C ‡M‡Q x-18wg.]
In another race of B and C [Gevi Av‡Mi ‡`ŠoUv A,B,C Gi g‡a¨ bv n‡q B I C Gi g‡a¨ n‡”Q]
B finish race of : x. and C finish race of: x-8 ---------(ii)
According to the question,
B:C = B:C
(x-12) : (x-18) = x: (x-8) [‡h‡nZz B Ges C Gi MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ me mgq mgvb n‡e]
x  12 x ïw× cixÿv †`‡L wb‡j jwRK Av‡iv kw³kvjx n‡e:
 
x  18 x  8
Race Uv ‡gvU 48 wgUv‡ii †hLv‡b A hvq = 48wgUvi
B hvq, 48-12 = 36wgUvi Ges C hvq 48-18=30wgUvi|
36 wgUv‡ii †im n‡j B, C Gi mvg‡b _vK‡e 36-30=6wg.
6  48
myZivs 48 ÕÕ ÕÕ ÕÕ B, C ÕÕ ÕÕ ÕÕ = 8
 x2−18x = x2−12x-8x+96
 x2−18x= x2−20x+96
2x = 96
x = 48
So, the length of the race is 48 m.

Alternative Solution: [mgxKiY QvovB ‡hŠw³K mgvavb]

mgvavb eyS‡Z n‡j Av‡M wPÎwU fv‡jvfv‡e jÿ¨ Kiæb:
6m 12m
C B A Finishing point
C B Finishing point
GLv‡b B Ges C Gi w`‡K jÿ¨ Kiæb:
B and C had a distance of (18-12) = 6 m between them.
When B finished the race by covering another 12 m (A-B),
In the final race B created a gap of 8m between them (B &C)
So, B will create extra gap between B & C = 8-6 = 2m

So, For another 2m gap is created between B & C, B run = 12m

12  8
 For another 8m gap is created between B & C, B run = = 48m Ans: 48m

Double equation: (G¸‡jv mvaviYZ wjwLZ cixÿv‡Z Qvov GgwmwKD‡Z †Zgb Av‡m bv)
17. A man covered a certain distance at some speed. Had he moved 3 kmph faster, he would
have taken 40 minutes less. If he had moved 2 kmph slower, he would have taken 40
minutes more. The distance (in km) is (GKRb e¨w³ GKwU wbw`©ó MwZ‡Z GKwU wbw`©ó `yiZ¡ AwZµg K‡i|
hw` Zvi MwZ‡eM 3 wKwg/N›Uv e„w× cvq Zvn‡j 40 wgwbU Kg mgq jv‡M| Avevi hw` MwZ‡eM 2 wKwg/N›Uv n«vm cvq
Zvn‡j Av‡iv 40 wgwbU †ewk mgq jv‡M| †m KZ `yiZ¡ AwZµg K‡i?) [Aggarwal-94]
2 1
(a) 35 (b) 36 (c) 37 (d) 40 Ans:d
3 2
Solution: Let distance = x km and usual rate = y kmph.
x x 40 xy  3x  xy 2
Then, - =  = 2y(y+3) = 9x ...................(i)
y y3 60 y ( y  3) 3
x x 40 xy  xy  2 x 2
And, - =  =  y(y – 2) = 3x ..................(ii)
y  2 y 60 y( y  2 ) 3
2( y  3)
Dividing (i) by (ii), we get: =3 3y - 6 = 2y+6  y = 12
Putting this value in (ii) 12(12-2) = 3x or, 3x = 120 x = 40 km. So, distance = 40km
18. A train covered a certain distance at a uniform speed. If the train had been 6 km/hr
faster, then it would have taken 4 hours less than the scheduled time. And, if the train
were slower by 6 km/hr, then the train would have taken 6 hours more than the
scheduled time. The length of the journey is (GKwU †Uªb GKwU wbw`©ó `yiZ¡ wbw`©ó MwZ‡Z AwZµg K‡i|
hw` †UªbwUi MwZ‡eM 6 wK.wg. †ewk nZ Z‡e Zvi wba©vwiZ mg‡qi †P‡q 4 N›Uv mgq Kg jvM‡Zv| Avevi hw` †UªbwUi
MwZ‡eM 6 wK.wg. Kg n‡Zv Z‡e Zvi wba©vwiZ mg‡qi †P‡q 6 N›Uv mgq †ewk jvM‡Zv| hvÎvwUi `yiZ¡ KZ?)
(a) 700 km (b) 720 km (c) 740 km (d) 760 km Ans:b
Let distance = x km and usual speed = y kmph
x x xy  6 x  xy
- =4 =4  6x = 4y (y+6) ...................(i)
y y6 y( y  6 )
x x xy  xy  6 x
And, - =6   6x = 6y (y - 6) ................(ii)
y6 y y( y  6 )
From (i) and (ii), we get:
4y (y+6) = 6y(y-6) [6x Gi gvb ewm‡q]  2(y+6) = 3(y-6) 2y+12 = 3y -18  y = 30
So, length of journey 6x = 430(30+6) = 43036 x=1206 = 720km

19. Three cars leave A for B in equal time intervals. They reach B simultaneously and then
leave for Point C which is 240 km away from B. The first car arrives at C an hour after
the second car. The third car, having reached C, immediately turns back and heads
towards B. The first and the third car meet a point that is 80 km away from C. What is
the difference between the speed of the first and the third car? (wZbwU Mvwo mgvb mg‡qi e¨eav‡b
A ‡_‡K B Gi w`‡K †Q‡o hvq | Zviv GK mv‡_ B ‡Z ‡cŠQvq Ges B ‡_‡K 240 wK.wg `~‡i Aew¯’Z c‡q‡›U C Gi Rb¨
†Q‡o hvq | cÖ_g MvwowU wØZxq MvwowUi GK N›Uv c‡i C ‡Z ‡cŠQvq Avevi Z…Zxq MvwowU C ‡Z †cŠQvi ci ciB B
Gi w`‡K wd‡i Avmvi mgq cÖ_g MvwowUi mv‡_ C ‡_‡K 80 wK.wg. `~‡i mvÿvZ nq| cÖ_g Ges Z…Zxq Mvwoi MwZi
cv_©K¨ KZ? ) [Janata Bank (AEO-Teller)-2020 (Written)]
Let, time taken be 2nd car be x hr
So, 1st takes= (x+1) hr And 3rd takes= (x-1) hr (‡h‡nZz mg‡qi e¨eavb mgvb mgvb n‡e)
240 240
Speed of 1st car = km/hr Speed of 3rd car = km/hr
x 1 x 1
240  80 240  80
ATQ, = [wgwjZ nIqvi ¯’vb ch©šÍ †cŠQv‡Z cÖ_g I Z…Zxq Kv‡ii jvMv mgq mgvb]
240 240
x 1 x 1
160  ( x  1) 320  ( x  1)
 =  x+1 = 2x-2  x=3
240 240
240 240
Speed of 1st car = = 60 km/hr and Speed of 3rd car = =120 km/hr
x 1 x 1
So, difference of the speed =(120-60)= 60km/hr

Alternative Solution:
240 km

80 km
. st rd
1 + 3 meet
fv‡jvfv‡e †evSvi Rb¨ cv‡ki wPÎwU †`Lyb:

Let, the speed of the 1st, 2nd & 3rd cars are x,y & z km/hr respectively

1st condition,    [‡h‡nZz A ‡_‡K B ‡Z hvIqvi mgq Zv‡`i mg‡qi cv_©K¨ mgvb]
x y y z
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
        ------ (i)
x y y z x z y y
240 240
2nd condition,   1 ----- (ii) [‡h‡nZz cÖ_g MvwowUi †_‡K 2q MvwowUi 1 N›Uv Kg mgq jv‡M ]
x y
240  80 240  80
3rd condition,  [GZ UzKz c_ †h‡Z 1g I 3q Mvoxi GKB mgq †j‡M‡Q]
x z
160 320 1 2
    z = 2x
x z x z
Putting the value of z = 2x in (i) We get,
1 1 1 1 2 1 11 3 2 4x
         3y = 4x y =
x 2x y y 2x y 2x y 3
Now, putting the value of y in equation, (ii) We get,
240 240  3 240 180 240  180
 1   1   1 x = 60
x 4x x x x
So, speed of first car = 60km/hr and speed of 3rd car z = 2x = 260 = 120km/hr
So, difference of speed = 120km – 60km = 60km /hr Ans: 60km/hr

[Note: 2q Mvoxi MwZ‡eMi cÖ‡qvRb †bB ZvB †ei Ki‡Z n‡e bv| ]
20. A hare sees a dog 100 metres away from her and scuds off in the opposite direction at a
speed of 12 km per hr. A minute later the dog perceives her and chases her at a speed of
16 km per hr. How soon will the dog overtake the hare and at what distance from the
spot when the hare took flight?
(A) 900 metres (B) 950 metres (C) 1000 metres (D) 1100 metres
Solution: In 1min the hare goes away = = 200m
So, when the dog start chases distance between hare and dog = 100m+200m = 300m
Relative speed in 1 hr = 16km/hr – 12km/hr = 4km/hr
60  300 9
The dog runs at relative speed 4000 meter in 60min  300 m in, = = min
4000 2
9 12000 9
Again the distance walked by hare in min =  = 900 metres
2 60 2
∴ Total distance from where the hare flight from = 200 + 900 = 1100 metres

hw` KzKz‡ii K_v ejv n‡Zv Zvn‡j Av‡iv 100 wgUvi †ewk †h‡Z n‡Zv|

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