Penta STD V Mid-Term Exam

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+255 764 760 769
TIME: 1:00 HOURS 2024


1. This paper consists of 35 questions in section A, B & C.

2. Answer all questions correctly.

3. Observe neatness of your work.

4. Remember to write your name correctly.

5. Follow the instruction of each section and that of each question.

6. If you want to change your answer, you must cut once the original answer then write
the new one.

7. Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions.

8. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

1.Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the space provided;
i. Historical events can be preserved or kept through different ways. The following are some of ways used
to keep historical events, which one is NOT?
A. Oral traditions B. Historical sites C. Archaeologists D. Archives E. Museums
ii. Wind is an element of weather which if not well managed it can be destructive to human beings,
animals, plants and properties. Which of the following is the best way to protect ourselves from the
bad effects of strong wind?
A. Cutting down trees B. Planting trees C. Planting drought resistant crops
D. Building houses in steep slope areas E. Building short and small houses
iii. The British Archaeologist Dr. Louis Leakey discovered the skull of Zinjanthropus at Olduvai Gorge in
Tanzania. In which year was the skull discovered?
A. 1959 B. 1983 C. 1920 D. 1819 E. 2002
iv. Class V pupils were discussing about map and its elements. They mentioned five elements of a good
map. Which element of a map mentioned tell us what the map is all about?
A. Scale B. Key C. Title D. Frame E. North direction
v. In order to accomplish the aim of colonizing African continent, Europeans sent agents of colonialism
to pave the way for colonizing Africa. Which among the following were the agents of colonialism?
A. Explorers, slaves and missionaries D. Explorers, missionaries and traders
B. Explorers, traders and farmers E. Traders, captains and pilots
C. Traders, invaders and explorers
vi. Mr. Mangana wanted to build a factory for sisal processing. In which region do you think his factory
will be located in Tanzania?
A. Dodoma B. Dar es salaam C. Kagera D. Morogoro E. Mwanza
vii. Wind is named according to where it comes from when blowing. What do we call wind that blows from
east to west direction?
A. Southern wind C. South eastern wind E. Eastern wind
B. Western wind D. Northern wind
viii. When President Samia Suluhu Hassani visited Masasi District in Mtwara region she was welcomed by
the traditional dance of Makonde. What is the name of that traditional dance?
A. Mdundiko C. Mdumange E. Sindimba
B. Lizombe D. Mbeta
ix. The Solar System is the arrangement of planets and other heavenly bodies in relation to their position
from the Sun. What is the central body in this system?
A. Moon C. Earth E. The Sun
B. Asteroids D. Dwarf planet
x. Environmental conservation is the duty of everyone in the society. Which institution deals with
environmental conservation and management in Tanzania?
xi. Minerals promote our country to international communities. Which minerals make Tanzania known to
the various countries as it is only found in Tanzania.
A. Tanzanite C. Gold E. Ruby
B. Diamond D. Uranium
xii. Historical events can be kept through different ways. What do we call the buildings in which historical
objects are kept and shown to the public?
A. Oral tradition centers C. Archives D. Museums E. Historical sites
B. Written record centers
xiii. Mwajuma saw a certain industry directing its wastes which is connected by a pipe into a nearby
water body. Which form of environmental pollution is that?
A. Water pollution B. Noise pollution C. Land pollution D. Air pollution E. Weather pollution
xiv.When reading a certain book, I found the following phrase “it takes 24 hours for the earth to spin on
its axis”. Which content was it about?
A. Earth revolution B. Solar eclipse C. Solstice D. Earth rotation E. Perihelion
xv. Tanzania as a country has a lot of historical events which happened since 1964. Which historical
event occurred on 5th Feb 1977?
A. The Kagera war D. The formation of Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM)
B. Death of Moringe Sokoine E. The Arusha declaration
C. The union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar

2. Match the items of COLUMN A and those of COLUMN B to complete the items (i) to (v).
i. Makonde A. Akasimbo/Enchuma

ii. Manda and Nyasa B. Lizombe

iii. Haya C. Ling’oma

iv. Sambaa D. Mganda

v. Maasai E. Adumu

F. Mdumange

G. Sindimba

SECTION B: (20 Marks)

3. Answer the following questions;
i. Agriculture is referred to as the backbone of Tanzanian economy due to its advantages to
Tanzanians. Apart from being the backbone of Tanzanian economy, what are any two
advantages of agriculture to the society?
a. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ii. Culture is life, an identity and national value that is inherited from one generation to another.
Which two factors affect the culture of Tanzania?
a. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
iii. Why it is not recommended to keep large number of animals in a small area?
a. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Write the correct answer in the spaces given;
i. Several feudal systems were practised in Tanganyika. What do we call the feudal system that
was practised along the coast? _________________________________________________________________________
ii. Water sources need to be taken care and protected for now and future use. Which one is NOT a
proper way used to preserve water source? __________________________________________________________
iii. Legal activities which earn money to people are termed as economic activities. Why is
agriculture considered as backbone of Tanzanian economy? ________________________________________

5. Fill in the following blanks;

i. Rugema was born in the year in which sheikh Abeid Karume was assassinated. In which year
was he born? ____________________
ii. Mbuyuni Pupils put on white shirts and blue skirts. Which cash crop is used as raw material to
manufacture their school uniforms? ___________________________________________________________________

6. Carefully study the diagram below then answer the questions that follow;

i. Which element of weather is measured by using this instrument?

ii. In which standard of unity does the element of weather record?

SECTION C: (10Marks)
7. Study the picture and answer questions;

i. Which place is shown on the picture above? ________________________________________________________________

ii. Which cleaning tool does the pupil have? ___________________________________________________________________
iii. Mention two things found in the picture above;
i. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
iv. How many classrooms seen in the picture above? _________________________________________________________
v. Write one importance of doing what the pupil doing in the above picture _______________________________
+255 764 760 769
TIME: 1:00 HOURS 2024


This paper consists of 35 questions in section A, B & C.

Answer all questions correctly.

Observe neatness of your work.

Remember to write your name correctly.

Follow the instruction of each section and that of each question.

If you want to change your answer, you must cut once the original answer then write
the new one.

Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions.

Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

1. Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the bracket provided;
i. Jerome was reading a document that contains the principle laws and fundamental principles on
how our country should be governed. What document was he reading?
A. National anthem C. National book E. National festival
B. National flag D. National constitution
ii. Which of the following signifies national mourning?
A. All flags fly at a half-mast D. The closure of all schools
B. The national flag flies at a half-mast E. The national anthem to be sung
C. The national flag is not hoisted on that day
iii. The national flag is one of the symbols that identify Tanzania as a free and an independent nation.
How many colours does it have?
A. Three C. Five E. Six
B. Four D. Two
iv. Gender equality refers to fair treatment of both females and males in the society. Which act among
the following does not demonstrate gender equality?
A. Providing education to both boys and girls D. Equal division of labour in the family
B. Employing both males and females E. Involving both males and females in leadership
C. Denying female children the right to inherit family properties
v. Children especially girls are supposed to avoid dangerous environment that may threaten their
safety. What is the effect of a girl to walk alone through narrow valleys at night?
A. Refraining from sex C. Getting gifts E. Becoming brave
B. Sexual harassment D. Gender discrimination
vi. Traditional dressing codes are among the things which identify the culture of a particular
societies. Which of the following are the traditional dresses of the coastal people of Tanzania?
A. Msuli, lubega, migolole and kanzu D. Kaniki, kikoi, baibui and khanga
B. Kanzu, msuli, coat and barghashia E. Coat, vest, msuli, kikoi and baibui
C. Khanga, migolole, baibui and lubega
vii. When I visited Ruvuma region I saw people wearing white shirts, white shorts, white socks and
black shoes playing a certain traditional dance. What traditional dance was that?
A. Mganda C. Mdundiko E. Sindimba
B. Mdumange D. Enchuma
viii. Some cultural practices in our communities are outdated and they need to be abolished. Which
one among the following is not outdated cultural aspect among the Tanzanian communities?
A. Female Genital Mutilation D. Women empowerment
B. Women discrimination E. Early marriages
C. Stigmatization of the disabled people
ix. The standard five pupils of Mwenge primary school are willingly to perform various activities
without expecting anything in return. What is that habit called?
A. Relationship C. Accountability E. Commitment
B. Volunteering D. Collaboration
x. In order to promote national culture, we need to encourage good customs and discourage the bad
ones. Which of the following customs should be discouraged?
A. Working hard cooperatively D. Male circumcision
B. Proper initiation ceremonies E. Widow inheritance
C. Equal distribution of family responsibilities

1. Match the items of COLUMN A and those of COLUMN B to complete the items (i) to (v).

i. Taking someone’s property without permission A. Pampering

ii. An act of not telling the truth B. Respecting

iii. To show concern and treat others well C. Apologizing

iv. To tell someone that you are sorry for having D. Stealing
done something wrong
v. The ability to withstand and quickly recover from E. Lying
difficult situations
F. Counseling

G. Resilience

3. Answer the following questions by writing the correct answer;

i. The national flag is one of the symbols that identify Tanzania as a free and an independent
nation. How many colours does it have? ________________________________________________________________
(Three, Five, Six, Four, Two)
ii. Women and men have different duties and responsibilities in the community. Which word best
describes those duties and responsibilities? ___________________________________________________________
(Sex, Rights, Responsibilities, Gender, Duties)
iii. Which term best describes the difference between a man and a woman based on the biological
make up? ______________________________
(Personality, Tradition, Sex, Culture)
iv. The ward councilor is the highest political leader in a ward. After every how many years does
the election of ward councilors in Tanzania take place? ___________________________________
(Two, Four, Five, Three, Ten)
v. The coat of arms of Tanzania comprises of about thirteen components. Which component
stands for workers? _____________________________
(Hoe, Hammer, Red portion, Axe)

4. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer from the box provided;

BOT, Nation Anthem, Twelve, Culture, Attire

i. _______________________ refer to the total ways of life of a particular group of people or society.
ii. What do we call the way of dressing that identify the group of people or society generally?
iii. Every Citizen of Tanzania should know to sing ___________________________________________
iv. The national currency is issued and controlled by the ___________________________________
v. How many components does the Tanzania coat of arm has? ____________________________

5. Answer the questions i - v by writing the correct answers in the spaces provided;

i. Why is it important for children to participate in family activities? Give two reasons
a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
ii. What should the Community do to fight the evils done against children? Give two reasons
a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
iii. In every society there are ways of doing things that are acceptable by all members of that
particular society. What are these things called? ________________________________________________
iv. What are the effects of gossiping in the society? Give two reasons;
a. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
v. Community members are advised to work in togetherness. Briefly explain two benefits
which a person gets when he or she participates in community activities;
a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. The table below represents the organizational structure of school leadership. Complete it
by filling the blank spaces with the correct answers;

(v) _____________________

+255 764 760 769
TIME: 1:00 HOURS 2024


This paper consists of 35 questions in section A, B & C.

Answer all questions correctly.

Observe neatness of your work.

Remember to write your name correctly.

Follow the instruction of each section and that of each question.

If you want to change your answer, you must cut once the original answer then write
the new one.

Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions.

Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

SECTION A: (20 Marks)
1. Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the space
i. Animals can be poikilothermic or homoeothermic. Which of the following is an example of
poikilothermic animal?
A. Goat B. Zebra C. Fish D. Lion E. Antelope
ii. If you want to carry out scientific investigation you must follow certain steps. Which step follows after
identifying the problem?
A. Hypothesis formulation C. Conducting experiment
B. Data collection D. Conclusion E. Data analysis
iii. Energy is the ability to do work. What name is given to the energy that stimulates the sense of vision?
A. Heat energy C. Solar energy E. Light energy
B. Geothermal energy D. Nuclear energy
iv. Fire has been used to warm up our bodies during cold weather. In which way does the heat from the
sun reach our bodies?
A. Radiation C. Convention E. Conduction
B. Diffusion D. Osmosis
v. A leaf contains small pores on its lower and upper side for gaseous exchange between the atmosphere
and the plant. What is the scientific name given to those small pores?
A. Spiracles B. Gills C. Air sacs D. Stomata E. Guard cells
vi. Grade 5 pupils made a simple electric circuit. Which part was used to allow and stop the flow of
A. Wire B. Switch C. Dry cell D. Bulb E. Insulator
vii. The leaf mesophyll has three main components. Which of the following transports water and mineral
salts throughout the leaf?
A. Xylem B. Phloem C. Dermal tissue D. Sclerenchyma E. Collenchyma
viii. There are six types of food that make a balanced diet. What is the main function of proteins in human
A. To protect the body against diseases C. To build the body D. To provide heat
B. To strengthen teeth and bones E. To provide heat and energy in the body
ix. Energy is the ability to do work. What do we call the bending of light when it passes from one medium
to another?
A. Refraction B. Reflection C. Absorption D. Incidence E. Convection
x. Locomotion is the ability to move from one place to another. What do we call the ability of living
organism to form new organisms of their own kind?
A. Growth B. Respiration C. Excretion D. Reproduction E. Transpiration

2. Match the items of COLUMN A and those of COLUMN B to complete the items (i) to (v).
i. Autographs A. Necessary conditions for rusting.
ii. Water and Oxygen B. Use gills to breath
iii. Reflection C. Lack of melanin in the body.
iv. Fish and tadpole D. Make their own food.
v. Albinism E. Use lungs to breath.
F. Is the bouncing back of light.
3. Answer the following questions by writing the correct answer;

i. Joram is attacked by diseases more often. The doctor advised him to eat food that can strengthen
his body immunity. Which group of food was he advised by the doctor to eat more? _______________
(Carbohydrate, Fats, Vitamins, Proteins, Minerals)
ii. For animals to survive they need food from plants and other things from the environment.
Which other things do they need apart from food? _____________________________________________________
(Light and heat, Water and wind, Air and nutrients, Light and shadow, Water and air)
iii. Aunty success was diagnosed with diabetes. Which of her body organs should be cared the most
and treated to avoid further problems? _________________________________
(Heart, Brain, Pancreas, Kidney, Skin)
iv. Birds like mammals are warm blooded organisms. What is the average of bird’s body
temperature in degrees of centigrade? ______________________________________________
(36.7 ᵒC, 40 ᵒC, 35 ᵒC, 37 ᵒC, 45ᵒC)
v. Juma wants to be a doctor, his teacher tested him to name an instrument which is used to
examine very small organism but he failed. Which answer would you correct him? ________________
(Binoculars, Periscope, Microscope, Telescope, Horoscope)

SECTION B: (20Marks)
4. Observe the following diagram and answer questions bellow;

i. Give the name of part which labeled L _________________________________________

ii. Blood containing urea, salts and excess water enter the kidney through Part I which is called
iii. Which part secrets hormones that controls amount of salt and simple sugar in the body and
prepare the body to run away or fight the enemy. ________________________________________
iv. What is the function of part labeled M? _________________________________________________

5. Answer the questions i – iii by writing the correct answers in the spaces provided;
i. Vectors are organisms which carry and spread the disease-causing organisms (germs). Give out an
example of a vector that spreads cholera. ___________________________________________________________________
ii. Plants are multicellular organisms which grow on the soil or in water. What is the scientific name
given to the plants that grows in water? _____________________________________________________________________

iii. Stamen is the male part of the flower. It consists of filaments that have small buds at the top called
anthers. What is the other name of petal as a part of flowers? _____________________________________________

6. Answer the questions i – iv by writing the correct answers in the spaces provided
i. The Head prefect led the standard three pupils to clean the school environment so as to destroy
mosquito breeding sites. Which main activities did they do? ____________________________________________
ii. Digestive system is made up of three main parts which are liver, alimentary canal and pancreas. In
which part of the digestive system are the water and mineral salts absorbed? ________________________
iii. Matter can change from one state to another depending on temperature. Name a process that is
used to change matters from liquid to solid state. ________________________________________________________
iv. Monica`s voice was heard again when she was calling her friend. What do we call the repeated
sound? ___________________________________

7. Study the diagram below careful and answer the questions that follows;

i. From the picture above, what does the letter V represents? __________________________________________
ii. Write the name of the picture above _____________________________________________________________________

8. Find the solution of the following questions;

i. Anna and Mary compute on the following question “When the stone was thrown into the air it
weighed 140N. If the stone felt into the liquid its weight become 80N. What is the upparent weight
of the stone?

ii. What is the density of an object having a mass 1000kg and volume of 100 cubic meters?

iii. Find the electrical current in the electrical circuit if its voltage is 10v and a resistance of 2.5

+255 764 760 769
TIME: 1:00 HOURS 2024


This paper consists of 35 questions in section A, B & C.

Answer all questions correctly.

Observe neatness of your work.

Remember to write your name correctly.

Follow the instruction of each section and that of each question.

If you want to change your answer, you must cut once the original answer then write
the new one.

Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions.

Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

SECTION A: Listening skills, Grammar, Tenses and Vocabularies.
1. Listen carefully to the passage read by the invigilator then answer the questions 1-5 carefully.
i. Which one is among the negative effects of cutting down trees according to the story?
A: May lead to the drought C. May lead to water cycle E. May lead to hunger
B: May lead to flood D. May lead to poor.
ii. What percentage of the Earth’s land area does the tropical rainforest occupy?
A: 69% B: 45% C: Less than 8% D: 60% E: 20%
iii. Which gas is absorbed by the tree?
A: Oxygen gas B: Carbon monoxide C: Carbon dioxide D: Helium E: Nitrogen.
iv. Which way can trees prevent flood during heavy rains?
A: By soaking up the extra water. C: By washing away E. By driving water cycle
B: By trapping water channel. D. Making the soil more fertile
v. What is the best title for the listened passage?
A: Water B: Trees C: Drought D: Gas E: Rain

2. Choose the correct answer then write its letter in the box provided.
i. Standard five pupils _______________ two songs and recited two poems during the standard seven
graduation party which was held last year.
A: Sing B: Sung C: Sang D: Singed E: Song
ii. A young boy was talking to his mother loudly. What do we call the underlined word?
A: Adverb B: Adjective C: Noun D: Interjection E: Pronoun
iii. Mr. John and _____________ wife are going to the market now.
A: Her B: His C: Him D: Hers E: Them
iv. Our social studies teacher taught us that the sun normally _____________ from the East.
A: Rise B: Rising C: Rose D: Rises E: Risen
v. The news report ___________ submitted to the editor a day before.
A: Were B: Was C: Have D: Is E: Had being.

3. Choose the most correct word from the bracket below;

i. We are going to sit for our National Examination _________ October. (In, On, To, For, At)
ii. I ________ waiting for my uncle for two hours.
(Has been, Was been, Have being, Have been, Are being)
iii. I have _____________ you for five years now. (Know, Known, Knew, Knowing, Knows)
iv. My father has slaughtered ______________ ewe for visitors. (An, A, The, Much, Many)
v. Our parents usually_______________ us at school at the end of every month.
(Visit, Visits, Visited, Is visiting, Were visiting)

4. Match the words from LIST A correspondence to those in LIST B;


i. The synonym of the word buy A. Journalist
ii. Is an example of a verb B. Breakfast
iii. A person who writes a newspaper C. Depart
iv. The antonym of the word arrive D. Teacher
v. Compound word E. Purchase
F. Saw
G. Slowly


4. This section has five mixed sentences. Arrange the sentence so as to make a good composition by
giving them letters A to E
i. He sat on his bed and utter prayers [ ]

ii. It was still dark [ ]

iii. He got up and turned on the light [ ]

iv. Yesterday John woke up at five o’clock [ ]

v. He got prepared and went to school [ ]


5. Answer the following questions by writing the correct answer;
i. Yesterday, I saw Janeth going to school ____________ foot.
ii. The girls were drawing _____________ the boys were sweeping the class.
iii. My nephew comes home late at night daily. Which pronoun is correctly representing the
underlined word? ____________________________
iv. What do we call the place where books are kept for people to read and borrow? __________________
v. When I was going to the market, I met fishermen catching some fish from the river. When I reached
at the market, I saw ____________ selling fish.

6. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
My name is Mwema, a pupil at Nshimba primary school. Last month, I visited my grandmother at the village
called Chambo. Our bus left Mwendapole bus stand at 7: 00 am. We arrived at Chambo bus stand eleven
hours later. My uncle’s children Mary and Denis came to pick me up from the bus stop and took me home.

Although it was a very long journey, I enjoyed seeing wild animals on the way. I saw animals such as lions,
impalas, zebras and giraffes. I was very excited to see a lion beside the road. My grandmother was very
happy to see me because we had not met for a long time.

During the whole time at my grandmother’s place, I enjoyed looking after the animals she keeps daily. She
keeps cows, goats and sheep. I also enjoyed listening to the stories she used to tell us in the evening about
her lovely village.


i. Where does Mwema’s grandmother live? __________________________________________________________________

ii. Which animals did the writer saw on the ways? __________________________________________________________
iii. Who went to pick a writer from the bus stand? ____________________________________________________________
iv. What was Mwema enjoying at his grandmother’s home? ________________________________________________
v. What is the suitable title of the message? __________________________________________________________________


Trees play an important role in preserving and protecting our environment on Earth. They release oxygen
into the air and absorb carbon dioxide. They also play an important part in the water cycle as they release
moisture into the atmosphere through their leaves. This helps in the formation of clouds which bring rain.
Loss of trees can cause drought. In addition to that, when there is a lot of rains, trees can soak up much of
the extra water and so they help to prevent floods.

Trees prevent soil erosion as they work like nets trapping soil and stopping it from being washed away.
Furthermore, fallen trees, branches and leaves decay on the ground, making the soil more fertile. Tropical
rain forests which occupy less than 8% of earth’s land are home to well over 50% of all land plants and

+255 764 760 769
TIME: 1:00 HOURS 2024


This paper consists of 35 questions in section A, B & C.

Answer all questions correctly.

Observe neatness of your work.

Remember to write your name correctly.

Follow the instruction of each section and that of each question.

If you want to change your answer, you must cut once the original answer then write
the new one.

Use blue or black ink ball pointed pen to answer all questions.

Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

For each of the questions i-x, work out the answer, then choose the correct option and write the
correct letter in the space provided.

i. 95 + 7723 + 525 =

ii. 70809 – 5897 =

iii. 50400 x 40 =

iv. 67435 ÷ 90

v. 63/5 + 32/3 =

vi. 50 – 163/17 =

vii. 4/7 x 72 =

viii. 91/4 ÷ 31/3 =

ix. 8.916 + 13.96 =

x. 78.035 – 21.996 =



i. A standard five pupil was asked, how many line

segments are in a four-sided figure? What was her

ii. The total number of pupils in class five are 46 pupils

if the number of boys is 25 pupils. Write the number
of girls in roman numbers.

iii. I got 2 kilograms of sugar from Kulwa and 2500

grams from Asha. How many grams of sugar did I
get altogether?

iv. If 100 grams of rice is needed to feed one pupil a

day. How many kilograms will be needed to feed 40

v. Asha spent 5150 shs. 20 cts to buy her stuffs, if she
had 8240 shs. 20 cts at the beginning, what amount
of money has she left with?

vi. Joan has 10/12 kilogram of sugar and Michael has 5/9
kilogram of wheat flour. Which one is the heavier
between them?


i. The distance of a road from Morogoro to chalinze is

234.08 kilometers. How is it read in word?

ii. The distance from Jombone’s home to school is “two

hundred ninety-five point two six meters. Write it
in numerals.

iii. Arrange the fractions below into ascending order;

2/5, 1/3 and 5/6.


i. A teacher assigned a pupil to do the question below;

1/7 + 2/7 + 3 /7.

What correct answer did a pupil get?

ii. A rope has a length of 14 meters. How many

millimeters does it have?

iii. Which improper fraction formed from the mixed

fraction 75/9?


i. In a factory there are 2635 bags of maize and 1872

bags of beans. What is the total number of bags of

ii. Maganga converted 31/4 into mixed fraction. What

correct mixed fraction did he get?

iii. A pupil spent 3 hours and 45 minutes to do two

examinations of science and mathematics. How
many minutes equal to the time she spent?


i. I have seen 84 chicken legs in their cage. How many

chickens are there?

ii. What fraction is shaded in the following figure.

iii. Observe the fractions below, which one is the

equivalent fraction to ½?


i. What is the perimeter of the following square

garden below?

24 cm

ii. Find the area of the following rectangle


34 cm

iii. How many triangles are there in the following



i. Goma went to the shop and bought the following

items: 4 eggs @ sh.400, 2 loaves of bread @ sh. 1500
and 3 packets of milk @ sh. 1200. If he had sh. 7500,
what amount of money did he need more to get all
the items?

ii. The pictograph below shows the number of lions
found in some of the National Parks in Tanzania.

Represents 25 lions

How many total numbers of lions are in Serengeti

and Ngorongoro national park?

+255 764 760 769
MUDA: SAA 1:00 2024


1. Mtihani huu una jumla ya maswali 35.

2. Jibu maswali yote kwa usahihi katika kila sehemu.

3. Zingatia usafi wa kazi yako.

4. Kumbuka kuandika jina lako kwa usahihi.

5. Kumbuka kuzingatia maelekezo ya kila sehemu na kila swali.

6. Ukigundua kuwa herufi uliyoichagua sio jibu sahihi kata mara moja na uandike

upya pembeni.

7. Simu za mkononi, vikokotozi na vitu visivyoruhusiwa havitakiwi ndani ya chumba

cha mtihani.

1. Sikiliza kwa makini habari utakayosomewa kisha chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi na andika
kwenye mabano.
i. Nani alikuwa anaumwa?
A Rehema B. Kiongozi wa darasa C. Hamidu D. Paulo E. Mwalimu
ii. Mwalimu Paulo alikuwa anafundisha darasa gani?
A. Tatu B. Tano C. Saba D. Nne E. Sita
iii. Kiongozi wa darasa kutokana na habari hii anaitwa nani?
A Hamidu B. Paulo C. Esta D. Maria E. Rehema
iv. Aliyesimulia habari hii anasoma shule ya msingi:
A. Mazoea B. Mtakuja C. Songambele D. Uhuru E. Kilimani
v. Mwalimu alimchukua Hamidu na kwenda naye wapi?
A. Hospitali B. Ofisini C. Nyumbani D. Barabarani E. Zahanati

2. Soma maswali yafuatayo kwa umakini kisha chagua herufi ya jibu sahihi.
i. Upi ni ukanushi wa neno ‘tulikwenda’?
A. Hatukwenda B. Hatutaenda C. Twaenda D. Tunaendaga E. Hatutakwenda
ii. Sote tulishikwa na kizungumkuti. Je, neno “Kizungumkuti” lina silabi ngapi?
A. Tano B. Kumi C. Sita D. Nne E. Saba
iii. Rubani huwa anaendesha ndege. Sentensi hii ipo katika wakati gani?
A. Uliopita B. Ujao C. Mazoea D. Uliopo E. Timilifu
iv. Ikiwa umoja wa neno madhumuni ni madhumuni. Je, wingi wa neno ufa ni upi?
A. Vyufa B. Nyufa C. Maufa D. Miufa E. Nyufya
v. Mwalimu alitufundisha misamiati ya shairi, ikiwemo vina, mshororo, ubeti, kibwagizo na kimalizio.
Je, silabi za mwisho katika kipande cha mshororo zinaitwaje?
A. Mizani B. Kituo C. Mshororo D. Vina E. Kipande
vi. Devi ni mwashi hodari sana. Neno lililopigiwa mstari maana yake ni nini?
A. Mjenzi wa nyumba kwa kutumia matofali na mawe C. Mhunzi
B. Fundi hereni na bangiri D. Mzegazega E. Mbeba mizigo
vii. Babu yangu anafuga ng’ombe, mbuzi, kondoo na mbwa, Je, kwa jina moja babu yangu anafuga nini?
A. Wanyama pori B. Wanyama wafugwao
B. Wanyama wa mtaani D. Wanyama wenye pembe E. Wanyama wakubwa
viii. Kama kinyume cha neno cheka ni lia, Je, kinyume cha neno ‘hapa’ ni kipi?
A. Hapa B. Kule C. Pale D. Juu E. Mbali
ix. Ili kufaulu mtihani ______________kujifunza kwa bidii. Neno gani linakamilisha sentensi hii.
A. Ni budi B. Sina budi C. Pana budi D. Budi E. Hapana budi
x. ___________ni shairi la majibizano baina ya watu wawili au zaidi juu ya jambo fulani.
A. Shairi B. Nyimbo C. Ngonjera D. Tenzi E. Mizani

3. Oanisha maneno ya KIFUNGU A na yale ya KIFUNGU B ili kuleta mantiki kwa kaundika herufi
ya jibu sahihi kutoka KIFUNGU B katika nafasi uliyopewa.


i. Chumvi A. Masikini
ii. Ghasia B. Moyo
iii. Mtima C. Munyu
iv. Swahiba D. Sukari
v. Fukara E. Rafiki
F. Kelele
G. Fujo


4. Umepewa sentensi tano zilizochanganywa zipange sentensi hizi kwa usahihi kwa kuzipa
herufi A, B, C, D, E katika kipengere cha (i) hadi (v)

i. Mama alimuuliza Muu “unatafuta nini mwanangu?” [ ]

ii. nimetafuta sehemu zote uvunguni hadi darini lakini sijaiona [ ]
iii. Muu alipagawa aliposahau wapi ameweka rupia yake [ ]
iv. Muu alijibu “natafuta rupia yangu aliyonipa baba jana. [ ]
v. Mama alimpa pole na kumwambia asiwe msahaurifu. [ ]

5. Soma kwa makini habari hii kisha ujibu maswali kwa usahihi katika kipengere cha (i) hadi
cha (v)
Simba mwenye njaa, katika pitapita zake za kuwinda, alimkuta Sungura akiwa amelala fofofo.
Alishusha pumzi, akatabasamu na kumshukuru sana Mungu kwa ukarimu wake wa kutambua
taabiko lake na kumtunuku chakula pasi na haja ya kukitolea jasho. Taratibu alimsogelea Sungura
ili asije akamwamsha, akalala yeye… Alipoinua miguu yake kutaka kumkamata, mara akatokea
Ayala mnono ambaye alipita akikimbia karibu naye, akielekea upande wa kaskazini kwenye
uwanda wa nyasi fupi. Simba alimwacha Sungura na akakurupuka kumkimbiza yule Ayala.
Vishindo kelele na purukushani za Simba na Ayala vilimgutusha na kumwamsha Sungura ambaye
aliamka na kutimua mbio kuelekea upande wa kusini.
Baada ya kumkimbiza Ayala kwa muda mrefu Simba alishindwa na kuamua kurudi ili akamle
yule Sungura. Alipogundua kuwa Sungura naye alikuwa ameamka na kukimbia, Simba alisema

kwa kujilaumu, “ama kweli nimepata nilichostahili; kwa kuwa nilikiacha chakula nilichokitia
mkononi tayari kwa tamaa ya kutaka kupata zaidi.”
i. Ni methali gani inasadifu hadithi hii fupi inayomhusu simba mwenye njaa?
ii. Ni upande gani alielekea Ayala mnono alipokimbizwa na simba?
iii. Andika kisawe cha neno lililopigiwa mstari katika hadithi hii
iv. Ni chakula gani simba alikula mwisho wa mawindo yake?
v. Nini maana ya nahau „timua mbio‟ kama ilivyotumika katika hadithi hii?


Soma ngonjera ifuatayo kwa makini kisha jibu maswali yatokanayo na ngonjera hiyo

SADA: Nchi ina mahakimu, walioshiba sheria,

Lakini zao hukumu, si hukumu ni udhia,
Haipo hata hukumu, inayofata sheria,
Vyombo vyetu vya sheria, haki havizingatii.

JUMA: Si vema kuwalaumu, si wote wenye hatia,

Baadhi ya mahakimu, haki wanazingatia,
Katika zao hukumu, wanafuata sheria,
Vyombo vyetu vya sheria, haki havizingatii.


i. Ngonjera uliyoisoma ina jumla ya beti ngapi? ___________________________________________________________

ii. Kipi ni kibwagizo cha ngonjera hii? _______________________________________________________________________
iii. Kwa mujibu wa ngonjera uliyoisoma, vina vya kati vya ngonjera hii ni vipi?
iv. Ubeti wa kwanza wa ngonjera hii una jumla ya mizani mingapi?
v. Kwa mujibu wa ngonjera uliyoisoma kituo cha ngonjera hii kinaitwaje?
Hamidu tunasoma naye darasa la nne katika shule ya msingi Mazoea. Mwalimu wetu wa
somo la Sayansi anaitwa Paulo. Siku ya Jumatatu Mwalimu Paulo aliingia darasani
wanafunzi tulisimama na kumsalimia lakini Hamidu alijilaza kwenye dawati lake. Mwalimu
alipomwona aliuliza “kwanini Hamidu hajasimama?” Rehema kiongozi wa darasa alijibu
“Anaumwa”. Mwalimu alimsogelea na kumgusa kwenye shavu. Aligundua kuwa alikuwa na
joto kali sana. Alimshika mkono na kwenda naye ofisini.

1. Body growth involves changes of some behaviour, increase of weight and size of the body. What is
the process whereby the body experiences great changes from childhood to adolescent?
A. Fertilization Reproduction C. Menstruation D. Puberty E. Growth
2. It is important to wash our bodies daily, different tools and materials can be used to clean and
protect our body from diseases. Which disease is likely to affect our bodies when we do not wash
A. Skin rashes B. Cholera C. Corona D. Pimples E. Bilharzia
3. Clothes are among the basic needs for human being. Why is it important to take care of our
A. Because of fashion B. To stop buying new ones C. To improve their colours
D. To increase their value E. To look smart and attractive
4. Sewing is an art of joining two or more pieces of fabric. The following are tools used in sewing
A. Thimble B. Needle C. A pair of scissors D. Thread E. Glue
5. Decorative stitches are used for decorative purpose on garments. The following are the items
which are decorated by decorative stitches EXCEPT;
A. Bed sheet B. Pillow C. Table linen D. Sofa set E. Handkerchief
6. Repairing involves sewing a worn-out part of the garments to maintain or change its use. Which
method used to repair a worn-out garment with needle and thread?
A. Darning B. Re-Stitching C. Patching D. Satin E. Stitches.
7. Attaching buttons on the garment is one of the ways to repair it. The following are proper ways of
attaching buttons EXCEPT;
A. To match the colour of thread with the buttons
B. To select the size of the needle according to the size of button hole
C. To consider the distance from the edge of the fabric
D. To replace the buttons after being moved
E. The thread should be long
8. Shallow frying is the method of cooking food using little oil. Which among the following foods can
be cooked using this method?
A. Eggs B. Ugali C. Sausage D. Samosa E. Rice
9. Why is it important to wash fruits before making juice?
A. It helps to make it look smart C. To increase flavour E. It increases sweet
B. To decorate them D. To remove dirt and make them clean
10. A bedroom is a room where people use for sleeping or resting. A dirty room can cause illness,
which illness can affect human being when he/she sleeps in a dirty room?
A. Flu and Allergies B. Cholera C. Bilharzia D. Headache E. Chickenpox
11. Kewe is keeping animals and growing crops for human consumption. The act of keeping animals
and growing crops is termed as;
A. Pastoralists B. Cultivation C. Agriculture D. Farming E. Animal husbandry.
12. A kitchen is an important area for food preparation. Which insects prefer to live in a dirty kitchen?
A. Flies and Rodents B. Rodents and Cockroaches C. Cockroaches and Flies
D. Flies and Rats E. Rat and Cats.
13. Juma selected body building foods in order to prepare a meal. Which one among the following
foods was not selected by Juma?
A. Milk B. Meat C. Beans D. Fish E. Mango

14. Asha is a chef at Morena Hotel. She always cooks energy yielding foods. Which of the following list
is not among Asha’s selected foods?
A. Cassava B. Maize C. Green banana D. Sweet potatoes E. Beef
15. Which one of the following is NOT a tool used for preparing tea with milk?
A. Milk B. Sugar C. Cups D. Grater E. Source of heat
16. Mr. John always tells us it is important to cook food before eating. The following are the
importance of cooking food EXCEPT;
A. To kill germs and bacteria D. To make it soft
B. Food becomes tasty E. It is a fashion
C. To make meal colorful and attractive.
17. Mr. Deogratius was sweeping the natural floor while his wife was washing clothes. The following
were tools used by Deogratius to clean the natural floor EXCEPT;
A. Dust pan B. Hard broom C. Bucket of water D. Detergent E. Soft broom
18. In a vocation skills lesson pupils learnt various materials used during drama. What do we call the
attire won by actors during drama performance?
A. Coat B. Crutches C. Make-up D. Costumes E. Gawn
19. Njau was making a stitch when he was sewing a cloth. Which of the following is not an item to be
used when making a cloth?
A. Sewing machines B. Thimble C. Thread D. Patching E. Pair of scissors
20. Lucas is making things by using wood materials he sells them and earn some money. That art of
making things using wood is called?
A. Pottery B. Cookery C. Carving D. Modelling E. Sewing


21. Amina always washes her hands with clean water and soap after using toilet. Why does Amina do
that? Give one reason. _______________________________________________________________________________
22. An art of joining two or more pieces of fabric is called? ________________________________________________
23. Ironing clothes helps to kill germs on our garment. Which clothes need high temperature when
ironing them? __________________________________________________________________________________________
24. Mr. Matata sewed his clothes yesterday. Which tool did he use to protect his finger in sewing?
25. What do we call the process of sewing clothes by decorating them by using different coloured
threads? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


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