Note - #2 - Week 3 & 4
Note - #2 - Week 3 & 4
Note - #2 - Week 3 & 4
List at least five standard organizations and explain their roles in telecommunication
1. Webster’s Third International Dictionary, G&C Merriam Co., Springfield, MA, 1981.
2. IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms, 6th ed., IEEE Std 100-1996,
IEEE, New York, 1996.
3. Telecommunication Planning, ITT Laboratories of Spain, Madrid 1973.
4. R. L. Freeman, Telecommunication System Engineering, 4th ed., Wiley, New York, 2004
Unit 3: Benefits of Telecommunications and Impact on individual and global society
1.0 Introduction
This unit covers the introduction and the benefit of telecommunication, the impact and its
advantages to an individual, community and the global society as a whole. State the
benefit/importance of telecommunication on Nigeria and some other developing countries
economy and know the types of telecommunications existed and their different features
3.2 Telecommunications and its impacts on the U.S. and Nigeria Economy
The telecommunications industry is a major direct contributor to U.S. economic activity. The U.S.
Census Bureau estimates that just over 3 percent of the U.S. gross domestic income (GDI) in 2003
was from communications services and communications hardware. Some other categories are
narrower than the broad definition of telecommunications offered above. At 3 percent,
telecommunications thus represented more than a third of the total fraction of GDI spent on
information technology in 2003. In fact, the fraction attributable to telecommunications is probably
larger relative to that of IT than these figures suggest, given that much of the GDI from IT hardware
could apply to any of several industries such as computing, telecommunications, media, and
electronics. The telecommunications-related industries are also a major employer of labour.
Communications services employed 1 million U.S. workers in 2002, representing 1.1 percent of
the total private workforce, and communications equipment companies employed nearly 250,000
people. Telecommunications is a growing business sector which are markedly reduced investment
in some parts of the sector (following the bubble years of the late 1990s) may have given an
impression of low growth in the long run, a longer-term view taking into account the need for
humans and machines to communicate suggests that telecommunications will continue to grow
apace, as evidenced by the on going expansion of wireless and broadband access services
throughout the world.
Today, however, new wireless applications, low-cost manufacturing innovations, and handset
design are some of the areas in which the Asian countries are out investing the United States in
research and development (R&D) and are seeing resulting bottom-line impacts to their economies.
For the United States to compete in the global marketplace and across all sectors, it needs the
productivity that comes from enhancements in telecommunications. If the telecommunications
infrastructure in the United States were to fall significantly behind that of the rest of the world, the
global competitiveness of all other U.S. industries would be affected. Finally, telecommunications
is an important component of the broader IT industry, which is sometimes viewed as having three
technology legs: processing, (to transform or change information), storage (to allow
communication of information from one time to another), and communications (to transmit
information from one place to another). The boundaries between these areas are not very distinct,
but this decomposition helps illustrate the breadth of IT and the role that telecommunications plays.
Moreover, Nigeria’s telecommunication industry has grown by leaps and bounds since 2001, when
the first GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) licenses were issued to introduce mobile
telecommunications in a market very much underserved. The number of subscribers has since
skyrocketed from a paltry 400,000 by December of the same year to a staggering 120,748,754 by
the end of March 2018. In other words, the subscriber base has grown by 300% in the last 17 years.
With a population of more than 170 million, Nigeria’s subscriber base represents a teledensity of
81.97%. Teledensity is a measure of the percentage of the population that owns or has access to a
phone, measured per hundred people. In terms of sheer numbers, Nigeria is the largest
telecommunications market in Africa and the Middle East. But even more interesting, it still has
the ability to increase its figures; there are roughly 50 million unconnected Nigerians to mobile
communication network, and that is one of the reasons Nigeria’s telecommunications industry is
the fastest growing in Africa.
Besides basic telephony services, Nigeria has a largely untapped internet-related market. The
number of internet subscribers currently stands at slightly over 50 million, which is less than half
the number of total telephone subscribers. Here then lies a hotly contested market segment that is
attracting foreign investment in droves because of its great commercial potential; Nigeria’s
telecommunications industry currently contributes about 8.53% to the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), and is thus a major player in driving the Nigerian economy. There are currently four
dominant players, namely, Airtel, 9 mobile, Globacom and MTN in cellular communications, and
while similar patterns in dominance by these 4 are observed in internet-related services, numerous
opportunities exist especially in the other ICT subsectors, such as the development of 4G networks,
cloud computing services, and the provision of faster-than-average internet speeds, using for
instance fiber-optic cables. Nigeria already has fiber-optic links at its shores, namely Main One,
Glo 1, and WACS, and numerous opportunities exist in providing the necessary infrastructure to
ensure these cables are fully utilized.
The greatest problem ailing Nigeria’s telecoms industry is one that tends to cut across all sectors
of the economy. Nigeria is plagued by power outages that inflate the cost of ensuring telecoms
infrastructure runs smoothly, but once that is addressed by the National Integrated Power Project,
which intends to commission 10 power plants by mid next year, the returns from investing in the
industry are expected to increase tremendously. Concomitant with an improvement in telecoms in
the country is a greater economic progress, as telecommunications facilitates many other
industries, on top of making direct contributions to the economy.
In this era of globalization, many companies are multinational, with operations including Research
& Development conducted across the globe such as, Huawei, HP, Qualcomm, and Microsoft all
have research facilities in other countries, and many European and Asian companies have research
laboratories in the United States. Increasing numbers of businesses compete globally. All this
company tried to create a segments and niches for themselves otherwise, they will not be able to
remain globally competitive. Both Asian and European nations are continuing to pursue strategies
that exploit perceived U.S. weakness in telecommunications and telecommunications related
research area as a way of improving their competitiveness in telecommunications industry, as well
as in information technology more broadly. Leapfrogging the United States in telecommunications
has, in the opinion of the committee, been an explicit and stated strategy for a number of Asian (in
broadband and wireless) and European (in wireless) nations for the past decade, with notable
success. These efforts have aimed to stimulate the rapid penetration of physical-layer technologies
for residential access (broadband access, especially in Asia) and wireless and mobile access
(cellular networks, especially in Europe).
4.0 Summary
5.0 Self-Assessment
7.0 Reference
1. Anao, A.R. (2002), Positioning Nigeria for Effective Response to the Challenges of
Emerging Technologies and Globalisation Vanguard.
2. Alleman, J, C. Hunt, D. Michaels, P. Rappoport & L. Taylor, (2004), “Telecommunications
and Economic Development: Empirical Evidence from Southern Africa”, International
Telecommunications Society, Sydney.
3. The Importance of Telecommunications and Telecommunications Research." National
Research Council. 2006. Renewing U.S. Telecommunications Research. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11711.
Module 2 Basic Components and Benefits of Telecommunications and Impact on
individual and global society
Unit 1 Telephony Fundamentals: An Introduction to Basic Telephony Concepts
Unit 2 Exploring different types of Telecommunication systems
Module 2
1.0 Introduction
This unit covers the basic concept of telephony, the telephony fundamental and importance of
telephone in the development of telecommunication industry.
Telephone is a device that connect people to the outside world by a pair of wires. It consists of a
handset and its cradle with a signalling device, consisting of either a dial or push buttons. The
handset is made up of two electroacoustic transducers, the earpiece or receiver and the mouthpiece
or transmitter. The transmitter or mouthpiece converts acoustic energy into electric energy by
means of a carbon granule transmitter. The transmitter requires a direct-current (dc) across its
electrodes which can be referred to as talk battery while in modern telephony system while in
modern telephone systems it is supplied over the line (central battery) from the switching centre.
The Current from the battery flows through the carbon granules or grains when the telephone is
lifted from its cradle. When sound impinges on the diaphragm of the transmitter, this causes
variations of air pressure which are transferred to the carbon, and the resistance of the electrical
path through the carbon changes in proportion to the pressure. A pulsating direct current results.
The typical receiver consists of a diaphragm of magnetic material, often soft iron alloy, placed in
a steady magnetic field supplied by a permanent magnet, and a varying magnetic field caused by
voice currents flowing through the voice coils. Such voice currents are alternating (ac) in nature
and originate at the far-end telephone transmitter. These currents cause the magnetic field of the
receiver to alternately increase and decrease, making the diaphragm move and respond to the
variations. Thus an acoustic pressure wave is set up, more or less exactly
reproducing the original sound wave from the distant telephone transmitter. At the receiver which
converts electrical energy back to acoustic or sound energy has a comparatively low efficiency of
less than 5%. Sidetone is the sound of the talker’s voice heard in his (or her) own receiver. Sidetone
level must be controlled. When the level is high, the natural human reaction is for the talker to
lower his or her voice. Thus by regulating sidetone, talker levels can be regulated. If too much
sidetone is fed back to the receiver, the output level of the transmitter is reduced as a result of the
talker lowering his or her voice, thereby reducing the level (voice volume) at the distant receiver
and deteriorating performance. For instance, if two telephone sets is connected by a pair of wire
and a battery is connected at the middle of the connecting wire as shown in the figure below.
In telephoning communication, one of the most important features is to determine the number of
trunks require to connect between two exchanges. We could say we are dimensioning the route.
To dimension a route correctly, we must have some idea of its usage how many people will wish
to talk at once over the route. The usage of a transmission route or a switch brings us into the
realm of traffic engineering, which are usually defined by two parameters and they are: (1) the
calling rate or the number of times a traffic path is used per unit time and (2) the holding time or
occupancy period by a call. A traffic path is a channel time slot, frequency band, line, trunk,
switch or circuit over which individual communications pass in sequence. To dimension a traffic
path or size a telephone exchange, we must know the traffic intensity representative of the normal
busy season. There are weekly and daily variations in traffic within the busy season since traffic
is random. It can be noted that from workday to another, there will a variation of the number of
calls within certain hour of the day, it can be noted that busy hour (BH) vary as much as 25%.
Nevertheless, suitable forecasts of BH traffic can be made.
3.5.1 Busy Hour Definitions
1. Busy Hour. The busy hour refers to the traffic volume or number of call attempts, and is that
continuous 1-h period lying wholly in the time interval concerned for which this quantity (i.e.,
traffic volume or call attempts) is greatest.
2. Peak Busy Hour. The busy hour each day; it usually is not the same over a number of day
3. Time Consistent Busy Hour. The 1-h period starting at the same time each day for which the
average traffic volume or call-attempt count of the exchange or resource group concerned is
greatest over the days under consideration.
4.0 Summary
In this unit, you have learnt that:
I. Explain the basic principle of basic telephony
II. Telecommunication and Networks as related to basic telephony
III. Describe the simple telephone connection
IV. Explain the telephone network
V. Know the concept of Traffic Engineering
VI. The concept of busy hour
VII. The factor the responsible for busy hour
5.0 Self-Assessment
VI. Explain the basic principle of basic telephony
VII. Explain the relevance of Telecommunication and Networks as related to basic telephony
VIII. Describe the simple telephone connection
IX. Explain the telephone network
X. Describe the concept of Traffic Engineering
8.0 References
1. International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, Reference Data for Radio Engineers, 5th ed.,
Howard W. Sams, Indianapolis, 1968.
2. R. R. Mina, “The Theory and Reality of Teletraffic Engineering,” Telephony, a series
of articles (April 1971).
3. R. Syski, Introduction to Congestion Theory in Telephone Systems, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh,
4. G. Dietrich et al., Teletraffic Engineering Manual, Standard Electric Lorenz, Stuttgart, Germany,
5. E. Brockmeyer et al., “The Life and Works of A. K. Erlang,” Acta Polytechnica
Scandinavia, The Danish Academy of Technical Sciences, Copenhagen, 1960.
6. A Course in Telephone Traffic Engineering, Australian Post Office, Planning Branch, 1967.
7. Arne Jensen, Moe’s Principle, The Copenhagen Telephone Company, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1950.
8. R. L. Freeman, Reference Manual for Telecommunication Engineering, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 2002.
9. Traffic Routing, CCITT Rec. E.170, ITU Geneva, October 1992.
The main aim of telecommunication service provider is to produce high-quality voice, video, and
data communication between the transmitter and the receiver in respective of distances, whether
the distance between locations is 1 or 10,000 km. the location distance between the receivers and
transmitter determines the type of transmission methods used for transmission of the message. The
communication over a distance on the order of a few meters, such as within a locality is done by
using twisted pair cable optic fiber or small aperture radios. If routing of information is done
within the building, this is done by a switch which is called private branch exchange (PBX). As
distances increases to town or city, the local telephone network is usually used. In the early days
of telecommunications, all interexchange traffic was done using numerous pairs of copper wires
(one pair for each interconnection). This was very cumbersome, because interexchange cables were
required, and such connections required hundreds or thousands of copper pairs. A technique known
as multiplexing was subsequently devised for passing multiple simultaneous telephone calls down
one pair of copper wires. There are a few different types of telecommunication systems, or rather
technologies that exist in the market today and even though the very first system to be created in
the 18th century. Considering that the internet and telephone are considered two of the most
important telecommunication systems, there are also many other advanced and evolving
technologies that joins these two innovative technologies, which all were designed with the intent
to enhance the human capability of the future, as well as everything it has to offer. The technology
used by satellite communications overlaps terrestrial microwave radio technology to a large extent.
The radio nature and operating frequencies are the same. The main differences lie in the scale of
the components. Because the satellite link is over 36,000 km long, high-power transmitters and
very low-noise receivers are necessary. Also, the size and weight of the satellite electronics must
be kept to an absolute minimum to minimize launch costs. Considerable attention has recently been
devoted to very small aperture terminal (VSAT) satellite technology. As the definition of VSAT
implies, these systems have earth station terminals that use antennas of only 1 to 4 m in diameter.
This is a significant reduction from the 30-m-diameter antennas used in the original earth station
designs of the 1970s
The capabilities of cell phones have continued to increase since their introduction in the late 1980s.
The feature possess by the mobile phone such as text messaging and wireless phone conversations,
many mobile phones are equipped to enable their users has the ability to send and receive email,
pictures and recorded videos. Spread spectrum technology has further increased the ability to use
cell phones, allowing talkers to carry on their conversations hands-free with the use of a small,
one-sided headset.
3.3.2 Skype
Skype is a downloadable software that enables users to make free phone calls and send messages
via the Internet. The service also offers video phone calling, allowing users to watch each other in
real time as they talk. Use of Skype's free features requires a broadband Internet connection as does
its paid features. Both businesses and private individuals have benefited from the convenience and
immediacy of Skype's communication services
Instant messaging enables users to communicate with each other on the Internet via short written
(or sometimes spoken) messages delivered almost immediately after the content is created. Instant
messaging is a less cumbersome form of email as well as a faster way of facilitating complete
conversations in real time. MSN, Yahoo, Facebook and America Online are a few of the services
that offer messaging tools and programs for their users.
3.3.4 Twitter
Twitter is a popular social networking site created in 2008. While the concept is not unlike similar
social sites such as MySpace and Facebook, Twitter is unique in that users can write (or "tweet")
messages from either their computer or cell phone in short, concise updates, as often as they please.
The concept of Twitter revolves around the idea that people can stay updated on the events of
others' lives without spending a lot of time sifting through extraneous information or more
elaborate weblogs. Another perk is the fact that Twitter is completely free and requires no special
3.3.5 Email
Although email is not brand new, there are definitely new and innovative ways of accessing this
tool remotely and without the usage of a computer. Many PDAs and cell phone services offer
access to email, with the capability of sending and receiving messages from the devices
themselves. This technology can be extremely helpful for those who must stay in constant
communication with family members, co-workers or other acquaintances without being bound to
larger computers or laptops.
3.4.1 Simplex:
In simplex transmission mode, the communication between sender and receiver occurs in only
one direction. The sender can only send the data, and the receiver can only receive the data. The
receiver cannot reply to the sender. Simplex transmission can be liken as a one-way road in
which the traffic travels only in one direction and no vehicle is coming from opposite direction.
Another example is by using keyboard / monitor relationship, keyboard can only send the input
to the monitor while monitor will receive and display it on the screen. The monitor cannot reply
or send a feedback to the keyboard.
Figure 4: Simplex Communication System
The communication between sender and receiver occurs in both directions in half duplex
transmission, but only one at a time. The sender and receiver can both send and receive the
information, but only one is allowed to send at any given time. Half duplex is still considered a
one-way road, in which a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction of the traffic has to wait till
the road is empty before it can pass through. Also, the use of walkie-talkies where both the speakers
can speak from both end but not simultaneously.
In full duplex transmission mode, the communication between sender and receiver can occur
simultaneously. The sender and receiver can both transmit and receive at the same time. Full
duplex transmission mode is like a two-way road, in which traffic can flow in both directions at
the same time.
7.0 Reference
1. J. Riordan, Stochastic Service Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1962.
2. L. Kleinrock, Queueing Systems, Vols. 1 and 2, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1975.
3. T. L. Saaty, Elements of Queueing Theory with Applications, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1961.
4. J. E. Flood, Telecommunication Networks, IEE Telecommunications Series 1, Peter
Peregrinus, London, 1975.
5. “Telcordia Notes on the Networks,” Telecordia Special Report SR-2275, Issue 4,
Telecordia, Piscataway, NJ, October 2000.
6. National Telephone Networks for the Automatic Service, International Telecommunication
Union—CCITT, Geneva, 1964.
7. D. Bear, Principles of Telecommunication Traffic Engineering, IEE Telecommunications
Series 2, Peter Peregrinus, London, 1976.
8. R. L. Freeman, Reference Manual for Telecommunication Engineering, 3rd ed., John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002.
9. Traffic Routing, CCITT Rec. E.170, ITU Geneva, October 1992.
8.0 Further Readings
communications-and-control/ 9.
Module 3 Introduction to analog and digital transmissions
Unit 1 Introduction to Analog and Digital Transmission
Unit 2 Analog and Digital transmission
Unit 3 Multiplexing Techniques
Module 3
Unit 1: Introduction to analog and digital transmissions
This unit covers the introduction and definition basic components and benefits of analog and digital
2.0 Learning Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
I. Define analog and digital communication
II. List the advantage of digital transmission
III. State the basic digital modulation technique in digital communication
IV. List the difference between analog and digital transmission
V. List at least four advantages of digital transmission
VI. Explain at least five disadvantages of digital transmission
Transmission is the method by which computer networks send electrical signals. Data
communication is concerned with the process of exchanging data electronically between two
communication devices. In a local area network, all communication functions performed through
direct cables. Computers located far away are connected through a particular form of the data
communication link. The existing telephone or telegraphic network may also use for connecting
computers located at remote locations. The information transmits in the form of electromagnetic
signals through a transmission medium. Whether you are collecting numerical statistics from other
computers, whether you are sending animated graphics from a design station or ringing a remote
control center, information is being transmitted over network connections. The information can be
a voice, image, numeric data, characters or codes, any message that is legible and has meaning for
the target user, whether it is human or a machine. There are 2 broad types of signals, analog and
digital, which study in detail below.
An analog signal is a continuous waveform that changes smoothly over time. As the wave moves
from X to Y, the waves moves through an infinite number of values. When someone speaks a wave
created that continues in the air, this wave can capture by a microphone and converted into an
analog signal.
Information is first converted into an electrical signal known as baseband electrical signal. The
transmission does by sending this baseband signal directly. A unique process called modulation is
used in the analog transmission to accommodate more than one information signal into a single
channel. Modulation means varying any one of the parameters of a high-frequency waveform
proportional to the amplitude of the baseband signal. The parameters of the carrier often used for
the modulation are amplitude, frequency, and phase.
An analog wave form (or signal) is characterized by being continuously variable along amplitude
and frequency. In the case of telephony system, the voice from speaker’s mouth insert the air
pressure on the transducer which changes the around your mouth. Those changes in air pressure
are amplified and converted to voltage or current changes. Those fluctuations in current are an
analog of the actual voice pattern.
When it comes to an analog circuit, we need to also define the frequency band in which it operates.
The human voice, for example, can typically generate frequencies from 100Hz to 10,KHz, for a
bandwidth of 9,900Hz. For the provision of a voice-grade analog circuit, bandwidth-limiting filters
are put on that circuit to filter out all frequencies above 4,000Hz. That's why analog circuits can
conduct only fairly low-speed data communications. The maximum data rate over an analog
facility is 33.6Kbps when there are analog loops at either end. Analog facilities have limited
bandwidth, which means they cannot support high-speed data. Another characteristic of analog is
that noise is accumulated as the signal traverses the network. As the signal moves across the
distance, it loses power and becomes impaired by factors such as moisture in the cable, dirt on a
contact, and critters chewing on the cable somewhere in the network. By the time the signal arrives
at the amplifier, it is not only attenuated, it is also impaired and noisy. Also another problems with
a basic amplifier is that it is a dumb device. But along with an increased signal, the amplifier
passes along an increased noise level. So in an analog network, each time a signal goes through an
amplifier, it accumulates noise. After you the mix of the signal and the noise, it will be difficult to
separate the two and thus resulting in high error rates.
Digital signal transmission is the transferring of signal over the channel in discrete format. The
signal is much simpler as compare to analog signal. Rather than being a continuously variable
wave form, it is a series of discrete pulses, representing one bits and zero bits. Each computer uses
a coding scheme that defines what combinations of ones and zeros constitute all the characters in
a character set.
Figure 3.2 Digital transmission (
How the ones and zeros are physically carried through the network depends on whether the network
is electrical or optical. In electrical networks, one bits are represented as high voltage while zero
bits are represented as null, or low voltage. In optical networks, one bits are represented by the
presence of light, and zero bits are represented by the absence of light. Because a digital signal is
easier to reproduce than an analog signal, we can treat it with a little less care in the network. In
digital transmission, the use of dumb amplifiers, digital networks use regenerative repeaters. As a
strong, clean, digital pulse travels over a distance, it loses power, similar to an analog signal. The
digital pulse, like an analog signal, is eroded by impairments in the network. But the weakened
and impaired signal enters the regenerative repeater, where the repeater examines the signal to
determine what was supposed to be a one and what was supposed to be a zero. The repeater
regenerates a new signal to pass on to the next point in the network, this is used to eliminate noises
in the transmitted signal and vastly reduce the error rate.
The table below summarizes the characteristics of analog and digital networks.
4.0 Summary
In this unit, you have learnt that:
I. The meaning of analog and digital transmission
II. Definition of analog transmission
III. Definition of digital communication
IV. The difference between analog and digital transmission
7.0 References
1. An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications - Simon S. Haykin, Michael Moher
Simon S. Haykin, Michael Moher
2. Telecommunication System Engineering: Analog and Digital Network Design
Book by Roger L. Freeman
3. Lathi, B. P., Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1998.
Multiplexers are extremely important to telecommunications. Their main reason for being is to
reduce network costs by minimizing the number of communications links needed between two
points. As with all other computing systems, multiplexers have evolved. Each new generation has
additional intelligence, and additional intelligence brings more benefits. The types of benefits that
have accrued, for example, include the following:
The capability to do data compression so that you can encode certain characters with fewer
bits than normally required and free up that additional capacity for the movement of other
The capability to do error detection and correction between the two points that are being
connected to ensure that data integrity and accuracy are being maintained.
The capability to manage transmission resources on a dynamic basis, with such things as
priority levels. Multiplexer helps to solve the problem of rerouting priority information when
the need is arises.
The more intelligent the multiplexer, the more actively and intelligently it can work on your
behalf to dynamically make use of the transmission resources you have.
Figure 3.3 Network without multiplexer Figure 3.4 Network with multiplexer
Figure 3.3 illustrates a network without multiplexers. Assuming the network is for a department
stores. The CPU is at Location A, a data center that's in another location that manages all the credit
authorization functions for all these stores. Location B, has another branch of Bob's stores in
different locations. Many customers will want to make purchases using the store credit cards, so
we need to have a communications link back to the credit authorization center so that the proper
approvals and validations can be made. Given that it's a sales transaction, the most likely choice of
communications link is the use of a leased line from each of the various locations.
Remember that the use of leased lines is a very expensive type of network connection. Because
this network resource has been reserved for one company's usage only, nobody else has access to
that bandwidth, and providers can't make use of it in the evenings or the weekends to carry
residential traffic. The use of lease line in the present area, though it is the most expensive approach
to networking but it gives manager the power to control the bandwidth use. The solution to the
above challenges is to put in multiplexers as shown in figure 3.4. Multiplexers always come in
pairs, so if you have one at one end, you must have one at the other end. They are also symmetrical,
so if there are five outputs available in station A, there must also be five inputs in station B. The
station A, short leased lines, referred to as tail circuits, run from the centrally placed multiplexer
to each of the individual locations. Thus, five locations are sharing one high-cost leased line, rather
than each having its own leased line. Intelligence embedded in the multiplexers allows the network
manager to manage access to that bandwidth and to allocate network services to the endpoints.
There are various types of multiplexing techniques which including Frequency Division
Multiplexing (FDM), Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Statistical Time Division
Multiplexing (STDM), intelligent multiplexing, inverse multiplexing, and Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (WDM)/Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM). All these techniques
enable multiple channels to coexist on one link.
FDM is an environment in which the entire frequency band available on the communications link
is divided into smaller individual bands or channels figure 3.5. Each user is assigned to a different
frequency. The signals all travel in parallel over the same communications link, but they are
divided by frequency, that is, each signal rides on a different portion of the frequency spectrum.
Frequency, which is an analog parameter, implies that the type of link you see with FDM is usually
an analog facility. A disadvantage of frequency division multiplex is that they can be difficult to
reconfigure in an environment in which there's a great deal of dynamic change.
Figure 3.5: Frequency division multiplexing
The second multiplexing technique to be delivered to the marketplace was TDM. There are various
levels of TDM, a dedicated time slot is provided for each port or point of interface on the system.
Each device in a predetermined sequence is allotted a time slot during which it can transmit. That
time slot would enable one character of data, or 8 bits of digitized voice, to be placed on the
communications link. The allocated time slots have to be framed in order for the individual
channels to be separated out. A problem with a standard time-division mux is that there is a one-
to-one correlation between each port and time slot, so if the device attached to Port 2 is out for the
day, nobody else can make use of Time Slot 2. Hence, there is a tendency to waste bandwidth when
vacant slots occur because of idle stations. However, this type of TDM is more efficient than
standard FDM because more sub channels can be derived.
FDM and TDM can be combined. For example, you could use FDM to carve out individual
channels and then within each of those channels apply TDM to carry multiple conversations on
each channel. In fact, this is the way that some digital cellular systems work (for example, Global
Systems for Mobile Communications [GSM]).
STDM was introduced to overcome the limitation of standard TDM, in which stations cannot use
each other's time slots. Statistical time-division multiplexers, dynamically allocate the time slots
among the active terminals, which means that you can actually have more terminals than you have
time slots A stat mux is a smarter mux and it has more memory than other multiplexes, so if all the
time slots are busy, excess data goes into a buffer. If the buffer fills up, the additional access data
gets lost, so it's important to think about how much traffic to put through the stat mux to ensure
that performance variables are maintained. By dynamically allocating the time slots, you get the
most efficient use of bandwidth. Additionally, because these are smarter multiplexes, they have
the additional intelligence mentioned earlier in terms of compression and error-control features.
Because of the dynamic allocation of time slots, a stat mux is able to carry two to five times more
traffic than a traditional time-division mux. But, again, as you load the stat mux with traffic, you
run the risk of delays and data loss occurring.
Figure 3.7: Statistical Time Division Multiplexing
The inverse multiplexer arrived on the scene in the 1990s. It does the opposite of what the
multiplexers described so far do. Rather than combine lots of low-bit-rate streams to ride over a
high-bit-rate pipe, an inverse multiplexer breaks down a high-bandwidth signal into a group of
smaller-data-rate signals that can be dispersed over a range of channels to be carried over the
network. A primary application for inverse multiplexers is to support of high-bandwidth
applications such as videoconferencing. The channels are carried across the network separately
and at the destination point, a complementary inverse mux again reaggregates, resynchronizes, and
reproduces that high-bandwidth signal so that it can be projected on the destination video monitor.
Inverse multiplexing therefore allows you to experience a bit of elastic bandwidth. You can allocate
existing capacity to a high-bandwidth application without having to subscribe to a separate link
just for that purpose.
WDM was specifically developed for use with fiber optics. In the past, we could use only a fraction
of the available bandwidth of a fiber-optic system. This was mainly because we had to convert the
optical pulses into electrical signals to regenerate them as they moved through the fiber network.
And because repeaters were originally electronic, data rates were limited to about 2.5Gbps. In
1994, something very important happened: optical amplifiers called erbium-doped fiber amplifiers
(EDFAs) were introduced. Erbium is a chemical that's injected into the fiber. As a light pulse passes
through the erbium, the light is amplified and continues on its merry way, without having to be
stopped and processed as an electrical signal. The introduction of EDFAs immediately opened up
the opportunity to make use of fiber-optic systems operating at 10Gbps.
Digital Modulation and is a generic name for modulation techniques that uses discrete signals to
modulate a carrier wave. In comparison, FM and AM are analog techniques. The three main types
of digital modulation are Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Phase Shift Keying (PSK) and Amplitude
Shift Keying (ASK). DM eliminates transmission noise and offers improved robustness to signal
interference. However, it is not uncommon for DM to introduce time delay due to the processing
Digital Modulation provides more information capacity, high data security, quicker system
availability with great quality communication. Hence, digital modulation techniques have a greater
demand, for their capacity to convey larger amounts of data than analog modulation techniques.
There are many types of digital modulation techniques and also their combinations, depending
upon the need. Some of digital modulation techniques are as listed below
(i) Amplitude Shift Keying: The amplitude of the resultant output depends upon the input data
whether it should be a zero level or a variation of positive and negative, depending upon
the carrier frequency.
(ii) Frequency Shift Keying: The frequency of the output signal will be either high or low,
depending upon the input data applied.
(iii) Phase Shift Keying: The phase of the output signal gets shifted depending upon the input.
These are mainly of two types, namely Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) and Quadrature
Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), according to the number of phase shifts. The other one is
Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) which changes the phase according to the previous
(iv) M-ary Encoding: M-ary Encoding techniques are the methods where more than two bits
are made to transmit simultaneously on a single signal. This helps in the reduction of
4.0 Summary
In this unit, you have learnt that:
V. Definition of analog transmission
VI. Definition of digital communication
VII. The difference between analog and digital transmission
VIII. The meaning of multiplexing
IX. Different types of multiplexing
5.0 Self-Assessment
1.0 Distinguish the difference between analog and digital transmission.
2.0 Clearly explain the impact of multiplexing to information transmission.
3.0 Highlight the multiplexing techniques required in signal transmission
7.0 References
1. Cover, T., and J. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, New York: Wiley, 1991.
2. Downing, J. J., Modulation Systems and Noise, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1964.
3. Erickson, G., “A fundamental introduction to the compact disc player,”
4. Gitlin, R. A., J. F. Hayes, and S. B. Weinstein, Data Communication Principles, New York:
Plennum, 1992.
5. Gold, B. and N. Morgan, Speech and Audio Signal Processing, New York: Wiley, 1999.
6. Guttman, I., S. S. Wilks, and J. S. Hunter, Introductory Engineering Statistics, 2nd ed.,
New York: Wiley, 1971.
7. Haykin, S., Adaptive Filter Theory, 4th ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2002.
8. Haykin, S., Communications Systems, 4th ed., New York: Wiley, 2001.